How to make butter caramel at home. Liquid caramel: recipe for making at home. Homemade candy caramel

Caramel- a very tasty and pleasant addition to many desserts and dishes. We all probably know how to make simple caramel with sugar, but in making real, soft caramel you need to know some rules. Soft and hard caramel are used in various dishes, and today we will learn the recipes for their preparation!

How to make soft caramel at home?

Soft caramel is used to add to various desserts, particularly cakes, ice cream and pastries. To prepare soft caramel we will use the following ingredients:

Sugar, 200g.

Vanillin, 1g.

Salt, 1 pinch

Butter, 50g.

Milk, 100g.

Let's get started!

1. First of all, you need to melt the sugar. To do this, take and pour it into a small saucepan with a thick bottom and place it on medium heat. You should stir the mixture all the time so that it does not burn.

2. As soon as all the sugar has melted, remove the saucepan from the heat and add milk little by little, stirring all the time.

3. Put it back on medium heat. Cook the caramel, but do not boil. During the cooking process, add salt and vanillin, mix everything thoroughly and cook a little more.

4. Remove the pan from the heat and add oil. Now our mass should be mixed very well.

At this ratio of milk and sugar, the caramel comes out very thick. If you take milk as well as sugar, then it will be more liquid, but as it cools, it will become thicker.

If you wanted to learn how to make caramel that looks like candy, then you are at the right time and in the right dough, because right now you will learn how to prepare real soft caramel at home!


Step-by-step recipe for making Soft caramel with photos

So, a little effort, patience and the delicacy is ready:

Immediately you will need a thick container, pour sugar into it.

Place the container with sugar over low heat; when the sugar darkens and begins to melt, start stirring it.

Pour milk into a clean container and heat it.

Pour sugar syrup into a container with heated milk and boil. Don't worry when the mixture turns into a solid lump of sugar, the caramel will melt during heating.

When the mass becomes homogeneous and thick, add butter, cook the sweetness for another 10 minutes and remove from heat. That's it, homemade, real soft caramel is ready!

Video recipe Soft caramel

Homemade soft caramel recipe

There is another option for making soft caramel at home. And if you are interested in learning about that recipe, then read this article to the end!

So, in order to prepare caramel according to this recipe you will need:

sugar – 200 grams;
water – 2 tablespoons;
lemon juice – 1 tablespoon.

And the caramel is prepared as follows:

  1. Immediately place the container on the fire and warm it thoroughly.
  2. When the container is warm, start pouring sugar into it and immediately pour in a little water.
  3. Do not stir the ingredients; turn the heat to low.
  4. When you notice that the mass is covered with bubbles, the sugar begins to melt and change color and a caramel smell appears, do the following.
  5. Take a spoon and start stirring the mixture lightly.
  6. As soon as the caramel begins to thicken and acquire a dark golden hue, add lemon juice, stir and turn off the heat.
  7. Let the caramel sit for a couple of minutes and then pour into the molds. That's it, delicious, real homemade caramel is ready!
Enjoy your meal!

Many adults claim that caramel is a delicacy for children, although they themselves are not averse to occasionally treating themselves to a sweet product.

Despite the fact that today store shelves are bursting with a variety of types and brands of caramel, there are still craftsmen who prepare caramel at home.

Homemade caramel is unique in that it contains a minimum of products, which are also inexpensive and accessible.

In addition, regardless of the fact that the cooking process is not easy, it is quite exciting.

Well, the result of this interesting process will be a delicious delicacy that you definitely cannot buy in a store.

Caramel at home - general principles of preparation

Homemade caramel can vary in taste, shape and texture.

The main ingredient of the product is sugar, and depending on the additional ingredients, the taste of the caramel is regulated.

For example, soft caramel can be made from milk, cream, sour cream with the addition of cocoa, coffee, or chocolate.

It is permissible to add fruit or berry extracts to hard caramel to obtain the appropriate taste and aroma.

The shape of the finished caramel depends on the molds in which the product will be cooled; in the absence of special forms, it is permissible to use any suitable container - small bowls, a base for making ice, and even ordinary spoons.

The texture of the product can be soft, hard, crispy, viscous, liquid - this moment depends on the technology and cooking time.

All sorts of subtleties, interesting recipes, tips and tricks that we tried to collect for you in this article will help you discover the fascinating process of making caramel at home.

Recipe 1. Soft caramel at home

Soft caramel according to this recipe turns out soft and tender, slightly viscous. Thanks to these properties, the delicacy is ideal not only as an independent sweet, but also as an addition to any desserts.


120 grams of sugar;

80 grams of cane sugar;

120 grams of butter;

250 ml cream 20%;

120 ml corn syrup.

Cooking method:

1. Pour two types of sugar into a thick-bottomed saucepan or saucepan.

2. Add butter, cut into cubes, pour in syrup and cream.

3. Place the mixture on low heat.

4. Simmer, stirring constantly, until the sweet mixture warms up to 120 degrees. You can check the temperature of the product with a kitchen thermometer. If you do not have a much-needed appliance in your kitchen, you can check the temperature of the caramel as follows: Take a container of cold water, drop a drop of caramel into it, if you get a hard, round ball, the caramel is ready.

5. Pour the finished product into a mold covered with oiled baking paper and leave for 10-12 hours, covering with a bag or piece of gauze.

6. Remove the frozen soft caramel from the mold and cut into any shapes or simple cubes.

Recipe 2. Milk-coffee caramel at home

Surprisingly delicate caramel with a dense, viscous structure will definitely suit your taste. You can omit the coffee and make regular unflavored milk caramel.


100 grams of granulated sugar;

70 grams of butter;

60 ml 33% cream;

1 tbsp. instant coffee.

Cooking method:

1. Place a cauldron of sugar on low heat and wait for the sugar to dissolve and turn into golden syrup.

2. Add chopped butter, cream and coffee.

3. Cook, stirring, for about 5 minutes. The caramel should become a homogeneous mass, a pleasant golden brown color.

4. Pour the caramel into oiled molds and cool. You can pour it into one large mold, then you just need to cut the products into smaller pieces with a sharp knife.

5. We pack each caramel in parchment paper so that the delicacy does not stick together.

Recipe 3. Homemade candy caramel

There probably isn't a person who didn't make lollipops as a child. Why not remember the wonderful time and prepare a sweet treat for yourself and your loved ones.


Granulated sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Place a dry frying pan on the stove and heat it up.

2. Set the heat to minimum, add sugar. The amount of granulated sugar depends on the size of the frying pan: 5-8 spoons are enough for a small (pancake) frying pan, 10-15 spoons can be poured into a large frying pan.

3. Stirring continuously, wait until all sugar grains are completely dissolved. You should get a viscous, light brown syrup.

4. Pour the candy caramel into the prepared oiled molds and wait for the sweetness to cool completely.

5. If you don’t have molds, you can pour the liquid into saucers, spoons and other available utensils.

Recipe 4. Sour cream caramel at home

Soft and delicate caramel based on sugar and sour cream will be an excellent alternative to various sweets that you often eat for breakfast as a basis for sweet sandwiches. Sour cream caramel applied to toasted toast will appeal not only to children, but also to adults.


150 grams of sour cream;

20 ml water;

100 grams of sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Heat a small saucepan or frying pan over high heat, add sugar and water. Stirring continuously, bring the mixture to a boil.

2. Boil the syrup, stirring, for two minutes, then remove the pan from the heat.

3. Add sour cream to the sugar syrup in small portions and mix thoroughly.

4. Place the frying pan with the sweet mixture on low heat. Without letting the mixture boil, we heat it up.

5. Pour the finished caramel into prepared molds.

6. This delicacy should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than five days.

Recipe 5. Homemade mint caramel

Delicious, refreshing caramel is prepared quite quickly. The peppermint oil used in the recipe can be purchased at specialty stores. If desired, you can add natural food colors; add them during the cooking process along with vanilla.


Three glasses of sugar;

Glass of water;

10 ml lemon juice;

5-6 drops of concentrated peppermint oil;

Two pinches of vanillin.

Cooking method:

1. Pour granulated sugar into a thick-walled bowl and add water.

2. Place on low heat, stirring, waiting for the sugar to completely dissolve and a sweet syrup to form.

3. Add vanillin and leave on the stove for another minute.

4. Remove the saucepan from the heat, and pour drops of mint oil and lemon juice into the sweet mass.

5. Mix the caramel mass and pour into greased molds.

6. If desired, insert special skewers, toothpicks or regular matches with the head torn off.

7. Take the finished, cooled caramel out of the molds and wrap it in plastic bags or baking paper.

Recipe 6. Chocolate caramel at home

You and your family will definitely enjoy this delicious chocolate caramel made from natural ingredients.


100 grams of sugar;

50 grams of honey;

80 grams of butter;

100 grams of chocolate;

40 ml milk.

Cooking method:

1. Mix sugar with liquefied honey, milk and butter cut into small pieces.

2. Place the mixture in a frying pan, stirring, and simmer over low heat for 3-5 minutes. The mass should bubble slightly and acquire a soft brown tint.

3. Add melted chocolate, continue to simmer for about 5 minutes, remembering to stir the cooking caramel all the time.

4. Pour the finished product into an oiled mold.

5. Cool, cut into squares or rectangles.

Recipe 7. Caramel for cakes at home

Ideal caramel for soaking sponge and honey cakes. It cooks quickly and turns out delicious. In addition, this caramel can be eaten just like that, its consistency is pleasant, viscous - you will like it.


220 ml 33% cream;

60 grams of butter;

60 ml water;

A pinch of salt;

180 grams of sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Place a saucepan with water and sugar on low heat.

2. Stirring, wait until the ingredients turn into sugar syrup.

3. Heat, but do not boil, the cream in another pan, pour it in a neat thin stream into the syrup.

4. Add butter and a pinch of salt, mix thoroughly, remove the caramel from the heat.

5. Pour into oiled molds and cool.

How to make caramel at home - tricks and useful tips

If you dip apples, citrus fruits, nuts or dried fruits into ready-made caramel, be it soft or candy, you will have a wonderful new dish.

Caramel cooks quickly, so prepare all the necessary utensils for the process in advance.

The caramel is ready, try not to leave the stove, otherwise the mass may burn.

Whatever molds you use for caramel, grease them with odorless oil so that the finished product comes out better.

Soak dishes: pots, spoons and others immediately after cooking, otherwise the caramel will set and it will be incredibly difficult to wash it.

So that the finished caramel can be easily cut into squares or any other shape, you need to mark the lines with a knife when the delicacy is still hot. Then all that remains is to break it.

By inserting sticks into the filled molds, you will get caramel on sticks like modern lollipops or ancient cockerels.

Who and when first came up with the idea of ​​making caramel will never be known. It is believed that more than 2000 years ago people learned to prepare a sweet, sticky dessert from sugar cane. And the French word “caramel” itself comes from the Latin name for sugar cane. These wonderful candies are loved by both adults and children on weekdays and holidays. Traditional and soft caramel, multi-colored lollipops are popular as an independent dessert and as a complement or delicious decoration for ice cream, cakes, and cookies. Modern confectioners create many types of delicious delicacies. It can be fruit or berry, chocolate or liqueur, fortified or medicinal. In a word, caramel candies are so different that they can satisfy even the most demanding taste.

Of course, the easiest way is to buy ready-made candies, fortunately, the choice of them in the retail chain today is huge. But you can try to cook it yourself. “Cozy Kitchen” will tell you how to make homemade caramel. The recipe, by the way, was mastered by our distant grandmothers and is extremely simple.

Homemade candy caramel


  • granulated sugar – 1 cup;
  • water – 5 table. false;
  • vinegar 9% - 1 table. false;
  • butter - grease the pan.


Prepare the syrup by mixing sugar, water and vinegar and place in a thick saucepan over low heat. Be sure to stir the heating syrup so that it does not burn. When the mixture turns light brown, pour it into the molds, after greasing them with oil. Before the mixture thickens, insert sticks into future candies and leave to cool.

A few tips:

  • To make homemade lollipops colorful, add food coloring or natural berry juice to the warming mixture.
  • You can use confectionery essences or natural aromatic ingredients as flavoring agents: lemon or berry juice, coffee, chocolate, cocoa, honey.
  • If you use a silicone mold to make homemade candy caramel, you do not need to grease it.
  • The industrial form may well be replaced by spoons. The main thing is that there are enough of them in the house.
  • Special sticks can be replaced with matches, toothpicks, lollipop sticks.
  • If you pour hot syrup from a saucepan into a glass glass or ceramic mug, pouring it into molds will be more convenient. But do not forget to pour warm water into the container in which the caramel was prepared immediately before it hardens. Then it will be extremely difficult to tear it off the walls of the dish.
  • If the syrup still burns, don’t despair. It is also possible.
  • If the mixture has already cooled a little and you haven’t had time to pour it yet, warm it up slightly in the microwave. Just remember that this only takes a few seconds, otherwise the syrup will begin to boil and splash.

Soft homemade caramel


  • granulated sugar – 300 gr.;
  • milk or cream - 1 glass;
  • butter – 30 gr.


Pour the sugar into a thick-walled saucepan and place over low heat. As soon as the sugar begins to darken around the edges, you need to start stirring it. Don't be alarmed if the melting sugar clumps; the syrup will become smooth as it warms and stirs.

Pour milk into another saucepan of suitable volume and set it to heat. This should be done when the sugar has already melted.

While the milk is only slightly warmed up, pour melted sugar into it and bring the mixture to a boil, stirring. Your task is to obtain a homogeneous mass. When placed in lukewarm milk, the syrup will form into a single piece, but as it warms, it will melt and mix easily with the milk.

Just don’t miss the moment when the milk has not yet warmed up! If you start pouring sugar into hot milk, the contents of the pan will suddenly foam and you may get burned.

Homemade caramel is almost ready! All that remains is to carefully add butter to it and mix thoroughly. In this case, the mixture will foam and splash, so be careful!

All that remains is to boil the mixture to the desired consistency and pour into jars.

  • Ready-made soft homemade caramel can be used as a sweet sauce for pancakes, cookies, ice cream, as a filling for cakes and buns, and as a separate dessert.
  • If you boil the caramel mass longer, and then dry it on a baking sheet and cut it into pieces, you will get very tasty candies that resemble.
  • Caramel at home can become varied if you add honey, poppy seeds, cocoa, chopped nuts, raisins, dried apricots or prunes to the mixture at the end of cooking. Depending on the additive, you will get a new taste every time.

As you can see, homemade caramel, the recipe for which does not require any expensive products, is very simple to prepare. And at any time you can please your favorite sweet tooth with it. At the same time, you will be absolutely sure that there are no harmful chemical components in this dessert.

Well, when you decide to buy caramel, choose products from responsible manufacturers, prepared in accordance with GOST. This is an indicator of the safety of sweets for the health of you and your children.

Based on materials from

Making caramel at home is not that difficult. However, it can be used in many cases. It is suitable for decorating culinary products, as a filling for cakes, pies, sweets, and beautiful caramel figures. Some gourmets even put caramel in meat dishes!

How to make caramel at home: preliminary preparation

Before you decide to make caramel, first make sure you know enough about what it takes to make it.

1. Arm yourself with the right utensils

It is best to make caramel in a cast iron frying pan with thick walls and bottom or in an aluminum pan (also with a thick bottom). A standard non-stick frying pan may work for you if nothing else is available.

2. The right sugar

How to make caramel truly tasty and of high quality? You need to use good sugar. Good caramel requires real cane sugar.

Due to the cane molasses included in cane sugar, it contains many useful substances - calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus.

3. Safety precautions

If you are making caramel in a frying pan, be sure to protect the exposed parts of your body with clothing. Wear an apron and gloves. Make sure the heat isn't too high so that the melted sugar doesn't accidentally get on you.

Caramel is burnt and melted sugar. There is a lot of debate about the “right” color of caramel. Some say it should be as bright as amber. And some argue that the color should be dark, chocolate brown.

The caramel is melted almost until it burns. However, the taste of proper caramel is sweet.

There are two types of caramel: liquid and dry.

Liquid is made from water and cane sugar. Used as dressings and sauces.

Dry caramel is drier and harder in consistency. It is prepared only with sugar. It is included in pralines, lollipops, and pies.

Very soon you will learn how to make caramel. It's not that difficult, although you will need some practice. The main thing is to follow safety precautions. Melted sugar can cause serious skin burns!

1. For caramel, you need the right pan - for example, aluminum with a thick bottom, colorless, so that the difference between the bottom of the pan and the changing color of the caramel is clearly visible.

2. This quantity is enough to make crème caramel for six people or six creme brulee. Heat the pan over medium heat for a few seconds, then add 175g white sugar without removing from the heat. Brown sugar is usually recommended, but in this case it is better to use white as it is easier to see the color change. Leave the sugar for a while, keeping an eye on it until it begins to melt.

3. After 5 minutes, the sugar should begin to melt and become liquid around the edges. Then you need to shake the pan and leave again until about a quarter of the sugar has melted.

4. Then, using a wooden spoon, stir lightly and continue to simmer until all the sugar becomes a liquid the color of dark runny honey - dark amber. Everything should take about 10 minutes from start to finish, and it's important to be patient and not rush the process - this is the easiest thing to do wrong when making caramel. You need to keep it on medium heat all this time.

5. Then, remove the pan from the heat and add 2 tablespoons of warm tap water - the caramel will sizzle and splashes will appear, so you need to protect your hands with a towel. Stir well - you may need to return the pan to the heat and heat gently again to melt any lumps. Caramel is ready to eat.

Here is the simplest recipe on how to make caramel. For it we only needed sugar and water.

But for the next recipe we will need a few more components.

I suggest you get acquainted with how to make milk caramel.

You will need milk, butter, cane sugar.

Half a liter of milk, 100 g of butter and 3-4 cups of sugar is enough.

After an hour of cooking caramel according to this recipe, you will get a cream or sauce. After an hour and a half of cooking, you will get wonderful boiled condensed milk. After two hours - real milk caramel. And after 2.5 hours, sugar, butter and milk will turn into toffee.

How to make milk caramel?

First bring the milk to 80 degrees. Then carefully pour sugar into it in small portions and cook, stirring, until the sugar turns brown. Then add softened butter. After mixing all the ingredients, the caramel will need to be cooked for from an hour to 2.5 hours - it all depends on your taste and the desired end result.

Where is caramel used?

You can use caramel almost anywhere in the kitchen! It can be used as a sauce for desserts, you can eat fruits and morning porridge with it. Yes, even meat (it is included in some special dishes). You can also caramelize the entire dish. For example, caramelized bananas are a very delicious product. Apples are also good.
