How to paint eggs with liquid paint. How to dye eggs with chokeberry juice. How to put beautiful stickers on Easter eggs

There are a huge number of variations in the coloring of chicken eggs, but what remains unchanged is the process of preparing for coloring. We share some tips with you:

1. To prevent eggs from bursting during cooking, you need to remove them from the refrigerator a couple of hours before.

2. It is necessary to carefully wash all the eggs under running water. This way the paint will lie much smoother.

3. Boil the eggs in salted water, again, this will prevent the shell from cracking.

4. To clean the eggs well, immediately after boiling they need to be filled with ice water until they cool completely.

5. Give colored eggs a shiny look. vegetable oil. You just need to dry the colored eggs and coat them with refined oil.

We are done with the preparation, now we can safely move on to the main painting. We invite you to use our simple ideas.

Classic way

Involves painting eggs in onion skins. This is the method our ancestors used.

1. We wash the husks (the more the better) under water and place them in a deep saucepan.

2. Add water to it and cook for about 40 minutes.

3. Turn off the heat and let the broth brew for a couple of hours.

4. Strain through a colander, removing all the husks.

5. Boil the prepared eggs. The cooking time depends on the color you want to get.

This process gives us solid-colored eggs; if you want to give them color imprints, you need to use nylon fabric and dried leaves.

Or apply electrical tape desired drawing, boil in the husk. Get rid of the electrical tape (adhesive tape). The drawing is ready.

Decoupage Easter eggs

This method is for those who don’t want to bother with stickers and are used to doing everything themselves. We will need napkins with a pattern, boiled eggs and gelatin.

1. Dilute gelatin as indicated on the package.

2. Cut out the designs with thin scissors.

3. Apply the prepared design to the egg and use a brush to apply gelatin glue to the surface of the napkin. We start gluing from the center and move the brush to the edges.

Before serving, eggs must be dried for 2 hours.

Gradient fill

The whole point is that each egg is a tone darker than the previous one. Prepare dyes and eggs.

1. We dilute food coloring according to the instructions.

2. Lower the first egg for 20 seconds.

3. With the remaining eggs, we follow the previous method, only we increase the time of coloring each egg by 20 seconds (the first 20, the second 40, the third 60, etc.).

As a result, you should end up with a whole series of eggs that smoothly transitions from light to rich shades.

If you have a negative attitude towards store-bought dyes, then use natural dyes.


This unusual method will allow you to draw whatever you want. We stock up on colored eggs, a cutter, a pencil and patience.

1. The eggs must be thoroughly dried after painting.

2. Select the drawing you are interested in and transfer it to the shell with a pencil.

3. Using a cutter, carefully remove the paint from the shell, making sure that the egg does not break.

The process is long and laborious, but it's worth it.

Space Easter eggs

Do you love space? Then this method is definitely for you. We will need acrylic paints, a brush, a dish sponge, a toothbrush, white paint and water.

1. Cover the eggs with black paint in two layers.

2. Using a brush, apply various stains of dark blue and black-violet paints to the shell.

3. Take a sponge and dip it in dark colors, apply them to the egg with a sharp movement, then paint them brightly.

4. We dilute white paint with water, apply it to a toothbrush and spray it over the egg, giving the effect of stars.


After each layer, you need to dry the egg well.

Fabric pattern

Most easy way. We select suitable colored silk and white cotton fabrics, threads, a needle, water, vinegar and white raw eggs.

1. Wrap the egg in a colored cloth, the front side should be from the inside.

2. To ensure that the drawing is not blurry, we sew it tightly together.

3. Wrap it in white fabric and stitch it again.

4. Mix water and vinegar (3 tbsp) in a saucepan, add eggs, cook for about 10-15 minutes after the water boils.

5. Cool the eggs in a natural way without resorting to cold water.

A beautiful and bright drawing is guaranteed to you.


You've probably heard about these Easter eggs? And we will tell you how to make them, only for this you will need: brilliant green and onion peels.

1. So, let's prepare onion solution as written above.

2. Wrap raw eggs in onion peels and chop them first. We fix it with nylon fabric.

3. Cook. Halfway through the completed stage, add a spoonful of brilliant green to the water and cook until tender.

The “marbled” egg will become truly beautiful colour if coated with vegetable oil.

Painting with rice

In fact, the option is very unusual. We can use rice, plastic cups and food coloring to give us an interesting texture and pattern.

Fill 1. 1/3 cup with rice.

2. Add 25-30 drops of dyes to it (if the paint is dry, then dilute it in small quantity water).

3. Mix the contents of the glass thoroughly, evenly coloring the rice grains.

4. Place the boiled egg into the rice and gently shake several times. Leave it like this for five minutes.

In this way, you can paint one egg several times, while changing the color of the paint.

Colorful palette

This method received this name for a reason. And you will find out why during the painting process. So, we need: knitting thread (or floss) different colors, vinegar and raw eggs.

1. We completely wrap each egg with colored threads.

2. Cook in water with vinegar added.

3. Transfer to a bowl and leave until completely cool.

4. Remove the threads.

Beautiful, isn't it? What bright and original eggs we got.

Decorate with wax crayons

The name speaks for itself, we will need: wax crayons or crayons and eggs.

1. Boil the eggs.

2. We apply bright designs to the uncooled shell.

3. Cool.

During drawing, the wax will begin to melt, thereby giving the egg an original design.

Culinary ideas

This option is the cheapest, because cereals are available in every home. And we will use: small grains (millet, egg, etc.) and wax candles.

1. On ready eggs Apply the design with hot wax.

2. Quickly sprinkle this area with cereal.

3. Lubricate with refined oil.

Eggs can be used as natural color, and painted.

And in conclusion…

You can choose one idea from the proposed options and paint the eggs, but just think how delighted your guests will be if they see beautifully decorated eggs on your holiday table. Spare no time and effort, because Easter comes only once a year, and make it unforgettable.

We invite you to watch a video in which you will learn a lot useful information on painting eggs for Easter.


Traditionally, eggs are colored by boiling them in onion skins. If you want to surprise your guests, decorate the eggs with beautiful ornaments, patterns or small designs. In order to create a festive work of art, you will need regular Easter egg paint or food coloring, permanent paint (or oil paint) for applying small patterns and your imagination.

There are many recipes, following which you can get a lot of different shades on Easter eggs. For example, you can use food colorings, such as birch leaves or beets. These methods are perfect for applying a uniform color, but if you decide to somehow diversify the color, you can make marble eggs. To do this, paint them first in a light and then in a darker tone, only add a spoon to the dark paint butter, then the eggs will turn out uneven. It looks very unusual.

Such eggs are often coated with subtle patterns with a small brush, and sometimes even holiday stickers are applied. But in order for the eggs to really become beautiful, a background is applied to them using natural dye. To prevent damage to the structure of the eggs, cook them in a solution of this dye for about 10 minutes, making small holes before doing this. You can also add some salt to the boiling water. And if you put the broth together with the eggs in the refrigerator overnight, the color will become very bright.

It is convenient to use food coloring, which comes in the form of tablets or powders. They are usually used to decorate pastries and cakes, but if you dissolve the tablet in 200 ml of warm water and lower white eggs into it one by one for 5-10 minutes, you will get an excellent, stable color for their shells. After coloring the egg, remove it from the liquid with tongs. To fix the color, you can additionally dip it in a weak solution. acetic acid(1 teaspoon per glass of water).

To food coloring lay down evenly, be sure to wash the raw eggs in soapy solution, you can also use alcohol, but in this case you need to wait 10-15 minutes before painting.

You can add 0.5 ml of vinegar to the powdered dye diluted in water; it is believed that this composition lays on the shell in a dense layer without streaks.

Birch leaves paint the eggs golden, the broth must first be left for about 30 minutes, then you need to lower the eggs and keep there for about 10 minutes. And here beet juice will help add sophistication to Easter eggs. Simply rub them with fresh beets and they'll turn an interesting shade of pink. After painting, start painting the eggs. After all, now Easter eggs are given to work colleagues, friends, and close relatives, so show your imagination, and then your festive table guests will remember forever.

For Easter we all make sure to paint eggs. Often, of course, most housewives paint. Colorful stickers that are applied to paints using the heat treatment, are no longer so popular. Due to the long winter, there was no greenery for applications this year. And I really wanted bright colors. A friend sent a photo of her colorful Easter eggs and recommendations on how to properly color eggs with food coloring. A miracle has happened. Colorful, rubbed to shine, red, blue, green colors delight the eye, displacing the onion monotony. It only took me half an hour to dress regular eggs in charming outfits. I purchased paint bags in advance. Vinegar and sunflower oil there is always one in the kitchen. Let's get down to business.
- chicken eggs,
- a bag of multi-colored food paint,
- salt.

How to cook with photos step by step

Wash the eggs and carefully place them in a heatproof container. Fill with water room temperature so that it completely covers the contents, and place on medium heat. To prevent the eggshell from breaking, add a teaspoon of salt. From the moment it boils, cook over low heat for 10 minutes.

Prepare solutions for staining. Take cups and dilute the dyes, observing the proportions indicated in the instructions for use. If you want the color of the Easter eggs to be more saturated, add the entire packet of dye.

Use a spoon to drop the eggs, one at a time, into each cup of dye. Leave for 5 minutes.

Take out the Easter eggs and wipe dry. Or let them dry naturally while you work on the next batch. One solution can color 3-4 eggs. To maintain bright tones, add more paint.
Place the colored eggs on beautiful plate. Have a nice Easter holiday!

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Positive psychology 28.03.2018

Dear readers, very soon we will meet Holy holiday Easter. Let me remind you that in 2018 we will celebrate Orthodox Easter on April 8th. We will bake Easter cakes, Easter cakes and, of course, paint eggs.

The tradition of coloring eggs goes back to ancient times. And if earlier eggs were painted mainly red, symbolizing the blood of Jesus Christ, now creativity and creativity people all over the world are simply amazed. Find out how beautifully you can paint eggs for Easter, starting from the most simple ways and ending with very unusual ones!

Where did the custom come from?

When to dye eggs for Easter

What day should you dye eggs? According to church canons, eggs should begin to be colored on the eve of Easter on Maundy Thursday. On this day, it is customary to clean the house, wash and prepare Easter eggs and dyes. If you didn’t have time to color the eggs on Maundy Thursday, you can do it on Saturday. Thursday and Saturday are the most lucky days for coloring Easter eggs.

On what day should you not dye eggs?

It is believed that on the day of Jesus' death, that is, on Friday, one should not do household chores, including painting eggs. However, many priests say that even on Good Friday you can start preparing the dyes. When is the best time to do this? - only after 15.00 hours.

Easter eggs have long ceased to be just a ritual food. They are given to friends and relatives and decorate the holiday table. Therefore, every year they try to decorate them as interesting as possible. This process is especially popular with young children, who happily join in this creative game.

  • Chicken eggs will not burst during cooking if you add a tablespoon to the pan table salt. In addition, eggs should be removed 1-2 hours before cooking. This step will also protect the shell from damage;
  • in order for the paint to evenly cover the shell, you need to wipe the boiled egg with alcohol;
  • if you like mirror shine Easter colors and Easter eggs, rub the eggs with a drop of vegetable oil;
  • to fix the shade, place the eggs in a 9% vinegar solution based on the proportions of 1 tablespoon per 1.5 liters of water;
  • the brightness of the shade depends on the concentration of the dye and the time the egg is in the liquid;
  • You can dye not only chicken eggs. Try coloring quail eggs, and you will see how beautiful it is!

If you have small children, then when dyeing it is better to avoid chemical dyes. The risk of dye penetrating into the egg is minimal, but still present, especially if the egg bursts during cooking.

Therefore, it is better to give preference to traditional natural components for coloring, which will definitely not provoke allergies in our children. There are several ways to color eggs for Easter without store-bought dyes. The choice of dyeing tactics depends on the desired shade.

Educational shade chart

Dear readers, I offer you a list of products that will help you achieve the desired shade when coloring Easter eggs. This chart can be printed and used as a guide.

How to color eggs in onion skins. Classic way

Many people know how to paint eggs in onion skins, but let's remind you again about this method for beginners. This recipe is quite easy to make. You just need to stock up in advance onion skins.

In order to get a purplish-red hue, take the peels from 8 onions and add 400 ml of water. Bring the mixture to a boil and continue to cook over medium heat for 30 minutes. As soon as the coloring solution has cooled, it needs to be filtered.

Now you can start coloring - immerse the eggs in water until they are completely covered and cook them for 10 minutes. If at the end of cooking the color is not sufficiently saturated, you can place them back into the strained coloring broth and leave for another 10 minutes.

How to paint marbled eggs in onion skins

There is another way to paint eggs in onion skins with a pattern. This recipe makes eggs with marble effect. To do this, in addition to onion peels, you will need:

  • a jar of pharmaceutical greens;
  • gauze or nylon stockings;
  • gloves.

To begin, grind the onion skins into fine crumbs. Moisten the eggs with water and roll them in the shells. Now you need to wrap each egg with gauze or nylon so that the husk is fixed, and dip it in water for cooking.

You need to add brilliant green to the container with eggs at the rate of 10 ml per 1.5 liters of water. Now all that remains is to boil the eggs in this coloring solution for 15 minutes. At the end of this simple manipulation, you need to cool the eggs by pouring them cold water and remove onion skins.

I would like to emphasize that the use food products when dyeing eggs does not give such an intense color as chemical dyes. The final result also depends on natural color shells. Therefore, to obtain a deep shade it will take more time, up to 12 hours.

Turmeric for a golden hue

Did you know that you can get a yellow-golden color using spices? To do this, add 3 tablespoons of aromatic turmeric to a container of boiling water. Give the solution time to cool and brew, then dip the eggs into it and boil. If the shade is too weak, you can leave the eggs in the broth overnight.

Beetroot for crimson shade

How to color eggs with beets? Sugar beets give eggs an interesting purple hue when dyed. To do this, grate a medium-sized vegetable and squeeze out the juice. Add beet juice to a container of water, bring to a boil and leave the liquid to steep for half an hour.

Strain the coloring solution and add the eggs to it. Cook them over medium heat for 15 minutes to obtain a light brown color. Adjust the dyeing time depending on the intensity of the desired color.

Red cabbage for a purple hue

There are many ways to beautifully paint eggs for Easter. One popular method is using red cabbage, which gives the eggs a purple tint. To color this recipe you need:

  1. Chop the cabbage and pour 1.5 liters of water into it.
  2. Bring the mixture to a boil and leave to simmer over low heat for 60 minutes.
  3. After the solution has cooled, it must be strained and allowed to brew for another 10-15 minutes.
  4. Add eggs to the container with the broth and cook them for 10 minutes. During this time they will acquire a light pink tint. To obtain a rich purple color, leave the eggs in a container with natural dye for 4 hours.

Food colors for coloring eggs

Using store-bought dyes is very simple and many people resort to this method as the fastest. Before purchasing food coloring, pay attention to the instructions on how to color eggs for Easter. The whole point is that different manufacturers paints represent various ways its application. Sometimes you need to boil eggs in water with dye, and in other cases you need to place boiled eggs in the solution.

Most often in stores you can find bags of water-soluble paint. To color in this way, you need to first boil the eggs. Pour into a metal container cold water, 1 teaspoon vinegar and food coloring. The mixture must be thoroughly stirred and wait until the dye grains are completely dissolved.

Then you need to put the eggs in the container and leave for 30-60 minutes. The finished dyes are blotted with napkins and decorated with them on the festive table.

I suggest watching a video on how to color eggs for Easter using food coloring in rainbow colors.

How to make a pattern on an Easter egg

Many families have maintained the tradition of painting eggs using twigs of homemade flowers, leaves, and grass. If you want to make your Easter eggs original, you definitely need to try this coloring method.

Choose any dye that will give you the base shade of the eggs. This could be the usual onion skins, beet juice or store-bought dyes. The choice is yours.

Pour water into a metal container, dilute the dye and bring to a boil. Then reduce the heat and simmer the solution for 10 minutes. During this time you will have time to prepare the eggs for coloring.

To obtain a picture, leaves of trees, plants, and parsley are suitable. Moisten an egg with water and attach a piece of paper. Now wrap the shell in gauze or nylon stocking, securing the ends.

Add a tablespoon of salt to the slightly cooled coloring solution and carefully lower the eggs into it. You need to cook them for 10-12 minutes, then fill them with cold water and free them from the nylon. The result is original Easter eggs with a floral pattern.

Coloring eggs for Easter using the “speckled” technique

In Ukrainian villages, the tradition of making rags, kraponkas or shkrabanks for Easter is still preserved. These are ordinary painted eggs, on which ornaments are then made.

If you want to try to make these Easter eggs, then color them using natural dyes, because store-bought ones smudge a lot when drawing the pattern. Experienced housewives They share advice that for this method of decoration it is better to use dark eggs, since they have a thicker shell.

I suggest watching a master class on this technique from Olga Proyda, who participated in the competition along with her 6-year-old son Dima.

We will need:

  • boiled eggs;
  • candle;
  • dyes;
  • rags.

Boil the eggs and dilute the dyes in a convenient container. It is better to make the solution sufficiently saturated.

When everything is ready, lay out the rags, light a candle and drip melted wax onto the testicle. After each drop, you can lightly blow on the wax to make it harden faster. After drying the egg with a cloth, then apply wax to the egg in other places. This can be repeated several times.

When all the necessary drops are already in place, dip the egg into the paint. It is convenient to do this with a spoon.

You can see everything in more detail

Easter engraving

For a floral or geometric design, use a thick gypsy needle and a sharpened orange stick. Sometimes in stores you can find a ready-made Easter engraving set, which contains all the necessary tools.

Decoupage Easter eggs

Experienced craftswomen recommend trying to decorate Easter eggs using interesting technology decoupage Using this method you can translate any pattern. Painting this way is more labor-intensive, but the end result is worth the effort.

You will need beautiful napkins with a design that you would like to transfer to the shell. You can first color the eggs in any way convenient for you, or simply boil them in water, leaving a natural shade.

You will also need gelatin glue, which is very easy to make yourself. To do this, soak purchased gelatin according to the instructions on the package, drain off excess liquid. The resulting mixture must be heated in a saucepan, without bringing to a boil, until the small particles are completely dissolved.

Now cut out a pattern or fragment from the napkin and separate the top layer, which you will use. Place the design on the boiled egg and cover it with glue on top. Movements with the brush should be smooth from the center to the edges. Let the drawing dry and enjoy the beauty of Easter paints.

Master class “Decorating an Easter egg”

To begin, take multi-layer paper napkins with a pattern and cut out patterns, in in this case this is flowers.

Never coat the first coat plain water, otherwise the water will dry out and the pattern will disappear.

We attach our flowers to the eggs in any order you like. This is what happened in the end.

The master class is taken from the competition work “Easter Miracle” from Nina Kuzmenko

Stickers – thermal films

It is not always possible to devote enough time to coloring Easter eggs. In this case, purchased thermal stickers come to the rescue. Perhaps this is the fastest and easiest way. Such stickers are made with a wide variety of patterns: Khokhloma or Gzhel, biblical motifs, butterflies, rabbits, cartoon characters, geometric patterns, holiday inscriptions.

Boil the eggs first, put a thermal base on them and place them in boiling water for a few seconds. The sticker will instantly wrap around the shell and the Easter egg is ready!

How to color eggs with little kids in a simple and fun way

All children love to participate in coloring eggs. Give them free rein to be creative. Children's fingers, whatman paper and dyes or paint - that's all you need.

Read more about this master class in the competition article from Anastasia and her wonderful sons.

As you can see, there are many ways to paint eggs for Easter. great amount. You can choose any option you like or try each one as an experiment.

I would like to add at the end that Happy Easterfamily celebration. Color the paints with your little children and family. It's not only easy to do, but also fun. Touch a piece of beauty with the whole family!

How do you color Easter eggs: the old fashioned way with onion skins or in unusual ways? Be sure to share your experience.

I suggest you read other articles on this topic:

And for all of us a musical gift. Beautiful sunny music Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart .

see also

Dyeing eggs for Easter is a tradition that has been established for a very long time. Every housewife tries to bake fragrant and cook for the holiday. cottage cheese Easter. And very often I am faced with the problem of decorating eggs for Easter. Everyone wants to make unusual and original Easter eggs as a gift, delighting both adults and children.

In this article we will talk about what methods and tricks exist for creating unique and beautiful Easter eggs at home. With their help, you can not only please your household, but also surprise your dear guests and friends.

Preparing for painting

Boil chicken white eggs. After you finish cooking, you need to cool them a little. It is enough that they are at room temperature. We will not be able to work with overly hot or icy eggs. Then, wipe the eggs from moisture, remove dirt (if any).

  1. Cracked eggs I'll have to put it aside - these are no longer suitable for drawing pictures. If you are going to use the onion peel method of painting, wait a little while cooking.
  2. If you decide to paint eggs with a pattern for the holiday, mix starch paste (glue) in advance - it is absolutely harmless, so it is suitable for coloring Easter eggs.

In the store you can buy ready-made starch, ready to use. Pour the starch into a bowl, then add warm water, no higher than room temperature. Soak it there and then stir it well. After this, you will need hot water, but not boiling water - pour hot water into the resulting mass in portions, stirring the starch mass at the same time. If lumps cannot be avoided by stirring, take a gauze mesh and separate the glue from the lumps. Great, the glue is ready!

Multi-colored eggs with a rainbow pattern - successful, simple and perfect way decorate your Easter menu.

To create colored shells, you can use ready-made food paints(which can be found in any store), and pigments created independently, with your own hands. For this you can use red cabbage, beets, blueberries, turmeric, tea, onion peels, coffee beans, as well as fresh herbs.

Natural dyes will give eggshells interesting, rich shades. Below is step by step recipe with a photo of preparing Easter eggs using red cabbage. Thanks to the bright and natural solution, after 10-14 hours the workpiece acquires a pleasant lilac-blue hue. Of course, the natural pigment does not lay down very smoothly (unlike artificial paints), but this gives the workpiece an authentic, natural look.

And also several other interesting ways to color eggs at home for Easter, using onion skins, ready-made dyes and stickers. And to decorate Easter eggs with a beautiful and original design, use paper napkins or a piece of fabric. Let's consider the most interesting ways egg colors for Easter - both popular and quite unusual.

We dye Easter eggs with natural dyes

How to Dye Easter Eggs Blue with Red Cabbage

When creating Easter eggs, you should follow some guidelines. To ensure quality eggs, wash them thoroughly before processing. When cooking, add a handful of salt to the liquid, and pour vinegar into the natural coloring infusion. All this will help you make your Easter feast not only festive, but also useful.


  • eggs (3-4 pcs.);
  • cabbage (200-250 grams);
  • vinegar (2 tbsp);
  • salt (1 tbsp).


Place the eggs in cold liquid and add salt. Make sure that the water covers the entire shell. Cook for 8-10 minutes (after boiling).

We begin to prepare the infusion: pour water (800-1000 ml) into a container. Shredding red cabbage small pieces and put it in a saucepan.

Pour vinegar into the container. Cook the vegetable mass for 8-10 minutes.

After the cabbage becomes soft and the liquid turns purple, lower the eggs into it. We make sure that thick mass covered the entire shell.

Leave the Easter preparation for 10-14 hours. Place the eggs on a napkin.

After the product is completely dry, use it at your discretion. If desired, decorate the shell Easter stickers.

How to paint eggs for Easter in onion skins

You will need:

  • water;
  • onion peel;
  • eggs;
  • salt;
  • for a glossy effect: vegetable oil;
  • for patterns: plant leaves, threads, nylon/gauze, etc.

Dyeing process:

The most famous, classic way coloring of eggs, which grandmothers and mothers pass on to us, consists of ordinary onion peels. This is the simplest method, but very interesting and, most importantly, environmentally friendly. Prepare everything in advance necessary components and be sure to warm the eggs if they were put in the refrigerator.

To color eggs with onion peels, you need to pour boiling water over the peels in a saucepan for 2 hours. As soon as the time is up, salt the water, put the eggs in it and boil the water. Once the water has boiled, reduce the heat to low and simmer for 10 minutes. If you want eggs with a beautiful pattern, you must first apply the pattern and then boil it with the peel on.

To create designs on Easter eggs you can use ordinary leaves parsley or dill, thread or cereal. Moisten the egg, attach leaves to it or roll in cereal. An unusual pattern can be achieved by applying lace or wrapping thread around the egg. Wrap the resulting structure in gauze or nylon (for example, from tights) and cook in onion water for the specified time.

What colors can you dye eggs with natural dyes (table)

Products that can be used when dyeing eggs for Easter (Infographics)

Color using store-bought food colorings

You will need:

  • white chicken eggs;
  • water;
  • table vinegar 9%;
  • food coloring in desired colors.

Painting instructions:

For this method you need to purchase food coloring. There are many food colors sold in stores, including in special kits for Easter.

This method is the simplest, since the manufacturer most often includes instructions with the dyes. It is from this information that you will need to start. If there is no information, calculate approximately one packet of dye per 200-300 ml of water.

Boil and cool chicken eggs. Bye boiled eggs cool, you can start dyeing. Take a saucepan or large, deep bowl. Pour 50 ml there warm water, dissolve food coloring of the required color in it, add table vinegar (9%).

After this, stir and add water in portions to achieve the desired shade, or according to the instructions on the package (usually 200 ml per small bag). Dip the eggs into the prepared dye one by one. Turn them over for 3-5 minutes, then remove and dry.

Do not use a cloth to dry to avoid staining and sticking - paper towels are best.

Video: How to color eggs beautifully with dyes at home

Easter eggs with DIY drawings made from napkins

You will need:

  • chicken eggs (white);
  • paper napkins (choose napkins with bright and beautiful pictures, which they would like to place on the surface of the testicle, and not the usual ones without a picture!);
  • starch glue.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Take some napkins. Typically, patterned napkins are sold in a three-layer format. We only need the top layer. Choose patterns, designs or details on the napkin that you like. These could be flowers, character drawings, animals or interesting patterns.
  2. Carefully cut out or tear off a piece with the selected picture (it should be compact enough to fit on the testicle).
  3. Then, place an egg in front of you or take it in your hand, attach a picture to it and begin to cover it with starch paste directly on the surface of the picture. Apply glue completely to the picture and the corners to stick to Easter egg. This method can be used several times on the same egg.

That's all, the design will remain on your testicle! You can get rid of excess starch with a dry sponge, leftover napkin or cloth. And the beautiful Easter egg is ready, you can present it as a gift for Easter or treat your family and friends.

We use ready-made dyeing kits for dyeing eggs.

There are now many kits in stores for coloring eggs for Easter. This is also an option for decorating your testicles. Each kit usually comes with dye, stickers or “covers” for eggs with detailed instructions For decoration.

The big disadvantage of these sets is that the patterns and pictures in them are monotonous and it is very difficult to find something unusual. A big plus is the reduction in cooking time and the absence of the need for additional materials.

Video: Colorful and unusual eggs for Easter 2018 without dyes

Unusual Easter eggs with fabric pattern

You will need:

  • chicken eggs (any color);
  • starch glue;
  • unnecessary but clean fabric with patterns or other images and designs you like.

How to paint:

Prepare your fabric and choose the patterns or images you want to place on your eggs for Easter. In one of the previous methods of coloring, we already figured out how to place an image on an egg - this is where this knowledge will come in handy.

Cut out the desired image from the fabric. To attach a fabric pattern to an egg, you need to apply starch paste to the egg itself with a brush, attach the picture and paint on top of the fabric, as you did with a napkin.

If the fabric is tangled or crooked, it is enough to hot water to peel off the pattern and reattach it. Once all the pictures are placed on the egg, wipe off any excess starch. A beautiful egg with drawings is ready for Easter!

Video: Marble eggs for Easter. How to color eggs with onion peels and brilliant green

Happy Easter and creative work to you!