Pumpkin and apple jam. Pumpkin and apple jam: recipes Apple pumpkin jam with citric acid

In addition, apples will be added to this dish, which allows you to prepare several types of jam that differ in taste: if your family has a sweet tooth, then red, sweet apples are added. Or you can use green, sour fruits - the choice depends on your preferences. The technology for making jam is quite simple, absolutely any housewife can handle this dish, the only thing to take into account is that it will take time to prepare, it is better to start the process in the evening.


  • 400 grams of pumpkin pulp (pre-peeled);
  • 400 grams of apples;
  • 50-100 milliliters of water;
  • 300-400 grams of sugar;
  • lemon juice – 1 teaspoon.

Cooking method

Prepare the ingredients.

Cut the pumpkin into pieces and remove the seeds. Cut off the peel from each piece.

If you are working with a large vegetable, you need to cut off that part of the pulp where there are large fibers.

Cut the peeled and prepared pulp into small cubes.

We prepare a container (bowl, basin, pan) in which we will prepare the jam. The dishes must have a thick bottom.

Pour the pumpkin cubes into a container.

Cover the vegetable with sugar and leave it like this overnight. You can cover the top with gauze or other loose fabric to prevent dust from getting in. During this time, the pumpkin should release juice, but if in the morning, continuing cooking, it seems to you that there is not enough juice, you need to add water.

Place the container on low heat and, stirring occasionally, bring to a boil.

Meanwhile, wash the apples, remove seeds and spoiled areas. Cut the fruit into pieces or cubes. The size is arbitrary: you can make them the same as pumpkin pieces, you can make them smaller, you can, on the contrary, larger. Focus only on your imagination and wishes.

At the moment the pumpkin boils, pour the prepared apples into the container. Cook over the same low heat for 5 to 7 minutes, stirring very carefully. It is better to use a wooden or stainless steel spoon or spatula to avoid oxidation reactions.

After the specified time has passed, turn off the heat and leave the dishes with pumpkin and apples for 5-6 hours. During this time the mass will cool down. We repeat the boiling-cooling process twice more.

We sterilize glass containers for jam and be sure to sanitize the lids as well.

Apple jam with pumpkin is a delicious and very healthy delicacy that I strongly recommend making in the fall. This year the apples have been great, so there are a lot of apple preparations you can make! The pumpkin was also a delight - large numbers of orange beauties lay lazily in the beds. And although these fruits and vegetables are stored well in certain conditions and without processing, part of their harvest will be processed for the winter. The jam turns out to be worthwhile - transparent, bright orange slices of pumpkin and apples look like candied fruits, and taste even better. A cup of strong tea, a bowl of jam, and no cakes or pastries needed!

  • Cooking time: 50 minutes
  • Quantity: 1 l

Ingredients for apple jam with pumpkin

  • 1 kg apples;
  • 1 kg pumpkin;
  • 1.5 kg granulated sugar;
  • 150 ml filtered water;
  • ground cinnamon to taste.

Method for making apple jam with pumpkin

We peel the pumpkin with a scraper for cleaning vegetables - with its help, very thin shavings are removed from the vegetable, the waste is minimal. Then use a spoon to take out the seeds along with the seed sac.

By the way, pumpkin seeds can be thoroughly washed, dried on a towel and dried in the oven - tasty and healthy.

Cut the peeled pumpkin into small cubes. I made butternut squash jam and really liked it. Other varieties will also work for this recipe, as long as the color is bright orange.

Cut out the core from the apples. Cut the fruit pulp into small slices. Sour apples, such as Antonovka, will only make thick jam - they will completely soften during the cooking process. The sweet apple slices will retain their shape.

Place the saucepan on the stove, stir, and heat the syrup to a boil. As soon as the lush foam settles and the syrup gurgles evenly, remove the saucepan from the heat.

Pour the chopped vegetables and fruits into a saucepan with a wide and thick bottom or a basin for cooking apple jam with pumpkin.

Pour sugar syrup into the pan, add a little ground cinnamon to your taste. Cinnamon goes well with both apples and pumpkin, so this spice will come in handy.

Place the pan on the stove and bring to a boil over moderate heat. After boiling, reduce the gas and cook for 35 minutes. If the fruits and vegetables are cut quite finely, then this time is quite enough.

We dry cleanly washed jars in the oven at a temperature of about 100 degrees Celsius. You can also sterilize the container over steam or dry it in the sun. It is important that the dishes are clean and dry.

So, put the cooled apple jam with pumpkin into jars, tie them with parchment or cover with boiled lids.

We store it in a dry, dark place away from central heating radiators. Apple jam with pumpkin is perfectly stored in a city apartment.

Never cover hot jam with lids - condensation will form on the lid, then drops will fall, and over time mold will form in these places.

Pumpkin is a common, but not everyone’s favorite product.

Pumpkin preparations are very useful and are becoming increasingly popular among housewives. A good option to stockpile pumpkin for the winter is to make jam, but not just pumpkin jam, but supplemented with spices, fruits or berries.

I suggest making pumpkin jam with apples for the winter. Every housewife can easily prepare such jam and please her loved ones with an unusual dessert.

Peel the pumpkin, remove the seeds, cut out the fibrous part of the pulp. Cut the pumpkin pulp into small cubes.

Place the pumpkin in a bowl or pan with a thick bottom, cover with sugar and leave until the morning.

In the morning, add water; if the liquid released is not enough, place the basin on low heat and heat to a boil.

At this time, cut the apples into the same pieces as the pumpkin. But you can play with the structure of the future jam - cut the pumpkin larger, and the apples smaller, or vice versa.

Add apples to the boiled pumpkin, simmer over low heat for 5-7 minutes, stirring gently. Then cool at room temperature for 5-6 hours. We repeat this 3-4 times.

During the last heating, add the juice and zest of the lemon, grated on a fine grater. First wash the lemon and scald it with boiling water. Pour the hot jam into sterile jars, seal and cool. Store in a cool place.

Today we invite you to grab jars of a bright, aromatic homemade delicacy during the cold winter - we are preparing jam from pumpkin and apples. This option is great for preserving pumpkins and apples for future use.

Of course, you can prepare a lot of other recipes, for example, you can make a regular puree based on these two ingredients, and in the end you can either preserve it or freeze it in portions. Also, pumpkin and apples go well together as a drink - juice or compote.

Since we are preparing jam, we note that the result is an incredibly beautiful color, very delicate taste, with a subtle, barely perceptible sour note. This jam will be a good filling for pies and pancakes. It can be served with morning toast or milk oatmeal.


  • pumpkin – 400 g;
  • apples – 400 g;
  • sugar – 800 g;
  • lemon – 1/3 part.


When choosing pumpkins, we focus on sweet varieties, with bright orange flesh and an alluring, slightly honey aroma. We cut the pumpkin lengthwise, remove the soft fibers along with the seeds, and also trim the peel; this can be done either with a vegetable peeler or with a sharp knife. Cut the pumpkin into small cubes, place it in a convenient container, and set it aside for a while.

We take sweet apples, with a subtle hint of sourness. Peel the apples and also remove the core and seeds. Be sure to rinse the peeled apples under running cool water and dry them with a kitchen napkin.

Now cut the apples into small cubes.

Advice: if you have a large number of apples, and, accordingly, the cutting process will be long, make a saline or acidic aqueous solution, it will help the apples remain in their color and not darken even an ounce. To make the solution, combine water with either a pinch of salt or a pinch of citric acid. Before cooking, be sure to drain the liquid and rinse the apple slices in a sieve under running water.

We take the pan in which we will prepare the jam, put the apple and pumpkin slices into it.

Add a portion of granulated sugar. If desired, you can replace regular sugar with vanilla. You can do the latter yourself - pour granulated sugar into a jar, drown an open vanilla pod in it, and leave for several days.

Mix sugar with apple and pumpkin slices. Leave it alone for 20-30 minutes so that the juice appears and the sugar dissolves.

Place the pan on the stove and cook the future jam for 40 minutes. If during the process you notice that there is very little liquid, add some filtered warm water. But remember, apple and pumpkin pieces should not float in the syrup.

After forty minutes, the apples and pumpkin became transparent, they were saturated with syrup, now you can begin the final process - using an immersion blender, grind everything into a homogeneous mass. The orange mixture is very thick. If desired, leave the apples and pumpkin in pieces and finish cooking in this form.

Now squeeze the juice of a third of the lemon into our jam. Here, too, you can add a brighter accent, for example, add orange zest to enhance the aroma. Boil the jam for one minute, remove from the stove.

We pack the bright and fragrant jam into pre-sterilized jars, tightly tighten the lids on the jars.

Cool the treat upside down, perhaps under a blanket. Store the jam in a cool place.

Pumpkin jam with apples and oranges (jam type)

This preparation is suitable for those who like to surprise with unusual dishes. Pumpkin is similar in structure to pineapple, and the presence of orange will help remove the characteristic aftertaste of the vegetable. You should choose varieties with deep orange, reddish flesh - nutmeg or grey-bark. Apples also have their own requirements - autumn varieties will be the most suitable for dessert. If you want the pumpkin pieces to retain their shape after cooking, you should sprinkle the prepared vegetable with citrus juice and set aside for several hours, or best of all, overnight. There is no need to prepare large quantities of pumpkin jam with apples and oranges at once - all ingredients are available for sale almost all year round. In addition, sugar is used minimally here; thanks to the presence of fructose in pumpkin, the dessert is sweet and at the same time low-calorie, which will undoubtedly please those with a sweet tooth who are watching their figure.


  • Pumpkin - 2 kg;
  • Apples - 2-3 pcs.;
  • Oranges - 2 pcs.;
  • Sugar - 400 gr.


  1. Wash the vegetable and remove the peel.
  2. Cut into slices, then chop into small cubes.
  3. Wash the apples, cut them in half, remove the seeds and cut them into pieces the same size as the pumpkin.
  4. Mix everything in a bowl for making jam.
  5. Squeeze the juice out of the oranges using any available method, pour it into the pumpkin and apples.
  6. Add the required amount of granulated sugar and put on fire.
  7. Cook until desired thickness.

Such a preparation is perfectly stored either in a hermetically sealed form or on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

Little tricks:

  • Pumpkin has a hard skin that is difficult to cut from a whole vegetable. It is much easier to get rid of it by first cutting the fruit into slices with a knife.
  • Before using citrus fruits, they should be carefully washed with warm water - both suppliers and retail chains use certain chemicals, trying to protect tropical fruits from spoilage. The entry of such a substance into our body leads to sad consequences.
  • If you grind all the products in a meat grinder and then evaporate in the oven, microwave or simply over low heat, you can get jam from pumpkin, apples and oranges. In terms of structure and uniformity, such a delicacy will be similar to jam and will be an excellent filling for all kinds of pies, bagels, donuts and pancakes.
  • Apples and oranges can be replaced with almost any fragrant product - pineapple, lemon, tangerine. “Loves” pumpkin and spices - cinnamon, cardamom, nutmeg.
  • The tart additions keep the pumpkin cubes in shape.
