Applesauce with condensed milk in a slow cooker for the winter. Applesauce Applesauce in a multicooker Redmond for children

Hello, dear hostesses. Today, I want to present to your attention a recipe for making applesauce. To prepare this dish, we need only 3 ingredients, and if you are going to prepare puree for your baby, then only two. Applesauce cooked in a slow cooker turns out incredibly tasty, sweet, tender and light. In addition, preparing it is quite easy and simple.


  • Apple (sweet) – 700 grams;
  • Water – 150 ml;
  • Granulated sugar – 1 teaspoon.

Multicooker: Polaris, Redmond, Panasonic and others

Recipe preparation process

To make applesauce, we will use sweet apples, water and granulated sugar.

Take sweet apples and peel and core them. Next, cut the apples into small pieces and place them in a multicooker pan.

Then, pour water into the pan.

Add granulated sugar. If you are preparing purees for babies, then you cannot put sugar in such purees. On the multicooker, set the “Baking” mode for 20 minutes. During this time, our apples will have to be cooked.

Grind the apples using a blender or food processor. Then pour the puree into the pan.

Apples have a huge vitamin complex and are extremely beneficial for the body. One of the main advantages of an apple is its hypoallergenicity, so a baby can be given puree from this fruit calmly, he will not have diathesis.

When can you give applesauce to a baby?

Complementary feeding for infants begins no earlier than 6 months - in the first six months, the baby has enough mother's milk and the substances it contains, but already a 6-month-old baby needs more energy for crawling and playing, so complementary feeding is a necessary additional source of energy.

Thanks to its properties and vitamin complex, apple is one of the best complementary feeding options. The benefits of applesauce for babies are enormous:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • is the prevention of anemia;
  • awakens appetite;
  • normalize sugar levels;
  • help cope with constipation.

You should start feeding your baby apple puree no earlier than 6 months, if the baby was previously breastfed, and no earlier than 4 months, if bottle-fed.

Complementary feeding for breastfed and bottle-fed babies is different, since the stomach of a baby-baby is accustomed only to milk, while a bottle-fed baby can easily digest more complex foods.

Which variety to choose

Apple is a popular and affordable fruit at any time of the year. Due to the abundance of different varieties, it can be difficult for a young mother to choose which variety should be given to her baby as the first complementary food.

Preference should be given to seasonal types of fruit, since the body naturally digests foods better from its region and in accordance with its ripening. Those. A baby will have a harder time digesting mango than the usual “Simirenka”, despite the sweetness and softness of the first. As complementary foods you should choose:

  • seasonal fruits;
  • fruits from a private garden;
  • fruits with wormholes because they have not been treated with pesticides;
  • fruits are not perfectly smooth in shape and color.

An apple “Simirenko”, “White filling” or “Antonovka” is ideal. If the apple is sour, you can mix it with pear or banana puree.

How to make applesauce from baked apples

Baked apples are a popular dessert among adults, but they can also be fed to infants, after being chopped.

How to make applesauce without cooking

The easiest and fastest way to make fresh applesauce.


  • apple – 1 pc.

Cooking time: 10 minutes.

Calories: 52 calories.

  1. Wash the apple well and remove the peel and stem;
  2. Cut the fruit into slices and remove the seeds;
  3. Grind the fruit first with a grater and then puree with a blender;
  4. Add a little sugar for sweetness to taste or mix with pear puree.

How to make fresh apple puree

Some mothers are too worried about giving their baby fresh fruit. You can avoid possible colic or complications by pre-heating the fetus.


  • Melba apple - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar – ½ tsp;
  • water – 300 ml.

Cooking time: 15 minutes.

Calories: 70 calories.

  1. Pour water into a tall container and boil;
  2. Wash the apples;
  3. Place both fruits in boiling water and let them cook for 5 minutes;
  4. Peel the soft boiled fruit from the peel and seeds with partitions;
  5. Grind into puree in a blender;
  6. This recipe is characterized by the softness of the fruit, so if you don’t have a blender, you can soften it into a paste using a masher for puree;
  7. Add sugar and feed the baby.

Carrot-apple puree for babies

Everyone knows the healthy combination of apple and carrot. Puree from these fruits is perfect as a baby's first complementary food.


  • apple – 1 pc.;
  • carrot – 1 pc.;
  • sugar – 1 tsp;
  • breast milk – 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking time: 30 minutes.

Calories: 96.

  1. Peel the carrots;
  2. Wash the apple well;
  3. Cut the carrots into slices or medium pieces;
  4. Cook carrots and apple together in boiling water until tender;
  5. Grind the carrots in a blender;
  6. Peel and chop the apple;
  7. Mix both purees, adding sugar;
  8. Pour in a little breast milk to make the puree more liquid;
  9. Breast milk can be replaced with plain milk or cream.

Apple puree with pumpkin for babies in a slow cooker

Pumpkin is one of the most useful fruits in terms of the amount of vitamins. But not every child will like to eat puree from it, so pumpkin is combined with a sweet apple.


  • apples – 2 pcs.;
  • pumpkin – 200 gr;
  • milk – 2 tbsp. l.

Time spent: 45 minutes.

Calorie content: 88 kcal.

  1. Peel the pumpkin from seeds and peel;
  2. Cut the peeled apple into slices;
  3. If you have a double boiler, then cook both products in it for 30 minutes until ready;
  4. If you don’t have a double boiler, just boil the pumpkin and apple;
  5. Puree the products together in a blender;
  6. Pour in milk, add sugar to taste if necessary.

How to make applesauce and bananas

Banana is perfect for first feeding, especially in combination with a slightly more sour apple.

  • apple – 100 gr;
  • milk – 1 tbsp. l;
  • banana – 1 pc.

Time spent: 15 minutes.

Calories: 78.

  1. Peel the banana;
  2. The apple can be cooked raw or cooked in this recipe;
  3. In the first case, peel and seeds the fruit and puree it along with the banana;
  4. In the second case, put the apple in boiling water for 5 minutes and then puree its pulp;
  5. Pour milk (simple or breast milk) into the resulting mixture and stir well until smooth.

How to make apple puree in jars for the winter for a child

Stocking up on fresh fruit for the long, cold winter is easy. It’s enough to puree them and roll them into jars.


  • green apple – 3 kg;
  • water – 1 l;
  • cane sugar – 100 g;
  • lemon juice – 3 tbsp. l.

Cooking time:

Calories: 110 calories.

  1. Wash the fruits thoroughly, remove the peel and chop them into small cubes;
  2. Boil water over medium heat and add sugar;
  3. Stir the water until the sugar is completely dissolved;
  4. Throw the chopped apples into the resulting syrup;
  5. Prepare jars with lids;
  6. Puree the cooked fruit in a blender;
  7. Return the puree to the stove and bring it to a boil again, adding a couple of tablespoons of water if necessary;
  8. Pour the puree into jars;
  9. Place all containers in a large bowl of water and boil the water, thereby sterilizing the jars;
  10. Boil the lids in a separate bowl;
  11. Roll up the hot lids of the jars;
  12. Cool by turning the jars upside down in a warm place;
  13. Place the prepared puree in a cold place and heat the puree when feeding.

Any young mother will be glad to receive advice on preparing the first complementary foods for her baby:

  1. Any product should be given for the first time only to an absolutely healthy child;
  2. You should not start complementary feeding before or after a scheduled vaccination, or during the recovery period after an illness;
  3. Complementary feeding should be postponed if the child suffered from colic the day before;
  4. The baby should be fed before breastfeeding;
  5. The first meal should be about 5 grams for the first time, and then you should gradually increase the amount of additional food per month to 150 grams;
  6. When preparing purees and other additional dishes at home, you should thoroughly wash your hands, sterilize kitchen utensils, and it is highly advisable to heat-treat the fruits;
  7. You should not prepare a lot of food in advance and then reheat it afterwards. Fresh food should be prepared for the baby. It is not even advisable to store the product in the refrigerator during the day;
  8. Each complementary food should be given only warm;
  9. The baby should be fed with a plastic or wooden spoon;
  10. The child should eat only while sitting;
  11. You should not serve several different foods at once;
  12. You should diversify your baby’s diet and feed him the same product no more than once a day;
  13. A new product should be introduced 15 days after the first one so that the child gets used to it and adapts;
  14. For sweetness, you should add sugar to the puree, but replace regular white sugar with cane sugar, which is much healthier.

The first feeding is an important event not only for the baby, but also for the mother. After all, now she has a new concern - coming up with new dishes. You just need to follow the basic rules so that the first feeding of regular foods does not harm the baby.

Fruit and vegetable purees are mandatory products for children's diets. Nowadays you can easily buy ready-made baby purees in jars; there are plenty of them on store shelves. But still, the healthiest and most delicious puree is the one prepared by the hands of a caring mother. At the request of readers from the “Order a recipe” section, I will show you how very easy it is to prepare natural and inexpensive applesauce at home in a slow cooker, because apples are perhaps the most affordable fruit, especially now, in the season when they are local and not imported. Homemade applesauce will become for you not just a substitute for baby food in jars, but also an excellent dessert, an addition to pancakes, and a filling for pies. If you are preparing applesauce for a baby, it is recommended to use green apples, since they are less allergenic than red ones.

  • chopped apples - a whole slow cooker
  • water - 50-100 ml

How to make applesauce for the winter:

Wash the apples, cut out the core with seeds, cut as desired. I didn't remove the skin. Those who have a lot of free time can peel the apples. I am calm about my apples, they are from my own garden.

Place the chopped apples in multicookers so that there is a whole bowl; the apples will shrink during the cooking process. Add 50-100 ml of water. The amount of water depends on the juiciness and softness of the apples.

In principle, you don’t need to add water to the multicooker; nothing will burn in it. But I got this recipe for applesauce from my grandmother, when they were still cooking it on the stove in a saucepan, where water was absolutely necessary. Out of habit, I add it now when I cook puree in a slow cooker.

Turn on the “quenching” program for 1 hour.

During this time, the apples will settle and become soft. If you want to prepare more puree at one time, you can gradually add chopped apples to the slow cooker.

After the signal, I transferred the steamed apples from the multicooker to another container and pureed them with an immersion blender until they reached a smooth, soft consistency. Owners of ceramic bowls can use a blender directly in the multicooker.

I put the pureed apple mass back into the multicooker bowl, turned on the “stew” program, and brought it to a boil. It took me literally 5 minutes to boil. Be careful, the hot mass “plops” and splashes, you will hear the puree hitting the lid of the multicooker, which means it’s time to turn it off.

I immediately rolled the puree into prepared sterilized jars with metal lids. I store jars at home at room temperature. My applesauce turned out quite thick like this.

I didn’t add sugar, I had sweet Arkad apples. I add very little sugar to more sour apples, literally 2-3 tablespoons.

Apples for puree can be used in any color, any variety. The consistency and color of the finished applesauce depends on the variety and color of apples. The color also depends on whether the apples are peeled before cooking or not.

Adult cinnamon lovers can add this spice to their purees. Children, especially the smallest ones, should not add it.

Bon appetit!!!

We thank Oksana Baibakova for the recipe for applesauce in a slow cooker!

Perhaps, only from apples you can prepare many different dishes, as well as make several options for preparing them for the winter. Fruit puree should be included in the daily diet of not only children, but also adults. Apples contain many useful microelements and vitamins. You can buy a jar of applesauce in a supermarket, only where there is a guarantee that it will be healthy and tasty. Moreover, the cost of one jar is much higher than the cost of a kilogram of apples. But if you have a multicooker at home, you can use a couple of kilograms of apples to prepare a delicious preparation for the winter - applesauce in a multicooker for the winter.

Are you a caring mother or grandmother? Then you definitely need to write down this recipe to prepare several jars of delicious applesauce in a slow cooker for the winter. And there is no need to say that you don’t have enough time; a multicooker will just help you save precious time so that you can devote it to your beloved children and family.

Prepare the following products:

  • Arcade apples - 2 kg;
  • water – 100 ml.
  1. It turns out that everything is very simple and accessible, you just need to want to make a healthy dessert. And in winter, you just need to take out a jar of apple puree, spread it on bread, and use it as a filling for pies and other baked goods.
  2. Now we need to start preparing the apples. And you can take any variety of apples. Requirements for choosing the main ingredient: apples must be whole, undamaged, ripe and juicy. Overripe ones and those that have been lying on the ground under a tree for a long time are not suitable, because they will not contain as many useful vitamins and microelements. In addition, the taste of such apples changes.
  3. It’s another matter when the apples are picked right from the tree on time. So, the apples need to be placed in a large bowl, filled with water and washed thoroughly. It will be faster this way.
  4. Now each apple needs to be cut into 2 parts, cut out the core, remove the seeds and tail. Everything is almost done, you just need to cut each half into arbitrary slices or cut into 2-3 parts. Everything will depend on the size of the fruit.
  5. There is no need to clean the skin. Then you will understand why. This method of preparation saves a lot of time. Well, if you want to do it your own way, then first you need to peel the skin, and then cut the fruit into 2 parts to cut out all the excess.
  6. As soon as they are cut, the apple pieces should be placed in the multicooker bowl. Some housewives say that you can fill the bowl to capacity. Yes, you can do this, because during the heat treatment the apples will “shrink” a little. Naturally, you need to place the apple slices so that the lid of the multicooker closes.
  7. All that remains is to add half a glass of water. Speaking of liquid: it all depends not only on the type of apple, but also on the juiciness of the fruit. Try to determine this degree this way: press the apple with your fingertips. If the peel does not give in and the apple is very hard, then it is juicy. If after pressing there is a dent and the apple seems to be as soft as a boiled potato in its jacket, it is most likely not a juicy apple. More water may be needed.
  8. Speaking of liquid, if the apples are juicy enough, you can do without water. Nothing should burn in the slow cooker. If in doubt, you can splash a little water on the bottom - it won’t hurt and won’t affect the taste of the finished dish in any way.
  9. Now about the cooking method - you need to set the multicooker thermostat to the “Stewing” program, and set the time to 1 hour.
  10. Perhaps that’s all, because you can go about your business and return only an hour later.
  11. If you want to prepare more applesauce in a slow cooker for the winter, then you will have to sit near the slow cooker and gradually add a new portion as the apples cook. That is, like this: the top has “squatted” a little, open the lid, pour out another bowl of chopped apples. After another 10 minutes - a new batch of chopped apples. Of course, you will have to stir the contents of the bowl and extend the cooking time.
  12. We recommend that after you hear the signal, prepare a spacious container (a large saucepan is possible) to immediately transfer the hot, well-steamed apples.
  13. All that remains is to make puree from this mass. This is done very simply if you use an immersion blender. Fast and hassle-free.
  14. Another option is to transfer a small portion of hot apples into a sieve and wipe. Naturally, it is advisable to wait 30 minutes for the apples to cool a little.
  15. By the way, if your multicooker has a ceramic bowl, then you can immediately turn the apples into a homogeneous mass right in the bowl.
  16. And now, for those who want to close several jars of applesauce in a slow cooker for the winter, you need to rinse the bowl, pour the applesauce back and simmer in the same mode (this is the “Stew” program) until the mixture begins to boil. From this moment you need to count exactly 5 minutes and then you can put the hot puree into jars.
  17. By the way, you will have to monitor the process with the lid open, so be extremely careful, as the hot apple mixture may splash. If you are afraid, then you can lower the lid and listen - as soon as the apple mass begins to “beat” against the lid of the multicooker, it’s time to prepare the jars.
  18. The jars need to be prepared in advance - the containers can be sterilized in different ways: in the oven, in the microwave, on the stove or in a slow cooker. If you are going to do this in a multicooker, then you need to pour approximately 1-1.5 liters of water into the working bowl, and place a double boiler on top (this is an additional bowl with holes). And place the jars (pre-washed) on top of it, neck down.
  19. The lids can be placed in water. Turn on the “Steam” program. The time from the moment the water boils is 7 minutes for small jars (volume 0.5 l), 10 minutes for liter jars, etc. It’s just better to roll up applesauce in a slow cooker for the winter in small jars.
  20. Take a little hot puree, put it carefully into the jars and so on until the very top. Roll up with sterilized lids. There is no need to turn the jars upside down.
  21. You can additionally wrap the jars with an old blanket and wait until they cool completely. Then you can store such applesauce in a slow cooker for the winter either in the basement or cellar, or at home in the pantry.
  22. Surely you have the most important question - where is the sugar? Is there really no need to add sugar? That’s right, you won’t need this product, because in this case we have prepared an absolutely dietary and healthy dish. As for sugar, it is not needed, because sweet apples were used to prepare this dish. If you are preparing applesauce in a slow cooker for the winter from sour varieties, then you can add only 2, well, maximum 3 tablespoons of sugar.

The applesauce turns out to be quite dense, and after complete cooling it will be thick. Suitable not only for tea drinking, but also for baking. Bon appetit!

Applesauce in a slow cooker for the winter with sugar

This recipe is for those with a sweet tooth. By the way, the puree will not be cloyingly sweet, but moderately sweet. Just for having a tea party, or maybe baking delicious pies with apple filling. Let's get to work.

Let's prepare the products:

  • apples of any variety – 1.5 kg;
  • sugar – 5 tbsp;
  • water – 1 glass.

Preparing applesauce in a slow cooker for the winter:

  1. Apples need to be washed thoroughly, especially if bought at the market.
  2. It is advisable to peel the peel and cut out the middle.
  3. Each apple should be cut into 4-6 pieces. You will get identical slices. Although in this case it does not matter, so there is no need to try hard and cut the apple halves into neat slices.
  4. Now this: you need to pour water into a clean multicooker bowl. Exactly as much as indicated in the recipe and put the multicooker in the “Steam” mode, “Soup” - your choice. You need to wait for the water to boil.
  5. Once this process has occurred, you can pour out all the prepared apples. There is no need to stir. If your apples are hard, then you can pour a little more water - 1.5 cups.
  6. By the way, if the apples are soft, then the amount of water needs to be reduced, otherwise the puree will turn out watery. Add sugar and stir.
  7. Lower the multicooker lid and set the “Stew” program for 60 minutes. During cooking, it is advisable, but not necessary, to stir the contents of the appliance bowl.
  8. If during the next “stirring” you notice that the apple slices are soft and falling apart, then you can reduce the time for preparing applesauce in a slow cooker for the winter. You just need to switch the device to the “Heating” mode for half an hour.
  9. As soon as the apples become soft, you need to transfer them to a container convenient for pureeing, use an immersion blender to quickly make a puree.
  10. If everything was done as written in the recipe, then you can immediately put the hot puree into jars (pre-sterilized) and roll up the lids.
  11. To be sure, you can do this: put the puree into jars, put it in the microwave for 10 minutes at the very minimum, then you can roll it up immediately.

Applesauce in a slow cooker will be thick, aromatic and moderately sweet. Depending on the variety of apples, the color of the finished product may vary. But this does not affect the taste in any way. Bon appetit!

Quick applesauce in a slow cooker for the winter

This recipe will undoubtedly be appreciated by people who lead a healthy lifestyle, adhere to proper nutrition, and those who are contraindicated from eating a lot of sweets. A nice bonus to this will be the quick preparation of apple puree.


  • apples – 1 kg;
  • citric acid – 1 tsp;
  • sugar – 350 g.

Preparing applesauce in a slow cooker for the winter:

  1. You don't have to peel the apples to speed up the cooking process. If you want, you can peel the peel. Be sure to wash the apples, remove the core, and cut them into slices as desired.
  2. Place the apples cut into slices into the multicooker bowl, add water, sugar, citric acid, and mix.
  3. Now lower the lid of the device, set the “Steam” mode, wait for the mass to boil - open the lid to mix the contents.
  4. When these stages are completed, you need to switch the device to the “Extinguishing” mode and set the time to 1 hour.
  5. When this time is over, you just need to transfer the applesauce, prepared in a slow cooker for the winter, into pre-prepared jars to roll up the lids.
  6. Such a useful product is stored in the pantry, basement, cellar or on the refrigerator shelf (if there is free space there).
  7. During the cooking process, you can add a little cinnamon along with sugar - just half a teaspoon; it will give the dish a refined taste and a subtle, delicate aroma.

Applesauce in a slow cooker for the winter. Video

Fruit and vegetable purees are mandatory products for children's diets. Nowadays you can easily buy ready-made baby purees in jars; there are plenty of them on store shelves. But still, the healthiest and most delicious puree is the one prepared by the hands of a caring mother. At the request of readers from the “” section, I will show you how very easy it is to prepare natural and inexpensive applesauce at home in a slow cooker, because apples are perhaps the most affordable fruit, especially now, in the season when they are local and not imported. Homemade applesauce will become for you not just a replacement for baby food in jars, but also an excellent dessert, an addition to pancakes, and a filling for pies. If you are preparing applesauce for a baby, it is recommended to use green apples, since they are less allergenic than red ones.


  • chopped apples - a whole slow cooker
  • water – 50-100 ml

How to make applesauce for the winter:

Wash the apples, cut out the core with seeds, cut as desired. I didn't remove the skin. Those who have a lot of free time can peel the apples. I am calm about my apples, they are from my own garden.

Place the chopped apples in multicookers so that there is a whole bowl; the apples will shrink during the cooking process. Add 50-100 ml of water. The amount of water depends on the juiciness and softness of the apples.

In principle, you don’t need to add water to the multicooker; nothing will burn in it. But I got this recipe for applesauce from my grandmother, when they were still cooking it on the stove in a saucepan, where water was absolutely necessary. Out of habit, I add it now when I cook puree in a slow cooker.

Turn on the “quenching” program for 1 hour.

During this time, the apples will settle and become soft. If you want to prepare more puree at one time, you can gradually add chopped apples to the slow cooker.

After the signal, I transferred the steamed apples from the multicooker to another container and pureed them with an immersion blender until they reached a smooth, soft consistency. Owners of ceramic bowls can use a blender directly in the multicooker.

I put the pureed apple mass back into the multicooker bowl, turned on the “stew” program, and brought it to a boil. It took me literally 5 minutes to boil. Be careful, the hot mass “plops” and splashes, you will hear the puree hitting the lid of the multicooker, which means it’s time to turn it off.

I immediately rolled the puree into prepared sterilized jars with metal lids. I store jars at home at room temperature. My applesauce turned out quite thick like this.

I didn’t add sugar, I had sweet Arkad apples. I add very little sugar to more sour apples, literally 2-3 tablespoons.

Apples for puree can be used in any color, any variety. The consistency and color of the finished applesauce depends on the variety and color of apples. The color also depends on whether the apples are peeled before cooking or not.

Adult cinnamon lovers can add this spice to their purees. Children, especially the smallest ones, should not add it.

Bon appetit!!!

We thank Oksana Baibakova for the recipe for applesauce in a slow cooker!

Sincerely, .
