How to preserve food without refrigeration: methods for storing meat and eggs. How to manage in the country without a refrigerator How to keep food cold without a refrigerator

Imagine that one frosty winter morning the electricity went out. Of course, we have all experienced this at some point and endured this slight inconvenience, which will soon be eliminated by utility services, and everything will be as before.

After a few hours, you realize that a little more, and the house will become cold, like at the “North Pole”. In addition, you cannot cook yourself scrambled eggs and hot tea, since there is no gas either. You rush to the radio, but it doesn't work. On all AM and FM, the waves of the spare transistor, only noise and crackling are heard. Then somewhere in the depths of your soul panic appears. Well, how long should we wait for electricity?!

However, this time, it will not appear for a very long time, and maybe never. And you will have to learn to do without this achievement of civilization. After a few days, the remaining frozen food will need to be thawed, since the refrigerator is not working and there is no heat. Unless, of course, you have a wood or coal stove in your apartment... But since you are also careless, like many people, it is unlikely that you could have foreseen such a development of events. Therefore, it is unlikely that we prepared for it and stocked up in advance with everything necessary to live without electricity. This means that, most likely, further events do not promise anything good.

Such a story is only one of the possible scenarios for the cataclysm awaiting humanity. We live in an unstable world with fragile infrastructure, where terrorist threats and environmental hazards are on the rise. And all because the level of economic instability has increased significantly, people have become more isolated. Therefore, it would be correct, in order to preserve one’s own life, to prudently prepare for a possible disaster.

Today I will tell you how to stock up on food supplies necessary for survival and provide yourself and your family with food for a long period of time.

What foods can be stored without refrigeration?

Dry foods can be stored for a long time. For example, cereals (peas, rice, buckwheat, pearl barley, millet) and instant pasta (Mivina, Rolton, Doshirak - 12 months) are well stored. Regular pasta also stores well, but it must be made from durum wheat. In this case, they are usable for more than a year. However, it’s worth sorting out the cereals every couple of months...

Of course, you can’t do without stewed meat. But you need to know that only real army stew has a long shelf life without refrigeration (up to several years). It is produced in tin cans coated with grease.

Canned fish is not suitable for these purposes. They do not last long and they quickly deteriorate, releasing a very dangerous poison. So we won't take any risks.

Dried fruits and raisins are ideally preserved for a long time and do not lose their beneficial qualities. Just before storing them for a long time, you need to carefully sort and dry them.

Don't forget to stock up on powdered milk and egg powder. These products are very important, especially if there are children in the family.

Most of us don't have the skills to preserve food for several years. Therefore, you should know that even such simple products as cereals, flour, salt and sugar can spoil very quickly if storage rules are not followed.

How to increase the shelf life of food?

We need to approach this issue responsibly. Otherwise, you can not only destroy all supplies, but also get poisoned. This is all the more dangerous because there may not be a doctor nearby, and there may not be enough medicine. Therefore, let's find out how to store them correctly:

Flour, cereals

The room for these products must be clean and thoroughly cleaned. Barn pests and rodents must be eliminated. Before storing bags, boxes, and containers with products, disinfect the basement using special smoke bombs with insectofungicides. After this, do not forget to ventilate the room. Treat shelves for storage with a disinfectant solution.

Make sure there are no sudden temperature fluctuations in the basement, as this can lead to condensation, self-heating and molding of food.

Before placing bags of flour on the shelves, check its moisture content. This is not difficult to do: dry flour, suitable for long-term storage, seems warm and squeaks between your fingers. Damp and unusable - cool to the touch. Doesn't creak when rubbed.

Place the linen bag in a second, slightly larger one. First, place some dried calendula flowers (buy at the pharmacy) on its bottom. This plant is excellent at repelling insects.

The shelf life of polished, steamed rice is quite long. But you need to remember that this cereal absorbs moisture very quickly, so it can quickly deteriorate.

The cereal should be poured into dry, disinfected, airtight bags. A small amount of rice can be placed in three-liter glass jars, tightly closed and stored in a dry, cool and glass-safe place.

Most modern housewives have a certain supply of food for all occasions. The composition of the universal food “basket” is different for each family, depending on the number of household members and culinary traditions. Why is it good to always have the necessary products on hand? You can always prepare universal dishes in case guests arrive or bake a pie if one of the children wants something “yummy.” You will also save a lot if you make vegetable or fruit preparations during the harvest season. It's no secret that zucchini, tomatoes and cucumbers are cheaper in the fall than in the winter - why not take the opportunity to stock up on vitamins for the winter?

What products are bought in reserve?

You can safely stock up on dry foods with a long shelf life - salt, sugar, spices, pasta, flour and cereals. This way you can not depend on seasonal price fluctuations and feel more confident about the future. It is important to store such products correctly so that they do not spoil or become “prey” for kitchen bugs.

Salt and spices

Salt can be stored for decades, and nothing will happen to it if it is sealed. But even if the salt becomes wet, it will not deteriorate, but will only lose its “marketable” appearance, and it will be difficult to measure it for cooking. Store salt in a warm, dry place in glass, ceramic or plastic jars with tightly closed lids. You can put a few toothpicks or fried grains of rice in a container with salt, which absorb moisture well. It is better to store iodized salt in a dark and cool place so that it does not lose its properties - in this case, the salt can be stored for up to four months.

It is customary to keep spices in small special containers in a dry and dark place away from the stove and heating radiators, otherwise they will lose their piquant aroma. If all storage rules are followed, seasonings will last up to 2 years while retaining their taste.

Sugar and honey

Sugar can be stored for eight years in tightly closed glass and plastic containers, away from moisture and high temperatures. Upon contact with liquids, granulated sugar sticks together into lumps, and lump sugar gradually dissolves. Sugar has another not very pleasant feature - it easily absorbs odors, so try to keep it in an airtight container and shake it periodically so that it does not compress.

Honey stays great indoors for several years, and even if it is candied, it will retain all its beneficial properties. For this reason, in oriental cuisine, honey is used as a preservative when marinating meat and fish, as a result of which these products do not spoil for several months.

Cereals and pasta

It is recommended to store cereals in the kitchen in containers made of ceramic, stainless steel, glass and plastic, as well as in linen bags, which are pre-soaked in saline solution and ironed. Regular metal cans are not suitable due to possible oxidation, and paper and cellophane bags do not guarantee a seal. Instead of tight lids for air access, the jars can be covered with a cloth or gauze folded in several layers. To protect against bugs, it is recommended to put a bay leaf in each jar or fabric bag, the aroma of which repels voracious insects. Rice is stored for up to 1.5 years, millet - no more than 4 months, buckwheat - 20 months, semolina - 14 months, and rolled oats - up to 5 months. By the way, storing cereal in the refrigerator extends its “life”, and bugs rarely survive at low temperatures. If you are in doubt about the shelf life of the cereal, lightly fry it in a dry frying pan before preparing the dish.


It is usually customary to stock up on flour for a long time, especially if there are children in the family who ask for pies, pancakes, or sugar buns. It is the aroma of baking that makes the house cozy and warm, and in order to bake bread or buns at any time, you need high-quality flour that is properly stored. For flour, sealed jars with rubber gaskets are suitable, ensuring a tight fit of the lids, since it is no coincidence that kitchen bugs are called flour eaters - flour is their favorite delicacy. This product also works well in linen bags soaked in a salt solution.

When choosing a place to store flour, keep in mind that it is afraid of the sun, moisture, temperature changes and does not “like” odorous foods, so do not keep flour next to coffee and spices. Premium wheat flour can be stored for up to 12 months, rye flour for up to 6 months, and whole grain flour for up to 3 months. Buckwheat flour retains its properties for six months, rice flour for 9 months, and all other types of flour (corn, soybean, oatmeal) can lose their taste after a year. If you have a lot of space in the refrigerator, store the flour there and it will “last” longer than usual.

Vegetable and ghee butter

Vegetable oils in closed glass bottles are usually stored for at least two years in a dry, dark place at room temperature. Keep bottles away from heat sources, as too high storage temperatures gradually destroy vitamin E. It is better to put unrefined oils in the refrigerator after the first use.

Ghee, prepared correctly, can be stored for years in a closed earthenware container, and its beneficial properties increase over time. Pure ghee without impurities does not even need to be placed in the refrigerator, although it feels better in a cool place. Ayurvedic doctors believe that the older the oil, the stronger its healing effect.

Berries, fruits, nuts

Traditional fruits for the winter are canning, drying and freezing. Fruits and berries are used to make compotes, jam, marmalade, jellies, candied fruits and marmalade. Pickled apples, candied and dried fruits are very tasty. Fruit preparations can be stored for years if prepared with enough sugar (1:1). By the way, many varieties of apples will last well in the cellar until spring.

Nuts are considered a very healthy product, so if you manage to preserve them for as long as possible, your family diet will always be varied and nutritious. Nuts in the shell can be poured into canvas bags and hung in a dry and dark place - in this form they will remain edible for six months. Shelled nuts cannot be stored for longer than three months, and the container for them should not be very airtight, since without air the nuts “suffocate” and become moldy. For the same reason, you should not use a plastic bag as “storage”. Nuts last well in the refrigerator for 8 months, and in the freezer for a year.

Sunflower and pumpkin seeds are stored dry in closed containers, in a dark place and away from moisture. Under such conditions, the seeds are edible for a very long time.


Avid mushroom pickers never miss the mushroom season and try to prepare mushrooms for the year ahead, using a variety of methods. Mushrooms can be dried in the oven, in the air or in a special electric dryer, and they are stored by hanging them on a string or in fabric bags. Properly dried mushrooms retain their aroma and beneficial properties for up to three years.

Mushrooms are pickled, salted, fermented and fried for long-term storage, caviar is made from them and frozen in the freezer for 6-12 months.


Stocking up on vegetables for the winter is a good thing, especially if you have a cellar. Some varieties of cabbage can be stored underground until May, potatoes, carrots and beets will last until April, onions and garlic will survive well until spring at room temperature. Bulbs and heads of garlic tied into braids look very picturesque - they make the kitchen seem warmer and more comfortable. In the cellar you can even keep green tomatoes in wooden boxes sprinkled with sawdust. Vegetables are perfectly preserved throughout the year in the freezer, and it is quite possible to store pumpkin in an apartment at a temperature of no more than 15 degrees with the stem facing up.

And salted vegetables, lecho, squash and eggplant caviar, sauerkraut, vegetable salads, pickled green peas and corn, salted and pickled garlic, adjika, tomato paste can be stored for up to three years if all the rules for preparing vegetables and sterilizing jars are followed.

Dried vegetables have an extraordinary aroma and piquant taste. If you have the opportunity, time and desire, try drying carrots, beets, tomatoes, onions, garlic, herbs and roots. A pinch of dried vegetables thrown into a soup, vegetable stew or sauce gives dishes a fragrant smell, brightness and richness. You can also dry peas, beans, beans and corn for the winter. Dried vegetables like to overwinter in cool, well-ventilated areas in glass jars or fabric bags.

Meat and fish

Canned meat and fish should not be stored at room temperature for more than a month, but in the cold the shelf life is significantly extended - stewed meat will “withstand” up to six years of storage, and canned fish (in oil) - up to two years. Meat, poultry and fish can be salted, smoked, dried - such products can be stored for six months or more, depending on the cooking method. Cold smoked meat, for example, can be stored for three years, and salted and smoked lard will last well in the freezer for a whole year.


It is better to buy coffee in beans in order to preserve its taste and aroma, and if you want to stock up on ground coffee, choose vacuum foil packaging - such coffee will quietly last a year or two without losing its taste properties. Loose leaf tea is suitable for brewing all year round, but it is better not to store tea in bags, as it will become completely tasteless. Fermented expensive teas need to be kept cool, so their place is in the refrigerator, and to prevent them from absorbing foreign odors, take care of a high-quality container. By the way, coffee and a refrigerator are clearly not made for each other, especially if the package is already open. However, freshly roasted coffee beans will keep well in the freezer for two months.

Alcoholic drinks “love” coolness, low humidity and darkness - in such conditions they can stand for years, while it is better to put the wines on their side and provide them with complete rest. Bottled beer should be stored in dark glass bottles with the neck up - in a cool place, but not in the refrigerator, since too low temperatures “kill” the yeast.

Now you know which foods last the longest without refrigeration, and how long your strategic stock will last. When making supplies for the winter, consider the appetites of family members and the capabilities of your home. Over the years, you will learn to accurately determine how much cereal, oil and vegetable preparations your family needs. This is the art of housekeeping. We wish you abundance all year round!

The refrigerator is perhaps the main attribute of the kitchen. It solves many problems related to food storage. When it is there, no one even thinks about the fact that hardly any of the products could last at least a day without spoiling.

In addition, the refrigerator always helps to cool the ingredients to the desired temperature. For example, if you need to prepare pieces of ice for some drink, then you cannot do without the help of a refrigerator.

Therefore, if the refrigerator breaks down or if the electricity goes out for a long time, panic begins. Many foods will spoil in just a few hours.

However, instead of panicking, it’s worth starting to think clearly and soberly: think about how just a few decades ago our ancestors managed quite well without a refrigerator. Any product can be stored for several days. The main thing is to know some secrets.

If it's winter outside

In winter, there should be no problems with storing food at all, even after the refrigerator fails or the electricity goes out. You just need to take the food outside.

If there is a balcony, then it can very well play the role of a refrigerator in winter. If you don’t have one, you can hang perishable foods near the window. In severe frosts, they will not freeze and retain their shape.

The problem of storing food in winter in rural areas is even easier to solve. After all, here the resident has at his disposal not only his house, but also a huge plot of land. There is plenty of storage space here. Various unheated extensions will also come to the rescue.

All products are suitable for storage outside the living area. The only exception can be drinks, and even then only when the temperature outside is below freezing. The fact is that if they freeze, they will lose their taste and also lose their beneficial properties.

Water use

  • How to preserve greens

In the absence of a refrigerator, ordinary water can come to the rescue. It can even protect various greens from spoilage just as well as a refrigerator. It is enough to fill some container with water and put the plants there. This way they will last quite a long time and will not lose their freshness.

  • Well

Not only greens, but many other foods can be saved with water. But you just need fairly cold water, the temperature of which is close to 0 degrees. The best option is to use a well. The water in it is always cold. You just need to put the food in a bucket and lower it into the water. But the bucket should not be completely submerged, but only about halfway.

  • How to preserve milk

To store milk, you can use one of the methods described above. Or you can use a unique storage method that is suitable specifically for this product.

So, you need to add soda to the milk and then heat it to 100 degrees. Then it is placed in a fairly wide container of water and covered with a towel on top. The ends of the towel should be immersed in water.

It will be necessary to change the water periodically. It is important to ensure that it remains sufficiently cold at all times.

It is also better to place the container with water in some cool place where it could not quickly heat up along with all its contents.

Storage of dairy products

  • Cottage cheese

And it’s probably worth starting with the most difficult and “capricious” product, which can go bad in just a couple of hours.
So, in order to keep the cottage cheese fresh, you need to take a well-washed jar, sterilize it, and then pour a thin layer of salt on the bottom.

After this, you can transfer the cottage cheese into the prepared jar. At the same time, it is important to try to compact it better, leaving no space for air to penetrate.

After filling the jar with cottage cheese to the top, you need to cover it with gauze cloth, previously soaked in a weak salt solution. A pressure is placed on top of the gauze.

Parchment paper will help with long-term storage of cheese. This material must first be moistened in a salt solution. And only then they can wrap the product.

If the cheese begins to smell unpleasant, it should be wiped with gauze cloth, after soaking it in salt water.


There are several ways to store butter.

  1. One method is similar to that used for storing cheese. That is, you need to wrap the butter in parchment previously soaked in salt water.
  2. Another way is to use wine vinegar. Simply prepare a solution of this vinegar and place the oil in it.
  3. Vegetable oil will help keep this dairy product fresh. To use this method, in addition to the vegetable oil itself, you will need water, salt and a fairly wide container.
  4. First you need to dissolve salt in water. Then butter is placed in this solution. At the end, all that remains is to pour a small amount of vegetable oil on top of everything so that a thin layer of it forms on the surface of the salt water.

How to store meat products

The most important product stored in the refrigerator is meat. It is he who has to be rescued first when the device breaks down. And, fortunately, there are many ways to preserve this product.

1. Paper and clothes

If the meat has not yet thawed, you can use paper and fairly warm winter clothes. All this will help keep the temperature low for as long as possible. A kind of thermos is created from paper and clothes. The meat will melt slowly.

2. Banks

You can also salt the meat and roll it into glass jars.

3. Garlic and onion

Garlic and onions will help preserve the freshness of meat. First, they are crushed in a blender and then placed on the bottom of the pan. Then a piece of meat, previously placed on a small stand, is placed in the same pan. Then all this remains to be covered with a lid and put in a cool place.

4. Storing a large piece

If you need to preserve a large piece of meat, you can place it in a glass or enamel bowl and then put it in a cool place. In this case, all moisture must first be removed from the surface of the product. This should be done exclusively with a dry cloth. A piece of meat should never be washed.

However, when using this method, you still shouldn’t expect the product to last long. Therefore, you need to try to consume it as quickly as possible.

5. Vinegar

In this case, the meat should be stored in a cool place. And before using it, you will need to wash it, trying to get rid of any remaining vinegar.

How to Preserve Fresh Vegetables

Vegetables will not lose their freshness for a long time if they are placed in a cool place and reliably protected from humidity. To do this, you can use a box filled with sand.

Saving eggs

When your refrigerator breaks down and you urgently need to preserve food, don’t start panicking. Everything can be saved from imminent damage. The main thing is to use the appropriate method for this.

Everyone understands that given the permissible shelf life of food without refrigeration, we eliminate the risk of getting or. So, how long is the shelf life of unrefrigerated foods?

Pies and pies with filling

Pies and pies with liver, meat or eggs can only be left without refrigeration for 2 hours. In the summer heat - even less. Pies and pies with fruit filling should not be consumed without refrigeration after 9-12 hours, and in extreme heat the consumption period is reduced to 3 hours.

Cakes and custard puffs should not be consumed unless stored in the refrigerator.

Dairy products

If there is a great need to consume dairy products (yogurt, kefir, etc.) without storing them in the refrigerator, then do this within the first 4 hours. At high temperatures, this period is significantly reduced, and it is worth putting such products in a thermal bag. If the lid is swollen, if there is hissing when opening and an uncharacteristic aftertaste, all that remains is to throw away this product.

Salads with mayonnaise

Salads with mayonnaise should not be stored without refrigeration. The solution is to season the salad only before eating. The shelf life of mayonnaise depends on the brand - look at the packaging.

Boiled eggs

Boiled eggs can last a couple of days without going bad without refrigeration. But it is important that their shells are not damaged during this time. A crack can become a source of poisoning.

Dried meat and fish

Let’s make a reservation right away: the purchased product must be really fresh! The shelf life of food without refrigeration in this case will be about 8 hours.

Ham, sausage

Cooked sausage and ham are dangerous to store outside the refrigerator. If the freshness of the product is guaranteed, a couple of hours is an acceptable period.

Raw smoked sausage can be stored for several days (without contact with other products).

ATTENTION! The shelf life of products outside the refrigerator with an expiring expiration date is significantly reduced upon purchase, or they simply become unsuitable for storage without refrigeration.

To a modern person, accustomed to everyday conveniences as something taken for granted, such a formulation of the question may seem strange. But let’s imagine that you went to the country, for a picnic, in the end, your refrigerator may simply break down and you need to somehow get around while it is being repaired. It’s good if it’s winter outside, but what if it’s August? How to be?

Prepared meals and products can be stored in the basement. In rural areas, if there is no refrigerator or basement, food can be stored in a well by hanging it on a rope.

If you have ice, you can use a large saucepan or boiler to store food and prepared dishes. Pieces of ice are wrapped in paper and placed tightly on the bottom. Food is placed on top, covered with paper, and again with ice wrapped in paper. Cover the pan with a blanket or some thick cloth and place it in a cool place. If there is no ice, it is replaced with moistened sand.

Store prepared foods separately from raw foods. Try to prepare enough food for your family for one day. On the 2-3rd day, it not only loses its nutritional value and taste, but can also spoil.

Sausages and lard In summer it can be stored in tiled ovens. Clean the oven thoroughly and place food wrapped in paper in it. In a draft (draft) in the oven they will remain fresh for a long time.

Raw meat It will last longer if you wrap it in a clean cloth moistened with vinegar or salt it well and put it in some container and cover it with a lid. Place a saucer at the bottom so that the blood from the meat drips into it.

Bones and meat with bones Even in the refrigerator they do not last long, and therefore their storage outside the refrigerator is problematic.

Cooked meat It is better preserved in dry form, so the water in which it was cooked must be drained.

Grilled meat It lasts for a long time if it is filled with fat. However, make sure that there is no water left in the fat.

If you need to store smoked meat for a long time, do not wash it.

In summer, protect meat from flies. Do not place raw vegetables, dairy or cooked products nearby.

Open canned food use immediately. If there is some left over, transfer to a glass container and cover.

Also open canned vegetables only before consumption.

Milk cannot be stored in aluminum containers. After boiling it, pour it into a glass, enamel or earthenware container.

You should not cover freshly boiled milk. It acquires an unpleasant odor.

Boiled milk will last longer if you add a little sugar to it.

Milk can be kept fresh longer if the glass container with it is placed in a bowl or wide pan with cold water and covered with a clean, wet napkin so that its edges dip into the water. Uniform evaporation of water from the napkin will maintain a low temperature in the container with milk.

Sour cream, cottage cheese, butter They are well preserved if they are placed in a container in cold water. In summer, the water should be changed several times a day. Cottage cheese is well preserved without refrigeration if it is wrapped in a clean, damp white cloth and kept at a temperature no higher than 10-15 °C. The fabric should be rinsed in cold water once or twice a day.

To prevent the surface of the cheeses from drying out, wrap them in a damp cloth.

Flour and cereals Best stored in tin boxes or boxes. You can also put it in bags, but then you should ventilate it at least once a month, stirring it. Place some charcoal on top of the bag. Thanks to it, you can avoid the penetration of insects, dampness and prevent the appearance of rottenness.

Eggs for long-term storage, they are placed in boxes with the sharp end down and covered with shavings, sand or straw.

Eggs are not washed for this storage. You can also grease each egg or fill it with paraffin and put it in a jar. Regardless of storage method, they should be kept in a cool place.

Fresh vegetables They are stored for a long time if they are put in a box and covered with dry sand (so that they do not touch each other).

Peeled vegetables can be stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. However, avoid metal utensils. Also, do not keep boiled vegetables in metal containers.

Potato store in a cool, dark place at a temperature not lower than 0 °C. At lower temperatures, starch quickly turns into sugar, and potatoes become sweet and tasteless. Light promotes the formation of a harmful substance in potatoes - solanine.

Onion and garlic In winter, it is better to store them woven into wreaths and hanging so that they do not touch other objects.

Lettuce, radishes, green onions and other vegetables will remain fresh for several days if they are wrapped in a cloth moistened with a solution of vinegar and water.

Parsley and green onions You can have it in winter too. To do this, plant parsley roots and onions in flower pots or boxes and place them on the windowsill in the kitchen. You should not water frequently.

Pork fat keeps for a long time in glass, enamel or earthenware containers in a cold room.

Vegetable oil It won’t go rancid if you pour it into a dark glass bottle to the top, add 50 g of vodka and seal it well. The oil should be stored in a cool, dry place.

Mushrooms buy only if you are one hundred percent sure of their quality, and this quality is determined by competent persons, and purchase as much as is necessary for one-time use.

Fresh mushrooms and dishes made from them cannot be stored even in the refrigerator.

To prevent dried mushrooms from losing their flavor, they should be stored in jars that are hermetically sealed.

Salt, sugar, black and red pepper easily absorb moisture, so they should be stored in a dry place in tightly sealed glass or porcelain containers.

To prevent salt and sugar from absorbing moisture, place a few grains of rice at the bottom of a salt shaker or sugar bowl.

The salt will also be dry if you mix it with starch (for 500 g of salt - 30 g of starch) or put blotting paper at the bottom of the jar in which it is stored.

Poppy goes rancid quickly. Fresh poppy seeds are best kept in a linen bag in a cool, well-ventilated room. You should grind poppy seeds only before use: if ground, it will spoil faster and become bitter.

Yeast They stay fresh for two weeks if they are cut into small pieces, put in a jar, filled with cold water and placed in a cool, dark place. Yeast does not lose its fermentation properties for several weeks if it is ground with flour, dried, put in a cup or glass and sprinkled with more flour on top. You can also add yeast to crushed salt.

Nuts They are well preserved if washed in cold water and dried in the open fresh air. When the nuts are completely dry, they are put in a bag and hung.

Dried fruits and vegetables are well preserved in gauze bags in a suspended state in a cool room. From time to time they should be examined and spoiled ones selected.

Dry dough products They are stored for a long time if they are placed in a tin box, tightly closed and kept in a cool room.

Cake will not dry out if you put an apple in the box where it lies.

Black and white bread should be kept separately. White easily absorbs the smell of black, as a result of which its taste deteriorates.
