Green tea with licorice flavor. Herbal tea English Tea Shop Calming Blend. Making licorice syrup at home

Liquorice (licorice glabra) is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Legume family. Used in the medical and food industries as a foaming agent. It grows wild in North Africa, France, Italy, Western and Central Asia, and Southeast Europe. Cultivated in areas with temperate climates. Licorice prefers brackish, sandy soil and thrives on chernozem clay soils. Licorice grows in steppes, semi-deserts, along irrigation canals, roads, on sand and shell ramparts, in the valleys of steppe rivers, forming dense thickets.

Liquorice is a medicinal plant, on the basis of which expectorants, diuretics, and laxatives are produced. In addition, the herb contains saponins, which have an enveloping effect. According to experimental data, it has been proven that medicines produced from licorice accelerate the healing of ulcers.

In Tibet, it is believed that licorice root “improves the functioning of the six senses and promotes longevity.”

In addition to its medical uses, licorice is used in metallurgy as a foaming agent for filling fire extinguishers. It is used in the production of shoe polish, ink, ink, in the textile industry for fixing paints, and in the tobacco industry for the purpose of flavoring and improving the taste of snuff, smoking, and chewing tobacco.

Botanical description

The root is woody, multi-headed, thick: vertical and penetrating 2-5 meters. In addition, a complex network of 5-30 stolon roots emanates from it, lying at a depth of 35 centimeters, up to 2 meters long. The shoots are brown on the outside, yellowish at the break.

The leaves consist of 3-10 pairs of entire, oblong-ovate, oval leaflets, 5-20 centimeters long, with a point at the apex. Regular imparipinnate. Their surface is covered with sticky dotted glands. At the bottom of the leaf there are small, awl-shaped paired appendages that fall off at the time of flowering.

Liquorice stems are erect, short-fluffy, simple or slightly branched, from 0.5 to 2 meters high.

The flowers are arranged in loose 5-8-axillary racemes, reaching 8-12 millimeters in diameter. The length of the peduncle is 3-5 centimeters. On the surface of the calyx there are narrow lanceolate teeth, equal in size to the tube. The corolla is irregular, moth-like, whitish-violet.

The fruit is a bean with seeds (from 2 to 6 pieces), straight or curved, leathery, rich brown in color, 4-6 millimeters wide, 2-3 centimeters long, covered with glandular spines (sometimes bare). The seeds are greenish-gray, kidney-shaped, shiny.

Flowering period is June-August, fruit harvesting period is August-September.

Licorice is bred vegetatively or from seeds.

Chemical composition

The energy ratio of licorice B:F:U is 0%:0%:100%. 100 grams of the plant contains 375.

Licorice roots contain:

  • polysaccharides, fatty acids (3-4%);
  • and disaccharides (up to 20%);
  • , tannins (8.3-14.2%);
  • (4-6 %);
  • resinous and bitter agents (2-4% each);
  • (3-4 %);
  • essential oils (and their derivatives, aldehydes, ketones, terpenoids, aromatic compounds);
  • (fumaric, );
  • phenolcarboxylic acids (salicylic, sinomic, ferulic);
  • triterpene saponins;
  • coumarins;
  • alkaloids;
  • steroids
  • minerals (,).

In the ground part of licorice there are concentrated:

  • tanning compounds (5.5%);
  • (2%);
  • (6%);
  • coumarins (1.9-2.4%);
  • essential oils (0.02%);
  • organic acids (up to 2.5%);
  • flavonoids (kaempferol, isoquercitrin, quercetin);
  • betaine;
  • saponins;
  • triterpenoids;
  • vitamins A, C, E;
  • minerals (,).

Medicinal properties

Since ancient times, licorice has gained fame as an indispensable healer of protracted bronchitis. The properties of the plant to expectorate and separate sputum are widely used in official, folk medicine to this day. Based on licorice, tablets and syrups are made for coughs, ulcers, constipation, gout, rheumatism, skin diseases, intoxication of the body with toxic substances, including chemical drugs. A decoction of licorice root is a means of combating nicotine addiction; it has secretolytic, diuretic, and antibacterial effects. Fights chronic colic.

Healing properties:

  1. Has an anti-inflammatory effect. Helps with fever, enhances the therapeutic effect of drugs. Eliminates inflammatory reactions in the bladder and kidneys.
  2. Has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system. Stimulates secretion, promotes the removal of phlegm and microbes from the bronchi. Licorice is used for laryngitis to restore the voice and protracted, prolonged cough that has developed against the background of tuberculosis, tonsillitis, and pneumonia.
  3. Has an antispasmodic effect. Supports heart function, eliminates smooth muscle spasms, helps with thyroid diseases and low blood pressure.
  4. Normalizes water-salt metabolism, increases the body's resistance to lack of oxygen, normalizes the cycle and relieves painful premenstrual sensations in women.
  5. Licorice root is an antidote. The plant contains glycyrrhizin, a substance that neutralizes the effects of toxins.
  6. Restores the functioning of the pancreas, increases the body's production of its own insulin. Glycyrrhizic acid is obtained from licorice, which is used as a natural sweetener for diabetes. In addition, licorice prevents atherosclerosis, normalizes blood levels and the functioning of the adrenal glands.
  7. Suppresses the growth of malignant cells. Used in the treatment of prostate adenoma and cancer.
  8. Has wound-healing, enveloping effects. It is used as a mild laxative and a remedy for the treatment of stomach ulcers and gastritis.
  9. Improves the condition of the skin. Used to treat allergies accompanied by peeling of the dermis: bronchial asthma, urticaria, dermatitis, psoriasis, lupus.
  10. It exhibits antidepressant properties, reduces fatigue, and increases the tone of the central nervous system.
  11. Used to restore joint mobility in the treatment of arthritis and rheumatism.
  12. Improves the condition of the body after radiation damage.
  13. Prevents heartburn, improves food digestion, regulates the secretion of gastric juice.
  14. Prevents liver cirrhosis.
  15. Strengthens the immune system.

To avoid caries and inflammation in the mouth, it is recommended to chew a piece of licorice root after each meal. In Japan and the USA, the plant is used to combat tobacco addiction.

Indications for use

  1. Predisposition to diabetes mellitus or progression of the disease.
  2. Problems with digestion, joints.
  3. Wounds after injuries, ulcers, inflammation in the oral cavity.
  4. Caries.
  5. Violation of water-salt metabolism.
  6. Weak immunity, tendency to frequent viral and colds.
  7. Problems with the menstrual cycle.
  8. Irregular bowel movements.
  9. Diseases of the upper respiratory tract, thyroid gland, heart, liver, bladder, kidneys.
  10. Neuralgia.


  1. Hypertension.
  2. Individual intolerance, tendency to allergies.
  3. Pregnancy and lactation.
  4. When taken simultaneously with diuretics. Otherwise, licorice can cause myopathy, hypokalemia, and muscle atrophy.
  5. When using drugs against heart failure. The simultaneous use of these drugs and licorice contributes to the development of arrhythmia, and in severe conditions can be fatal.
  6. Children under 3 years old.
  7. Renal dysfunction.
  8. Overweight, obesity.

Liquorice is taken only as prescribed by a doctor in strictly prescribed quantities. Abuse leads to a decrease in male libido, the appearance of edema, hair loss, menstrual irregularities in women, and the development of a feeling of chronic fatigue.

  1. This is a natural foaming agent used in baking bakery products, making kvass (soft drinks). Liquorice is used to treat meat and fish to prevent spoilage. It is a natural sweetener in confectionery products. Additionally, licorice leaves can be brewed as a substitute or added to enhance the taste of the drink.
  2. Licorice extract is used to impart viscosity to cement mortars, in the production of glue, soap making, for pickling metals, in fire extinguisher mixtures, and in oil and gas production using drilling technology.
  3. To improve the taste of tobacco products, production of chewing gum and surrogate cigarettes with a minimum amount of harmful substances.
  4. For dyeing fabrics (wool and silk), creating watercolors.
  5. For the production of ropes, burlap (from fibers of plant stems).
  6. For feeding bees, as livestock feed (from the green part of licorice).

Liquorice candies - good or bad?

These are confectionery products with a specific, memorable taste that comes from licorice root. Properly prepared licorice candies are a delicacy and medicine for the human body. As a rule, they are viscous and visually resemble chewing marmalade. Production technology: the roots of the plant are soaked, peeled from the outer shell, and boiled. The resulting beneficial extract is poured into molds to harden. It contains a sweet component (glycerrosin). Next, the extract is processed, and the resulting product is licorice caramel, which can be sweet or salty, hard or sticky like chewing gum.

Interestingly, the consumption of licorice sweets is a national trait of the Danes.

Licorice sweets strengthen the immune system, protect a person from colds and viral diseases. In addition, they stimulate blood circulation (glycerin), have diuretic and laxative effects, and supply the body with pectin substances and ascorbic acid.

According to the traditional recipe, licorice sweets include:

  • liquorice root;
  • sugar;
  • syrup;
  • gloss mixture (anise oil or beeswax);
  • or agar-agar, gum arabic.

100 grams of licorice candies contain 385 calories, the B:F:Y ratio is 4%:23%:72%. People who are overweight should avoid eating high-calorie sweets.

Procurement rules

The roots of the plant are collected in the fall, when the green part of the licorice has begun to die, or in the early spring, while it is dormant. The raw materials are chosen to be no shorter than 25 centimeters long and no less than 1 centimeter thick. Only such plant roots have powerful healing properties. The raw materials are washed under water, cut and flattened to dry.

Under no circumstances should the roots be heat-treated in the oven, as high temperatures destroy beneficial substances. The dried raw materials are placed in a linen bag or glass container and tightly closed with a lid.

Shelf life – up to 5 years.

Folk recipes

  1. From prostate adenoma. Method for preparing the decoction: grind dried licorice root (15 grams), pour in (400 milliliters), cook over low heat for 10 minutes. Cool the resulting drug and strain. Take 150 milliliters 3 times a day, half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is 21 days. Then you should take a break for 3 weeks. During this period, take a decoction of burdock roots. Alternate courses until the condition improves.
  2. For bronchial asthma. To prepare a medicinal infusion, boil 30 grams of licorice root in 500 milliliters of water for 10 minutes. Cool and strain. Take 15 milliliters 4 times a day.
  3. Against cough. Licorice has a softening effect on the respiratory tract and accelerates the removal of mucus. The syrup is taken for whooping cough, pneumonia, tracheitis, bronchitis, allergic cough, asthma. To prepare the product, sugar syrup (100 milliliters), licorice root extract (5 grams), medical alcohol (10 grams) are thoroughly mixed, poured into a glass container, covered with a lid and placed in the refrigerator. Take licorice syrup 3 times a day after meals, 5-10 milliliters (depending on the age and body weight of the patient), diluted with water.

Remember, to enhance the antitussive effect, preparations containing licorice rhizomes should be washed down with plenty of water.

  1. For weight loss. Licorice speeds up metabolic processes, helps eliminate toxins and cleanse the body, reduces the production of gastric juice, and suppresses appetite. Thus, licorice reduces cravings for sweet, fatty foods. To prepare a weight loss product, add 5 grams of dry licorice roots to 200 milliliters of water, leave for 1 hour, and filter. Take 15 milliliters before meals.
  2. For ulcers, gastritis. Has anti-inflammatory properties. The principle of preparing a water tincture: fry 10 grams of licorice roots in a dry frying pan, pour 500 milliliters of boiling water, leave for 8 hours. After the specified time, filter the drink and take 35 drops three times a day.

If, after consuming drugs containing licorice root, itching, diarrhea, skin rashes, swelling, nausea or vomiting occur, stop taking them immediately. Children are not recommended to take licorice for longer than 10 days, and adults - 6 weeks.


Licorice is a unique plant known for its enveloping, expectorant, laxative, antiallergic, antispasmodic and antimicrobial properties. It treats and prevents the development of diseases of the respiratory tract and heart. Licorice contains substances that are similar in effect to steroid hormones, which have powerful anti-inflammatory properties. They prevent pathogenic bacteria from entering the body.

Licorice root fights diseases of the digestive system, stimulates the dissolution of plaques in blood vessels, reduces blood levels, helps with fatigue, and eliminates the manifestations of allergic dermatitis. A decoction or infusion of licorice copes with chronic constipation and is effective for arthritis and poisoning. In addition, it is a natural remedy for strengthening the immune system, preventing influenza and ARVI diseases.

To preserve beneficial properties, licorice roots are dug up in late autumn, cleared of soil, and dried in the sun. Store in a dark, dry, cool place. The product is contraindicated for people with a high degree of allergenicity and during pregnancy and lactation.

The sweetest root, 50 times sweeter than sugar, is licorice root, known under the names licorice, licorice, yellow root (glycyrrhiza, glycyrrhim glabra), yastimadhu (Sanskrit), mulethi (Hindi), licorice/liquorice), sweetwood. Licorice is well known and has long been used in various healing systems for many problems.

Chinese doctors classified licorice root as a first-class medicine and tried to include it in all medicinal mixtures. Licorice is good for its medicinal properties, its pleasant taste, and sweetness, so it is often added to various medical mixtures to smooth out unpleasant tastes.

This is what the Charaka Samhita says:

“Licorice has the following characteristics: promotes longevity, helps in the treatment of bone fractures and wound healing, improves the complexion of the skin, improves the voice, relieves itching (itching), reduces vomiting, reduces bleeding, restores the correct color of urine.

Ayurvedic characteristics:

Taste (rasa) – sweet (madhura)
Vipaka (aftertaste) – sweet (madhura)
Characteristics/properties (guna, properties) - heavy (guru) and a little oily
Energy (viirya, virya, potency) – cold (sheeta)

Licorice is used in snehana (oiling is a preparatory procedure before starting); in Vamana (Ayurvedic vomiting), during Basti (rectal enemas with decoctions).”

Most often, licorice root is used for for dry cough. It intensifies the inflammatory process for a short time, increases the volume of mucus, removing microbes from the lungs. A dry cough (vata stage) develops into a wet cough (kapha stage). Kapha begins to be eliminated (by coughing), and rapid recovery occurs. When coughing (accumulation of mucus in the respiratory tract), licorice is used to remove mucus in a short course as an expectorant.

Licorice is used both at the onset of the disease and in advanced forms of pneumonia and damage to the upper respiratory tract, and in tuberculosis. For a long dry cough, an infusion is prepared from equal parts of licorice, marshmallow and elecampane roots. 2 tsp pour 400 ml of cold boiled water into this mixture and leave for 8 hours. Take 100 ml before meals 2 times a day.

With prolonged use of medium doses of licorice, mucus accumulates, therefore, if we are talking only about removing mucus (for example, with a wet cough), it is better to use something else (or rather, a set of measures; little works alone). Licorice is an excellent remedy for throat problems and improving a hoarse voice. At hoarse voice It is recommended to chew licorice sticks and slowly swallow the resulting juice. This is a favorite remedy among singers. Also, for a hoarse voice, eat 1/2 tsp. licorice root powder with ghee or honey.

Licorice is used for ulcers, high acidity, burning urination.

Licorice is a good aphrodisiac; it increases the quantity and quality of sperm.

Licorice treats wounds and inflammation associated with wounds.

Externally effectively used for.

Neutralizes the harmful effects of poisons and toxins. In Chinese medicine it is used to treat food poisoning and its harmful effects.

Contains antidepressant compounds and helps with

It is a tonic for the brain and slows down aging.

According to Charaka Samhita (Chikitsasthana 1.3), regular intake of 2 gm of licorice powder, along with 1/2 cup of warm milk acts as an excellent brain tonic and anti-aging agent.

Charaka mentions licorice as a source of vegetable oil.

Licorice is included in the famous facial massage oil Kumkumadi Tailam, the main ingredients of which are saffron and licorice (also includes manjishta, dashamul (a mixture of 10 roots), gokshura and a dozen other components infused with sesame oil and goat milk. (taken from Astanga Hridaya Bhaishajya Ratnavali - 60/115-120).

It has blood purifying properties, improves the quality and quantity of blood, is useful for increased bleeding, antipyretic (these are high indicators, and licorice reduces pitta).

Licorice preparations are sold in different forms– capsules, tablets, lozenges, syrup, cream, lozenges, dried roots, dried root powder. Licorice Candy (long strings of licorice syrup) is very common in North America.

Use as directed by your doctor or manufacturer (usually the instructions print average doses for average conditions).

When preparing medications yourself, be careful not to exceed the indicated doses.

Although licorice root syrup is widely sold in pharmacies, but if anyone has to cook on your own:

Preparing the decoction:
Place 10 grams of dried and crushed root in an enamel container, pour 1 glass of boiling water, keep in a water bath for 15 minutes, then leave without a water bath for another 45 minutes to infuse, strain, add boiled water to 200 ml. Take 100 ml 2-3 times a day after meals.

Preparing the infusion:
1 tsp Fry the dried roots in a frying pan, pour in 1 cup of boiling water. Leave for 1 hour to 7 hours. It is recommended to drink 1/3 cup.

Licorice tea:
The crushed root can be brewed as tea by adding various herbs (mint, lemon balm).

Licorice syrup:
You need to buy root extract at the pharmacy. Mix 4 grams of extract, 10 grams of alcohol and 80 grams of sugar syrup. Keep refrigerated.
For children under 2 years old, 1-2 drops per 1 tsp is enough. water or tea, from 2 – 1/2 tsp. syrup with water, closer to 12 years old, 40 ml of licorice syrup with 100 g of water or tea is recommended.

Licorice leaves are not used as a medicinal raw material, but in folk medicine, a paste of crushed leaves is recommended for sweaty feet.

Sometimes licorice leaf extract is used in the production of cosmetics to improve the quality of hyaluronic acid.

Licorice root syrup is given to children for coughs. It tastes good, kids drink it with pleasure. The course of treatment with syrup cannot be more than 10 days.

During treatment with syrup, side effects may occur: rash, itching, swelling, inflammation of the skin, diarrhea. In these cases, treatment should be stopped.

Adults without medical supervision can use licorice for no longer than 4-6 weeks. This applies to large daily doses, from 5 to 15 g per day.

Many experts say that long-term use can be safe if low doses are used.


Long-term use of the herb or more than a dose causes swelling, irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa, increases blood pressure, leads to menstrual irregularities, decreased male libido, hair loss, and a feeling of chronic fatigue.

Licorice promotes the removal of potassium from the body, so its use is excluded when taking diuretics.

Licorice is contraindicated during pregnancy (can cause premature birth) and while breastfeeding.

Taking licorice should not be combined with taking other cough medications (cough suppressants), as it has an expectorant (cough stimulating) effect. The tincture must be washed down with plenty of water, this helps with the removal of sputum.

It is not recommended to take licorice along with medications for heart failure, as this can lead to arrhythmia and even cardiac arrest. Also, licorice is not prescribed for high blood pressure and low potassium levels.

Licorice root has a sickly sweet taste, and the taste can cause nausea and vomiting in some people. This sickly sweet taste of licorice can be avoided by frying the root in a dry frying pan. The taste will improve significantly.

Licorice root is 50 times sweeter than sugar, so it is often added to various medicinal mixtures to smooth out unpleasant tastes.

Licorice widely used in cooking in the form of extracts, syrups, as a sugar substitute and foaming agent in soft drinks, beer, kvass, tonic drinks; for better whipping of egg whites.

Licorice is used:
– for the production of coffee, cocoa, marinades, compotes, jelly, flour products, halva, caramel, marshmallows and chocolate
– for sauerkraut, soaking apples and lingonberries
– as a flavoring additive when processing fish
– licorice leaves are used as an additive to long and green tea, as a tea surrogate, tea substitute
(about cooking taken from Wikipedia).

Licorice is widely used in everyday life:
– extract from licorice roots is used to improve the taste of tobacco products, the production of surrogate cigarettes with a low content of harmful substances, and chewing gum
– licorice extract is used in soap making, in the production of glue, in mixtures for fire extinguishers, for etching metals, to impart viscosity to cement solutions, in well drilling technology for oil and gas production
– from the fibers of licorice stems, burlap and ropes are produced, used for dyeing wool and silk fabrics, in the production of ink, watercolor paints, shoe polish
– Licorice leaves are harvested as biomass for livestock, and bees are fed with licorice extract.

This is such a wonderful plant, licorice (licorice), highly valued by doctors and traditional medicine since ancient times!

What else is used for coughs and colds besides licorice:

Was last modified: March 12th, 2019 by consultant

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YOGI TEA Licorice - Licorice (Licorice) Yoga tea Germany

Licorice tea is an unusual herbal tea recipe based on licorice, cinnamon, ginger, orange zest and other spices traditional to YOGI TEA. Licorice root is revered in many ancient cultures for its natural sweetness, rich flavor, and healing properties.

Licorice was so beloved in Ancient Egypt that small bags of licorice were placed in the tomb of King Tutankhamun so that he could enjoy it after his death. Enjoy this unique, delicious herbal tea any time of the day or night.

Preparation method: To properly brew the drink, fill the tea bag with freshly boiled water.

Infuse for at least 4 minutes, or longer for a richer flavor. Gently squeeze the bag
so that all the active ingredients get into the water.

Ayurvedic effect: V-PoK-

Tea composition: Licorice root, cinnamon, ginger, orange peel, cardamom, black pepper, dried chicory, barley malt, cloves, orange extract (natural flavor), vanilla extract (natural flavor)

Packaging: 17 sachets, 1.8 g each

Manufacturer: YOGI TEA GmbH, Germany

A warming fusion of sweet licorice root and aromatic spices

- Herbal Tea -

This unique, nectar-like tea will have you hooked! You"ll love the aroma and complexity of this blend"s delicious lingering flavor. The naturally sweet taste of licorice root and aromatic spices make this tea wonderful hot or iced.

Explore - Our - World of Tea

Welcome to our world of tea. We know tea is your catalyst for strength, comfort, energy, and moments of serenity - it is for us too. That's why it's our life's work to share the joy of tea with the world.

We believe tea should do more than just satisfy-it should take you on a flavorful journey. Tea is in our soul, and we exist to share that bliss with you in every cup. We aren't just makers of tea, we're tea people.

190-210 ºF 88-99 ºC

For iced tea, use double the tea bags.

Other Ingredients

Licorice root*, cinnamon, orange peel, star anise, vanilla extract, sarsaparilla, orange oil, natural cinnamon flavor, clove bud oil, cardamom oil.

*This ingredient is not intended for use during pregnancy and while nursing, or if you have heart disease or high blood pressure.

All of our teas are made with quality-ingredients, are kosher certified, and gluten-free.

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iHerb makes every effort to ensure that product images and information are provided in a timely and accurate manner. However, sometimes there may be a delay in updating data. Even in cases where the labeling of the products you receive differs from those presented on the website, we guarantee the freshness of the goods. We recommend that you read the instructions for use on the product before using it and not solely rely on the description provided on the iHerb website.

Licorice is a plant that has been successfully used by mankind for a very long time. Once upon a time, in ancient times, one of our ancestors chewed a root and discovered that it had a specific sweet taste. Since then, licorice root has been used in cooking and medicine. It produces a black-brown, tar-like, viscous and aromatic sweet substance - licorice, which is used to prepare sweets and create syrups, including those with medicinal properties.

Composition of licorice root

This plant has a very rich and varied composition:
  • Vitamins.
  • Minerals.
  • Pectins.
  • Saponins.
  • Starch.
  • Organic acids.
  • Flavonoids.
  • Asparagine.
  • Glucose.
  • Sucrose.
  • Glycyrrhizin.
Preparations from licorice root have an effect similar to adrenal hormones, so they can be used in the presence of various inflammatory processes.

Use of licorice preparations

Licorice root is primarily used as an active cough suppressant. Therefore, the main use of the plant is as an expectorant for colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma and other diseases.

Licorice helps fight constipation, treats ulcers and gastritis with high acidity, normalizes the secretion of gastric juice and bile, tones the intestines, and strengthens the immune system. Using the root, you can cope with fatigue, improve sleep, cure kidney and bladder diseases, and some liver diseases.

Licorice helps neutralize and remove some poisons, which is why it is used for poisoning.


Considered harmless in ancient times, today licorice has a number of contraindications that must be taken into account when consuming the plant in the form of tea, in medicines, or in the form of unusual-tasting licorice sweets. Such contraindications include the following diseases and conditions:
  • Allergic reaction.
  • Children's age up to 12 months.
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding period.
  • Heart failure.
  • Problems with blood clotting - a tendency to form blood clots or bleed.
  • Liver lesions.
  • Problems with the functioning of the adrenal glands.

Do not exceed the recommended dosages of licorice-based medications and do not abuse licorice candies and sweets, as this can cause headaches, nausea, increased blood pressure and the formation of edema. Licorice helps remove potassium from the body, which can negatively affect electrolyte levels and heart function. In men, excessive doses of licorice root often cause problems with sexual function, as they reduce testosterone levels.

Licorice should not be used together with diuretics and antihypertensive drugs.

Making licorice tea

Making aromatic and healthy tea with licorice root is easy. To do this, you just need to chop the roots and pour boiling water over them. The concentration is selected according to taste, taking into account recommendations not to abuse the plant.

The drink has a dark hue, a specific taste and licorice aroma, which you either don’t like at all or simply adore. Considering the properties of the root, tea is good to use for colds, proneness to them, or during periods of mass epidemics, in cold and damp weather.

  • Licorice root – 25 grams.
  • Melissa – 5 grams.
  • Mint – 5 grams.
  • Centaury – 5 grams.

It is best to brew this tea in a porcelain teapot or thermos.
