Is the ceremony a ritual or an exaggerated politeness? Tea ceremony in China. The art of the tea ceremony See what "Chinese ceremonies" are in other dictionaries

A ceremony is the official part of a public event. For example, the opening of a new monument, the ceremonial launching of a ship, the presentation of awards to outstanding personalities - all these are ceremonies. However, this word can be heard in various variations without reference to high-profile events. It often sounds in private conversations and business conversations, acquiring unusual nuances.

Semantic meaning

In various dictionaries this term is interpreted approximately the same way. A ceremony is a ritual, that is, a rite performed in compliance with established rules. The word comes from the Latin caeremonia, which literally means “solemnity, reverence, reverence.”

In all likelihood, the first ceremonies were pagan or church rites. Today, this word also refers to the ceremonial part of social receptions, government meetings, international meetings and other events where protocol requires compliance with the rules of etiquette.

What are the ceremonies?

Marriage registration, church wedding, baptism, burial, wreath-laying, diploma presentation - all of these are, of course, ceremonies. When carrying out these rituals and acts, according to traditions and regulations, a number of actions are performed in a certain order. Ceremonies can also include, for example, the inauguration of the president, the inauguration of the governor, the reception of a foreign ambassador, the taking of the oath by military personnel, and even the changing of the guard at the Eternal Flame.

But sometimes this word sounds with an ironic overtone, which implies tension in relationships, exaggerated politeness, pompous speeches in everyday settings. "Let's go without ceremony!" This is a call to throw away conventions, be simpler in communication, get to the point without lengthy introductions. The meaning of the previous statement is benevolent, setting up a friendly wave. But in the phrase: “No one is going to stand on ceremony with you,” you can already hear a threat. It becomes clear that a person can be treated rudely, incorrectly, harshly.

The figurative meaning of the word “ceremony”

Any lengthy process during which objective or imaginary obstacles arise is jokingly called a ceremony. For example, paying for goods in a store, checking into a hotel room, obtaining a certificate from a housing office, and similar boring actions that are delayed due to compliance with unnecessary conventions or bureaucratic delays.

Sometimes the noun “ceremony” becomes synonymous with the word “shyness.” This is clearly felt in the following phrase: “Having abandoned all sorts of ceremonies, he decided to meet the girl he liked.” Or from I. A. Goncharov in the novel “An Ordinary Story”: “Well, I will continue to shave without ceremony, and you sit here.”

Chinese ceremonies

In the countries of the East, where tea is a traditional and almost sacred drink, serving it is elevated to the rank of a special art. The most popular ones are Japanese and Chinese tea ceremonies. In terms of time, this sacrament, reminiscent of a theatrical performance, can take more than an hour.

Each guest will be given the opportunity to smell the aroma of dry tea leaves, which will then be poured with water heated to a certain temperature. This will be followed by the process of infusion, brewing, mixing, pouring, and tasting. The person performing the ritual performs actions slowly, in a certain order, to the beat of monotonous music. Everything looks incredibly beautiful and fascinating.

In some European languages ​​there is a stable expression “Chinese ceremonies”. The meaning of a phraseological unit implies the fulfillment of unnecessary formalities in interpersonal or business relationships. The young man, when asked about the reason for divorcing his wife, replied that he was tired of the Chinese ceremonies established in her family. Every morning he had to call his mother-in-law and father-in-law to wish them a good day. The same procedure was repeated in the evening.

Interestingly, the phrase “Chinese ceremonies” has nothing to do with traditional oriental tea drinking. The origin of the phraseological unit is associated with the complex palace etiquette that existed in Ancient China. To gain an audience with the emperor, European ambassadors had to perform a number of intricate rituals. Not everyone managed to completely overcome these obstacles, which became the reason for the emergence of phraseological units.

Etymology of the word "ceremony"

The Brockhaus and Efron encyclopedia indicates that the term caeremonia (ceremonia) in Roman religion denoted any ritual that implied human communication with higher, divine powers. Philologists do not have a clear opinion regarding the origin of the word. Perhaps it was formed from the name of the Etruscan city of Caere. There is a version that it is based on the verb caedere (to kill, sacrifice). In the common Italian language there was also the word cerus, used in the same meaning as the Latin genius (demon). Nevertheless, the mysterious cult term of antiquity in modern speech has acquired a completely secular sound.

In the lives of Chinese people, tea has a special place, and drinking tea has completely turned into a separate art of the tea ceremony.

The Chinese prefer tea to other drinks even in the summer: it not only quenches thirst, but also helps improve immunity.

Tea ceremony in China - a little history

The appearance of tea is attributed to one of the main figures, the divine progenitor of the entire Chinese people, Shen Nun, whose name translated from Chinese means “Divine Tiller”. It was this hero who taught the people to plow the land, grow cereals, as well as medicinal and other useful plants.

Tradition says that Shen Nong had the head of a bull and a human body, while his belly was made of transparent jade. Shen Nong helped people treat ailments, and to do this he wandered around the country in search of medicinal plants, separating them from the often found poisonous ones. The healer tested the effect of the found herbs on himself. At the same time, he observed the effect of the eaten plant or its fruit on the body through his transparent belly. They say that one day he tried a new plant that was unfamiliar to him and as a result received severe poisoning. When he felt really bad, he lay down under an unfamiliar bush. Suddenly, dewdrops rolled from the leaves of the bush. Having swallowed this drop, the doctor felt a surge of strength and pleasant cheerfulness throughout his body.

From that time on, Shen Nong carried the leaves of this plant with him everywhere, using them as an antidote. And so it happened that he taught the entire Chinese people to drink tea as medicine.

In ancient times, tea was a drink for rich people. No one knows exactly when it became an everyday drink. At the same time, in the 1st century BC, tea was widespread and could already be purchased on the market. And from 618 to 907, the Chinese tea ceremony began to develop, and tea rooms were described for the first time

Over time, tea penetrated into Russia along the Great Silk Road. The literature reports that the Cossacks presented tea as a gift to the Russian Tsar in 1567. Russians were truly able to appreciate the fragrant drink already in the 19th century. It was then that the Russian tea ceremony was formed. We learned how to brew in the world famous Russian samovars.

In China, the tea ceremony is a whole ritual, where a certain order is followed when brewing a drink. The main goal of this action is to reveal the taste and aroma of tea, and haste is inappropriate here. The Chinese tea ceremony implies calm and tranquility. A special atmosphere is created by fancy items of tea utensils, elegant small-sized dishes, as well as pleasant quiet music - thanks to all these factors, it becomes possible to enjoy the unforgettable fragrant aroma of a tea drink and a long aftertaste, known throughout the world.

Features of the Chinese tea ritual

The tea ceremony in China is called gong fu cha: gong is the highest art, and cha is, of course, tea. The Chinese themselves attach special significance to the ritual. They have a skill that not everyone can master.

The Chinese ritual of tea drinking is considered one of the most mysterious and enigmatic in the whole world. This may be explained by the fact that the Chinese consider tea to be more than just a drink. For them, tea is a wise plant, which is given the ability to transmit the energy of life. To receive this energy, there are certain conditions that are summarized in the rules for the tea ceremony.

Special water requirements

The choice of water with which tea will be brewed is of decisive importance. It must be from a clean source. The most suitable is the one that has a sweetish taste and soft structure.

When preparing tea, boiling water is important. It does not need to be brought to a strong boil, because because of this, its own energy is lost. They say that water is considered to have boiled to the desired state for tea as soon as bubbles appear in it - it is not allowed to boil rapidly.

Sounds of music

Traditionally, before the ceremony begins, a person must cleanse himself and achieve a state of inner harmony and peace. That is why it takes place in a beautiful room and to the sounds of pleasant music, often bewitching and mystical. For the best effect, the tea ceremony master prefers to use the sounds of nature. This helps a person immerse himself in the depths of his soul and helps him better merge with nature.

What is customary to talk about at a tea ceremony?

During the tea ritual, people traditionally talk about the tea itself. In addition, an important element of the ceremony is showing respect for the tea deity and talking about him. Often, craftsmen place his figurine or image next to the tea utensils.

The internal state of those gathered

According to all canons, the ritual takes place in an atmosphere of goodness and harmony. While drinking tea, it is not customary to talk loudly, wave your arms or make noise. Full concentration helps you feel true pleasure from the drink and true happiness.

By the way, the tea ceremony in China requires the participation of 2 to 6 people. It is in this case that you can achieve an amazing atmosphere, called in tradition the contact of souls.

Interior for a tea ceremony

All those present are seated on straw mats laid on the floor. Soft pillows of a pleasant warm color are laid out around the guests. In the middle there is a table for tea, called a shepherd, about 10 cm high. It looks like a kind of wooden box. There are special holes in it where the remaining tea is poured, because in China, excess water speaks of abundance.

When all the basic principles of tea drinking are observed, the solemn moment of tea drinking itself begins.

So, Chinese tea party

The tea ceremony set is laid out in front of the guests. The utensils include: a teapot for brewing, a vessel called cha-hai, a tea box called cha-he, and a tea pair. All utensils for the tea ceremony should be made in the same style and not distract from the wonderful drink with their appearance.

First of all, the master pours the dry tea leaves into a cha-he - a special porcelain box, which is intended for studying the structure of tea and inhaling its aroma. All participants slowly pass it into each other’s hands and inhale the aroma. This ritual has another meaning - during the transfer of cha-he, those present become closer to each other.

After this, the gongfu cha master brews tea. The first boiling water poured is drained - this way the dust is washed off from the tea. But from the next pouring, every guest of the ceremony enjoys a miraculous drink.

It is placed on a tray in front of each participant. These are two cups, one of which is high and narrow (wenxiabei), designed to perceive the smell, and wide and low (chabei) - for enjoying the color and taste of tea. The second water is poured into tall cups after it has been in the teapot for about 30 seconds. Wensyabei is filled only ¾ full and immediately covered with a wide cup. After a while, remove the upper cup and, bringing the lower one to your nose, inhale the wonderful aroma of the resulting tea. It is important to concentrate and merge with the energy of the tea. They drink tea slowly, focusing on the sensations.

Tea is poured until the drink retains its color and aroma. With each new pour, the tea acquires different shades of smell and taste.

As a result, the tea ceremony gives peace, peace of mind and helps us forget about the bustle of our lives.

Tea ceremony in England

The UK is one of the world leaders in tea consumption per person. For the British, drinking tea is not just a habit, it is a ritual with its own established traditions. It emerged from the Five-o-clock Tea, characteristic of the British.

The traditional set for the tea ceremony among the British is a white or blue tablecloth without patterns, a vase with fresh white flowers. Tea pairs, with tea, a milk jug, a jug of milk, a strainer and a stand for it. In addition, you will need a sugar bowl (preferably with white and brown sugar), teaspoons, a fork and knife, and napkins to match the tablecloth.

Snacks are always served with tea - these are various versions of English pastries. Traditionally, guests can choose from 5-10 varieties of tea, with Lapsang Souchong, Earl Grey, Darjeeling, Assam, and various tea blends being a must.

By the way, another important serving element is a quilted or woolen tea-cosy cover.

The tea ceremony in England has its own secret. When brewing tea, it is taken into account that it will no longer be diluted with boiling water in cups. This means that when brewing, tea leaves are put into the teapot based on the fact that there is 1 teaspoon of tea per person. If you use a large teapot, it is recommended to add 1 more spoon for everyone.

Then the tea is infused for 3-5 minutes and poured out to the guests. Immediately after this, you need to pour boiling water from a jug into the teapot (a feature of the tea ceremony is refilling the tea leaves) and cover it with tea-cozy to maintain the temperature. By the time you finish drinking the first cup, the second pour has time to brew. The kettle can be filled again, but each time the quality of the drink will deteriorate.

Traditionally, tea is drunk with milk, and tea is added to hot milk, and not vice versa.

Russian tea traditions

The tea ceremony in Moscow is a completely different tradition, very different from the rituals that have developed in the homeland of this drink. They say that when drinking tea, the Japanese enjoy tea utensils, the details of the ceremony, and their inner world. The tea ceremony in China - the enjoyment of taste and aroma - is valuable for the very fact of observing traditions, surroundings, and baked goods. And for Russians, the most important thing is the company gathered near the Russian samovar. Communication between all those present is valuable.

In Moscow they originally drank black tea. Boiling water is heated in a samovar, and a teapot is placed on top. The brew is made stronger than the tea that is ultimately drunk. The tea leaves are poured into the cups, and then boiling water from the samovar.

There are always baked goods on the table for tea,
lemon, sugar, jam and honey. The latter are most often eaten as a snack with tea or spread on bread. Often the cup is served with a “tea pair” - a saucer. Hot tea is poured into it from a cup and drunk.

Whatever the tea traditions of different nations, this drink is appreciated everywhere for its pleasant taste, delicate aroma and unusual properties.

Chinese ceremonies Shutle. Iron. Excessive politeness, excessive conventions in relationships between people. Between friends and relatives, I believe, you can do without Chinese ceremonies, especially in penny accounts(Chekhov. Letter to G. M. Chekhov, February 9, 1888).

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008.


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Orphan Kazan- a very interesting expression. Orphan - understandable, but why Kazan? Are there any special orphans in Kazan?

Word orphan means a person, a child without one or both parents. Such children, deprived of parental care and support, as a rule, eked out a poor existence. Therefore, the word orphan in Russian also has the connotation of “poor, destitute, left without means of subsistence.”

But why Kazan orphan, and not Moscow or Tver? This expression has a very precise historical origin.

The Kazan Khanate, as a state entity, arose as a result of the collapse of the Golden Horde. The location for the Tatar capital was chosen very well - the middle course of the Volga just above the confluence of the Kama, which allowed the Kazan people to control the most important trade routes and huge rich regions. It is not surprising that the Kazan Khanate quickly grew and posed a real threat to the economic and political interests of the Moscow principality. The confrontation between Moscow and Kazan lasted 135 years, and, as a rule, the advantage was on the side of the Kazan people. And if the Tatars did not set the goal of destroying Moscow, but only wanted to control it and receive tribute, then Moscow was determined to destroy the Kazan Khanate, which blocked its trade transport arteries and the possibility of expansion to the east.

After three unsuccessful campaigns against Kazan, caused mainly by the chaos and poor control of the Russian army, Tsar Ivan the 4th and his military leaders eventually developed a plan, the main principle of which was strict adherence to all elements of the preparation of this plan. The Russians gradually cut off Kazan from its sources of supply, besieged it on its distant approaches, and blocked all access routes for help. And the most interesting thing is that they succeeded. Even the troops of the Crimean Khan, who suddenly arrived to the aid of Kazan, were completely defeated by the Russians at the distant approaches. From a military point of view, the capture of Kazan is an impeccably designed and executed military operation. Moscow also succeeded in the political arena; it supported pro-Moscow Murzas in Kazan, bribed and supported them, so the Moscow government was fully aware of Kazan affairs. In a word, with approximately equal forces, the organization of the entire event, rare for Russians, yielded its result - Kazan was taken, and the Kazan Khanate was destroyed.

Moreover, an interesting fact is that on the eve of the assault on the city, the walls of Kazan were blown up and nothing prevented the Russians from immediately starting an invasion of the fortress. But according to the plan, the assault was scheduled for the next day, and Tsar Ivan, continuing to insist on systematic action, ordered the army to rest and the next morning, with fresh forces, Russian forces burst into the city and systematically destroyed everything and everyone.

But some of the Kazan influential people loyal to Moscow were not touched, but on the contrary, they gave them gifts in every possible way, accepted them into the royal service, received estates, in a word, they were treated kindly (which, by the way, the Moscow authorities had done before, spending large amounts of money on the maintenance of their Kazan " friends"). But, despite the generous rewards, the remnants of the Kazan elite constantly complained to the tsar about their plight and begged for more and more favors. It was these people who received the ironic nickname “orphans of Kazan” in the circles of the Moscow nobility. That's why Kazan orphan they talk about those people who are not really in dire need, but are speculating on their supposedly plight.

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