Chips with salt composition. Product with original taste. How to make potato chips in the microwave

Once every two or three months I have the desire to eat something unhealthy and salty. And since breadcrumbs or nuts can also break your teeth, and seeds can cause irritation on your face, I choose chips. The best option today in terms of price-quality ratio, I consider chips from ATB’s own brand “Own Line”.

Just six months ago these were the usual chips from the “Pirate” series of snacks - it included chips, corn sticks, seeds, nuts, and crackers. Now this trademark, and many others too, have been removed and replaced with “Own Line”. The packaging still remained recognizable.

In six months, I only ate 2 packs of chips, and both were of this brand and simply with salt. The first time I became interested when I saw a new pack, and the second time I bought them consciously. The fact is that the composition of these chips is relatively harmless - there are no unnecessary flavoring additives, monosodium glutamate, etc. True, there is palm oil.

Palm oil is very cheap and harmful, increasing cholesterol levels in the blood. Although a lot of research has been conducted on this topic and the conclusions are different - for example, some scientists believe that such oil increases the level of “good” cholesterol, but most come to the conclusion that constant consumption of such oil increases the risk of heart disease. But they continue to use it because it is cheap and increases the shelf life of products. These chips, for example, can be stored for as long as 9 months.

Can regular potatoes fried in sunflower oil last that long? Hardly.

Actually, that's why I eat them very rarely. Once every 2-3 months, or even less often.

These chips are an order of magnitude cheaper than similar packages of Lux, Lays, etc. chips. This pack contains 130 grams, I haven’t seen a 70 gram pack with this flavor. They cost 10.6 hryvnia and are sold only in ATB.

Chips take up a smaller portion of the package, as in more expensive counterparts. There are different sizes - very small slices, and simply huge ones that can be eaten in 2-3 bites.

They taste like overcooked potatoes with salt. There is a little more salt here than required. After chips I really want to drink. If you have a group, then a pack is enough for three. Alone, I stretch the pleasure over two days. These chips are also perfect for use in salads. The same sunflower salad will be much more pleasant to eat if the chips do not overwhelm everything with their smell and taste.

So on the one hand, I cannot recommend the product because of its harmfulness. However, the manufacturer honestly states that the chips are prepared with palm oil. If you look at the packaging of the more expensive Lux chips, it says “vegetable oil (palm olein)”, but on Lays chips they are completely limited to vegetable oil without decoding. Perhaps someone will think that vegetable oil and sunflower oil are the same thing. That is, all chips are made with palm oil, even the mega-expensive Pringles! That's why they are all incredibly harmful. At the same time, this product tastes good, has less yuck, and is a great price.

So what to eat or not to eat is up to you. But I will still make a recommendation.

Don't believe it if someone says they don't like chips. Yes, the product is high in calories and is contraindicated for dieters, but this does not apply to the bulk of the population. Everyone loves chips! Kids love the crispy delicacy, and adults can’t imagine any other snack to go with beer. Making chips at home is a particular pleasure. First of all, the process itself is interesting, and tasting the results usually brings the whole family together at one table.

Features of making chips

It is not difficult to prepare such a delicacy yourself. Homemade chips, unlike store-bought ones that contain preservatives, flavors and other harmless additives, are completely harmless to the body. They contain only natural products: potatoes, vegetable oil and salt. Cooking does not require special equipment, an oven or microwave is enough, and in the absence of such, an ordinary frying pan will do. Follow these simple requirements, and the crunch of potato slices will delight everyone without exception.

  1. Not only taste qualities are important, but also aesthetic ones. Therefore, put the “defective” (eyes, bumps) source material aside, and leave the smooth potatoes for processing.
  2. By rinsing the slices with cold water, you can reduce the starch content, after which the chips will not stick together during frying.
  3. Place the cooked potatoes on a plate, having previously covered them with baking paper, or sprinkle the dish with flour.
  4. You can add a slight piquancy to the taste of homemade chips by adding paprika, herbs or other spices at your discretion.

Potato chips in the oven

Necessary products: 5 potatoes, salt, spices, 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. Cut the peeled, washed potatoes into extremely thin slices. Sprinkle them with vegetable oil, then mix with your hands. Cover a baking sheet with baking paper or parchment and grease with oil. Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 190 degrees. Arrange the potato slices in one layer and bake until done. Place the finished chips on a dish, add salt and sprinkle with spices. The result is golden in appearance and crispy in taste.

Potato chips in the microwave

We process potato tubers as in the previous method. Place oiled paper on a microwave-safe plate and distribute the potato pieces, keeping an interval between them. Coat the top with vegetable oil and place in the oven for three minutes, setting the power to high. Salt ready-made chips.

For one kilogram of tubers you will need about a liter of oil. Salt and seasonings as usual. At home, it is convenient to cook in a deep frying pan (or in a saucepan). Also have a paper towel, a colander and a flat plate ready. Rinse potatoes with cold water. Throw it in a colander, shake off the remaining drops, dry the slices, and after that put them in oil (it should boil). The cooking process in a frying pan is quick, just have time to remove the slices fried until golden brown. Place the finished chips on a towel to absorb excess oil. Place on a plate and sprinkle with salt and other seasonings. Cook the remaining potatoes, adding oil.

Potato chips in the deep fryer

Owners of deep fryers will have better luck when it comes to cooking time. And the dish itself turns out tastier, but there are negative aspects. Potatoes absorb a lot of oil, and chips prepared this way will be greasy, and doctors and nutritionists do not recommend excessive consumption of such food. The frying process is similar to the frying pan method, and the slices should be thinner than usual.

An alternative to a deep fryer can be a multicooker, if you additionally purchase special meshes used for cooking in boiling oil.

Chips – neoclassical

Chip manufacturers have long abandoned the classic version, and crispy potato analogues have appeared on store shelves. The consumer does not always think about what this or that product is made from, the main thing is that it satisfies the taste. The assortment for this is quite diverse: the aroma of bacon, jellied meat, mushrooms, cheese, but the most attractive thing is the crunch. So why not experiment at home.

From lavash
For preparation you will need the following products:

  • thin pita bread;
  • vegetable oil (preferably olive);
  • dill;
  • three cloves of garlic;
  • salt.

Finely chop the washed dill, mix with salt and crushed garlic. Grease pieces of pita bread (shaped like chips) with the prepared mixture, place on a baking sheet, and place in the oven. Drying requires a temperature of 200 degrees and only five minutes of time. Ready!

For those who like fatty chips, add a little mayonnaise or sour cream to the mixture.

From cheese
Any cheese is grated on a fine grater and placed on the deck in small portions for baking. There must be a distance between the pieces, otherwise you can end up with one large cake, since the product tends to spread when melted. Set the oven to 160 degrees and after about four to five minutes remove the finished chips. Cool and taste.

You can use this recipe if you have a piece of cheese lying around. You shouldn’t throw it away; it’s quite suitable for preparing such a hearty snack. And one more piece of advice for housewives. Add ham, garlic, any herbs, and get an unsurpassed taste.

Warning! Don’t be distracted for too long, as the cheese melts quickly, and if you miss the moment, it will burn.

From mashed potatoes
The unusual taste of chips according to this recipe will only be appreciated by those who have a waffle iron.


  • 5 potatoes;
  • 1 egg;
  • 5 tbsp. l. flour;
  • a third of a glass of milk;
  • salt, spices;
  • vegetable oil, with the exception of olive oil.

Prepare regular puree, cool slightly, pour in milk, add flour and egg. Mix thoroughly, the ideal mass is obtained using a blender. The consistency should be rare, but not spread. Add salt, spices (herbs and mushrooms if desired).

Grease a hot waffle iron with oil, add 1 tbsp. l. potato dough, smooth it over the surface and bake for no more than 30 seconds, otherwise it will burn. Carefully remove the finished chips using a knife.

From a bow
Homemade chips made from regular onions have a unique taste. The process is labor-intensive, but the end result is excellent. Initially prepare the batter by beating two eggs with flour. Add salt, pepper or other spices to taste. The dough should be liquid, and you can increase its volume by adding a little mineral water.

The onion is cut into circles, with an average thickness of four millimeters, and disassembled into individual rings. Dip each part in batter and place in a frying pan with well-heated oil. Fry on both sides, then place on a towel, as in the case of the potato version. The finished chips should have a beautiful golden color. If you have a little more free time, add a quick sauce to the onion crisps. To do this, chop dill, green onions, pepper and mix with sour cream.

From meat
At first glance, this recipe will seem complicated, but only in terms of time. Be patient and you will enjoy the process itself. Cut the meat into slices two millimeters thick and in sizes of your choice. Beat each piece as thinly as possible. Next make the marinade. Crush a few cloves of garlic, add 3 tbsp. l. sugar, a little soy sauce, 2 tbsp. l. vinegar, parsley and any spices. Pour the resulting marinade over the meat and place in the refrigerator for five hours. Heat the oven to one hundred degrees (low setting). Place the pieces of meat on a baking sheet lined with food foil and bake. This will take thirty to forty minutes until all the moisture has evaporated.

The suggested recipes are the most popular, but inventive housewives went further. Especially those who like to crunch on diet foods. Chips are prepared at home from any vegetables: zucchini, carrots, blueberries, and without the use of oil. The technology is similar to cooking in the microwave, and the holding time is approximately ten minutes. Ready-made multi-colored chips are sprinkled with dill, garlic, parsley, mixed with fine salt. This homemade seasoning is completely harmless.

But human capabilities are not limited to this. Chips can be one of the dessert options.

Sweet fruit slices
Divide pears and apples into thin slices. Make a syrup from 0.5 kg of sugar and 0.5 liters of water and boil the fruit in it for five minutes. Then remove and dry in the oven for about five hours. Fruit chips are sweet and crunchy.

The process can be simplified by eliminating the syrup. Then dry the fruit slices as usual - and no additional material or time costs. This method will allow you to preserve semi-finished products for making compotes during the winter season.

So, there are quite a lot of recipes and a varied choice of products, but making chips at home can’t be rushed, so do it when you have free time.

Video: delicious homemade chips

A review of chips is a strange thing. It seems to be needed, but it seems not.

Who among us is not familiar with Lays chips? Yes, for sure, that's it!

I bought a large package of chips with salt at Fix price for 99 rubles.

She looks bright and attractive. Decorated in the usual Lays style.

The pack can be easily and quickly closed, leaving the uneaten treat for later. The manufacturer has thought through the adhesive tape and accessible colorful instructions.

There are several times less chips in the package than there is air. But, of course, it is necessary so that the chips do not break and retain their attractive appearance.

But don’t think that there are too few chips in the package. There is a very sufficient amount for 2-3.4 people.

The chips in the package are whole, smooth, golden. They look delicious😋

Compound very decent. Without flavorings and other not very pleasant nonsense. It’s even somehow unusual for chips)

In addition to the adequate composition, I love salt-flavored chips, no matter how trite it may sound, for their taste. If you like neutral crisps without the aftertaste of chemical seasonings, then this option is for you. By the way, they were salted well. I like everything👍🏼

In the company of chips, you can watch a TV series, chat with friends, and also write reviews on IRecommend.

And also do the hated homework. There should be at least some joy in this difficult task 😉

No matter how much nutritionists tell the world that chips are harmful, their army of fans is not shrinking. But at the same time, not many people know how this salty delicacy appeared and what fascinating stories are associated with it. The most interesting facts about chips are in this review.

1. Potatoes, razor, sarcasm

It is believed that potato chips were first invented in 1853, when a restaurant chef was repeatedly returned a portion of fried potatoes by an angry customer, claiming that they were cut too thick. When the cook got tired of it, he cut the potatoes as thin as he could with a razor, fried them, and then sprinkled them with plenty of salt. To his surprise, the client liked the dish.

2. Radiation

Incredible, but it's a fact. It turns out that eating a pack of chips every day can expose you to a higher dose of radiation than living next to a nuclear power plant.

3. “Already salted”

Surely, some people have wondered why the packets of potato chips say “already salted.” Once upon a time, decades ago, chips were often released with a packet of salt so that the consumer could choose whether to use it or not.

4. Nitrogen

All the air in potato chip bags that everyone usually complains about is actually nitrogen and serves a very specific purpose. It protects fragile chips from damage during transportation.

5. Pringles

Many people love Pringles chips. However, few people know that technically these are not potato chips, but a suspension of rice, wheat, corn and potato flakes.

6. Size matters

After potato chips are produced, they are sorted. Large ones go into “family” packs, and small ones for other sizes.

7. A New Kind of Salt

It turns out that people only consume 20% of the salt that is sprinkled on their potato chips. Recently, the famous brand Lay's has developed a new type of salt that provides the same taste, but uses 25% less of it.

8. "Whole Shabang"

"Whole Shabang" is a brand of potato chips that were once only sold in prisons. They were extremely popular among prisoners.

9. "Smell squirrel"

Flavored potato chips were invented in Ireland. It turns out there are even potato chips flavored... with protein.

10. Ingredient for many dishes

11. "Cape Cod Potato"

Robust Russet's Cape Cod Potato chips were discontinued in 2005. They were found to contain 25 times the normal level of acrylamide, a cancer-causing chemical.

12. The many faces of “Lay’s”


Lay's potato chips have different names around the world: Walkers in the UK and Ireland, Smith's in Australia, Chipsy in Egypt, Poca in Vietnam, Tapuchips in Israel, Margarita in Colombia and Sabritas in Mexico.

And yet, when opening the next pack of chips, it’s worth remembering about.

- not a useful product at all

Advantages: no

Disadvantages: in the review

Lace chips with salt

Probably everyone knows by now that chips are one of the most harmful foods that should be avoided if possible. However, people are constantly buying them, and given that their variety is constantly increasing, the demand for them is really growing. Most people like to eat chips with beer, sometimes just like that, it’s all a matter of individual taste preferences.

However, you probably rarely meet a person who will just sit and eat chips. The chips owe their addiction precisely to the fact that they include various kinds of spices and herbs, as well as the well-known monosodium glutamate. Many claim that this compound is completely natural and therefore completely safe for the body. However, it uses a completely different chemical isomer that exists in nature, which may be why glutamate is a very powerful flavor enhancer.

Considering that people are now quite literate and well-read about various flavoring additives, they are often omitted from the composition, that is, it is written that glutamate is not contained here. However, those who know this compound will always taste and even smell it. Of course, there is very little of it in chips, and you won’t get poisoned, but it is still unknown how glutamate works when it is consumed systematically. In large quantities, glutamate poisoning is called “Chinese restaurant syndrome.” Because it is in China that it is used in large quantities, and it is held in high esteem among chefs.

This brand of chips does not contain monosodium glutamate, which can be seen in the inscription on the package; only table salt and specially prepared potatoes are used here. However, when you try this wonderful product, you can immediately feel this compound, even if there is only a small amount of it. To be fair, it should be noted that they don’t always put it there, you come across individual packs that seem more bland, here obviously the manufacturers only indulge sometimes. But nevertheless, this should still be of concern. However, this applies not only to chips, but also to many other products that are currently being produced.

I also understand that chips are a rather harmful product, and as my daughter calls them, they are harmful. But nevertheless, there are situations when you incredibly want to eat these harmful things, for example, nowadays no one can imagine watching a movie in a cinema without eating popcorn or chips. This gradually migrated home from cinemas, and now we sit at home in front of the TV and also consume this rather harmful product. Indeed, time passes much faster, and most importantly, more interesting.

These chips are sold almost everywhere, they can be found in almost any supermarket or small store, the main thing is to set a goal. It is better, of course, to buy in some large store, supermarket or hypermarket, since they often hold all sorts of promotions on different types of goods. And chips are no exception here, especially since it should be noted that this product is not particularly cheap. If you buy it somewhere in a cafe, or in some small store or kiosk, then the price can be approximately 2-3 times higher than that in a supermarket. My daughter loves these chips very much, and when we go shopping she always insists that we take packs of 3 or 4. And there are no hints of the harmfulness or uselessness of this product here.

In response, she usually says that cigarettes are also extremely harmful, but you smoke, they say, and why then can’t I afford a little luxury, which sometimes doesn’t even hold a candle to smoking. Of course, I always have the idea of ​​​​putting an end to all this once and for all, but somehow I always fail to do this.

The weight of a package of these chips depends on which pack you buy. If this pack is large, for example, weighs 220 grams, then at a promotional price you can get it for 80 rubles, but if you buy it at the regular price, you will have to shell out 130-150 rubles if you go to some kiosk on the embankment where a large one is hanging around there is a crowd of people, then you can pay 200 or 300 rubles. Well, I’m generally silent about various cafes and restaurants, bars; here the pricing policy seems to me to be completely uncontrolled, since if people have money, they will always shell out it.

As for the composition of these chips, it actually seems relatively harmless compared to other options that are also sold here. Contains classic potatoes, vegetable oil and salt. As I already said, judging by the taste, there are clearly some other components present here. Many sellers also claim that these chips are the most harmless and nothing bad will happen from them. However, the matter lies not only in various chemical additives, flavorings and taste enhancers. The trick is in the process itself, when it is fried until crispy, and vegetable oil is used, which by its nature consists of unsaturated compounds, and which can enter into polymerization reactions at high temperatures. It is thanks to these reactions that a frying pan in which something was fried in vegetable oil is difficult to wash after two or three days. We see on the surface something similar to drying oil or bad plastic, which is very difficult to scrape off. This is precisely the product of polymerization of vegetable fats. All this poses quite a danger to the digestive system, since the enzymes here cannot cope with these polymeric materials. Of course, they are somehow digested, but this requires a lot of enzymes, and a longer process, and all this puts additional stress on the entire digestive system, in particular on the liver, pancreas, not to mention the stomach. While a person is young, such a diet is possible and he can get away with it, but sooner or later he will feel that he is not eating correctly. Gastritis, heartburn, liver problems may begin, and then suddenly gallstones will grow or some other problem will appear.

All this has a so-called cumulative effect, at first there is nothing, and then gradually, when the rooster bites, there is nowhere to retreat, as they say, you can often even end up on the operating table. Therefore, you should definitely think about whether you should eat any chips at all, and generally get carried away with very fried and overcooked foods. It should also be noted that this product is quite high in calories, and if you want to lose some weight, go on some kind of diet, then all these diets will simply go down the drain. Of course, this product tastes quite attractive, the same goes for the appearance, when you open the voluminous air pack and see very pleasant curved crispy plates that just want to jump into your mouth.
