The cottage cheese delicacy is crumbly. Pie "Gourmand" with cottage cheese: recipe, cooking secrets

Cheesecakes and pies with cottage cheese are a favorite delicacy for children. But even adults, even those who follow a diet and proper nutrition, can easily afford such a tasty treat as “Gourmet”, the recipe for which we offer today. The main thing about this dish is that it is prepared very quickly and without much effort on the part of the hostess.

Festive "Gourmand"

This dish is perfect for a holiday table or just as a treat for kids. Agree, our children do not always eat well, say, the cottage cheese casserole served in kindergarten. And the child’s body is simply obliged to receive the vitamins and minerals contained in cottage cheese. What should I do? Of course, the solution would be “Gourmand” with cottage cheese made from shortcrust pastry, consisting of simple products found in every kitchen.

Ingredients and preparation

To prepare the dough, you will need the following products: two chicken eggs, two hundred grams of cottage cheese, ten tablespoons of sugar, one hundred grams of margarine. “Gourmet”, the recipe for which we offer, also contains flour in the dough - 15 tablespoons, and soda, which will need to be quenched with table vinegar.

To prepare curd cream you should take: one hundred ml. milk, two hundred grams of cottage cheese and the same amount of butter, a small dessert spoon of cocoa powder, ten tablespoons of sugar and a pinch of vanillin (can be replaced with vanilla powdered sugar).

Let's move on to preparing dessert. Curd and shortbread dough is the main thing that our “Gourmand” will consist of. The recipe is simple and quick. First, take margarine and mix it with granulated sugar. Before adding cottage cheese to the total mass, it should be passed through a meat grinder or chopped thoroughly with a fork. After these manipulations, combine with eggs, flour and margarine. It is better to beat the dough with a mixer to avoid the appearance of unpleasant and tasteless lumps later.

The resulting dough will need to be divided into three or four parts. The curd “gourmand”, the recipe for which we are describing, requires thinly rolled dough, so you will have to devote maximum time to this procedure. Place the rolled out pieces of dough on a greased baking sheet and bake for ten minutes at 170 degrees.

While the cakes are baking, you can start preparing the filling. Lush and airy cream is the basis for the “Gourmand” dessert. The recipe will require the use of a kitchen aid such as a mixer. Beat butter, cottage cheese and vanilla sugar. Next, you need to add milk heated on the stove to the mixture.

The last stage will be “gluing” our blanks. Place curd cream on one cake layer and cover with another cake layer. Sprinkle cocoa powder and remaining dough crumbs on top. The resulting cakes can be cut into triangles, squares, or use your imagination and build unusual shapes, cut out animals, etc.

Simplified "Gourmand"

If you have minimal time to prepare or the first recipe seems difficult to prepare, then try the simplified version.

To prepare you will need: a kilogram of cottage cheese, half a kilogram of margarine, 100 grams of raisins, half a kilogram of flour, two hundred grams of granulated sugar and one egg.

Cooking process

Cottage cheese must be mixed with softened margarine using a fork. Later, we add a mixer to the process and begin to beat the mass, gradually adding egg and flour. We do not divide the resulting mass into parts, but roll it out into one continuous sheet. We cut out circles and squares from it. You can use cookie cutters. Place (pressing) several raisins on top of the dough.

The oven for this recipe is preheated to 200 degrees. Line a baking sheet with parchment, baking paper or oil it. Place the curd “cookies” there for fifteen minutes. “Gourmand” is ready.

Cottage cheese is one of the most necessary foods to eat. It contains large amounts of calcium. Its deficiency threatens serious problems for our health. Many children eat cottage cheese with great reluctance and long persuasion. What should adults do in this case?

Force feeding, causing tears and indignation of the child? Or try making something delicious from cottage cheese that your child won’t be able to refuse? We choose the second option. We invite you to bake a delicacy with cottage cheese from shortcrust pastry. We will present the recipe and some secrets in this article.

Little tricks

We suggest using tips from experienced housewives, thanks to which your dessert will turn out more aromatic and tasty. Perhaps someone will say that the stores have a large selection of sweets and it’s easier to buy there. But if you at least once try to make a delicacy with cottage cheese from shortcrust pastry (the recipe is not at all complicated) at home, you will be convinced that it will be much tastier than store-bought. So, some tips:

Curd gourmet on shortbread dough

There are a huge number of recipes for preparing this dish. Let's choose the simplest and most uncomplicated one. First, let's decide on a set of products. We will need:

  • chicken egg - 2 pieces;
  • sugar - half a glass (a little more is possible);
  • margarine or butter - half a pack;
  • cottage cheese or curd mass - 250 grams;
  • wheat flour - one glass;
  • baking soda, slaked with vinegar - half a teaspoon.

A simple recipe for making gourmet cheesecake with cottage cheese. Sequencing:

Recipe for cheesecakes "Lakomka" with cottage cheese from shortcrust pastry

You might be interested in another easy-to-prepare dessert. Let's make a cheesecake with cottage cheese from shortcrust pastry. Add milk to the products listed above (one half glass and a little salt). Let's move on to cooking:


The recipe for gourmet cheesecake made from shortcrust pastry is not at all complicated, you could see for yourself. It takes very little time to prepare the dish. But your efforts will be fully rewarded by the satisfied face of a child who happily eats the prepared sweets. How do you like the result? And the child is happy, and he eats healthy cottage cheese. What more could you ask for? Just bon appetit!

Curd Gourmand is a wonderful and very tender homemade pastry. Making Gourmand cake is even easier than any cookie, but this dessert is lower in calories. In addition, children really like it, even if they don’t like cottage cheese at all. Let's look at the recipes for making gourmet cheesecake.

Curd delicacy recipe


For the test:

  • butter – 100 g;
  • granulated sugar – 0.5 tbsp;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • sour cream – 0.5 tbsp;
  • flour – 2 tbsp;
  • baking powder - 2 teaspoons;
  • salt - a pinch.

For filling:

  • cottage cheese – 300 g;
  • sugar – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • semolina – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • sour cream – 2 tbsp. spoons.


To prepare the Gourmand cake, take butter, add sugar and grind everything thoroughly. Then add the egg, sour cream one at a time and beat until the sugar is completely dissolved. As a result, you should get a homogeneous, creamy, tender mass. Next, sift the flour with salt and baking powder, add it to the sugar mixture and quickly knead the dough with a spoon. It turns out tender and a little sticky. Place it in the refrigerator for 15 minutes.

Without wasting time, let's prepare the filling. Place cottage cheese, sugar, semolina, sour cream in the bowl of a food processor, add egg white and beat everything thoroughly until a homogeneous fluffy mass is obtained.

Then we divide the chilled dough into 15 parts and roll it into flat cakes, or we roll it all into one large layer and cut out circles with a mug. Place the filling on each piece and fold half of the dough up. Lightly press along the edge and grease the top with yolk.

Bake in an oven preheated to 220°C for about 15 minutes.

Festive cake “Gourmand with cottage cheese”


For the test:

  • cottage cheese – 250 g;
  • margarine – 100 g;
  • egg – 2 pcs.;
  • sugar – 10 tbsp. spoon;
  • flour – 15 tbsp. spoon;
  • soda – 0.5 teaspoons.

For cream:

  • butter – 200 g;
  • cottage cheese – 200 g;
  • milk – 100 ml;
  • sugar – 10 tbsp. spoon;
  • vanillin – 5 g;
  • cocoa powder – 1 tbsp. spoon.


In a deep bowl, grind the melted margarine with sugar. Then add cottage cheese twisted through a meat grinder, eggs, sugar, slaked soda with vinegar and beat the mass thoroughly with a mixer until smooth. Next, gradually add flour and carefully mix the dough until all the lumps are gone.

Then we divide it into 4 parts, roll it into thin layers, place it on a greased baking sheet, and bake the cakes at a temperature of 170° for about 15 minutes.

Meanwhile, prepare the cream. To do this, beat the softened butter thoroughly with a mixer until a fluffy mass forms. Then add cottage cheese, vanillin and mix. Mix milk with sugar, bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 5 minutes. Carefully pour the milk syrup into our mixture and beat thoroughly.

Grease the finished cakes generously with cream and connect them together. Sprinkle the side and top surfaces with crumbs and cocoa powder. Cut the dessert into smooth rectangular cakes and enjoy the delicious taste of curd delicacies.

Cake “Gourmand” for the lazy – recipe



How to quickly prepare curd delicacy? Mix cottage cheese with margarine and beat into a homogeneous fluffy mass. Add the sifted flour and knead the dough. Next, roll it out into a thin layer about 1 cm thick.

Using a glass or mold, cut out small round cakes, brush with egg and sprinkle with sugar. Place a couple of raisins in the middle of the curd treat and bake the cake in the oven at 200°C for about 15 minutes. A simple but delicious dessert is ready!

How can you not love cheesecakes? Once you imagine a hot, freshly baked soft cheesecake made from cottage cheese, you immediately want to run to the kitchen to please yourself and your loved ones with this delicacy, familiar from childhood. Cheesecake “Lakomka” with cottage cheese is a simple, affordable, favorite pastry since childhood. A recipe with a photo will help even the most inexperienced housewife cope with the preparation. There are several versions of this dish, so every baking lover can choose the one that suits their taste. The recipe for cheesecake dough with cottage cheese includes quite high-calorie foods, so don’t get carried away. Although, it is simply impossible to tear yourself away from such deliciousness.

This delicacy, unfortunately, is not low-calorie, but it cannot be said that its energy value is very high. Of course, it contains butter, but if you use low-fat or low-fat cottage cheese for the filling, this pastry will not do much harm to our waistline.

So, one Lakomka cheesecake with cottage cheese contains: fats - 22.0 g, proteins - 11.4 g, carbohydrates - 27.0 g. The calorie content of one Lakomka is 355.4 kcal.

Didn't these numbers scare you? Well, then let's go to the kitchen and bake cheesecakes with cottage cheese!

What do you need

The products we need can be easily purchased at any grocery store. And they are probably in the refrigerator of every thrifty housewife.

To bake cheesecakes with cottage cheese you need:

  • 250 g flour;
  • 150 g butter (or good margarine)
  • 400-450 g of cottage cheese;
  • one egg;
  • 5 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • soda – ¼ tsp. (it is better to replace it with baking powder);
  • raisins to taste.

If all the ingredients are available, it's time to start cooking. Among the many recipe options, you cannot ignore the classic cooking method. Let's start with it.

Classic recipe

  • Place the cottage cheese in a deep bowl, add softened butter there and rub thoroughly;
  • Add sugar to the resulting mass and grind thoroughly again;
  • Add baking soda to the sifted flour, pour into a bowl;
  • Knead the dough thoroughly until it becomes homogeneous and elastic;
  • Place it in the refrigerator for at least an hour, first wrapping it in cling film. After such a “rest”, it will be much easier to roll out the dough into a thin layer.

To form the cheesecakes themselves we will need:

  • rolling pin
  • Two round cookie cutters of different diameters

Cooking steps:

Recipe in shortcrust pastry molds

You can bake cottage cheese cheesecake in the oven in a slightly different way. In their shortcrust pastry molds they will look more like cakes, but the taste will remain familiar.

For the test you will need:

  • 3 tbsp. l. cream 10%;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 150 g butter;
  • 1 tsp baking powder;
  • vegetable oil (for greasing the molds);
  • 2 cups of flour;
  • 2 tbsp. Sahara;

For filling:

  • 400 g cottage cheese 9%;
  • 3 tbsp. sour cream,
  • 3 tbsp. Sahara.
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 packet of vanilla sugar.
  1. Combine cottage cheese, sour cream, eggs, sugar, both regular and vanilla in a bowl. You can use a blender for convenience. The filling will be more homogeneous.
  2. For the dough, first mix all the dry ingredients in a bowl: flour, baking powder, sugar.
  3. Break the eggs into a bowl, pour in the cream, and mix thoroughly.
  4. Pour the cooled butter, melted in a microwave oven or in a water bath, into a bowl, mix with the rest of the ingredients.
  5. The dough needs to be kneaded well so that it turns out smooth and dense. Wrap the workpiece in cling film and leave it in the refrigerator for an hour.
  6. Divide the dough into 16-18 identical pieces and form them into balls.
  7. Place each ball inside a silicone muffin tin and distribute the dough evenly along the walls, pressing it tightly with your fingers. If you have already used your molds, there is no need to grease them additionally. Moreover, shortbread dough already contains enough oil.
  8. Fill the resulting baskets with curd filling. Place the baking sheet in the preheated oven for 25-30 minutes. An oven temperature of 180-200 degrees is perfect for baking.

Do not open the door while our cheesecakes are baking, otherwise the curd filling will settle. You can decorate the finished Lakomka cheesecakes to your liking with a twist, fresh or canned berries, or a mint leaf.

Beat the curd mass thoroughly using a blender. You may need a little more or less sugar - it depends on the cottage cheese, so be guided by your taste. The curd filling for the Lakomka cheesecakes is ready.

To prepare the shortcrust pastry, place the flour in a bowl.
Add sugar and baking powder to the flour and mix. Beat the eggs into the flour with sugar and pour in the cream.

Melt the butter, cool and pour into the rest of the dough ingredients.

Mix thoroughly and knead into a smooth dough that does not stick to your hands and is not very dense in consistency.

Divide the dough into 16-18 pieces.

Grease muffin tins with vegetable oil using a pastry brush or cotton pad.

Dip pieces of dough into flour and distribute inside the molds so that they completely adhere to the bottom and walls.

Place the curd filling into the resulting basket.

Place the Lakomka cheesecakes with curd filling in a preheated oven and bake for 20-25 minutes at 180 degrees.

Remove the finished “Gourmands” with cottage cheese from the oven, cool and decorate as desired.

Fragrant and very tasty curd cheesecakes "Lakomka" made from shortcrust pastry can be served with tea, coffee, compote or cocoa. Try making these cheesecakes using this simple recipe; your family will appreciate this delicacy.

Bon appetit to you, friends!
