Boiled egg 1 pcs calorie content. How much energy does a boiled egg contain? Optimal weekly dose of boiled eggs

Nutritionists still do not have a consensus on whether it is worth it or not to eat eggs while on a diet. There are many pros and cons of eating eggs for weight loss, which will be discussed below..

Eggs are a valuable source of easily digestible animal protein, which is why athletes love them so much. Considering how many calories are in an egg, they can be called an ideal product for a diet. An omelet of 3 eggs can satisfy your hunger for 4-6 hours. 1 egg contains about 6-7 g of protein, 4 g of fat (80% of it is unsaturated healthy fats that are easily digested and do not threaten your figure), about 0.4 g of carbohydrates. In addition, eggs are rich in beneficial digestive enzymes, vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, D, E, they contain iron, calcium, amino acids, biotin, folic and nicotinic acid, and phospholipids necessary for the body. If we talk about how many calories are in an egg, then, on average, the calorie content of a hard-boiled egg ranges from 65 to 85 calories, depending on the size. By the way, you need to keep in mind that how many calories are in an egg depends on the method of its preparation, which will be discussed in detail below.

However, there is also another side to the coin. First, egg yolk contains cholesterol. 1 yolk contains 2/3 of the daily cholesterol requirement. There are certain subtleties here. If the body's metabolism is not disturbed, then this cholesterol does not harm the body, since the lecithin contained in eggs balances it. In addition, cholesterol is found only in boiled and fried yolks, so when preparing eggs soft-boiled or in a bag, it becomes much less. But if you have metabolic problems or diabetes, you need to be careful with eggs. Alternatively, eat only proteins as a source of protein and calcium. For everyone else, we can recommend fiber as a means of removing cholesterol - eat cereals and vegetables, and everything will be fine.

Secondly, eggs are a product that can cause allergies. Therefore, you should be sure that you are not allergic to them if you decide to eat eggs for weight loss.

In general, the benefits of eggs are not only how many calories are in eggs or how much protein they contain. Eggs have many other beneficial properties. They prevent cataracts, have a bacteriological effect, have a positive effect on brain function, increase mental activity, improve immunity, strengthen bones, nails and teeth.

Considering how many calories there are in eggs, they can be used for a nutritious low-calorie snack between main meals - for an afternoon snack or for a second breakfast, boiled, in the form of omelettes or as additions to sandwiches, or as ingredients in dishes, for example, various casseroles . If you eat eggs for breakfast, rest assured that they will be completely digested and leave virtually no toxins, which is very important for weight loss and health.

As a rule, nutritionists do not recommend consuming more than 3 eggs per day, so as not to provoke allergies or increased cholesterol. If you eat eggs every day for weight loss, be sure to also eat plenty of vegetables and grains– they contain fiber, which removes excess cholesterol. But if you are allergic to eggs, unfortunately, you will have to stop eating them.

How many calories are in an egg

If you are on a diet watching the calorie content of your food, then it is of great importance to you how many calories are in eggs prepared in one way or another.

The calorie content of egg whites is about 17 kcal. Yolks are higher in calories - 55 kcal. On average, the calorie content of one egg ranges from 70 to 90 kcal.

As mentioned above, how many calories are in an egg depends on the method of its preparation. A fried egg has more calories than a hard-boiled or baked egg, especially if you fried the egg in oil. If the calorie content of raw eggs is about 100 kcal per 100 g, then in fried eggs the calories become about 125-150 per 100 g. The calorie content of a soft-boiled egg is higher than the calorie content of a hard-boiled egg, since various chemical processes occur in eggs under the influence of temperature , their chemical composition changes.

The calorie content of a hard-boiled egg will be about 60-70 kcal, and the calorie content of a soft-boiled egg will be slightly higher, 70-90 kcal. However, the calorie content of soft-boiled or hard-boiled eggs still remains very low. But fried eggs have a lot of calories, so it’s better not to eat them while on a diet, or at least use non-stick cookware for frying, which will allow you to do without oil.

Athletes prefer to eat egg whites separately - they have no cholesterol, fewer calories, and do not cause allergies. The calorie content of egg whites is about 17 kcal per 1 egg; fried in oil is about 50 kcal.

Knowing how many calories are in an egg, you can choose which way to cook them. It is best to boil hard-boiled eggs for weight loss - they have the least calories. To prevent eggs from bursting when you boil them, place them in cold water, making sure that the water completely covers the eggs. If the egg does burst, add a teaspoon of salt to the water - this will prevent the egg from leaking into the water. Yes, and eggs boiled in salt water are easier to peel. To remove the shells from boiled eggs easily, after finishing cooking, place the container with the eggs under cold water.

Boil hard-boiled eggs for 8-9 minutes after the water boils. Eggs in a bag – 506 minutes. Soft-boiled eggs – 2-3 minutes. You cannot cook eggs for more than 20 minutes, as harmful substances begin to form in them under the influence of high temperatures.

Egg diets for weight loss

The low calorie content and beneficial properties of eggs have made it possible to include them in diets for weight loss. There are many such diets - the number of calories in eggs, their ability to satisfy hunger for a long time, as well as the fact that they are almost completely absorbed by the body, makes them an extremely useful dietary product (in the absence of the contraindications mentioned above - food allergies to eggs, problems with metabolism, diabetes).

For example, there is a three-day diet of eggs and vegetables that allows get rid of 1.5-2 extra kg. A longer option is a diet of eggs, vegetables and grapefruits, which lasts 2 weeks. Osama Hamdiy's 4-week egg diet is very popular. Her menu is strictly regulated by week and by day, but the reward for strictly following the instructions of this diet can be getting rid of 10 extra kg or even more. Many sports diets (for example, for drying the body), due to the low calorie content of egg whites, recommend eating them mainly.

Even if you are not on a specific egg diet, you can simply include them in your daily diet. They are suitable for both a nutritious breakfast and a light dinner. Considering how many calories are in eggs, you can significantly reduce the calorie content of your daily diet by eating an omelet of 2 eggs and a vegetable salad in one of your meals (since fiber is necessary to remove excess cholesterol from the body). The calorie content of such a breakfast or dinner will be low - within 200 kcal, but the benefits from it will be enormous.

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Bird eggs are a valuable dietary product. When following a diet, especially for weight loss, you need to know how many calories are in an egg. Chicken eggs are very popular because... they are widely available and cheap. Quail is also often consumed. More exotic ones - ostrich, turtle - are included in the menu of expensive restaurants and are not cheap.

Egg composition and nutritional value

Bird eggs are 97% digestible by the human body. The yolk makes up 1/3 (17 g) of the total (50 g). It includes:

  • proteins - 16% (2.7 g);
  • fats - 26.5% (4.51 g);
  • carbohydrates - 3.6% (0.61 g);
  • cholesterol - 0.8% (139 mg).

In the yolk, fats are represented by poly-, mono- and unsaturated fatty acids, incl. Omega-3 (0.06 g) and Omega-6 (1.2 g). The calorie content of a chicken egg mainly depends on the energy value of the yolk (352 kcal/100 g).

It also contains vitamins:

  • B1 (thiamine), B2, B5 (pantothenic acid), B4 (choline); B6, B7 (biotin), B12;
  • folic acid;
  • PP (niacin);
  • beta carotene.

The yolk contains a large number of macro- and microelements, but the main ones are:

  • phosphorus - 192 mg;
  • sulfur - 176 mg;
  • chlorine - 156 mg;
  • potassium - 140 mg;
  • sodium - 134 mg;
  • calcium - 55 mg;
  • iron - 2.5 mg;
  • iodine - 20 mcg;
  • copper - 83 mcg;
  • fluorine - 55 mcg;
  • selenium - 31.7 mcg.

Just 1 egg provides the body's daily requirement for cobalt (10 mcg). Due to this composition and energy value, the yolk is used for nutrition and the formation of various structures of the embryo.

Protein content is poorer:

  • fats - 0.3%;
  • proteins - 12.7%;
  • carbohydrates - 0.7%;
  • water - 85%.

In addition, the protein contains enzymes and B vitamins. Proteins have an antibacterial and bacteriolytic effect on the body.

Egg white, which has 8 times less calories than the yolk, is a source of protein. 100 g of protein contains 11 g of protein, which is much higher than in milk (4 g/100 g) and beef (17 g/100 g) with a low calorie content of the product. The total calorie content of an average-sized egg is 70 kcal, or in terms of 100 g of product its energy value is 158 kcal or 663 J.

Calorie content of fried and boiled chicken eggs

In dietary nutrition, preference is given to soft-boiled product, because... The proteins ovalbumin and ovomucoid, which have an allergenic effect, are denatured during cooking, and the beneficial properties of the yolk are preserved. They differ in energy value depending on the cooking method. Before eating them, you should find out how many calories are in eggs:

  • soft-boiled - 159 kcal per 100 g of product;
  • in a bag - 157 kcal/100 g;
  • hard-boiled - 160 kcal/100 g.

With different types of heat treatment of a product, its energy saturation changes. For example, how many calories are in a fried egg depends on what type of fat is used for cooking. Calorie content per 100 g of product (kcal):

  • with vegetable oil - 170;
  • for cream - 200;
  • lard - 280;
  • omelette (with milk) - 155;
  • without oil - 160.

These figures are approximate, because... it all depends not only on the type, but also on the amount of fat.

How many calories are in quail and other types of eggs?

The calorie content of a product depends on its fat content. Of the types of eggs we are familiar with, the most high-calorie eggs are duck (220 kcal/100 g) and goose (190 kcal/100 g). In contrast to the popular belief that quail eggs are much healthier than chicken eggs due to their low calorie content, it turns out that the energy value of a quail egg (calculated per 100 g of product) is 168 kcal.

The lowest in calories are ostrich eggs - 118 kcal/100 g. And turtle eggs have almost the same amount of calories (155 kcal/100 g) as chicken eggs. The calorie content of egg white in all types of product is significantly (4-8 times) lower than the yolk.

Eggs in dietary nutrition - norm of consumption

Eggs have proven themselves to be a valuable product - high nutritional value with low calorie content. They ensure fat burning, because... Digesting protein requires more energy. Protein provides the building material for the formation of muscle tissue, which is why the product is used in sports nutrition.

Eggs normalize insulin and glucose levels in the blood, surges in which stimulate fat deposits. Useful substances of the product:

  1. They increase testosterone activity, which is especially important in the prevention of prostate diseases.
  2. Prevent cataracts. Oxygen-containing carotenoids - lutein and zeaxanthin - are essential for maintaining the structure of the retina.
  3. Maintains weight by activating metabolism.
  4. Prevents cardiovascular and nervous diseases. Choline (B4) contained in the yolk normalizes cholesterol activity, protects cell membranes from adverse effects, improves the function of nervous tissue, and has antidepressant properties.
  5. Prevents the development of breast cancer. Scientists have proven that eating 2 boiled eggs per day reduces the risk of pathology by 85%.
  6. Compensate for blood loss, incl. with regulations (menstruation), because the yolk contains a large amount of iron.
  7. Rickets is prevented due to the high content of easily digestible vitamin D.
  8. They help the normal course of pregnancy and its planning, because The yolks contain folic acid.
  9. Strengthens bone tissue, hair, nails, teeth. The yolks and shells contain more than 26 minerals, incl. calcium and phosphorus.
  • Children under 7 months are not recommended to eat them, and older ones should eat only the yolk;
  • do not exceed consumption (1-2 pieces per week) for cholecystitis;
  • exclude them for psoriasis and atopic dermatitis.

The calorie content of one egg eaten at breakfast helps you not feel hungry until your next meal and eliminate snacking.

Nutritionists do not insist on eating only boiled eggs. The calorie content of scrambled eggs is reduced by almost half when vegetables and skim milk are added to it.

When following a low-protein diet and during the transition period to vegetarianism, nutritionists advise introducing quail eggs into the diet. They contain more vitamin B 12 than chicken. Only 1-2 pcs. per day helps to get all the nutrients and reduce the calorie content of the dish.

Because This product contains less cholesterol, so it can be consumed even by heart patients and the elderly. The nutrients in the composition increase memory capacity, stimulate cognitive functions, and increase attention. This product is also recommended for men, as it has properties superior to Viagra. But even for preventive and therapeutic purposes, you should not exceed the daily norm, which is limited by nutritionists to 4-5 pieces.

Another property of the product is its ability to remove radionuclides from the body. Thanks to this, quail eggs are included in the diet of children and adults living in areas with high radiation exposure, and patients who have undergone radiation for malignant pathologies. Scientists calculated the daily need for the product (pieces) depending on age (years):

  • 1-3 — 1-2;
  • 3-10 — 2-3;
  • 10-18 — 4;
  • 18-50 — 4-5;
  • from 50 and older - 4-5.

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How many calories are in one egg? This question torments many people, because we are all used to having eggs for breakfast in the morning. But along with the fact that the opinions of experts differ in the ways of consuming eggs, they all affirm the great benefits for the human body unanimously and uncompromisingly. In essence, the egg is a very healthy food product and has excellent energy value.

As for the human diet, eggs are an indispensable product for many people. You can use them to prepare both everyday and holiday dishes, spending a minimum of time and effort. For those who are concerned egg calorie content, you should find out in more detail when and what eggs are healthy to eat, and in which cases it is better to refuse an egg dish.

Tell me exactly what it is calorie content 1 chicken eggs impossible, since such an indicator directly depends on the size of the product, as well as on the method of its preparation.

Egg raw

If we consider egg, That calorie content raw product per 100 g of weight is approximately 158-160 kcal. Considering that the average weight of an egg is from 40 to 70 grams, you can easily calculate its calorie content, which ranges from 63-110 kcal.

As for quail eggs, they are about 5 times smaller in size than chicken eggs. It has been established that their calorie content is 168 kcal per 100 g of weight. According to calculations, it turns out that one egg, which weighs about 10-13 grams, contains only 17-22 calories.

Boiled egg

If we talk about the benefits of eggs for the human body, then eating them raw provides the greatest value. To find out what calorie content of one boiled egg It should be taken into account that the yolk and white differ significantly in their energy value.

The calorie content of a whole boiled egg is approximately the same as a raw one. At the same time, the protein contains only 17 kcal, and the yolk contains 50-55 kcal. It should also be noted that protein is rich in B vitamins and amino acids, and the amount of fat in it is minimal. The yolk contains carbohydrates, proteins, fats, microelements (zinc, manganese, calcium, iron), vitamins B, E and A. In addition, the yolks also contain cholesterol, so its simultaneous use with other fats of animal origin is undesirable.

The number of calories also depends on the state to which the egg is boiled. For those who prefer to eat soft-boiled egg, you should know that calorie content 1 piece. is up to 70 kcal, but at the same time they do not lose their benefits for the body. In a properly cooked product, the yolk should be semi-liquid and should be consumed hot.

And if you boil it hard, it will be less caloric and contain only 50 kcal. In this form, the product is ideal for those who want to lose excess weight using a diet menu. Just boil the egg immediately before eating it.

Fried egg

For many people, the quickest and easiest breakfast to prepare is scrambled eggs. Undoubtedly, such a dish has excellent taste, but even with impeccable taste, the issue of calorie content remains quite relevant.

If you just fry it in a dry frying pan chicken egg, calories it reaches up to 110 calories, and when you add a little butter, the number of calories increases even more. Therefore, when calculating calorie content, it is necessary to take into account how many calories are contained in the oil used for frying. In some cases, such a dish can exceed 170 calorie units.

For people who prefer to eat low-calorie foods, but do not want to exclude scrambled eggs from the menu, its nutritional value can be greatly reduced by frying only the whites. There are no fats in them completely and the carbohydrate content is minimal.

A fairly common breakfast dish is omelet. It's very easy to prepare. To do this, thoroughly beat the eggs with milk until smooth. Preheat the frying pan, pour a little sunflower oil into the bottom and pour out the prepared mass. If you prepare an omelet from two eggs, its nutritional value will reach up to 118 kcal. When you use only proteins for cooking, the number of calories in the finished dish will be reduced to 85.

Often, for variety, other products are also added to the omelette, which also largely determine its nutritional value.

If, for example, an omelette is prepared with cheese and tomatoes, then the number of calories in the finished dish reaches up to 342.

Speaking about the omelet, it should be noted that such a breakfast is considered very healthy; it fills the body with the necessary energy for the whole day.

What benefits does an egg bring to the body?

The egg contains a huge amount of nutrients that have a beneficial effect on the human body. These include more than 12 different vitamins, in particular E, D, H, choline and almost all positions from group B. Among the most valuable macroelements, sodium, magnesium, sulfur, calcium, potassium and others should be noted. The complex of microelements consists of iron, chromium, manganese, fluorine, copper, zinc, selenium. With such an enriched and healthy composition egg calorie content For example 1 PC. It does not cause any harm to the body, provided that it is used correctly and in moderation.

Regular consumption of eggs is approved by nutritionists for the following reasons:

  • The egg contains an easily digestible channel rich in valuable amino acids. Not everyone knows that by eating one egg a day, the body immediately receives 15% of the daily protein requirement. This property of the product is highly valued by athletes who need amino acids to strengthen the body and restore muscles after heavy physical exertion;
  • the effect of the vitamin-mineral complex with which the egg is enriched is aimed at increasing immunity and saturating the body with substances necessary for normal functioning;
  • A large amount of leucithin helps remove excess cholesterol from the blood and prevents obesity.

You can eat an egg not only as a dish on its own, but it is also often combined with a variety of cereals, fresh vegetables and fruits, and herbs.

The presence of this product in the diet accelerates the cure of many diseases:

  • Doctors advise many patients to include eggs in their menu to prevent the development of cancer pathologies;
  • calorie content of 1 boiled egg low, but the rich vitamin composition, in particular vitamin C, significantly slows down the aging process of the body, and the hormone lutein contained in the product significantly enhances the effect of rejuvenation;
  • phosphorus and vitamin D, the amount of which eggs are second only to fish oil, strengthen bone tissue and have a positive effect on dental health;
  • amino acids, lutein and sulfur improve the quality of vision and promote rapid treatment of eye diseases;
  • Vitamin E normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system and prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques.

For humans, chicken eggs are considered a very healthy product, and different methods of preparing them allow you to diversify the menu and fill it with tasty and healthy dishes.

Product digestibility

Depending on the method of preparing eggs, their digestibility is different in each case. If you pay attention to the opinions of experts, some consider boiled eggs more useful, while others insist on eating them raw.

Each of the opinions is considered correct in its own way. The product is well absorbed by the body in both cases, with only some differences:

  • having a low calorie content well absorbed by the body boiled or fried egg. In the process of breaking down the product in this form, enzymes that break down fats are synthesized in the body. For this reason, many athletes consume a boiled egg after training;
  • raw eggs enrich the body with the beneficial substances it needs, but only in cases where there are no other products in the dish. If at the time of eating an egg there is no deficiency of minerals and vitamins in the body, then it is simply not digested in the stomach and is excreted from the body.

Interesting! Regular consumption of raw eggs by women increases the opportunity to become pregnant, carry and give birth to a healthy baby.

How many eggs can you eat?

Everyone can eat eggs, except for those who have an individual intolerance to the product. But how many eggs a person can eat depends on some features:

  • people with high cholesterol can eat no more than 3 pcs. in Week;
  • People whose cholesterol levels do not exceed the norm can eat one egg daily;
  • Children can include eggs in their diet from 8-12 months, but they need to start once a week;
  • The number of eggs for children from 4-6 years of age is up to 5 eggs per week.

This is an approximate dosage. The main thing you should pay attention to is not to create an excess of nutrients, since this is just as dangerous as vitamin deficiency.

Dishes with eggs: calorie content

A variety of dishes can be prepared based on eggs, depending on a person’s preferences and tastes.

Fried eggs

This is one of the easiest dishes to prepare. For frying only, it is best to use a special frying pan with a ceramic coating. This will eliminate the need to add oil. If boiled egg calories determined only by its weight, then 1 PC. when fried, the nutritional value depends on the components added.

The nutritional value of scrambled eggs cooked in vegetable oil per 100 grams is 240 kilocalories.

Toast with egg

In this case, the calorie content depends on the nutritional value of the bread and the butter used. Toasts with eggs from white bread contain approximately 190 kcal in 100 grams.

This pie is considered not only tasty, but also very healthy. If you cook according to the recipe: 1 yolk and 5 whole eggs, flour, low-fat sour cream, baking powder and butter, then its calorie content is quite high. Approximately 285 calories per 100 g of finished pie.

How to correctly calculate calorie content?

The egg itself consists of a shell (12%), white (56%) and yolk (32%). To determine how many calories a cooked product contains, you must first boil it, then plunge it into cold water for about 5 minutes. After removing the shell, weigh the product using a kitchen scale. Once you know the weight of a product, you can calculate its nutritional value using a calorie table or use an online calculator.

Chicken eggs are a common product of the daily diet, the normal consumption of which brings many benefits to the body. Despite their low calorie content, their nutritional value is equal to meat and fish products. Egg white and yolk have an optimal composition for humans and are easily absorbed by the body.

The largest amount of calories is contained in the yolk; the white contains several times less. A comparison table will allow you to compare the calorie content of a product prepared in different ways:

The benefits of white and yolk are not the same. Protein contains a minimum of fat and contains all the amino acids and B vitamins necessary for the human body. The yolk is the most valuable part. It is rich in proteins, fats, carbohydrates and minerals. Its yellow color is due to the presence of carotene, which is transformed into vitamin A during processing.

Helpful information! It is widely known that the yolk contains cholesterol, which can be harmful to health. The presence of lecithin in it helps to balance its level in the blood with moderate consumption of eggs.

In what form will the product provide the greatest benefit?

Eggs can benefit the body in two forms - boiled or raw. When fried, they retain few useful substances; in addition, they contain carcinogens that are unsafe for humans.

When choosing between eating raw or boiled eggs, you need to consider the following points:

  • calorie content;
  • digestibility;
  • benefit;
  • safety.

When boiling, the egg white denatures, making it much easier to digest – almost 100%. However, hard-boiled eggs are digested by the body with great difficulty, and during the process of heat treatment they lose a significant part of their positive qualities.

Raw egg whites have a digestibility rate of only 60%. At the same time, the yolk is healthier to eat raw. As a result, its nutritional properties will be better preserved, and the amino acids will not be destroyed and will bring maximum benefit. The downside is that eating raw eggs can lead to salmonella infection.

The optimal choice would be to choose soft-boiled eggs. In this product, denatured protein is absorbed faster and with maximum benefit for the body. The process of preparing such healthy and tasty food is simple - it only takes 3-5 minutes. In the stomach, the finished product is digested quickly: in less than 45 minutes. Steamed omelettes or poached eggs have the same effect.

Attention! Boiled eggs should be consumed immediately after cooking. After storing them in the refrigerator, even for several hours, the production of substances harmful to health begins - ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, hydrogen phosphorous.

Benefits of boiled eggs

Eggs, including boiled ones, contain a huge amount of substances necessary for human life. They are rich in biotin, nicotinic acid, lecithin, choline, vitamins A, B2, B6, B9, B12, K, PP, calcium, iron and other trace elements. In total, there are more than 40 types of useful substances necessary for the daily functioning of the body.

Boiled eggs are a valuable source of pure protein, necessary for active sports. A low amount of calories combined with a high protein content helps reduce fat reserves and intensively build muscle mass.

One egg can:

  • replace 50 g of meat or 200 ml of natural cow's milk;
  • satisfy 100% of the daily requirement for vitamin B12;
  • Replenish 24% of your daily protein requirement.

The benefits of the product for the human body are beyond doubt. Boiled eggs can be an excellent prophylactic for:

  • diseases of the digestive tract;
  • insufficient liver and gallbladder function;
  • susceptibility to heart and vascular diseases;
  • stress and depression;
  • fragility of bones, nails and hair.

In addition, they are able to enrich the body with vitamin D, which is essential for the development and growth of children. Hard-boiled chicken eggs normalize hematopoietic processes, nourish the brain, improve memory and remove toxins from the body.

For the greatest benefit, it is preferable to consume eggs from reputable producers or domestic chickens that receive organic feed.

Interesting to know! Normal consumption of boiled chicken eggs can be an excellent prevention of atherosclerosis. According to statistics, in those countries where it is customary to eat them for breakfast, the lowest incidence of cardiovascular diseases is observed.

Application for weight loss

Eggs are also widely used in the fight against excess weight. They are among the foods that can reduce appetite and suppress hunger for a long time. Having an omelet or steamed scrambled eggs for breakfast will allow you to easily go without food until lunch.

The small amount of calories in this product allows it to be included in various diets.
There is a special egg diet that must be followed from 3 days to 1 month. Its advantage is the quick result, the absence of hunger pangs and the provision of the body with all vital substances. For a quick weight loss effect, a combination of soft-boiled eggs with citrus fruits is useful - eating them for breakfast can significantly activate fat burning processes.

A lot of useful and interesting information about eggs can be found in the following video:

The benefits and possible harm largely depend on the individual characteristics and tolerance of the product. When consumed in a balanced diet, boiled eggs will provide significant support for health and well-being. However, we must not forget that they are considered quite strong allergens. If you are prone to developing allergic reactions, use the product should be reduced to a minimum.

In contact with

Eggs are part of the daily diet, probably as much as bread, water, tea or butter. They can be used as food not only solo, but also as part of a variety of dishes, and starting the day with a boiled egg or fried egg is a unique tradition. But if the fried option is not suitable for everyone, especially for those who suffer from liver and pancreas problems, as well as a sensitive digestive tract, then a boiled egg will not cause such harm. Perhaps this is the safest method of heat treatment that can be applied to this product. And the one in greatest demand: it is the egg prepared in this way that is added to salads, casseroles, sandwiches, main courses and soups. And precisely because of such a variety of its uses, it is worth knowing how many calories are in a boiled egg, and what its positive and negative sides are. Especially taking into account the fact that in various weight loss methods this product is limited or removed from the diet, it is necessary to find out the calorie content of a boiled egg - hard-boiled or soft-boiled, and how exactly it is best to consume it.

How many calories are in a boiled egg

By and large, the calorie content of 1 boiled egg is not so different from that of a raw egg, showing 87 kcal. This, again, is a relatively average figure, implying that we are talking about a specimen weighing 55 grams. For larger or smaller options, of course, you have to separately calculate the calorie content of a boiled egg, based on the fact that there are 159 kcal per 100 grams. From the point of view of energy value, in it, as in raw, the largest part is given to fats, of which there are 66%. The reason for this is the yolk, which is the concentration of cholesterol: in order to facilitate most recipes, not so much in terms of “weight” as in the effect on the pancreas and liver, it is removed, leaving only the protein. There are almost no carbohydrates in a boiled egg, both chicken and quail, which has a relatively low calorie content. But it can be considered a worthy source of protein, having a share of 32%. Although, undoubtedly, in this indicator it cannot be compared with meat or fish.

If we talk about the heat treatment method, the calorie content of a hard-boiled egg is not much different from the calorie content of a soft-boiled egg: 160 kcal versus 159 kcal per hundred grams. In terms of their chemical composition and retention of beneficial properties, they are identical to each other, and therefore from this point of view there is no difference in which direction to choose. Since the calorie content of a hard-boiled egg is not a decisive factor, the reasons for using it more often than others is to maintain the yolk shape required for various dishes. Unlike soft-boiled eggs, it can also be served cold.

Benefits of boiled chicken eggs

As for the chemical composition of this product, the first thing to highlight is the amino acids that are contained in egg whites and are not synthesized by the body independently. Moreover, it is in the egg that their balance is most ideal in comparison with other products, and therefore all of them are compared with the egg when studied. Among the particularly important ones here, it would not be out of place to mention tryptophan, methionine and lysine, whose deficiency can lead not only to the cessation of the creation of proteins in the body, due to which they begin to be taken from internal organs and blood, but even to fatty liver degeneration. And for the time when the body is still forming, the lack of protein affects mental and physical development. Therefore, even despite the calorie content of a boiled egg, 1 or 2 are required in the diet of a child and teenager. Moreover, often at this age the metabolism is still active enough to not worry about extra pounds. By the way, regarding maximum absorption and replenishment of protein from eggs, nutritionists recommend creating a tandem of potatoes for it. Undoubtedly, boiled or baked: fried will only intensify the blow to the pancreas.

The remaining important vitamins and microelements, as well as the largest fat part, belong to the yolk. It is for this reason that it is a rather controversial element of the entire product. On the one hand, the calorie content of a boiled chicken egg is determined by the yolk, as well as the percentage of fat, but on the other hand, it contains a large proportion of useful substances. There is a very high dose of one of the B vitamins - choline, which should lower cholesterol levels and prevent plaques on the walls of blood vessels. For this reason, moderate consumption of boiled eggs with their calorie content and negative aspects of their composition will not darken your life. In addition, there is a decent content of biotin, required for carbohydrate and fat metabolism, vitamin A, which works as a natural antioxidant, has a beneficial effect on vision, the condition of the skin and bone tissue, and also promotes the best absorption of some of the amino acids contained in egg whites . This achieves a balance of elements in this product.

In addition, 1 boiled egg with a calorie content of less than 100 kcal also contains folic acid (B9), vitamins D, PP and E. Of microelements, iodine, copper, selenium, fluorine, cobalt, sulfur, chlorine, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium and calcium. And Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids deserve special mention, for which many people drink fish oil, when you can simply include fish or eggs in your diet. This element is necessary for stress, as it reduces the production of cortisol, promotes muscle recovery, and therefore is especially actively used in sports nutrition, in addition, it normalizes blood pressure, thinning the blood. The daily requirement of Omega-3 is achieved by consuming five medium eggs or one hundred grams of salmon.

Boiled egg in the diet of those watching their figure

As it became clear after finding out how many calories are in a boiled egg, you can include it in the menu if you want to maintain your current weight or lose extra pounds, but you should do it wisely. Considering the risks of increasing cholesterol levels and not the lowest calorie content, one boiled egg per day, of course, will not cause harm, but it will clearly not have the best effect on weight. Roast, of course, has to say his uncompromising “no.” But as for combination with other products, there is something to talk about.

Despite the fact that to increase the protein value, nutritionists advise adding potatoes to a boiled chicken egg, the calorie content of such a combination, alas, will please few people. In addition, their joint assimilation is an order of magnitude more difficult than individual assimilation. The situation can be corrected by greens and fresh vegetables - in particular cucumbers or tomatoes. But still, if the choice is made in favor of such a tandem, keeping in mind the number of calories in a boiled egg and potatoes, as well as their severity for the digestive tract, it is recommended to consume it in the first half of the day, before lunch inclusive.

Another important point that many people forget about and which has a stronger effect not on the figure, but on health, is the shelf life of eggs as such. Moreover, not only raw, but also boiled. If it is advisable to eat soft-boiled meat immediately, then hard-boiled meat can be stored for up to three to four hours. This time is usually enough for him alone, or in a salad, sandwich or soup. After the specified period, the absorption of valuable substances, as well as the body’s processing of the product, becomes more complicated.

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