What should not be stored? What foods should not be stored in the refrigerator? Our delusions. Useful features: No Frost system, “fresh zones” and refrigerators with separate cooling circuits

Have you ever encountered the fact that sometimes everything just falls out of your hands and the day is not going well as soon as you feel your foot on a slipper and go to the kitchen to make coffee? And the point here is not at all that you got up on the wrong foot. The problem lies much deeper. Take a look around, and if you find something from our list, get rid of it right away. And don’t feel sorry: peace and harmony in the home are much more important!

1. The first thing you do as soon as you step out of bed is look for your favorite slippers. In most cases. That's where we'll probably start! Under no circumstances should you store old, worn or torn slippers in your apartment. After all, they attract negative energy, and you don’t need that at all. You can be smarter and replace the usual model of house flip-flops with a beach version - both fashionable and durable.

2. The same goes for basically your entire wardrobe. Torn old clothes and shoes have no place in your home. Go through your wardrobe, and what has already fallen into disrepair or has not been worn for more than two seasons can be safely disposed of. By the way, you need to part with things according to the rules. How to do this so as not to harm yourself - read.

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3. Let's move on to the dishes. If your favorite set, which you inherited from your grandmother, is broken or cracked, feel free to take it to the trash heap! And no matter how much you like your cute cup, if a piece breaks off from it, then it must suffer the same fate as the set. After all, as you know, a plate is a symbol of family. Therefore, imagine what your opinion of your family is, that you allow dishes with cracks, chips or defects to be in the house. In addition, it is unsafe for health and disrupts the energy of the products.

4. Fresh flowers are, of course, wonderful and useful for the home. But! This does not apply to climbing plants. They can wrap around the house, but only from the outside. It is believed that loaches attract diseases, but if they are located on the outside, then, on the contrary, they protect and protect your walls.

5. This also applies to reeds. Especially in dried form! They attract illness and misfortune. Feather grass is also not recommended to be kept in the house. You don't want to be widowed early, do you? But if suddenly you need to improve the well-being of your family or simply balance the situation, buy begonia urgently! This plant is considered a symbol of a happy relationship.

6. If you suddenly find yourself with pansies at home, immediately put them out the door! These flowers definitely have no place in your apartment. Traditionally, these plants are planted near churchyards, so you don’t need such a neighborhood. But, for example, if you have dried flowers in your house, then it’s not scary. Dried flowers (except reeds and feather grass, as we already wrote) will help neutralize negative energy and even protect against diseases.

7. This point will be especially useful for those who like to throw away the Christmas tree closer to May-June. In fact, coniferous branches in a vase are appropriate only during the New Year holidays, and during the rest of the year keeping them at home is a bad omen.

8. A little mysticism. Photos of deceased people should not be displayed in a visible place. The fact is that photographs are still a connection with the other world, where we, the living, have no need to look again. Therefore, it is recommended to keep photographs of relatives who are no longer with us separately from photographs of living ones, best of all - in a separate album. And don't look at them too often. Don't get carried away.

It is literally an axiom for each of us: to prevent food from spoiling, it should be placed in the refrigerator. At the same time, we are guided by the fact that bacteria found in (or on) products at low temperatures become less active, which means that the process of organic decay proceeds more slowly, and shelf life, on the contrary, increases. All this is true, but at the same time not entirely true. It’s just that some products change their properties at low temperatures and therefore storage in cold conditions is contraindicated.

They don't belong there: foods that don't need to be stored in the refrigerator

We eat foods that should not be in the refrigerator every day. But we don’t even realize that we are storing them incorrectly.

For some products, being in the cold is not strictly prohibited, but it is not at all necessary. You just need to know how to preserve them correctly.


In the cold, this vegetable quickly loses both aroma and taste. The fact is that in a frosty environment, the process of destruction of the beneficial compounds contained in tomatoes, including those responsible for taste, begins. But the texture of the vegetable also does not escape negative changes: the membranes in the walls of the tomatoes are destroyed, which is why the fruits become mealy. Therefore, the best storage place for these fruits is at room temperature, but away from the sun.

There are certain nuances with storing this fruit. If you put it in the refrigerator unripe, you practically just freeze it, since it ripens in the open air. And if you purchased an already ripe fruit, but do not want to eat it right away, then you should send it to the cold.


Regularly placing potatoes in the refrigerator is a serious mistake. Please note that under such conditions the vegetable becomes crumbly and sweet. The latter happens because starch is converted into sugar. The optimal storage location for the product, which is usually called second bread, is cardboard boxes (plastic and paper bags in this case are bad because they do not allow air to pass through), placed in a dry, not frosty, but cool, dark place with good ventilation.

Onions in the refrigerator are a bad idea because the vegetable is very susceptible to poor air circulation as well as humidity. In particular, due to the latter, it quickly softens and deteriorates, and can even become moldy. Onions “feel” best in a dry and dark place, because when exposed to light, their taste changes and, naturally, not for the better. In addition, you should not place onions together with potatoes, otherwise both one and the second vegetable will quickly rot.

The same applies to this product: in the destructive moisture of the refrigerator it will not last even a month - it will sprout or become moldy, and it will taste “rubbery”, while in a dry and cool place it will be very comfortable. By the way, storing garlic with onions is a completely acceptable option.

Outside the refrigerator, these tropical fruits retain their nutrients best, but in it they stop ripening due to darkness, begin to rot due to humidity, and, of course, lose their taste. Store bananas at room temperature and hanging, otherwise they will develop bedsores.


It is better to keep these fruits at room temperature, since cold air is also not good for them: in the refrigerator, most of their taste evaporates, and, in fact, those properties for which we value them so much. But fruits placed, for example, on a kitchen table on a dish should not touch each other, otherwise they can quickly become moldy.

When many products that are almost daily guests on our table are stored in the refrigerator, their texture is destroyed, they lose their aroma, taste and even often color - all the best that we expect from food.

We often think that the ideal way to preserve the quality of food is to put it in the refrigerator. We have provided a list of the most common foods that do not need to be stored in the refrigerator, since this rule in relation to them is not constructive. It is worth noting that the following also cannot be stored in the cold: olive oil, honey, basil, coffee, bread.

Today, all kitchens have devices that maintain low temperatures. Many people think that food never spoils in the refrigerator. This is a serious mistake. Microbes are not afraid of low temperatures. They continue to multiply.

In the refrigerator, life goes on as usual. True, everything happens there as if in slow motion. Milk gradually turns sour, meat spoils, fruits wither. Outside the refrigerator, food spoils much faster. Why? Because they are negatively affected by three factors: light, heat and oxygen. When placing food in the refrigerator, the first two aspects become irrelevant. But with oxygen everything is much more complicated. Only food packaging can deal with such a chemical element.

Dishes for food.

Storing food in the refrigerator is an art. Failure to comply with certain subtleties leads to the fact that the food becomes unsuitable for use. People should be aware that the shelf life of certain foods depends on the water balance. What does it mean? It's simple: the more water in a food product, the shorter its shelf life. When choosing dishes for the refrigerator, we advise you to take a closer look at the containers with the ability to set the date - thanks to which you will know for sure whether you can eat this product or not. With the Joseph Joseph Dial line of product containers, this task will be simplified to a minimum. The shelf life table for the products in our review is also attached.

The key function of a refrigerator is to dehydrate food. For example, if you leave a sausage on a shelf without packaging, within a day a sticky coating will appear on it. It poses a health hazard. Therefore, such sausage cannot be consumed. How to be? Should I not buy sausages at all or eat them straight away? No, you need to use special packaging and containers. Then the products will last longer.

Refrigerator operating rules

Improper storage of food leads to negative consequences. They deteriorate faster, become weathered and acquire an unpleasant odor. If you want your food to stay fresh for as long as possible, keep your refrigerator clean. To do this you need to adhere to the following rules:

1. Periodic defrosting - once every few months. Even if the refrigerator is equipped with the NO FROST function, this rule cannot be neglected.
2. Wiping shelves and inner walls - do this simple manipulation once a week. Abrasive products should absolutely not be used. Solutions designed for cleaning refrigerators are ideal for solving the problem.

All housewives are familiar with the situation when an unpleasant odor appears in the refrigerator. How to deal with this problem?

Several solutions are possible:
- use of a special coal absorber. This is an effective product made with probiotics. It eliminates the source of odor at the molecular level;
- use of folk remedies - activated carbon, water-soda solution, freshly ground coffee, cinnamon, cloves;
- combating unpleasant odors with the help of citrus fruits (cut lemon slices, orange peel);
- using the gifts of nature - basil and a sprig of juniper eliminate unpleasant odors.

What can't be stored in the refrigerator?

There is no need to stuff everything you have in your garden or bought in a store onto the shelves. There are foods that do not tolerate low temperatures and are not intended to be stored in the refrigerator. The list includes:
1. Olive oil is an expensive product that needs to be handled with care. At low temperatures, olive oil thickens, loses its beneficial properties and becomes bitter.
2. Bread is a food product that belongs in the bread bin. In the refrigerator, the bread becomes saturated with all sorts of aromas and becomes tasteless.
3. Zucchini, melons, and pumpkin are vegetables that rot when exposed to low temperatures.
4. Apples and pears - when stored in the refrigerator, such fruits emit ethylene. This is an organic compound that causes food to rot.
5. Tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants are vegetables that are also on the prohibited list. They contain a large amount of moisture. Therefore, vegetables darken and spoil.
6. Chocolate - when storing a confectionery product, a white coating forms on the surface of the bar.
7. Garlic is a heat-loving crop that does not tolerate exposure to low temperatures.
8. Honey - when left in the refrigerator, the sweet mass loses its valuable properties.
9. Potatoes are a product that does not belong in a refrigerator. When exposed to cold, starch turns into sugar. Moreover, the potatoes begin to rot.
10. Bananas - the fruit turns black after a short time.
11. Onions - the vegetable withers and becomes soft.
12. Tropical and exotic fruits - mango, avocado, feijoa, passion fruit, etc. begin to rot.

Forbidden neighborhood

Many products are capricious. This point must be taken into account. Some foods do not like low temperatures, while others have a negative effect on each other. For example, you should not place raw meat and fish next to prepared food. This error leads to disastrous results. Meat and fish “reward” food with pathogenic microorganisms that are harmful to health.

How to avoid such a situation? You need to remember or write down in a notebook a list of products that cannot be placed nearby without packaging. This means a forbidden neighborhood:
- fruits and vegetables;
- sausages and tropical fruits;
- fresh food and prepared food;
- smoked pork, beef with any cheeses;
- fruits and salads with fish.

You need to store food in the refrigerator correctly. They should not be placed where there is free space. At each level of the refrigerator a certain temperature is maintained. Therefore, specific products can be stored on the shelves, in the zero chamber and on the door. Let's take a closer look at this point. After reading this important information, you will learn a lot of new things and be able to apply your knowledge in practice.

cooling chamber

This is the main compartment where the temperature is maintained at 5 degrees Celsius. This indicator can be changed up or down. It all depends on how many products are placed in the refrigerator.

5 degrees Celsius is the average. The temperature on the shelves is not the same. Why? Because the shelves are at different distances from the freezer. When placing products, this point must be taken into account.

Second and third regiment

What can be put at such levels? Let's list the main products:
- sausages - after purchasing they need to be removed from polyethylene and wrapped in parchment;
- ready-made meals - food can be stored in metal pans coated with enamel. It is also possible to use food containers made of plastic and glass. If we are talking about cutlets and fish, they need to be placed in a ceramic container and additionally wrapped in foil. Then the dishes will remain fresh for a long time;
- sweet pastries are placed in a container and covered with gauze. This is done to allow the dough to breathe;
- opened canned food cannot be stored in metal jars. They need to be transferred to a glass container;
- salads can be stored undressed.

What is placed on the shelf next to the freezer?

Here the temperature is maintained in the range of +1-+3 degrees Celsius. The following products are placed on the shelf:
- fresh meat, fish;
- eggs;
- cheese - when storing such a product, you must follow important rules. They consist in removing the cheese from the store packaging and placing it in a container. A cube of refined sugar is also added there. This is done so that the cheese does not lose its unique taste;
- cottage cheese is a food product that cannot be stored in paper and cellophane. The cottage cheese should be poured into a food container and closed tightly.

Zero chamber

This is a separate chamber, isolated from the freezer and refrigerator compartments. The temperature here is maintained close to 0 degrees. The freshness zone ensures the best preservation of products for which temperature and humidity are important. Most modern refrigerator models are equipped with zero chambers, divided into separate compartments. This is done for a specific purpose: ensuring proper storage of vegetables and meat.

The zero zone consists of two parts:
1. Dry zone - a compartment designed to accommodate meat and fish. Zero temperature and 50% humidity are key indicators that significantly increase the shelf life of products.
2. Humid zone - its main difference is maintaining humidity at 90%. This compartment provides ideal conditions for storing fruits, herbs, and vegetables. But before placing them you need to wash, dry and put them in separate packages.

refrigerator door

You should immediately notice that this is the warmest place. For this reason, it is not recommended to store foods that quickly deteriorate here. This means eggs, milk, cheese. There is an exception to the rule. This means the use of special trays for cheese and butter, equipped with heat protection.

You may ask why there are egg trays on the doors? This is a rhetorical question. It is customary to place sauces, seasonings, spices, drinks and medications on the door compartment.


In this compartment, the life of food is extended several times. There is nothing surprising here. At a temperature of -18 degrees Celsius, microorganisms have no chance to develop and reproduce.

When placing food in the freezer, you need to follow simple rules:
- products can only be frozen once. Otherwise, they lose their beneficial properties;
- meat and fish must be cleaned, cartilage and veins removed, and then placed in plastic bags;
- plant components must be thoroughly washed, blanched and dried.

At the last stage, they need to be placed in containers or small bags.

When placing food in the freezer, you should pay attention to the quality of the packaging. It must be sealed and withstand the negative effects of moisture and low temperatures. The packaging used is food paper, a container with a lid, and plastic bags.

All of the above rules apply to temperature conditions. But there is another significant point: do not forget to look at the expiration date of the product.

Terms and place of storage of food in the refrigerator (table)

You can get more detailed information regarding the features of storing certain products in the refrigerator from this table.

Storage tOWITH List of approved products Shelf life List of prohibited products Storage Features
Door+8 о СBeveragesSee packagingEggs


Olive oil

*You should not store quickly perishable foods on the refrigerator door, since when you open the refrigerator, warm air first of all replaces the cold on the door shelves.

*Ground spices retain their aromatic properties longer if stored in airtight jars in the refrigerator.

Sauces5 days
Honey. drugsSee packaging
Middle and top shelf+4- +6 o CSoups2 daysSalad with mayonnaise

Hot dishes

Canned food

*Cheese cannot be stored in film. The best way to do this is to use a plastic container with holes.

*The cut piece of sausage must be wrapped in paper or vacuum film.

*Cut pieces of sausage should be kept in a container.

*It is better not to season salad with mayonnaise when storing it in the refrigerator.

Otherwise, it is better to move such a snack to a cold shelf.

*To store prepared dishes, use an enamel, glass or plastic container with a lid.

Side dishes3 days
Minced meat products24 hours
Cooked fish36 hours
Semi-finished products36 hours
Salads (without mayonnaise)48 hours
Snacks48 hours
Sandwiches24 hours
Boiled sausage48-72 hours
Smoked sausage1 Week
Cheeses1-2 weeks
Lemon2 weeks
Opened canned food and baby food24-48 hours
Salted, marinated fish3 months
Hot smoked fish2 days
Freshness zone. Zero chamber0 o CFresh vegetables: carrots, radishes, beets, cabbage3 weeksVegetables: tomatoes and cucumbers, eggplants and zucchini, potatoes and onions.

Fruits: bananas, citrus fruits, papaya, mango, pomegranate and pineapple.

*Before putting into the refrigerator, vegetables and fruits should be washed, dried and placed in containers and bags.

*Peeled onions and garlic are best stored in special containers with a lid.

Salad, greens5 days
bell pepper2 days
Peeled vegetables: onion or garlic cloves3-5 days
Fruits: apples and pears, kiwis, plums and apricots with peaches.1 Week
Berries: grapes, currants, strawberries, cherries, raspberries.3 days
Nuts (shelled kernels)
Cold shelf closest to the freezer+1- +3 о СMilk3-4 days *Eggs must be stored in a special container with the pointed tips down.

The container itself should be located at the rear wall of the refrigerator.

*You should use an oil can to store oil.

*It is better to pour milk and kefir from the original package into a hermetically sealed glass container.

*Cottage cheese should be stored in a container so that it does not absorb the odors of other products.

Sour cream5 days
Kefir1-2 days
Cottage cheese5 days
Other dairy and fermented milk products1-5 days
Cakes and pastries48 hours
Eggs3-5 weeks
Raw minced meat12 hours
Fresh fish, meat, poultry12 hours
Freezer-18 o CMeat4-6 monthsEggs

Drinks Mayonnaise Cucumbers

*Each product must be in sealed packaging: container, bag.

*Before freezing vegetables, fruits, berries, mushrooms, they must first be washed and dried.

*Meat, fish and minced meat should be placed into packages in portions to avoid re-freezing an already defrosted product.

Ground meat3-4 months
Semi-finished meat products2-3 months
Fish3-6 months
Vegetables1 year
Legumes1 year
Mushrooms6 months
Milk1 month
Butter3-5 months
Ice cream1-3 months
Cheese6 months
Sea kale salad3 months

Home is the most important place for every person. It is imbued with the spirit of its owners, the energy of the things with which we fill it. Furniture, dishes, clothes, so many things - without which we cannot organize our life. But there are things that should not be accumulated at home; it is better to take them to the trash if they have served their purpose. What should you not have in your home and why, what signs and superstitions exist in this regard?

You can't keep trash in the house

In every person’s home there are both new beautiful things and old ones that have already served the owner. If you have begun to be haunted by failures, things in the house are not going well, think about maybe it’s worth looking for the reason in old things. Maybe somewhere you forgot to take something to the landfill on time.

  1. Old shabby clothes and shoes. Everyone has a favorite pair of sneakers or favorite jeans, on which, for the tenth time, you mend holes, change fasteners or try to remove a stain. You shouldn't take things so seriously, they have their service life. Take unnecessary items to a second-hand store, where they will find a second life with new owners. And make room in your closet for new things. Old clothes accumulate all the negativity that you encounter on the subway, in the store, on the street. By throwing out old sweaters and hats, you will have a good reason to please yourself with new things, and this is always a great mood.
  2. Waste paper and bottles. Often, especially among older people, you can find a collection of Soviet-era newspapers and magazines and old bottles at home. This is an echo of difficult times when it was difficult to get something in the store. But now no one needs it, and it only collects dust on the mezzanine. If you believe the signs, such garbage in the house attracts poverty and quarrels in the family. Take these items to recycling centers.

Less old things in the house means more fresh air and light, and this the key to health and good mood.

Broken dishes and mirrors

Broken dishes and mirrors were always heard when the conversation was about bad omens that promised failure.

  • Our grandmothers warned about the consequences of admiring in front of a broken mirror. It is believed that mirror takes away all the negative energy from those people who looked at it. And if it is cracked, this energy begins to come out. That is why it is not recommended to look into such a mirror.
  • Broken dishes also was no exception. Not only is a cracked plate dangerous, shards can get into the food unnoticed, but it can also cause discord in the family. Since dishes have always been a symbol of home and family, family dinners at the same table.
  • Damaged, rusty, bent knives throw it away without a second thought. A knife is generally an extremely magical object; various rituals and conspiracies are often performed with its help. But if it is damaged, its blade collects all the negativity. By cutting yourself with such a knife, you can attract this evil energy to yourself.

This is how ordinary kitchen utensils can harm their owners, and a banal desire to comb one’s hair in front of a mirror can cause damage.

Is it possible to have paintings and photographs?

But what else can’t you have in your house, besides glass and garbage? It is not recommended to keep things in the house that depict violence, death, failure and misfortune. other people. Agree that in any case such items will not improve your mood. When, for example, when you come home after a hard day, you sit in a chair and admire a photograph with views of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

  1. Photographs and paintings with subjects that exert negative pressure on the psyche. Of course, everyone wants to decorate the walls of the room creatively, but you shouldn’t overdo it. Do not hang photographs with fallen trees, grinning animals, or war scenes. Subconsciously, this will put pressure on the psyche, spoil the mood, and bring negativity.
  2. Damaged photographs and portraits with your image. According to signs, it is believed that such things carry the meaning of destruction of family and friendship.
  3. Any images of deceased people should be stored separately from others.

It turns out that paintings depicting bad weather, storms and storms can carry negative energy into the house. What then can we say about Malevich’s “Black Square”.

Gifts from enemies, skins, horns, stuffed animals.

There are holidays to which everyone you know is invited, without exception. And it doesn’t matter what feelings you have for your mother-in-law or mother-in-law or other close people.

For example, wedding or anniversary will not be able to do without such important guests; this is required by the rules of etiquette. Of course, all the guests will come with gifts and will say nice words and wishes to you. But congratulations that are not from the heart will not bode well for you. Gifts, of course, must be accepted with a smile and gratitude, because all these are necessary things. But here is it worth using them and storing them at home?, think about it.

You can take them to the dacha and leave them there, you can give them with good thoughts to another person and then they will no longer carry anything bad in themselves. You decide. The main thing is not to forget, in order not to get into an awkward position, do not give them back to the same person who gave them to you.

And if in your circle of friends there are hunters and avid lovers of souvenirs who can present you with their trophy: skins, antlers, stuffed animals or, for example, shells brought from the sea. Don’t rush to use all this in your interior. Think about it These items once belonged to living beings. And absolutely, having killed a deer for its skin and antlers, there is no way to charge such a trophy with positive good energy.

The gift should be simple, functional and belong only to you, and best of all, if it is made with your own hands and from the heart.

Houseplants: which ones you can and shouldn’t keep at home

Everyone, especially residents of big cities, lacks clean air in stuffy apartments. We densely fill our window sills with pots of green friends and helpers. Some plants will become our friends, but some of them will bring grief and troubles to the house:

  1. Various types vines attract illness and family quarrels. The exception is grapes.
  2. Pansies and palm trees are not recommended for placement at home.
  3. Fir branches and throw away the trees immediately after the end of the New Year holidays. After all, they always carried a grave theme.
  4. Reed, feather grass attract serious illnesses and death to the house.
  5. Withered bouquets throw them away and don’t regret it, they have already died and served their purpose.

Having sorted out what you can’t have in your home, you can draw conclusions - the less junk you put in cabinets and shelves, the better the atmosphere in your rooms and kitchen. And this is the key to a happy family.

Video: what should not be kept in the house?

In this video, esotericist and astrologer Olga Kiryushova will tell you what you need to have at home so that you always have money, and what it is absolutely not recommended to have:

A refrigerator is simply a salvation for a modern person. Prepared for future use, and you don’t have to stand at the stove three times a day: take it out, heat it up, dinner is ready.

And in general, we are used to hiding any food in the refrigerator so that it does not disappear. Everything from smoked meats and vegetable oils to jam and vegetables...

Everything seems logical - low temperatures should prolong the life of food supplies, slow down rotting, etc., but the refrigerator is not useful for all food.

What can't be stored in the refrigerator and why?

You cannot store canned food, smoked meats, or jams in the refrigerator. These foods only take up space that we always lack. Hard vegetables (potatoes, carrots, onions, parsnips) should be stored in film or a plastic box, but not in the refrigerator. Strange as it may seem, they will deteriorate faster in it.

Tomatoes, eggplants, cucumbers, zucchini and other water-containing vegetables should not be stored in the refrigerator. They immediately become covered with black spots and begin to rot. If you want to preserve eggplants for a long time, but don’t have time to can them, just cut them into circles and dry them. Store strung on a string, like mushrooms. In winter, it makes a delicious vegetable stew.

Melons and pumpkins don't get any better from refrigeration.. It is not advisable to store melon in the refrigerator, especially if it has already been cut. It is better to throw it away, because it will emit ethylene gas. In general, melons and pumpkins, if their skins are not damaged or stained from bruises, even overwinter on the kitchen cabinet and retain their presentation and normal taste for months (and the pumpkin until spring). The same applies to apples, pears, and grapes.

Remember, tropical fruits cannot be stored in the refrigerator, no matter how much you want to eat a cold tangerine, if you eat it it is far from healthy. At low temperatures, fruits rot and release harmful substances. Put all your citrus fruits on shelves in your closet. Pomegranates and persimmons also do not like this. It is better to wrap these fruits in several layers of paper and store them in a dry place at room temperature. Unripe fruits ripen successfully under such conditions.

Do not store chocolate and sweets in the refrigerator. Condensation appears on their surface at low temperatures. Then it dries, and tiny crystals of sugar remain on the surface; one might say, the chocolate “turns grey.” You can eat it in this form, but it is not as tasty or beautiful. If these sweets are tightly packed in polyethylene, the unfortunate condensation can cause them not only to turn grey, but also to become moldy.

Olive oil should not be stored in the refrigerator. In the cold it will flake and become tasteless. There is no place for honey in the refrigerator; cold kills all its beneficial properties.


You can store meat, poultry and fish in the refrigerator. It is better to keep stocks of meat and fish in the freezer divided into disposable portions in plastic bags with marks: meat for roast, bones for soup, etc. Thawed meat cannot be re-frozen, as this hopelessly deteriorates its quality. It becomes dry, tough and tasteless. But the fish tolerates such treatment quite well. Remember that under no circumstances should you wash meat and fish intended for storage! Unfrozen meat, poultry and fish, as well as their semi-finished products, intended for cooking in the near future, can be kept on the lowest shelf of the refrigerator. As a rule, this is a glass lid of the vegetable compartment. Some housewives prefer to place these food products on the top shelf, closer to the evaporator. Indeed, the temperature there is lower. But doctors categorically advise against doing this. An accidental drop from melting meat or fish into cottage cheese, milk, or sausage stored below can cause severe food poisoning.

Cheese should be stored in the refrigerator without film, because each piece of it is a mini chemical laboratory. The cheese should be stored in a plastic jar along with 2-3 pieces of regular noodles. The noodles will absorb moisture and prevent the cheese from disappearing.

Eggs You need to carefully lay them out on the refrigerator doors; under no circumstances should they be stored in commercial plastic packaging.

Are you aware that bread can it be stored in the refrigerator? If not, then try it. Just store it in the refrigerator in a box with a tight-fitting lid. The low temperature will protect the bread from mold, and the box will prevent it from going stale. And in the freezer compartment, bread can stay fresh for months. At a critical moment, this will remove the severity of the conflict over who should go for bread. It is more convenient to freeze bread pre-sliced. Then take as many slices as you need, place them in a closed container and keep them warm for a while.

Pies, cupcakes, rolls They also keep well in the freezer. Wrap them tightly in foil or plastic to keep air out and place them in the refrigerator until appropriate. When you need it, without defrosting, heat it in the microwave in a sealed container or in the oven: and no one will believe that they weren’t just baked. True, this advice does not apply to pies with onions, cabbage, eggs - freezing only worsens the taste of these fillings.

Milk in plastic or paper bags it will not go sour for many days if you keep it in the freezer. But its taste and nutritional value are reduced, so you shouldn’t store a lot of milk this way. It makes sense to keep one or two bags just in case.

A little about packing food in the refrigerator

When packaging food for storage in the refrigerator, we pursue several goals at once: we protect the food from drying out, from the absorption of foreign odors and from the access of oxygen, which supports biochemical processes and accelerates aging.

It is convenient to keep cooked meat, fish and poultry wrapped in foil, in jars, pans, or in special plastic or enamel trays with tight-fitting lids.

Bowls can be covered with improvised lids made from household foil. Or you can cover it with a piece of polyethylene and secure it along the sides with a rubber band or elastic cord. This will be better for both the food and the refrigerator - a snow coat will not form on its evaporator so quickly.

And another small, but very useful subtlety: before putting it into packaging, it is better to keep the food and container separately in the refrigerator for a while to cool it down. Otherwise, condensed moisture will soon appear inside the package, especially on vegetables, which accelerates spoilage.

The main truism regarding the storage of vegetables, as well as fruits and herbs, is that this should not happen either in the light or in the open air.

In the light, they begin to actively breathe, biological processes continue, which accelerate wilting and worsen the taste. The shelf life is reduced by two to three times.
