How to cook corn soft and juicy: a few secrets. Learning to cook an overripe plant: how long to cook old corn so that it becomes soft and juicy

All people love boiled corn, regardless of gender and age. Despite the obvious simplicity of preparation, boiling cobs requires certain knowledge and skill. Corn contains a lot of useful vitamins; thanks to its high energy value, saturation remains for a long time. In terms of popularity, corn on the cob is equal to watermelon and ice cream. To enjoy all the delights, you need to take a responsible approach to the cooking process.

Useful properties of corn

  1. Nutritionists recommend eating at least 1 ear of boiled corn per day. In this way, you will provide your body with a daily dose of healthy vitamins and amino acids.
  2. Corn is rich in vitamins of all groups, including PP, E, C, B. Cobs include ascorbic acid, magnesium, tryptophan, amino acids, iron, potassium, lysine, calcium.
  3. Due to such an impressive list, the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiac muscle, and vascular system is normalized. Poisons and toxins are removed from the body.
  4. Doctors strongly prescribe 50 grams of boiled corn to their diabetic patients. per day. This amount normalizes blood glucose levels, preventing an increase in sugar.
  5. In addition to all of the above, boiled corn on the cob fights metabolic disorders, allergies, pathologies of the digestive system, and excess body weight.
  6. Corn cobs speed up brain activity, develop memory, and prevent heart attacks and strokes. The product also tidies up the psycho-emotional background and forms muscle and bone tissue.

Corn varieties and their differences

  1. The final result depends on the degree of maturity and type of cob. Today there are 2 main types of corn. The first is ordinary, fodder (for raising animals). The second is sweet, edible, ideal for cooking.
  2. You can eat both varieties, but the taste will vary. The fodder type is tougher and fresher, while the edible cobs are juicy, milky, and sweet.
  3. Feed-type corn takes longer to cook (about 4 hours) due to the hard, starchy grains. Young sweet cobs are cooked for 20-50 minutes and literally melt in your mouth.

Choosing corn for cooking

  1. The ideal option for heat treatment are fruits picked relatively recently (1-5 hours ago). Young cobs are better cooked and contain a maximum of useful substances.
  2. Choose corn with leaves (unhusked). The shell prevents chapping of the grains and indicates the freshness of the fruit. To identify quality corn, look for specimens with light green leaves.
  3. Feel the fibers enveloping the corn. The antennae should be damp. If you notice yellowing on the leaves, the corn was harvested a long time ago. It is better to avoid such products, since the juiciness will be minimal.
  4. The quality and suitability of corn can be assessed directly at the point of sale. Press your fingernail onto one of the kernels located at the base of the cob. If you notice the juice, the corn is “milky,” meaning it’s ideal for cooking.
  5. Old age is easily determined. Late corn has hard and dry seeds. The older the fruit, the less granulated sugar is contained in the cobs (over time, the sweetener turns into starch).

How to Boil Corn on the Cob: The Classics

  1. Container for cooking. Give preference to a pan with a very wide bottom and high sides. This move will allow you to dip the cobs in one piece without breaking them into pieces. Make sure the pan has a thick bottom. The best option is a cauldron with a tight-fitting lid. A pressure cooker will help speed up the process. To preserve the beneficial properties of corn, cook the cobs at 190-230 degrees at low power.
  2. Preparing cobs for cooking. To begin heat treatment, prepare the corn. Some remove fibers and leaves. Others leave the “natural shell” in place, cutting off only dirty and damaged specimens. The leaves will retain the juiciness and sweetness of the corn, but after cooking they are more difficult to remove. Therefore, completely remove the leaves and fibers, then place them in the pan, alternating with the peeled cobs.
  3. Place the cobs in the pan. Place corn leaves in the bottom and place corn on top. Then make another leaf layer, cover it with cobs. Continue until the container is 2/3 full. The leaves should also be placed on the sides to seal the fruit. The sorting is ready, the cobs can be poured. Under no circumstances should fruits be salted. The bulk composition will wash out the liquid from the grains, and the finished dish will be dry.
  4. Filling a bowl with corn with water. The cobs can be poured with boiling water or cold water, proceed according to personal preference. Add liquid so that it completely covers the product. Heat treatment lasts 45 minutes on average, but depending on the variety, the procedure can last from 30 minutes to 4 hours. Throughout the process, you need to monitor readiness, add hot water as it evaporates. Do not increase the power; cooking takes place at medium intensity.
  5. Definition of readiness. Throughout the heat treatment, evaluate the corn for doneness. Pinch off one grain at a time and taste. The grains should become soft. When the product is easy to chew, you can remove the composition from the heat. It is at this moment that you serve the cobs, rubbing them with salt and spices (the latter are added as desired). It is easiest to consume the dish when it is cut into pieces. In this case, each section is pricked with a culinary sword to avoid burns. You can rub butter or vegetable oil over the surface of the cobs.
  6. Storing the finished dish. If you are not going to use the corn now, leave it in a pan of hot water that has not evaporated after cooking. If you remove the product earlier, it will become weathered, the grains will wrinkle and lose their appetizing appearance. The product can be kept in water for at least 3 hours, maintaining a temperature of 60 degrees. If we talk about aging in the refrigerator, the shelf life is 2 days.

How to cook corn in milk

  1. Wash the cobs, remove the fibers, cut off the leaves. Rinse the corn, chop each cob into 2-3 equal sections.
  2. Pour enough full-fat milk into the pan to completely cover the contents. Bring to a boil, send the cobs inside.
  3. Cook the treat for at least 40 minutes, constantly assessing readiness with a fork. The grains must disintegrate.
  4. When you reach the desired texture, add a slice of butter to the milk. Turn off the heat and keep the cobs in the liquid for another 30 minutes.
  5. After this time, melt the butter and mix it with salt. Rub the mixture onto each piece of corn. Place the cobs on skewers and consume.

  1. The good thing about a multicooker is that, thanks to its use, all the useful elements are completely preserved in corn cobs. This means that using such a product will bring maximum benefits.
  2. Before sending the product for cooking, remove all leaves and remove hairs. Do not salt the cobs; place them in the bowl of the device, adhering to several layers.
  3. You can fill the contents with clean water or milk, it all depends on personal preference. However, you need to add a couple of slices of butter to the liquid to enhance the flavor.
  4. When all preparations have been completed, close the lid. Set the “Steam” or “Cooking” function for 35-40 minutes.
  5. After turning off the timer, do not rush to open the multicooker. Let the corn sit for another half hour. After this period, remove the cobs and rub them with salt and butter.

How to cook corn in a pressure cooker

  1. A pressure cooker is a thick-bottomed, wide pan with a lid that is secured with clamps. The container has a hole for steam to escape, which speeds up the process.
  2. To prepare corn, give preference to young ears with the most juicy kernels and green leaves. If the latter are partially dry, discard this product.
  3. Boil the water needed to fill the dishes 2/3 in advance. Fill the pan with linted corn on the cob, reserving the leaves.
  4. Add water, close the lid. Bring the liquid to a boil, then cook for another third of an hour. Next, remove the finished product, rub with salt and butter.

How to cook corn in a double boiler

  1. Cooking cobs in a double boiler is somewhat reminiscent of a slow cooker; the beneficial properties are fully preserved. Clean the cobs in advance, get rid of fibers and leaves.
  2. Place the ingredients in the mesh compartment of the steamer, pour 600-800 ml into a common bowl. water depending on the amount of corn. Set the timer for a quarter of an hour, after this period start tasting.

How to cook corn in the oven

  1. Prepare all the necessary products in advance. You will need salt, butter, corn, olive oil. Do not remove leaves or hairs.
  2. Grease a baking sheet with olive oil and place the corn cobs on it. Pour in water until it reaches the middle of the fruit. Cover the contents with foil, leaving a small hole.
  3. Preheat the oven to 210 degrees, after 10 minutes place the baking sheet with the cobs inside. Cook the corn for 25 minutes, then reduce the oven power to 180 degrees. Cook for another 1 hour.

  1. In order for the grains to retain all the beneficial properties in their structure, pour boiling water or milk over the cobs.
  2. Never add salt to water during heat treatment. Otherwise, the bulk mixture will draw out liquid and sugar, and the corn will turn out hard.
  3. If you do not like to rub the cobs with salt during consumption, add the bulk component 3-5 minutes before the end of cooking.
  4. To give the grains a delicate taste, add granulated sugar and butter to water or milk.
  5. If you boiled corn and did not use it immediately, do not repeat the heat treatment again. Otherwise the grains will become hard.

Traditionally, corn is boiled in a saucepan, but you can use a slow cooker, pressure cooker, or oven. Pour warm milk or water over the cobs, do not add salt. Rub the cobs with butter or vegetable oil immediately before use.

Video: how to cook delicious corn

Boiled corn is the taste of childhood. Its unique smell lifts the spirits of even adults. This is a product that can only be enjoyed at certain times. And he was given only 2-3 weeks. If you don’t make it in time, you’ll have to wait another whole year until the new harvest ripens. But in order to taste a truly delicious dish, you need to know some secrets of its preparation. If the product turns out to be tasteless, then, of course, the question will arise: “How to cook corn deliciously?”


This product is not only tasty, but also healthy. It contains vitamins C, K, B, PP and D. Iron, phosphorus, potassium, copper, magnesium - all these microelements will enter our body when we eat corn. Glutamic acid, which improves memory and normalizes metabolic processes in the brain, is also found in this vegetable. This is an excellent complex of vitamins that helps the body maintain health.

You can make different dishes from corn. It gives a special, unique taste. But many people love to eat it boiled as a whole cob. It is very important that the vegetable is unripe. Young corn is soft and sweet. The riper the vegetable, the more it loses its taste. Of course, the mature product is completely unsuitable. A young cooked cob does not need to add any seasonings; it is tasty on its own. All you need is a little salt and some butter wouldn't hurt.

So, let's begin to cover the topic of “how to cook corn deliciously.”

Choosing a cob

To ensure that your corn is tender and that you can truly enjoy this product, you should not forget that the key to the whole process is choosing the right cobs. Of course, if you live in a village or outside the city, then by turning to a farmer for help, you can solve this problem without much difficulty. But in urban conditions, you need to remember that it is better to buy corn in August. It is during this period that it reaches a state of semi-ripeness and is most suitable for cooking. This little secret helps answer the question: “How to cook corn soft?” September and October are the months when it is no longer suitable for boiling; at this time the grains harden and the cob is almost ripe.


It is important to ask the seller where exactly the vegetable was grown. Since it may ripen faster in one region, slower in another. You should not take the process of buying cobs too lightly, so as not to be disappointed. Before purchasing, be sure to inspect each of them, paying special attention to the grains. A young cob, which is best suited for cooking, will have milky white grains. If you crush them, they will be juicy. Elasticity, softness and convexity are factors indicating the condition of the vegetable. Limp leaves and “shrunken” grains may indicate that the cob is stale, picked a long time ago, which will significantly affect the taste. Also, yellow color and dimples indicate that the corn is ripe, and after cooking it will be tough and, of course, tasteless. A young ear is covered with green, fresh leaves, a semi-ripe one will be covered with yellowed ones, which do not adhere to it, but move away. They are hard and dry. If corn is sold completely without leaves, then it is better to avoid it. This suggests that the vegetable has been heavily treated with pesticides, causing even the leaves to curl. Sellers remove them so as not to reveal the fact that the product is half-poisoned.

We buy no more than we can eat

In order not to be left at a loss, it is best to buy corn in quantities that will be eaten immediately. Young cobs suitable for cooking cannot be stored for a long time. They lose their taste (ripen, become hard, rot). To understand the question “how to quickly cook corn?”, you need to pay attention to the following nuance: it is advisable to select cobs of the same size and the same maturity. When cooking, they will cook at the same time, which will avoid any soggy pieces that will need to be finished cooking. Corn is best served with butter. This is simply delicious! But sunflower is also suitable.

Preparing the cob

Now let's start answering the question "how to boil an ear of corn?" Before starting the boiling process, you must first prepare the product. It is cleaned of leaves and “hairs”, the stigmas and the upper part are cut off along with the grains (1-2 cm). This will remove the rotten or blackened part. If the cob is large, then it is better to cut it in half so that it fits in the container. If all of the above has been done, then before starting cooking, the prepared product must be soaked in cold water (1 hour). Then the vegetable is washed. After all the procedures, put it in boiling water.

It must be remembered that the water in which the vegetable is cooked is not salted in advance. The grains will become hard. This is the first step to answering the question: “How to cook corn soft?” You can add salt almost at the end (15 minutes before the end of the process). Or you can not do this at all. The cob itself is often salted to taste.

How long will it take for the product to be ready? There is no direct answer to this question. We can only note that it will take about half an hour to boil young corn. And if it is overripe, the process may take three hours. To understand whether it is ready or not, you will have to pierce the grains yourself. If they are soft, then the cobs are cooked. For greater reliability, it is better to taste it.

Corn cooking time

The vegetable may become hard when cooked. Therefore, below we will answer the question: “How to cook soft corn?”

Let's give the following recipe. Peeled cobs, previously soaked in water and washed, are immersed in water. The vessel in which the process is carried out must stand on the stove. Over high heat, bring the water with the corn in it to a boil.

The vegetable is cooked in this way until it floats to the surface. Then the heat is reduced to medium and the vessel is covered with a lid. In this state, you should continue cooking for another 10 minutes. After 10 minutes have elapsed, the cobs are immediately removed and poured with melted butter and sprinkled with salt. The product is ready to use. Corn cooked this way will be soft and very tasty. So the question was answered: “How to cook soft corn?”

Cooking corn in a slow cooker

Such a wonderful invention as a multicooker is truly an indispensable assistant for housewives in the kitchen. You can cook various kinds of delicacies in it, while spending a minimum of time. This wonderful device will also help if you need to boil corn. Below are tips on the question: “How to cook corn in a slow cooker?”

The vegetable is boiled in water. The product is being prepared. Leaves, tendrils, and “hairs” are removed from the cobs, then they are washed and placed in the bowl of the device. Fill with cold water. It is necessary to ensure that the amount of liquid does not exceed the “Maximum” level, which is indicated by a special mark. The leaves removed from the cob are washed. They cover the corn. Everything is closed with a lid. It is necessary to set the mode to "High pressure". The time is recorded. After 15 minutes, the corn will be ready and can be served. Here's another answer to the question "how to quickly boil corn?"

To cook the product in a slow cooker, you can use another method. The kit includes a special insert that is designed for steaming vegetables.

The insert is small, so the corn will have to be cut into small cylinders. They are first rolled in a prepared mixture of salt and various spices (to taste). The finished product is placed in a special container for steaming. The insert is transferred to the multicooker, everything is closed with a lid and the cooking time is set to 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, open the lid and remove the container with the finished product. The corn is placed on plates. Such food is not only tasty and very healthy, but also looks great.

Corn in the oven

Cooking corn in the oven is easy. You will need deep dishes. The bottom is greased with butter. The cobs are laid out, which do not need to be previously cleared of leaves, they just need to be washed. The vegetable is filled halfway with hot water. The dishes are tightly covered with foil and left at a temperature of 200º for 40-120 minutes. After the corn is cooked, it must be cleared of leaves and poured with oil. To figure out how to cook corn soft, remember that overcooking makes it tough.

Before you cook delicious corn, when purchasing, you should pay attention to the variety and degree of maturity of the cobs. Very often, inexperienced housewives buy feed varieties instead of food varieties. Sweet sweet corn turns out tender and juicy, and fodder varieties are more suitable for preparing soups and main courses - their grains are denser and almost not sweet. Dried corn kernels can be used to make popcorn, but sugary corn kernels are better suited for salads, snacks, and serving on the cob.

Choose unhusked corn - you can tell when the cobs were picked by the leaves. Young corn has bright green leaves and the stigmas, which are delicate hairs, should be light-colored and slightly moist. Checking the degree of ripeness is very simple. Open the leaves so that the cob is exposed approximately to the base - the grains should be smooth, not wrinkled, and have a delicate lemon tint. Press your fingernail on one of the grains - if the skin bursts easily and milky juice comes out, then the corn is young and milky ripe. It is these cobs that have a pleasant sweetish taste and will be tender and juicy after cooking. If starch has already appeared in the grains, then such corn will be tougher and less sweet.

Depending on the degree of ripeness, the cooking time will vary. How long to cook fresh corn will also depend on where and how you are going to cook it.

Soft and juicy corn is great for serving as an independent treat or for adding to salads. Before soft-cooking corn, a certain preparation procedure must be carried out.

Only the top hard leaves need to be removed from the cob, leaving a few thin leaves.

The stigmas should also not be peeled - they give the unique taste and aroma to this product. It is enough to tear off the upper blackened part of the hairs.

The cobs prepared in this way should be rinsed in running water and carefully placed on the bottom of a convenient, spacious container - it is best to take a pan with not very thin walls.

Corn prepared in this way is suitable for salads and snacks. To serve, it is better to clean the leaves completely and place them along with the stigmas on the bottom of the pan and only put the corn on top - this is done because the cobs are served hot and it will be problematic to clean them from the boiled leaves.

This cereal contains a lot of useful vitamins and amino acids that must be preserved during cooking. That is why it is very important to observe the temperature regime. According to experts, how to properly cook fresh corn, most of the beneficial properties will be preserved if you cook it at a constant high temperature. Therefore, bring water to a boil, pour it over the prepared cobs and bring to a boil over high heat. After this, you will need to cover the pan with a lid and cook over medium heat so that the temperature inside the dish remains constant. Milk corn will be ready in 20 minutes, more mature cobs will be ready in 40-45 minutes.

Make sure that the corn is completely submerged in water - the top cobs will float, so they will need to be turned over periodically.

Decide for yourself how long to cook fresh corn - check the grains for readiness. Depending on the variety, the time may take up to several hours - the finished grains should not have a starchy taste. If you bought a feed variety, it is best to cook corn in a pressure cooker or slow cooker at a temperature of 200-250 degrees. Then leave it in the water for a few minutes - this way even not very young corn will turn out juicy and soft.

Now you know how to quickly cook milky corn. But you should remember one more important point, on which the taste of the finished grains will largely depend.

Salt - without this food additive, not a single dish will be able to express its unique taste. To emphasize the sweetness of milk corn, sprinkle the finished cobs with a thin layer of salt just before serving. However, do not under any circumstances add salt to the water in which the corn will be boiled. Salt speeds up the boiling process of water and helps maintain a high temperature, but it is salt that speeds up the process of water release from the cereal. Therefore, if you add even a little salt to the water, the grains will no longer be so tender and juicy.

The taste of the finished treat will depend on how long you cook the corn, so try to buy only freshly picked ears. If you buy shelled cobs, inspect the kernels carefully. But even if you bought a fodder variety of corn by mistake, do not rush to throw it away. Wash the peeled cobs, wipe them dry and place them in the freezer. This kind of corn needs to be boiled a little longer than milk corn, but if you add a pinch of sugar to the water, the grains will be soft and sweet. There is no need to defrost the cobs - immediately place them in boiling water.

Sweet corn is not only a very tasty plant, but also very healthy. Despite the fact that the grains have a fairly high starch content, this product can well be called medicinal and even dietary. Even in ancient times, these golden grains were called the elixir of youth. Amino acids, which are found in large quantities in the grains of this plant, will help restore shine to your hair, improve memory, restore freshness to the skin and help get rid of a couple of extra pounds. Delicate aromatic grains will give you the warm energy of the sun on a cold cloudy day, lift your spirits and improve your well-being. Don't deny yourself the pleasure. Bon appetit!

Corn is the name of a genus of cultivated plants of the cereal family, divided into six species. In the modern understanding, this definition refers specifically to corn (maize). The cob is used in preparation - a thick axis strewn with golden grains and covered with green leaves.

What are the benefits of grains?

Corn grains are a source of essential amino acids (tryptophan and lysine) and vitamins: PP, E, D, K, groups B (B1, B2). They also contain ascorbic acid.

100 g of corn contains: 10.3 g of protein, 60 g of carbohydrates, 9.6 g of fiber, 27 g of sodium. Energy value - 44.1 kcal per 100 g.

Consumption of corn cleanses the body of waste, radionuclides and toxins. In turn, the antioxidants contained in this cereal protect against premature aging and are a good prevention of oncology and heart disease.

Corn is very beneficial for the digestive system: prevents the processes of rotting and fermentation in the body, regulates digestive processes and promotes the absorption of other products; recommended for pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and obesity (or other metabolic disorders). Also, unique fats (linolenic, linoleic, arachidonic) help in controlling cholesterol levels.

It is interesting to know that if you are experiencing fatigue, exhaustion, nausea or vomiting, you can also eat corn and it will have a beneficial effect on your condition.

Why do you need to boil?

Raw corn has all of the above properties and has some advantages over boiled corn, but it is much more difficult for the body to digest and absorb, which will result in bloating, discomfort or heaviness. Uncooked corn has more calories.

IMPORTANT. When boiling corn on the cob, never add salt to the water, otherwise it will become harder and all the flavor will go into the broth.

How to cook correctly and tasty at home?

Step-by-step cooking recipes with photos

In a saucepan

  1. Let's start with what the water should be like in which the corn is dipped in for cooking. Before adding the cobs to the pot, first bring the water to a boil. Do not add salt; if desired, you can add a little sugar and butter to the water - this will give the corn a gentle taste.

    How long does it take to bring the corn to readiness (read about how and how long to cook fresh corn, and from there you will learn how to cook it properly so that it is soft and juicy)? Place the prepared cobs in boiling water for no more than half an hour if the corn is young. Ripe corn should be cooked for half an hour to 40 minutes. Fully ripe cobs can be cooked for 2-3 hours. Be careful not to overcook the corn, otherwise the kernels will harden.

  2. You can go another way:
    • Use the clean leaves closest to the cob and place a small layer of them on the bottom of the pan. Place the cobs cut in half (optional, but it would be more convenient) on them and cover them with another layer of leaves so that there are no gaps.
    • Now add salt (yes, this is what makes the recipe different). Use salt generously.
    • Then fill with water so that the cobs are completely in it, nothing more. After this, you can put it on the fire, bring to a boil, then reduce the heat.
    • The cooking time coincides with the conditions in recipe number 1.
    • As for how long you need to cook them in this way, the cooking time is the same as in the first case.

    IMPORTANT POINT. The finished corn should cool in the broth under the lid and only then be served.

For a couple

When cooking in a double boiler, the final dish will be juicy and tender, with a characteristic sweetness and aroma. The cob must be completely cleaned!

Additional Ingredients:

  • olive oil;
  • salt;
  • ground pepper;
  • seasonings: herbs, ground red pepper, pesto sauce, curry powder, coconut milk.
  1. Olive oil, pepper:
    • Place the cob in the middle of the foil, brush it with olive oil and sprinkle with pepper and salt.
    • After this, wrap the cob tightly and place it in the steamer, seam side up. It is not necessary to fill the entire steamer; 3/4 will be enough. No water needed.
    • Close the lid and cook for 2 hours on high power, or 4 on low.
  2. Coconut milk, curry powder:
    • Instead of olive oil, brush the cob with coconut milk and sprinkle with salt and pepper (if desired).
    • Next, add the curry powder and you can place the cob in the steamer.
  3. Pesto sauce:

    The easiest of all recipes, since this sauce already includes olive oil and seasonings. Just grease the cob with it and you can load it into the steamer.

  4. Fresh herbs:
    • Brush the cob with olive oil, add salt and pepper.
    • Finely chop the fresh herbs and sprinkle them over the corn.
    • Place in a steamer.
  5. Cooking without foil:
    • Brush the corn and sides of the steamer with olive oil.
    • Sprinkle the cob with salt and pepper.
    • Pour 1/4 cup of water into the steamer and add the corn.
    • Cook with the lid closed.

You can see other recipes for cooking corn in a double boiler.


If you don’t have a lot of time, then these methods will be the most convenient for you., since there is no faster assistant than a microwave.

  1. Place the unpeeled cob, set the timer for 5 minutes, after which you can sprinkle the cooked corn with salt and eat it.
  2. For this recipe:
    • Soak a paper towel in water (either a thick one, or, if you have a thin one, fold two layers together) and wrap it tightly around the cleaned cob.
    • Place in the microwave and turn on the timer for 5 minutes. Ready.

IMPORTANT. Microwaves come in different capacities, so it is important to check if the specified time is suitable for you on a trial cob. And the recipes talk about one cob, that is, for a larger amount of time it will take more (twice - or slightly less - times).

Read about how to quickly cook corn in the microwave in a bag.

How to bake in the oven?

Baked food will take longer, but thanks to its unique taste, you will also like it.

In foil

For the first recipe you need the following ingredients:

  • corn - 2 cobs;
  • butter - 30 g;
  • dried basil - 1 tsp;
  • ground coriander - 0.5 tsp;
  • salt - 1/3 tsp. or to taste;
  • ground black pepper - 1/5 tsp. or to taste.
  1. Remove the butter from the refrigerator in advance so that it warms to room temperature, but do not heat it in a water bath or in the microwave. Then place the oil in a deep container, add ground coriander, salt, pepper and dried basil. It is advisable to mash the basil before adding it. If you wish, you can add any spices, herbs and herbs.
  2. Mix the oil mixture well so that the spices are evenly distributed and leave it to infuse.
  3. Remove the fibers from the cobs and remove the leaves. Rinse the fruits and wipe dry with a paper towel.
  4. Coat the corn well with butter and wrap in parchment paper. This will prevent the foil from sticking to the cobs.
  5. Then cut the foil to the required size and wrap the already wrapped corn in it. You can fit two cobs in one piece of foil.
  6. Heat the oven to 200 degrees. Bake for approximately 40 minutes. Turn the cobs occasionally while baking to prevent them from burning. Serve corn hot or warm.

You will find more recipes for cooking corn in the oven.

In the leaves

For the recipe in leaves you need the following ingredients:

  • young corn - 1 pc.;
  • salt - 2-3 pinches;
  • spices (paprika, ground pepper) - 2-3 pinches;
  • butter - 20 g (10 g for baking and 10 g for serving).
  1. Remove some of the upper leaves and remove the stigma. Pour water for 15-30 minutes.
  2. Bend back the outer leaves to expose the cob.
  3. Grease the cob with softened butter and season with salt and pepper.
  4. Return the leaves to their normal position.
  5. Bake corn in the oven for 45-50 minutes.
  6. Place pieces of butter on the cooked and served corn.

If something went wrong

Overcooked corn may not harden, but burst/soften the kernels. Dont be upset. You can make corn soup from the resulting broth (remove the corn). Throw fried carrots into the broth, cut potatoes into it and boil it all for 10-15 minutes. Add corn kernels, sugar and salt.

Now you know how to prepare very tasty and healthy boiled corn at home, as well as the reasons why you should try it. And in addition to the taste of ordinary boiled corn that many of us are familiar with, you can taste other methods: faster and not. Bon appetit!

Video on the topic

You can also learn how to properly cook corn on the cob in this video:

In the market, you need to know a few secrets that will certainly help you. It has quite a lot of varieties, the main ones being: food and feed. Feed corn is tougher and will take longer to cook, while food corn is usually soft and sweet. It is difficult to distinguish them by eye; it is best to clarify where it was grown: in the fields or in the seller’s garden. By the way, it is prohibited to sell feed corn in stores, so you don’t have to specify there whether the variety is guaranteed to be food grade.

However, the secrets don't end there. Any cob comes in three types: either young, or ripe, or old. For family consumption, it is best to buy young corn; it is the sweetest, juiciest and cooks very quickly. You can distinguish them quite simply:

  • old corn has a small indentation inside its kernels - such corn is unlikely to be enjoyable, will take a long time to cook and, most likely, will remain hard;
  • ripe corn is tasteless and has no aroma, because its grains have already completed the process of converting sugar into starch;
  • You can distinguish young corn from ripe corn if, after pinching off a grain and pressing on it, you see water flowing out of it, and the grain itself is soft to the touch, then this is the corn you need to buy.

When buying corn, make sure that it has not been hulled. The leaves and stigmas will keep the corn soft and prevent it from drying out. Cleaning is best done at home. And cook it immediately after purchase, a freshly picked head of cabbage. If this is not possible, then store it in a plastic bag for no longer than two to three days.

Traditional cooking method

There are a huge variety of cooking methods; MirSovetov suggests starting with the traditional one.

  1. Remove leaves from the head of cabbage. It is best to remove only the top sheets, rinse them thoroughly in running water and place them on the bottom of the pan. Place the corn on top to cook. The lower leaves in which the corn will be cooked will give it greater softness.
  2. It is best to take a cast iron pan, with thick walls and a thick bottom. Fill the corn with enough water to cover and place on the heat.
  3. Cooking time varies depending on the variety and type of corn:
  • the young one will cook for 10-20 minutes;
  • old, ripe and fodder can be cooked from 20 minutes to several hours.
  • It is best not to add salt to the water; salt will make the grains harder. But adding spices to add flavor is highly recommended.
  • It is believed that approximately 20 minutes after the start of cooking, the corn is ready, but this moment must be caught. If it is missed, the cooking time can last for many hours.

    By the way, if you like the color of the corn, this is not an indicator that it is ready. During the cooking process, pinch off a grain at a time and taste it: if you feel that you are completely satisfied with the softness and taste, then it’s time to remove it from the heat.

    Additional cooking methods

    It's the 21st century and almost every housewife has many home helpers: a pressure cooker, a microwave. All these miracles of technology can also be used to cook aromatic corn for family and friends.

    Cooking corn in a double boiler

    The steamer is known for its ability to have minimal impact on the product, preserving its properties and taste as much as possible. The same goes for corn: it is rich in vitamins, micro- and macroelements, has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and digestive systems, and if you want to preserve all this in a larger volume, you should use a double boiler.

    To do this, clean the cob of all leaves, tendrils, stigmas, and rinse it thoroughly under running water. That's it, the corn is ready for cooking, place it in a double boiler and set the timer for the time specified in the instructions. Usually it takes no more than 15 minutes - you must agree, it’s much faster and easier than cooking in a saucepan.

    Cooking corn in the microwave

    There are two ways to cook corn in the microwave:

    1. Clean the corn and place it in a saucepan. If the microwave oven size does not allow you to place whole heads of cabbage, you can pre-cut them. Add salt to the water, add spices, set the timer for 45 minutes, and the power to 800 watts. While it is cooking, periodically check the water level: if it drops below the corn, it needs to be topped up.
    2. You will need special microwave-safe food bags. Place corn in them, set the power to 800 watts, and it will take much less time - about 7 minutes. The head of corn must be completely cleared of leaves and tendrils and washed thoroughly.

    Cooking corn in a pressure cooker

    A pressure cooker is definitely a godsend for housewives. You can also cook corn in it quickly and without problems. To do this, you don’t need to clean it, just rinse it and put it in a saucepan as is. Fill with water, completely covering the heads of cabbage. Cooking time does not exceed 15 minutes. The exception is old corn, which needs to be cooked for about 45 minutes.

    Alternative Methods for Cooking and Serving Corn

    Now let's talk about unusual ways to cook corn. It must be said that there are quite a few of them, and if you and your family love experiments, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with each of them.

    1. We are used to serving corn warm, rubbed with salt. I would like to note that if you first grease the head of cabbage with butter, the taste will acquire new, unexpected notes.
    2. Corn can be baked in the oven. To do this, peel the corn from all leaves and tendrils and rinse thoroughly. Now rub it with garlic, butter and salt. You can sprinkle with herbs, such as dill. Wrap in foil and bake for 30 minutes. For those who don’t like garlic, you don’t have to use it.
    3. Corn can be cooked not only in water, but also in milk. To do this, you need to thoroughly rinse and clean it, pour milk over the corn so that it covers the cobs, cover with a lid and cook for about 45 minutes. When cooking, you can add 50 g of butter. It is best if the corn in milk is cooked not on the stove, but in a pressure cooker or microwave.

    Cooking corn using the soaking method

    This method is very popular. In order to cook corn in this way, we will need:

    • corn;
    • milk - 0.5-1 l (depending on the amount of corn).

    Peel the heads of cabbage and rinse thoroughly. Now the corn needs to be soaked. If it is large, then cut it in half and fill it with milk.

    So she should lie for 4 hours. Do not forget to turn it throughout the entire time so that each grain is thoroughly marinated.

    After 4 hours, transfer the corn to water and cook as usual without adding salt. Typically the cooking time is 10-15 minutes.

    After cooking, brush with butter and serve.

    We are sure that by using our tips on choosing and preparing corn, you will never cease to amaze your loved ones with the most delicious and tender heads of corn. And you will never again have problems with “oaky” cobs coming out after cooking.
