Winter cocktail recipes based on coffee. Coffee cocktails for every taste. Cold cocktails with coffee

Ice coffee.

Brew very strong coffee and cool it in the refrigerator. You will also need cold milk or cream and a few ice cubes, ice cream to taste. Place all ingredients in a blender and blend at high speed for 20 seconds until the ice breaks into small pieces. Pour the resulting drink into chilled glasses. Place a scoop of ice cream on top. You can top it with chocolate syrup. Serve with a straw.

Frozen Mocha.

4 cups espresso, 4 tbsp. Beat spoons of chocolate syrup, 120 ml of milk and a small amount of ice with a mixer until the drink is smooth and foamy. Pour it into coffee cups.

TO octail " Pleasure ».
Boil 4 g of cardamom seeds for 5 minutes in 300 ml of water. Let the aromatic mixture cool and then strain it. Brew 2 tbsp in water that has absorbed the aroma of cardamom. spoons of coffee. Place a large piece of ice in tall, heat-resistant glasses with a capacity of 300 ml and fill with freshly prepared coffee. Garnish the drink with candied cherries and pineapple on a wooden skewer.

Coffee and strawberry drink "Aragast".

Rub 100 g of strawberries through a fine grater and freeze in the freezer. Prepare, cool and also freeze 100 g of espresso coffee in the freezer. Whip 2 cups of 35% fat cream until light foam, add 3 tbsp. spoons of powdered sugar and mix thoroughly, add 50 g of fruit liqueur. Choose clear glasses of any shape and size. Grind frozen strawberries and coffee. Using piping bags, place the ingredients into glasses in the following order: cream, coffee, cream, strawberries, cream. Garnish with a cinnamon stick or piece of chocolate.

Iced coffee.

Prepare 1 cup of coffee and cool it. Place 100 g of ice cream (vanilla, chocolate or coffee) into 300 ml glasses. Drizzle with chocolate syrup (about 2 tablespoons). Carefully add cooled coffee. Place a large dollop of whipped cream on top of each glass and sprinkle with colorful candy crumbs.

Bavarian coffee cream.

In an enamel saucepan, grind two egg yolks and 75 g of powdered sugar or granulated sugar, add a cup of hot milk and a cup of strong, hot black coffee. Place the mixture on the fire, stirring continuously, but do not bring to a boil. Add gelatin, previously diluted in a few tablespoons of warm black coffee. All that remains is to pour the cream into small molds and put it in the refrigerator. The amount of gelatin should be taken according to the volume of liquid, following the recommendations on the gelatin packaging.

TO octail "BRAZIL"

Cold coffee – 200 ml. granulated sugar - 1 teaspoon, ice cream - 50 g, apple juice - 2 teaspoons, orange zest.

Cooking method:
Beat all ingredients in a mixer. Pour the cocktail into tall glasses and sprinkle it with orange zest juice. Sprinkle coffee powder on top

TO octail "ROWAN"

Rowan syrup - 20 ml, coffee syrup - 20 ml, sparkling water - 200 ml, canned fruits or berries, ice.

Cooking method:
Mix rowan and coffee syrups. Place ice and fruit in glasses and pour in a mixture of syrups. Top up with sparkling water. The combination of the taste of rowan and coffee is unusual; the cocktail turns out to be quite exotic and extravagant, despite the common ingredients.

TO octail "PHANTOM"

Coffee syrup - 40 ml, mint syrup - 40 ml, Fanta drink - 100 ml, ice cubes.

Cooking method:
Mix the syrups, pour into glasses with ice and top up the drink.


Blackcurrant juice - 100 ml, instant coffee - 1 teaspoon, water - 200 ml.

Cooking method:
Pour a glass of boiling water over the juice and coffee. Drink this drink hot in winter and chilled in summer. At any time of the year, this cocktail will give you strength and vigor. For adults, you can add 1 teaspoon of any liqueur to the mixture.


Milk - 200 ml, coffee syrup - 50 ml, ground coffee - 1/2 teaspoon, ice.

Cooking method:
Whisk milk and coffee syrup in a mixer, pour into a tall glass with ice cubes. Sprinkle ground coffee on top.


Cream - 100 ml, coffee syrup - 25 ml, ground coffee - 1/2 teaspoon.

Cooking method:
Mix the chilled cream with coffee syrup and beat in a mixer. Pour the finished cocktail into a tall glass and sprinkle with finely ground coffee.


Peach juice - 50 ml, milk - 20 ml, strong coffee - 100 ml.

Cooking method:
Prepare juice from ripe peaches and mix it with milk. Cool the mixture, pour into a glass and add cold strong coffee. If you don't have fresh peaches, you can use canned ones.

TO octail "COLA"

Strong coffee - 80 ml, Coca-Cola drink - 100 ml, cream - 30 ml, ice.

Cooking method:
Place ice cubes at the bottom of the glass and fill them with cream. Then pour chilled coffee and Coca-Cola into the glass. Stir gently before serving.

TO octail "ESKIMO"

Strong black coffee - 80 ml, ice cream - 100 g, chocolate syrup - 50 ml, cream - 20 ml.

Cooking method:
Cool the coffee infusion and mix in a shaker with ice cream and cream. Pour the cocktail into a glass with a straw. Dry cookies or cakes go well with this cocktail.


Cocoa powder - 2 teaspoons, powdered sugar - 2 teaspoons, strong black coffee - 60 ml, milk - 30 ml, ground cinnamon - to taste.

Cooking method:
Mix cocoa powder with powdered sugar and pour warm milk. Stir the mixture until smooth, cool and pour into a wide glass. Add chilled coffee and sprinkle with cinnamon.


Berry jam is better sweet and sour - 3 teaspoons, milk - 20 ml, strong coffee - 150 ml.

Cooking method:
Mix all ingredients in a mixer, cool and pour into a glass.

Cocktail "Globo"

Cold strong coffee - 100 ml, vanilla ice cream - 30 g, granulated sugar - 1 teaspoon, sour cream - 15 ml, grated nutmeg - 1/2 teaspoon, crushed ice.

Cooking method:
Pour cold coffee into a wide glass, add sugar, ice cream and fine crushed ice. Stir all ingredients thoroughly until thickened. Top with whipped sour cream and sprinkle with nutmeg.

COLD COFFEE cocktail

Strong black coffee - 80 ml, condensed milk - 2 tablespoons, vanillin, ice.

Cooking method:
Mix cold, strong infusion of coffee with condensed milk, add vanillin on the tip of a knife. Place ice cubes in a glass and pour the cocktail.

Coffee cocktail No. 1

Ingredients:(2 servings), 1 glass of iced coffee, 1 tsp. sugar, 2 slices of lemon, 200 g of ice cream.

Cooking method:
1. Brew strong coffee, cool and strain through a fine sieve or 2 layers of gauze. Pour into a blender bowl, add ice cream and sugar. Beat until fluffy foam forms.
2. Pour the drink into glasses. Press a slice of lemon onto the blade of a knife placed over the glass and press firmly so that the juice drips into the glass in drops. Squeeze the juice into the second glass in the same way.

Coffee cocktail "Jamaica"

(2 servings), 2 cups of freshly brewed strong coffee, 60 ml of any coffee liqueur, 60 ml of dark rum, 50 g of cream with 30% fat, 1 tsp. powdered sugar, grated nutmeg.

Cooking method:
Beat slightly chilled cream with powdered sugar. Pour 30 ml of liqueur and rum into glasses. Cool freshly brewed coffee and pour into glasses with liqueur and rum. Top with sweet whipped cream and sprinkle with nutmeg.

Cocktail French vanilla.

1.Brew French vanilla in a French press.

2.Pour 30 ml of Grenadine syrup into a glass

3.Then pour 50 ml lightly frothed milk to form layers.

4.Add 10 ml. Pour coffee carefully into the center of the glass

5.Serve with a straw, stir before eating.

Cocktail “Inspiration”

Ingredients: Coffee - 1 cup, cream - 1-2 cm. spoons, sugar - to taste.
Brew black coffee and serve in a tall, thick glass. Make a “cap” of whipped cream on top. Place the sugar separately in metal or glass saucers. Serve chilled.

"Mocha" in the East

Ingredients: Coffee - 2 teaspoons, sugar - 2 teaspoons, cognac - 1 teaspoon, water - 3/4 cup.
Add a mixture of granulated sugar and coffee in equal quantities to calmly boiling water. Then after a few seconds remove from heat and cool thoroughly. Pour good cognac into each glass, then fill with cold coffee.

Fruit and coffee cocktail
Ingredients: Coffee syrup - 1 table. spoon, apple juice - 1/4 cup, strawberry juice - 30 ml, fruit - 50 g, grated nutmeg - 1 pinch, ice 1-2 pieces.

Place assorted fruit compote into a glass, then pour in apple and strawberry juices and coffee syrup.

Black Forest coffee

Ingredients: Natural strong coffee - 90 ml, cherry syrup - 8 ml, granulated sugar - 6 g, ice.
Add cherry syrup to hot coffee, pour the resulting mixture into a glass half filled with crushed ice. Then add sugar, stir and serve.

Scandinavian style coffee

Ingredients: Coffee - 1/4 l, cherry juice or syrup - 1/2 small cup, sugar - to taste, ice - 2-4 cubes.
Add cherry juice or syrup to hot coffee and cool. Then pour the drink into cups, previously filled to 1/3-1/4 with ice. Add sugar to taste.

Yankee cocktail
Ingredients: Coffee - 6-8 g, chicory - 2 g, sugar - 2 teaspoons, cream - 50 ml, powdered sugar - 1 teaspoon.
Brew black natural coffee, strain and add sugar. Place the rest of the sugar in the whipped cream. Take whipping cream 35% fat, chilled.
When serving, spoon whipped cream into a glass filled with black coffee. For lovers, you can add a little vanilla to the whipped cream and sprinkle with fine chocolate chips on top. Serve cold.

Apple-strawberry coffee cocktail

Ingredients: Coffee syrup - 15 ml, apple juice - 60 ml, strawberry juice - 30 ml, fruit - 60 g.

Put canned fruits in a glass, then add strawberry juice, coffee syrup, apple juice.

Very tasty, healthy and invigorating. A coffee cocktail is a morning drink that helps our body wake up after sleep.

A coffee cocktail is a soft drink with ice based on brewed coffee. The following are added to the coffee base: syrups, grated chocolate, mint, sesame seeds, eggs, whipped cream, fruits, berries, nuts, caramel, alcohol. There are coffee and...

Coffee cocktail with ice cream and chocolate


    brewed natural coffee - 150 ml,

    dark chocolate - 30-50 g,

    mint syrup - 3 tbsp. l.,

    creamy ice cream - 100 g,

Cooking method:

    brew coffee, strain the coffee, getting rid of the grounds and put it on low heat. Cool the resulting mass. Add all the ingredients to the coffee: 50 grams of ice cream, syrup, ice cubes.

    Place everything in a blender and beat. Pour into glasses. Decorate the top with the remaining 50 grams of ice cream in the shape of a ball and sprinkle with grated chocolate.

Coffee cocktail with apple juice


    brewed natural coffee - 200 ml,

    fructose - 1 tsp,

    apple juice - 2 tbsp. l.,

    creamy ice cream - 100 g,

    cocoa powder for decoration.

Cooking method:

    brew coffee, strain the coffee, getting rid of the grounds. Cool the coffee. Add to it: 100 grams of ice cream, fructose. Pour apple juice on top of the ice cream and decorate with cocoa powder.

Coffee cocktail with fruits


    coffee syrup - 1 tbsp. l.,

    apple juice - 1/4 cup,

    strawberry juice - 30 ml,

    fruits - 50 g,

    fresh berries - 3 pcs.,

    ice - 3 cubes.

Cooking method:

    Pre-boiled fruits for such a drink are suitable, that is, we prepare a compote and as soon as the compote has cooled, take the berries and place them on the bottom of the glass, then add coffee syrup and then add strawberry and apple juices. Decorate with any fresh berries. Serve the drink with ice.

Coffee cocktail with chocolate and cardamom


    banana - 1 pc.,

    coffee (strong) - 70 ml,

    chocolate (bitter) - 50 g,

    fructose - 50 g,

    milk - 1/2 cup,

    cardamom - 3 pcs,


Cooking method:

    add to the blender: sliced ​​banana, milk, fructose, nutmeg, cardamom and chilled coffee. Beat until smooth. Decorate with grated chocolate on top.

Coffee punch


    fresh brewed coffee - 150 ml,

    dry red wine - 100 ml.,

    cognac - 25 ml,

    sugar - 2 pieces.,

    orange 1 pc.

Cooking method:

    Heat the cognac and wine separately, pour them into a cup, add hot, freshly brewed coffee without grounds. Rub the sugar cubes into the orange zest and place them in a cup.

Coffee cocktail with cream


    fresh brewed coffee - 100 ml,

    milk - 30 ml,

    ice cream - 100 gr.

Cooking method:

    Cool the freshly brewed coffee, add milk and a scoop of ice cream. The color of the cocktail depends on the amount of milk. You can also change the color using different types of ice cream. For example, pour equal portions of coffee and milk into two glasses, but add a tablespoon of chocolate ice cream to one glass and stir until smooth, then place a scoop of chocolate ice cream on top. We also add creamy ice cream to another glass.

Coffee cocktail with Pepsi-Cola


    Pepsi - 50 ml,

    coffee - 150 ml,

    ice cream - 50 gr.

Cooking method:

    Cool freshly brewed coffee, add cola, ice cream or whipped cream.

Coffee cocktail with condensed milk


    condensed milk - 50 ml,

    coffee - 150 ml,

    ice - 8 cubes.

Cooking method:

    Cool the freshly brewed coffee, first pour condensed milk into a glass, then add cold coffee without grounds and carefully place 8 ice cubes into the glass.

Coffee cocktail with champagne


    champagne - 50 ml,

    coffee - 100 ml,

    tonic - 40 ml,

    ice - 2 cubes.

Cooking method:

    freshly brewed coffee, add fructose and cool. Place ice cubes in a glass, then champagne, tonic and coffee.

Coffee cocktail with cocoa and milk


    coffee - 100 ml,

    milk - 50 ml,

    coffee ice - 5 cubes.

Cooking method:

    Freshly brewed coffee is cooled, filtered and poured into ice trays and placed in the freezer. When the ice is ready, you can start making a coffee cocktail. Place ice cubes in a tall glass, add milk, cocoa powder, and chilled fresh brewed coffee.

Coffee cocktail with liqueur


    coffee - 100 ml,

    coffee liqueur - 30 ml,

    cream 30% - 25 ml,

    powdered sugar - 1 tsp,

    nutmeg - 1 pinch,

Cooking method:

    Add a teaspoon of powdered sugar to the slightly cooled cream and beat. Pour liqueur and rum into a glass. Then pour in cooled, freshly brewed coffee. Pour cream on top. Sprinkle powdered sugar and grated chocolate over the cream.

Coffee and alcohol have excellent compatibility, so there are countless recipes for such drinks. We have prepared for you the most unexpected and original selection of recipes for making coffee with various types of alcohol, as well as coffee alcoholic cocktails. You will learn not only what alcohol is usually added to coffee, but also what such cocktails with alcohol are called.

If you set out to choose your favorite option for making alcoholic coffee, we recommend that you first get acquainted with this simple recipe. By the way, it will serve as a good basis for other variations of this drink, but with more ingredients.

Required Components

Step by step instructions

  1. Brew espresso in a coffee pot or coffee machine.
  2. Heat a glass goblet and pour a little brandy into it (to taste).
  3. Now pour in the prepared espresso.
  4. Add sugar if necessary and stir.
  5. Add cream (you will need no more than 10 g).

Coffee with alcohol and chocolate

And this is a variation of the first cocktail, but with the addition of grated dark chocolate. We guarantee that those with a sweet tooth will be satisfied and will be surprised by the light invigorating effect of this drink.

Required Components

Step by step instructions

  1. Pour boiling water over a glass cup.
  2. Pour 2 teaspoons of sugar and a little vanilla into it.
  3. Pour in 45 ml brandy.
  4. Light the brandy and let it burn a little.
  5. Pour hot Americano on top.
  6. Decorate with 2 tbsp. spoons of cream.
  7. Sprinkle 2 teaspoons of grated dark chocolate on top.

Coffee drink with whiskey

Whiskey is truly a man's drink, but in combination with coffee and cream it will find a lot of fans among women. A soft, pleasant and slightly relaxing cocktail with a light alcoholic note will be the perfect end to the day.

Required Components

Step by step instructions

  1. Warm a glass glass for coffee cocktails.
  2. Pour 25 ml of sugar syrup into it (it can be brewed using a 1:1 ratio of sugar and water).
  3. Now add 25 ml of whiskey to the glass and set it on fire.
  4. Stir the resulting mixture.
  5. Using 2 teaspoons of ground Arabica, brew approximately 100 ml of coffee.
  6. Pour it into the glass so that the grounds do not get into it, or use a strainer to filter.
  7. Garnish the drink with 3 tbsp. spoons of cream.
  8. Decorate with coffee beans.

Coffee punch with alcohol

This punch is incredibly tasty, but also tricky. Its strength is quite high, because port wine and rum are added to coffee, so you should not abuse this cocktail. This recipe shows the proportions for a company of 6-8 people, and it is better to pour it into thick glass glasses of the “Old Fashion Glass” shape.

Required Components

Step by step instructions

  1. Prepare 500 ml Americano.
  2. Pour it into a saucepan and add 500 ml each of port wine and rum.
  3. Heat the mixture without bringing it to a boil.
  4. Add sugar at your discretion and completely dissolve it in the drink.
  5. Pour the punch into preheated glass glasses.

Cocktail "Cafe Brulot"

This drink has the property of burning and warming from the inside, which is why it has another name – “Devil’s”. His recipe was invented back in 1890 in New Orleans, but it still does not lose its popularity among coffee lovers.

Required Components

Step by step instructions

  1. In a small saucepan, place 1 vanilla stick, 4 cubes of refined sugar and pour in 50 ml of brandy and 25 ml of Cointreau orange liqueur.
  2. Heat this mixture for about 2 minutes over low heat, but do not let it boil.
  3. Now pour into cups (makes about 3 or 4 servings).

Coffee alcohol in French

The French, as true gourmets and aesthetes, came up with their own version of a coffee cocktail with alcohol. Its taste is distinguished by a delicate creamy taste with pronounced nutty notes.

Required Components

Step by step instructions

  1. Heat an Irish glass and pour 1 tbsp into it. a spoonful of brandy.
  2. Brew 100 ml of strong Americano in a Turk or coffee machine.
  3. Pour it into a glass of brandy.
  4. In 1 tbsp. add a spoonful of sour cream 0.5 tbsp. spoons of powdered sugar and beat with a mixer until a dense foam is obtained.
  5. Place it in glasses and sprinkle chopped nuts on top.
  6. Garnish with lemon zest if desired.

Coffee cocktail "Karsk"

Required Components

Step by step instructions

  1. Place a clean coin in a small glass goblet.
  2. First pour 60 ml of espresso prepared in advance so that the coin is not visible at the bottom.
  3. Now pour in 60 ml of vodka.

Mexicans are very proud of their national drink, so they often add it to various cocktails and even dishes. This drink is no exception, although in essence it is in many ways similar to previous recipes.

Required Components

Step by step instructions

  1. Pour 30 ml of tequila into a glass glass.
  2. Top with pre-prepared hot Americano (80 ml).
  3. Carefully pour in 30 ml of cocoa liqueur.
  4. Spread whipped cream on top.

Initially, back in the 17th century, this cocktail was prepared on the basis of -beer-, but then they began to replace this ingredient with coffee. It is recommended to drink this drink with a high alcohol content during the off-season in damp and cold weather, as it has good warming and anti-cold properties.

Required Components

Step by step instructions

  1. In a small saucepan, combine 90 ml port, 30 ml brandy and 15 ml ristretto.
  2. Beat 1 raw egg with 30 ml of cream until foamy using a mixer.
  3. Pour the coffee mixture into a glass glass.
  4. Place creamy egg foam on top.
  5. Sprinkle with a pinch of ground nutmeg.

This unexpected combination will surprise even the most discerning gourmets. Try it, we are sure that you will not remain indifferent to this delicate and refined taste with a slight hint of alcohol.

Required Components

Step by step instructions

  1. Place 2 teaspoons of Arabica coffee in a saucepan and pour 200 ml of water on top.
  2. Cook over low heat.
  3. As soon as the foam begins to rise, pour 4 tbsp into the saucepan. spoons of champagne without gas.
  4. Add 0.5 teaspoon of vanilla flavored sugar.
  5. Remove from heat and pour into small glass glasses or glasses.

Video with other cooking recipes

  • We present to your attention a video from a professional bartender with a recipe for making the famous Irish coffee.

  • In this video you will learn the recipe for an original coffee cocktail with vodka and “coffee liqueur”, called “Espresso Martini”. This drink was invented in England in the eighties of the last century and is still prepared in many establishments in London.

If you liked the idea of ​​mixing coffee with different types of alcohol, then we suggest you try these combinations:

  • , to which instead of cream you can add a piece of ice cream;
  • , which can have a completely new taste each time, depending on the chosen brand and type of liqueur itself (we definitely recommend trying Italian).

Now that you know so many different options for preparing alcoholic coffee drinks, you can make drinking your favorite drink more varied and enjoyable. Share your comments and live in style!

Coffee cocktails are incredibly popular among adults due to their extraordinary taste, aroma and tonic effect. Coffee lovers should definitely try making cocktails with coffee, there are a great many recipes for them. Such drinks are also good because they require a minimum of effort and time to prepare. In addition, coffee goes well with dairy products, chocolate, fruits and alcohol. So, you can safely experiment and prepare drinks from your favorite ingredients.

Cocktails with coffee can lift your spirits at a time of loneliness, add romance during romantic meetings, and also charge you with energy and fun at a friendly party. With their help, you can get rid of banalities, diversify your life and add bright colors to it. Below we offer you delicious recipes that you can use as a basis and surprise everyone with your masterpieces.


  • dry red wine – 200 ml
  • espresso – ½ cup
  • sugar – 1 tbsp. spoon
  • cognac – 2 tbsp. spoons
  • honey – 1 teaspoon
  • lemon – 2 slices

Coffee-almond cocktail


  • strong coffee – 1 glass
  • milk – 2 tbsp. spoons
  • almond liqueur – 1 tbsp. spoon
  • whipped cream - 1 tsp. spoon
  • sugar – 1 teaspoon
  • almond petals – 5 g

Add milk, almond liqueur and sugar to warm coffee and mix. Decorate the cocktail with whipped cream and almond petals.


  • coffee – 150 ml
  • heavy cream – 20 ml
  • orange liqueur – 30 ml
  • dried orange zest – 1/8 teaspoon
  • powdered sugar – 1 teaspoon
  • orange slice – 1 pc.

Whip the cream, add orange zest and powdered sugar, mix and put in the refrigerator. Pour orange liqueur into black coffee and add chilled cream. Garnish the cocktail with a slice of orange.

Tropical cocktail with coffee


  • coffee – 7 g
  • white rum – 1 tbsp. spoon
  • coconut syrup – 1 teaspoon
  • whipped cream - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • water – 150 ml

Brew strong espresso, add rum and coconut milk, whisk everything lightly. Spread whipped cream on top.

Cocktail with coffee "Sky"


  • Americano coffee – 70 ml
  • vanilla ice cream – 50 g
  • cream – 2 tbsp. spoons
  • whiskey – 1 tbsp. spoon
  • liqueur – 2 tbsp. spoons
  • lemon – 1 slice

Beat ice cream with whiskey and liqueur. Add cream and serve, garnished with a lemon wedge.


  • black coffee – 50 ml
  • champagne – 100 ml
  • tonic – 2 tbsp. spoons
  • ice - 2-3 cubes

Pour champagne and tonic into a glass and add ice. Then pour in cold sweet coffee and serve without stirring.

Banana-coffee ice cocktail


  • coffee – 1 cup
  • banana – 1/2 pcs.
  • cream – 50 ml
  • cognac – 1 tbsp. spoon
  • coffee – 1 teaspoon
  • ice – 2 cubes

Whisk coffee, cream, cognac and half a banana in a mixer. Add ice to this mixture. Decorate with banana slices sprinkled with finely ground coffee.

Fruit cocktail with coffee


  • cold coffee – 150-200 ml
  • creamy ice cream – 1 scoop
  • apple juice – 1 tbsp. spoon
  • orange zest – ½ teaspoon
  • granulated sugar – 1 tsp. spoon
  • chocolate – 5 g

Beat coffee, ice cream, granulated sugar and apple juice in a mixer. Sprinkle with orange zest and grated chocolate.


  • instant coffee – 1 teaspoon
  • water – 150 ml
  • blackcurrant juice – 100 ml
  • sugar – 1 teaspoon
  • liqueur – 1 teaspoon

Brew coffee, add sugar and pour blackcurrant juice and a spoonful of alcoholic liqueur into it.

Coffee cocktail with tequila


  • strong espresso – 200 ml
  • tequila – 2 tbsp. spoons
  • lime – ½ pc.
  • ice - 3 cubes
  • sugar – ½ teaspoon

Pour tequila into chilled coffee and add sugar. Squeeze the juice of half a lime and add ice.

Three-color cocktail with coffee


  • coffee – 120 ml
  • caramel syrup – 50 ml
  • fresh orange – 100 ml

Pour caramel syrup into a glass, pour orange juice using a bar spoon, and pour coffee on top.


  • double espresso – 150 ml
  • vanilla sugar – ½ teaspoon
  • almonds, cashews and pistachios – 10 g each
  • Kahlua liqueur – 1 tbsp. spoon
  • ice - 3 cubes

Beat nuts, coffee and vanilla sugar in a blender. Add liqueur and ice.

A coffee cocktail is a tasty and aromatic drink that is easy to prepare at home. And today we will share with you original recipes that you can implement in your kitchen using available ingredients.

Coffee cocktail “Bulldog”

This delicious drink has a pronounced aroma of almonds and spices. For one serving you will need:

  • 35 ml Amaretto liqueur.
  • 10 ml any
  • 120 ml low-fat fresh milk.
  • One scoop of creamy ice cream.

Coffee-orange cocktail

This drink will give you energy and lift your spirits. For it you will need:

  • 150 ml coffee.
  • 20 ml heavy cream.
  • 30 ml orange liqueur.
  • A pinch of orange zest.
  • A teaspoon of powdered sugar.
  • One orange slice.

How to make a coffee cocktail?

  • Beat the cream with a mixer, then add the zest and powdered sugar. Mix the ingredients and place them in the refrigerator.
  • Combine with liqueur.

Garnish the cocktail with chilled cream and a slice of orange.

Ice cocktail with coffee-nut flavor

We invite you to try another drink with an unusual taste.


  • Double espresso - 150 ml.
  • Vanilla sugar - half a teaspoon.
  • 10 grams each of pistachios, cashews and almonds.
  • Kahlua liqueur - one tablespoon.
  • Ice - three cubes.

Combine the ingredients in a shaker and shake them together for a couple of minutes. Pour the drink into a glass and add ice.


Coffee cocktails, the recipes for which we have collected in this article, can be prepared on weekdays and holidays. You will certainly enjoy their original rich taste and pleasant aroma.
