Cafe opening flyer. Cafe advertising: how does it work? Collecting feedback

According to statistics, in Moscow alone, 10 catering establishments open and close per day.

Competition among restaurants is very strong, and restaurateurs have to bend over backwards to succeed.

In this article we will look at ideas and marketing strategies for that can help you improve your business and!

Photos of your dishes

Visual content is in high demand these days, and having amazing photos on your website and various social media platforms is essential.

Using Instagram or Foursquare, you can help new potential guests find your great establishment by regularly posting new photos of your food.

Create a feature in your establishment

For example, the Goodman steakhouse restaurant chain has a chamber for dry and combined aging of marbled meat.

This complex technology is unique to Russia and is presented only in the steakhouses of this chain.

Work on your local market, your product, your geographic history

Develop your own interesting and original cuisine. People love to consume food from the region they are in.

All over the world, people eat their local cuisine. And only in Russia, we eat pizzas, rolls, burgers, pasta and everything that is not related to us.

For example, on the shores of Lake Baikal it is much easier to find a sushi bar than a restaurant with fish from the largest natural fresh water reservoir on planet Earth. Now people are beginning to understand that they need to eat their own, regional food.

Create dishes based on traditional recipes, modify them, for example, using modern technologies or additional ingredients.

Lunch Specials

Steakhouse chain Goodman increased its revenue by introducing special offers for lunch during the day.

Combo sets

Offer your gourmets combination offers at a special price, for example: Steak + side dish + drink for 990 rubles.

Positive emotions

For restaurant guests, positive emotions that will remain after visiting the establishment are very important.

You can arrange the interior of the establishment in an unforgettable way, for example, invite guests to sculpt plasticine figures, and then display the best ones on the shelves of the establishment. You can create a photo gallery with photos of visitors.

Working with social networks

At first, try to work independently on social networks, adhering to certain standards and rules. By entrusting this work to an SMM agency, you risk spending your budget by attracting the wrong people. interested audience.

The main advice is to dialogue with your audience as transparently and sincerely as possible. You can turn your restaurant, cafe, bar into a popular place if you approach the issue with your soul, and be sincere and open with the audience.

If you can build your communication on social networks correctly, 2% of subscribers can become real visitors to your establishment.

Working with applications

Promoting your restaurant on online restaurant apps like Four Square and TripAdvisor should definitely be considered as part of your marketing plan. Partnering with online apps encourages diners to check your restaurant for promotions and special offers for the evening or holiday.

Upload good photos of your restaurant, which is sure to be full of happy guests. Include opening hours, location on the map, menu and dishes available to order, price range, Wi-Fi, outdoor seating, parking availability, etc.

If you receive negative feedback, always respond in a polite, professional manner. Handling negative feedback is very important.

If you publicly respond to a negative review, thank them for the feedback, apologize for the incident, and promise to improve in the future.

You can also contact the individual for more information about any negative incidents. Some business owners suggest sending gift certificates and vouchers for a second chance. This works for the most part, and a customer who has had a negative experience at your establishment often remains flattered, replacing his anger with mercy, knowing that the restaurant owner values ​​his opinion and is making every effort to improve.

People come to people

Try to create a pleasant, friendly atmosphere in your establishment. Select positive and friendly staff and create a friendly internal work environment.

Gastronomic events

If the level of your establishment allows, feel free to organize fashionable gastronomic festivals and sessions. Invite famous show business personalities to the party,

Geo-targeted contextual advertising ads in Google Ads

Help local users find out about your establishment, your “hot” offers, and promotions for Saturday evening. Google Ads can help you get the most out of your online marketing efforts by investing primarily in geo-targeted advertising.

Geo-targeted ads help you save money by ensuring that only your potential establishment audience in a certain city or radius sees your ads (eliminating unwanted clicks that can cost you a lot of your advertising budget).

If you want to open a cafe in Moscow, then you are a brave and determined person. Why? Because competition in the capital's public catering sector is colossal. Finding a location, hiring the best chef, and creating an incredible menu is only part of the journey.

A real gladiatorial battle is the promotion of a cafe. Don't know how to promote a cafe? In this article we have collected the latest effective methods. Stay with us, read and take notes.

Cafe promotion: the main rule is word of mouth

More than 50% of visitors learn about the new cafe from friends and colleagues. About 18-20% read about the establishment on the Internet. That is, the most effective way to promote a business is word of mouth. Are you thinking about how to get people to talk about you and recommend you to friends? Ideas for promoting a cafe in this case are virtually inexhaustible.

What interesting cafe features are used most often? First of all, everything related to the menu:

  • Unusual composition of dishes. Unusual should equal “delicious”.
  • Original appearance. If the taste of the dish is appreciated only by the guest who ordered it, the appearance will surprise everyone. A photo of a carriage-shaped pumpkin with bone-carved pork ribs baked in it will quickly go viral on social media.
  • Large portions. This still pleasantly surprises guests. Bring your first visitors into a nervous fit with the volume of portions. They will remember this for a long time and tell their friends.
  • Prices. Dumping always works.

Service and room design can also be a conversation starter:

  • Unusual uniform for staff
  • Designer tableware
  • Designer door handles

Take a look from a new angle at everything that has long been familiar and familiar to the visitor. Promotion of a cafe from scratch in this case will be rapid. But know when to stop! When creating an unusual offer, focus on the tastes of your audience. All of the above is designed to surprise guests. It's nice to be surprised.

Promotion of a cafe or restaurant should begin even before the establishment itself opens. Start an advertising campaign a couple of weeks before X-day. Announce the opening of the first of its kind cafe. Intrigue and drop mysterious hints. The audience should be in awe of anticipation.

The main source of information about catering establishments is the Internet. New establishments often open in Moscow. How to ensure effective promotion of a cafe on the Internet?

Simple rules on how to promote a cafe online:

  • Create a website. The rules of a good website are a simple interface, appetizing photos, menus, prices and up-to-date information about ongoing promotions and events. Entrust the creation and promotion of your website to professionals.
  • Promotion of the cafe on social networks and Instagram. Entrepreneurs consider this method of promotion to be effective. On social networks, hold simple competitions: a discount for reposting, coffee for all subscribers, etc.
  • Reviews. If there is a well-known blogger who fits your target audience, arrange a review.
  • City information systems. Promoting cafes and restaurants through reference systems is another effective method. Often visitors simply look for an establishment that is nearby. Be sure to post information on 2Gis, Yandex and Google maps, Local Hero and other major resources.
  • Thematic sites and forums. Now forums are losing their relevance. But resources dedicated to restaurant business reviews are gaining momentum. The most famous and visited is Foursquare. Collaborate actively.

The main methods of promoting a cafe on the Internet are discounts and gifts for subscribers and free invitations to events. The Internet is ruled by photographs. Make detailed photo reports from all events on social networks and on the website. Visitors will search for themselves and post photos. Also post attractive photos of your cafe's food.

Cafe tips: what attracts guests

The atmosphere of the cafe and the interior are definitely important. But for everyone to know about them, it is necessary to lure guests to your place. The most effective way is discounts, promotions and gifts. What promotion can you come up with for a cafe? There are a lot of options. See what your competitors are offering. Come up with an unusual proposal. That is, something that the guests have not yet become tired of.

The main thing is the benefit for visitors. First of all, they focus on price. For example, two drinks for the price of one, discounts on large orders, special menus of the day, business lunches. Constantly update discount promotions so that your guests don’t become bored with them. Another reason is that you want visitors to try as many menu items as possible. Promotions will change, and guests will order their favorite food regardless of the discount.

Other ideas for promoting a cafe are gifts from the chef and club cards. The point is to show how important the guest is to you, to highlight him among everyone.

On social networks, you can conduct a survey to find out what promotions visitors want to see. This way you will know which offer will definitely be a success, and your guests will feel omnipotent.

If you don’t know how to quickly promote a cafe, reduce prices and ask social media subscribers what they would like to see in your establishment.

How else can you promote a cafe: cooperation

There is safety in numbers. To make sure as many people as possible know about your cafe, collaborate with another business. A simple example. If you have opened a cafe designed for film buffs, on a mutual basis, agree with film clubs to hold film screenings on your territory. Offer discounts or free coffee to all club members.

The more partners you have, the easier it is to promote your cafe. The logic is simple: the guests came because they promised a discount. In the cafe they met the same avid movie fans, saw huge portions of unusual food and door handles in the shape of a movie projector. We were delighted and posted photos on Instagram. These photos were seen by friends and friends of friends.

Cooperation with themed clubs is very beneficial if you don’t know how to promote a small cafe. People with common interests will gather in a small area. Your task is to maintain a friendly atmosphere. The atmosphere of a cozy club is suitable if you don’t know how to promote a cafe in an impassable place. Create a unique offer, surprise guests and promise gifts. Then you will be found even on platform 9¾.

How to promote a cafe: a course for a young fighter

We have listed universal promotion methods. Remember that all your efforts should ultimately be aimed at starting word of mouth. The rest is nuances.

  • Are you thinking about how to promote cafe in a small town? It's very simple. Analyze your competitors, create a profile of your guest and make a strong statement before the opening. Since there are fewer competitors in small cities, people will find out about you very quickly. And then proceed according to the algorithm described above.
  • All of the above rules also apply to how to promote fast food cafe. In this case, the main thing is the correct location of the business. Locate your business either on a busy street or in a busy shopping center. Before opening, place an offer in the windows: discounts on opening day and an unprecedented menu. There should also be links to the website and groups on social networks.
  • If five years ago entrepreneurs were racking their brains on how to promote cafe without alcohol, now this could become that very unique feature. The main thing is to present this advantage correctly. This could be a cafe for the whole family or for those who follow a healthy lifestyle. Come up with a menu and promotions according to your audience. Remember that your job is to sell a unique format.

Do you want to develop an existing business, rather than create an interior from scratch and create a menu? There is a solution. Pay attention to the ready-made business cafe. This is a business that is already working and is familiar to visitors. You will work with a real audience, which will simplify the promotion of the cafe.

Create something new, surprise your guests and develop all the time. We wish your cafe success!

24.02.2019 admin 0 Comments

REAL CASE - marketing techniques using the example of the Syrovarnya restaurant, Novosibirsk

Competition among restaurants is fierce, and you will need to give it your all to succeed. I'll tell you how to promote a new restaurant, bar or cafe and introduce you to restaurant marketing strategies that can help you get your business off the ground and grab the attention of your growling potential customers.

Share positive information with the local press

If you look closely, the first information about the opening of a cheese factory in Novosibirsk appeared back in April 2018, six months before the opening of the restaurant. At that time, the restaurant did not have a website or separate social accounts. networks. Several information articles were ordered about the planned opening of a cheese factory under the brand of the famous entrepreneur Novikov. That is, an information dump was made using the most visited portals of Novosibirsk -, , and some others. The goal was to excite the public and prepare the information space for the future event.

The costs of this “wave in the information field” were relatively small. About 100-150 thousand rubles. Each of these articles cost approximately 20-40 thousand rubles, but this high cost is due to the prices for advertising in the news blocks of Novosibirsk portals. Below are the prices for placing advertising materials on the most popular Novosibirsk portal, NGS.

For restaurant marketing, it is important to reinforce the mention in the news feed with positive advertising on your website and social media. In the case of the cheese factory and in the absence of a website and accounts, this task was accomplished by posting information on the main website of Novikov’s company and the company’s account, as well as on similar thematic resources. That is, videos were made about similar cheese factories in St. Petersburg and Moscow.
Local fans of these establishments quickly supported this information with positive reviews and spread the information, and newcomers from Novosibirsk were “invited” to visit the same establishment in person when the restaurant opened.

Important for promoting a restaurant, cafe or bar information noise

The Internet holds enormous power in the restaurant industry, and a good boost of positive reviews is like a flock of hens laying golden eggs. Reviews can do wonders for a restaurant business. The most important thing to understand is that people can and will look for check information even if you haven't created an account yet and don't have a website. And the restaurant itself does not exist yet. This means adding as many details and details of the future establishment as possible, such as:

Try to add as many details and details as your imagination allows.

Working with comments and reviews

Another important thing to keep in mind when it comes to feedback is how you handle feedback. It's a good idea to thank commenters for their feedback, positive or negative. If you receive negative feedback, always respond in a polite, professional manner. But in a nutshell, you always need to play the role of a benevolent host.

If you respond to a negative review publicly, thank the reviewer for the review, apologize for the incident or inaccurate information, and promise to improve it in the future. The important thing here is to convince customers that the restaurant owner values ​​their opinion and is working hard to improve. Consider hiring professionals such as photographers and bloggers to take some top-notch photos or video reviews.

Promotion of a cafe, restaurant, bar - the second stage

After creating information noise, one of the decisive stages of restaurant promotion begins. This is the opening of a restaurant or cafe.. It is important here not to spare money on advertising. To do this, it is necessary to develop a set of measures 1-2 months before the opening. Which should work at the time of opening. These are again the local most popular portals. Here, based on the budget, you need to plan the main costs. For a cheese factory in Novosibirsk it was about 2 million rubles . A colossal amount. But based on the total cost of the project, about 50-60 million, this is only 2-3 percent of the total budget for launching a restaurant. Again, the main information injections should be carried out a few days before the opening of the restaurant and in the first few days after the opening of the restaurant, while there is an influx of visitors. Venues are again selected on the main city portals.

The opening of the Syrovarnya restaurant was scheduled for September 27, and it was during this period that about 30 information materials were published on all news and thematic resources of Novosibirsk.

If you look at the statistics of requests for Novosibirsk, you can determine that this information boom worked and worked 100%. The number of “interested” clients has increased many times over.

As you can see, the peak of activity occurs at the beginning of October, when the information boom began to decline. At this time, publications appeared not only on portals, but also videos on video hosting sites.

At the same time, several restaurant groups opened on INSTAGRAM.

If you have ever communicated on INSTAGRAM, you will understand that food is one of the burning topics for users. Perhaps this is currently the most effective method of promoting your cafe or bar. High-quality photographs and visual content are in high demand on the Internet. And having amazing-looking photos on your social media site is a great bait to attract the hungry eyes of your potential customers. Consider hiring professional photographers and bloggers to take some top-notch photos or videos to increase your customer loyalty.

Geographically targeted advertising is the basic principle of restaurant promotion

For most restaurants, a local business name is the best return on your online marketing efforts. People are looking for delicious food close to home and need to invest in geographically targeted advertising.
Geo-targeted ads help you save money by ensuring that your ad information messages are only seen by users in certain cities or within a certain radius (eliminating irrelevant clicks that could cost you more advertising costs). Many online advertising services, from Google Ads (formerly known as Google AdWords) to Yandex Direct, have geotargeted ad options (at no additional cost).

Be sure to take advantage of these convenient targeting features to get effective ads for your potential customers.

The third stage of promotion of a cafe or restaurant

Once you have introduced and interested customers to the company, and the initial excitement has subsided, introduce the customer to your best dishes and the economic prospects of the restaurant. For example, you can try photographing people, cooking, interviewing restaurant managers and even competitors whose publications you think your potential fans will like.

For any bar, restaurant or cafe, this is the most difficult period, the period of survival. Here it is necessary to ensure the profitability of the establishment. And if usually the initial stages almost always look successful, then the subsequent ones can lead the company to collapse.

What about our example, a cheese factory in Novosibirsk? If in September 2018 there was almost 100% occupancy of the halls, then already in February 2019 the occupancy dropped significantly, and fell by more than 3 times. Look, undeniable statistics on thematic queries:

That is, at the peak there were about 250 requests for the phrase “Lenin’s cheese factory”, but already in January there were only 80 requests, that is, the popularity of the restaurant fell by more than 3 times. And empty cheese factory halls are no longer uncommon.

If we roughly calculate by money, then if at the opening the revenue in the restaurant was in the range from 600 thousand to 1 million rubles per day, then in January 2019 it decreased to 100 thousand or less on weekdays. That is, the establishment will pay for itself, in the best case, only after 18-20 months, and only if the popularity of the establishment has not yet decreased. But problems in our example have already appeared. If you look at the local Novosibirsk job portal, you can immediately see 3 new vacancies from the Novikov Cheese Factory:

As you can see, there are vacancies for cooks and shift managers. They appeared quite recently at the end of February 2019. That is, qualified staff began to leave the restaurant. Nowadays it is difficult with work, this only happens if there are some problems with wages. And the proposed salary levels for chefs, even for the region, are not very high for restaurants. At the current stage of survival of the Syrovarnya restaurant in Novosibirsk, expensive contextual advertising from YANDEX DIRECT is actively used.

Let me summarize - the main ways and techniques of promoting a bar, cafe or restaurant or what to do:

  1. Hire a professional photographer to create beautiful photos that foodies will love.
  2. Create a customer loyalty program using applications such as YANDEX and GOOGLE. Set up and maintain your restaurant's search engine profiles. Respond to negative reviews carefully and politely.
  3. Create geographically targeted restaurant advertising using online platforms such as AdWords, YANDEX DIRECT, Facebook and Twitter.
  4. Use Instagram to promote your restaurant or bar's best visual content
  5. Send random email blasts to local customers.
  6. Promote and cultivate user-generated content on your restaurant’s website account. For example, create a photo or video contest
  7. Showcase your “happy” service staff to humanize your business.
  8. Maintain your restaurant's social media presence. Tools such as YOUTUBE, VK, Instagram help your customer loyalty.
  9. Share any positive information with the press about your cafe or restaurant.
  10. Set up Google and Yandex alerts for your restaurant to monitor who is saying what about you online.
  11. Create a blog for your restaurant. Share your successes, everyday life, funny stories, etc.
  12. Reach out to bloggers who want to visit your restaurant.
  13. Check your restaurant details such as phone number, address and opening hours
  14. It's important to understand who your restaurant's target customer is and use that to develop your online branding.
  15. Send regular tweets and posts. You can even schedule them in advance.
  16. Make sure your online menu is clear and functional.
  17. Take advantage of online delivery services so that hungry customers can always try your delicacies
  18. Set up online seat or table booking tools
  19. Use mobile ads in AdWords because regular customers often search on mobile devices.
  20. Use ingredients from local suppliers and farms. Customers love restaurants that are part of their community and place more trust in locally sourced food.

This list summarizes the marketing and advertising ideas for promoting a restaurant, bar or cafe. I hope you can use these tips for successful promotion!

Cafes are usually associated with affordable prices and simple menu items that are understandable to everyone. In the cafe you can eat lunch, drink a cup of tea at a business meeting or have a good time with friends. If you are thinking about advertising a cafe, then the main theme of promoting a cafe should be the accessibility of the establishment for the majority of potential visitors. In this case, it makes no sense to use expensive promotion channels, since they simply will not recoup the money spent.

Decoration of the point (including during opening)



When decorating a shop window, there is a huge scope for creativity. You can leave it in its original form, where the cafe hall and the people in it will be visible from the street. You can also use display cases as a kind of counter, displaying, for example, baskets with pastries and dishes with confectionery. In addition, you can decorate your windows according to the season or upcoming holidays.

Outdoor advertising


Billboards are a fairly popular tool that can help get the word out about your establishment. It is better to place billboards within walking distance (within 10 minutes) of your establishment. They should be stylish, colorful and clearly express what you would like to say to potential visitors. Advertising can be image-based and be a beautiful photograph of a cafe with a slogan and address. You can also display information about promotions or special offers on the billboard.

Stretch marks

It is better to hang streamers over the road in front of a traffic light. This way, the driver and passengers will have time to read what is written on the advertising medium. The banner can also be placed on the opposite side of the street, thereby reaching a larger number of potential visitors.


Signposts are usually installed in front of the entrance to a cafe or a little further away on the sidewalk. The sign should indicate the name of the establishment, opening hours and information that can motivate a person to come to your cafe. For example, a lunch menu at a special price or a promotional offer.

Internal advertising

Price tags and signs

Price tags and signs are used to direct the guest's attention to the most current and attractive offers from your establishment. Signs can be placed as in a display case with products, for example, confectionery. Signs can also be in the form of hanging signs. It is important that they are made in accordance with the style of the cafe. Moreover, price tags and signs can become not only an effective advertising tool, but also a decorative element.

Table tents

Table tents are a rectangular structure made of plexiglass. It is quite compact to fit in a small area - on a table or counter. Table tents usually contain menus and various advertisements.

Internet advertising


The simpler the cafe website, the better. There is no need to overload your potential guests with unnecessary information. It is better to fill out several sections with relevant and understandable information. The website must have a menu, phone number and address of the establishment with a map, the ability to book a table online, and a slider with promotional offers. Also, please note that website usability is no less important factor than design.

If you decide to create a website on your own, be sure to read our articles:

Here we have laid out our experience and opinions on the use of various tools that you will simply need in your work. This will allow you to reduce the time it takes to select the necessary resources for its creation and get profit from the site as quickly as possible.

Groups on social networks

Pages on social networks should duplicate information from the cafe’s website. Also, this is where you can easily communicate with your guests and answer all their questions. The key characteristics of such communication should be politeness and quick response to requests from group members or subscribers.

Sending emails

Email marketing can be another effective advertising tool. Today there are many services that allow you to send newsletters for free. The newsletter is appropriate when you have already formed a contact database of your guests, understood their preferences and created an offer that can interest them. You need to send newsletters regularly, but not too often.

Printable advertisement

Business cards

Business cards are one of the most budget-friendly channels for advertising your establishment. If you can come to an agreement with the owners of other nearby establishments (for example, barbershops, beauty salons), then it is better to place business cards near the cash register. In this case, the visitor will have time to get acquainted with your offer and hear a positive recommendation to visit the cafe.

Loyalty cards are another effective mechanism for attracting visitors to your establishment. A progressive discount system can be not only a smart way to thank loyal visitors, but also ensure that your cafe is regularly filled. It is better to make discount cards numbered. Please note that to receive a card you need not only to make a purchase for a certain amount, but also to fill out a short form. This will be useful for further work with your guest database.

Ineffective cafe advertising

Advertising on TV and radio

Even if you own a chain of cafes, advertising on TV and radio is a dubious undertaking. When using other promotion channels at the same time, it will be difficult to calculate how many visitors you actually acquired by advertising on television or radio.

contextual advertising

This promotion channel is also ineffective for owners of small establishments. There are quite a lot of similar offers from your direct competitors, so it is better to rely on tools that allow you to establish the closest personal contact with your audience.

Heat. Drops of water flow down a steamy glass of cold beer right onto your hand. A high foam head with a pleasant hiss rises above the golden-amber drink, giving off the smell of natural hops and malt. At the Munich Beer Restaurant you will find varieties of dark beer with flavor notes of caramel and light beer with a slight bitterness of hops. Come and enjoy the taste of real beer using ancient monastery recipes.

Winter. It's cold outside, but at the Chekhov restaurant you will find a hot steak made from farm beef on coals, golden-brown potatoes and a country salad. The smell of tender, juicy meat with smoke will go well with crispy potatoes.

Real homemade sausages made from poultry, rabbit, and pork will not leave anyone indifferent. They are covered with a thin crispy crust on top, but inside they are juicy. Basil, coriander and marjoram enhance the flavor of hot, freshly fried sausages, which go very well with dark Czech beer or dry red wine from a bodega.

Roe deer or hare kebab with Provençal herbs conveys the slightly herbaceous forest smell of natural meat. And fish freshly caught from the aquarium, baked in the oven in its own juice, is beyond praise!

The Chekhov restaurant is made in the form of a traditional landowner's estate. Oak tables, hunting trophies on the log walls, a Russian stove and live music perfectly convey the charm of the bright traditions of the old tavern. You will feel like a nobleman for a few hours. Call and reserve a table today - sometimes there are not enough free places.

At Pizzeria Corleone, pizza will be cooked in a wood-fired oven right before your eyes. The juicy filling will softly sizzle on the thin crispy dough in the heat of the heat, exuding the aroma of smoke from fruit trees. Taking a bite, you feel the taste of fresh tomatoes and seasonings: basil, oregano, marjoram. And our strings of stringy cheese are the longest in the city. Come and see for yourself!

What to write on the website of cafes and restaurants?

I’ll tell you a secret – there is very strong competition in the restaurant business. On the one side. On the other hand, there is a very high demand. And a huge plus: most establishments do not pay enough attention to marketing. Especially selling texts.

It gets to the point that many restaurants don’t even have their own simple business card website. People look at restaurant prices and menus on third-party resources. Even if you start your website using a free template and fill it with information, you can significantly outperform your competitors and make your restaurant a shining star on the gastronomic map of the city.

But it just so happens that people who go into the restaurant business are aimed at making a quick profit. They are too lazy to study marketing - they just think they need to work hard and earn money. Don't waste time on all sorts of nonsense. And if you begin to apply the basic selling techniques of marketing and copywriting to the restaurant business, your profits will increase significantly.

How to attract visitors to cafes and restaurants

  • Targeted advertising. A person types in a search, for example, “cafe Novosibirsk” and ends up on your page. You will have to pay for each click, but the average check will more than cover all expenses.
  • Advertising on social networks. One advertising post in a popular group in the city - and you are guaranteed a hall of visitors.
  • Catalogs of establishments. Be sure to ensure that the information there is up to date. And conduct a dialogue with commentators - people will see that the establishment values ​​​​its reputation.
  • Advertising in transport. People traveling home from work on public transport are thinking about which cafe to go to to relax after a hard day at work. Your ad will help them make the right choice.
  • Distribution of leaflets. It is better to distribute leaflets near the cafe.
  • Word of mouth. The most reliable promotion channel for those clients who fundamentally do not accept advertising.

Classic example: One American, the owner of a restaurant chain, spent very little money on advertising. But there was no end to visitors. His marketing ploy was brilliantly simple. From time to time he organized free banquets for hairdressers. The hairdressers then sincerely praised this restaurant to their clients. And every second person goes to hairdressers.

Example text for advertising cafes, restaurants and bars on the radio

The main thing is to invest in timing. For example, 20 seconds is approximately 250-300 characters of text. If you push something that can’t be shoved, there will be machine-gun fire. In the radio commercial, you need to repeat the name of the establishment 2-3 times, emotionally describe the menu in a few words and add a call to action at the end.

Here is a beautiful example: text for advertising a cafe on a radio in an entertainment center, duration 40 seconds:

Are you interested in the answer?

What to eat for lunch?

Maintain your figure

And beautiful nature

There's nothing better

What does the Zolotoy Klyuchik cafe do?

Hot dishes, salads, desserts,

There is pizza to choose from - seize the moment,

And besides, each of you

You can celebrate your holiday with us

Have fun on the playground

At the cinema 3D then find yourself

There are a lot of desires, a lot of ideas,

Attraction 5D is there for you and friends,

And also you seize the happy moment,

Come to the Golden Key on weekends with your family,

Cheer with us for football,

With live broadcast you won't miss a goal!

Come to the Golden Key cafe. We work daily from 8.00 to 22.00 in TRTo "Cosmos".

  • Women watching their figure
  • Young mothers with children
  • Groups of friends
  • Football fans

The advertisement contains a clear hint that the cafe is located in a shopping and entertainment complex and there are other entertainments besides food. That is, this cafe is ideal for celebrating a birthday, New Year, graduation, end of session, game of your favorite football team and just the end of the work week.

Another example: text for advertising a cafe on a radio in an entertainment center, duration 40 seconds:

Attention, attention, attention!

Cafe "Antalya" opened today

We only have oriental flatbreads,

Shawarma with veal and potatoes,

For the first time in Sumy, chicken hamburgers,

Our cafe is the most hospitable

There is little time left before the holiday,

Try not to be late for it. You started,

So don't waste time,

Come to our opening!

March 8 at 16.00 a sea of ​​prizes and drawings. Animators, competitions and valuable gifts. We are looking forward to seeing you near the Kyiv department store. Cafe "Antalya"!

This is a typical example of the text of an invitation to the opening of a cafe. The call to action is very well developed.


Often people look for where to sit in search engines. The search includes queries such as “pizzeria Gagarina Avenue”, “restaurant Odessa”, “cafe in Orel menu and prices”. That is, a person is mainly interested in the place, menu and price category. Highlight these points in the text on the restaurant’s website, and free customers from search engines will come to you. The selection of keywords using clothing as an example can be read in the article. Let me just say that for this purpose I personally use Wordstat and the Bukvariks keyword database installed on my computer.

Call to action

At the end of any advertising text Necessarily there should be a call to action. Tell them to come to you today, tomorrow, on their birthday or on New Year's. Without a specific call to action, any restaurant advertising copy turns into “almost advertising copy.” You don’t want customers to “almost walk into” your bar?

Order an article for advertising a cafe and restaurant

Are you a catering owner or manager? You don’t have the time and experience to write beautiful selling texts? There is a solution - order an article for a restaurant, cafe or bar from me. I will select the best keywords that will quietly bring the article to the TOP and bring visitors and buyers. At the same time, the text will have an easy-to-read selling structure. Do not be shy - !

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