Stages of preparing khachapuri. Quick khachapuri made from puff pastry in Balkan style. Quick khachapuri recipes

We usually associate such a dish as khachapuri with cheese with Georgian, Armenian and any other oriental cuisine. But the origins of this pastry are still Georgian.

Usually khachapuri is a wheat flatbread with suluguni cheese and Georgian tkemali sauce. Often on store shelves you can see khachapuri without sauce, but with an egg inside.

People don't often think about the history of the dishes they eat every day. But we are sure that people have been preparing khachapuri for so long that the recipe has already entered into the Georgian national code. This is their own reason for pride, like kulebyak and cabbage soup in Russia, like borscht with pampushki in Ukraine.

The ability to cook national dishes is an excellent quality for a housewife and mother.

Plus, Russia and Georgia lived in the same state for a long time, so in our country khachapuri with cheese is also known and loved. And they add their own ideas and twists to the recipe! Therefore, I present to you 8 options for preparing this dish.

This dish is almost as old as Georgia itself. It is known that the approximate period of origin of the recipe is the Middle Ages, and the region is northeast Georgia.

Its original recipe is so cherished that in 2011 they even filed a patent for its trade name. This is so that no establishment can give the name “khachapuri” to a dish that is not one, and does not know how to prepare khachapuri in its own way. After all, this Georgian product is unique.

The most delicious khachapuri recipes

Khachapuri with cheese in a frying pan

This option is prepared with the addition of kefir. The dough turns out soft, airy, porous - just what you need for a crispy crust and rich, tender pulp. An important requirement for proper khachapuri is that there be twice as much filling as there is bread. You can do it in half, but not less!

  • cheese – 0.5 kg. Take the variety that melts well and can stretch: mozzarella, suluguni, sheep, or at worst, Dutch. For example, 50% mozzarella and 50% suluguni;
  • greens – 50 g;
  • flour – 0.3 kg;
  • sugar - tablespoon;
  • salt - teaspoon;
  • kefir - a glass;
  • soda - half a teaspoon.

Dissolve kefir and sugar in an enamel bowl. sand, salt and soda powder. Pour in the flour and form the dough, only on the surface.

Don’t be afraid to knead the dough until completely smooth. When you are finished, remove the mixture for cooking to the place at the desired temperature and cover with paper, cloth or film.

Grate two types of cheese coarsely, add herbs and stir.

Divide the baking mixture evenly into four pieces. Roll out all the pieces separately from each other with a rolling pin, put a quarter of the filling inside and spread over.

The flatbread with the filling inside needs to be fried on both sides in butter or vegetable oil. Make sure that the cheese filling has the desired consistency - it stretches, but does not spill out.

The Adjarian version looks more interesting than the traditional recipe - instead of flatbread there are boats, and in the center of the flatbread there is an egg. Plus, this version of the dish is oven-cooked, so it's lower in fat and calories.

If you also grease this culinary masterpiece with oil, the result is absolutely beautiful. Delicious beauty!

To prepare this recipe, take the following ingredients:

  • 0.5 kg flour;
  • 0.4 l milk;
  • a couple of tablespoons of plums. oils;
  • tablespoon rast. oils;
  • a teaspoon of sugar;
  • 1⁄2 teaspoon salt;
  • 0.5 kg of cheese (preferably suluguni);
  • 1⁄2 pack of dry yeast;
  • 3 chicken eggs.

Add dry yeast and sugar into the sifted flour. sand, salt, butter. Pour the heated milk into a cup.

Your dough should be quite dense so that it does not stick to your hands. It needs to be kneaded on the table until completely homogeneous. Put it in a warm place for a while, cover it carefully and let it rest.

Prepare grated cheese, mix with one egg. Form the baking mixture into four equal pieces. Roll the pieces into flat cakes, fold the edges of the flat cakes to make a boat. Place 1⁄4 of the filling inside and bake for 7-8 minutes. Preheat the oven to 250 degrees.

When you take out the khachapuri, break an egg into the center of each boat and put it back into the oven for 3-4 minutes.

Khachapuri in Megrelian

This version of the dish is more similar to the traditional recipe. Only cheese is added not only inside the flatbread, but also on top.

To prepare this recipe take:

  • cheese – 0.2 kg;
  • 0.5-0.6 kg flour;
  • half a glass of milk;
  • half a pack of dry yeast;
  • half a teaspoon of soda powder;
  • egg;
  • a third of a pack of plums. oils;
  • table. spoon of vegetable oil;
  • grows a little. oils for lubrication.

Add salt and dry yeast to the heated milk and prepare the mixture. Add another egg, two types of oils to what comes out and mix again.

Gently add flour. Let the base be dense, it should not stick to your hands, but do not add more flour than necessary.

You need to knead the dough on the surface, gradually adding more flour if necessary.

To make the dough rise, cover it with a towel and forget about it for 1-2 hours.

Prepare grated cheese. Divide the dough into 2 pieces and roll out the cakes.

Place half of the filling inside, connect the ends and roll into a layer. Place each flatbread on a baking sheet and sprinkle with suluguni shavings.

Bake at high temperature (200-250 degrees) for only 15 minutes.

This recipe combines the pros and cons of other options for preparing a Georgian dish. On the one hand, khachapuri is cooked in the oven, without vegetable oil for frying. Fewer calories and less cholesterol. On the other hand, you will have to prepare yeast dough. The name of the baked goods comes from one of the national groups of Georgians - Imeretians, who lived and live in the western part of the country.

But this dish is usually not suitable for beginners, so feel free to tackle this type of baking after mastering other recipes.

To prepare Imeretian-style khachapuri, you need:

  • 0.25 kg flour;
  • half a glass of water;
  • a third or half a packet of dry yeast;
  • a tablespoon of sunflower oil;
  • a third of a teaspoon of sugar;
  • a third of a teaspoon of salt;
  • 0.3-0.4 kg of cheese;
  • egg;
  • a little plum. oils

Stir yeast and salt in warm water, then add sugar, add sunflower oil and stir again.

Carefully pour the flour into the yeast mixture and stir.

Leave the dough to rise for half an hour under a towel.

Make the filling: grate the cheese, add the egg and mix. To prevent the filling from spreading and keep its shape, pour a little flour into it - a tablespoon will be enough.

Take out the baking mixture, roll it into a circle with a diameter of 30 centimeters, put all the filling inside.

Khachapuri made from puff pastry

Khachapuri with cheese, which is sold in supermarkets and bakery stalls, are almost always small triangles of puff pastry.

They require less skill; this is not the original Georgian recipe. But you will definitely be able to cook them and you will need fewer ingredients.

So, the necessary products:

  • 0.5 kg cheese;
  • package of puff pastry (500 g);
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • a little butter.

Grate the cheese on a coarse grater, add egg and butter. One tablespoon will be enough, the main thing is to melt it.

Divide the dough into 6-8 equal parts. Roll out into layers and place a little cheese filling in the center. Connect the ends of the layers to form a triangle and place on a greased baking sheet.

Everything - in the oven for 20 minutes. Temperature – 200 degrees. When the khachapuri is almost ready, brush the pastry with beaten egg and place back in the oven. Another 3-5 minutes and you're done!

Khachapuri made from yeast dough

A Georgian baking recipe, modernized by Russian housewives.

To prepare the pie, take the following products:

  • 1000 g flour;
  • 7 chicken eggs;
  • a pack of dry yeast;
  • 500 ml water or milk;
  • 100-150 grams of plums. oils;
  • 1 table. spoon of granulated sugar;
  • 0.5 teaspoons of salt;
  • 1000 g cheese;
  • 0.2 kg sour cream.

Sah. Stir sand, dry yeast and salt in warm water/milk. Combine with 4 eggs, flour and form a dough. When finished, add 4 tablespoons of oil and knead again. Leave in a warm place under a towel for a couple of hours.

Grate the cheese, mix with the remaining eggs, sour cream, and remaining butter.

You need to form ten cakes from the dough. The cooking technology is the same - roll it out, put the filling inside, squeeze it and roll it out again.

And finally - into the oven until done at 200-250 degrees.

Let's replace the dough with pita bread for two reasons: faster and fewer calories.

Required Products:

  • 30-50 g of greens;
  • 1/3 pack of plums. oils;
  • 0.4 kg cheese;
  • 0.4 kg cottage cheese;
  • 0.2 l milk;
  • 0.4 liters of sour cream – large package;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 1 pack thin lavash.

The recipe also contains cottage cheese - with it the khachapuri will be softer and more tender.

Add 25 g of melted plums to the mixture of beaten eggs, sour cream, milk, salt and spices. oils Dip the lavash sheets into this mixture and place them in a baking container.

Combine cottage cheese and grated cheese, add chopped herbs. Mix and place on pita bread, then top with some filling and grated cheese again.

Place in the oven for 20 minutes at 220 degrees.

Khachapuri with cottage cheese


  • 0.15 kg plums oils;
  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • 1/2 tea. spoons of salt;
  • 0.4 kg flour;
  • 0.25 kg cottage cheese;
  • 0.2 kg cheese;
  • teaspoon sugar;
  • a pinch of soda;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of sour cream.

Mix cottage cheese with butter, slaked soda, sugar. sand and egg. Add all the flour and mix. Knead the dough.

For the filling, mix grated cheese with 1 egg, sour cream, and add herbs if desired.

Khachapuri is cooked in the oven, so roll out 8 flat cakes using the same technology as previous recipes.

Beat the egg and brush the pastries with it and place in the oven for half an hour to an hour at a temperature of 200-220 degrees.

  1. In a restaurant, the most important thing is the presentation. To make dinner at home just as unusual, eat khachapuri in Georgian style. If you have baked goods with an egg on top, break off pieces from the pie and dip them in the egg filling.
  2. Before removing from the oven, it is better to brush the baked goods with beaten egg;
  3. The best cheese for khachapuri is suluguni. The Adyghe one is similar to it, it is more accessible and cheaper.
  4. If you don’t have all the necessary types of cheese, take feta cheese.
  5. If a special presentation of a dish to create a “Georgian flavor” is not enough for you, instead of kefir in recipes, use matsoni, a Georgian fermented milk product.
  6. This recipe, although considered Caucasian fast food, can be made vegetarian, low-calorie, and a recipe for every day.


For khachapuri with cheese, try Georgian wines - Kakhetian and any other. Bon appetit! National Caucasian cuisine is a decoration for any table.

You all know that, oddly enough, sometimes we want to eat something unusual: some pies, whites or hot dogs. Agree, this happens to everyone. I don’t really want to buy products of questionable quality on the street. That’s when we open cookbooks, videos and other sources in search of delicious and not entirely healthy recipes.

Layered miracle

First, let's prepare puff pastry for khachapuri. The recipe requires premium flour and exclusively sifted flour. You need to take cold water, but not from the tap.

For the test:

Flour - 400 g;
. margarine - 40 g;
. water - 250 ml;
. salt - 1 tsp.

Sift the flour in a heap, make a well in the center and pour water into it. Add salt and gently knead the dough. Cover with a towel and leave in a cool place for an hour and a half. Roll out the dough. Place margarine cut into pieces in the middle. Cover it with the remaining layer and roll it out as thin as possible. Fold three times and refrigerate. The dough is ready.


We will need:

Brynza - half a kilo;
. egg - 1 pc.;
. oil - for lubrication.


1) Make flat cakes 5 mm thick from the dough.
2) Place the filling of grated cheese mixed with egg in the center.
3) Wrap the edges with an envelope.
4) Grease a baking sheet with oil and place khachapuri there.
5) Heat the oven to 180 degrees and bake for about half an hour.
6) Before serving, brush with butter or sprinkle with finely chopped herbs.

This is a very tasty and original dough for khachapuri. The recipe for this dish is quite simple.

National joy

The traditional khachapuri recipe is difficult to prepare, at least for a Slavic person. As in many cultures, there are plenty of secrets and little tricks. We suggest you take the time to prepare the dough for khachapuri. The Georgian recipe is real.

Have to take:

Butter - 110 g;
. sugar - 2 tsp;
. flour - 2 cups;
. sour cream - 6 tbsp. l.;
. soda - on the tip of a spoon or knife;
. margarine - 50 g.

This is all you need to prepare the dough for khachapuri. The recipe is as follows:

1) Mash the butter with margarine.
2) Add sour cream, sugar, salt and water.
3) Mix, add flour and knead the dough with light movements.

For filling:

Potatoes - 300 g;
. feta cheese - 100 g;
. egg - 1 pc.


1) Boil potatoes in their skins, cool.
2) Peel and puree.
3) Grate the cheese on a fine grater and mix it with the potatoes.
4) Divide the dough into eight equal parts.
5) Make a flat cake 10 cm wide from each part.
6) Place the filling in the middle and seal the edge. The recipe for khachapuri dough is very simple, and if you use good flour, it will not float.
7) Flatten the flatbreads to give them the desired shape.
8) Whisk the egg and coat each khachapuri.
9) Place the flatbreads on a baking sheet and bake at 180 degrees for 25 minutes.

Excellent and tasty dough for khachapuri. The Georgian recipe with cheese will not leave anyone indifferent. We recommend it as a traditional one. Such khachapuri will be surprisingly similar to the real thing. Here is another option for kneading dough for them.

The most delicate yeast dough for khachapuri: recipe

Have to take:

Milk - 200 g;
. salt - at your discretion;
. yeast - 2 tsp;
. soda - half a tsp;
. flour - 3 cups.


  1. Add milk at room temperature to the flour.
  2. Salt, add yeast.
  3. Quench the soda with vinegar and add to the dough.
  4. Knead the dough with smooth movements, adding flour as needed.

This recipe for khachapuri dough makes it very tender and airy. An excellent filling would be suluguni and Adyghe cheese.

Cooking option


Suluguni - 100 g;
. Adyghe cheese - 100 g;
. butter - 80 g.


1) After kneading the dough, let it rise for about forty minutes.
2) Form small balls the size of a walnut from it.
3) Roll them out well so that the diameter reaches the size of a dinner plate.
4) Grate cheese (both types) on a fine grater.
5) Melt the butter in a water bath.
6) Add it to the cheese.
7) Use a teaspoon to place the filling in the center of each roll and pinch the edges tightly in the center.
8) Roll out again with a rolling pin, but not so thin. The thickness of the dough should be about 1 cm.
9) Heat a frying pan without oil.
10) Fry on both sides for about two to three minutes.

You can make khachapuri from ready-made dough. The recipe will be much simpler. But you must admit, it won’t be as tasty. The very point of making homemade khachapuri is that you can choose the ingredients and filling for the dough yourself.

Kefir dough

Have to take:

Flour - 700 g;
. kefir - 500 ml;
. sugar - 1 tsp;
. salt - at your discretion.

Kneading the dough:

They make very satisfying and crispy khachapuri. The yeast dough recipe is much inferior to it.
1) Heat kefir to room temperature. You can take any fat content.
2) Slowly add flour, starting to knead.
3) Add salt and sugar and knead well.
4) Let stand for about 20 minutes.
Meanwhile, make the filling.

Have to take:

Cheese (salty) - 700 g;
. butter - 100 g;
. soda - as much as needed;
. sunflower oil - 4 tbsp. l.


1) Make a flatbread from the dough we have already prepared.
2) Sprinkle it with a small amount of soda.
3) Knead the dough again and repeat the procedure three times.
4) Cover with a towel and place in a warm place for an hour.
5) Grate the cheese well, coarsely this time.
6) Wait until the dough is ready and divide it into five parts.
7) Form a flat cake using a rolling pin.
8) Place the filling in the center of each of them and add a little butter.
9) Gather the edges in the center, creating a “pouch”.
10) Roll each one out to the size of a frying pan, not very thin. It is best to take a frying pan with a grooved coating.
11) Heat a frying pan without oil and fry until golden brown, covering with a lid.
12) Turn over and continue to fry without a lid for 3-4 minutes.

Adjarian rosy

To prepare the dough:

Water at room temperature or slightly warmer - 200 ml;
. sugar - 1 tsp;
. dry, active yeast - half a sachet (can be replaced with natural yeast - 5 g);
. flour - half a kilo;
. sunflower oil - 1 tbsp. l.


1) Take a deep bowl.
2) If you prefer natural yeast, sprinkle it with sugar and let it sit for 3 minutes.
3) Mix all ingredients vigorously and leave for 10-15 minutes.
4) After this time, carefully add flour and mix.
5) Knead the dough, adding sunflower oil. It should stick to your hands a little.
6) Wrap well in a blanket and send to a warm place for two hours.


Suluguni cheese - 300 g.
. feta cheese - 300 g.
. Adyghe cheese - 150 g.
. greens - at your discretion;
. egg - 2 pcs.


1) Chop the greens very finely.
2) Grate the cheese on a coarse grater.
3) Divide the dough into parts.
4) Roll out into large circles, as for pizza.
5) Distribute some of the greens and cheese filling in a circle and roll it into a roll, leaving a space in the middle.
6) Connect the edges with a “ship”.
7) Place some filling on the empty part.
8) Coat the edges of our “boat” with beaten egg yolk.
9) Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
10) Send the khachapuri there for 15 minutes until the filling boils.
11) Beat a chicken egg into the middle.

Khachapuri is ready when the egg is fried. This dish is very satisfying, and the golden crispy sides are a delight. Sauces are perfect for this type of cooking. For example, tartare, homemade mayonnaise or adjika.

We hope that our article will be useful and informative for you.

Traditional Georgian khachapuri is a closed pie baked over an open fire. A mixture of eggs, matsoni, butter, flour, and yeast hides the most delicate filling of fresh Imeretian cheese. However, it is not necessary to strictly follow the classic recipe: use your imagination, and the age-old dish will sparkle with unexpected shades of taste.

How to cook khachapuri with cheese

Surprisingly quick to prepare, this pie turns out amazingly tasty even for novice housewives. It’s interesting that there are hundreds of recipes for khachapuri with cheese. In every region of Georgia you will be treated to a pie, which is prepared in a special way, characteristic of this region. You can use any recipe as a basis for your own culinary masterpiece. Do you have any doubts about how to cook khachapuri with cheese correctly? Use one of the recipes below with step-by-step instructions.

Khachapuri in Imeretian style

The main condition is that only one type of cheese is placed inside the flatbreads: Imeretian. Hence the name. These flatbreads are good as an independent dish or a hearty alternative to bread. It’s better to make several servings at once: the aromatic khachapuri with a brittle crust and viscous filling disappears as soon as it has time to fry. Ingredients:

  • flour – 1 kg;
  • vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • milk – 300 ml;
  • dry yeast, sugar, salt - 2 tsp each;
  • water – 400 ml;
  • grated Imeretian cheese, butter - 200 g each.

How to cook:

  1. Pour water over sugar and yeast and set aside for 15 minutes.
  2. Pour the fermented yeast into a container with flour, add milk, salt, quickly knead the dough, adding water if necessary - and don’t think about it for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Press sunflower oil into the finished dough, place the resulting ball in a bowl, and let rest for 40–50 minutes. Then pick up the edges of the dough inside the ball, turn it over, and place it back in the bowl. Repeat the entire procedure four times.
  4. Divide the ball into eight koloboks, roll each one out, spread the cheese over the flatbreads, and bring the edges together. Bake in a hot dry frying pan, remove from heat and grease with butter.

From puff pastry

Relatively recently, culinary specialists have compiled a recipe for puff pastry cakes with cheese. It has successfully taken root in many cuisines along with classic variations. This recipe makes khachapuri with cheese crispy and appetizing. They are good hot with strong tea or coffee, chilled milk or kefir. The recipe for khachapuri made from puff pastry with cheese in the oven is as follows. Ingredients:

  • flour – 5 glasses;
  • butter – 800 g;
  • water – 200 ml (1 glass);
  • vinegar – 5 g (1 tsp);
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • salt – ½ tsp;
  • crushed Adyghe cheese (Abkhazian, feta cheese, suluguni) – 250 g.

How to cook:

  1. Mix 4 cups flour, eggs, water, vinegar and salt, knead into a ball, and let rest for 20 minutes.
  2. Grind 600 g of butter and the remaining flour.
  3. Roll out the dough into a rectangle, sprinkle with butter crumbs, and fold into an envelope. Run the rolling pin over it again, fold it into quarters, and put it in the refrigerator for 60 minutes.
  4. Roll out the prepared dough, cut into square pieces, place cheese and a piece of butter in the middle, fold into a triangle, lightly pressing the edges with a fork.
  5. Bake the finished cheese triangles for half an hour in the oven. Temperature – 200 °C.

In a frying pan

According to the recipe below, khachapuri with cheese in a frying pan is even easier to prepare than in the oven. They look like pancakes, but thick, salty in taste, with grains of sticky filling. Another recipe for a caring and generous housewife. Delicate flatbreads made from yeast-free dough are best made for breakfast and served piping hot: fast, satisfying and amazingly tasty! Ingredients:

  • milk, flour - 2 cups each;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • butter – 60 g;
  • suluguni (cheese cheese, cottage cheese) – 600 g.

How to cook:

  1. Beat eggs and milk.
  2. Gently stir in the flour and process with a blender so that no lumps remain. Crumble the suluguni there.
  3. Grease a heated frying pan with butter, pour some of the dough onto it (indicate the thickness of the cake to your taste), bake on both sides.

Khachapuri with kefir

Can't stand milk even in baked goods? The recipe for cheese cakes with kefir is perfect for you. This is where you can safely use a fermented milk product that has lain unnecessarily for two or three days in the refrigerator. A tip for moms: children love this kind of cheese pastries. And so that little picky people don’t refuse the delicacy, bake triangles, boats or rolls. According to the recipe, for the dish you will need:

  • flour – 6 glasses;
  • kefir – 2 glasses;
  • soda – 1 tsp;
  • salt, sugar - 2 tsp each;
  • vegetable oil – 4 tbsp. l.;
  • butter, shredded cheese - 600 g each.
  • eggs – 4 pcs.

To prepare the dish:

  1. Beat 2 eggs, pour in kefir, vegetable oil, add soda, salt and sugar, mix everything thoroughly.
  2. Gently add flour, knead the dough, let it rest for half an hour, then divide into pieces and roll them out.
  3. Mix shredded cheese, 2 eggs, put the filling into pieces, give the small flatbreads the desired shape.
  4. Fry in a frying pan. Remove from heat and brush with butter.

In the oven

This recipe for khachapuri with cheese is interesting because suluguni is not only used as a filling, but also sprinkled on top of the flatbread. It is baked only on the bottom side and, studded with aromatic cheese crumbs, looks very appetizing. Products for the dish:

  • flour – 400 g;
  • matsoni (kefir) – 250 ml;
  • butter – 30 g;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • soda – 1 tsp;
  • suluguni – 300 g.
  1. Mix matsoni, butter, egg, add flour and soda. Set aside the kneaded dough to rest for half an hour.
  2. Roll out the flatbread, lay out 250 g of shredded cheese, close the edges of the flatbread in the middle, turn it over, sprinkle with the remaining cheese.
  3. Bake for 10 minutes. Oven temperature – 250 °C.

From lavash

The calorie content of khachapuri made from lavash with cheese is low. And this is understandable. Thin sheets contain fewer calories than fluffy dough. The recipe for khachapuri with lavash cheese is one of the simplest, and it will take a minimum of time to prepare the aromatic flatbread. Ingredients:

  • thin pita bread - 2 sheets;
  • any hard cheese – 150 g;
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • cottage cheese – 400 g;
  • kefir – 200 ml;
  • salt – 1 tsp.

To prepare according to the recipe:

  1. Beat kefir, eggs, and salt with a spoon.
  2. Mix cottage cheese with chopped cheese, add salt.
  3. Grease the surface of the baking dish, place a sheet of pita bread, leaving the edges behind the sides, cover the first sheet with the second one crosswise. Place half of the cheese and curd filling in the middle and smooth it out. Cover it with the edges of the second sheet, pour in half of the kefir-egg mixture. Place the remaining filling on top, cover with the edges of the first sheet of pita bread, and spread the remaining filling.
  4. Bake for 60 minutes. Oven temperature – 180 °C.

Learn how to cook delicious ones.

Khachapuri in Adjara

Khachapuri is a national dish of Georgian cuisine, which has taken root in Russia with great success and adapted to local conditions. Like almost any type of pie, this type has several advantages: you can take it with you for snacks, and if we talk about khachapuri cooked in a frying pan, then such types can be made even in the country, where not everyone has an oven.

Today, khachapuri is known to us in various forms: as an open and closed pie with cheese, as small cheesecakes on puff pastry, or as a kind of pita bread with cheese. In its original form, khachapuri is a flour product in which the mass of cheese predominates over flour, without any other specifications. Actually, this is evidenced by its names “khacho” and “puri”, which are literally translated from Georgian as cottage cheese and bread, respectively. But how to cook khachapuri is a rather difficult question.

Secrets of cooking khachapuri

Depending on the region of Georgia, khachapuri can be prepared in different ways, also, as mentioned above, khachapuri has expanded beyond its original places of preparation, and alternative recipes have appeared in other countries under the same name. Therefore, it is impossible to name universal secrets; each recipe will have its own.

And yet, if we talk about the classic recipe, then there are several general provisions:

Khachapuri is prepared using a special dough, which is made in an acidic medium - matsoni, sometimes adding soda to it. The use of yeast for acidic conditions is not required. On this basis you can prepare both khachapuri from puff pastry and ordinary products.

If you don’t have matsoni on hand, you can replace it with sour cream or yogurt, draining off a significant part of the whey. Sometimes kefir and fermented baked milk are also used.

The dough is kneaded loosely so that the final product is tender. In order to mix less flour into the khachapuri dough, but to get it not sticky to your hands, after kneading it is allowed to rest so that the gluten swells.

For khachapuri, the following brined types of cheese are used: Imeretian, Chanakh, Kobi, and feta cheese. You can prepare products with Adyghe cheese. Brine-type cheeses are usually very salty, so they are cut into thin layers in advance and soaked in water.

Khachapuri is often cooked in a dry frying pan rather than in an oven. This method is not a modern instant recipe, but quite traditional.

The term "puff pastry" can be understood as either a standard puff pastry with vertical layers, or a dough with horizontal layers, as well as a closed pie, since the cheese separates the cake into two layers.

Khachapuri filling

Despite the fact that everyone knows khachapuri as a flatbread with cheese, even in Georgia itself it can be a pie with fillings of different composition. First of all, you can add any greens to the cheese filling. There are often recipes with the favorite combination of ham and cheese. And sometimes it can even be something like an Ossetian pie with potato or meat filling. And of course, in Adjarian khachapuri, in addition to the cheese, an egg is beaten.

Khachapuri shape options

In addition to the fact that khachapuri differs in dough and fillings, depending on the traditional place of preparation of a particular type, they can also differ in shape. Thus, Adjarian products are known for their boat shape.

Khachapuri in Tbilisi and Imereti are round flatbreads, the size of which may depend on the size of the frying pan; the cheese in such products is located inside. Megrelian khachapuri is also a round flatbread, but the cheese is not only inside, the outside of the product is also sprinkled with cheeses.

Balkan-style products are small puff square buns. Using the same principle, triangular products or small open boats, which we usually call envelopes, can be made.

There is another uncommon type - Achma or Sagan-Makarina - this is a cheese and flour product made from boiled layers of dough, baked in a mold. In addition, there are many lazy forms of the dish, where pita bread can serve as the base or they will be a cheese and flour casserole in a frying pan.

Khachapuri dough

With all the varieties of khachapuri, it is already difficult to say which dough will be correct; everything will depend on what type of cheese and flour product you choose. So, for example, in some recipes it will be stated that the dough should be unpalatable, but by replacing matsoni with sour cream, richness cannot be avoided, just as with butter dough of any type of layering it is impossible to avoid the use of butter. In others, on the contrary, baking will be recommended.

Sometimes you can find recipes for yeast dough, but an acidic environment in combination with soda works well without yeast, and frequent consumption of products using quick yeast is not very good for health. Therefore, the use of yeast-free dough is a priority.

Using puff pastry in the oven is the only correct option for this type of dough, if we are talking about dough with horizontal lamination.

Classic khachapuri with cheese

  • Wheat flour 4 tbsp
  • Matsoni (yogurt) 0.5 l
  • Chicken egg 1 piece
  • Salt 1 tsp
  • Sugar 1 tsp
  • Soda 1 tsp
  • Vegetable oil 2 tbsp. l
  • Feta (cheese cheese) 1 pack
  • Suluguni 250 g
  • Mozzarella 150-200 g

Sift the flour through a sieve onto the table, thereby saturating it with oxygen. Make a depression in the center of the resulting mound, pour in the matsoni, break the egg, add butter, salt, sugar and soda. Knead a pliable dough and leave it to rest for an hour in the refrigerator under a towel.

Meanwhile, grate the mozzarella and suluguni, mash the feta and combine everything together.

Divide the resulting dough into 8-9 parts. Roll each one into a bun and then roll it out into a flat cake. Place the cheese filling in the center of the flatbread and gather the edges, pinch them, leaving a small round hole in the center. Roll out the workpiece to the required size.

Fry in a preheated frying pan with a little oil until nicely browned.

Khachapuri with suluguni cheese

  • Flour 4-4.5 tbsp
  • Kefir 1% 500 ml
  • Margarine 200 g
  • Salt 1 tsp
  • Soda 1 tsp
  • Vinegar 1 tsp
  • Ossetian cheese 700 g
  • Eggs 1 piece

First of all, take the margarine out of the refrigerator so that it softens. Pour enough kefir into a bowl. Quench the baking soda with vinegar and add to the bowl. Add salt and mix well.

Add flour and knead into a soft dough, so that it does not stick to your hands. Knead it a little on the counter and cover for 30 minutes, letting it rest.

Then roll out into one large layer with an approximate thickness of 4-3 mm. Coat the layer with margarine and roll it up. Place the roll in the refrigerator for 60 minutes.

Grate the cheese. Place the egg in a bowl and beat it. Then add the grated cheese and stir so that the egg is evenly distributed between the cheese.

Remove the roll from the refrigerator and cut into pieces 5-7 cm long. Knead the resulting cylinder into a flat cake, so that you can roll out the sections, not the sides. Roll into a square.

Place the cheese and egg filling in the middle of the square and assemble it with an envelope, pinching the edges. Turn the workpiece over and roll it out slightly so that the tuck seams are “lost.”

Cook the flatbreads in a thick-bottomed frying pan without adding oil over medium heat until the product turns golden brown. Then turn the product over, cover with a lid and continue cooking for another 2-3 minutes.

Khachapuri with cheese and ham

  • Kefir 1 tbsp
  • Salt 0.5 tsp
  • Sugar 0.5 tsp
  • Baking soda 0.5 tsp
  • Hard cheese 150 g
  • Ham 150 g
  • Flour 2 tbsp

Mix kefir with salt, sugar and soda. Stir in enough flour to form a pliable dough and leave to rest for 30 minutes, covered with a towel.

Grind the ham and cheese into finely chopped pieces.

Cut the dough into portions. Roll out into a square and place the filling in the center of each square. Gather it into an envelope, pinching the edges, pulling the corners to the center and pinching them too. Turn seam side down and roll a little with a rolling pin.

Fry in a small amount of vegetable oil on both sides.

How to cook khachapuri from puff pastry

Most often, khachapuri is prepared from puff pastry, using ready-made dough, because... A recipe for good puff pastry is quite difficult to find. When preparing such a dish, khachapuri made from puff yeast dough will be more fluffy, and khachapuri made from yeast-free dough will be more crumbly.

Puff khachapuri with cheese

  • Butter 2 tbsp. l
  • Chicken egg 2 pcs
  • Suluguni cheese 500 g
  • Puff pastry 1 kg

Prepare Suluguni, removing excess salt, chop and add 1 chicken egg and 1 tbsp. softened butter.

Roll out the layer of finished puff pastry so that its thickness is 4-5 mm, cut into 4 squares. Place a quarter of the prepared filling in the center of the square.

Roll the dough into an envelope, pinching the edges. Then pull the corners of the square to the center and pinch them to the middle, so we get an almost round cake blank. Now all that remains is to turn the workpiece over and roll it out.

Transfer the khachapuri to a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil. Beat the egg and brush the dough with it, prick it in several places with a fork and bake in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 15-20 minutes.

Adjarian-style puff pastry khachapuri

Adjarian dishes are known to everyone for their oblong shape and the presence of eggs. But the difference from other species is not only this. When preparing this type of cheese and bakery product, young Imeretian cheese is used; it is not so salty and softer in comparison with others. It is almost impossible to get it outside of Georgia, and even of good quality. Therefore, you can use a replacement - take equal parts of suluguni and Adyghe or mozzarella as the second part. The option of feta, cheese and suluguni is also possible.

  • Puff pastry 250 g
  • Water 100 ml
  • Suluguni 70 g
  • Adyghe cheese 70g
  • Adyghe cheese 350 g
  • Butter 1 tbsp
  • 6 eggs
  • Salt 1/4 tsp

Grate Suluguni and Adygei on a medium grater. Beat 2 eggs in a bowl and beat, then add the cheeses and mix so that the eggs are distributed evenly in the cheese mass.

Defrost the dough, cut into 2 parts and roll each into a rectangle 4-5 mm thick. We put some of the filling on each long edge and roll it up, but so that there is space left in the center. Then we pinch the edges of the rolls together to form “boats”.

Break another egg and separate it into white and yolk. Beat the yolk and coat the “boats”; it is most convenient to do this with a silicone brush. Mix the protein into the remaining filling, distribute the remainder between three boats, filling them.

Place the products on a baking sheet and bake in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 15-20 minutes. Then we take out a baking sheet, spread the filling of the boats and beat an egg into each boat. You can also drive quail eggs rather than chicken eggs - 2 into each boat.

Khachapuri on a puff base with cottage cheese

  • Flour 450 g
  • Butter 200 g
  • Egg 1 piece
  • Ryazhenka 250 ml
  • Salt, sugar a little bit
  • Cheese cheese 250 g
  • Fat cottage cheese 300 g
  • Baking powder 1 pack

First of all, let's prepare the food at temperature: put the butter in the freezer, and the fermented baked milk from the refrigerator into the room.

Mix fermented baked milk at room temperature with egg and sugar, add salt. Sift 300 g of flour together with baking powder through a sieve, filling it with oxygen, and add it to the fermented baked milk until we get a soft dough. Cover the dough with a bowl and let it rest.

Grate the frozen butter and mix with the remaining flour. Cool everything together again.

Roll out the dough into a layer, spread the butter mixture on one edge and wrap it with a sheet. Roll out until smooth. Fold it into an envelope again and roll it out again. We repeat this 5 times. Place the resulting puff pastry in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

At this time, prepare the filling: knead the cottage cheese and cheese with a fork until smooth.

Roll out the resulting dough again and cut into rectangles. We form the same boats as in Adjarian khachapuri. Fill them with filling and bake for half an hour.

Quick khachapuri made from puff pastry in Balkan style

  • Mozzarella 200 g
  • Feta 100 g
  • Puff pastry 600 g
  • Chicken egg 1 piece

Defrost the dough. Mash the cheeses with a fork until smooth. Beat the egg into a separate bowl and add 2/3 of it to the cheese mixture.

Cut the defrosted dough into squares measuring 14*14 cm. Place some of the filling in the center of each square and fold the dough into an envelope, pinching the edges. Place the pieces on a baking sheet and brush with the rest of the beaten egg.

Bake in an oven preheated to 160 degrees until the product is browned.

Lazy khachapuri in a slow cooker

Multicookers have become an incredibly popular kitchen device, and sometimes in dachas they have already been able to replace traditional kitchen appliances, because in one small device you can fry, cook and even bake. And if we talk about a recipe for lazy khachapuri, then the laziest one would be the recipe made from thin pita bread in a slow cooker.

  • Thin lavash 2 pcs
  • Sunflower oil 1 tbsp
  • Milk 1.5 tbsp
  • Hard cheese 300 g
  • Egg 2 pcs

As for any recipe for this cheese and flour product, you need to break the eggs and beat them a little. Then add grated cheese to the eggs and stir so that the eggs are distributed evenly between the cheese. Now pour milk into this mixture.

Cut the pita bread into squares so that they cover the bottom of the multicooker bowl completely, and the corners extend to the sides. Place the first sheet on the bottom of a greased bowl. Pour some filling over it. We continue the procedure until the layers of lavash are finished; if the filling remains, then pour it completely onto the top layer.

On the multicooker panel, set the “baking” mode and set the time to 45 minutes. After cooking is complete, lift the lid and let it sit for another 3 minutes, then turn the finished dish onto a serving plate.

Khachapuri recipes

How to cook Georgian khachapuri with cheese in the oven from yeast dough. Cooking at home using a step-by-step recipe with photo and video instructions!

2 hours 30 minutes

325 kcal

5/5 (2)

Georgian cuisine– this is a completely special world, oscillating on the verge of spicy and pungent, just like the temperament of real Caucasians. It is impossible not to fall in love with this country, these people and, of course, their wonderful cuisine. So let's try to create a piece of Georgia at home and prepare a dish without which not a single meal in the mountain villages of the Caucasus is complete - delicious khachapuri with cheese.

What you need to know before cooking

Kitchen appliances: tandoor or oven.


Filling for khachapuri with cheese plays an important role, so take your choice of cheeses seriously. Works well for this dish salty suluguni, juicy cheese, slightly more bland Adyghe and others.

The classic recipe for Georgian khachapuri filling with cheese does not involve adding greens, but how perfectly they go with the cheese filling! So, if you are not an orthodox follower of Caucasian cuisine, do not refuse dill, parsley or cilantro.

Cooking sequence

  1. Sift the flour and take 2 tablespoons from the main part in order to subsequently control the consistency of the dough.

  2. Add salt, sugar and dry yeast to the flour and mix it all well.

  3. Pour sunflower oil and milk into this dry mixture and start kneading the dough.

  4. Shape the finished dough into a ball, place it in a plastic bag and place in a warm place for 1 hour.

  5. Gently mash the soft Adyghe cheese with a fork, grate the suluguni on a coarse grater, and chop the garlic and herbs.

  6. Add 1 egg and one white to Adyghe cheese
  7. Add herbs, garlic and suluguni to the Adyghe cheese and mix the resulting cheese mass well.

  8. Punch down the dough when it has reached its proper condition and divide into two equal parts.
  9. Roll each part into a flat cake - not very thick and not very thin, about a centimeter and a half thick.

  10. Place the filling in the middle of the flatbread, but don’t skimp – there should be a lot of cheese in a real khachapuri.

  11. Wrap the tortilla and pinch the dough over the filling - you should end up with a bag of cheese.

  12. Gently press down the center, distribute the filling evenly inside the cake and lightly roll it out again with a rolling pin.
  13. Place the formed cake on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil, make a few pricks with a fork and leave it to stand in a warm place for 50 minutes - here’s another hour of free time for you!

  14. To grease the khachapuri, stir the yolk, water and vegetable oil.
  15. Brush the infused flatbread with this mixture, and then place the khachapuri in an oven preheated to 180°C for 30 minutes. That's all!

Video recipe

Do you still have doubts that preparing the main Georgian pie is easy and simple?
You can learn how to cook khachapuri dough with cheese according to a simple recipe in this wonderful video, the author of which, among other things, in passing, will show how to decorate khachapuri with a slight movement of a fork - the main thing is watch until the end!

Secrets of making khachapuri:

  • The dough for khachapuri should be soft, to the touch, like an earlobe, so constantly monitor the desired consistency and do not overdo it with flour.
  • If you don’t have an oven, don’t be upset: you can bake it, and it won’t contradict tradition at all, because Tbilisi-style khachapuri is prepared this way.

In fact, khachapuri- This is a universal dish. It can serve as both an appetizer and a main course, depending on the serving size. You can eat it both for breakfast and dinner, and even serve it to the dinner table.
Khachapuri will go perfectly with satsivi chicken or Kharcho soup. Khachapuri, of course, should be washed down exclusively with Georgian wines or, in extreme cases, Borjomi. And most importantly, checkmate, refined fans of knife and fork: they eat real khachapuri only with your hands!
