Milk chocolate generous soul. Chocolate Russia is a generous soul With coconut and waffle - “Well, are we plunging into chocolate-coconut paradise? The sweetness that I bought, buy, and will buy, but only on sale... Review for lovers of coconuts and everything connected with them

The Rossiya factory was built in 1970 according to the design of the Italian company Carle and Montanari. In 1995, cooperation began with the Swiss company Nestlé. Currently, the product range includes many dozens of Russian chocolate items.

1. All Nestlé chocolate products produced in Russia are produced here, at the factory in Samara. This includes a variety of chocolate bars, candies, Nuts bars, Nestle hot chocolate and Nesquik cocoa.

3. The symbol of the factory is the dome.

4. In favorable conditions, the evergreen cocoa tree blooms all year round and bears fruit all year round. The first flowers appear on the tree at the age of 5-6 years. Fruits are formed within 30-80 years. When ripe, yellow-green or red, depending on the variety, the fruits reach 30 cm in length and weigh up to 500 grams. The pulp of the fruit contains up to 50 cocoa beans. The tree produces high yields starting from the 12th year of life. The harvest is harvested twice a year, the first time at the end

5. This is what a plantation looks like where cocoa beans are grown.

6. I tasted a dozen different candies

7. Ekaterina Burtseva, corporate affairs manager of the branch of Nestle Russia LLC in Samara, spoke about the factory and the Nestle company

8. Next we were instructed on safety precautions at the factory. I must say that a lot of attention is paid to this; before that, I had been to more dangerous industries, not to mention nuclear power plants, and no one had ever asked me to sign a technical safety log.

9. Actually, I expected to see something like this.

10. All employees must wash their hands thoroughly. Each employee also receives a robe, earplugs, a cap and shoes with metal toes.

11. We go up to the third floor, where the process of crushing cocoa beans takes place. Please note that there are bars on the stairs, another safety reminder.

12. It’s very noisy inside, so Ekaterina tells us the main points to pay attention to. Also look at the abundance of various signs and inscriptions. There are a lot of them at the enterprise.

13. I forgot to tell you, in the factory it is forbidden to wear jewelry, except for smooth wedding rings, and women are also prohibited from using varnish and false nails, in general, anything that can break off.

14. Roasted cocoa beans.

15. Crusher – the output is cocoa nibs

16. From cocoa nibs, grated cocoa is obtained, which is fed to a press, where cocoa butter is squeezed out.

17. These are 20kg bars, they will be ground into cocoa powder.

18. Storage of grated cocoa.

19. It’s hard to see, but it’s the same grated cocoa flowing.

20. Cocoa beans – cocoa nibs – cocoa mass – cocoa butter – cocoa powder. In total, cocoa beans are ground into cocoa nibs, from which grated cocoa is made. Cocoa butter is squeezed out of grated cocoa and cocoa powder goes to waste.

Milk chocolate is made from cocoa butter, cocoa powder, sugar and milk powder.
White chocolate does not contain cocoa powder.
Black does not contain milk powder.



23. Mixing all chocolate ingredients.

24. In other words, very cool equipment.

25. Many pipes, handles, and doors have labels like this. They indicate some shortcomings that need to be eliminated to improve the quality of work. Don’t be alarmed, this does not affect the quality of the product in any way; as a rule, comments are written there regarding ease of use. Rearrange something, make it closer, lower, etc.

26. Green door for people, red for carts and electric vehicles.

27. The coolest position in the factory is a taster! Yes, yes, there are such people here!

28. Each batch of product is tasted by a group of employees and checked for taste, smell and appearance.

29. We also visited an experimental laboratory, where all the processes of making chocolate were created in miniature; new recipes and new forms of bars and candies are created here. Unfortunately, I can’t show these shots.

30. Next we go to the Nesquik cocoa production line, or rather, packaging takes place here, because production is quite simple and consists of mixing cocoa powder, sugar and milk powder.

31. Packaging

32. Packaging. This and other pallets will go to a large sorting warehouse near Kinel, from where the chocolate will “scatter” throughout the country.

33. Hot chocolate is being made in the next room.

34. We are approaching the production of sweets.

35. Molds for making tiles.

36. Foil for New Year's snowflakes. By the way, as a child I really liked candies with multi-colored foil, it’s a pity there are no such things now.

37. Assembling boxes for comme il faut

38. “Assorted” sweets

39. Come il faut



42. Workers prepare molds for tiles.

43. And here are the tiles themselves. Everything is simple here, chocolate is poured into molds, cooled and knocked out of the molds.

44. This is a large cabinet with chocolate, because... production is faster than packaging; excess tiles are stored in this cabinet. There are many pallets that are in continuous movement.

45. Tiles are taken from pallets to packaging.


47. And for packaging.

48. Labels are placed on the boxes.

I have a sweet tooth, and have admitted this more than once in my reviews.

I prefer milk chocolate with nuts to dark chocolate, but even an old woman can be ruined. And since I have such an infrequent guest in my hands, it’s simply a sin not to write a review about him.

I buy Rossiya chocolate very rarely. The fillings are not pleasing. Recently they had a new product - chocolate with marmalade... What kind of confectionery monster comes up with such combinations?) And the compositions are not particularly pleasant.

Well, let's see what came out of this acquaintance? ツ

Initial data:

All sorts of important things: nutritional value, composition, calorie content, manufacturer’s address and website.

This is the first time I have seen alcohol in chocolate. I'm not an expert on ingredients, but should it be there? Already in fifth place?

A Russian dark chocolate bar looks like this:

24 slices (four are missing in the photo) with an imprint of cocoa beans. Everything is strict, concise and to the point. The surface of the tile is shiny, without white spots, which should not be present under any circumstances.

The tile breaks easily, practically without crumbs, with a slight crunch. When the chocolate is natural, it should produce this little crunch when separated. For example, if you break Alpen Gold, you will never hear such a crunch. Especially if it has stuffing inside) Accordingly, “Russia” will be of better quality.

Let's sniff.

It smells like coffee or cocoa to me. Especially if you slightly warm it up in your fingers (yes, this is a real chocolate crash test). I don't smell any vanillin or any other aromatic additives. Although it is included. By the way, I don’t smell Roma either. ツ

Now we finally come to the most important thing - taste.

We send a piece of chocolate to visit the taste buds. Chocolate does not melt in your mouth quickly. There is no waxy aftertaste, viscosity or strange grains. It’s unusual for me to feel this bitterness; I’m used to sweeter tastes. But the taste is pleasant. The taste remains in the mouth for quite a long time - about five to seven minutes. Turning from bitterness into something sour. I don't like this.

I'm not a fan of dark chocolate, so I give it four stars and a recommendation to try it.

❤️ Good day❤️

~Coconut is my love! I haven't tried anything with this fruit. I especially like its smell. I like skincare cosmetics even more than products). I see some balm with this “ingredient” and immediately take it for myself. Let’s take the same cream-body butter, I’m ready to love it just because of the aroma. I also tried a lot of sweets with it. And if you combine coconut with chocolate, it’s heaven!~

~Walking through the supermarket, I couldn’t help but grab this chocolate bar. Moreover, the design is so attractive. I also grabbed the “very milky” chocolate of the same brand that I already loved. Now I wanted to express my opinion.~

  • Place of purchase: supermarket
  • Price: 39 rubles (on promotion)
  • Volume: 90 g


~The chocolate wrapper is white with blue highlights. The packaging has a matte feel to the touch and is pleasant to hold in your hands. Everything looks very attractive, I immediately want to try it out.~

~The wrapper is opened in the standard way, like all chocolates Russia is a generous soul. There are never any problems. You can also seal the packaging with a sticker later, as the manufacturer advises us.~


Calorie content 550 kcal/100 g

Tile :

~The tile shines with the brand’s “logo”. Everything consists of 5 rows (2 slices in each). I liked that the chocolate on top was milky, and there was a thin layer of white on the bottom, and inside there was coconut and wafer filling. When I first bought it, I thought it must be delicious. Looks likeit’s laconic and quite harmonious.~

~The slices have a dry white filling. The wafer is visible if you take a bite. The insides are made up of wafer crumbs and coconut flakes. Looks delicious.~


Taste :

~I wouldn't say that this taste is unusual, but it's pretty good. I like to keep the chocolate in my mouth until it melts. I don't like to chew and swallow. Since there are pieces of wafer in the chocolate, it is unpleasant to “dissolve” the chocolate. I still like more delicate chocolates more.~


~Yes, the chocolate bar is quite tasty, but I won’t buy it without a promotion). I would like to get a more delicate, delicate taste. This sweet will definitely not be on my list of favorites and I definitely won’t buy it on a regular basis. I know that chocolate is not new, but if you haven’t tried it, I recommend it! It's still worth buying, especially if you're a lover of treats.~

❤️ ​​​​​I hope it was interesting. Please pay attention to the review if it was useful. I will be glad to comments. Have a good day!❤️

For more than forty years, the brand “Russia is a generous soul” has been pleasing its customers with the excellent quality of products. The manufacturer "Nestlé Russia" has been known since 1974. Then the first “Russian” tiles appeared on the shelves. Since then, the products have been updated. Developers are trying to keep up with the times, coming up with new tastes and new forms. Today, not only tiles with various additives are produced. The products are complemented by sweets.

During this time, not only the assortment was updated. The decision was made to change the design. The developers were faced with the task of changing the appearance so that the brand would still be recognizable. The icon itself was changed - domes were added, symbolizing the Orthodox Russian people with a broad soul and a kind heart.

Today there are a large number of varieties of these products. Of special note is the line of dark chocolate. It is supplemented with various additives, offering the buyer a wide choice.

  • bitter with high cocoa content;
  • dark chocolate;
  • dark with almonds.

Lovers of soft milky taste will appreciate the variety of delicacies from the “Russia – a Generous Soul” brand. These include:

  • milk with coffee;
  • milk chocolate;
  • milk with almonds and waffles;
  • milk with hazelnuts and raisins;
  • milk with hazelnuts.

Everyone should try these delicacies. Chocolate “Travel” from this brand has a traditional taste, familiar to everyone. The name is associated with the road, thoughts, changes. Chocolate will sweeten any trip, making it enjoyable.

When porous chocolates became popular, Nestlé Russia was not left behind. They released an unusual variety: “Aerated with white and milk chocolate.” Milky outside, white inside. The porous structure made the taste incredibly tender, melting in the mouth.

Conservatives, having once tried the Sudarushka bar, will never buy another dessert. This is one of the most popular series. It has been on the market for many years. Its popularity ensures the delicious taste of chocolate with nuts and raisins. Their content is much greater than in other similar tiles. This makes the taste full.

Other types of treats:

  • porous milky;
  • with creme brulee flavor;
  • with the taste of dessert “Ant Tale”;
  • with hazelnuts and cookies;
  • white with vanilla;
  • milk with cookies:
  • with the taste of dessert “Kiev cake”;
  • with nut cake flavor;
  • with caramel and peanuts.

Products of the brand “Russia – a generous soul” contain more carbohydrates. The carbohydrate content per 100 grams of product is 36g. Calorie content varies depending on additives and toppings. The average calorie content of the product is 550 kcal.

The brand's products contain large amounts of natural cocoa powder. This speaks volumes about quality. This ingredient differentiates the chocolate from the soy bar. It is very beneficial for the body. Consumption of products with a high content of cocoa powder has a beneficial effect on brain function, improves mood, and relieves depression. A small amount of chocolate in the morning guarantees a good mood and well-being for the whole working day. It is useful for schoolchildren to use this product during exams.

The amount of chocolate consumed should be agreed with your doctor if you have diseases such as:

  • peptic ulcer:
  • gastritis;
  • obesity;
  • diabetes.

The products are used to prepare various desserts: chocolate cream, mousse, glaze.

The compositions of different types of tiles may differ. Some contain more nuts, others have increased cocoa content or added raisins.

The product lines “With an Open Heart” and “Favorite Desserts” were released. Manufacturers constantly monitor the market, carefully study the needs of customers in order to delight them with new tastes. The production of this company is distinguished by innovative ideas and conservatism in some details. Despite the changing assortment, the brand reflects patriotism and high quality of Russian products, which are sold with great success both domestically and abroad. The main values ​​that the company’s products bring to the masses, in addition to excellent taste, are described by the owners and founders of the brand as generosity and sincerity. These concepts best reflect the essence of the Russian mentality.

The design of the porous tiles is complemented by the inscription: “very chocolate bubbles.” Each tile has similar inscriptions that reflect its content. Product values ​​and ingredients are printed on the back. The products do not contain unnecessary chemical additives or preservatives. The composition complies with state standards, the products have a quality certificate that meets Russian and international quality standards.
