Zucchini pancakes with cheese. Delicious zucchini pancakes with cheese and garlic. Lenten zucchini pancakes in the oven

In the summer season, I want to invite you to prepare the most delicious zucchini pancakes with cheese. They are very easy to prepare, and the taste is amazing! The pancakes turn out to be very tender, aromatic, tasty, with a crispy golden brown crust: simply delicious - the main thing here is not to overeat. This recipe always helps me out when I want to quickly cook something delicious. I think that it will take its rightful place in your collection of recipes. By spending a little time on preparation, we get maximum flavor. Rest assured: your family will appreciate the dish. This is the perfect dish to make during zucchini season and delight your family with its delicious taste.


  • 2 eggs;
  • 70 grams of hard cheese;
  • 2 young zucchini;
  • salt to taste;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 3 tablespoons flour;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • ground black pepper to taste.

Step by step recipe

  1. First, let's prepare the zucchini: wash them, cut off the ends and grate them on a coarse grater. There is no need to cut off the skin from young zucchini.
  2. The grated zucchini must be salted and allowed to stand for fifteen to twenty minutes so that they release the juice.
  3. Advice. To remove excess liquid from grated zucchini, I pour them into a colander, place them on a convenient dish and let the juice drain.
  4. When excess liquid drains from the zucchini, squeeze it out with your hands and place it in a convenient bowl.
  5. Let's prepare hard cheese: grate it on a medium grater.
  6. You can use any cheese for this dish, depending on your culinary preferences.
  7. To the squeezed zucchini add chicken eggs, grated hard cheese, flour and chopped garlic (chop using a press, knife or fine grater).
  8. You can adjust the amount of flour to your taste.
  9. Then add ground black pepper to the ingredients in the bowl to taste and mix everything thoroughly.
  10. If you like spices, you can add basil, marjoram, Italian herbs, tarragon, oregano. You can use one type of spice or make a mix of several flavors.
  11. If desired, you can add dill, parsley or green onions to the zucchini dough.
  12. Let's move on to frying. Spoon the formed pancakes onto a hot frying pan with vegetable oil. Fry them over medium heat on both sides until golden brown.
  13. Place the fried pancakes on a paper towel to remove excess fat.
  14. You can make delicious sauces for zucchini pancakes.
  15. For the first sauce, I take 2 tablespoons of sour cream, 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise, chopped garlic, dill, ground black pepper, and mix everything until smooth.
  16. You can also make Tartar sauce: mix 2 tablespoons of sour cream, 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise, chopped garlic, 1 teaspoon of mustard and finely grated cucumber. You can adjust the amount of ingredients to your taste, you can add chopped herbs.
  17. You can buy mayonnaise or make it at home. In a convenient bowl, add 0.5 teaspoon of mustard, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, 0.5 teaspoon of salt, 1 teaspoon of sugar, 150 milliliters of vegetable oil, 1 egg and beat with a blender until smooth. The thickness of mayonnaise depends on the amount of vegetable oil.
  18. I really love making tomato sauce. I pour boiling water over fresh tomatoes, remove the skin and chop finely. I also finely chop the onion and simmer it in a frying pan with vegetable oil until soft for about five minutes, then add the tomatoes and simmer for about fifteen minutes. When the homogeneous mixture of onions and tomatoes has cooled, I blend it in a blender and add salt and sugar to taste. Add all ingredients to taste.

The most delicious zucchini pancakes with cheese are ready: they are very appetizing and aromatic. There is nothing complicated in preparing this dish; the ingredients are the most affordable. You can serve them as an independent dish for breakfast, lunch and dinner, or add various sauces. You can decorate with chopped herbs or fresh vegetables. It is delicious both hot and cold. Don't be afraid to experiment: add your favorite ingredients and perfect this dish. Bon appetit - and cook with pleasure.

Zucchini pancakes with cheese are a real summer dish that can be considered as a good replacement for much higher-calorie flour pancakes or potato pancakes. They are light, tender, with a pleasant taste of fresh vegetables, and if served with the right sauce, the pile of golden pancakes will quickly disappear from the plate. The recipe is very simple: grate the zucchini, add cheese, flour, spices, you can cut any greens you like. Place in hot oil and fry on both sides. Choose the cheese at your discretion, but to be honest, it’s not very noticeable in the pancakes, unless you add two or three times more - then you’ll notice the difference in taste.


  • peeled zucchini – 700 g;
  • wheat flour – 4 tbsp. l. with a slide;
  • chicken egg – 1 piece;
  • hard cheese – 100 g;
  • salt – 1 tsp;
  • baking powder – 1 tsp;
  • paprika – 0.5 tsp;
  • sunflower oil – 4 tbsp. l.

How to make zucchini pancakes with cheese

If possible, choose young vegetables that do not need to be peeled and coarse seeds removed. But in general, zucchini can be anything: young, large, yellow or light green, zucchini is also suitable. If the skin is thick, peel it off. Grate the pulp through a grater with large holes and chop into short shavings.

To make the pancakes tasty and fluffy, the zucchini needs to be properly prepared. After grating, add salt, stir, and leave for a few minutes. This preparation helps to release excess juice, which we will squeeze out a little later.

In the meantime, let's make the basis for the test. Beat one large or two small eggs.

Grate the cheese on a fine-hole grater. Take any: hard, sausage, you can add processed cheese or leftover cheese shavings for pizza.

Squeeze the grated zucchini from the juice. It looks like this: put it in your palm, squeeze with a little effort and let the juice drain. Place the resulting lump in a bowl with egg and cheese.

Stir, sift the flour. To begin with, add three spoons, if the dough does not thicken, add one or two more spoons.

Along with the flour, add baking powder and paprika. For lovers of spicy vegetable dishes, replace paprika with chili pepper or a spicy curry mixture.

This is what the dough will look like after mixing. Quite thick, but not gloopy or heavy. It should not spread, otherwise it will leak in the frying pan and you will end up with flat cakes rather than pancakes.

Pour enough oil onto the hot surface of the frying pan, covering the bottom with a layer of 1-1.5 cm. Using a tablespoon, scoop up the zucchini dough and place neat pucks. Fry the bottom without turning over. We adjust the heat lower than medium so that the zucchini pancakes are evenly fried on each side and have time to steam inside.

After two or three minutes, the bottom will brown (make sure it doesn’t burn!), pry it off and turn the pancakes over so the golden side is up. Brown the second side.

Zucchini fritters taste best served with sauce. The simplest one is made from sour cream with herbs; grated garlic or a bit of ground pepper is added to it for spiciness and aroma. An alternative to it can be natural yogurt, curdled milk with the addition of chopped herbs, garlic and cumin. Tomato sauce is good, but moderately spicy. It’s delicious with homemade adjika; many don’t mind ketchup or mayonnaise.

Ready-made zucchini pancakes with cheese do not need to be kept hot or placed on the table immediately. They are delicious warm, cooled to room temperature, or even out of the refrigerator. Cook with pleasure and bon appetit!

And here is another cooking option, with the addition of greens

If the zucchini is young, it is enough to peel them from the tail and “butt”, and then wash them thoroughly. If the fruit is more mature, it must be cleaned of skin and seeds.

Take note!

If the fruit is large, cut it in half. This will make it more convenient to work. The seeds are very easy to remove if you cut each half lengthwise into 4 pieces. Then you just have to cut off the middle and that’s it.

Grate the zucchini on a medium or coarse grater. Add salt and stir, leave for 10-15 minutes.

Many people mistakenly believe that this is done so that the zucchini releases juice. Salt really stimulates this process. But in addition, it is after adding salt that zucchini reveals its taste and aroma to the maximum.

Squeeze out the juice with your hands and transfer the zucchini pulp to another container.

Grate the cheese on a medium or coarse grater.

Finely chop the dill. Pass the garlic through a press.

Add eggs, cheese, dill, flour and pepper to the squash puree.

Mix everything thoroughly until smooth.

Grease a frying pan with vegetable oil and heat a little. Place the dough into the pan with a deep spoon and fry until golden brown on both sides.

Ready-made zucchini pancakes with cheese are quite greasy, so they should be allowed to drain on a paper towel and only then served.

Bon appetit!!! By the way, after they cool, zucchini pancakes with cheese become even tastier.

Peel the zucchini and grate it on a regular coarse grater. Peeled zucchini is more tender and the pancakes made from them will simply melt in your mouth. It is better to squeeze the grated zucchini from the liquid with clean hands, then the pancakes will not float and will hold their shape when frying.

Cut the onion into medium-sized cubes. After frying, the onions will remain slightly crispy and it will be delicious.

On a fine grater, grate three cloves of garlic and cheese. A small amount of garlic will make the pancakes savory, and the cheese will add a creamy taste to the finished products.

Add finely chopped greens to the vegetable mass. We used both parsley and dill, which will give the pancakes a fresh aroma and unique taste.

Beat in the chicken egg and mix until the mixture is more or less homogeneous in consistency. Lightly salt and pepper.

Add flour and knead the dough, it should not be too thick and not runny.

Heat the vegetable oil (about a couple of spoons) and spoon out the pancakes, forming a round shape.

Fry on both sides over medium heat for 5 minutes so that the inside of the pancakes is well cooked.

We serve the finished hot pancakes to the table; they look very attractive and taste simply magical. You will taste both cheese and subtle notes of garlic, so bon appetit, everyone.

For delicious zucchini pancakes with cheese, you need to take fresh ingredients - zucchini, cheese and egg. Naturally, the dough will also include flour, salt and pepper. Everything is very simple. Let's start with zucchini.

In the summer, during the season, you don’t have to peel the skin off young zucchini. No one will notice its presence in the finished dish. But with older zucchini, where the skin is thick and rough, it needs to be removed.

Grind the zucchini (weighing approximately 400-500 grams) using a grater. I recommend doing this on the larger side. If you grate the vegetable very finely, it will release a lot of juice, and yet it is more pleasant to taste the zucchini in the pancakes. It is better to grate the vegetable in a deep bowl; we will immediately salt it, which is much more convenient than just on the board, because the zucchini will release juice and everything will float.

Now add salt to the grated mass, mix with your hands and set aside to let the zucchini release its liquid.

Armed with another deep bowl, we begin kneading the dough.

First, let's grate the cheese. Take the cheese, not the cheese mass. I usually take Russian cheese with 50% fat content. Sometimes I can grate hollandaise, it’s a little more expensive than the first one and tastes better if you eat it just like that, but there’s absolutely no difference in ready-made pancakes. Therefore, I leave it up to you which cheese to choose, the main thing is that it is fresh.
Unlike zucchini, the cheese should be grated on a fine grater.

Beat the eggs with a fork or whisk (do not add salt), sift the flour, add a pinch of black pepper or more if desired, and, of course, grated cheese.

We combine everything together and get a not too liquid dough.

I tried to show in the photo how it should turn out.

Now squeeze the zucchini with your hands, thereby allowing the liquid to drain through your fingers. Just don’t press too hard, too dry zucchini is not good to eat, the dough will be heavy, like a big sticky lump.

Add the squeezed out lumps of zucchini to the dough.
Now you need to actively mix everything to combine all the ingredients and get the pancake dough.

Let me explain why we squeezed the zucchini. If you don't do this, you'll have to add a lot more flour to absorb all the liquid. As a result, we get not zucchini pancakes, but wheat ones, plus disappointment in taste.

Since there is a lot of dough, I immediately take the largest frying pan so as not to bother with frying for a long time. I heat it up, pour in oil, in this recipe it’s vegetable oil, and start frying. I scoop out the dough with a spoon, put it in the pan, wait 3-4 minutes, turn it over with a spatula and fry until done. The heat is below medium, I don’t cover it with a lid.
