How to squeeze out the cake. Pastila from cake: review of the best recipes for making homemade pastila from cake. Carrot pulp jam with lemon

Are you running out of apples yet? Don't know where to put the pulp and juice foam? Then these recipes are for you.

Marmalade is a thickened jam that, in addition to fruit, contains sugar and a thickener - pectin or agar-agar. Pastila is actually jam, but dried in the form of a layer.

In this recipe I have real marmalade and marshmallows, but without sugar - I use the sweetener Fitparad No. 1 (based on erythritol) and without a thickener - apples themselves contain a lot of pectin.

I make marmalade and marshmallows exclusively from apple foam. And apple cheese is made from pulp.

Have you ever done ? Then you know that when extracting juice, a lot of foam is formed. Its quantity depends on the variety and ripeness of the apples - the looser (and riper) they are, the more foam. If this foam is left in the juice, then during sterilization it will curdle and form a tasteless clot. Those. it has to be thrown away or removed and separately rolled into jars, for example, for feeding babies. This requires a lot, a lot of jars, and from my own experience I was convinced that if there are no children who like puree, half of it is wasted...

But applesauce contains a large amount of pectin. Remember, I wrote about dietary fiber in the article. 100 g of apples contain about 0.9-1.7 g of pectin; during juice production, the distribution does not occur equally - a tiny portion of dietary fiber remains in the juice (no more than 0.2 g, and in store juices there is none at all). Most of the pectin remains in the puree, a smaller part in the cake. Fiber, on the contrary, is most of it in the cake, less in the puree. Those. different types of dietary fiber allow you to prepare two completely different products using different technologies. But both are very tasty and healthy.

Traditionally, marshmallows and marmalade in Rus' were made from Antonovka, I make marmalade from any variety - from Melba, Rose filling, Striped anise, Streifling, whatever is ripe.


  • Applesauce
  • Apple pulp
  • Sweetener Fitparad No. 1 - to taste
  • Cinnamon - to taste

How to make apple cheese

First I prepare the juice. I cut my apples (sweet and sour) into halves or quarters, remove the core and all spots. I don't remove the peel. I run the apples through a juicer (I have a Philips HR1863) and get juice and pulp. The juice pours into the glass and forms a head of foam. I drain the settled juice and pour the foam into a colander over two layers of gauze. Juice continues to separate from the foam. I take out the pulp and put it in a separate bowl. I drive the juice away again and pour the foam into a colander again until it is completely filled with foam. Now attention! I tie the gauze into a bag (opposite corners) and hang it over the pan (as homemade cottage cheese is made). In a few hours, the juice will drain and a thick puree will remain in the gauze.

While the juice is draining, you can start making pulp. Depending on the variety of apples and the professionalism of the juicer, the pulp obtained has different moisture content.

I put apple pulp, about 500-600 g in size, into a glass refractory bowl (baking dish). At the same time, I remove the largest pieces of peel. My juicer produces very fine pulp, but sometimes I come across large sections of peel - I take them out. If the cake after the juicer is very, very dry (this also happens), then you need to add water, about 100 g per 400-500 g of cake.

I turn on the microwave for 20 minutes at full power - mine is 900 W. After 20 minutes, I mix with a spoon and leave for another 10 minutes at full power. Then I look at the condition of the mass. If the cake was initially too wet, you may have to do three cycles of 20 minutes each. If it’s a little dry, just 30 minutes of cooking is enough.

Very important! The microwave power and cooking duration depend on the volume of raw materials. If you put a small portion, for example 200-250 g, then the power must be reduced, set to approximately 450-600 W, or the time reduced to 10 minutes, otherwise the mass will quickly dry out.

The main guideline is to reduce the volume of the cake and its moisture content. Ideally, the result should be a mass like soft plasticine. But you need to taste it - if the mass has decreased, become drier, but you can feel the harsh fragments of the cake, you need to add water and put it in the microwave again. Those. The peel particles should not be felt at all.

But that is not all! At this stage, I add cinnamon and sweetener to taste; by the way, it is not necessary to sweeten! I knead everything with a fork (you can’t mix the plasticine with a spoon). And now I put the whole mass into a rectangular silicone mold; there is no need to grease it. Carefully crush the apple mixture over the entire shape with a spoon. I compact and level. I put it in the microwave again for 10-15 minutes at medium power (300-450 W). Time is approximate.

I periodically open it and check that the edges of the apple mixture in the mold are not dry (the middle always cooks worse than the edges). If you see that the corners of the mold are drying too much, take them out immediately!

The result was a real apple block. The initial volume of raw material cake should decrease by approximately half. I repeat, the cake contains little pectin and a lot of fiber, so the resulting mass may turn out to be crumbly, this is normal. Although, during this time the peel will, of course, already soften. Now the entire mass of the formation must be put under pressure. To do this, I place the silicone mold in a plastic container, cover it with a plastic lid of a suitable size (can be cut from some food box) and place a couple of dumbbell plates on top (15 kg in the photo).

After 3-4 hours (you can wait longer) the apple cheese is ready.

Let me explain why you can’t prepare the pulp right away in a silicone form: it’s inconvenient to stir. I mix with a fork, or rather knead, and a fork can scratch a silicone mold, but not a glass one.

Why can’t you do without a silicone mold - if you crush the apple mass in a glass container, then it will stick and you won’t be able to pull it out. Especially after the press. If you don’t put it under pressure, you won’t get a cheese mass - it won’t be dense enough.

By the way, apple cheese is a fairly common dish in European countries. If you want to add sophistication to this recipe, add chopped pistachios or hazelnuts or dried berries to the apple mixture. Pistachios are simply amazing!

How to make apple marmalade and pastille

Now let's move on to the second part of Marlezon apples. Marmalade or pastille from puree. The difference is colossal! From the cake we get dense sweet sticks, quite dry; if you dry them too much, the taste is reminiscent of dried apples, but softer. Applesauce has a high pectin content but high moisture content. Therefore, it takes longer to cook. My 500 g mass is cooked in three cycles of 20 minutes at full microwave power. However, you can interrupt cooking. Continue in the evening or even the next day - no big deal, just cover the bowl with a towel.

So, I put the puree in a glass baking dish and turn on the microwave.

The first cycle is 20 minutes, stirred with a spoon.

The second time I turned it on for 20 minutes, stirred twice (after 10 minutes). Added sugar and cinnamon to taste. By this time, the mass of the puree had halved and the puree had thickened.

I turn it on for the third time for 20 minutes. I stir every 5-7 minutes. The mass should not dry out in certain areas (especially along the edges of the mold) under any circumstances.

It is very important to observe. The microwave cooks quickly, but does not evenly affect the total mass. So I sit next to the spoon and make sure that my puree dries evenly. The result is a very sticky dark burgundy mass. Like very soft plasticine. You can boil the last cycle not at full power, but at 600-450 W. If you have a little puree, then you need to reduce the time or reduce the power of the microwave, otherwise the edges will burn or the mass will dry out.

I transfer the marmalade mass with a spoon into a silicone mold, pressing down thoroughly. And the last time in the microwave for 5 minutes.

You can see from the photo the difference between the marmalade mass and apple cheese - it is plastic, uniform in texture, sticky.

It decreases by about three times from its original volume. I let it cool right in the mold. I shake it out onto the board and then see how wet it is. If necessary, it can be dried on the radiator (covered with a towel). But now the batteries haven’t been turned on yet, so if it’s not a little dry, I put the marmalade on parchment, cover it with clean gauze and put it on the kitchen mezzanine. It’s hot in my kitchen and the marmalade ripens in a day or two.

The finished layers of apple marshmallow can be cut into pieces 1.5-2 cm in size, rolled in sugar and it will be real marmalade.

In addition to apples, marmalade can be made from plums and pumpkins - they also contain a lot of pectin. The combination of applesauce and plum is very tasty. Can be made from pears.

Thick, dry apple cheese can be rolled in cocoa, powdered sugar, or both. If you want, you can use it for fondue - dip it in melted chocolate (if you're on a diet, you can dip it in dark chocolate).

But marmalade opens up more possibilities: you can’t sprinkle it with powdered sugar, since it’s quite wet and the powder will get soggy. It is only possible in sugar, poppy seeds, sesame seeds, ground nuts, crushed cookie crumbs, coconut flakes. In the photo it is still in cocoa and sesame flour.

The marmalade turns out to be very tasty if you add roasted seeds or nuts to it at the last stage of boiling, before forming the bar.

You need to store marmalade and cheese in a cool place, preferably in the refrigerator (I kept it perfectly for up to 2 months). It is not advisable to wrap them in film or a bag. It is best to wrap in parchment and place in a thick paper bag or storage container. Ideally, it is best stored in cardboard jars, like those used for Pringles chips or bebi herbal tea.

The nutritional value of apple marmalade and cheese depends on whether you add any other products: sugar, nuts, seeds. And on the degree of boiling of the apple mass. No matter how much I make cheese and marmalade, the cheese mass boils down to 2 times its original volume, and the marmalade mass boils down almost three times (2.7-3).

Nutritional value of products:

Products, 100 g Squirrels Fats Carbohydrates kcal food fibers
Applesauce 0,25 0,17 9 39,4 6,2
Apple pulp 0,5 0,18 9,2 41,3 6,5
Apple marmalade made from puree 0,6 0,4 18,4 98,5 15,5
Apple pomace cheese 1 0,4 18,4 82,6 13

This is how the dessert turns out, compared to store-bought marmalade or sugar marshmallows, the calorie content is about 3-3.5 times less, and the carbohydrate content is 4-4.5 times less. For reference: marmalade from the store contains almost 80 g of carbohydrates and has a calorie content of 320 kcal. And yet, you can often hear the phrase: “marmalade is healthy, it contains pectin.” So, pectin in marmalade is only 1.2 g per 100 g of product - this is a minuscule amount, 4.5-4.8% of the daily requirement.

And now the question arises: is it possible to make marshmallows or marmalade from whole apples, without making juice? Well, of course you can. Here, each housewife chooses what is more convenient: you can cut the apples into slices and stew them in a saucepan (without water over low heat), pressure cooker, microwave or slow cooker (stew mode). Then rub through a sieve or blender and dry. The result will be pastille or marmalade of excellent taste. But the chemical composition will be slightly different, with a higher carbohydrate content and less dietary fiber per 100 g of the final product.

Moonshine made from apple pulp is gaining popularity, since the raw materials are used almost 100% without waste. When apples are processed into juice, pomace remains, from which you can prepare mash for good apple moonshine.

Apple chacha is a natural alcoholic drink, harmful impurities are kept to a minimum. Alcohol does not need to be purified if all technologies are followed and it is distilled two or more times.

Due to the small amount of fructose in the pomace, it is necessary to add sugar; moonshine from the remaining apple pomace will retain the taste and smell of apples.

Tip: to prepare mash with apple pulp, do not squeeze the apples dry. A small amount of juice increases the fructose concentration, improving the taste and aroma of the alcohol.


It’s easy to prepare mash for moonshine at home, adhering to the minimum requirements. Unused pulp after making juice, cider or Calvados is an excellent raw material that does not have to be thrown away.


  • Apple pulp – 10 kg
  • Granulated sugar – 5 kg
  • Water – 35 l
  • Yeast – 350 g pressed or 100 g dry

Making mash

  1. Place the apple pulp in a container prepared in advance where the mash will ferment. Calculate the container in such a volume that there is free space for the foam released during the fermentation process; for this recipe you need a container with a volume of 60-65 liters; recalculate for yourself depending on the amount of ingredients
  2. Fill the cake with water at a temperature of 30 degrees
  3. Add sugar, but preferably already diluted in the form of sugar syrup, so the sugar will dissolve faster and better. Mix well.
  4. Dissolve yeast in water in advance, add to wort and stir
  5. Close the container tightly and install a water seal or medical glove; make a hole in the fingers in advance
  6. Place the mash in a dark, warm place, the temperature should be at least 18, but not more than 28 degrees
  7. For the first five days, stir the mash, settling the rising cake cap; after the cake stops floating, you don’t have to stir it.
  8. The duration of fermentation is from 6 to 10 days. It depends on the fermentation conditions. The end of fermentation can be determined by the deflation of the glove or the cessation of the release of gas bubbles by the water seal, as well as the bitter taste of the mash
  9. When the mash is finished, filter it from the cake through several layers of gauze

Getting moonshine

  1. Distill the mash for the first time almost dry to strength in a stream of 5-7% alcohol
  2. Measure the strength of the resulting raw alcohol and calculate the amount of absolute alcohol
  3. Dilute with water to 30% and distill again
  4. Collect the head fractions of the first 10% of absolute alcohol and pour
  5. Collect the drinking fraction, the so-called “body” of moonshine, select it until the temperature in the cube is 92 degrees
  6. Collect the rest of the “tails” separately for further processing.
  7. Apple moonshine will be ready after you dilute it to 40 degrees with clean drinking water and let it stand for at least 7 days in a glass container.

The amount of ingredients in the recipe gives about 5 liters of high-quality, tasty and aromatic apple moonshine with a strength of 40 degrees.

Calories, kcal:

Carbohydrates, g:

Bulk, strong and juicy are loved by all age categories and segments of the population without exception. Of course, everyone has their own preferences - some adore the sour Antonovka, others cannot live without gnawing on the honey Golden. Apples are great on their own, tasty and healthy, especially when fresh. Considering that vitamins are lost during any heat treatment, let’s pay attention to those products that fresh apples give us. Natural apple puree and apple pulp retain all the advantages of the original fruit. Today on the agenda is apple pulp.

Calorie content of apple pulp

The nutritional value of apple pomace will depend on the variety of apples from which it is produced. Sweet and sour, hard and fluffy apples vary in the amount of calories and dietary fat, but on average, apple pulp is a low-calorie product. The calorie content of apple pulp is approximately 45-47 kcal per 100 grams of product. The percentage ratio of proteins / fats / carbohydrates looks like this: 3% / 5% / 87% (calorizator). The nutritional value of dishes prepared from apple pulp should be calculated taking into account the products used.

Composition of apple pulp

The well-known saying that eating one apple a day guarantees a person’s health is not just nice words, but the truth, confirmed by many years of research. Few people will eat apple pulp just like that, but its vitamin and mineral composition will not change.

The chemical composition of apple pomace inspires respect; it includes: vitamins, and, as well as useful minerals, etc. The fiber contained in apple pomace will work as a scrub for the intestines even after heat treatment. Apple pulp also contains enough essential oils and dietary fiber (calorizer).

It is calculated that on average, from a kilogram of apples (weighed already peeled, without seeds and tails) of average juiciness, 280-300 grams of pulp are obtained. In this case, a little more than 600 grams of juice comes out, and the rest is foam that forms on top of the juice. If you strain it, the resulting mass will be nothing more than the most delicate applesauce, which is recommended to be immediately consumed as food - for joy and benefit to the body.

The benefits and harms of apple pulp

The dietary fiber in apple pomace helps maintain normal weight, as it perfectly normalizes intestinal motility. The blood cleansing properties of apples fully apply to apple pomace, which is why it is useful for people with problems with the cardiovascular system.

Apple pulp can cause harm only to people with high stomach acidity, and then only if you eat a kilogram of fresh pulp in one sitting, which is problematic purely physically - dryish pulp is uncomfortable to eat. When cooked, apple pulp is absolutely harmless.

Properties of apple pulp

In the days of manual juicers (called juice squeezers and resembled a meat grinder in shape and operating principle), the leftovers from preparing apple juice were usually thrown away or used to feed poultry. Few housewives bothered to peel apples from seeds; only broken and rotten areas of apples were removed. The labor-intensive process of squeezing juice did not leave time to worry about the purity of the pulp.

Having any model of electric juicer in their arsenal, modern housewives know that after spending some time peeling fruit, they will end up with clean pulp that is ready for further use. So, apple pulp is the dry remains of apples after the juice has been squeezed out of them. If the apples are very juicy, the pulp will be damp, but ideally, juice should not be obtained from it.

Using apple pulp in cooking

The simplest solution for consuming apple pulp is to add it when cooking compotes or jelly. Please note that any baked goods, especially those with cottage cheese, will become fluffy and airy if you add apple pulp to it. It has been noticed that baked goods with apple pulp remain soft for a long time and do not become moldy. If you are making juice on stream and there is too much pulp, you can freeze it by placing it in freezer bags.

During the fruit and berry harvest season, many begin to intensively use juicers and juicers to prepare various drinks for the winter. After the spinning procedure, a large amount of cake remains, which is a pity to throw away. Try making marshmallows from it. We will tell you how to do this correctly in this article.

An example of a recipe for making homemade marshmallow will be presented based on apple pulp, and below you can familiarize yourself with various options for preparing pulp marshmallow from other products.

  • apple pulp – 1 kilogram;
  • granulated sugar – 150 grams;
  • water – 50 grams.

If you plan to make marshmallows from the pulp, then the apples should be squeezed in their peeled form, without peels and seeds.

The spent pulp is transferred to a frying pan with a thick bottom or a basin, kneading the apple mass with your hands. Any large parts of the apple found are chopped with a knife and sent back.

Add water to the apples and boil the contents of the pan for 5 minutes with the lid closed. If the squeezes are very dry, then you can add 2 times more water.

After the apples have softened, granulated sugar is added to them. Mix everything thoroughly and put on the fire to boil for 15 - 20 minutes. The mass should thicken and decrease slightly in volume. To prevent the puree from burning, it must be constantly stirred with a spatula. Cool the finished applesauce slightly.

There are three ways to dry puree:

  • In the oven. The puree is laid out on a silicone mat or wax paper lightly greased with vegetable oil. The layer should not exceed 4 - 5 millimeters. Dry the marshmallow at a temperature of 180 degrees for 20 minutes, and then dry it until ready at a temperature of 60 degrees. Important feature: the oven door should be open approximately 3 fingers.
  • In an electric dryer. The puree is placed in a container for preparing marshmallows or on wire racks covered with baking paper. To prevent the pastille from sticking, the trays are lubricated with vegetable oil. The product is dried at a maximum temperature of 65 - 70 degrees. If the marshmallow is dried in several tiers, then for uniform drying, the trays are periodically swapped.
  • On air. You can also dry pastille from cake in a natural way. To do this, the containers are placed on a glazed balcony or simply outside. Containers with marshmallows must be protected from insects. To do this, cover the trays with gauze so that it does not touch the fruit mass. Drying time – 4 – 5 days.

The finished marshmallow is rolled into rolls or cut into arbitrary geometric shapes. Store the product in the refrigerator in a plastic container or glass jar.

Watch the video from the channel “Free Buyer” - How to make delicious marshmallows from apple pulp

Recipes for homemade pulp pastilles

The technology for preparing marshmallows from other fruits is the same as from apples, so only the ingredients will be presented in the recipes below.

Apple-peach marshmallow

  • apple pulp – 500 grams;
  • peach cake – 500 grams;
  • granulated sugar - 3 tablespoons.

Plum marshmallow with salt

  • plum cake – 1 kilogram;
  • salt – 0.5 teaspoon.

Boiled with water, the cake is rubbed through a sieve to remove the skin, and then salt is added.

Plum marshmallow with honey, sesame and vanilla

  • plum cake – 500 grams;
  • honey – 3 tablespoons;
  • sesame – 1 tablespoon;
  • vanilla - on the tip of a knife.

Honey and vanilla are added to the cooled plum puree, freed from skins. Before putting the marshmallow out to dry, sprinkle it with roasted sesame seeds.

Apple and plum pulp pastille with honey, poppy seeds and sesame seeds

  • plum cake – 500 grams;
  • apple pulp – 500 grams;
  • honey – 5 tablespoons;
  • poppy seed – 1 tablespoon;
  • sesame – 1 tablespoon;
  • vanilla - on the tip of a knife.

Plum-apple marshmallow with cinnamon, honey and coconut flakes

  • plum cake – 500 grams;
  • apple pulp – 500 grams;
  • honey – 5 tablespoons;
  • cinnamon - to taste;
  • coconut flakes - 2 tablespoons.

Apple pulp pastille with cinnamon

  • apple pulp – 500 grams;
  • cinnamon - to taste.

Pastille of plums and apples with seeds, walnuts and vanilla

  • plum cake – 300 grams;
  • apple pulp – 300 grams;
  • sunflower seeds – 1 tablespoon;
  • crushed walnuts - 1 tablespoon;
  • vanilla - on the tip of a knife.

Cherry and peach pulp pastille

  • cherry cake – 500 grams;
  • peach pulp – 500 grams.

Oleg Kochetov in his video will talk about homemade marshmallows from cherry cake


It is best to make it from vegetable pulp puree soups. Fill the cake with a small amount of water so that it is saturated with moisture. Then put this paste on the fire and cook until done. You can add boiled meat, eggs or mushrooms to taste. And then put it in a blender and beat. Season with salt and pepper. Your soup is ready!

You can also use cake for ordinary soups, but it will not look very impressive.


It is best to use pumpkin pulp. Take millet or rice and add water or milk. Shortly before the cereal is ready, add the cake and cook a little more.

The porridge is ready. Add honey, nuts, dried fruits, butter. And you can serve it.

Pancakes and cutlets

Cake can be used to make excellent vegetable pancakes or cutlets. They are prepared according to the usual recipe. Before use, we recommend keeping the cake in water for a while so that it is saturated with moisture. This is especially true if you have very dry cake.


If you're cooking vegetable casserole, add eggs, semolina, sour cream, salt, and spices to the cake.

Fruit pulp will also come in handy. It is good to use for regular cottage cheese casserole.


Carrot and beet pulp make excellent salads. Simmer the pulp a little in a frying pan along with the onion. Remove from heat. Transfer to a salad bowl. Add boiled eggs, grated cheese, finely chopped bell pepper. Season with your favorite sauce and you're done!


Use a small amount of cake to make cookies, muffins and even bread. Just add it to the dough and stir. If there are large particles of vegetables or fruits in the cake, first grind them in a blender.

Dry crackers

We take any cake or a mix of several and add seeds, nuts, dried fruits, seasonings, spices, sugar or honey. What the soul asks for and in the quantity that you personally like.

Mix the mixture in a blender until smooth. Cover a baking tray with baking paper and spread the mixture there in a thin layer (2-3 mm). We set the temperature to the minimum, put the baking sheet in the oven and dry... In 8-12 hours you will have crackers ready, which are stored for a long time, have a pleasant crunch and are great as a healthy snack.


If you get very dry cake, try making candy from it. Mix fruit pulp with thick honey, chopped nuts and dried fruits. Then manually form round sweets from the mixture and decorate them with a whole nut on top. Place in the refrigerator for several hours.

The same can be done with vegetable cake, only replace the honey with thick sour cream. Decorate the ball with a leaf of parsley or cilantro. Children will be interested in eating such healthy candies instead of boring salad.


Add vegetable cake, chopped onion, vegetable oil, herbs and spices to boiled rice. Simmer the mixture a little.

This filling is universal. It can be eaten separately, or put into pies, dumplings, manti, or stuffed into pancakes. Or just wrap it in thin Armenian lavash and eat it like that.

Make pie filling from fruit pulp. Prepare it the same way you always do. If necessary, pre-soak the cake with water.


Is it possible to make a drink from a mass in which there is not a drop of liquid left? Certainly! For example, a smoothie. Mix the pulp in a blender along with juicy berries, fruits or vegetables. Pour some herbal tea or mineral water. Depending on the type of smoothie (fruit or vegetable), add spices, sugar, honey.

And some craftsmen make moonshine and chacha from apple or grape pomace.

The first thing the cakes were good for was vegetable puree soups. Pour the vegetable cakes with water and leave for 15 minutes. During this time, they absorb moisture from the water that was lost when squeezing the juice. This must be done in order to understand whether more water needs to be added. Next, bring the resulting slurry to a boil and, stirring, cook for another 3 minutes. Add salt to taste. I sometimes add chopped garlic and herbs (dill, parsley) to this soup. Serve with sour cream! For this soup, cakes of any roots are suitable: carrots, beets, potatoes, celery. The next dish that I mastered when I started drinking freshly squeezed juices daily was vegetable casseroles. For this purpose, again, cakes of any vegetables (carrots, beets, potatoes, cabbage) are suitable. For 250 grams of cake (remains after squeezing the juice from about 4-5 medium-sized root vegetables), add 1 egg, 2 tablespoons of sour cream, 1 tablespoon of semolina, salt to taste. This whole mass is laid out on a baking sheet, previously greased (I most often use vegetable oil). Baked in the oven for about 20 minutes at 200 degrees. Any sour cream sauce, as well as tkemali sauce made from green plums, is suitable for the casserole. Pancakes from vegetable cakes are prepared in a similar way. To do this, for 250 grams of cake, take 2 eggs, about 150 grams of flour, baking powder or soda slaked with kefir, salt and spices to taste. Knead the dough to the consistency of thick sour cream. And the pancakes are fried in a hot frying pan in vegetable oil. Also good with sour cream or any other sweet and sour sauce. The first recipe I used: beetroot/beetroot-carrot salad. In the original version, you fry the onion, add grated beets, seasonings to taste and tomato sauce, and simmer until soft. Can be eaten as a salad or spread on bread (preferably dark). But cakes (beets or beets with carrots) are also great. It can be eaten both warm and cold. My next discovery was the use of sweet cakes (from fruits) for mousses. The cakes of any fruit (apples, peaches, apricots, strawberries, grapes) are suitable. Grind some other fruit in a blender (preferably a juicier one, for example, kiwi, strawberries or grapes; currants or gooseberries are also good). To this crushed mass add the fruit cakes from which the juice was squeezed. Everything is whipped again. Let it sit for a while so that the pulp is filled with new juice. And Bon Appetit! Well, today I baked a wonderful cake made from cakes (carrots, beets and apples). To do this, I took 175 grams of butter. I ground 200 grams of sugar in it until a white homogeneous mass was formed. I added 2 large (selected) eggs to it. If the eggs are small, then 3 pieces will be needed. All this needs to be beaten. I quenched the soda in apple cider vinegar - it went there. I poured flour (300 grams) with vanilla sugar into the resulting mass and then added all the cake remaining from squeezing the juice (about 250 grams). Placed in a pan greased with vegetable oil and baked in the oven for 30 minutes at 180 degrees. It turned out so delicious! Especially with cold milk!

In contact with

Anyone who makes fresh juices regularly has to wonder what to do with the pulp from the juicer. If you also like to treat yourself to homemade fresh juices, we have great news for you. The squeezed pulp is suitable not only for a trip to the trash can and endless washing from the juicer, but also for many really useful things.

Juice pulp consists of fiber and plant fibers. The human body does not absorb them very well, but they are still useful: they cleanse the gastrointestinal tract. This is an excellent reason to enrich your menu with fiber.

1. Soup and broth made from pulp

Vegetable soup will become thicker and more nutritious if you add the pulp obtained from vegetables to it. Vegetable pomace makes good raw material for simple broth. Just like the commercial says, just add water (and a little extra seasoning). Boil this broth for 40 minutes and then strain. You can put pasta in it (by the way, you can also cook it using a juicer).

2. Vegetable meatballs and cutlets

If you prepared fresh juice from a set of different vegetables, mix the resulting pulp with flour, salt, egg and seasonings. It makes an excellent preparation for cutlets or meatballs.

3. Vegetable crackers

The cake can also make a healthy dry snack. It will require a dryer or oven. Add any seeds to the vegetable pulp (sesame, sunflower, pumpkin are suitable), salt, spices and mix until smooth. If desired, you can add coconut flakes. The resulting dough should be placed on a baking tray in as thin a layer as possible. Cut the cracker dough into squares and leave in the dryer/oven for 3-4 hours at 60°C. The cookies should be crispy.

4. Baking

Carrot pulp is an ideal base for carrot cake: you need to add cinnamon, soda, flour, butter, water and sugar. The fruit pulp is suitable for cookies and muffins.

5. Spreads and gravies

The pulp, spices, lemon juice and garlic can make an excellent sauce. To do this, put all the indicated ingredients in, season with sour cream, yogurt, avocado or tomato - and you will get a mixture that can be served with crackers, used as a dressing or sauce for sandwiches.

6. Spices

Another good option for anyone with a dehydrator is to use vegetable pomace to make homemade seasonings for soups and sauces. Just imagine the rich taste and aroma - and all this without any food additives!

7. Treats for pets

You can always treat not only a rabbit, hamster or guinea pig, but also a dog with what remains of fruits and vegetables.

8. Fertilizer

For those who have a vegetable garden or garden, leftover fruits and vegetables can be useful as raw materials for compost.

It so happened, thanks to the natural growing conditions of the vine, that grapes are the lot of people living closer to the south. It seems to many, and completely unfoundedly, that homemade wine is also inaccessible to the more northern inhabitants of the country: they say, there are no raw materials for its preparation. However, the most economical or those deprived of raw materials may well be interested in apple wine made from the pulp remaining after squeezing the juice. After all, apples are by no means a scarce product. From them you can get cider, wine, and excellent moonshine. And when the work of the juicer ends, we have whole kilograms of mass on our hands, which is clearly good for something. But for what? Of course, for homemade wine. Apple pulp makes a wonderful alcohol-containing drink!

How to cook

Even if you decide to use fruit scraps, this does not mean that you can treat them with disdain. Apple wine made from pomace will turn out excellent - aromatic, tasty - only if you take the very initial stage seriously. That is, to the selection of raw materials, which in itself is a “secondary product”, and many even throw it away.

Before preparing the juice (or any other “squeezed” version of the drink), you must sort out the apples and cut out the seed pod so that the wine made from apple pomace at home does not develop a bitter and cloying aftertaste. And cut the fruits themselves, removing dubious places.

It is important to know

It is strictly forbidden to wash prepared fruits (except in the most extreme cases, when they are simply dirty). The thing is that when the fruit ripens, special microorganisms accumulate on the skin, thanks to which active fermentation will take place. By washing them away, you will get a product that will not ferment well and, as a result, will be of poor quality. If the fruits are too dusty, you can wipe them with a clean cloth.

Of course, this point applies only to your own crop, and not sprayed with various kinds of chemicals at the time of fruiting. Yes, and apples bought at the market, in principle, can also be used unwashed. But those purchased in a store, brought, so to speak, “from abroad,” must be washed, and you only need to use hot water.

Little secrets

Wine made from apple pomace (after juicing) will be especially aromatic and rich in taste if the fruit is kept at normal temperature for at least a couple of days before squeezing. It would be better to wait longer: a week, even a week and a half.

When making wine, experienced people advise taking pulp from several varieties of apples. For winemaking purposes, Umanskoe Zimneye, Ranet, Antonovka, and Borovinka are especially recommended. You can take other varieties available at hand, the main thing is that their flesh is not loose, but firm and at the same time certainly juicy and fragrant. Then the apple wine from the pomace will come out perfect. And, according to many wine experts and very simple lovers of “sipping a glass or two,” it is in no way inferior to its grape counterpart in alcoholic beverages. Well, are you ready to start winemaking today, or more precisely, “applemaking”? Then we will share the recipe with you!

Apple wine from pomace at home: the most important thing is to prepare the raw materials!

  1. So, we sort through the apples we picked ourselves or bought in the supermarket, remove leaves and twigs, remove other natural debris, and then let them rest for a while (preferably for a week). This simple condition will improve the aroma and taste of the fruit, and therefore the future homemade wine.
  2. After shopping, each apple can be thoroughly wiped with a dry cotton rag or kitchen towel. Next, remove the core and cut the fruit into small pieces. We pass it through a juicer (here act depending on the situation - what model of kitchen appliance is at hand). The base for apple wine from the pomace is ready. You can proceed with further actions.

If you don’t have a juicer on your farm, you can use a mechanical grater (of course, the process itself will be longer and more tedious). The applesauce made in this way is then squeezed out using another method. For example, in gauze folded in several layers (it should be remembered that this is a very labor-intensive process), another option is a kitchen press. In any case, you are faced with a very specific task: to obtain the cake at the exit and use it as a raw material.

How to make wine from apple pomace

  1. We put the wet pulp that remains after squeezing the juice into a container of the selected volume. It is better to pre-weigh the raw materials, then observing the following proportion: for a three-liter vessel - a couple of kilos of cake, for a ten-liter vessel - eight, and so on.
  2. It is also necessary to weigh because for every kilogram of fruit cake we add approximately 100-150 grams of sugar. And if you have a sweet tooth at heart, you can do more.
  3. Fill the container with purified water so that there is still room for fermentation and foam does not rise to the top.
  4. We wrap the neck of the container with a piece of gauze. Then we put the bottle in a warm place for a couple of days.
  5. After the specified time, a light apple pulp will float to the top. Carefully pour the liquid into another container. By the way, the pulp can be filled with water and sugar several more times, however, the semi-finished product will already be less saturated. This event will help increase the yield of the finished home product.
  6. Add another hundred grams of sugar per liter to the strained liquid. We close the bottle with a shutter and set it to ferment. This process will take place in a warm and dark place for about a month. And after it’s finished, we leave the young apple wine alone for a couple of days so that the drink can settle properly. Then carefully drain, without sediment. Now you know how to make wine from apple pulp. It's quite simple, and the drink turns out tasty and aromatic, so it's worth a try!

With apple juice and pulp

You can also prepare this version of homemade alcohol. For this we need apples, juice from these fruits, sugar. We take fruit and juice in equal proportions, and add sugar at the rate: for each liter of liquid ingredient - about half a glass (more is possible, then the wine will turn out sweet).

The process itself

  1. Extract the juice from apples using a juicer or kitchen press (in extreme cases, you can use a grater). Then pour it into a glass bottle.
  2. We also use the resulting cake for its intended purpose: add it along with sugar to the container selected for fermentation. Mix and shake thoroughly (it is advisable that the wort occupies approximately two-thirds of the volume of the fermentation vessel).
  3. We close the container with a hydraulic (water) seal, and lead the hose with the other end, as usual, into another jar. Now, within a month (sometimes 20-25 days), the mass should ferment. The best place for this is a dark and warm room (for example, a kitchen pantry).
  4. The final product, as a rule, is not too strong, about seven degrees of ethyl content (measured with an alcohol meter). If we want to increase the “degree” of the drink, then we strain (filter) the resulting semi-finished product, add sugar: about one hundred grams for each liter of liquid. Let it ferment for another month, and then bottle it.

You will be able to withstand the spilled water for an additional year - for another year, for example, if there is such a desire and opportunity. This way the homemade drink will turn out tastier and acquire additional notes. To make the color of the wine pleasant and beautiful, and the taste subtle, try adding a couple of spoons of raspberries to the aged wine. In general, you can experiment with the end result. Well, if you can’t wait, apple wines made from pomace can be drunk as young, right the next evening after preparation. Of course, in some ways they may be inferior to their grape comrades, especially their best representatives, but they also have the right to exist. In addition, wines from the gardens are very aromatic, low-alcohol and less heavy than grape wines. And the pulp after processing apples for juice (especially if you have your own orchard, although not too large, or a dacha with fruit trees on the site) also needs to be put to good use somewhere! Bon appetit everyone, and don't forget that any alcohol should be consumed in moderation.

I love starting my morning with freshly squeezed juice! It is also said to have health benefits. The only thing that has always bothered me about this diet is the cakes. It's a shame to throw it away. After all, pure fiber! The most useful product! So I started experimenting.

The first thing the cakes were good for was vegetable puree soups. Pour the vegetable cakes with water and leave for 15 minutes. During this time, they absorb moisture from the water that was lost when squeezing the juice. This must be done in order to understand whether more water needs to be added. Next, bring the resulting slurry to a boil and, stirring, cook for another 3 minutes. Add salt to taste. I sometimes add chopped garlic and herbs (dill, parsley) to this soup. Serve with sour cream! For this soup, cakes of any roots are suitable: carrots, beets, potatoes, celery.

The next dish that I mastered when I started drinking freshly squeezed juices daily was vegetable casseroles. For this purpose, again, cakes of any vegetables (carrots, beets, potatoes, cabbage) are suitable. For 250 grams of cake (remains after squeezing the juice from about 4-5 medium-sized root vegetables), add 1 egg, 2 tablespoons of sour cream, 1 tablespoon of semolina, salt to taste. This whole mass is laid out on a baking sheet, previously greased (I most often use vegetable oil). Baked in the oven for about 20 minutes at 200 degrees. Any sour cream sauce, as well as tkemali sauce made from green plums, is suitable for the casserole.

Prepare in a similar way vegetable cake pancakes. To do this, for 250 grams of cake, take 2 eggs, about 150 grams of flour, baking powder or soda slaked with kefir, salt and spices to taste. Knead the dough to the consistency of thick sour cream. And the pancakes are fried in a hot frying pan in vegetable oil. Also good with sour cream or any other sweet and sour sauce.

My next discovery was the use of sweet cakes (from fruits) for mousses. The cakes of any fruit (apples, peaches, apricots, strawberries, grapes) are suitable. Grind some other fruit in a blender (preferably a juicier one, for example, kiwi, strawberries or grapes; currants or gooseberries are also good). To this crushed mass add the fruit cakes from which the juice was squeezed. Everything is whipped again. Let it sit for a while so that the pulp is filled with new juice. And Bon Appetit!

Well, today I baked a wonderful one cake made from cakes(carrots, beets and apples). To do this, I took 175 grams of butter. I ground 200 grams of sugar in it until a white homogeneous mass was formed. I added 2 large (selected) eggs to it. If the eggs are small, then 3 pieces will be needed. All this needs to be beaten. I quenched the soda in apple cider vinegar - it went there. I poured flour (300 grams) with vanilla sugar into the resulting mass and then added all the cake remaining from squeezing the juice (about 250 grams). Placed in a pan greased with vegetable oil and baked in the oven for 30 minutes at 180 degrees. It turned out so delicious! Especially with cold milk!

Very easy to prepare fresh vitamin porridge made from cakes. I love making mashed porridge from different vegetables and fruits! One day I didn’t have any fruits available, so I decided to make just a vegetable mixture.

Take several leaves of Chinese cabbage and grind in a blender until a porridge forms. Cabbage gives a lot of juice. Therefore, I add carrot and beet pulp to the resulting mixture in such an amount that the cake absorbs the juice released from the cabbage. Sometimes I add another spoonful of sour cream or a little kefir (thick) and beat it again in the same blender. The resulting porridge can be seasoned with salt (then it will become a side dish) or honey (and then it will be a wonderful dessert).

You can also add cabbage or cabbage pulp if you are making juices from them. In this case, the porridge turns out to be quite spicy. It can be used as caviar, spread on black bread, or as a sauce for some dish.

Looks smart vegetable pulp roll. The roll is traditionally made with minced meat. I’ve been eating meat very rarely lately, so I decided to try cooking it with minced pulp! It turned out great. That's why I'm sharing the recipe!

For minced meat we use cakes and (you can also use other vegetables: cabbage, zucchini, cucumbers, potatoes - I just make juices from these vegetables less often). Add 1 egg and 1-2 tablespoons of sour cream to them so that the cakes soften slightly. Salt and pepper the minced meat, you can add cumin or other seasoning that you like.

For the base (dough) of the roll, you need to cook a thick porridge of rice flakes (you can use regular rice, but then there will be more fuss) in water and cool. Add salt and egg to the porridge, beat the mixture. If you use rice, then you need to cook the porridge soggy, and then pass it through a sieve or mash it so that the grains of rice disintegrate and become one continuous mass. This is our dough. We flatten it. Place minced meat in the middle. And roll it up so that all the minced meat is inside.

Place the roll on a baking sheet greased with oil. It is better to coat the resulting “sausage” with beaten egg on top. Then the roll will brown and retain its shape better.

Place in a preheated oven. After 30-40 minutes, the roll is ready. Remove from the oven and cut into portions. Pour sauce on top. The best for this roll would be herb sauce.

Grind a small bunch of cilantro in a blender. Add salt, squeeze 1-2 heads of garlic there and pour thick kefir in a 1:1 ratio. Let this sauce sit for 1-2 hours in the refrigerator!

You can prepare it in the same way sweet roll. Then it is better to cook rice porridge in milk. And when preparing the base, instead of salt, add sugar to it. We also flavor the cakes not with seasonings, salt and pepper, but with honey or jam and raisins (it goes well with carrots and beets). In this case, it’s also good to add nuts to the minced meat!

Another recipe - semolina porridge with cakes. Ordinary semolina porridge is cooked in milk (5-6 teaspoons of semolina per glass of milk) with sugar. The porridge is medium thick. Fresh carrot, apple or beet pulp is added to the hot porridge. Cover the porridge with a lid and let the cakes brew (10 minutes). The porridge will thicken during this time. Then add sugar and a little butter. And beat with a mixer into foam. The result is a very tasty, fortified and beautiful (vegetable cakes color the white milk porridge) mousse. Children will like it more than usual!
