Grimm pot of porridge read. Brothers Grimm "A Pot of Porridge" The Old Man of the Glass Mountain - The Brothers Grimm

The main character of the Brothers Grimm fairy tale “A Pot of Porridge” is a girl. One day she went into the forest to pick berries. In the forest she met an old woman, and she asked to treat her with berries. The girl willingly shared the berries with the woman. She liked the treat and decided to thank the girl.

The woman gave her a pot and explained that if you say the magic words, the pot will begin to cook sweet and tasty porridge. And in order for the pot to stop cooking the porridge, other magic words had to be said. The girl brought a magical gift home and gave it to her mother. The mother was happy with this gift, because now they no longer had problems with food.

One day the girl’s mother decided to eat porridge and said the right words. The pot cooked porridge, and she ate it. But the pot did not stop and continued to cook the porridge, but the woman forgot the other magic words that stopped the pot. Unfortunately for her, the girl was not at home at that moment.

The porridge began to crawl out of the pot and, after some time, it filled the house, got out into the street, and then covered the road. The girl, who was not far from the house, saw what happened and ran home. She stopped the pot with magic words, but there was so much porridge that people on the street had to eat their way through it.

This is the summary of the tale.

The main idea of ​​the Brothers Grimm fairy tale “A Pot of Porridge” is that you need to be careful and remember important information very carefully. The girl's mother forgot how to stop the magic pot, and it made so much porridge that people could neither walk nor drive through.

The fairy tale “A Pot of Porridge” teaches you to be polite and friendly. A girl in the forest treated the old woman to berries, and she thanked her by giving her a magic pot.

In the fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm, I liked the main character, a girl who was polite to an unfamiliar old woman and she returned the favor with kindness and provided the family with a constant source of food. The girl quickly came to her mother’s aid when she forgot the magic words.

What proverbs fit the fairy tale “A Pot of Porridge”?

They pay for good with good.
Don't be hasty, be mindful.
Whatever anyone needs, he remembers.
Everything is good in moderation.

A pot of porridge- a magical fairy tale for children, written by German storytellers. This tale is about a kind girl with a generous and sympathetic soul. One day, as a sign of gratitude, an old sorceress gave her a magical utensil that began to cook the most delicious porridge in the world as soon as you cast a spell. But the girl’s mother inadvertently forgot to stop the pot. Ultimately, he cooked so much porridge that he could feed the whole world with it. Read the fairy tale A Pot of Porridge online you can here.

Fairytale fact

This tale has several plot twists. In one version, the magic pot falls into the hands of the greedy Rumplestiltskin, who at that time was the owner of a tavern in fairy-tale lands. His memory wasn't very good. He forgot how to handle the magic utensils and stop the process of cooking porridge. After such a fiasco, this resident of the fairy-tale world abandoned his business and became a sorcerer.

Hello, young literary scholar! It’s good that you decided to read the fairy tale “A Pot of Porridge” by the Brothers Grimm; in it you will find folk wisdom that has been edified by generations. The dialogues of the characters are often touching; they are full of kindness, kindness, directness, and with their help a different picture of reality emerges. With the virtuosity of a genius, portraits of the heroes are depicted, their appearance, rich inner world, they “breathe life” into the creation and the events taking place in it. The story takes place in distant times or “A long time ago” as people say, but those difficulties, those obstacles and difficulties are close to our contemporaries. “Good always triumphs over evil” - creations like this one are built on this foundation, laying the foundation for our worldview from an early age. The inspiration of everyday objects and nature creates colorful and bewitching pictures of the surrounding world, making them mysterious and enigmatic. How charmingly and soulfully the description of nature, mythical creatures and the way of life of the people was conveyed from generation to generation. The fairy tale “A Pot of Porridge” by the Brothers Grimm is worth reading for free online, there is deep wisdom, philosophy, and simplicity of the plot with a good ending.

Once upon a time there was one girl. The girl went into the forest to pick berries and met an old woman there.
“Hello, girl,” the old woman told her. - Give me some berries, please.
“Here, grandma,” says the girl. The old woman ate some berries and said:
“You gave me some berries, and I’ll give you something too.” Here's a pot for you. All you have to do is say:

and he will begin to cook delicious, sweet porridge. And you tell him:

and it will stop cooking.
“Thank you, grandma,” the girl said, took the pot and went home to her mother.
The mother was delighted with this pot. And how can you not be happy? Without labor or hassle, delicious, sweet porridge is always ready for lunch.
One day a girl left the house somewhere, and her mother put the pot in front of her and said:
- One, two, three, Pot, cook!
He started cooking. I cooked a lot of porridge. Mother ate and became full. And the pot cooks and cooks porridge. How to stop him?
It was necessary to say:
- One, two, three, don't cook anymore!
Yes, the mother forgot these words, and the girl was not at home. The pot cooks and cooks. The whole room is full of porridge, there’s porridge in the hallway, there’s porridge on the porch, there’s porridge on the street, and he cooks and cooks.
The mother got scared and ran after the girl, so as not to get her across the road - the hot porridge was flowing like a river.
It’s good that the girl was not far from home. She saw what was happening on the street and ran home. Somehow she climbed onto the porch, opened the door and shouted:
- One, two, three, don't cook anymore!
And the pot stopped cooking porridge. And he cooked so much of it that anyone who had to travel from the village to the city had to eat his way through the porridge.
But no one complained about it. The porridge was very tasty and sweet.


A short story about a magic pot that made so much porridge that it could feed the whole city...

Read a pot of porridge

Once upon a time there lived a girl. The girl went into the forest to pick berries and met an old woman there.

“Hello, girl,” the old woman told her. - Give me some berries, please.

Here, grandma,” says the girl.

The old woman ate some berries and said:

You gave me berries, and I’ll give you something too. Here's a pot for you. All you have to do is say:

"One two Three,
Cook the pot!”

and he will begin to cook delicious, sweet porridge.

And you tell him:

"One two Three,
Don't cook anymore!

And he will stop cooking.

“Thank you, grandma,” the girl said, took the pot and went home to her mother.

The mother was delighted with this pot. And how can you not be happy? Without labor or hassle, delicious, sweet porridge is always ready for lunch.

One day a girl left the house somewhere, and her mother put the pot in front of her and said:

"One two Three,
Cook the pot!”

He started cooking. I cooked a lot of porridge. Mother ate and became full. And the pot cooks everything and cooks the porridge. How to stop him? It was necessary to say:

"One two Three,
Don't cook anymore!

Yes, the mother forgot these words, and the girl was not at home. The pot cooks and cooks. The whole room is already full of porridge, there is porridge in the hallway, there is porridge on the porch, and there is porridge on the street, and he cooks and cooks everything.

The mother got scared and ran after the girl, so that she couldn’t get across the road - the hot porridge was flowing like a river.

It’s good that the girl was not far from home. She saw what was happening on the street and ran home. Somehow she climbed onto the porch, opened the door and shouted:

"One two Three,
Don't cook anymore!

And the pot stopped cooking porridge.

And he cooked so much of it that anyone who had to travel from the village to the city had to eat his way through the porridge.

But no one complained. The porridge was very tasty and sweet.

(Illustration by I. Vorobyov, historical Kazka.ukr)

Published by: Mishka 07.11.2017 11:53 24.05.2019

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In a small town in Germany, I don’t even remember now where this town was - in the north or in the south, lived a poor seamstress Martha. She had a daughter named Gretchen. They didn't live well. And Martha sometimes didn’t know what to feed her daughter.

One day Gretchen went into the forest to pick raspberries. She filled her basket full, and suddenly a hunched old woman comes out to meet her.

“Treat me with raspberries,” the old woman asked.

“Eat, grandma,” the girl told her affectionately and handed her the basket.

The old lady ate three berries and said:

I see you are a good child. For this, accept this pot as a gift from me. All you have to do is say:

Look to the right, look to the left!

Pot, cook the porridge! -

and the pot will immediately begin to cook sweet porridge.

And when you’re full, say:

Look to the right, look to the left!

Pot, don't cook it anymore! -

and then the pot will stop cooking.

Gretchen thanked the old woman, took the pot and ran home.

There was such joy that day in the low house under the tiled roof - sweet porridge was ready for lunch. One day Gretchen went into the forest again to pick berries. And Martha got hungry, took the pot off the shelf and said:

Look to the right, look to the left!

Pot, cook the porridge!

And immediately the pot was filled with porridge. Martha eats and can’t get enough, the porridge is so delicious.

At this time the cat came and began to purr and ask for porridge.

“I’m not full yet,” Martha said and pushed the cat away.

The poor cat meowed loudly out of resentment, and all the magic words jumped out of Martha’s head. Need to say:

Look to the right, look to the left!

Pot, don't cook it anymore!

But Martha forgot these words and cannot remember.

Meanwhile, the pot cooks and cooks. Porridge poured onto the table, from the table onto the floor.

Martha says:

Look straight, crookedly!

Pot, don't cook it anymore!

And the pot cooks and cooks. The whole room is already full of porridge. The porridge is already flowing down the porch.

Martha shouted:

Look down, look up!

Pot, don't cook it anymore!

And the pot cooks everything, never stops. The porridge is already flowing down the street like a river. People walk knee-deep in porridge. There is steam over the city. The horses cannot move the carriage.

It’s good that Gretchen returned from the forest at this time. She just said:

Look to the right, look to the left!

Pot, don't cook it anymore! -

and then the magic pot stopped cooking.

Then the whole city ate this porridge for a whole month. At night, animals came from the forest to eat porridge. And if anyone had to drive along the main street, he would eat his own way in a mess.
