White eggs for Easter. How to paint Easter eggs in an original way: bright and simple ideas in photos. Beautiful stickers for eggs

Easter eggs have long been another way to express yourself. You won’t find any kind of design solutions in Easter baskets today. Pravda.Ru has collected all the latest trends and secrets of coloring and decorating your Easter basket.

Before cooking

Let's start with the simplest and long-known rules for preparing eggs for coloring. It would seem that it is no secret that before boiling eggs, you first need to take them out of the refrigerator. But not everyone knows that they should be kept at room temperature for at least an hour or even two, then the likelihood that the shell will burst will be minimal. It's worth being on the safe side with salt: just one spoon added to the water guarantees whole eggs, ready for coloring. The salt will simply prevent the protein from leaking out and forming white “growths” if the shell suddenly cracks.

The most experienced housewives masterfully pierce the shell with a thin, sharp needle. However, you must admit that the first option is much simpler and safer.

Finally, if you wash the eggs thoroughly with a dishwashing sponge, the paint will apply more evenly.


Well, we are ready for the most interesting stage. Now it's time to put into action the most interesting ideas and unusual trends of this year.

For example, have you ever thought that you can dye eggs for Easter not only chicken eggs, but also quail ones! It turns out very unusual, especially if you have both large and small dyes in your basket. Quail eggs are naturally spotted, so dyeing them makes them look marbled.

Did you paint it with green paint? Yes, that's possible too! Especially if, in the old fashioned way, you have managed to accumulate a lot of red onion peels in the house, then a couple of drops of the simplest green stuff in the dyeing solution will create burgundy-green or brown-diamond eggs. The main thing in this method is not to forget about gloves, otherwise you will paint not only the eggs, but also your hands.


Here are a couple of ideas for patterns on painted eggs.

Before dropping the egg into the solution, put money bands on it. You get beautiful straight lines.

Previously, housewives plucked off leaves from indoor plants, stuck them to an egg, and pulled it into a nylon... But in our century, any pattern can be made from masking tape, plaster or self-adhesive paper.

You can get checkered eggs if you put a vegetable net on them.


A dull but fashionable trend of recent years: natural dyes. As soon as everything eco-friendly and natural became stylish, housewives remembered that beet juice allows you to achieve a pink color, shades of yellow are provided by turmeric, lemon, orange, carrots, calendula flowers and even birch leaves. From blue to purple - these are hibiscus, red cabbage, blueberries, violet flowers. Green is spinach, nettle, and brown is coffee.

But there is a nuance here. If you dye with natural dyes, you will have to keep the eggs in the solution for at least a day and add vinegar to enhance it. But even after these ordeals, the eggs will still not be bright. Naturally, only white shells are suitable for such dyes.

However, in 2018 the most desired colors are pink and lavender. And if they are also marble, this is aerobatics.

Marble eggs, by the way, they do this... Color them in a light-colored dye (yellow, orange, blue). Let dry. Dilute a dark color dye in a deep narrow container (in a glass, tea cup): purple, brown, dark blue. Add one teaspoon of vegetable oil to each cup of dark solution. Stir until the spoonful of oil breaks up into many small oil droplets. Dip light colors into dark dye. Ideally do this once.

And finally, a couple of extreme painting methods...

We paint floss with threads. That is, we wrap multi-colored floss threads around a raw, room temperature, pre-washed egg and then boil it. It turns out very bright and interesting.

Don't have time to paint? Just wrap the egg carefully foil. It will be like pockmarked chicken. Just not gold, but silver.

Decoupage. You will need holiday napkins and gelatin glue. Cut out a small fragment of the picture, separate the top layer with the picture from the rest of the paper, lean it against the egg and coat it with glue on top.

Finally, the strangest trend of this year. White eggs for an Instagram photo shoot. I mean, they're not painted at all. They simply set the table with crockery, white porcelain Easter bunnies, white ribbons and... white eggs. Add here a regular Easter cake with white icing, bought at the nearest department store - and you're done, you're the most original of all!

No one will be surprised by the Danish word “hygge”, which denotes national traditions of creating comfort and happiness. But we also have them, says the author of the book “Hygge. Be happy like the Danes” - and classifies hygge activities as, for example, cooking pancakes for Maslenitsa and painting eggs for Easter. And if you think that you can only dye eggs on Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday, then you are mistaken!

If the Danes are “ahead of the rest” in the field of happiness, then the residents of Burundi were the most unhappy in 2016 - they have the last, 157th place in the UN “happiness” ranking. Meanwhile, Russia is in 56th place. Is it good or bad, a lot or a little and what is to blame for it - judge for yourself...

Someone will say that we do not know how to rejoice. Or maybe we’re just not used to flaunting our happiness? Life in our area has never been easy - before you have time to be happy about something, another attack falls on your head. Hence the hard-won folk wisdom: “You’ve never lived well, there’s nothing to start with,” “You have to pay for everything,” “It’s good where we are not,” “He who has not known need, does not know happiness.”

It’s as if we are afraid to frighten away our luck, we are afraid that they will envy us, they will start to “put a spoke in our wheels”, they will jinx us, steal - they will take away our happiness... So we don’t share the good things, preferring instead to talk about numerous problems and complain to each other for life.

But in general, we know how to rejoice and have fun. Yes, not anyhow, but noisily, widely, on a grand scale! So that sometimes the sky trembles and the earth shakes. And every time is like the last. Because “Fun is salvation from all troubles,” and also because “He who knows how to have fun is not afraid of grief.” So we drive away grief and failure from ourselves - we dance wildly, write jokes, laugh, and most of all, at ourselves.

Creating happiness on our knees, inventing holidays and reasons for fun - this is also our part. If you don't make yourself happy, no one will. So we also have our own hygge - our own ways of creating coziness, our own traditional entertainment and fun. Let's remember together. For example...

  1. Organize kitchen get-togethers with friends - how we like it. Viktor Likhachev said this best of all in his book “The Only Cross”: “For a Russian person, a kitchen is something more than a place for preparing and consuming food. A boiling kettle creates coziness, and the quiet light from a night lamp sets the mood for a long and calm conversation. Small a table - others won't fit in our kitchens - allows you to see the eyes of your interlocutor. Hear his breathing... And if you still have little audible clicks on the wall... Lepota..."
  2. Play “Russian Lotto” - the same thing from childhood, with barrels and cards. This game is good because the whole family can participate in it - from young to old. For the former, lotto develops attention, memory and reaction speed. And for others it helps them maintain their sanity for many years.
  3. Making jam (pickling cucumbers, marinating mushrooms) is another good tradition of ours. Where would we be without homemade preparations? In Russia you can’t live without a reserve, because you never know what surprises tomorrow has in store for you. Once the philosopher Vasily Rozanov was asked the eternal Russian question: “What to do?” To which he answered in all seriousness: “If it’s summer, peel the berries and make jam; if it’s winter, drink tea with this jam.” That's the philosophy.
  4. Bake pancakes for Maslenitsa, prepare various fillings for them, call guests, treat themselves properly, ask each other for forgiveness for the grievances caused over the year, and then all go together to burn the effigy of winter.
  5. Go mushroom picking. Remember how the inimitable hero Leonov from “Autumn Marathon” convinced a visiting professor from Denmark (!) to go mushroom hunting with him, because he believed that without this valuable experience, getting to know Russia would be incomplete? “Are there mushroom forests abroad? The man has never seen a mushroom forest! He’ll come back and have something to tell! Put on your boots and let’s go mushroom hunting - back and forth. That’s all business!”

This experience turned out to be truly unforgettable for the professor, especially considering that for him the foray into the forest ended in a sobering-up station. But, like a true Dane, even there he managed to “catch” his hygge, and at the same time enriched his vocabulary with the life-affirming expression “We’re sitting well!” In general, go mushroom picking! That's all business. What fun!

  1. Have a tea party with a samovar. It is difficult to imagine a traditional Russian tea party without a samovar. A clean tablecloth, elegant cups and saucers, bagels, honey, jam, and in the place of honor - a shiny, pot-bellied, smoking samovar - the general of the whole table. They had tea in Rus' slowly and on a grand scale - it was a ritual event, a kind of holiday. Over tea, long conversations were held, deals were made, matches were made, weddings were agreed upon...

The clattering fly, which was lucky to find some money in the field, very successfully invested the unexpected capital - it purchased a samovar. Follow the example of “The Gilded Belly” - get a samovar somewhere: ask your grandmother, find it in the country attic, or order it from Tula. And have a grandiose tea party - “with milk and a pretzel.” And most importantly, have fun!

Midsummer Day - also a little bit of hygge

“Whoever doesn’t go to the Bath will be a tree stump, and whoever goes to the Bath will be a white birch,” our Slavic ancestors sang, calling each other to their favorite summer holiday - Ivan Kupala. It has long been believed that on Kupala night, mermen, mermaids and other evil spirits leave water bodies, which means that one could safely swim in rivers and lakes until Ilyin’s day (August 2).

Water procedures performed on this night were considered special - people believed that water at this time cleanses the body and soul, helps to recover from diseases, and protects from misfortunes. But those who did not want to plunge were looked at with suspicion: were they not sorcerers, were they not witches? Otherwise, why stay away from water?

According to popular beliefs, water on Kupala enters into a sacred union with fire, so bonfires were always lit along reservoirs, symbolically burning everything bad in them. The girls wondered: they wove wreaths from wildflowers and set them afloat: the one whose wreath floated farthest could be preparing for an imminent wedding.

And those who were less fortunate - their wreaths sank or immediately moored back to the shore - could try to bewitch their chosen one on Kupala night. To do this, they had to run around the rye field three times. It was believed that the betrothed, while the girl was running around in circles, would certainly see her in a dream, find her in reality and soon marry her.

Herbs and flowers collected that night were endowed with miraculous powers. They had to be collected before dawn, dried and stored at home throughout the year in a canvas bag. They were treated with these herbs, used in magical rituals, and fumigated the home with them, driving out evil spirits, illnesses and need from it.

But, of course, the main lucky one was considered the one who managed to find a fern on this incredible night, blooming for just a few moments with a fiery color. According to legend, great secrets were revealed to such a person: he could see the future, find treasures hidden deep underground, understand the language of animals and open any locks.

If you are not ready to fully immerse yourself in the traditions of your ancestors - you don’t at all want to jump over a fire, look for a blooming fern in the forest at night, or run around a rye field - you can modernize the ancient holiday a little. Walk barefoot through the morning dew, collect fragrant herbs in the nearest forest, have a picnic with friends by the water...

Do you know that eggs in Rus' were written not only for Easter? This could be done all year long! Pysanka eggs were created for important, significant events: for a wedding, birth, construction of a new house, a long journey, for healing from illnesses, a good harvest...

Charm eggs accompanied a person throughout his life, protecting him from the forces of evil and helping him in all matters. Moreover, traditionally it was not a boiled egg that was painted, but a raw one. Neat holes were made in it on both sides, then its contents were blown out. After which the egg should be washed and dried.

When the egg dried, a suitable ornament for the occasion was applied to it (this can be done with a simple pencil). And then you have two options.

The first is more ancient and complex. If you decide to follow the path of our distant ancestors and do everything exactly as they did, you will need a special tool with a funnel at the end - a pisachok (brush). The metal funnel of the brush needs to be heated in the flame of a candle, scoop up the wax with it and apply the melted wax to the desired areas of the egg.

The egg is then dipped in yellow paint - the Slavs called it "apple tree" because it was made from the bark of a young apple tree. After which the eggs were again painted with wax to leave the yellow areas of the ornament unchanged. Now it was the turn of the red paint. And so on, layer by layer.

Eventually the entire egg was covered in wax. Then the egg was brought to the candle, the wax began to melt. It was carefully removed, and then a wonderful pattern was revealed to the craftswoman!

If the procedure for making a traditional Slavic pysanka seemed too long and complicated to you, choose the second option. You can modernize the ancient ritual a little by using ordinary brushes and paints, for example, gouache. The main thing is that the paints and brushes are new, the thoughts are pure, and the desires come from the depths of the soul. After all, pysanka is your letter to higher powers, your prayer for happiness.

Comment on the article “We dye eggs for Easter – and all year round: 8 ways to feel hygge in Russia”

I usually paint eggs with onion skins every year. Very rarely I can break up and give out a pile of Easter cakes. We dye eggs for Easter – and all year round: 8 ways to feel hygge in Russia. Easter eggs are a great opportunity to show your imagination, and painting eggs together with...

Today was the last meeting of this year with the business owner, it went well. Friends came to see my wife. We dye eggs for Easter – and all year round: 8 ways to feel hygge in Russia.

We dye eggs for Easter – and all year round: 8 ways to feel hygge in Russia. How to paint eggs: new ideas. Today we painted colored corrugated paper...filled it with boiling water and a little vinegar. already boiled eggs were painted with a candle and painted in jars with...

Hygge in Russian: Easter eggs, pancakes for Maslenitsa and wreaths for Midsummer.

Last year I painted white eggs and I didn’t like them at all; they were pale. We paint them with pearlescent dyes, which you can simply apply to an egg from a tube and paint with your hands. Do you eat eggs with their shells?? Dyes - in every second store for pennies...

For me, eggs that are painted for Easter are just eggs for Easter, without any additional words like Easter eggs and Krashenok. Easter eggs are a great opportunity to show your imagination, and painting eggs with children is a most enjoyable family event.

Why paint eggs on Thursday? so that they lie on the table warm for three days? Shelf life of eggs in industrial refrigerators at various enterprises at temperature conditions And I like this year. In the past, they started selling almost from baptism, and the trains were...

We will paint the eggs and knead the Easter cottage cheese in the evening. I'll have to paint today, I mean put stickers on the eggs, I'm leaving tomorrow until Sunday, so here are 5 ways to color eggs with the kids. Today we will teach you how to weave an Easter wreath from hay...

Where should I put cracked eggs?(. Teach me how to cook! ...but there’s not that much to eat...

Easter eggs: painting and decorating eggs for Easter. Print version. 5 5 (5 ratings) Rate this article. Every family has its own favorite ways to decorate eggs for Easter, but sometimes the tradition of painting eggs undergoes changes - for example, with the advent of children.

I asked why they paint the eggs themselves, because they believe, go to church, keep the commandments and fasts? The king became a true Christian. And in honor of this event, a tradition appeared for Easter to paint eggs." and non-believers, in general, they don’t exist, atheism is the same...

Off, about Easter. Tell me, please, when should I bake Easter cakes and color eggs? Today is the last day of sick leave, tomorrow I have to go to work, there won’t be time for that, just to crawl to bed :) I would try to bake an Easter cake today (I’ve never done this

about Easter. Interesting things on the web. About yours, about your girl’s. Discussion of issues about a woman’s life in the family, at work, relationships with men. I protest against greenery. My experience in the past was not successful - the color is pale and uneven. Why do you need to paint eggs with husks and other things...

And does anyone know any other ways to color eggs, besides food coloring and onion skins? Thank you. We advise you to read: how to paint eggs for Easter in an unusual way with your own hands. Popular discussions in 2016.

Yesterday I painted eggs and this is our first year of waste-free production. Usually a bunch of eggs burst, no matter how hard you try. I bought an Easter set at Perekrestok, cat. called thermal packaging for eggs. This is so lovely! The package contains 4 plastic cases, well, just like...

And paint the eggs? Those. According to church rules, there is a day when all this must be prepared? And in general, should all this be prepared on the same day or on different days? After all, Easter is made with cottage cheese, if it is made today, for example, will it be worthy until the resurrection?

TRADITIONS. We paint eggs for Easter. If you are not believers, treat this activity as developmental work with natural material, and your children, I think, will enjoy the whole process from collecting herb leaves to a delightful result.

We dye eggs for Easter – and all year round: 8 ways to feel hygge in Russia. Easter eggs are a great opportunity to show your imagination, and painting eggs with children. Everyone can paint eggs for Easter, but making an Easter egg with your own hands...

You can make a mosaic on eggs! Take egg shells and break them into pieces (it’s convenient to break them off with tweezers). You can pre-paint the shells and leave the eggs white. Or vice versa: paint the eggs and use white shells for the mosaic.

Easter is the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, the most important, bright and significant holiday in Christianity. The sinless Son of God shed his blood, rose from the grave, conquered death in order to give people eternal, new life, free from grief and sin.

This victory has been symbolized for hundreds of years by colored eggs, becoming an obligatory attribute of “breaking the fast,” family feasts and ritual offerings of Christians on the bright day of the manifestation of God’s mercy.

Stories and legends

The custom of painting eggs for Easter is common to Orthodox Christians in all countries of the world and dates back to pagan times.

The Slavs always symbolized the beginning of life, fertility, and spring rebirth. To appease the gods, they dipped them in blood and sacrificed them to propitiate the spirits. Testicles painted red were considered a talisman for the family, a guarantee of health, good luck and safety.

The Christian history of the ancient pagan rite is first mentioned in a 10th-century manuscript kept in the monastery of St. Anastasia in Greece. It sets out the church charter, according to which, after blessing the Easter gifts prepared for the meal, the abbot had to distribute painted bird eggs to the brethren with the words: “Christ is Risen!”

In Rus', on Easter Sunday, Orthodox Christians have since ancient times exchanged this greeting, kissed Christ three times, and given testicles consecrated in the church.

Easter eggs - natural, wooden, bone, carved - were given by a master to a servant, by a boss to a subordinate, by a rich person to a beggar. Eggs on this day clearly symbolized the unity of the Orthodox people and the equality of all before the one God, who does not look at faces, but looks into the treasury of the human heart.

Blessings of all Mary Magdalene to the Roman Governor

The Bible and Holy Scripture do not mention the ritual of coloring eggs. The stories and legends that arose on the basis of the Gospel do not have direct confirmation, but the tradition of making an egg a symbol of the holiday has confidently entered the list of Easter rituals.

The most famous legend tells of Mary Magdalene, who was the first to see the resurrected savior and began to preach about him in Rome even before the Apostle Paul. Mary Magdalene presented the Roman Emperor Tiberius with an egg as a gift with the words: “Christ is Risen!” In response, the ruler of Rome objected that it was impossible for a dead person to become alive again.

Immediately after these words, the white chicken egg turned red right in his hands, confirming the good news of Mary about the great event of that time.

A miracle during a meal

Another story about why believers paint eggs for the holiday tells about the meal of the Jews in Palestine after the execution of Jesus Christ.

One of those present at the table remembered Christ’s promise to resurrect on the third day after his death. To these words, another dining companion replied that such a miracle could only happen if the fried chicken on the dish came to life and the boiled eggs turned red.

A moment later, everything happened exactly as the doubting Jew had said.

The nobility of the egg merchant

The Lutheran Church adheres to its version of colored eggs, which has a direct connection with biblical events. The legend tells about the most tragic moment in Scripture, namely the procession of the Savior to Golgotha.

The cross that Jesus carried to the place of his execution amid the shouts of curses from the crowd was very heavy. A passing egg merchant, seeing the suffering and pain of the condemned man, rushed to his aid. He left the basket with his fragile goods on the side of the road, and when he returned, he saw that all the eggs had turned bright red.

Having believed in Divine intervention, the merchant did not take them to the market, but distributed them to relatives and friends, telling about the miracle that had happened.

Stones of Faith of Saint Peter the Apostle

One of the disciples of the son of God on earth, who later became an apostle and founder of the Christian church, was Peter. After Christ's ascension into heaven, Peter and other brothers walked around Judea and talked about their faith. In one city, evil people did not want to accept their testimony and began to throw stones to kill the first Christians.

And then a miracle happened: the flying stones began to turn into red chicken eggs, without causing harm to Peter and his comrades. Then those who abandoned them stopped persecuting the “heretics” and humbly accepted Christianity.

Why were eggs only painted red in the past?

There are many legends, stories and traditions that introduce where the tradition of dyeing eggs came from. They may have biblical roots and not have a religious origin, or be mythological and purely everyday in nature.

All of them have one thing in common - the red color of the shell from bright scarlet to dark crimson, symbolizing the blood of Christ shed on Calvary in the name of atonement for the sins of all people. In remembrance and recognition of God's great mercy and love, Christians dye eggs the color of their Savior's blood.

The non-Christian historical version tells of a prophecy received by the mother of the great general and emperor Marcus Aurelius. On the day of his birth, one of the domestic hens at court laid an unusual egg with red dots.

The Romans were distinguished by great superstition in various miracles and predictions, so the words of the court broadcaster about the great fate of the child, which became prophetic, laid the foundation for the custom of giving each other colored eggs on holidays.

In addition, the crimson color always indicated belonging to the highest nobility, and only representatives of royal dynasties wore clothes made of red material.

How do you color eggs?

At Easter, eggs are colored by boiling them in any broth, after letting it sit for some time. This method was used in ancient times and is preferred to be used now, since it is the “grandmother’s” method that remains the highest quality and safest for health.

The following will help give the egg bright, rich colors:

  • onion peel, cherry bark - red, brown, orange colors;
  • turmeric - yellow color of gold, a symbol of wealth;
  • beets - pink is the color of purity and innocence;
  • hibiscus, blue cabbage - blue radiance of hope and kindness;
  • brilliant green is a marbled green shade symbolizing rebirth.

Before Easter, a huge selection of artificial dyes, stickers, and transfers appear on sale, but natural dyes traditionally remain in demand. Their advantage lies in the fact that they not only color the shell, but also strengthen it.

How long does an Easter egg last?

Eggs began to be painted from the beginning of the Great 40-day Lent in Orthodoxy, since church rules prohibited their consumption at that time.

To prevent them from spoiling and so that they could later be distinguished from fresh raw ones, the eggs were boiled in onion peels, smeared with sunflower oil and stored until the bright day of Christ.

According to Orthodox tradition, the consecrated egg must be kept behind the icons for a year until the next Great Sunday, as it has healing and magical properties.

An Easter egg, like an ordinary one, does not need to be eaten after the expiration date, but if precautions are taken, it can retain its attractiveness for a long time and become a visual symbol of eternal divine life in the house.

Video: how did the tradition of coloring Easter eggs begin?

I offer you several ways to color Easter eggs.

Easter eggs are a significant attribute of Easter, along with and. We have already prepared all this and even one.

Today we will look at and prepare painted Easter eggs for the celebration.

There are probably a hundred or even more ways to dye eggs.

We will look at some of the most interesting and simple ones.

How to paint eggs for Easter. Coloring Easter eggs step by step with photos

First you need to prepare the eggs. This is very important for the eggs to be beautiful.


  1. How to prepare eggs for Easter painting


1. It is best to buy white eggs because they take paint better. Eggs must be washed thoroughly.

Usually the eggs are marked with a mark, date of release, and other things. This mark must be washed off, because it will show through any paint.

If it does not wash off with a sponge and warm water, try it with baking soda powder and, as a last resort, table vinegar. This will not cause any harm to the egg, because we act on it in this way for a short time.

Do not press too hard on the egg. Since it is raw, it may crack. The egg must be washed thoroughly. Because only on a clean egg will the paint lie in an even layer.

3. And one more trick. A cotton pad should be moistened with alcohol (if you don’t have alcohol at home, use 9% table vinegar) and wipe the eggs with it. This is to remove grease stains from the eggs from your fingers. We process all the eggs in this way.

Do not forget! When processing eggs, they should be at room temperature.

4. Place the eggs in a saucepan and add a couple of tablespoons of salt to prevent the eggs from cracking during cooking. And fill with cold water so that the eggs are completely covered.

By the way, can you tell old eggs from fresh ones? When we fill them with water, the old egg floats to the top, while the fresh egg remains at the bottom.

5. Let the eggs cook. We will cook on low heat. Of course we will boil it hard-boiled. After they boil, you need to cook for another 7-10 minutes if the eggs are store-bought. If the eggs are fresh village eggs, you need to cook them longer, after boiling for 13-15 minutes.

Don’t forget, when you remove the boiled eggs from boiling water, be sure to dip them in ice water for a while, this is so that they can be cleaned better later. Just don't refrigerate it at all. The eggs should be warm when painting.

Well, we've cooked the eggs. Now let's move on to their coloring.

  1. How to paint beautiful eggs for Easter

1. Take a hard-boiled egg, wipe it again with alcohol or vinegar and wrap it in a paper napkin or paper towel, do not try to wrap the egg evenly, just wrap it randomly, as if you were crumpling a napkin (do not press too hard, crush the egg).

Pour a little vinegar, as if to get wet, from all sides. Press the napkin (crimp) more tightly onto the egg.

2. Take blue dye and randomly drip it onto the egg. Let the dye spread a little.

3. Take another dye, yellow. Also, in a chaotic manner, apply it to the egg.

4. Take the third dye, ours is red, and just like the first two, apply it to the egg.

5. Squeeze the egg with your palms so that the napkin sticks well to the shell. In this case, the napkin turns out to be one-color, evenly colored.

6. Before painting the egg, we need to make a stand for it. We take an ordinary sponge, stick English needles into it the size of an egg and that’s it, our stand is ready.

7. Place our egg in a napkin with dyes on a stand and let it dry a little.

8. After a couple of minutes, the egg has dried, carefully remove the napkin from it, trying not to smear the paint.

We got such a rainbow colored egg. Place the egg on our homemade stand again and let it dry completely.

  1. How to dye Easter eggs to make them multicolored

1. We will need small but deep plastic dishes. Pour a tablespoon of vinegar into each of them.

2. Pour the dye into each of the dishes, a little at first, and then you can adjust it after diluting the dyes with water.

3. Dilute the dyes with water. You don’t need a lot of water, about less than half. You will understand when you see what we will do.

4. Take the egg and dip it 1/3 into the dye. We hold it for about 2 minutes.

5. Take out the egg and blot a drop from below. We leave the egg to dry a little on our homemade stand. Since our egg is warm, it dries out quite quickly.

6. When the egg is dry, dip it into the next dye, again about 1/3, for 2 minutes. We take it out, also blot the droplet at the bottom and set it to dry.

7. Dip the remaining uncolored part of the egg into the third dye. We take it out, not forgetting to wipe the droplet from below, and set it to dry.

This is the colorful egg we got.

  1. How to paint Easter eggs with polka dots

1. Prepare two paints in plastic cups, yellow and blue, a candle, cotton wool on sticks and an egg cup. If you have some paint left over from a previous painting, you can use it. We light a candle. we need melted wax.

2. Dip the egg completely into yellow dye. Let's let it lie there for a couple of minutes, take it out and put it on a stand to dry.

3. The egg has dried out. Take a cotton swab, dip it in the melted wax and randomly apply dots of wax onto the egg with the stick. You can come up with something of your own. Inscription, figures, stripes, etc.

4. Literally let the wax dry for 10-15 seconds and add the egg to the second paint. Ours is blue. You can take any one you like. Let the egg sit in the paint for 2 minutes.

5. Remove from the dye, place on a stand, and let dry. Basically the egg is ready. We can leave it like this.

6. If you want to remove wax from an egg, warm it up a little next to a candle, in no case above the egg, just next to it. The wax melts and can be easily removed with a napkin.

  1. How to paint eggs for Easter with color transition

We will need an egg and dye of the same color.

1. Pour just a little dye into a plastic cup so that it only covers the tip of the egg a little more than a centimeter and lower the egg there vertically with the blunt end down. Leave it like this for 2 minutes.

2. Then use a spoon to add a little more coloring. Depending on how large the egg is and how many rings you want to make of different intensities of color on the egg, calculate how much paint you need to add. We added about 1 cm at a time. We also left it for a couple of minutes.

3. Add more dye and also leave for 2 minutes. And so on until we cover the entire egg, leaving the egg in the dye for 2 minutes after each layer.

After covering the egg completely with dye, let it stand for 2 minutes, remove it from the dye and place it on our stand to dry.

As we can see, all the stripes on the egg are visible. The egg turned out beautiful, with a gradually weakening tone of paint towards the top.

  1. How to paint striped eggs for Easter

1. Pre-color the egg blue. Next we need electrical tape. Cut off 20-25 centimeters of electrical tape and cut the electrical tape lengthwise into narrow strips.

2. Place the tape on the egg in a spiral. You can stick it however you like. You can also make the strip of electrical tape any width you want. In this way we cover the entire egg. Press the tape firmly against the egg so that there are no smudges.

3. This is what we got, covered with electrical tape. We dip it in the pre-prepared red dye, as always, for a couple of minutes. We take out the egg, put it on a stand and let it dry.

4. Our egg has dried, remove the electrical tape. As you can see, there is a blue color left under the electrical tape.

We got this striped egg in a simple way.

  1. Mosaic coloring Easter egg

1. We cut a lot of corners from electrical tape and now stick them on the egg, which was previously painted yellow. We try to glue the corners in the shape of a mosaic. Between the corners we make a gap of approximately 2 millimeters. We lay the corners in random order.

2. This is the glued egg we got. Dip it in red dye to get a roughly orange color.

3. Remove from the dye and place on a stand to dry.

This is the egg we got. Now all that remains is to remove the electrical tape.

  1. How to dye Easter eggs in onion skins

1. We will need onion peels, preferably from red and yellow onions. Eggs with already defatted shells. If you have not degreased them yet, wipe them with alcohol or vinegar. Squares of gauze measuring approximately 20 x 20 cm. Threads for tying gauze, a saucepan. There is a problem with the saucepan. After cooking onion skins, the pan is very difficult to wash, so choose a pan that is not needed or that you paint in every year. Or you will paint it.

2. For decoration, we will add various leaves and figures cut out of parchment so that the eggs are not so boring.

3. The husks need to be placed in a pan and mashed to crush. The size of the pan and the amount of peeling depends on how many eggs you want to dye. Fill the husk with water and put it on the stove to cook for 1-1.5 hours.

4. We begin to prepare the eggs. Take gauze, place a leaf on it, face up, carefully straighten all the ends of the leaf. Place an egg on a piece of paper. Carefully gather all the ends of the gauze into a pile and tighten it, pressing the leaf firmly against the egg. We twist the collected ends of the gauze into a tourniquet, then pull the leaf to the egg and tie it with threads.

5. We also make the following eggs. You can even lay out some composition of leaves on gauze. Place the egg in the center and tighten the gauze again. But for figures made of parchment paper, it is best to dip them in water so that they stick to the egg, and then put the egg in cheesecloth and also carefully tighten it.

6. Add salt to the boiling onion skins and place the eggs there.

7. Cover them all completely with husks and let them cook for 10-12 minutes over low heat. Remember that the eggs must be at room temperature, otherwise they will burst.

8. We take the eggs out of the husks and transfer them immediately into cold water to make them easier to clean later.

We cut off the gauze, rinse it with water and see how beautiful it is.

To make the eggs shiny, brush them with vegetable oil. The most convenient way to do this is by pouring a little oil onto cotton pads.

Well, the eggs are ready. They are perhaps not inferior in beauty to painted eggs.

  1. Original DIY Easter eggs

We took:

  • Eggs - 12 pcs.
  • Water - 2 liters
  • Vinegar - 2 or 3 tbsp.
  • Silk fabric (with different patterns)
  • Any white fabric
  • Rubber bands

1. To color the eggs, we took unnecessary men's silk ties, of which we had a lot. If you don't have unnecessary ties, just take pieces of multi-colored silk.

2. We cut the fabric into squares. Take the egg and place it on the front side of the silk fabric.

3. Wrap tightly so that the fabric does not move around the egg. We twist the resulting tail of the fabric at the top, thus tightening the egg even tighter.

4. Place the same piece of white fabric on top of the colored fabric. We also curl the tail. We secure everything by putting an elastic band on the tail, twisting it several times. We do the same with all eggs.

5. When all the eggs are prepared, put them in a saucepan.

6. Fill with water, add vinegar and put on fire. After the water boils, cook for another 15 minutes. Turn down the heat so they don't jump around in the pan. If only they would slowly boil.

7. After 15 minutes, take out the eggs and place them on a dish. Leave on a plate until completely cooled.

8. When the eggs have cooled completely, remove the elastic bands and unfold the fabric. Look at the beauty that appears from under the fabric. In this way we unwrap all the eggs.

These are the most beautiful eggs we got. Surprise your friends. Enjoy yourself.

  1. Very beautiful Easter eggs

1. Take hard-boiled eggs, ordinary colored napkins and egg white. We tear the napkin into 4 parts. Separate the top colored layer from the napkins.

2. Dip the egg into the white and swirl to moisten the entire area of ​​the egg. Place the egg on the wrong side of the napkin and wrap it. We tear off the excess napkin.

3. Dip the brush into the white and grease the egg on top, thus distributing the napkin evenly over the entire egg, while simultaneously pressing the napkin more tightly to the shell.

4. Everything is carefully distributed, the egg is ready. We make all the eggs in the same way. You can take different napkins. Accordingly, the eggs will be different.


11. Video - 5 ways to decorate eggs for Easter in an original way


Happy upcoming Easter to everyone!

Very soon the brightest holiday of all Orthodox Christians will come - Bright Easter. I am sure that already now, many housewives are starting to collect a variety of buns, cottage cheese Easter cakes, Easter cakes, pies and, of course, egg coloring.

There are many ways to paint eggs for Easter. It is this topic that I want to devote today’s article. If you decide to paint eggs beautifully and unusually, then this post is for you. Here I tried to collect the most interesting and original, in my opinion, methods on the issue posed.

This activity is quite interesting, and the most important thing is that the children really like this process. I still remember how, as a child, when my mother painted eggs on Easter, my sister and I also took part in this. Although at that time there were no various dyes, but a standard set of colors, we still really liked the end result.

And now you can buy paints in a variety of tones and shades, even pearlescent. But no one has canceled natural dyes either, and they must be taken into account. And if you use your imagination, you can get very beautiful eggs that will decorate the holiday table with their presence.

Tips and secrets for preparing and coloring Easter eggs

  • It is best to use white eggs for painting.
  • Before boiling eggs, keep them at room temperature for several hours. Most likely, the shell will not crack until the end of cooking.
  • It is necessary to add 1-2 tablespoons of salt to the water.
  • If you wipe the eggs with alcohol or soapy water just before coloring, the paint will lie more evenly and the color will be richer.
  • To add shine to painted eggs, after painting they should be thoroughly dried and rubbed with vegetable oil.

Easter eggs - marbled using napkins

By painting eggs this way you will get a very beautiful, marbled, rainbow pattern. Everything is done quite simply, and the result is simply amazing.

We will need:

  • boiled eggs
  • food colors - yellow, red and blue
  • paper napkins
  • medical syringe - 3 pcs.

How to paint:

We dilute 3 colors of liquid dyes (yellow, red and blue) in hot water. Follow the instructions on the package, as paints are different and each has a different ratio of liquid to dye.

Wrap the boiled egg in a disposable napkin.

Advice! Wear rubber gloves to avoid getting your hands dirty while painting.

Using a syringe, apply paint to the egg one by one. If you do not have a syringe, you can replace it with a regular teaspoon.

After applying the dye, you need to press the napkin tightly to the shell.

Leave the egg for 10 minutes for better coloring.

Let's unfold it and admire the result. To make Easter eggs shiny, grease them with vegetable oil using a cotton swab.

Rainbow eggs for Easter 2019

By dyeing the eggs using this method, they will receive a rainbow coloring. A great way that won’t take much time and will delight your eye with all the colors of the rainbow.

What do you need:

  • boiled eggs
  • food colorings

Dyeing method:

Just as in the previous method, in separate bowls we dilute 3 colors of dyes - blue, red and yellow.

First, dip part of the egg into red dye and hold for 2-3 minutes. Let it dry.

We repeat the procedure with yellow dye.

The final step will be blue paint.

The first and second methods can be done simultaneously. And in the end you will get these festively beautiful Easter eggs that will perfectly decorate the holiday table.

How to beautifully paint eggs with nail polish?

Easter eggs turn out very beautifully if you use regular nail polish for coloring. Look how beautiful it turns out.

You will need:

  • container with water
  • nail polish (various colors)
  • eggs (boiled)

Staining procedure:

For this painting method, it would be a good idea to use rubber gloves.

These are the beautiful eggs with a marble tint that you can make using regular varnish. Simply and easily.

We paint it speckled using rice and dyes:

It is very easy to get incredibly beautiful eggs using regular rice. The most important thing is that by using this method and experimenting, you can get a whole palette of different colors.

To do this you need:

  1. liquid dye of any colors.
  2. plastic jars of rice


Pour rice into plastic jars.

Pour a little dye and mix.

Place the boiled egg in a container with rice. Cover with a lid or hand and shake several times.

To obtain multi-colored specks, you need to repeat the procedure with the same egg, only with a different color.

Experiment and share your results.

Decoupage Easter eggs 2019

The decoupage technique means that we will cover the finished eggs with stickers. We use colored napkins as stickers. Let's see what happens.

Need to:

  • colored napkins
  • boiled chicken eggs
  • egg white

How to do:

Separate the bottom layer from the napkin.

Cut out the pictures you like.

Coat the egg with white using a brush. Attach a sticker.

Apply the sticker over the entire surface.

As you can see, everything is quite simple. And the result is excellent.

Marble Easter eggs in onion peels with green stuff

Would you like an incredibly beautiful marbled color for your Easter eggs? With this method you can achieve this result.

What do you need:

  • Onion peel
  • Raw eggs
  • Zelenka - 1 bottle for 10 eggs
  • Nylon (gauze, bandage)


How to paint in onion skins with a pattern?

If you want some unpainted design to remain on the painted egg: be it a leaf or a heart, or something else, then this method is for you.

Take a leaf from any plant or cut out any shape from paper.

Attach the stencil to the egg and cover it with nylon. Tie both ends with thread or elastic.

Boil the eggs in the onion skins for 15-20 minutes. If you want a richer color, cook longer.

Remove the eggs from the bags. Rinse with water.

This is how the drawings turn out. By the way, you can do the same with dyes. You just need to color already boiled eggs, but the technology remains the same. Happy creativity!

Striped Easter eggs - easy and simple

I offer another unusual option for painting. Striped eggs turn out to be very unusual and elegant. Everyone will be interested in how you achieved such smooth transitions.

Dilute any food coloring in 100 ml. hot water.

Place the egg in another glass and pour 1/3 of the resulting paint along the wall of the vessel.

After 10 minutes, pour in another 1/3 of the liquid.

After 10 minutes, pour in the remaining dye.

After 5 minutes, remove the colored egg.

By doing this with different colors you can get beautiful striped eggs for your Easter table. This process will take a lot of time, but the end result, I think, is worth it.

How to dye eggs in rags without dyes

Eggs can be colored without dyes. Silk rags come to the rescue. Men's ties are perfect for this purpose.

How to paint:

Raw eggs should be wrapped in pieces of cloth with the colored side facing the shell. Secure with an elastic band.

Wrap the top in rags and tie tightly.

Place in a saucepan, add water, add 2 tablespoons of vinegar and cook for 20 minutes.

Cut off the shreds. After complete drying, grease the eggs with vegetable oil.

That's the whole painting procedure without dyes. Just really?

Unusually beautiful “marble” Easter eggs

Another way to get “marbled” eggs. It is just as good as using onion skins and greenery. It turns out to be a very amazing drawing.

And this is done like this:

Pour 0.5 tbsp into water with diluted dye. vegetable oil and mix well.

Place the finished eggs in the dye and try to catch as many oil drops as possible on the surface of the egg. The more stains you get, the more beautiful the end result will be.

Blot the colored egg with a paper napkin (towel).

Jelly eggs made from gelatin for the joy of children

Easter is a family holiday, and it is very good when all household members take part in preparing for the holiday. I bring to your attention jelly eggs, in the preparation of which you can involve children.

What you will need:

  • Any natural juices - 200 gr.
  • Gelatin

How to do:

First, prepare the eggs. Pierce the top of the egg with a knife and pour the contents of the egg into a bowl. Eggs are quite useful for baking, so don't throw them away.

We rinse the empty testicle with water until clean water flows out of it.

Now you need to bake them in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 10 minutes.

Pour 10 grams into natural juice. gelatin and stir.

Using a small funnel, pour the juice into the egg cavity and leave overnight until completely set.

We clean the shell and you can use it.

Children will be very happy with these jelly eggs, especially if they take part in preparing them with you.

Cherry juice, orange juice, Coca-Cola, tangerine juice and tarragon were used here.

Draw on the eggs with markers (felt-tip pens):

And the last method for today is drawings with a marker on finished eggs. It all depends on your imagination. You can draw anything you want. And here is a small selection for you.

We paint colored eggs in the style of “Angry Birds” (angry birds)

You can draw beautiful funny faces (emoticons)

Or these unusual patterns would also look good

And if you don’t want to bother at all, then you can simply label each egg with the color you want)))

If you found the article useful and found something new for yourself, then by clicking on the class you will share it with your friends on social networks. Well, that's all.

Congratulations on Happy Easter! I wish you and your loved ones all the best. May your life be as bright and beautiful as Easter eggs. Be healthy and happy. All the best! Bye!
