Figs - beneficial properties and contraindications, their use for medicinal purposes. Use of figs for cosmetic purposes. Harm and contraindications

The benefits and harms of figs for the body of women and men were known to mankind back in biblical times. This fruit is similar to which was also described during the heyday of civilization Ancient Greece. And just like the noble laurel, the fig is surrounded by a lot of myths and legends, because it is one of the most ancient plants cultivated by man.

What it is?

Fig, or fig, is the fruit of the Fig tree, or Fig tree. Sometimes it is called wineberry. Grows in subtropical regions throughout to the globe.

The photo shows what a fig fruit looks like and the tree on which it ripens.

Exists a large number of different varieties fig tree.

Below are two famous varieties: dark – “Black Mission” and green “Kadota”.

Of course, there are many more varieties of figs. Their color varies from light yellow-green to black. Lots of brown varieties.


Calorie content of fresh figs per 100 grams – 74 kcal. This quantity of fig tree berries contains:
  • 19 g carbohydrates (2.8 grams are fructose);
  • 3 g fiber;
  • 7% daily dose potassium;
  • 6% each of manganese, vitamin K and B6;
  • 4% each of magnesium, calcium, thiamine.
The calorie content of dried figs is 249 kcal per 100 grams which also include:
  • 63.9 g of carbohydrates (of which almost 23 grams are fructose);
  • 9.8 fiber;
  • 26% daily norm manganese;
  • 19% each of vitamin K and potassium;
  • 17% magnesium;
  • 16% calcium;
  • 14% copper;
  • 11% iron;
  • 6% each of vitamin B 6 and thiamine;
  • 5% vitamin B2.

In addition to vitamins, microelements and vegetable fiber, figs contain other bioactive compounds, which explain why figs are beneficial for the human body. In particular, these are polyphenolic compounds and flavonoids that have antioxidant activity. IN dried berries there are much more of these components than in fresh ones.

More in dried figs and all others useful compounds. So, ½ glass of fresh berries contains as much calcium as ½ glass of milk. And just one dried berry contains as much calcium as there is in an egg.

However, the dried product also contains more harmful components (sugars). And you need to remember this when including figs in your diet.

Beneficial features

Protection against the occurrence of malignant neoplasms. Eliminate constipation.
Reducing triglyceride levels (useful for preventing heart and vascular diseases). Stabilization of the mental state by enhancing the biosynthesis of serotonin.
Strengthening the immune system. Prevention and treatment of anemia.
Strengthening bones and teeth. Normalization of potassium: sodium balance, necessary for the prevention of many dangerous diseases, for example, hypertension.
Relief of sore throat due to colds. Preservation of vision (prevention of age-related macular degeneration).
Reducing the severity of hemorrhoid symptoms. Prevention of early aging, including preservation of youthful skin.
Antimicrobial and antifungal activity. Helps the beneficial intestinal microflora work.

Naturopaths sometimes explain the benefits of figs for the body by the fact that they are among the. Although the theory of alkaline and acidic foods does not have strict scientific support, alkaline foods usually include natural plant components of the diet, which are undoubtedly important for health.

The beneficial properties of figs and contraindications for their use are similar to. Both fruits contain a lot of sugars. Therefore, they benefit the body only when they are consumed in small quantities. If you eat a lot of wine berries, then it will be harmful, not useful. Since excessive amounts of sugars are dangerous to health.

Is it possible to eat while losing weight?

Dried and fresh figs have benefits for the body of people losing weight. For example, this product reduces chronic inflammation and normalizes the functioning of intestinal microflora. And this is important for losing weight.

However, figs (both fresh and dried) are not the fruit that those losing weight should rely on. Because it contains too many sugars, which will never help you lose weight. Therefore, for those who want to get rid of excess weight, you can include figs in your diet. But only in limited quantities.

The calculation can be made based on the fructose content in the berry, since this sugar makes you gain weight the most.

People who are losing weight are allowed to consume no more than 15 grams of fructose per day. In terms of the number of figs, this means that you can do:

500 grams fresh fruits;

60 g – dried (three pieces).

But this is only what concerns fructose. In addition to it, figs also contain other sugars. Therefore, the final amount of figs that those losing weight can afford will be less. Approximately 300 grams for fresh berries and 2 pieces for dried ones.

Answers to common questions about this fruit

Figs: is it a fruit or a berry?

Fruits are the fruits of trees and shrubs. Since figs are the fruit of the fig tree, they are a fruit.

Botanically, the fruits may be classified as different types. For example, they can be drupes or berries.

The fruit of the fig tree is a syconium, not a berry. Therefore, from a botanical point of view, figs are not a berry. However, in Russian it is called a berry, for example, wine.

Which figs are healthier: fresh or dried?

The fruit of the fig tree is one of those rare fruits that, when dried, do not lose any of their medicinal qualities. And they even multiply them.

Therefore, there is no point in chasing fresh berries. Moreover, you won’t be able to do this, since they spoil very quickly. Therefore, from time immemorial, figs were consumed mainly in dried form, even where they grew.

Can I eat figs while breastfeeding?

Yes. It is both possible and necessary.

The fruit of the fig tree is rich in calcium, a microelement that nursing mothers need in large quantities.

At the same time, the fig not only provides calcium, but also reduces its loss in the urine, as it introduces potassium into the body. Low potassium levels are often the cause of calcium leaching.

Can you eat figs during pregnancy?

Yes. It protects expectant mothers from viral diseases, prevents anemia, avoids constipation, fills vitality, strengthens bones, etc.

In fact, all the benefits of figs are important for the body of a woman expecting a child.

How to choose fresh figs?

The fruits of the fig tree rarely reach our table fresh. Their harvest season is short. Moreover, they are collected only when they are fully ripe. Since figs picked green will not be able to ripen.

Therefore, figs do not tolerate transportation well. This is the most perishable fruit. When picked, they are stored for only a few days. So it is quite difficult to buy fresh figs. But if you do have such an opportunity, then pay attention to the fact that the berries:

  • should be soft, but not too soft;
  • must have the bright color of a ripe fruit (even if this variety is green, it must be “ripe green”);
  • the tail should be curved and the skin should be slightly wrinkled (if the skin is shiny and smooth, the fruit is unripe, although it looks more attractive).

Never purchase a fresh fig tree that shows signs of mold or stains. Even a completely clean, benign fruit can be stored for only a few days. If he has already begun to deteriorate, then he has a couple of hours left to live.

How to store fresh figs?

In a refrigerator. IN paper bag or in plastic container with the lid tightly closed.

Fruits cannot be placed on top of each other. They should lie in one row.

The maximum period of snoring is three days.

How to eat fresh figs correctly?

Fresh figs are eaten without peel. There are several ways to get to its pulp. Here's one of them.

  1. Cut or unscrew the tail.
  2. Make a cross-shaped cut.
  3. Insert the tip of a knife between the skin of the fig and its flesh. And cut about 2 cm deep.
  4. Next, pull the skin. She should slide down.
  5. On the butt of the fruit, the remaining peel will need to be trimmed off again.

How to eat correctly dried figs?

Easier than fresh.

You can simply eat it without peeling anything (along with the peel). Just be sure to wash it first.

If the fig is too hard, you can pour it hot water and hold for a few minutes.

Examples of medicinal use

  1. To eliminate chronic constipation, soak 2-3 figs in a glass overnight warm water. And in the morning, eat them with the water in which they lay overnight. During the fresh fig season, you can simply eat 2-3 berries for breakfast.
  2. To increase sexual stamina, also soak 2-3 berries in the evening. Not in water, but in milk. And eat them in the morning with milk.

Recipe for making figs with cough milk

Ingredients: milk and figs at the rate of one fruit per glass of milk.

  • Warm the milk to room temperature.
  • Wine berries must be washed thoroughly. Since dried figs are usually used, before dipping the fruits into milk, it is good not only to wash them, but also to steam them in boiling water.
  • Place the container with milk on the fire and bring to a boil.
  • Reduce heat, close the lid and simmer for an hour.
  • Then remove the pan from the heat and wrap it in a blanket. And in this form, let it cool completely. And only then put it in the refrigerator.

Drink the milk in which the figs were boiled warm. Eat the berries themselves - don’t throw them away.

Contraindications and side effects

When consumed in permitted quantities (300-400 grams fresh fruit, a few dried berries) the fig does not pose any harm to health. With the exception of cases of allergy to it, which develops in people with allergies to natural rubber and other plants of the Mulberry family.

Also, figs can be harmful to patients with diabetes and those people who are preparing for surgical interventions.

But for eating figs in large quantities there are contraindications. In fact, this fruit is not recommended for anyone to eat in large quantities. Moreover, this is not required.

To obtain the benefits of figs for the body, it is enough to eat a little at a time: the concentration of treated compounds in the fruit, especially dried ones, is high.

In quantities exceeding those permitted, fig:

  • causes diarrhea, abdominal pain and bloating;
  • aggravates the symptoms of gout and kidney stones;
  • may lead to irritation of the upper respiratory tract.

But the most important thing about the harm of figs consumed in large quantities is an overdose of sugars, which completely neutralizes everything beneficial features fruit.

So, if in small quantities fig has anti-inflammatory properties, prevents atherosclerosis and helps to lose weight, then consumed in large quantities it leads to weight gain, increased inflammatory processes, and the occurrence of heart and vascular diseases.

And all because the harmful effects of sugar cover the medicinal qualities.

The benefits and harms of figs for the human body: conclusions

The beneficial properties of figs are associated with the presence of fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants in its composition.

Negative Impact The health benefits are mainly due to the high sugar content.

Therefore, in order for the benefits of figs to outweigh their harm, you need to eat the fruit only when small quantities: a few pieces of dried fruit, 300-400 grams of fresh.

The main contraindications for use are diabetes and allergies.

The hero of our article is truly shrouded legendary history. The well-known biblical fig tree, or fig tree, from which the ancestors of mankind plucked their first clothes - this is where we get unusual fruits figs And in fact, these are not even fruits, but inflorescences that are covered with a dense peel. Unfortunately, they quickly deteriorate, and grow in the south - Mediterranean countries, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Crimea and Abkhazia. Therefore, to residents of temperate and northern latitudes, figs are better known in dried form.

Composition and calorie content of figs

Among the minerals, the significant content of potassium is impressive. Figs also contain other mineral salts - sodium, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. The vitamin set is generous with antioxidant substances (vitamin C and beta-carotene), as well as neuroprotectors - vitamins B1, B3, PP.

100g raw figs contains about:

  • 74 calories
  • 19 g carbohydrates
  • 0.7 g protein
  • 0.3 g fat
  • 3 g fiber
  • 232 mg potassium (7 percent DV)
  • 0.1 mg manganese (6 percent DV)
  • 4.7 mcg vitamin K (6 percent DV)
  • 17 mg magnesium (4 percent DV)
  • 35 mg calcium (4 percent DV)
  • 0.1 mg thiamine (4 percent DV)
  • 142 IU vitamin A (3 percent DV)
  • 2 mg vitamin C (3 percent DV)

100g dried figs contain approximately:

  • 249 calories
  • 63.9 g carbohydrates
  • 3.3 g protein
  • 0.9 g fat
  • 9.8 g fiber
  • 0.5 mg manganese (26 percent DV)
  • 15.6 mcg vitamin K (19 percent DV)
  • 680 mg potassium (19 percent DV)
  • 68 mg magnesium (17 percent DV)
  • 162 mg calcium (16 percent DV)
  • 0.3 mg copper (14 percent DV)
  • 2 mg iron (11 percent DV)
  • 67 mg phosphorus (7 percent DV)
  • 0.1 mg vitamin B6 (6 percent DV)
  • 0.1 mg thiamine (6 percent DV)
  • 0.1 mg riboflavin (5 percent DV)
  • 0.5 mg zinc (4 percent DV)

Fresh figs: benefits and harms

“Maximum benefit - maximum freshness!” - this principle is true for many fruits. In the case of figs, everything works for the benefit of humans: a mild, almost neutral taste, the preservation of the listed vitamins and a fairly low calorie content. Not every apple variety can boast a dietary value of about 50 kcal per 100 grams.

Figs are also positively distinguished by their high fiber content, which works for prevention, maintains the normal state of intestinal flora and helps cleanse the body.

Delicious combinations

Be bold with fresh figs without fear of the exotic appearance. Like any fruit, it can be eaten on its own, added to salads, yogurt and cottage cheese. And how delicious traditional oatmeal turns out if you just cut fresh figs into it!

Being a long time member Mediterranean style nutrition, figs go well with cheeses. Roquefort, Parmesan, Brie, Camembert and even the most familiar cheese made from goat's and sheep's milk - all of these will seem even tastier in the company of fresh figs.

Have you ever offered a cheese board to your guests and family? So correct this omission! Place between samples cheese delicacies chopped fresh figs (lengthwise into 2 or 4 parts), sweet apple slices, juicy pieces pears, some dried almonds and any sweet and sour berries. Similar combinations are delicious to use in salads.

Fig jam step by step recipe with pictures

Possible harm

Oxalates, which are found in large quantities in figs, can negatively affect health. Therefore, patients and people with a tendency to form kidney stones, after operations and during periods of significant fluid loss, should refrain from culinary experiments with figs.

Dried figs: how to dry, benefits and harms

Drying figs can prolong their shelf life and result in excellent healthy snack. At proper storage The lifespan of dried figs lasts from 18 to 24 months.

How to dry figs at home

Step 1
Wash the figs to remove any dirt or debris that may be on them.

Step 2
Remove the stems and trim off any protruding tails.

Step 3
Cut the fruit into two halves as shown in the picture.

Step 4
Place them in one layer on a baking sheet so that the fruits do not touch each other.

Step 5
Place the baking sheet in an oven heated to 50 degrees and leave the door oven slightly open to prevent moisture accumulation. Watch the thermometer to ensure the temperature does not rise above 60 degrees. Turn the figs every two hours to ensure even drying.

Step 6
The figs should remain in the oven for 10-12 hours. Check it periodically after 10 hours so as not to miss the moment when drying is complete. If, when squeezing the fruit, no juice comes out of it, then everything is ready.

Sahara: who is good and who is bad

Like any dried fruit, dried figs become a sugar bomb compared to fresh fruit. The advantages of this turn: increased nutritional value, the ability to easily and with a small amount of food enrich the nutrition of athletes, rapidly growing children and people exhausted by a long-term illness.

However, all those who are advised to limit sugars must also limit dried fruits. First of all, these are diabetics, people suffering from atherosclerosis, or following a diet for the purpose.

Fiber: getting the maximum

Dried figs are an ideal donor of fiber, because there is several times more fiber per 100 grams of product compared to its fresh counterpart. That's why this product fits perfectly into all “grandmother’s recipes” for regular bowel cleansing.

For example, take prunes, dried apricots, figs and walnuts in equal proportions, grind all the components in a meat grinder and eat 2-3 tablespoons of the mixture on an empty stomach in the morning and evening 30-40 minutes before bedtime. Can be strengthened delicious medicine a glass of kefir.

Useful potassium - for the attention of hypertensive patients

Skew modern nutrition in excess sodium is not news to those interested healthy diet. Dried figs contain large doses of potassium, pushing the body to balance two essential minerals. This has a positive effect on maintaining normal blood pressure and is especially useful for other cardiovascular pathologies.

Oxalates and excess sulfur: where to expect the catch

For dried inflorescences, the danger of oxalates also remains relevant.

In addition, due to industrial drying technology, additional harm occurs. For quick drying and long storage fruits are treated with sulfur-containing preservatives (E202, SO2). A massive intake of sulfur into the body can cause a sore throat, hoarseness, and in severe cases, suffocation.

The preservative content on the surface of dried fruits can be significantly reduced by soaking. Simply soak the dried figs in clean water for at least an hour before using.

5 Key Health Benefits of Figs

1. Antioxidant properties

The antioxidant capabilities of figs can be of great benefit to our health. Oxidation affects virtually every system in the body and is directly linked to many serious diseases and conditions such as aging and cancer. Antioxidant products, including figs, successfully fight oxidative processes and reduce the risk of dangerous diseases.

Most types of figs are rich in polyphenols, which help combat oxidation. These natural health boosters are found in the fruits, leaves, pulp and skin. Research shows that properly dried figs may be an even better source of phenolic compounds and have more high level antioxidant activity than its raw or improperly dried counterparts. It is probably due to these properties that throughout history dried figs have been more popular than fresh ones. It is easy to store and can support the body during long journeys and in dry climates where access to fresh fruit is limited.

2. Anti-cancer properties

In folk medicine, figs have a reputation for treating many health problems, including as a natural cure for cancer. A study conducted at the China Pharmaceutical Institute found that some biologically active ingredients contained in figs are toxic to various types cancer cells in the human body.

3. Treats various diseases

For several thousand years, the fig tree and its fruits have been used for healing wide range common diseases associated with the digestive, endocrine, reproductive and respiratory systems.

Studies have shown that the beneficial properties of figs provide effective assistance in the treatment of anemia, cancer, leprosy, diseases, paralysis, skin diseases, ulcers, gastrointestinal diseases intestinal tract and urinary tract, and many others. Figs and fig trees are considered promising candidates for the role of components of new drugs.

4. Antibacterial and antifungal properties

Figs can act as a natural antibacterial and antifungal agent. A study conducted by a Malaysian research center found that fig extract was able to reduce bacterial inflammation. oral cavity, and also effectively fight various fungal infections. Another study found that figs strengthen and increase the body's resistance to various diseases.

5. Source of potassium, fiber and other nutrients

Potassium and fiber are two vital components for healthy eating, which are clearly not enough in the diet in large quantities modern people. Figs contain significant amounts of fiber and provide 7 to 19 percent of daily norm potassium intake.

Fiber is good for the digestive system and reduces the risk cardiovascular diseases and helps fight overweight, causing a feeling of satiety. Potassium is found in every cell and is essential for maintaining normal body functions.

In addition, dried figs - great source manganese, magnesium and calcium. Typically, these important minerals are also lacking in our diet.

Figs, as a very valuable plant, are used by humanity very for a long time(it is considered the most ancient cultivated plant). Otherwise called the fig tree, the common sweet fig is used as food (fresh, dried, dried, in the form of jam), and as medicine. The healing properties of figs for humans are simply invaluable.

What are figs

Figs area tree of the Ficus genus, which can only be found in the subtropics: the southern coast of the Crimea peninsula, Georgia, Armenia, Uzbekistan, Abkhazia, Egypt. The plant has many other names - wineberry, fig, fig tree, fig tree, fig. Fresh fruit, depending on the variety, has a different color. It can be yellow, golden, green, blue, even almost black. The tree itself can reach 10-13 meters in height, but this is not the most important thing. Greatest value The fruit itself has health benefits. The leaves and root are a little less, but also useful.

What are the benefits of figs?

Useful properties of figscolossal, and chemical composition very rich. The most useful are berries. They contain great amount fats, proteins, vitamins (A, B, PP, C, β-carotene). Among the beneficial substances were important microelements such as potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, copper, iron, and acids and coumarins. Wine berries contain a lot of glucose and fructose.

The fig tree remains the second fruit after nuts in terms of potassium content. The medicinal properties of figs are widely used in medical purposes: for the treatment of cough, bronchial asthma, anemia, vitiligo, as an antipyretic and a remedy for tachycardia. It helps well with liver enlargement and kidney stones. Has a strong diuretic and laxative effect. Wineberry leaves contain substances that promote wound healing.

What are the benefits of dried figs?

This fruit has a lot of healing properties. Most often it is consumed in dried form, because fig berries are poorly stored and transported poorly.Beneficial properties of dried figsdiverse. For example:

  • cleanses the intestines well of waste and toxins (due to the laxative effect, wine berries normalize digestive processes);
  • helps effectively overcome colds (cough, sore throat, fever);
  • is a remedy for bronchial asthma and tachycardia;
  • treats female inflammatory diseases;
  • Helps get rid of kidney stones and stones Bladder;
  • increases hemoglobin, helps in the treatment of anemia (due to high iron content);
  • treats enlarged liver.

Dried wine berries are good for nervous system. With regular use, it improves mental activity, normalizes all nervous processes and is a mediator of good mood.

What are the benefits of fresh figs?

Fig berries have medicinal properties.Fresh figs It is customary to use it for diseases of the kidneys, bladder, and liver. You can wipe your face with wineberry juice when skin diseases(rashes, acne, other inflammations). They can treat fungi and rheumatism. Due to the many beneficial substances contained in the fresh fig tree, it is used in the beauty industry. The medicinal extract is used in cosmetics, perfumes (body, face and bath products). At the same time, the unripe berry is inedible and, instead of useful and tasty pulp, contains white milky juice.

Figs - beneficial properties for women

Benefits of figs for womenhas been recognized for a long time. Scientists have confirmed that this berry has a beneficial effect on a woman’s health and helps her look good. Because it contains a lot of calcium, consuming figs can help you forget about hair loss and poor nail condition. The substances contained in the fruit have a positive effect on health during menstruation. They help relieve pain and overcome emotional outbursts during PMS. Figs have been successfully used for inflammatory diseases female genital organs, its usefulness is undeniable.

What are the benefits of figs for men?

The fig tree is considered not only a female panacea for diseases, but also a male one. It has a good effect on potency (it is believed that fig perfectly enhances the potency of even older men), prevents prostatitis and helps a man forget about this kind of ailment. To do this, several fruits are poured with boiling water, or soaked in milk, and the infused mixture is taken orally 1-2 times a day.Figs for menvery useful and can replace many chemical medications.

Figs with milk for cough

Figs for coughis a wonderful tool. The fruit helps get rid of cough, sore throat, elevated temperature, it was invented to be consumed with milk. The recipe is simple: you need to take 2-3 dry fruits and a glass of milk. Cooking process: chopped fruits should be mixed with boiling milk and cooked for about 2 minutes. Then remove from heat and leave for about an hour. You can add a pinch of sugar to sweeten the mixture.

Figs during pregnancy

It is harmful for a woman to take medications during pregnancy, so it won’t matter. the best option. Fig allows you to cure colds and coughs without the intervention of harmful medications. It has absolutely no effect on the health of the mother and child. Doctors recommend takingfigs during pregnancyto maintain the required level of vitamins. When pregnant women may experience digestive problems (constipation, disorders, etc.), they need to eat 2-3 fruits per day. This will help bring the digestion process back to normal.

Figs for weight loss

Much has been said above about the benefits of wine berries as medicine. But almost no one knows about its benefits for weight loss. It contains ballast substances that prevent the feeling of hunger. If you eat at least 1-2 fruits a day instead of your usual meal, you can lose weight in a short time and with health benefits. Whereinfigs for weight lossvery important. It helps cleanse the body of toxins, reduce cholesterol, and relieve constipation. The beneficial properties of this plant are excellent result for weight loss.

Figs - contraindications

There is in the fig healing properties, but if you plan to eat figs, contraindications must be taken into account, otherwise you can cause yourself considerable harm. This fruit should not be consumed if you have gastritis, pancreatitis, gout, or diabetes (dried fruits contain a large amount of sugar). Dried fig tree It is prohibited for consumption by people who are obese (in dried form it is very high in calories). You should be careful about using this product before important events, because it has a strong laxative effect.

Video: benefits of figs for the body

Not everyone knows that figs, which are so unsightly on the outside and with very small seeds inside, are tasty and healthy, not only fresh, but also dried. In terms of its vitamin and mineral composition, it is healthier than many other fruits and berries.

What are figs?

Figs are the fruit of the fig tree, which belongs to the ficus family and is one of the oldest on earth. Other names for figs are fig, fig tree, wineberry. The first mention of the fig tree and its fruits are found in the Bible. The birthplace of figs is considered to be Caria, a historical region in Asia Minor (today it is the territory of modern Turkey). The plant was also successfully grown in Arabia, Phenicia, and Syria.

Figs first came to America in the 16th century, and to Russia in the 18th century. It was here that the fruit of the Carian ficus began to be called a fig, and the tree itself - a fig. Today, in addition to Turkey, figs are grown in the countries of Central Asia, Crimea and the Caucasus. The fig tree grows well and bears fruit not only in open ground, but also indoors. Thanks to this, the Carian ficus is sometimes planted as a houseplant.


Healthy figs contain vitamins C, PP, group B, as well as minerals such as potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium, phosphorus. Besides, in ripe fruits Fig tree contains the enzyme ficin, which prevents the formation of blood clots in blood vessels, organic acids and tannin components.

Fresh figs contain a lot of sugar - up to 24 percent. Moreover, in this form, the fruits are absolutely calorie-free: per 100 grams of pulp there are only 49 kcal. The amount of proteins and fats in figs is minimal, and the weight of carbohydrates is no more than 14 grams per 100 grams of fruit pulp.

Figs, whose beneficial properties and contraindications are directly related to its composition, are a tasty cure for many diseases.

Beneficial features

The benefits to the body from eating figs are as follows:

  • it improves the functioning of the heart muscle, dilates blood vessels, normalizes blood pressure;
  • reduces blood clotting, resolves vascular blood clots;
  • normalizes blood circulation;
  • increases hemoglobin levels;
  • has a positive effect on kidney function and is used as a diuretic;
  • improves liver condition;
  • helps remove toxins from the body;
  • fights cancer cells (like other purple foods);
  • helps normalize intestinal functionality and relieve constipation.

Despite all the positive qualities, not everyone can eat figs. The beneficial properties, composition, and contraindications should be studied before including this fruit in your diet.

Harm to the body and contraindications

Healthy figs have a number of contraindications for consumption, which should be observed so as not to harm the body. They are as follows:

  • because of high content sugar figs should not be eaten by people with diabetes;
  • the presence of oxalic acid in the composition eliminates the possibility of eating the fruit if you have gout;
  • Due to the high content of coarse fibers, during exacerbation of diseases of the stomach and intestines, it is necessary to exclude fruits such as figs from the daily diet.

Beneficial properties and contraindications, harm - all this must be taken into account when choosing a fruit and preparing dishes from it.

How to choose figs?

It is almost impossible to buy fresh figs in the store. The fruits of the fig tree do not tolerate transportation very well, and already six hours after they were picked, fermentation processes begin in them.

You can taste fresh figs only in the places where they grow. So, at the end of summer or at the very beginning of autumn in the Crimea and the Caucasus you can see trees with bright purple, reddish or yellow fruits. Their shape is pear-shaped, and the color directly depends on the variety. The weight of a ripe fruit is 40-50 grams.

Figs, beneficial properties, composition, contraindications of which do not depend on the color of the fruit, have a sickly sweet, less often sour taste. Having tried ripe fruit, it may seem like there is a spoonful of honey in your mouth, it is so pronounced. When you bite it, it crunches on your teeth. small seeds, reminiscent of nuts, which, like the pulp, contain many nutrients and essential substances.

How to preserve figs at home?

Fig tree fruits have a limited shelf life. They easily absorb foreign odors in the refrigerator, while losing their taste qualities. Therefore, only when room temperature You can store figs; the beneficial properties and contraindications remain the same as in freshly picked fruit. Fruits can be kept indoors for no more than three days, since within a few hours after picking they begin to deteriorate.

If you still need to extend the shelf life of figs, each fruit must be wrapped separately in paper, placed in a container and refrigerated, but for no more than three days.

Due to the fact that figs do not tolerate transportation well and quickly deteriorate, in order to preserve all the beneficial qualities in it, it is recommended to prepare jam or jam from the fruit, preserve it and dry it.

Dried figs: beneficial properties and contraindications

It is dried figs that can most often be bought in the store. Dried fruits to which no dyes have been added are light brown in color. By useful qualities Dried figs are not only not inferior to fresh fruit, but also have a number of advantages over them.

All vitamins and minerals found in fresh fruits are preserved in dried form. IN dried figs contains a lot (up to 70%) sugar, but practically no water. At the same time, it is very useful for people who have impaired intestinal motility. It normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, acts as a mild laxative, and removes waste and toxins from the body.

Dried figs, whose properties, uses, contraindications are not very different from those of fresh fruit, are often used in folk medicine and in cooking healthy desserts, which is why their taste only benefits.

How are the beneficial and medicinal properties of figs used in folk medicine?

Figs are effective means for the treatment of colds. A medicine prepared on its basis will help reduce fever, relieve sore throat, cure cough, improve the general condition of the body and recover much faster than with traditional drugs.

To help a sore throat and overcome a cough, you only need one ripe fig. Beneficial properties and contraindications, treatment using fig tree fruits have long been known. For cooking healing drink you need to heat 300-350 ml of homemade full fat milk, add the figs cut into four parts and boil for twenty-five minutes. After this, the medicine must be poured into a glass, covered with a towel and left to cool. In three hours milk drink you can drink.

If the disease is associated with an increase in body temperature, you can prepare another, no less effective medicine. Add 100 grams of figs to 500 ml of boiling water and cook for 17 minutes. After which the medicine must be cooled. After 2 hours, you can take half a glass three times a day.

Delicious fig jam

To make classic fig jam, you need the following ingredients:

1 kg of figs;

1 kg sugar;

350 ml water

Lemon acid.

This jam is made from light fruits. Otherwise, they will have to be pre-cleaned from rough peels. Before starting work, the figs need to be pierced with a sharp object (scissors, toothpick) in several places, after which the fruits will be cooked for about 10-15 minutes over low heat.

Fruits prepared in this way need to be doused cold water and put aside to dry. While the figs are drying, you need to cook them sweet syrup from water and sugar. Then figs are laid out in it. In total, the jam is prepared for 40 minutes, after which you need to add half a teaspoon to it citric acid- and the delicious treat is ready.

Figs, whose beneficial properties and contraindications allow you to eat them in any form, are a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals. Delicious homemade jam This fruit will not only be a wonderful treat, but also an excellent cure for colds.

One of Mother Nature's magnificent gifts to humanity is figs. The beneficial properties and contraindications have been studied in sufficient detail and are widely used in traditional and official medicine. There are about three hundred types of figs. All of them have medicinal effects and beneficial properties. Fresh fig fruits are seasonal fruit, here it appears in markets or stores in the fall. Dried is almost always available. It is useful in any form. Its fruits are varied in color: black, brown, red, yellow, green; Shape: from round to pear-shaped.

Most of the fig harvest is harvested in the fall from August to October, when longitudinal cracks appear on the skin of the fruit. Droplets begin to emerge from the “eyes” at the top of the fruit clusters and on the surface pure juice. During this period, the fig pulp is unusually sweet, as if filled with pure sugar juice, beneficial properties are maximum.

It is best to harvest figs early in the morning, as fruits overheated in the sun quickly deteriorate.

Figs bear fruit consistently and abundantly - up to 100 kg of fruits per year. Moreover, the harvest is harvested twice - in June and then in August-November. Most often, the color of the fruit is yellow-green. Unripe figs contain milky juice and are not edible. But as soon as cracks appear on them, through which the cherry-red color shines through juicy pulp, the fruits are ready. One drawback is that when ripe they are not stored for a long time.

Fresh figs - benefits

The beneficial properties of figs are the huge content of organic acids, pectins, enzymes, vitamins: A, B1, B2, B3, C, beta-carotene, PP, minerals. Each fruit contains iron, magnesium, potassium, and calcium that are beneficial for the body.

40 g of figs contain 7% of our daily requirement in potassium, 6% in calcium and iron. All thought processes occur with the participation of iron. In terms of potassium content, this fruit is second only to nuts.

The drug furolen from the leaves is used in the treatment of baldness, vitiligo, and the juice, essential oils inhibit the growth of some fungi and pathogenic bacteria. It promotes the formation of melanin. Fig leaves contain coumarin, a substance that increases the body's sensitivity to solar radiation. Therefore, you need to protect yourself from sunburn during treatment with decoctions of leaves.

Fresh figs contain 25% sugars. Mostly fructose. This is the highest percentage of fructose content when compared with other fruits. Fresh fruits contain 1% protein, and dried fruits contain 6%.

A few figs a day will quickly relieve mental or physical stress. Regular consumption of this fruit helps improve memory and reduce sleep disturbances.

Figs bring great benefit people suffering from diseases of cardio-vascular system, people with problem veins, with a tendency to thrombosis, with anemia, asthma, bronchitis, colds, sore throat. It reduces blood sugar, but it is not recommended for diabetics or obese people to consume it much, since all the sugars present in the fruit are easily absorbed by the body. But a few figs eaten per day, on the contrary, can reduce blood sugar levels and are useful for people who are obese. The most important thing is that the amount of figs eaten should be optimal.

In general, its main value is that it suggests, helps the body choose the healing property it needs at the moment.

Figs are an excellent remedy for improving digestion. He will help the body choose required property this useful fruit. In one case, figs will work as a mild laxative. In another - as a remedy for constipation - eat 4-5 fresh fruits, and if you only have dried fruits- soak them - eat them in the morning along with the water in which it was soaked.

But figs should not be consumed in case of acute inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The fruits, despite sweet taste, contain a lot of oxalic acid, so it should not be eaten if you have gout.

The diuretic and diaphoretic properties of figs are known. Teas and decoctions of fruits are used as an antipyretic and diaphoretic.

Each fruit contains polyphenols and flavonoids, which improve the antioxidant activity of the blood. Medicinal juice Figs contain the enzyme phytin, which almost completely destroys fibrinogen in the blood and fibrin (an insoluble protein that is used by the body for blood clotting). Fibrin threads form the basis of a blood clot, which interferes with normal blood flow. For treatment, only 3 drops of juice are extracted from the unripe fruit. It is useful for hematopoiesis or heart disease. Based on extracts from the fruits and leaves of figs, some medicines have been created that are successfully used to treat cardiovascular diseases, thrombosis, and thrombophlebitis. It can also improve blood: increase hemoglobin levels, reduce cholesterol levels.

Beneficial properties of dried figs

The dried fruit has a lot of fiber, the beneficial properties of which are necessary for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Its calorie content is 214 kcal/100 g. One dried fig provides 2 g of fiber, which is 20% of the daily requirement. According to its composition, quantity dietary fiber it takes pride of place in helping the gastrointestinal tract function.

Dried figs contain up to 70% sugars. Interestingly, people who want to lose weight are advised to consume figs daily. However, the high amount of calories it contains can lead to weight gain, especially when consumed with milk. A few pieces is enough to get the recommended amount of nutrients, so don't overdo it!

Dried figs contain phenol, omega-3, omega-6 fatty acids. These fatty acids reduce the risk of developing coronary heart disease. Besides, useful material, which contain fig leaves, have a significant effect on the level of triglycerides in the human body, which are one of the main causes of the development of various heart diseases. These fatty acids are not produced by our body - we must obtain them from food. They are needed for the cardiovascular and nervous systems to function normally.

Figs - recipes for treatment

Several traditional medicine recipes:

  • Boil three fig leaves in half a liter of water for 15 minutes. Strain and drink this solution on a regular basis to reduce blood pressure.
  • Finely chop four fig leaves and mix with sugar to form a thick mixture. Take this mixture regularly with a glass of water twice a day. This home remedy a useful addition to the course of treatment of liver cirrhosis.
  • For laryngitis and hoarseness, you need to prepare a syrup from one teaspoon of chopped dried figs and half a glass of water - boil for 15 minutes, strain, add a teaspoon of honey.
  • Add two or three chopped figs to a cup of kefir (200 ml). Consume this mixture twice daily for several weeks to reduce inflammation of the spleen.
  • Apply the milky juice from the stems or leaves three to four times a day on warts - this will help you get rid of them.
  • Persons suffering from anemia can eat 2-3 figs soaked overnight in a glass of milk. Consume these fruits with milk in the morning for a month.
  • Take one and a half liters of water, add 50 g of dried figs, barley, and raisins. Cook over low heat, covered, for about 15 minutes. Then add 15 g of chopped licorice root to the decoction. Cover with a lid and leave to steep overnight. Take a teaspoon. This is an effective home remedy for constipation in children.
  • If you have bad smell from the mouth, then just chew a couple of fig leaves and then rinse your mouth with warm water.

For the treatment of urolithiasis or kidney stone disease It is recommended to boil figs in milk. It is useful to drink this milk very hot until the stones disappear.

For the treatment of breast cancer ethnoscience recommends figs. Its fruits have disinfectant and emollient properties, so traditional medicine often uses them to prepare an infusion, which is used as a rinse, poultice for colds, abscesses, and inflammation of the mucous membranes. They are especially useful for external use in cancer, as they prevent the development of the disease.

Traditional medicine uses the fruits and leaves of the plant. Fresh figs or their juice are applied to erysipelas every 2 hours. The disease is cured in 1 day.

Sulfur is vital important element, which is included in proteins as sulfur-containing amino acids (cystine, cysteine, methionine), as well as in some vitamins and hormones. The formation of inulin occurs only when the concentration of sulfur in the body is normal. And figs contain a lot of sulfur.

It is useful for elderly or frail people to take figs because regular use These dried fruits help rejuvenate, strengthen the body, and help restore the body after illness.

For centuries, figs have been recommended as a way to correct sexual dysfunctions such as infertility or erectile dysfunction. Its actual success as an aphrodisiac is questionable, but the huge amount of valuable vitamins and minerals it contains can lead to a sudden increase in sexual energy. Soak 2-3 figs in milk overnight and eat them in the morning to enhance your sexual performance.

Harm of figs to the body, precautions

  • Eating too many figs can cause diarrhea;
  • dried fruits due to their high sugar content can cause caries;
  • In some people, figs may cause allergic reaction– from mild to severe;
  • It's best not to consume too much of it a week or two before surgery because it thins the blood, which can sometimes cause bleeding in people sensitive to it;
  • As always, talk to your doctor or healthcare professional before making any major lifestyle changes.

Figs are a doctor plant. Alexander the Great knew about the beneficial properties of figs - it was enough for tired warriors to eat a few dried fruits to restore strength. He also knew that fig gruel quickly heals wounds, helps with poisoning, diseases of the heart, lungs, stomach, and liver.

The beneficial properties of figs are beyond doubt. The fruits contain more iron than apples, and when brewed with hot milk they are an excellent cough remedy, a good antipyretic, and a diaphoretic. Of course, there are contraindications, but if you follow the measure, harm can be avoided.
