It's never a good day. Isn't it a good morning? 00 The most important things to do

“There’s no such thing as a good morning – a good breakfast helps”. “What would help you make your morning good?” This is the question we asked our heroes. And this is what came out of it:

1) - Hmm... You have interesting questions, my dear... Are you by any chance a spy?... Not the granddaughter of Sherlock Holmes? Exactly?... Okay, I’ll answer your stupid question, just stop pulling me by the robe!!... Well, probably, my morning would be good if one fine morning the director of Hogwarts - Albus Dumbledore - woke up bald and handcuffed to the bed, and his magic wand at that very moment disappeared somewhere, yet... If Harry Potter attacked the Dark Lord with a Kalashnikov-47 assault rifle in his hands, and he, in turn, attacked him, riding on “Katyusha”... But, alas, there was no such thing... Although... (the Boy Who Lived runs past our “interviewee” with a machine gun in his hands, being chased by Voldemort in a helmet and riding on a “Katyusha”)... This doesn’t mean anything yet!... (here a letter suddenly appears in his hand out of nowhere)... It seems I was in a hurry: this is the best morning of my life!

2) – I think my morning would be good if one fine day a small article appeared in all newspapers with a full-page headline: “Exclusive news! Hogwarts School of Potions Professor Severus Snape is lost in the Forbidden Forest! Will he return alive? Does he need to be saved at all?”. And also if Voldemort woke up not in the headquarters of the Death Eaters, but in the Kunstkamera along with Nagini in some large flask, human-sized!... Plus, on top of all this, if Ron stopped snoring loudly at night , otherwise after his “solo concerts” the next morning becomes “unkind”!

3) - What? It's morning already?! What date is it today?... And what year? Phew, thank God!... It was in vain that I went to visit Severus yesterday: the bastard gave me home-made moonshine to drink. But, how delicious it turned out! And then we called all the Eaters over and held a competition to see who could jump rope the most in 2 minutes. Of course, I won!... Stop! Where is Nagini? Where? In which Kunstkamera?... Stop! Where am I then?... In the morgue?!!... How did I end up here?!... What? Found dead drunk by the road and mistaken for a corpse!!... Oh, you! Now you will become corpses yourself!! "Avada Kedavra"!

4) – I have a good morning every day! Do you know why? Because when I wake up, I always imagine that somewhere now, deep in the dungeons, stupid Slytherins are freezing from the cold in their bedrooms, while I am lying in my warm and soft bed with a chicken leg in my mouth. And what? I get hungry even in my sleep!

5) - Well... I don’t even know what to tell you... It’s a good morning when you’re in a good mood. Since I am a master at turning phrases upside down, I will say this: good morning when Voldemort is in a bad mood or I just finally found my stash of lemon drops.

6) - So... "Verne-Babe Law Number One..."… A? What you need? What? Answer the question? Sorry, but I don't have time: I still need to finish five essays on transfiguration in 6 hours!... Why so many? No, this is not homework for tomorrow... More precisely, homework, but not tomorrow, but five weeks in advance! For what? What do you mean why?! So that later there would be enough time to write six more essays, but on Spells!

7) – I have my own signs of a good morning. Like this? Well, for example, if I managed to quarrel with Professor McGonagall early in the morning, this means that today was a bad morning. And if I was able to take my commentary mouthpiece away from her during this quarrel, then the morning becomes simply wonderful!

Guess who took part in our opinion poll and what words he said?

Correct answer:
1) Severus Snape
2)Harry Potter
3) Voldemort
4)Ron Weasley
5) Albus Dumbledore
6)Hermione Granger
7)Lee Jordan

“Why is it never a good morning? “.
It's simple - you make it like that! An angry and bad person cannot have a good morning; he will always find something bad. But we good and it's morning here Kind

And very simple tips “How to make a good morning?” will help you make it even better:

1.Go to bed in a good mood. Very simple, and most importantly – effective advice. Leave all negative emotions in this day, and before going to bed, be sure to think about something pleasant or dream (by the way, this is very useful!). You can think about goals and plans for tomorrow, but with one condition - only positive ones (and not about a lot of work, an angry boss, getting up early, etc.).

2. Throw away the alarm clock with the nasty squeak and set an alarm clock on your phone/music center/computer with a favorite and positive melody. For example, I have such an alarm, thanks to it, I wake up with a smile.

3.Open your eyes and smile. After all, a new day brings us only joy. It is in the morning that you “order” your day. A very good joke on the topic:

A man is riding on a trolleybus in the morning... Gloomy. And he thinks:

There are only rednecks around, the boss is a cretin, the wife is a bitch.

Behind your back is a guardian angel with a notepad and pen. He writes down: “There are rednecks all around, the boss is a cretin, the wife is a bitch.”

And in turn he thinks:

It seems like it already happened. And why does he need to do this all the time? But once he orders it, he must fulfill it...

4.Motivate yourself. It sounds scary, but it's actually very simple. In order for you to have an incentive to get out of a warm bed, promise yourself some kind of bonus/prize for the work done (for example, do a quarterly report - buy ice cream, clean the house - treat yourself to a bath with fragrant foam and then offer your options).

5.Turn on your favorite music. Yes, music, but not TV or radio, but a CD with your favorite songs (make a selection of energetic and positive tracks). In another case, they will bombard you with a lot of negative news early in the morning and force you to listen to songs.

6.Mandatory morning kiss. Be sure to kiss someone in the morning (possible options: beloved, husband/wife, mom/dad/brother/sister, parrot/turtle/fish, your own reflection in the mirror).

7.Do some exercise. No matter how trivial it may sound, physical exercise contributes to a good mood.

8.Treat yourself to aromatic coffee/tea/cocoa/juice and a delicious breakfast. In the morning, you can allow yourself to eat whatever your heart desires - this will not affect your figure in any way, since all the calories will be used for energy during the day.

These are such simple and at the same time difficult (to implement) tips.

I wish you good morning and a wonderful day! And leave phrases like “good mornings are never good” to pessimists and losers! After all, we have the best morning!

Is falling asleep after midnight every day normal for you? Do you get up when even the roosters are not awake? The season of cloudy weather has arrived in your city, and instead of the bright sun in the morning, you are woken up by the sound of pouring rain on the window?

And finally, are you just a night owl and can’t do anything about it? Then you just need to know how to cheer yourself up in the early morning, cheer up yourself and your loved ones, gain positive energy and set yourself up for a good continuation of the day. Now let's talk about everything in order.

Exercise, exercise, shower.

Do you hear the annoying sound of an alarm clock from afar? Stretch, turn your head, lift your legs up and down several times, open and close your arms 5-10 times - and you will feel how your body begins to wake up: different muscle groups, blood vessels come into play and the entire circulatory system begins to function fully, the brain begins to your job and now you’ve already woken up!

Getting out of bed, do 10-15 squats, jump, warm up, all this will finally drive away the remnants of sleep and the desire to crawl under the covers again. After doing a little warm-up, you can safely go to the shower. I want to tell readers that the shower should not be very cold or hot, because... this can cause spasm of cerebral vessels or, conversely, excessive relaxation. 5-10 minutes under running warm water is what your body needs in the early morning! Having dealt with water procedures, you can move on to delicious food.

Proper breakfast.

It's no secret that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, on which the proper functioning of the body throughout the day, and, of course, your good mood directly depends. Therefore, it must be complete and certainly tasty!

As for nutritional value, oatmeal or muesli has no competition. This breakfast will provide you with energy until the evening. But porridge and muesli are a breakfast for everyone, and, having eaten oatmeal as a child, many categorically refuse to eat it every day. In this case, there are many alternative foods rich in minerals and other substances necessary for your body.

Cheese. The most popular breakfast dish is sandwiches. Some make them with sausage, some with butter, some with cheese. As for, it contains cholesterol and you shouldn’t get too carried away with it. Sausage, even from the elite category, also raises suspicion. But cheese is a healthy product and even necessary for the diet of any person. – a source of calcium, which means it is an assistant for your bones, heart, digestive system and brain.

Yogurt, cottage cheese (or cottage cheese), milk. All these products are recommended for breakfast, because... contain calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus and amino acids. In addition, the choice of these products is so large that you can consume them daily, while alternating flavors and varieties, which means you won’t get bored with dairy products in a short period of time.

Eggs. Omelette, scrambled eggs, hard-boiled or soft-boiled eggs are all variations of the same product - chicken (or) eggs. This product contains a large amount of vitamins C, B, D, E, as well as iron, phosphorus, iodine and zinc, which means it is very useful for all vital systems of the body.

As for drinks, everyone can decide for themselves. Some people can’t live without it, others prefer it, and others drink juice exclusively. If we talk about beneficial properties, then tea or juice is preferable. Juice is a storehouse of all kinds of vitamins, and tea is rich in antioxidants necessary for the body.

Having refreshed yourself and given strength to your body, you can safely declare a new day open!

Moral attitude and pleasant little things.

Morning exercises, a shower, and breakfast will not do you any good and are unlikely to be a joy if you are in a bad mood. Some will say that it is simply impossible to be in a good mood in the morning. Not true! We choose our own mood.

In the evening, set yourself up for a wonderful morning and the whole next day. Think about how you can pamper yourself in the morning? Eat a little candy while on a diet, or buy an interesting magazine on the way to work? All this, it would seem, is insignificant and unimportant, but, nevertheless, it will definitely lift your spirits and help you wake up easier in the morning.

And try to pamper not only yourself, but also your loved ones, loved ones and relatives with pleasant little things. Let it be just a sticker with the inscription “Good morning, sunshine!”, pasted next to the bed of your loved one (beloved), or breakfast, laid out on a plate with a heart, it doesn’t matter, both will lift their spirits.

Find an incentive for yourself that will make you wake up in the morning smiling and looking forward to a new wonderful day.

And may every morning be good for you!

Good morning everyone! It's time to part with your favorite pillow and start a new day! We have selected a wonderful selection of morning statuses that will help you wake up faster and charge you with positivity for the whole day. Share aphorisms, sayings and phrases about the morning with your friends, let everyone’s day begin with pleasant and cheerful moments.

For some people, morning is a real challenge. Of course, because in the morning you need to wake up and go to work, and in the morning no one and nothing seems as close and dear as a pillow and a blanket. To wake up easily and quickly, you need very little. Firstly, you need to go to bed on time, and secondly, you need to find a stimulus in the evening that will help you wake up faster in the morning.

An indispensable morning attribute is coffee. Its aroma invigorates and inspires you to go and conquer the world! Coffee helps you feel the beauty of the morning and enjoy the notes of its vigor and freshness.

Morning is the beginning of life, in the morning everything wakes up, nature wakes up first. And, perhaps, there is nothing more beautiful than looking at the dawn, at how the sun wakes up to give people light, a smile and joy. Morning is a surge of vigor and desire to create and achieve your goals. All important decisions need to be made in the morning, then they will be the most correct.


The coffee ritual is a type of morning meditation. (L. Ulitskaya)

If the morning begins with aromatic coffee, then this is a good sign for the people around me. (Nick Gardo)

Morning... Ruthless morning is the destroyer of night illusions, vague dreams, sweet dreams. Morning is a convinced pragmatist, a sober practitioner, an arbiter who has raised his hand and is ready to start a new race. (O. Roy)

A morning without coffee is not a morning.
So…. prolonged sleep.
Coffee in the morning is wise
coffee in the morning is the law.
A morning without coffee is in vain,
and somersault all day.
Coffee in the morning is a joy
and without it - rubbish.
Morning without coffee is unbearable -
like flying, only downwards.
Coffee in the morning is a boost.

Coffee in the morning is life.

People come to more correct thoughts in the morning than in the evening. (S. Lukyanenko)

Every morning is the time to start life again. (Paulo Coelho)

Stop sleeping!
- Saying “wake up” is positive, but “stop sleeping” is negative. (Wall Street)

Good morning brings good afternoon.

What you don't do in the morning, you can't make up for in the evening.

They believe that success comes to those who get up early. No: success comes to those who get up in a good mood. (Ashar Marcel)

The morning remains good as long as it is given a chance. (Sabir Omurov)

It’s not enough to get up early in the morning, you also have to stop sleeping. (Yanina Ipohorskaya)

Not everything that begins is new. But every morning shines with freshness. (Ernst Bloch)

You can't just get up early in the morning. This is always a complex philosophical process. (Sergey Yasinsky)

Thoughts are like flowers: picked in the morning, they remain fresh longer. (Andre Gide)


Every morning I play the main role in the science-fiction thriller “To Sleep in 5 Minutes”...

If in the morning the cat smiles mysteriously, then it’s better not to wear slippers...

Every morning we have to make a difficult choice - what to wear: unwashed or unironed?

Often looking at a woman in the morning, you realize with horror that the fact that you seduced her yesterday was not your fault, but hers.

It's morning. Became richer for a day of your life.

Dear men, always kiss your wife in the morning! Well, at least to be the first!

A message received in the morning does not just mean “Good morning”... it means - I think about you when I wake up...

Good morning, homosapiens. Drink coffee and run to evolve.

Strong coffee in the morning? What are you talking about?! I won’t fall asleep at work later!

It turns out that you can do a lot in the morning if you don’t go online!

There are only three types of mornings - early, very early and too early!

Every morning I tell myself: “Get up, beauty, great things are ahead of us!” But an inner voice whispers: “If they wait, then they love, and if they love, then they will wait!”

The morning should start with coffee, not with a bad mood.

Morning among the gypsies: whoever got up first dressed the most beautifully!

Scientists have found that the morning is always better if it begins after lunch.

A good morning is the key to a successful day. It is very important to have a person next to you to whom you say “Good morning!” every morning. and hear this wish addressed to you. After all, happiness lies in starting the day not alone, but next to your loved one and with good thoughts.
