Spooky mocktails for Halloween. Alcoholic drinks for Halloween: ideas and examples of cocktails Halloween cocktail menu

When creating a holiday themed party, decorations will be required even for cocktails, and we will provide ideas for such decoration below.

Halloween Punch - Recipe

Punch is often called the Halloween potion. You can decorate and color it to your taste, but we decided to go with the most original option – a punch with a severed hand.


  • – 540 ml;
  • – 1.4 l;
  • limes – 3 pcs.


Mix cranberry juice with lemonade and lime wedges. Leave the drink to cool until served.

Meanwhile, prepare the main decorative element. For the severed hand, fill a regular rubber glove with water. You can tint the water in the glove if desired, or put gummy worms or spiders in it. Filled gloves should be tied and left horizontally in the freezer until completely hardened.

Remove the seals from your frozen hands (you might even break off a couple of icy fingers) and put them in the drink.

The Halloween potion recipe will benefit from jelly vampire teeth and spiders, as well as streaks of blood flowing from the punch bowl.

Halloween Mocktails

For the simplest Halloween mocktail, all you need is Sprite, some ice, grenadine syrup and a few syringes.

Grenadine in syringes imitates blood and will dissolve beautifully when combined with syrup. So that guests do not miss all this beauty, they will mix the ingredients themselves.

Fill small syringes with grenadine.

Pour the Sprite into glasses, add ice, and just before serving, add the Spitz into them.

To make Halloween-themed non-alcoholic cocktails even more festive, you can add ice cubes with plastic spiders frozen in them. Instruct your guests to drink this additive through a straw for safety reasons.

Decorating alcoholic cocktails for Halloween


For the cocktail:

  • vodka – 55 ml;
  • cognac – 15 ml;
  • blood orange juice – 60 ml.

For "blood":

  • corn syrup;
  • red gel food coloring.


Prepare “blood” for decorating glasses. To do this, mix a couple drops of gel food coloring with corn syrup.

Dip glasses and glasses into the syrup, swirl and turn over, watching the artificial blood run down the edges.

Mix the cocktail ingredients and pour them into decorated glasses. If desired, each glass can be supplemented with plastic vampire teeth.

When planning a Halloween party, cocktail recipes take a back seat to the decorations. It is still important to pay special attention to the decoration of the glasses, which will definitely delight all the guests!

Are you planning to prepare delicious and original cocktails for Halloween? Then our article today is especially for you!

Remember that the main thing in cocktails for a scary holiday is not the composition, but the appearance! Therefore, try to decorate all the drinks you serve on this day in an original way!

Just below you will find a selection of photos on cocktail decoration, and at the end of the article you will find recipes for delicious and easy-to-prepare drinks!

To get the same effect as in the picture above, just add homemade raspberry syrup to the orange juice from a syringe :).


White Witch: ½ cup ice cream (can be vanilla), 30 ml vodka, 30 ml white cream cocoa. Beat for 10-15 seconds in a blender at low speed. Pour into a glass and decorate with a broom-shaped straw.

Black Witch: 15 ml pineapple juice, 45 ml golden rum, 1 tsp. apricot brandy, 1 tsp. dark rum. Stir everything with crushed ice and place in a glass.

Black cat: 30ml vodka, 30ml cherry liqueur, cranberry juice and cola to taste. Mix vodka and liqueur in a shaker, then add cranberries and cola in equal quantities to the glass.

Witch's brew: 15 ml apricot liqueur, 15 ml grenadine, 15 ml lime juice, 15 ml vodka, 45 ml cachaça. Beat all ingredients in a blender and pour into a chilled glass.

Toad: 30 ml vodka, 15 ml mint liqueur, 45 ml cream, 45 ml milk. Mix everything and pour into a chilled glass.

Black magic: 45 ml vodka, 45 ml coffee liqueur, lemon juice to taste. Shake all the ingredients and pour into a pre-decorated glass.

Halloween Mocktails

Bloody Punch: 3 cups cranberry juice, 1 ½ cups apple juice, 1 ½ cups cherry juice, 2 cups cola, 1 cup frozen strawberries. Mix cranberry, apple and cherry juices and refrigerate until serving. Before serving, add cola and strawberries. To create the effect, freeze ice in a clean cellophane glove. The sight of a hand floating in a push bowl will add to the fear :).

Blood soda: 1 cup corn syrup, 10 drops food coloring, 2 tablespoons vanilla, 1 liter mineral water or lemonade. Mix corn syrup, coloring, lemonade (mineral water) and vanillin. Wet the rim of a glass and spray it with food coloring to create bloody streaks.

Pumpkin puree:½ cup canned pumpkin, ¾ cup milk or vanilla yogurt, ¼ tsp. cinnamon, 1/8 tsp. nutmeg, 2 tsp. brown sugar, 4 ice cubes. Mix all ingredients and serve. This drink is very rich in taste and vitamins, so it is ideal for a children's party.

Green Slime Soda:¼ cup lime juice, 3 tbsp. sugar, 1 cup of soda, 1 spoon of sherbet. Dissolve sugar in lime juice, add soda, after final mixing, add sherbet and serve.

We hope our selections and recipes help you make delicious and fun Halloween cocktails! Happy Holidays!

Alcoholic drinks

Witches Brew for Halloween

The Witches' Brew is prepared in a large cauldron.
Mix 3 liters of pineapple juice, 1.5-2 liters of orange juice, 4 liters of Lemon-Lime drink, 1.75 liter bottle of vodka and 1.75 liter bottle of rum. You can pour the juice into a cauldron with chunks of dry ice to create a bubbling steam effect. (Be careful not to come into direct contact with the dry ice pieces). For safety reasons, you can put ice on the bottom of the boiler and place a large saucepan on top. A saucepan with punch or an additional container of suitable size can also be placed in a glass vase with dry ice.

Bloody Rum Punch for Halloween

This punch is easy to make and damn good. The drink is somewhat reminiscent of Sangria.
1 bottle of white rum
1/2 bottle of red wine
180 ml lime juice
180 ml liqueur
180 ml sugar syrup
2 limes
2 blood oranges
Jelly worms, spiders and cockroaches (for decoration)

Cooking method:
1. Mix all ingredients in a large bowl or kettle.
2. Add berries, chopped oranges and lime.
3. Place the punch in the refrigerator for several hours.
4. The cooled finished punch can be decorated with jelly worms and spiders.
5. Serve with ice in a glass.

Cocktails for Halloween

Halloween cocktails need to be in incredible colors! Giving a strong alcoholic drink a dark color is not a problem - many varieties of brandy, rum, liqueurs, liqueurs and whiskey have a dark color, and some balms are almost black. Absinthe, which when mixed with water gives a cloudy green color, liqueurs of all shades of red, blue liqueur “Hpnotiq”, as well as black vodka, come in very handy.

Black vodka is the main ingredient in Halloween cocktails. They are mostly simple and do not require mastery of a shaker. If you can pour layers of the cocktail without stirring, great! Black vodka is made from regular vodka with a strength of 40%, and “Black Catechu” is added as a dye - an extract obtained from the catechu acacia, which grows only in Burma and India. Produced by the British company The Original Black Vodka Company.

Black vodka Blavod (from the phrase Black Vodka) has an affordable price. You can purchase it, for example, in many online stores in Russia for $30 per liter. Its color is not pure black, but a slightly iridescent black-blue with a greenish tint. An interesting metamorphosis occurs with black vodka when it is mixed with orange juice - the result is a greenish-colored drink.

The original black vodka is really very impressive and has a “club-like” look, especially when used in layered cocktails. Even the classic Bloody Mary with black vodka looks completely different, like Halloween.

Cocktail “Ghost in the Cemetery”
The Ghost in the Cemetery cocktail is prepared immediately before consumption. Take a highball glass and place a scoop of vanilla ice cream in it. Separately mix black vodka and white cream cocoa. Slowly pour the black vodka and coffee liqueur mixture into the ice cream glass. Prepare this cocktail with nutmeg.

Cocktail ""
The cocktail looks disgusting and tastes delicious; it looks like brains in a glass. It is also easy to prepare: you need to carefully add Baileys liqueur to any strong alcoholic drink. This is done using a cocktail straw. We put the liqueur into a tube, clamp it with our finger so that the liqueur does not flow out, and release it into a glass with vodka or gin. At the same time, the liquor curls into balls. It is quite possible that to perform this trick you will have to practice a little.

Using grenadine, you can turn even an ordinary shot of vodka into a vampire drink: pour grenadine (bright red syrup) into the bottom of the glass, add ice and carefully pour in the vodka. The grenadine should remain at the bottom.

Cocktail “Creepy Screwdriver”
Pour ice into a tall glass and add ½ cup of freshly squeezed tangerine juice. Using a knife blade or using a teaspoon, carefully add 45 ml of black vodka, being careful not to mix the layers.

To decorate the rim of glasses (bloody stains), mix bright red opaque juice with swollen gelatin and heat the mixture until the gelatin dissolves. After it has cooled slightly, dip the edges of the glasses into the resulting “blood” and quickly turn over. Place the glasses in the refrigerator.

Cocktail “Hypnosis”
Making the Hypnosis cocktail is not at all difficult, but it looks amazing. Mix 60 ml of blue liqueur, 30 ml of vodka, 5 ml of lemon juice in a shaker. Strain into a martini glass. Decorate with a glow stick. Use a glow stick for decoration. The unusual appearance of this cocktail is simply mesmerizing! This is probably why the cocktail has such a name.

Soft drinks

« Vampire» punch

1 l. orange juice
0.2 l. pineapple juice
1 lemon
brown sugar (white)
gummy abominations (worms, spiders)
pieces of ice
volumetric carafe
Fill the bottom of the carafe with sugar. Mix lemon, pineapple and orange juices until foam forms. Pour into a decanter. Gummy worms can be hung on the edge of the carafe, or thrown directly into the punch, they will swell “terribly” there.

Punch with "eyes"

Place a currant, blueberry or rowan berry in the round cells of an ice freezing mold, fill with water and freeze. The punch can be any red or orange juice. Mix orange, carrot, grape, apple, etc. Pour the “punch” into a large salad bowl or cauldron. Just before serving the punch, put your “eyes” in it. An excellent punch will be made from black currants. And in the version for adults, you can make a mixture of champagne and orange juice.

In order to prepare "", buy a cauldron, add all the ingredients of the drink and stir the brew with a stick or broom. For an even more authentic look, use dry ice to create a foggy effect. If you don't feel comfortable using dry ice, you can place the fog machine at your desk. Add a spider (plastic or rubber) to the cauldron. Then add a handful of small spiders to the bowl. You can also place some spiders in drink cups where no one would expect to see them. Everything you need can be found in the nearest store near your home or in the online store.

They can be very diverse - here you can completely rely on your imagination. But the most important thing for cocktails on All Hallows' Eve is the decoration. Gummy worms, spiders, gummy jaws and more – anything “sinister” and “scary” will do. And don't forget to serve with your drinks to scare your guests into hiccups :)

Halloween Soft Drinks: Recipes

Cocktail "Sinister Punch"

One of the main non-alcoholic drinks for Halloween is punch. It's very easy to prepare.

For the sinister punch you will need:

  • 2 liters of lemonade;
  • 3 limes;
  • 0.5 liters of cranberry nectar or juice;
  • jelly worms and spider for decoration.

1. Squeeze the juice out of the lime.

2. Mix all ingredients and pour into a wide glass container.

3. Hang the worms on the edges of the container.

4. To make it convenient to pour punch into glasses, use a small ladle, the handle of which is decorated with a candy spider. The punch is ready!

Pumpkin Jack cocktail

For 1 serving of this cocktail you will need:

  • 1/3 cup each of pineapple and orange juice and unsweetened sparkling water;
  • 3 tbsp. l. ice cream (cream or vanilla);
  • orange for decoration;
  • black self-adhesive paper (you can use regular paper and food glue).

1. From h From black paper, cut out black eyes in the form of triangles and a smiling mouth with teeth. Stick them on pot-bellied cognac glasses. It will work especially well if the glasses are in harmony with the rest

2. Mix ki juice and sparkling water. Pour the mixture into a glass. Place ice cream on top.

3. Cut the orange crosswise into circles, and cut out small triangles from the unnecessary peel. Insert them into the middle of the orange circle - you have the top of the pumpkin.

4. Place it on top of the ice cream in the glass. Insert a black tube into the pulp. The cocktail is ready!

Cocktail "Witch's Potion"

For 6 servings you will need:

  • a bunch of mint;
  • 0.5 l green tea;
  • cherry or cranberry syrup or jam.

1. Brew sweet green tea and cool.

2. Pour the tea into a blender and add finely chopped mint. Mix everything in a blender.

3. Coat the edges of the glasses with cherry syrup, creating the effect of blood streaks, and place in the freezer for 5 minutes.

4. Once the syrup has set, remove the glasses from the freezer and pour the cocktail. Serve immediately.

Cocktail "Spider's Nest"

For 1 serving of cocktail you will need:

  • ½ cup each of orange and peach juice;
  • juice of half a lemon;
  • coarse crushed ice;
  • chewy jelly spiders.

1. Mix the juices, add lemon juice.

2. Place ice in glasses, pour cocktail and garnish with spiders.

Halloween Mocktails They will delight not only adults, but also children with their colorfulness. Plus they are very healthy and tasty! Bon appetit!

Halloween cocktails are a must at a party. And the scarier they are, the better the event will be. Themed snacks, makeup and outfits will complement the home “sabbath”. The main thing is not to overdo it with the tasting, otherwise you won’t need makeup in the morning - the faces will look like those of the living dead.

Historical sketch

Halloween is All Saints' Day, transformed from a Celtic pagan holiday that divided the ancient calendar of Celtic believers into dark and light parts. During Samhain (as this day was called then), death overtook everyone who violated the taboo.

In a modern interpretation, on the night of October 31, dark forces plunge the earth into darkness - ghouls, ghouls, evil spirits and all their relatives begin to commit atrocities. Therefore, until the morning of November 1, they must be carefully scared away.

Christians do not particularly like or honor a foreign holiday, although many treat it with humor and, having chosen the surroundings, have fun from the heart.

Halloween symbols:

  • pumpkin-lanterns - were made by the Celts to help souls find the road leading to another dimension;
  • Jack's lantern - a hollow pumpkin with a carved face and a candle burning inside - the legacy of a drunkard blacksmith who deceived the Devil;
  • Lembswul - a drink made from baked apples, doused with warmed apple cider, sweetened and seasoned with spices - meant that the entire harvest had been harvested.

Interesting! The holiday did not come to us from America; on the contrary, it came there with the first settlers from Europe.

Decorating drinks for Halloween

The main thing with a bacchanal of alcoholic cocktails is to decorate and serve it correctly. They should surprise, shock and touch the heartstrings.

You can decorate the dishes in advance or buy disposable ones in suitable colors, create a web at the bar from white thin threads, and also prepare a kit for making scary things.

Attention! Don't forget about safety! Always serve your decorated strong drink with a thin drinking straw!

Now let's move on to practice.

Creating Creepy Eyes:

  • Place peppercorns in the center of round marshmallows;
  • peel the radish, dig a hole in the center suitable for inserting an olive; place the resulting “eyes” on a skewer and place on a glass;
  • Dry the lychee fruit, fill it with strawberry or raspberry jam, and make the pupil out of blueberries or currants.

You can generally put anything into ice molds - gelatin worms, bugs, cockroaches, etc.

Drawings on the glass of glasses. We put the melted chocolate into a syringe and draw cobwebs or ghost faces on the glass of the inner walls of the glass.

Bloody stains:

  • dip the edges of the glasses in Grenadine and turn them over, waiting for “bruises”;
  • soak gelatin in red juice, heat until it dissolves, cool slightly (until viscosity appears), dip the edges of the glasses in the resulting “blood,” turn over so that the drops flow down the glass, cool the creation in the refrigerator.

Nasty-looking drinks are obtained when using jelly marmalade. These could be eyes, worms, jaws, fingers. At the same time, they can simply be dropped into the drink.

Olives, cherries, blueberries, citrus peels, etc. look great on a cocktail tube or skewer dipped into a glass.

Making a Severed Hand for Punch:

  • pour water (or gelatin melted in red juice) into a medical glove, tie the base and freeze;
  • before removing your hand from the latex, immerse the product in boiling water for 2-3 seconds;
  • place your hand in the center of the vase with punch, not forgetting to dip it into the drink before (you can also cut off 1-2 fingers from your hand).

Additional visual effects:

  • Brains at the bottom of the glass - achieved by introducing liqueur into any strong alcohol using a straw (it rolls up into balls);
  • Witch's Potion - before pouring the drink into the glass, place a couple of pieces of dry ice at the bottom (the cocktail will begin to bubble and smoke - at this point you can pour jelly cockroaches into it and stir theatrically).

Carefully! Dry ice should not be touched with your hands - this can lead to burns! But you shouldn’t be scared at all - it is non-toxic and completely harmless - you can drink the cocktail as soon as the ice has completely dissolved.

Little tricks:

  • choose colored liqueurs for Halloween (green mint, chocolate, etc.), absinthe, and black vodka (poured instead of regular vodka);
  • juices should also be bright - strawberry, carrot, cranberry, tomato, orange, pumpkin, raspberry, etc.

Now, armed with knowledge, you can create gothic mixes. And to make it easier for you to compose them, we have made for you a terribly fun selection of recipes for alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails in the spirit of Halloween.

Bloody Punch

  • light rum (for example) - 1 l;
  • cherry liqueur - 200 ml;
  • sweet red wine - 350 ml;
  • sugar (cherry) syrup – 200 ml;
  • lemon juice – 200 ml;
  • any berries - a handful;
  • orange slices - from 2 fruits.

The components are mixed in a large vase or cauldron. You can put an ice hand and gelatins inside.


  • cognac/brandy - 30 ml;
  • liqueur or – 15 ml;
  • fresh orange – 45 ml;
  • ginger ale – 15 ml;
  • a circle of orange according to the size of the glass;
  • strip of lime peel.

Shake all the drinks in a shaker, pour into a glass, cover with an orange round, into which you insert a lime “tail” in advance.

Creepy screwdriver

  • orange juice - 90 ml;
  • black vodka (coffee liqueur) – 45 ml

Pour ice into a glass, pour fresh juice, pour a layer of vodka along the blade of a knife.

Black Martini

  • liqueur Creme de Cassis (currant) - 20 ml;
  • gin - 130 ml.

This duet is obtained by simply combining ingredients. It is decorated with black gummy worms or two olives strung on a skewer.

Cocktail “Hypnosis”

  • - 90 ml;
  • Blue Curacao liqueur - 45 ml;
  • fresh lemon – 8 ml.

The components are combined using a shaker. The decoration is an eye or “smoke” from dry ice.

Dracula's Kiss

  • cherry tincture or vodka - 30 ml;
  • pomegranate syrup -15 ml;
  • Coca-Cola - 170 ml.

Pour ice into a narrow, tall glass, pour pomegranate syrup, tincture and cola.


  • peach liqueur - 45 ml;
  • liqueur - 45 ml;
  • Baileys liqueur or - 3-5 drops.

Combine melon Midori with peach liqueur and pour into a martinka. Drizzle cream liqueur on top.

Bloody brain

  • strawberry vodka Xu-Xu (strawberry liqueur) - 80 ml;
  • Baileys liqueur – 40 ml;
  • lemon/lime juice – 20 ml;
  • grenadine – 1-2 dashes.

Mix Xu-Xu with fresh juice, strain into a large glass. Use a cocktail straw to suck in the Baileys and, holding it inside, place the straw at the bottom of the glass. Release your finger, allowing the liquor to flow out. Drizzle pomegranate syrup on top.

Bloody Mary for Halloween

  • black vodka - 60 ml;
  • tomato juice – 120 ml;
  • Tabasco hot sauce – 1-2 drops.

Mix tomato juice with Tabasco and pour it into a glass with ice. Place vodka on top with a spoon. If you're a pro at layered cocktails, make several layers, alternating between vodka and juice.

This alcohol will not let you freeze if the October night turns out to be cold. It's perfect for both adults and children's zombie parties.

For 2 servings we take:

  • in the alcoholic version - dark rum, in the non-alcoholic version - hot tea - 120 ml;
  • apple juice - 200 ml;
  • lemon juice - from 2 fruits;
  • sugar – 2-4 tsp;
  • for decoration - slices of apples, orange, 2 cinnamon sticks, 2 slices of fresh ginger.
  • Heat all the ingredients except the decor until the sugar dissolves.
  • Strain into two glasses, distributing approximately 150-160 ml of liquid into each.
  • We also distribute the decor equally, immersing it in glasses with a drink.

Cocktail “Blood on the Snow”

This delicious drink contains no alcohol. It's perfect if you're celebrating Halloween with your kids.

  • milk - 150 ml;
  • creamy ice cream - 100 gr.
  • for ambience: whipped cream (can be from a can) and 1 tsp. syrup from any red berries, gelatin, grated chocolate, etc.

Creative stages:

  • Whisk the ice cream with milk and pour into a stemmed wine glass.
  • Carefully place cream on top.
  • Pour in the syrup. Do not stir!
  • Decorate with jelly candies, chocolate chips, skewer with berries, etc.
