Dishes made from garlic arrows. Recipes. Cooking tips. Recipes for cooking garlic arrows - Korean, pasta, soup

Garlic propagation occurs through seeds. A peduncle resembling an arrow forms in the middle of the bulb, where the grains ripen. At the very beginning, the tube is twisted into rings, but over time it straightens out. The inflorescence that appears at the top of the arrow looks like a ball. The inflorescence itself consists of small balls. The grains are inside these balls, and their shell is so thin that it resembles parchment. When the time comes for ripening, the “parchment” cracks and the seeds scatter around.

What to do with the garlic arrows that are left?

Cut off or leave

It is better to remove these buds immediately. This is what all experienced gardeners do. As soon as the arrow appears, the inflorescence is cut off, otherwise all the forces that should have gone into the development of the cloves will go into the bud. The sooner this procedure is carried out, the better.

In what cases is the arrow left behind?

You only need to leave arrows on some plants. It is by these that you can determine when the garlic is ripe. As soon as the inflorescences begin to burst, you can dig the heads with cloves out of the ground.

Some people remove all the arrows and use the calendar as their guide, but this method is not the most reliable. After all, the calendar cannot predict the weather, and the ripening period of the crop largely depends on it.

But if, nevertheless, the arrows were torn off, do not be upset, since garlic is quite tenacious.

Is it worth throwing away arrows?

Many people wonder: what to do with garlic arrows? They make very tasty dishes, and they can be cooked either separately or added to meat and porridge. They are salted and pickled, eaten raw, and some even manage to make jam from garlic arrows. So if the question arises about what to do with garlic shoots for the winter, then there are plenty of options. For those who love to cook, this is just a godsend.

But cooking is not the only area where straws can be used. What else can you do with garlic arrows?

Pest Control

Garlic arrows can be used instead of chemicals. It's all about the garlic essential oil. It is rich in phytoncides, which not only repel pests, but also kill pathogens. It is thanks to phytoncides that garlic has a specific smell and pungency. What to make from garlic arrows? You can make excellent aphids too. Such a remedy can also be prepared from tops and cloves, but the arrows appear much earlier, and they are the same in effectiveness.

You need to take half a kilo of arrows, chop them finely and grind them thoroughly until you get a homogeneous paste. Transfer the resulting mixture into a three-liter jar and fill with water at room temperature. Then the container is placed in a dark place for five days. Then the liquid is filtered. Afterwards you need to prepare a solution by mixing ten liters of water, fifty grams of soap and sixty grams of infusion.

This infusion is used to spray various crops affected by pests. It is best to treat plants in the evening or in cloudy weather. Spraying should be repeated approximately every four days. Often, insects disappear from such a product after the first treatment, but it is still advisable to play it safe. Another similar solution can be prepared from garlic leaves. You need to infuse 150 grams in ten liters of water. By the way, this solution is also suitable for the prevention of late blight.

How to get rid of carrot flies

These pests cannot tolerate the strong garlic smell either. And this is another answer to the question of what to do with garlic arrows. You need to twist two hundred grams of arrows in a meat grinder, and grate fifty grams of soap. Pour all this with ten liters of water and wait until the soap is completely dissolved.

Immediately after this, you can spray the crop. This remedy can be used against apple stem and caterpillars. The main thing is to spray the trees before the first color appears.

Medicinal garlic

Both garlic cloves and arrows are widely used in folk medicine. They are used to make both rubs and infusions against colds, as well as remedies for thorns and warts. And this is not the entire list of what you can do with garlic arrows to maintain health.

You can also make fertilizer from these tubes. To do this, they are simply added to the compost.

How to cook

Garlic is widely used in cooking. What to do with garlic arrows? There are a lot of recipes. The arrows can be used like regular garlic cloves. But there are also dishes that are prepared only with these tubes. Dishes can be of varying complexity and with any number of ingredients.

Simple omelette

Strict proportions are not specified; it all depends on personal preferences. You just need to beat the eggs with milk or water. Salt must be added. The arrows need to be fried in oil, perhaps with the addition of pepper, after finely chopping them. Garlic is considered ready when the arrows turn dark green. At this stage you need to pour eggs into the pan. Now you can reduce the heat, cover the dish with a lid and wait until fully cooked. This is the simplest option, but it can be supplemented with various vegetables and spices.

Braised tubes

This dish contains very few ingredients, the arrows themselves, salt, tomato paste (juice) and vegetable oil.

You need to fry the arrows until cooked, then salt them and add tomato. That's the whole recipe. Now the fire should be set to minimum and wait until they are cooked. The finished dish is somewhat reminiscent of spicy mushrooms.

Fried arrows

The same simple recipe as the previous ones. The tubes need to be washed and cut. Heat the oil well and put it in it immediately. Then the tubes will release juice, which is needed for stewing. But when all the juice has evaporated, the heat needs to be increased so that the arrows are thoroughly fried. It takes ten minutes to get the dish ready. This dish is served as a side dish and goes well with meat and fish.

Few people know that more complex dishes can be made from garlic arrows.

Pumpkin puree soup

The main ingredient here is, of course, pumpkin, but the unusual and piquant taste of the dish depends on the arrows. By the way, such a dish can be prepared for two days at once, it does not lose either its taste or beneficial properties.

We will need half a glass of fresh arrows, half a medium-sized pumpkin, about two liters of vegetable broth, leeks, a little olive oil, a couple of cloves of garlic, a couple of spoons of soy sauce, salt, pepper, and spices.

First you need to stew the onion in vegetable oil, then add the garlic and spices. Finely chopped pumpkin and broth are sent next. After the liquid boils, reduce the heat and wait half an hour. All that remains is to add soy sauce and grind the soup in a blender. The dish is decorated with finely chopped arrows before serving.

Meat dish

The fact that you can also make meat dishes with garlic arrows will also be a discovery for many. It is best to use beef here; there are no exact proportions; everyone prepares the amount of meat that he needs in a given situation. You will also need garlic tubes, onions, soy sauce, a little sugar, vegetable oil, pepper, sesame seeds, and of course, you can’t do without salt.

You need to heat the oil well in a frying pan, and then put the thinly sliced ​​meat there. Fry for a couple of minutes, then reduce the heat, add water and simmer until the beef is tender. Perhaps the water will boil away, then it will need to be added.

When the meat becomes soft, place chopped onion and garlic arrows on top of the pieces. Fry for another five minutes. Again you need to add water and simmer until the arrows become soft. This will take about five minutes. Then all the other ingredients go into the pan. There are only a couple of minutes left until the end of cooking.

And what is made from garlic arrows for the winter? Also a very common question.

Preparation for the winter

We are talking about a very interesting gas station. It is easy to prepare, but quite multifunctional. Essentially, this is a recipe for pickling garlic arrows. This preparation can be added to borscht, soups, all kinds of sauces, and meat dishes. With the addition of this dressing you can make an excellent garlic butter for sandwiches. Just take the butter out of the refrigerator to soften it a little and mix it with the dressing using a blender.

And if you twist the lard through a meat grinder and add this garlic clove to it, you will get an excellent sandwich putty. One of the main nuances when preparing such a dressing is that the arrows must be young. Over time, they dry out greatly and become fibrous.

So how do you make garlic paste?

You will need half a kilo of the arrows themselves, a teaspoon of salt and two tablespoons of vegetable oil.

The arrows should be washed thoroughly and placed on a paper towel or cutting board to dry a little. Be sure to cut off the inflorescences and cut the tubes themselves. It’s not worth chopping very finely, then grind them anyway.

Now the arrows are sent to a blender and crushed to a crumb state. Alternatively, grind it in a meat grinder. Now it's a matter of small things. Add vegetable oil and salt. It is worth remembering that, as with any other winter preparations, iodized salt is not suitable here. Only rock table salt. All that remains is to mix everything well.

Or you can put the dressing into bags or containers and put it in the freezer. Here everyone chooses the most convenient option for themselves. As it turned out, garlic arrows can be used not only in cooking, but also in the household. These feathers are so multifunctional.

Surely for many people our article will be interesting, since few people know that very tasty and original dishes can be prepared from garlic arrows. At the beginning of summer, garlic produces flower stalks, which gardeners must remove in order to obtain a successful harvest in the form of large heads.

Most people just throw them in the trash. We propose using green shoots in cooking and provide a selection of recipes for what can be prepared from garlic shoots.

How to cook garlic arrows

This is the above-ground part of the plant, which consists of long green “tubes”. They appear in June. After reaching a length of 10-15 cm, they must be broken off so that all the nutrients go to the development of garlic heads.

You can prepare a huge number of tasty and healthy dishes from the green part of garlic. You can make a sauce from them, add them to a salad, fry them, boil them in soup, marinate, prepare them in a special way in Korean, Chinese, or ferment them.

Peduncles grow in only 2 weeks. Of course, their shelf life is very short, but they can be prepared for future use - canned or frozen, prepared into oil, so that during the winter period, characterized by frequent epidemics of viral infections, they can be consumed as a vitamin product and medicinal product.

Garlic arrows improve digestion, intestinal activity, and prevent the development of atherosclerosis, hypertension, and infectious diseases. They can even kill dysentery bacillus, staphylococcus, and various pathogenic fungi.

Did you know? Garlic is one of the oldest plants, which was cultivated approximately 6 thousand years ago. Presumably, this was first done in Central Asia. And from this area the plant spread to the ancient Greeks, Egyptians and Romans. Garlic was brought to the territory of modern Russia by the Byzantines.

Cooking recipes

Below you will find a list of dishes that contain garlic arrows as one of the ingredients. We also offer you recommendations on how to prepare them for the winter.


The best way to store vegetables and herbs in winter is to freeze them. In this form, the green part of garlic retains most of its vitamins, attractive appearance, color and weight. Moreover, when frozen, the greens lose the sharp taste and bitterness inherent in garlic.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with step-by-step instructions for properly freezing garlic stalks.


  • knife or scissors;
  • pot;
  • spoon;
  • bags or containers for freezing.
  • garlic shoots;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

  1. We wash the green flower stalks well under water.
  2. Cut off the top part where the inflorescences form.
  3. Cut the remaining greens into 3-5 cm pieces.
  4. Place a pan of water on the stove and bring to a boil.
  5. Add some salt to the boiling water.
  6. Place the greens.
  7. Cook for 5 minutes.
  8. Drain the water.
  9. Let the green “tubes” cool.
  10. We place them in bags or trays. We tie the packages. We close the containers with lids.
  11. Place in the freezer.

In winter, the shoots do not need to be defrosted, but immediately placed in a heated frying pan with vegetable oil to prepare a hot snack. All you need to do is fry the onion and add sour cream.

Frozen shoots can be stored for 10 months. Re-freezing is prohibited.

Video: how to freeze garlic arrows


Having prepared fried garlic arrows, you will undoubtedly be surprised how simple, aromatic and tasty this dish is at the same time. Its taste is somewhat reminiscent of mushrooms fried with garlic. It perfectly complements potato, rice, and meat dishes.


  • pan;
  • spatula for stirring.


  • garlic flower stalks - 0.5 kg;
  • vegetable oil (corn, sunflower, olive, sesame) - 4 large spoons;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the garlic shoots.
  2. Place on a paper towel to dry.
  3. Cut into pieces of 6-7 cm.
  4. Heat the frying pan, add oil. Make the fire small.
  5. We place the shoots.
  6. Fry for 5-7 minutes, stirring continuously.
  7. Add salt and pepper. If desired, lemon juice and zest.
In another option, before frying the garlic shoots, boil them in salted water for 5 minutes. During frying for 15 minutes, add soy sauce (50 ml). After removing from heat, add sesame (powder) and ground red pepper (on the tip of a knife).

Did you know? The Americans named one of their cities in honor of garlic. Chicago - translated from the Indian language means “wild garlic”.

Video: fried garlic arrows

In Korean


  • pan;
  • spatula for stirring.
  • green flower stalks of garlic - 2-3 bunches;
  • vegetable oil - 40-50 ml;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • seasoning for Korean carrots - 1 large spoon;
  • bay leaf - 3-4 pieces;
  • granulated sugar - half a large spoon;
  • apple cider vinegar - 1 large spoon.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the garlic stalks.
  2. We remove the tops from them.
  3. Cut with a knife into pieces of 6-7 cm.
  4. Heat the frying pan, add oil.
  5. We place the shoots.
  6. Keep in the pan for 5 minutes on low heat, stirring continuously.
  7. Add salt, pepper, seasoning, bay leaves, sugar, vinegar.

Video: how to cook garlic arrows in Korean

Pickled arrows


  • pot;
  • spoon;
  • banks.


  • green garlic stalks - 1 kg;
  • water - 700 ml;
  • granulated sugar - half a glass;
  • vinegar (apple) - ¼ cup;
  • salt - 1 large spoon;
  • tomato paste - 500 g;
  • peppercorns, bay leaf, mustard seeds - optional and to taste.

Cooking method:
  1. Prepare the marinade - boil water and add sugar and salt. After a while - tomato paste.
  2. Wash the flower stalks well, dry them and cut them into pieces.
  3. Place them in the marinade.
  4. Cook in boiling water for 15 minutes.
  5. Add vinegar.
  6. Keep on the stove until the liquid boils.
  7. We put it in jars.
  8. Close with lids.

Did you know? Milk, a full-fat dairy product, or parsley in combination with cinnamon will help get rid of the strong smell of garlic from your mouth after eating it.

Video: how to pickle garlic arrows



  • pot;
  • spoon;
  • banks.
  • green garlic stalks - 0.5 kg;
  • dill - 3 branches;
  • water - 1.5 cups;
  • salt - 1 large spoon;
  • vinegar (4%) - 1.5 large spoons.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the arrows and cut into pieces of 3-6 cm.
  2. Boil water and put the pieces in them for 2-3 minutes.
  3. Then transfer the arrows to cold water.
  4. Place 2 branches of dill in a jar or bottle.
  5. Place the arrows.
  6. When the jar is full, add the remaining dill.
  7. Prepare the brine: place salt in hot water to dissolve, add vinegar.
  8. Cool the brine and pour in the arrows.
  9. Cover the jar with a plate and put pressure on it.
  10. Keep at room temperature for 12-14 days.
  11. Skim the foam throughout and add brine.
  12. Place the pickled garlic arrows in the refrigerator for storage.

With carrots


  • pan;
  • spatula for stirring.


  • green shoots of garlic - 0.5 kg;
  • carrots - 2 pieces;
  • onions - 2 heads;
  • vegetable oil - 7 large spoons;
  • salt, pepper, spices - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the flower stalks with water and dry.
  2. Cut into pieces of 5-7 cm.
  3. Cut the onion into half rings.
  4. Coarsely grate the carrots.
  5. Heat the frying pan.
  6. Add oil.
  7. Place the onion in the pan and fry it until golden brown.
  8. Add carrots.
  9. Fry the vegetables for 10 minutes, stirring continuously.
  10. Add chopped flower stalks.
  11. Add salt, pepper, spices.
  12. Fry until done.
  13. Before serving, garnish with fresh herbs.

Important! Garlic arrows must be cooked while they are still soft. Rough shoots are not suitable for food because they become fibrous and tough. After they are cut, their shelf life is no longer than 7 days.

Video: how to cook garlic arrows with carrots and onions


There are several options for preparing soup - regular and puree. We invite you to try both recipes.

Chicken soup.


  • pot;
  • spoon.
  • chicken broth - 1.5 l;
  • garlic arrows - 2-3 bunches;
  • rice - 100 g;
  • carrots - 1 piece;
  • onion - 1 piece;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the flower stalks and cut them into 2-3 cm pieces.
  2. Rinse the rice until the water runs clear.
  3. Cut carrots into circles.
  4. Chop the onion.
  5. Boil the broth and add salt.
  6. Place arrows, rice, carrots, and onions in it.
  7. Cook for 20 minutes.
  8. Serve with sour cream.


  • pot;
  • spoon.
  • chopped garlic stalks - half a glass;
  • leek - 1 piece;
  • vegetable oil (preferably olive) - 1 large spoon;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • pumpkin - 1 kg;
  • ground black pepper - a quarter teaspoon;
  • salt - to taste;
  • soy sauce - 2 large spoons.
Method for preparing puree soup:
  1. Pre-prepare the vegetable broth.
  2. Wash and dry the garlic shoots, chop finely.
  3. Chop the onion.
  4. Place it in a saucepan in preheated oil.
  5. Simmer for 6 minutes.
  6. Chop the garlic and add it to the pan.
  7. Cut the pumpkin into 2 cm cubes. Place it with the vegetables.
  8. Pour in the broth.
  9. Salt and pepper.
  10. Keep on the stove until the liquid boils.
  11. Simmer over low heat until the pumpkin softens (about half an hour).
  12. Add soy sauce.
  13. Cool the soup. Beat with a blender.

Experienced gardeners know: in order to get a large harvest of garlic, you need to remove the garlic shoots in time. Otherwise, these seed shoots will take too many vital resources from the plant, and the garlic will be small. But what to do with succulent and green shoots? Don’t throw away this storehouse of vitamins! Moreover, you can prepare a lot of original snacks and full meals from them. How to properly prepare Chinese and fried garlic arrows, as well as delicious step-by-step recipes with photos, you will find in our article today. We have also selected delicious winter recipes for you.

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Fried garlic arrows with bacon - step-by-step recipe with photos

One of the main advantages of cooking garlic arrows, which is characteristic of almost all popular recipes, is speed. Even if you fry them with meat, the entire cooking time will not take more than 15 minutes. You can see this for yourself using the example of a dish with bacon, the recipe for which you will find below.

Ingredients required for fried garlic arrows:

  • garlic arrows - 300 gr.
  • finished bacon - 100 gr.
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • sesame oil - 1 tsp.
  • pepper

Step-by-step instructions for the garlic arrows recipe:

  • Wash the garlic arrows and cut off the seed part, which is unsuitable for food. Cut into small pieces, approximately 4-5 cm in length.
  • Cut the bacon into medium pieces.
  • Pour olive and sesame oil into a deep frying pan. Add chopped bacon. Fry until a light golden crust appears.
  • Now add the garlic arrows, salt, pepper and mix thoroughly.
  • Keep on medium heat for about 3-5 minutes until they become soft and juicy. Serve with your favorite side dish, such as boiled rice.
  • How to pickle garlic arrows - recipe with photo

    Unfortunately, fresh and juicy garlic arrows delight us with their unique taste only for a few weeks in the summer. Therefore, enterprising housewives have long figured out how to stock up on useful products for the whole year. We are talking about pickled garlic arrows - a delicious spicy snack for the winter. You will learn how to marinate them in our next recipe.

    Necessary materials for pickling garlic arrows:

    • garlic arrows - 300 gr.
    • salt - 2 tbsp. l.
    • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
    • peppercorns -2 tbsp. l.
    • red pepper - 1 tsp.
    • mustard seeds - 1/2 tsp.
    • vinegar - 40 ml.

    Step-by-step cooking instructions:

  • First, let's sterilize the jars. Wash the arrows and put them in boiling water for a few minutes. Then immediately transfer them to cold water and also let them lie in it for a couple of minutes. After which we drain the water and transfer it to prepared jars.
  • Cook the brine: pour water into a small saucepan and add spices, bring to a boil and cook for 2-3 minutes.
  • Add a little sugar to the jars and fill with marinade. We also add about a teaspoon of vinegar to each jar. Close with lids and send to a warm place for a day.
  • How to quickly cook garlic arrows - recipe with photos

    If you have very little time to cook, but want to surprise your guests with an original dish, then try preparing garlic arrows according to our next recipe. It will take little time, and the taste of the finished snack will pleasantly surprise you!

    Ingredients required for the recipe:

    • garlic arrows - 300 gr.
    • salt - 1 tsp.
    • pepper - 1/2 tsp.
    • olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.

    Step-by-step instructions for preparing garlic arrows:

  • Wash the arrows thoroughly and cut off the seed sacs. Cut into small pieces.
  • Salt and pepper to your taste. Sprinkle with olive oil and stir.
  • Place on a baking sheet and place in an oven heated to 160 degrees.
  • Cook until a light golden crust appears. The finished arrows should be soft and easy to pierce.
  • Omelette with garlic arrows - recipe with photo

    Another incredibly simple and tasty recipe using garlic arrows awaits you next. If desired, you can also add other vegetables during frying, such as bell peppers or asparagus.

    Required Ingredients

    • garlic arrows - 100 gr.
    • eggs - 2-3 pcs.
    • greenery
    • sunflower oil
    • pepper

    Step-by-step instruction

  • Wash the garlic arrows and cut off the seeds. Cut into small pieces.
  • Pour some oil into a heated frying pan and place them there. Add salt and stir, simmer over low heat until softened.
  • Beat the eggs with salt until smooth, pepper and add finely chopped herbs, such as dill.
  • Pour the egg mixture into the frying pan and fry the omelet on both sides.
  • Find the best healthy recipes for preparing sorrel for the winter here.

    Chinese spicy garlic arrows - video recipe step by step

    Chinese cuisine is famous for its simple but original dishes and unusual tastes. Almost every Chinese dish is characterized by a vibrant mixture of salty, sweet and spicy flavors. Chinese garlic arrows are an example of just such an unusual flavor combination. Find out how to cook garlic arrows (recipe) at home from the following video recipe.

    Garlic shoots are undeservedly ignored by gardeners and are almost always sent to the trash. This happens due to the fact that summer residents are not well informed about what vitamins and microelements are stored in this ingredient and how they can be used in the process of creating dishes.

    Experts who have studied the composition of garlic bulbs claim that the amount of nutrients and vitamins is not inferior to the garlic bulbs themselves.

    The most important difference between the arrows and the heads is only a smaller amount of essential oils, which give garlic such a pungent smell.

    For these reasons, it is important to know what can be prepared from garlic arrows and how to use this element in canning for the winter is not only tasty, but also healthy.

    Fried garlic arrows: recipe

    Fried garlic tops are a very tasty and flavorful dish. In addition to the fact that the dish is tasty, its preparation should not be difficult, since it does not take too much time and does not require a large number of ingredients.

    To prepare the dish you will need the following products:

    • Fresh garlic arrows;
    • A bottle of vegetable oil;
    • Salt pepper.


    • Sort through the fresh arrows, wash and remove the finest components. Why should you choose only fresh products? Of course, overripe arrows practically do not differ in their characteristics from fresh greens, but after cooking you will feel the difference: ripe ones are tougher. Arrows whose thickness is equal to the inflorescence are most suitable for consumption.
    • Cut the washed and cleaned arrows into even strips five to seven centimeters long.
    • Prepare a frying pan with high sides and add vegetable oil to it. There should be enough oil, otherwise the delicacy will stick to the bottom of the pan, and this will cause you unnecessary difficulties and spoil the overall taste. Add the main ingredient to the pan.
    • Fourth step - add salt, pepper and other spices you like to taste. Of course, this is not necessary: ​​if you skip this step, the dish will still turn out tasty and aromatic due to the original taste of the main ingredient.
    • After adding to the prepared frying pan, the arrows will begin to release juice and stew in it. After the ingredient softens, excess moisture will evaporate under the influence of temperature and it will begin to fry. When the garlic tops begin to fry, you can turn up the heat: then the dish will be ready in ten to fifteen minutes.
    • Place the dish on a plate. The result of cooking can be eaten separately or as a side dish for meat or fish dishes. After we have decided on the recipe for making fried garlic arrows, you can familiarize yourself with other ways to use this ingredient.

    Stewing garlic arrows

    If you add a few vegetables to the frying process, you can get a wonderful, tasty and satisfying dish.

    In addition to the amazing taste, this dish includes many vegetables, and therefore vitamins.

    Here is a list of required ingredients:

    • Garlic arrows - 1 bunch;
    • Several carrots - 70 grams;
    • Onions - 70 grams;
    • Bulgarian pepper - 70 grams;
    • Tomato - 70 grams;
    • A bottle of vegetable oil - 60 ml;
    • Soy sauce - 30 milliliters;
    • Salt, seasoning and your favorite herbs.

    Cooking algorithm:

    • Prepare a frying pan with wide sides and pour the required amount of vegetable oil into it. Place the dishes on the fire. Don't waste your time: while the pan is heating up, peel the onions and chop them as you like;
    • After chopping the onion, add it to the frying pan.. Do not forget to stir the onion, otherwise it may burn on the pan and distort the taste of the entire dish. While frying the onions, prepare the carrots: peel them and grate them. After cooking the onions, add the carrots to the pan. The co-frying process can take about five minutes.
    • While the carrot and onion duo is roasting, wash and trim the fine bits from the garlic tops. Next, cut them in the same way as indicated in the previous algorithm. Peel and cut the bell pepper into strips. Add prepared ingredients to the pan.
    • Coarsely chop the tomatoes. Add them to the pan after the main ingredient has softened and changed color. If you don't like the tomato peel, remove it after pouring boiling water over the tomato.
    • The dish is almost ready, but you need to enhance its taste. Place soy sauce, salt, pepper and other seasonings to taste in the pan. It is important to note that you should not salt the dish immediately after adding the sauce, as it has a rather salty taste. Otherwise, you risk oversalting your food. Serve the stew, garnishing it with herbs.

    Recipe for garlic arrows: stew with pork

    The taste of tender pork stew can be complemented with the help of such a seemingly simple ingredient as garlic arrows. Try this dish once and it will firmly join your list of favorite delicacies.

    To do this, prepare everything you need:

    • 700 grams of pork meat;
    • 60 grams of arrows;
    • 100 grams of onions and carrots;
    • 70 grams of bell pepper;
    • Salt, pepper, spices to taste.


    • Prepare a high-sided frying pan or cauldron. Pour vegetable oil into the frying pan and cover it with a lid. The oil should be heated to a boil.
    • Cut the meat into medium-sized pieces (2-3 cm). Add it to the pan and fry thoroughly until the juices have evaporated. After this, you can move on to the third stage.
    • Chop the vegetables and add them to the meat one at a time. First, start adding onions, cut into rings, then grated carrots, sliced ​​pepper, and finally add garlic arrows. The latter should be cut a little smaller than in the previous algorithm: two centimeters is enough.
    • After softening the arrows, add the tomato and spices. Cover the mixture with a lid and serve the juicy, flavorful meat with a sprig of herbs. Next, we’ll talk about what can be prepared from garlic arrows for preservation.

    Recipe for making garlic arrows for the winter: paste

    This recipe will help you create a simple but delicious snack that will make you happy during the winter. The most amazing thing is that cooking requires a minimum of ingredients and time - so, it will take only twenty to thirty minutes to prepare.

    Prepare the following products:

    • Fresh arrows - 500 grams;
    • Salt - 5 grams;
    • Vegetable oil - 20 milliliters.


    • Wash thoroughly and dry the main ingredient with a towel. Cut the branches so that you can simply chop them finely.
    • The second step is to grind the arrows. You can do this with a blender until it becomes a paste or use a meat grinder. The result of both methods should be only a well-chopped green pulp. Add vegetable oil and spices to the resulting substance, and then mix.
    • It is recommended to place the paste in the refrigerator. It is also a good solution to place the mixture in the freezer in separate containers or ice trays.

    The appetizer can be spread on bread, added to cottage cheese or soup.

    In addition, pasta will add an exquisite aroma to meat or fish dishes, thereby setting a unique rhythm for the entire dish, turning it into a culinary masterpiece.

    Recipe for pickled garlic arrows

    Even the most ardent opponents of garlic will not be able to resist pickled garlic arrows. Their taste is in no way inferior to classic cucumbers, so this element can become a decoration for your preserves.

    To create this type of preservation, prepare the following products:

    • Garlic arcs - 650 grams;
    • Jug of clean water - 650 ml;
    • 60 ml. table vinegar (9%);
    • Salt, sugar - twenty grams;
    • Bay leaf - 4 pcs;
    • Peppers in the form of peas - 7-10 pcs.

    Step-by-step algorithm:

    • The first thing you need to do is sterilize the jars.. The specified list of products is enough for approximately two 500 milliliter jars or one liter.
    • Sort through the fresh twigs, wash them thoroughly and clean them of flowering particles.. After this, start cutting the arrows so that they easily fit into the jars. Place the sprigs tightly in a sterilized jar.
    • In a straight-sided frying pan, mix the ingredients listed to create a marinade.. Bring the liquid to a boil and pour it into jars. After this, you can proceed to the next stage.
    • Place a clean towel in a large container filled with water. Place the jars in it and cover them with lids. After the liquid begins to boil, keep the containers in this state for about twenty minutes.
    • The last step in the recipe for pickled garlic arrows is Close the jars tightly with lids, turn the containers upside down and place them in a warm place. A blanket can serve as a suitable place.
    • Next, the containers should be stored in a damp basement.

    Lecho sauce. Recipe

    This sauce is best eaten as an addition to main dishes or used as a tea snack.

    Garlic arrows ripen quite early, so this sauce can be made with the addition of canned tomato juice or by diluting fresh tomatoes with water.

    Here is a list of products necessary for making lecho sauce:

    • Garlic arrows - 1 kilogram;
    • Jug of clean water - 650 milliliters;
    • Tomato paste - 0.5 liters;
    • Granulated sugar - 100 grams;
    • Vegetable oil - 120 milliliters;
    • Sugar - 24 grams;
    • Apple or table vinegar - 50 milliliters.

    Step-by-step algorithm for preparing lecho sauce:

    • Sort out the fresh garlic tops, wash them and clean the stems from flowering components. Next, the finished stems need to be thoroughly chopped to about five to six centimeters in length.
    • Prepare a saucepan or frying pan and mix pasta, oil, sugar and clean water in it. Bring the above ingredients to a boil. After boiling, add the delicacy to the mixture. Cook the sauce for twenty minutes. Then move on to the next, final stage.
    • Add table or apple cider vinegar to the boiled mixture.. Boil the mixture with vinegar for about five minutes. After the lecho sauce is ready, place the ingredients in pre-sterilized jars. Next, cover the containers with lids, turn the jars upside down and place them in a blanket.
    • Store finished jars in a cool place.

    Recipe for fermented garlic arrows

    Not everyone likes sourdough options that use vinegar. In this case, you will like the following recipe for preparing garlic arrows for the winter, which involves fermenting spicy, aromatic and crispy garlic tops.

    Of course, this recipe is not one of the quick and simple ones, but all efforts will not be made in vain: the result will appeal not only to lovers of this spicy ingredient, but also to haters of the specific garlic flavor.

    Prepare the following ingredients:

    • One and a half liters of clean water;
    • Salt, sugar - one hundred grams.


    • Select fresh and suitable garlic sprigs, wash them thoroughly and dry with a towel. Cut the pipes into small pieces and place in a colander. After excess moisture disappears. Place the prepared ingredients into sterilized containers.
    • Pour sugar and salt into clean water. Wait until the ingredients are completely dissolved in the water. Once dissolved, pour the solution into jars filled with garlic chime pieces.
    • Prepare a prepared plate and place the jars in them. Cover the containers with lids and leave them in the container for five to ten days. During this time, the released marinade will flow into a deep plate. Next, you need to collect the marinade and pour it back into the jar.
    • After the contents of the container have fermented, it is necessary place the marinade in a saucepan and bring it to a boil. Pour the marinade into jars.
    • Cover them with lids, roll them tightly and store the preserves in the basement.
