What is red tea made from? What is unique about Chinese red tea - get to know this drink. How to brew red tea: rules

By the term “red tea,” Europeans and Chinese mean completely different concepts. Tea, which is considered black in Europe, is called red in China.

The reason for such different names for the same tea is trivial - Europeans, when classifying any tea, are based on the color of the dry leaf. Therefore, Europe calls red tea either rooibos tea or hibiscus tea. The standard European buyer is quite satisfied with such a superficial division by sheet color.

The Chinese gave it the name red tea, based on the rich color of the drink itself, acquired after brewing, namely a deep brown-red color, reminiscent of the color of the setting sun (there is no other type of tea with similar shades). The leaf color of real red tea is closer to the well-known black one.

Among experts in labeling tea varieties, it is customary to use Chinese terminology.

How to get red tea

European tea traders, while growing the tea tree on a commercial scale, did not attach importance to the experience accumulated over thousands of years in China in the care and processing of tea. A What makes red tea different is the way it is processed . Therefore, such a high-quality variety of tea can only be produced in China and Taiwan, where these traditions are respected and strictly observed. Historians say that this type of tea appeared unexpectedly. Due to the temperature surge and heavy fog, the tea left to dry was much more dry than required. Over time, this technology was improved and honed. And the result was red tea.

Chinese red tea is highly fermented (degree of fermentation 45-60%), oxidizes less and has a rich aroma and taste. It belongs to elite teas of the highest quality. And this is not surprising. Some varieties of red tea are prepared from the youngest leaves of tea bushes that grow exclusively in the highlands, far from the city, factories and roads.

On the day of collection, the long and complex technological process of the necessary traditional processing of the collected tea leaves begins. First, the leaves are laid out in a certain way to dry (for an average of 15 hours), after which, as a result of loss of moisture, they become softer and you can begin to roll them.

Since there are different red teas, the methods of making them, accordingly, differ from each other. The technology for processing some teas involves very tightly rolling the leaf (either manually or by machine) and squeezing it so that the leaf releases maximum juice and is saturated with it. Others are distinguished by the fermentation process, where only the edges of the sheet undergo oxidation, and its internal structure remains unchanged, while others are fumigated for a very long time.

Tea leaves of ready-made red tea, depending on its type, differ from each other in shape. But In high-quality red teas, the leaves are twisted, mostly longitudinally, and the tea leaves look like small sticks . When brewed, hand-tied expensive varieties of red tea open into various shapes, taking on the shape of a flower, a Chinese lantern, and a pyramid. But the dark brown color (sometimes even reminiscent of black) and the barely noticeable reflection of the tea leaves, called “spark,” are characteristic of all varieties of red tea without exception.

Beneficial properties of red tea

The beneficial properties of red tea are due to the technology of the fermentation process. Due to exposure of tea leaves to moisture, heat and air, the process of breakdown of the cellular structure in the leaves begins. As a result of this chemical process, new elements are created in the leaf (tea flavins and many others), which the leaf did not initially possess.

Fermentation, carried out in a certain way, at a certain temperature and in compliance with the necessary requirements, preserves an incredible amount of useful substances in the leaves, such as amino acids, polyphenols, various vitamins and types of sugar.

Red tea helps to increase immunity in a fairly quick time and, as a result, increases life expectancy. Also, thanks to the microflora created in tea, there is a beneficial effect not only on the body, but also on human energy currents.

Vitamins in red tea

If we discuss in more detail the topic of the positive effect of red tea on the body, it is worth noting that it contains almost all vitamins.

Red tea is rich vitamin A (carotene), which is responsible for the health of the skin and mucous membranes in the body. The required amount of vitamin A protects against blindness, increases resistance to respiratory infections, helps strengthen gums, teeth and bones, as well as hair growth.

Vitamin PP , contained in the drink, reduces cholesterol levels in the blood and regulates blood circulation in general. And in combination with vitamin C, also found in red tea, vitamin PP enhances the activity of ascorbic acid. The benefit of the above-mentioned vitamin C is to normalize and strengthen the body’s defense systems, connective and bone tissue.

The percentage of vitamin K in the drink is quite high, which is responsible for the formation of prothrombin in the liver, which in turn regulates blood clotting.

Red tea is a concept characteristic only of China, European people look at it all differently, they call it black. When Europeans talk about it, they start from a superficial description of the color of the dried leaf, while the Chinese talk about the color of the drink itself, which is obtained when brewed. If experts talk about this product, then, of course, they use the expression red tea.

Making red tea

red tea photo

Europeans began to grow tea on a large scale and sell it, without thinking that they bypassed some of the procedures and rules for its production. Real red tea can be called the one that is made in China according to ancient processing traditions.

Anyone who wants to taste a real high-quality variety of this product will purchase one that is produced in Taiwan or China, where it is produced according to all the required rules.

Historians believe that red tea appeared unexpectedly for the producers themselves. It was the result of temperature changes and heavy fog. The leaves, laid out for drying, became very hot, then this whole process was perfected, and red tea itself appeared.

Chinese is one of the best teas. It is highly fermented and less oxidized, has an unusual aroma and exquisite taste. The quality depends on the cooking method. For high quality, fresh young leaves are collected, which grow in the highlands, far from cities and factories.

After assembly, the sheets are laid out as needed and left to dry for an average of 15 hours, then, when they are soft and tender, they begin to roll. This is done either manually or on a special machine.

There are times when some varieties are not just rolled, but also squeezed so that the entire leaf is saturated with juice. Sometimes, for certain varieties, only the edges of the leaves are dried. In this case, the tea becomes unique in taste.

One of the most expensive and high-quality varieties of red tea is red dragon tea. In terms of the degree of fermentation, it occupies an intermediate place between green and black. It has its own specific taste and pronounced aroma, which is very different from the usual green and black tea.

Properly brewed red dragon tea has a honey-red hue, with hints of peach and floral flavor. The taste of this tea is called hot or spicy. When dry, it is a large leaf rolled into a tube. When brewing, you can see green streaks on it.

To feel the true taste of this tea, you need to know the recommendations for its proper brewing. You need to pour boiling water over the leaves at a temperature not lower than 90 °C, let it sit for 4-5 minutes, then you can brew it in the same way 3-4 more times. Tea connoisseurs call this taste truly royal.

The benefits and harms of red tea

Red tea is very useful, as it increases immunity and also fills the body with special energy.

All the beneficial properties of this product are directly related to fermentation technology. In a certain way, a dried product with a certain combination of air, moisture and heat contributes to the appearance in this product of many useful substances that were not originally there, such as tea flavins.

According to the technology, the fermentation carried out, among other things, preserves a huge amount of useful substances in the leaves, such as polyphenols, amino acids, and various useful vitamins.

The properties of red tea can restore immunity in a short time. Due to the microflora present in it, it not only has a positive effect on the entire body as a whole, but also on certain energy levels.

  • Positive effect on metabolism: thanks to the emulsifier, which improves the functioning of the gallbladder, fat that enters the body with food is well broken down.
  • It accelerates metabolic processes in the body as a whole, and it can, to some extent, be used as a means of losing weight.
  • A good diuretic that promotes accelerated kidney function. It is recommended to drink for overweight people due to water retention in the body.
  • A good detoxifier. Improves kidney function, they in turn remove waste and toxins.
  • Contains very little caffeine, so there are no contraindications for insomnia.
  • Contains calcium, magnesium and fluoride. Strengthens bones well and helps with dental diseases.
  • Improves intestinal function and relieves spasms.
  • Relieves nervous tension, stress and regulates blood pressure.

Tea also has some contraindications: it should not be used by pregnant women and children, as it speeds up metabolism, which is undesirable for children. People with iron deficiency are also not recommended to drink red tea, as the enzymes in its composition slow down the absorption of iron by the body. You should not drink it if you have high blood pressure. It is recommended to reduce consumption to one glass per day.

As most people think, these are hibiscus (Sudanese rose petals). This opinion is wrong. It so happens that in Europe and Russia, Chinese red tea is called black. This is written on packages and price tags in stores, so we do not even doubt the reliability of the information. There are few real experts on the invigorating drink, so there are no disputes over terminology.

It is called red not because the finished drink is scarlet in color, but because of the brown tint of the dry leaves. It reveals a variety of flavors and an amazing aftertaste.

What is the difference between red and black tea?

Among the distinctive characteristics are:

  1. Processing method. The red variety of tea appeared spontaneously when, due to weather conditions, the raw materials ripened more than required. This drink was liked by tea growers, and it was established in production.
  2. Fermentation. The new variety is distinguished by the preservation of beneficial properties and taste. It is fermented by 60-80%, black, in turn, by 100%.
  3. Appearance. Tea leaves are sticks, twisted lengthwise. Expensive varieties are distinguished by the fact that they are tied into flowers, lanterns or pyramids.
  4. Quality. Red is the most elite tea, as it is young camellia leaves that grow high in the mountains.

Real red teas are produced in China. For their production, the youngest leaves growing in the upper part of the bush are used. They are dried, laid out in a special way, and rolled up after 15 hours, when the excess moisture has gone. The original technology allows you to preserve the beneficial properties of the drink, making it especially aromatic and healing.

The best varieties

Red tea is the highest quality and most sought after. It includes the taste, aroma of black tea and the benefits of green tea.

Popular varieties:

  • Dian Hong - appeared about 2 thousand years ago. It grows in Yunnan province in China. Contains a large number of tips (tea buds), so it is not cheap.
  • “English Breakfast” (Keemun) - the prepared drink has a rich reddish tint and a delicate aroma. The raw materials differ in appearance by small leaves.
  • “Sweet Ottoman” (Gui Hua Hong Cha) – grows in China in the provinces of Yunnan, Anhui and Fujian.
  • “Red Peony” (Zun Mu Dan) – is made from young buds and early leaves, which, when dried, bind together and form a flower shape.
  • “Lapsang Souchong” (Zhen Zhong) – this variety is called “smoked.” It is made from large, coarse leaves that are wilted after drying and rolling. The final stage is warming up over a burning tree.

Many people do not know about the existence of the “Tea Code,” which states that only good and bright thoughts appear with a cup of red tea, regardless of its type.

Benefit or harm?

Red tea has a rich composition, which includes vitamins, organic acids and minerals. It contains flavonoids (anthocyanins and catechins), theine (caffeine), polysaccharides and quinones. Components such as essential oils and aromatic substances should be highlighted.

Beneficial properties of tea:

  • invigorates and tones, charging you with energy for the whole day;
  • improves the appearance of nails, hair and skin;
  • normalizes liver function and improves blood clotting;
  • restores the respiratory system and improves vision;
  • normalizes the nervous system and activates the heart;
  • increases immunity and strengthens bone structures.

It is fermentation that allows the beneficial properties of tea to remain unchanged. You need to drink the drink regularly, but not overuse it (3-4 cups a day). It will replenish the lack of nutrients in the body, restore health and increase life expectancy.

It is better to drink tea in the cold season, because it warms, has a diuretic effect and increases blood pressure. It can be given to children to increase digestive secretions and improve intestinal motility.

For what diseases is it useful?

The aromatic drink is widely used for the following pathologies:

  • Obesity. Restores metabolic processes and helps to lose extra pounds.
  • Gallbladder dysfunction. Improves the flow of bile and restores organ function.
  • Impaired bladder and kidney function. Used to remove excess fluid from the body.
  • Slagging. It is a good detoxifier, effectively cleansing of waste and toxins.

Possible contraindications

The tea drink, despite all the benefits, can cause harm in the following cases:

  • stomach ulcer and gastritis (during exacerbation);
  • atherosclerosis and individual intolerance;
  • severe agitation of the nervous system;
  • complex form of atherosclerosis.

Should be consumed in limited quantities during pregnancy and lactation. Moderation is important in cases of hypotension and hypertension. Even absolutely healthy people should not exceed the recommended amount of tea when preparing tea leaves. It is unacceptable to drink tea on an empty stomach or take medications with it.

Brewing rules

In order to enjoy your tea and get the maximum benefit, you should follow the preparation recommendations:

  1. Use only clean and soft water.
  2. The water temperature should be between 98 and 100 degrees.
  3. It is better to brew in porcelain dishes.
  4. For one serving (200 ml) 3 g of leaves is enough.
  5. You need to insist for no more than 3 minutes.

The temperature of the drink should be 52-55 degrees. It is not recommended to drink tea that is too cold or hot. The red variety goes well with sugar and milk. In order to feel all the shades of taste, it is recommended to drink an aromatic drink without additives.

Fermented raw materials are not subject to oxidation processes, so dried leaves retain a maximum of useful substances. Remember that you need to buy a product packed in vacuum or sealed bags. Tea in disposable bags is waste, which not only will not reveal its taste, but will also be absolutely useless.

Occupies an intermediate link between fermented black and unfermented green tea. Most often, these types of tea are made from mature leaves collected from mature bushes. There is some confusion in the classification of tea, for example, one type of tea in Europe is considered black, and in China - red. This is due to the fact that the European classification is based on the color of the dry leaf (infusion), and yellow, green, white and oolongs are also determined by it. This, of course, is very convenient, but still does not always correspond to reality.

According to the Chinese classification, red tea got its name due to the color of the infusion, reminiscent of the color of the setting sun with a pleasant brown tint; no other type of tea has such properties, as well as an extraordinary color and aroma.

Chinese red tea so impressed the British that they stole several tea bushes from plantations in China in order to begin cultivating the variety in colonized India.

History of the origin of red tea

There are many legends about the origin of red tea, but the first mentions of it were still preserved in the stories about Shen Nong, the ancestor of agriculture and plant growing. During the Sui and Tang dynasties, tea culture flourished. At that time, green tea leaves were broken and then ground into powder, poured with boiling water and whisked with a special bamboo brush until the drink thickened.

Stages of development of red tea preparation technology

The technology for producing red tea can be divided into several stages:

The first stage - it was customary to steam the tea leaves, then grind them in a mortar, make a cake and then boil them together with orange peel, ginger, spices, milk or rice.
The second stage is the emergence of slab tea made in the shape of a dragon.
The third stage - during the Sun and Ming dynasties, the production of pressed tea begins to decline, and loose tea leaves, which are the most convenient to use, will become most widespread.
The fourth stage is the process of steaming the leaves, which gradually began to be replaced by frying. With the accumulation of experience, this technology was improved and became widespread during the Ming Dynasty.
The fifth stage is the emergence of flower tea, which was made on the basis of red tea, soaked in the aroma of some flowers.
The sixth stage - with the passage of time, changes in pace and lifestyle, the need arose to create instant tea drinks.

Features of red tea production technology

The technological process of processing tea tree leaves to produce Chinese red tea is quite lengthy and complex. The collected raw materials are laid out in a thin layer on special shelves. In a few hours (12-18), the leaves dry out and lose a large amount of moisture, soften and thanks to this they can be curled. The resulting tea leaves are rolled manually or using special machines, during which the veins break, the leaves are compressed, crumpled and release juice, which, when dried the next time, enhances the aroma.

After twisting, the raw material is transferred to large, dark, cool and humid rooms, where it is laid out on a plane in a layer of 10 cm. Next, the fermentation process begins, i.e. oxidation of tea leaves. Then the raw materials are dried with hot air, sorted and packaged, and the dust is used to make tea bags or granules.

Popular varieties of red tea

There are a large number of varieties of Chinese red tea, but only after trying a few of them can you feel the difference and difference between the drink and the Indian ones:

Dian Hong is the most famous and popular red tea, which has several variations of names. Its main feature is that it is grown and harvested only in Yunnan Province. Dian Hong is made from young leaves and buds, it consists of one-third golden tips and has a strong rich aroma, which contains notes of dried fruits and a slight hint of smoke. The fermentation process of the Dian Hong variety occurs independently, which is very important to stop in time so that the raw materials do not “burn.”
Jin Ya Dian Hong is one of the varieties of Dian Hong, consisting of only buds, which acquire a golden hue during the fermentation period. The taste of the drink is very delicate, with a long honey aftertaste.
Keemun Qi Hong is a fairly young variety that quickly became popular among the British. This drink is usually drunk with milk. Produced in Anhui province. The aroma contains notes of plum, orchid, apple, and light smoke. There are several varieties of kimuns, differing in their richness of taste and aroma.
Lapsang Souchong, which appeared at the end of the 19th century, has a complex and strongly smoked taste due to the peculiarities of its production.

You can choose the most suitable variety of red tea from the range presented on the website, as well as everything you need for proper brewing -

Chinese red tea is brewed with boiling water at a water temperature of at least 100 degrees. For 4 grams take about 250 ml of water. The brewing time lasts no more than 2-3 minutes, otherwise bitterness may appear. The number of brewings can be from 2 to 7-8, depending on the variety.

After proper brewing, you can get a drink of orange-amber color, with a sweetish, rich taste, light fruity aroma and a long aftertaste.

Effect on the body

Chinese red tea is wonderfully invigorating, quenches thirst, and also energizes you for the whole day. In addition, regular consumption of the drink can guarantee:

removing toxins from the body;
improving metabolism and losing excess weight;
normalization of the gastrointestinal tract;
reducing blood cholesterol levels.

Red tea is an elite high-quality tea that has undergone special processing. Europeans mistakenly call this product black tea because of the dark color of the dried tea leaves. The Chinese call it correctly, because after brewing the tea drink acquires a rich dark red hue (see photo).

Before going on sale, this type of tea undergoes strong fermentation. Moreover, its oxidation degree can reach seventy percent. Also, this product must undergo pressing and drying, and after all these procedures, the processed pressed tea is prepared for sale.

An interesting fact is that only tea produced in the summer is considered high-quality red tea, since in the spring, due to the low temperature, its processing is very slow.

The best red tea is produced in China. At the same time, as the story goes, for the first time it was possible to obtain this product completely by accident. For some reason, the collected tea raw materials were left to dry in the open air. At this moment, the weather changed sharply: fog formed and air humidity increased. As a result, the tea pots were too dry, and the Chinese decided to re-dry them so as not to throw away the product. When the finished tea was brewed, the manufacturers were surprised by its subtle, pleasant taste. From that moment, the production of this product began to develop rapidly.

Types of red tea

There are quite a few types of Chinese red tea. Moreover, each has an individual taste, a special aroma and unique beneficial properties.

  • Dian Hong - this type of tea is one of the most famous and sought after in China and beyond. To prepare this product, only high-quality tea raw materials are used: young shoots and petals. This Yunnan tea is characterized by a rich aroma and a reddish-amber hue.
  • Jin Ya Dian Hong - this type of tea differs from the previous one only in that only tea shoots are selected for its creation. That is why, when brewed, the product acquires an unusual golden hue and a persistent honey flavor.
  • Qihong Maofeng is actively grown in the eastern part of China. After brewing, the infusion turns a bright red color and is also saturated with an unusual floral aroma with a fruity note.
  • Gui Hua Hong Cha (Sweet Ottoman) is a very popular type of tea that grows in eastern China, namely Anhui. Dry brew has a light brown color and an amazing taste, similar to ripe apricot fruits.
  • Hong Moon Dan (Red Peony) - to obtain this tea product, only early shoots and leaves are selected, from which ready-to-use tea flowers are subsequently formed. An infusion prepared from such flowers has an attractive brown tint and a slightly tart taste.
  • Zhen Shan Xiao Zhong (Lapsang Souchong) - this tea brew is made from the hardest tea leaves. They are formed into thin tubes, which are first slightly withered and then heated well over burning pine wood. After this treatment, the tea acquires a special smoky smell and a red color with a brown tint.

In addition, this tea is divided into xiaozhong, gongfu and fine tea. Thanks to special processing, the first type of this product has an unusual pine aroma and amazing bright color.

As for gongfu tea, it consists of twisted and elongated tea petals. The drink made from this brew has a red-brown hue, a sweetish taste and a divine smell.

Based on fine tea, teas are often created for more widespread use. It is reliably known that this type of tea is used to produce the famous Lipton tea.

Many people make the mistake of classifying an Egyptian drink like hibiscus as a variety of red tea. In fact, this herbal infusion does not belong to the category of teas, since it is made from the petals of the Sudanese rose (hibiscus), and there is nothing in common between this plant and a real tea bush.

How to select and store?

When choosing high-quality red tea, you should first of all pay attention to the color of the tea leaves: it should be bright and uniform. The presence of dull shades indicates that the tea product has long expired. In no case should there be any unnecessary objects or dust in the tea. You can check this as follows: take a handful of tea leaves and place them on a white sheet of paper. If loose leaf tea turns out to be dusty, it means that it is at least not first grade.

After brewing, high-quality red tea should emit a rich aroma, and it is simply impossible not to smell such a pleasant smell. Also, when combined with boiling water, the tea petals must open. At the same time, they should be intact, and their edges should be as smooth as possible.

Good loose leaf tea has a harmonious taste, as well as a pleasant aftertaste, which may vary depending on the type of tea brew.

To select high-quality red tea, it is recommended to remember to read the label. As a rule, it should indicate information about the time and place of collection of raw materials. Keep in mind that to produce premium tea, the petals are collected exclusively in the summer.

Red tea can be stored at room temperature. However, before you send the product to the tea cabinet, pay attention to what container it is packaged in. If the tea leaves are in a professional sealed bag, rest assured, in this form it will retain its properties for six months. Once the package is opened, the shelf life of red tea is reduced to thirty days.

How to brew red tea correctly?

“How to brew red tea correctly?” - this question worries many who prefer such elite drinks. Unlike other types of tea, this product has several features. First of all, it is advisable to brew it only in a ceramic or porcelain teapot. In this case, it is recommended to scald the tea utensils with boiling water beforehand. When the brewing container is prepared, tea is poured into it. As a rule, no more than two small spoons are required for one standard teapot. Do not immediately pour boiling water over the tea mixture. First, cover it lightly with warm boiled water and leave for a couple of minutes. If the tea leaves are poured with hot liquid immediately, it will lose most of its beneficial properties. After two minutes, red tea is completely filled with boiling water, after which it is covered with a lid and brewed for two to seven minutes, depending on the type of product used.

Real red tea is incredibly beneficial for humans, so you can drink it throughout the day. However, it is often recommended to drink this drink in the morning and evening, since with it you can recharge your energy for the whole day, and also pleasantly relax in the evening.

To brew your morning red tea, take a teapot and heat it well over steam. After this, place two small spoons of the tea mixture into it and leave for a couple of minutes. After the specified time, fill the tea leaves with hot water, and after five minutes of infusion, pour the finished strong drink into cups.

To prepare evening red tea in a standard teapot you need to take one small spoon of tea leaves. It is advisable to infuse this drink for no more than three minutes. In both cases, it is recommended to drink tea without sugar.

If you prefer milky red tea, then dilute the ready-made tea drink with warm milk (proportion 3:1, respectively). This product also pairs well with additives such as ginger, cinnamon and lemon.

Beneficial properties, harm and contraindications

All the beneficial properties of high-quality red tea are directly related to the special processing process. The oxidation of this product takes place in one stage, whereas ordinary black tea undergoes fermentation several times. Thanks to this preparation technology, tea leaves not only retain all the beneficial substances, but also acquire new ones.

The properties of this product are very multifaceted. It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the stomach, heart and blood vessels. In addition, this unique tea has a good effect on brain functionality and beneficial human microflora, and also increases the protection of the immune system and rejuvenates the skin.

Natural fermented tea has an excellent diuretic effect, which means it has a positive effect on the functioning of the genitourinary system. Due to its antioxidant content, this product is often used to prevent cancer.

Red tea is incredibly beneficial for teeth, as it contains fluoride, which strengthens tooth enamel and prevents tooth decay. A decoction prepared from this tea leaves effectively helps with inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.

It has been scientifically proven that red tea quickly relieves nervous stress and also lowers blood pressure. It also opens the airways, which means it is useful for colds.

The benefit of this unique tea mixture is that it can be used for weight loss. This type of tea accelerates metabolic processes in the body. This allows you to noticeably lose weight in a very short time. In the table below we present three of the simplest and at the same time effective drinks, taking which you can lose at least three extra pounds in five days.



red tea with strawberries

First of all, prepare five hundred milliliters of red tea. In a blender, beat fresh strawberries with oat broth (one glass each). Add a sweetener (to taste) to the resulting mixture, then mix everything and combine with the previously prepared tea.

Take thirty minutes before meals.

red tea with ginger

Dissolve a small spoon of ground ginger in a glass of freshly brewed red tea.

This drink should be taken thirty minutes after eating.

red tea with turmeric

Combine half a glass of red tea with five grams of turmeric.

This tea should also be drunk after meals.

Red tea, like any other type of tea, has some contraindications. It is not recommended to enjoy this drink if you have gastritis, peptic ulcers, atherosclerosis or hypertension. Also, such elite tea can cause significant harm to pregnant women due to its high caffeine content. For the same reason, it is not recommended for young children and the elderly.

The suitable temperature for drinking this type of tea is 50 degrees. If you drink a very hot drink, you can burn the walls of your larynx. When drinking iced tea, a lot of mucus forms in the respiratory tract. Try to maintain the required temperature to get a lot of pleasure from this delicious drink.

Red tea is a wonderful drink that will captivate you from the first sip with its harmonious taste and rich tea aroma!
