Halva in chocolate candy. Glazed halva "Rot Front": composition and varieties. Beneficial properties and harm

Thanks to the Moscow confectionery factory "Rot Front", the halva loved by many can now be tasted in chocolate glaze. This is no longer that crumbly product that is sold in large briquettes, but individually packaged “Halva in Chocolate” (“Rot Front”) candies. Composition, calorie content and customer reviews are presented in our article.

"Rot Front" is the oldest confectionery factory in Moscow. The brand's products have long been popular among sweet tooth lovers due to their high quality. Let’s find out whether this is really true using the example of “Halva in Chocolate” candies.

"Rot Front": "Halva in chocolate" (composition, photo)

Halva is an oriental sweet that should bring exceptional benefits to the body, since it has a natural composition. This product is made from oilseeds. These could be sunflower seeds, sesame seeds or peanuts. The composition also includes molasses, sugar and a foaming agent - soap root. Halva containing dyes, flavors and flavor enhancers can be a bitter disappointment. Such additives can cause allergies and even disrupt metabolism.

The product of the Rot Front factory, “Halva in Chocolate,” has a completely natural composition. When making halva itself it is used Grated peanuts, grated sesame seeds, molasses, sugar, cocoa powder, licorice root extract, ascorbic acid, which acts as an antioxidant, vanilla flavoring and salt. But the composition of the chocolate glaze leaves much to be desired. It is made from sugar, cocoa mass, cocoa butter equivalent (palm, sunflower, shea butter, illipe), emulsifiers E476 and soy lecithin, vanilla flavoring.

Halva "Rot Front" has a layered fibrous structure and a uniform consistency. It is dark yellow in color because it is made from grated peanuts. The taste of halva is natural, fully meeting the requirements of experts for this product. Chocolate glaze has a pleasant taste and, unlike chocolate, does not melt in your hands. In general, based on the composition, we can say that halva-based candies are truly of high quality.

"Rot Front": "Halva in chocolate." Composition, calorie content and nutritional value

In many qualities, halva in candies is no different from the usual one made by the same manufacturer. It has a similar structure and taste. Therefore, candies ("Rot Front") "Halva in Chocolate" can be a worthy alternative to this product.

Halva is one of the oldest sweets in the world, known back to the 5th century BC, long before the invention of sugar. Back then it was made from honey, grinding nuts or oilseeds into a paste. The composition also included an extract from soap root, a natural foaming agent that makes the nut-honey paste airy and gives it a whitish tint.

The further process is similar to a very slow beating of this mixture: for several hours it was continuously stirred, from time to time stretching the mass so that the finest sugar threads were formed in it. They are the ones who make the ancient oriental sweetness so melting and tender.

They began to glaze halva with chocolate in the late 19th – early 20th centuries, when solid chocolate appeared, and with it wide opportunities for creating glazed desserts. The glaze, which has a noble chocolate bitterness, makes the taste of halva richer and highlights its nutty component more clearly. At the same time, its structure becomes denser, since the chocolate shell does not allow moisture to evaporate.

Halva "Rot Front"

At the Rot Front factory, halva began to be produced in the 30s of the 20th century, and glazed in the late 60s. The process of its production and composition have remained virtually unchanged since ancient times, except for automation: the sugar-nut mass is kneaded for the same long time, achieving a structure consisting of thin sweet threads. Vanilla is added to it for aroma, and licorice root extract, one of those called soap roots, is used as a foaming agent. Next, separate pieces are formed from the halva and sent for glazing.

Now in the Alyonka online store you can find several varieties of glazed halva “Rot Front”: peanut in the form of small rounded cubes (perhaps the most famous), tahini-almond with crushed nuts, sunflower with a glazed bottom and several varieties of chocolates with halva stuffing.

Such sweets can be classified as “healthy”: hearty and sweet halva is rich in vitamins E and B, calcium, phosphorus and other useful microelements. Much depends, of course, on the seeds or nuts that are part of the halva: peanuts, almonds, sesame seeds, sunflowers. Thus, sunflower contains more vitamin E than other varieties, peanut is especially rich in folic acid, and almond is considered the lowest in calories.

But they all provide the body with the necessary amino acids and minerals - it’s not for nothing that in ancient times halva was considered the sweetness of health. Choose your favorite variety on the website of the Alenka online store and order it for home delivery.

But they all provide the body with the necessary amino acids and minerals - it’s not for nothing that in ancient times halva was considered the sweetness of health. Choose your favorite variety on the website of the Alenka online store and order it for home delivery.

Halva in chocolate "Rot Front" (1 piece - 25 grams) rich in vitamins and minerals such as: vitamin E - 38.7%, magnesium - 21.5%, phosphorus - 33.4%

What are the benefits of Halva in chocolate "Rot Front" (1 piece - 25 grams)

  • Vitamin E has antioxidant properties, is necessary for the functioning of the gonads and heart muscle, and is a universal stabilizer of cell membranes. With vitamin E deficiency, hemolysis of erythrocytes and neurological disorders are observed.
  • Magnesium participates in energy metabolism, synthesis of proteins, nucleic acids, has a stabilizing effect on membranes, and is necessary to maintain homeostasis of calcium, potassium and sodium. A lack of magnesium leads to hypomagnesemia, an increased risk of developing hypertension and heart disease.
  • Phosphorus takes part in many physiological processes, including energy metabolism, regulates acid-base balance, is part of phospholipids, nucleotides and nucleic acids, and is necessary for the mineralization of bones and teeth. Deficiency leads to anorexia, anemia, and rickets.

You can see a complete guide to the most useful products in the appendix.

The product contains grated peanuts, chocolate coating, cocoa powder, emulsifier, flavoring, molasses, sugar, drinking water, grated sesame seeds, foaming agent, licorice root extract and ascorbic acid.

If you are overweight or losing weight, doctors and nutritionists recommend completely eliminating Rot Front Halva chocolate candies from your diet. This is due to the high content of fat and fast carbohydrates in the treat.

Regular consumption of such sweets can slow down metabolism and disrupt the water-salt balance in the body. As a result - the appearance of swelling, problems with stool, including constipation, accompanied by flatulence and bloating.

Halva's sugars in chocolate are quickly converted into fat. This fat is deposited in problem areas: on the stomach, thighs, double chin.

A weight-friendly dose of such sweets does not exceed 100 g of halva per week. The best option is to eat dried fruits, fruits, honey and other natural sugar-containing products instead of this sweet.

Calorie content of Halva candies in Rot Front chocolate in 1 piece.

Calorie content of Halva candies in chocolate in 1 piece. 168 kcal. One sweet product contains:

  • 4.2 g protein;
  • 9.9 g fat;
  • 14.4 g carbohydrates.

The benefits of Halva in chocolate

The beneficial properties of Halva in chocolate include:

  • the product helps restore energy balance in the body after heavy physical and mental stress;
  • sweetness has a stimulating effect on the functioning of the nervous system, heart, blood vessels;
  • in small quantities, chocolate halva stabilizes cholesterol levels in the blood;
  • One of the main components of halva is peanuts, rich in arginine. This amino acid helps increase endurance;
  • halva is one of the sources of calcium in the body, which is necessary to maintain the health of the bone system, nervous system, and ensures the prevention of osteoporosis, osteochondrosis and other diseases.

It should be noted that most of the positive properties of Halva in chocolate are compensated by the negative properties of the fats and sugars included in the product. That is why it is not recommended to choose halva as the main source of vitamins, amino acids and minerals for the body.

Harm of Halva in chocolate

Like any other “store-bought” sweet, Halva in chocolate has the following contraindications:

  • the product is excluded from the diet for pancreatitis, cholecystitis, gastric and intestinal ulcers, as well as for other acute and chronic gastrointestinal diseases;
  • the high calorie and fat content of halva does not allow you to eat it while dieting and losing weight;
  • some people develop individual intolerance to sweets, including due to allergic reactions to peanuts, sesame seeds and other components of the product;
  • Chocolate-covered halva should not be eaten by children under 3 years of age;
  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding, it is better to replace such sweets with dried fruits, honey, fruits;
  • overeating chocolate-covered Halva can cause flatulence, bloating, and heaviness in the stomach;
  • Sweetness negatively affects the condition of teeth, including the development of caries.

Delicious candies - Rot Front halva - it turns out that they are also healthy and do not harm the health of the person who consumes them. Every gourmet is probably familiar with the appearance of the sweet: a bright two-color (red and yellow) foil wrapper, and inside it is a neat square of halva, covered on top with a thin layer of chocolate glaze. When you bite into the candy, you immediately feel the rich taste of high-quality chocolate combined with the tenderness of the main component, which is well compacted and does not crumble.


  1. First, with their help, lovers of sunflower sweetness can control the calories entering their body, which are necessarily contained in halva.
  2. Secondly, the hostess is unlikely to put out crumbly lumpy sweets for tea while awaiting the arrival of guests. And sweets will be a great help in this situation.
  3. Third, a bright, attractive wrapper will decorate a sweet table at any holiday.

The candy will definitely lift your spirits and give you the joy of taste, and for some, it may remind you of distant childhood. Various truffles, caramel, and pralines, which will go well with dessert from RotFront, will also help complement the sweet table.

Beneficial properties and harm

Like all products that end up on the table, halva has beneficial properties, but in certain cases it can be harmful to health. Among these cases is excessive consumption, especially when it is recommended to exclude sweets from the diet or significantly reduce their amount. This product itself has high biological value, in addition to excellent taste characteristics.

The candy “Halva in chocolate” Rot Front, which contains peanuts, thanks to this component, contains many useful substances and vitamins. It will saturate the body with a small amount of magnesium and phosphorus, and with regular or frequent use it will even help raise the level of iron in the blood.


Chocolate candy is made from a sweet mass, the main component of which is ground peanuts. This component makes up approximately 44% of the total composition. Halva is made from it by adding the following components:

  • Granulated sugar;
  • A little salt;
  • Vanillin to improve taste;
  • Molasses;
  • Essential antioxidant E306;
  • Licorice root extract.

30% of the total composition is occupied by confectionery glaze, consisting of:

  • Cocoa powder;
  • Sahara;
  • Vanillin;
  • Cocoa butter substitute;
  • Soy emulsifier E322;
  • Stabilizer E476.

All components used are necessary: ​​some provide taste, others are responsible for the safety of the product, without having a destructive effect on human health.

Calorie content

This delicacy goes on sale in two versions: in boxes (if the sweets are sold by weight) or in bags of several pieces. You can find it in almost any store. The standard weight of a bag is 400 g, one unit weighs 25-30 g, 15 units of goods are packed in 1 bag.

The calorie content of halva in its usual form is quite high, and this is understandable given the composition of the product. However, the candy itself contains substances that reduce the concentration of fat, so it can be classified as dietary sweets. Consumption in moderation is not prohibited for people who carefully monitor their slim figure and follow a gentle diet. Because 1 piece is not capable of causing colossal harm to the body and destroying all efforts.

So, one package contains approximately 2136 kilocalories at the rate of 534 kcal (which is 26% of the daily value for a person) for every 100 g. As for the calorie content of a piece, it is approximately 142 kcal. If we take the average daily norm, according to which the human body should receive 2000 kilocalories, then the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates per 100 g of sweets weight will be as follows:

The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the product shows an increased carbohydrate content - almost 50%, and an uneven distribution of proteins and fats: B - 15%, F - 36%.

A delicious dessert from a famous confectionery factory that guarantees only quality is an exquisite pleasure that, in addition to pleasure, brings significant health benefits.

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