Bai Mao Hou (White Haired Monkey) is an elite green tea. Bai Mao Hou – White Monkey tea

China has long been famous for its medicine. Traditional healers often use natural resources to make healing potions. All kinds of teas play an important role in Chinese medicine. Each individual variety has been carefully studied for its benefits to humans. “White Monkey” is a tea with multifaceted properties: in addition to its excellent taste, it has a beneficial effect on well-being and prevents the development of certain diseases.


The history of the drink goes back several centuries; monks collected it back in the 11th century. It is believed that the “parents” of the variety are the popular local tea bushes Da Hao Cha - tea with fibers, and Da Bai Cha - white tea. The product was called Bai Mao Hou (Chinese sound) - “White-haired monkey”, or “White monkey”. Tea has other translations - “gray-haired monkey” and “monkey with white hair.”

It has always been popular in the southeastern part of China, but it came to world fame only at the beginning of the twentieth century. Expert opinions regarding the variety differ. One group classifies it as white tea, the second claims that it belongs to green tea.


“White Monkey” is a tea that, when brewed, acquires a deep, rich golden color. The aroma is floral with a hint of orange sourness. The taste is unique, it harmoniously combines fruity notes (a characteristic of white varieties) and light herbal astringency (this comes from green tea). Such an amazing combination of varieties is a feature of Bai Mao Hou.

The leaves, long and of an original spiral shape, unfold during the brewing process and take on the appearance of small bamboo sticks. A transparent teapot will allow you to observe this curious spectacle.


Green tea "White Monkey" comes from China. More precisely, this is the southeastern part of the country and the northeast of Fujian Province. grown on Mount Tai Mu are distinguished by exceptional qualities and unique taste. The Fuding region has always been a center of white tea cultivation.

The cultivation area is located at 2000 meters above sea level. Fertile soils, a humid, mild climate and year-round heavy rainfall create ideal conditions for growing elite varieties of the drink. The incredibly beautiful coastal mountain region is famous for its crystal clear lakes and cold waterfalls.


“White Monkey” is a tea shrouded in legends. There are several options for this unusual name:

  1. This story is almost two thousand years old. The discovery of tea is attributed to ancient monks. Monkeys helped carry out the labor-intensive process of collecting raw materials. Their nimble little paws coped well with monotonous work. They did this quickly and over a large area. As a sign of gratitude, the monks came up with this name for tea.
  2. A long time ago, young Lan Yuan got lost in the Fujian mountain range. A couple of days later, when he ran out of all food supplies, the young man already despaired of finding his way home. Suddenly, in the fog, he saw a snow-white monkey. Looking into the young man's eyes, the animal began to move away. Lan Yuan hurried after him and went out to a tea bush, next to which a path was visible. After successfully completing the journey, he opened a tea farm. He named the drink that was produced there in honor of the savior.
  3. The divine character - the Monkey King - is highly revered in the Celestial Empire. He is a character in numerous legends, books, films, and cartoons. An invincible hero fighting demons. The tea received this name in his honor.
  4. A slightly prosaic option, it is associated with the similarity of the whitish pubescent buds with the appearance of animals, and the thin curled leaves resemble their tails.

In addition, in ancient times, Zhenghe (the province in which the Fujian region is located) was called the Land of White Monkeys.


The most important thing in working with Bai Mao Hou is to follow two rules: make the correct shape and preserve the whitish fibers. The production of the drink combines the technologies of green and white varieties and consists of several stages:

Before packaging, the tea is carefully sorted, removing foreign matter, and “White Monkey” tea is obtained. Its price is quite high: 10 grams costs from $5 and above. Not only manual labor is valued, but also the rarity of tea. Not much is produced on a global scale.


The correct sequence and adherence to simple rules when preparing the drink will help you fully experience White Monkey tea. Brewing itself can be a pleasant relaxation.

For proper welding, adhere to the following requirements:

  • Dishes. A porcelain gaiwan (cup with lid) or glassware is used. In a transparent teapot you can observe the opening of leaves and buds and control the color of the drink.

  • Water. Soft boiled water will be optimal. It is cooled to a temperature of 70-80 degrees.
  • Raw materials. For one 200 ml serving, two grams of tea (dessert spoon) is enough.
  • Brewing. Fill the container with tea with prepared water and immediately drain. It is not customary to drink the first brew; it is needed to rinse and rinse the tea. The raw materials are collected exclusively by hand, and this action is simply a precautionary measure. You can drink the next brew.
  • Infusion time. The first portion is kept for 30 seconds. Add 10 seconds to each subsequent one. Repeated brewing, one serving is used up to 5 times, will not spoil the White Monkey tea, the properties (taste and aroma) will be preserved. If you increase the infusion time, the drink acquires a bitter taste.

Thus, the cup will contain a maximum of vitamins and the unusual taste of the drink and its delicate aroma will fully manifest itself.

Beneficial features

Chinese medicine has used different types of tea in its practice since ancient times. White Monkey tea is no exception. The benefits and harms (user reviews are unanimous) from drinking the drink are as follows.


Tea lovers who have already tried the drink claim that it:

  • perfectly quenches thirst;
  • cleanses blood vessels;
  • improves digestion;
  • strengthens the immune system and tooth enamel, preventing the occurrence of caries;
  • prevents the formation of cancer;
  • removes toxins and other harmful substances.


If consumed in excess, the drink may not be beneficial, but vice versa:

  • cause allergies;
  • aggravate gastritis;
  • cause insomnia;
  • increase stomach acidity;
  • increase tachycardia;
  • increase blood pressure;
  • aggravate urinary tract and kidney disease.


Tea sommeliers in restaurants are always ready to recommend the best types of drink. The elite line also includes “White Monkey” green tea. The beneficial properties, along with the exquisite taste, make the drink an excellent addition to any meal. It goes especially well with cauliflower puree and fried scallops. Tea goes perfectly with shortbread cookies, fruit dessert, fresh berries, pastry cream, fresh berries.

White Monkey tea, better known as Bai Mao Hou, is a bright and distinctive representative of elite green teas. The plant grows in the northern part of Fujian province. It is in this region that tea varieties are traditionally grown, which have already gained worldwide fame.

Unique climatic and natural conditions have contributed to the fact that tea bushes with amazing properties are grown in the area. Local craftsmen transform the ingredients into a real work of aromatic art, the likes of which simply do not exist.

History of the drink

From this article you will learn:

According to ancient beliefs, the name of this aromatic drink hides 2 basics - the type of tea and the characteristics of its origin. The monks claim that several centuries ago they invented tea with a unique taste, and in the process of collecting its ingredients they were actively helped by monkeys. To keep the tea shoots intact and to do all the work as quickly as possible, very dexterous hands are required. As it turned out, it was the animals that coped with the task best. They not only deftly collected tea tree leaves, but also found the best ones. For the help they provided, the monks named the drink after the monkeys.

Production Features

The raw materials for the drink are prepared in early spring. To obtain real Bai Mao Hou tea, the purveyors use only 2 small leaves that bloomed the day before and one bud. They are collected exclusively in the morning, but no one prepares tea shoots during the day, which is due to the need for immediate processing of raw materials. It is strictly forbidden to use leaves collected the day before.

Very high demands are placed on raw materials. The pickers themselves are strictly prohibited from consuming food that contains garlic, much less alcohol. Masters claim that sharp and not very pleasant odors spoil the natural aroma of tea shoots.

Harvesters do everything possible to preserve the silvery fibers that cover the surface of the leaves and buds. Actually, thanks to their presence, tea received its original name. Large-sized leaves with a long shape, covered with white and very delicate hairs, visually have much in common with a monkey's tail. The value of the drink increases significantly due to the fact that this animal is considered sacred in China. A huge number of myths, legends and beliefs are associated with it.

Beneficial features

Connoisseurs of tea art claim that the White Monkey drink has a distinctive tint of emerald color. As for the taste characteristics of tea, you can detect notes of flower pollen, as well as characteristic orange sourness. Some masters claim that the aroma is filled with a light, subtle pine accent. It is not surprising that White Monkey tea in China is considered the lightest and sweetest.

Green tea (which is exactly what Bai Mao Hou actually is) contains many polyphenols. These substances neutralize the risk of developing cancerous tumors and also remove free radicals from the body.

Tea perfectly cleanses blood vessels, stimulates the functioning of the liver and heart.
The drink also has a beneficial effect on oral health. The aromatic liquid activates mental activity and calms the nervous system.

It is optimal to brew tea using soft or spring water, which contains a minimum amount of salts. The first brew serves to rinse the dishes, so you can use almost any liquid for it. You should also avoid tap water. The temperature of the liquid should not exceed 85 degrees.

For every 150-200 ml of water, take no more than 7 grams of White Monkey tea. It is recommended to cook it exclusively in a gaiwan or glass teapot. Just pour hot water over the leaves and let them brew for 2 minutes. Then you can pour it into small cups. It is not recommended to infuse tea longer, as the drink itself becomes bitter over time.

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Article: 01014


500 g



How to brew

Article: 01014


500 g


Green tea from Fujian province. The name comes from the historical place of production of this tea - Zhenghe County - “the land of wild monkeys”.

Moreover, the shape of the processed tea leaf is similar to a monkey's tail covered with white hair.

The raw materials for this tea are collected in mid-spring, selecting only 2-3 young leaves with a bud, covered with white fluff. The white fluff is preserved due to the combination of technological features in the production of green and white teas, for which Bai Mao Hou is often called white-green in his homeland.

The aroma of dry brew is sweet and fruity, with a slight freshness at the end.

Bai Mao Hou is rich in antioxidants that rejuvenate the body and helps digestion. It invigorates well and quenches thirst.

The infusion is rich, ivory-colored. Sweet fruity aroma. The taste is light, balanced and harmonious, with a fruity note and slight tartness.

How to brew

Brew at a temperature of 80-85°C, 2 teaspoons per 450 ml teapot, for 1-3 minutes. For the pouring method - 8 grams of tea leaves per gaiwan or tipod flask, for 5-15 seconds.

Bai Mao Hou (White Haired Monkey)- green tea from the north of Fujian province, harvested in early spring. Pickers go to the plantations at a time when the buds have already begun to bloom, and the first three leaves - tips - appear on the inflorescence. They are carefully picked, twisted just a little so that they release the juice and begin to wilt. After this, the collected tea is dried in the sun - usually until the end of the day on which the batch was harvested, and at night the tea is simmered in drying kettles over coals. At the end of this short process, Bai Mao Hou tea is considered ready.
This light processing of the tea allows it to be classified as a weakly fermented green tea, although some tea growers consider it a fermented white tea.

Bai Mao Hou or White-haired Monkey - the Chinese have long given a head start to other nations in terms of strange names, and this tea is no exception. According to Chinese beliefs, the twisted leaves of Bai Mao Hou resemble monkey tails, and the white fluff that appears on the sheet as it dries only enhances the similarity. But no matter how interesting the name of Chinese tea is, its essence is always more interesting.

This type of tea is grown in the traditional tea province of Fujian, in its northern part. For tea, take a bud and two adjacent leaves, but choose only those leaves that bloomed literally the day before. The plucked leaves are rolled by hand, which is why the tea leaves are so curved and thin. Next comes the process of drying and fermentation. Fermentation (15-20%) does not last long, usually no more than a day, and consists of “roasting” the tea at a low temperature. This is done to release the polyphenols contained in the leaf.

Fermentation makes Bai Mao Hou slightly tart, but not bitter in taste, and practically does not change its aroma. Bai Mao Hou is fresh and light, you can feel the breath of the spring wind, the aroma of wildflowers and fallen pine needles. As is usually the case, the aroma of Bai Mao Hou is a little stronger than the taste. As for the taste, its sweetness is very pleasant, not persistent, variable, the taste is dominated by either pollen with honey, or citrus, subtle sourness. Without this sourness, green tea would be of no use at all, because it contains a significant amount of vitamin C, as well as most of the known vitamins and amino acids.

Beneficial features:

Green tea is the best antioxidant that binds and removes free radicals from the body, which are a dime a dozen in automobile and factory exhausts.
Bai Mao Hou tea relieves fatigue, quenches thirst, tones, and eliminates headaches. Contains many vitamins, amino acids and proteins. Good for the liver and gallbladder - has a beneficial effect on the digestive system as a whole. Normalizes blood pressure. It is an immunomodulator and promotes concentration. Perfectly quenches thirst in summer.

Aroma, color of infusion, aftertaste: Soft, slightly tart and fresh taste. The tea has a long aftertaste. The aroma enhances the taste sensations, giving freshness and a light pine scent. The color of the infusion is bright yellow, with amazing emerald shades possible.

Brewing recommendations:
It should be brewed with not too hot water (70-80C) at a ratio of one teaspoon per 150 ml of water. Brew 3-4 times. The first brew should be longer than usual - about 3 minutes. Subsequent ones - about 1 minute. The tea should not be over-steeped, as a tart bitterness appears quite quickly.

One of the brightest representatives of elite green teas is Bai Mao Hou (White-haired Monkey) tea. This tea grows in the northern part of the Fujian province of China. The area has excellent climatic conditions and rich soils, which allows for the cultivation of the best tea varieties, which are valued all over the world.

History of Bai Mao Hou Tea

There are many legends surrounding this unique drink. Ancient beliefs say that the name of tea contains two bases: characteristics of origin and type of tea. It is believed that tea was invented by local monks; they collected leaves from unique tea bushes, and were helped in the collection by agile monkeys. This was necessary to ensure that the tea shoots were kept intact and the leaves were not damaged. The monkeys were the best at this task. They only took the best leaves. For this help, the monks named the drink after the monkeys.

According to another legend, Lan Yuan, a young Chinese poet, went on a journey. Lost in the mountain fog, he could not find his way. When he had already lost hope, he saw a snow-colored monkey. She looked at the young man and began to walk away, without thinking twice, he followed her. Soon he came across a tea bush. To satisfy his hunger, Lan Yuan brewed tea leaves and drank the divine drink. His strength returned, his mind cleared, the fog cleared, he was able to find his way home. Later he returned to this place, organized a tea farm, and gave the name White Monkey to tea.

Bai Mao Hou tea production

The collection of tea leaves begins in early spring. In order to obtain high-quality tea, pickers take only two small young leaves and one bud. The collection is carried out exclusively in the morning, the raw materials must be processed immediately, so during the day those leaves that are collected in the morning are processed. It is forbidden to use leaves collected the day before.

Tea goes through four main stages of production:

  • The raw materials are dried, scattered in the open air.
  • The leaves are withered.
  • The leaves are heat treated.
  • The leaves are rolled by hand. The process is very important because it is necessary to preserve the villi.

The highest demands are placed on the raw materials for the production of Bai Mao Hou. Pickers must follow certain rules; they are not allowed to drink alcohol, garlic, or spices. It is believed that unpleasant and too strong odors can kill the natural aroma of tea leaves.

Tea masters make efforts to preserve the silvery fibers that cover the surface of the buds and leaves. It is because of these fibers that tea got its name -. Visually, tea leaves with long tips resemble monkey tails. The value of Bai Mao Hou tea is also explained by the fact that the monkey is considered a sacred animal in China. All sorts of beliefs and legends are made about her.

Beneficial properties of Bai Mao Hou tea

Tea refers to green teas. Experts note that it contains a large amount of polyphenols. These substances help remove free radicals from the body and help prevent the development of cancer pathologies.

Green tea stimulates the heart and liver, cleanses blood vessels, improves the condition of the oral cavity, killing unpleasant odors and bacteria. It is recommended to drink a tea drink to calm the nervous system and stimulate mental activity.

Tea contains a large amount of vitamins and amino acids. The drink can affect the pancreas, quenches thirst well, and removes toxins. By regularly drinking this tea, you can cleanse the body of toxins, prolong life, and get rid of excess weight.

How to make Bai Mao Hou tea

In China, a tea ceremony is held to prepare the drink. To prepare this aromatic tea, you need to use spring or any other soft water, the main thing is that it contains few salts. First, the dishes must be boiled with boiling water to warm them up. You need to take 7 g of tea. This is enough for 200 ml of water. Water should not be higher than 85°C.

The Chinese recommend taking a teapot made of glass or a gaiwan. Tea leaves are poured with hot water and left for two minutes to allow the tea to infuse a little. After this, you immediately need to pour the tea into bowls. It is not recommended to keep the tea longer to prevent it from becoming bitter. The infusion must be drained completely, only after this the tea leaves are filled with water again.

A properly prepared drink turns out emerald or light green in color. The tea has a pleasant aroma with notes of mountain herbs, slightly spicy. The taste of the drink is bright, floral, leaving a refreshing caramel aftertaste. White Monkey tea is considered the sweetest and lightest of all teas.

This tea is perfect for a hot afternoon. Having poured yourself a cup of this tea, you can relax, relax, and spend time having a pleasant conversation. This tea is easy to drink, after which you can feel a clear surge of strength.
