Ice cream sundae couldn't be easier. We make homemade ice cream. Simple recipe. Ingredients, cooking tips. How to make Italian chocolate ice cream at home

There is a widespread belief among culinary enthusiasts that it is impossible to make ice cream at home without special equipment. We will try to dispel this myth and tell you how to make simple ice cream yourself.

Vanilla ice cream

Using this recipe as an example, you will learn how to cook many others, for example, fruit, berry or chocolate. A cream sundae is essentially a chilled custard made with an egg. Adults and children love it, and we will cook it at home like this:

  • Pour one liter of 33% cream into a saucepan with thick walls, add vanillin or
  • Place the dishes on the fire and, stirring constantly, heat the cream, but do not bring it to a boil.
  • Using a mixer, beat eight egg yolks with 170 grams of sugar. After this, pour hot cream into them. Do not forget to stir the products all the time with a simple culinary whisk.
  • Pour the resulting mixture back into the pan and place it over low heat. Stirring the liquid with a spatula, cook it until thickened, avoiding boiling.
  • Remove the pan from the heat, let the contents cool slightly and add rum to taste or a couple of tablespoons of cognac.
  • Pour the resulting mass into a plastic container, cool completely, and then place in the freezer.

Delicious ice cream will be ready soon. Before serving, place it in the refrigerator for half an hour to make the structure of the delicacy more tender.

Dairy ice cream

By preparing this treat yourself, you can enjoy its wonderful taste. No less pleasing is the absence of chemical additives. To make homemade ice cream without cream, you will need:

  • Grind four yolks with one glass of sugar.
  • Add vanillin to the mixture to taste, add two and a half glasses of hot milk and bring the resulting mass to simmer over low heat.
  • While the future ice cream is being prepared, stir it constantly with a spatula. When the mixture thickens enough and the foam disappears, remove it from the stove.
  • Strain the resulting mass through several layers of cheesecloth, then cool and place in the freezer in a plastic container.

Place the finished milk ice cream in beautiful shapes, decorate with chocolate and nuts. If desired, you can serve it with fruit or fresh berries.

Ice cream

Here is a recipe for a very tasty and very simple treat. Even a child can cope with its preparation, so feel free to get down to business. We will prepare creamy ice cream as follows:

  • Stock up on ready-made waffle cones at the store or make them yourself using a waffle iron.
  • Melt 100 grams of chocolate over the fire and use a special brush to grease the inside of the tubes.
  • Whisk half a liter of heavy cream (35%) with ¾ cans of condensed milk. Add vanilla, chopped walnuts, grated chocolate to the mixture and mix everything well again.
  • Using a pastry syringe or bag, fill the waffle cones with the resulting mixture.

Place the future ice cream in the freezer for several hours. To prevent it from leaking out and losing its beautiful shape, place the horns in cups or use an egg cassette.

Fruit ice cream in a minute

If you want to please your loved ones with the perfect delicacy with a fresh taste, then this recipe is for you. Plus, our popsicles don't contain excess fat or a lot of calories. Here's how to prepare a light treat:

  • Take half a glass of frozen pitted cherries (you can replace them with orange, kiwi, apples or any other fruit) and half a glass of natural yogurt (milk, cream, kefir or syrup are allowed instead).
  • Combine the ingredients in a blender bowl, adding a couple of tablespoons of granulated sugar.
  • Mix the products for one minute. As a result, they should turn into an elastic paste. If you think the mixture is too liquid, you can add a few more berries. During this period, you can add a little sugar if you decide that it is not enough.
  • Place the treats in vases and serve.

If you want to please yourself with delicious treats all year round, then freeze more different fruits and berries in the summer. It will refresh you, lift your spirits and, most importantly, will not spoil your figure.

Cottage cheese creme brulee

This tasty treat is prepared simply, but it turns out very tasty. Read how you can make your own light homemade ice cream. Simple recipe:

  • Mix 200 grams of full-fat cottage cheese and half a can of condensed milk using a blender or mixer. When the resulting mass becomes homogeneous, add 50 ml of milk to it and mix thoroughly again.
  • Place the finished product into silicone muffin cups and then place in the freezer.

In a few hours, the curd ice cream without cream will be ready.

Chocolate ice cream

How to make delicious and healthy homemade ice cream? A simple recipe will help you please your loved ones with an original dessert that is no different from the factory one:

  • Heat half a glass of milk on the stove, add three tablespoons of sugar and 100 grams of dark chocolate (it should be broken first).
  • Place the products in a water bath and, stirring constantly, cook them until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Remove the mixture from the heat and cool.
  • Beat a glass of chilled heavy cream with a mixer.
  • Combine the products, put them in a mold and place them in the freezer.

After a few hours, when the delicious ice cream has cooled sufficiently, it can be taken out and served.

Recipe "Two in one"

The dessert got its name for its unique ability - it can be used not only for making ice cream, but also for custard, which can decorate any cake. How to make homemade custard ice cream in your kitchen? A simple recipe in front of you:

  • Mix one glass of sugar, one spoon of flour and two chicken eggs in a suitable bowl.
  • Bring one glass of milk to a boil, and then pour it in a thin stream into the prepared mass. To prevent the eggs from curdling, the mixture should be constantly stirred.
  • Pour the resulting product into a saucepan, place it on the fire and bring to a boil. After this, remove the pan from the stove and let its contents cool slightly.
  • Add vanillin and two hundred grams of butter at room temperature to your future ice cream to taste. Quickly beat the ingredients with a mixer.

If you decide to make a cake, then the cream should be used immediately. If you plan to pamper your loved ones with delicious ice cream, then transfer the product into a mold and freeze it in the freezer. After a few hours, place the delicacy on plates, decorate it with chocolate and serve.

Lemon dessert

Making delicious ice cream from yogurt is very simple. To do this you just need:

  • Mix one liter of curdled milk with 500 grams of powdered sugar.
  • Beat the products at low speed with a mixer. Then add the juice and zest of two lemons. Mix the ingredients again.
  • Freeze the food in the freezer for several hours.

Serve dessert garnished with sprigs of fresh mint and a slice of lime.

Coffee ice cream

This seemingly complex dessert will ultimately pay off your efforts and time spent on it. To prepare it, you will need:

  • Prepare or buy savoiardi biscuits from the store.
  • Mix 70 ml of milk with 15 ml of cream and place it on the stove to warm up. Mix one yolk with one tablespoon of sugar, a teaspoon of starch and vanilla. Pour the resulting mass into hot milk. When the liquid boils, stir the ingredients and remove them from the heat.
  • Cool the resulting cream, cover with cling film and place in the refrigerator.
  • To prepare the syrup, brew one hundred grams of coffee and dissolve forty grams of sugar in it.
  • Next, prepare the mascarpone and white chocolate cream. To do this, whip 170 ml of cream to high peaks and combine it with 250 grams of mascarpone. Place the mixture in the refrigerator.
  • Break white chocolate (200 grams) into pieces and melt in a water bath.
  • Heat the cream and mix it with melted chocolate and add a little coffee.
  • Place the cookies face down on the work surface and soak in the coffee syrup. Place popsicle sticks on top (if you make the cookies yourself, bake them with the sticks right away).
  • Using a culinary syringe, spread the cream and place the treat in the freezer for several hours.

Cover the finished ice cream with chocolate glaze and sprinkle with cocoa.

Marshmallow-coconut dessert

We are sure you will love this delicious homemade ice cream. A simple recipe will save time, and the ingredients will make the dessert as affordable as possible. How to prepare it:

  • Take 250 grams of any marshmallow and so on), break it into pieces and combine with 250 grams of cream. When the marshmallows have dissolved, remove the mixture from the heat and let it cool.
  • In another bowl, bring 250 ml of cream to a boil over low heat and add 65 grams of coconut flakes. Mix the ingredients thoroughly, remove them from the heat and leave to cool to room temperature.
  • Combine both masses in one pan and place it in a cup of ice water. Beat the mixture with a mixer for about five minutes at low speed.

Place the finished semi-finished product in molds or in a plastic container, and then freeze it in the freezer. You can taste a delicious dessert in just five to seven hours. Serve it to the table in the form of balls, decorated with nuts and grated chocolate. Bon appetit!

It’s hard to find a person who doesn’t love ice cream; this wonderful dessert will not leave anyone indifferent. But few people know that making real ice cream at home is not so difficult. There are many recipes for this delicacy that even a novice housewife can implement. Ice cream is prepared with milk and cream with the addition of fruits, nuts, chocolate and candied fruits.

How to make ice cream at home with milk?

You will need:

  • Milk - 1 l
  • Sugar - 250 g (1 glass, faceted)
  • Vanillin
  • 4 eggs.

Making ice cream at home is quite simple, but there are small nuances that you need to understand before you get started. This dessert is prepared only using yolks; it is better to choose homemade milk, but if this is not possible, then it doesn’t matter, take store-bought milk with the highest percentage of fat content. Before making ice cream from homemade milk, it must be boiled - this will kill bacteria and make the product safe. To prevent the milk from “running away” during boiling, grease the edges of the pan with a piece of butter (in a circle).

Cook the ice cream over low heat, stirring constantly, without leaving for a minute, otherwise the yolks may curdle.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Take a clean enamel or glass pan, pour cooled boiled milk into it, add 100 g of sugar, and cook over medium heat. The milk just needs to be heated, it should under no circumstances boil.
  2. Next, break the eggs, carefully separate the yolks, grind them with sugar (150 g) until they turn white.
  3. Pour a little warm milk into the beaten yolks and mix well. Then pour the prepared yolk mass into a saucepan with milk, reduce the heat.
  4. Add a little vanilla, but do not overdo it, otherwise the ice cream will taste bitter. Cook, stirring constantly (until the mass thickens), otherwise there is a high probability of the eggs curdling. You should have a medium thick custard anglaise.
  5. After the first bubbles appear, remove the pan from the heat, let the cream cool, then pour the ice cream into a plastic container and place it in the freezer.
  6. After 30-40 minutes, the ice cream is mixed, the operation is repeated 4-6 times (until the dessert completely hardens). If you have a special ice cream maker, then the need for mixing disappears by itself.

Ice cream at home hardens in about 6-8 hours (depending on quantity). After which you can take it out and place it in bowls, decorate with candied fruits, chocolate chips, and mint leaves. You can add caramel, fresh fruit or syrup, thereby getting a new interesting taste every time.

How to make caramel pecan ice cream at home?

You will need:

  • Cream - 2 cups (500 ml)
  • 5 eggs
  • Milk - 1 glass
  • Hazelnuts - 200 g
  • Sugar - 250 g (for ice cream)
  • Sugar - 150 g (for caramel)
  • Vanilla pod (vanillin).

Making nut ice cream at home is quite simple; the preparation consists of several stages. The first step is to cook the caramel; it is important to remember that it should not be stirred under any circumstances, otherwise the sugar will crystallize, which is extremely undesirable. It is better to take store-bought cream; if you use homemade cream, dilute it with milk in a ratio of 1 to 2.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Peel the hazelnuts, fry them in a dry frying pan or dry them in the oven at 160°C for 15-20 minutes. The nuts should become golden brown.
  2. Pour 150 g of sugar into a saucepan, add 4 tablespoons of water, and place over high heat. If you want to stir, then lift the saucepan, tilt it from side to side and put it back to cook (do not stir with a spoon). Cook the caramel until it turns brown.
  3. Grease parchment paper with butter, place hazelnuts on it, and pour caramel over it. Once everything has set, grind the caramelized hazelnuts in a blender until very finely ground.
  4. Pour cream and milk into a saucepan, add 100 g of sugar. Cut the vanilla pod, remove the beans, and add them to the cream. Heat over low heat, but do not allow the cream to boil.
  5. Break the eggs, separate the yolks, beat them with sugar (150 g). Beat until the mass increases several times and turns white.
  6. Pour a little warm cream into the whipped yolks, stir, pour in a thin stream into the pan. From this point on, stir constantly and cook until thickened.
  7. Add chopped nut caramel to the cooled mass, mix thoroughly, transfer the ice cream to a plastic or glass container. Stir the mixture every 30-40 minutes.

Delicious homemade ice cream is ready! You can decorate it with caramelized hazelnuts. To do this, place a nut on a toothpick, dip it in boiling caramel, remove it so that a string of sugar trails behind the hazelnut, and insert the toothpick into the apple. After the caramel has hardened, remove the nuts from the toothpicks and decorate the ice cream with them.

How to make ice cream at home?

You will need:

  • Condensed milk - 1 can
  • Cream - 1 l
  • Sugar - 100 g
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 packet
  • Gelatin - 10 g.

Making ice cream at home is quite simple; if you choose the right cream, it should have a high percentage of fat content (at least 32%). Country cream is only suitable for liquid; thick cream must be diluted with milk in a ratio of 1 to 4, then it will whip well. It is best to use powdered sugar or fine sugar (large sugar may not dissolve completely). You can make a real creme brulee based on the ice cream; in this case, instead of regular condensed milk, you need to use boiled milk.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Take 10 g of instant gelatin - this is 1 level tablespoon, fill it with cold water so that the liquid covers the granules. After the gelatin swells, melt it in a water bath, without allowing it to boil, otherwise the gelling properties will disappear.
  2. Pour the cream into the blender (mixer) bowl, add condensed milk, regular and vanilla sugar, and start whipping. After about 2 minutes, pour in the cooled melted gelatin and continue whisking until the mass increases in volume. The whisk blades should leave a mark - this is a signal that the ice cream is ready. It is important not to beat the cream, otherwise you will end up with butter instead of ice cream.
  3. Pour the mixture into a wide container and place it in the freezer. Stir the ice cream every 30-40 minutes, this must be done with special care, otherwise the liquid will rise to the top and form ice - then the ice cream will not work.

At home, you can experiment with the recipe, for example, instead of milk, take condensed coffee or cocoa, then you will get a coffee or chocolate ice cream.

It would be a good idea to add a little liqueur or cognac to a dessert for adults. A pinch of cinnamon or cloves will add some piquancy, and mint leaves will add freshness. It is better to add fruits immediately before eating; if you mix them with ice cream and put them in the freezer, they will turn into pieces of ice, which will ruin the taste of the dessert.

The video shows a good recipe for creamy ice cream:

How to make lemon ice cream at home?

You will need:

  • Milk - 250 ml
  • Lemon - 1 piece
  • Cream - 250 ml
  • Eggs - 4 pcs
  • Sugar - 150 g.

Making lemon ice cream at home will not be difficult for a skilled housewife. The first thing you need to do is purchase the “right” cream that will whip without problems. It is best to take store-bought cream with a fat content of at least 32%. The amount of sugar in the recipe can be varied to suit your taste.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Remove the zest from the lemon using a fine grater or special device. Roll the lemon on the table, then cut it in half and squeeze out the juice. If the household does not have a citrus juicer, then you can use a regular fork, which is inserted into half a lemon and scrolled clockwise. Make sure that the seeds do not get into the juice, otherwise the ice cream will taste bitter.
  2. Pour milk into the pan, heat it without letting it boil. Once the first bubbles appear, remove the milk from the heat.
  3. Pour lemon juice into a saucepan, add zest, add sugar, mix thoroughly.
  4. Break the eggs, separate the yolks, mix them with warm milk, pour the mixture into a saucepan with lemon juice.
  5. Cook the mixture over low heat with constant stirring; as soon as it starts to boil, remove the ice cream from the heat.
  6. Whip the cream into a fluffy foam, best done with a whisk by hand. If you use a mixer, set it to the lowest speed. To make the ice cream sweeter, you can add a little powdered sugar at the end of whipping.
  7. Gently fold the whipped cream into the cooled lemon curd. Stir the mixture from bottom to top clockwise.
  8. Place the ice cream in a plastic container and place it in the freezer. Once every 40 minutes, you need to take out the container and mix the mass either manually (with a whisk) or using a mixer. This is done in order to break the ice crystals, then the ice cream will be smooth and tasty.

Delicious homemade lemon ice cream is ready! Instead of lemon, you can use lime, orange or tangerine juice. An interesting taste can be obtained if you replace citrus fruits with ripe persimmons, cut them into pieces and puree them using a blender with an immersion attachment. Using simple recipes, you can delight yourself and your loved ones with delicious, healthy and environmentally friendly desserts without preservatives or harmful chemical additives.

Ice cream, one of the favorite treats of children and adults, appeared in Europe in the 13th century, although frozen fruit was already enjoyed in Ancient China. This dessert can taste like chocolate, coffee, vanilla, caramel, fruit, berries, nuts, mint or green tea.

The ice cream with cognac, cookies, meringue, halva, candied fruits and dried fruits is very tasty. Some restaurants serve ice cream made from rose petals, pumpkin, carrots, ginger, coconut, honey and spices. And if you make ice cream yourself, I wonder what will happen?

A few words about the ice cream maker

Sometimes it seems that making it yourself is a very troublesome task, so many housewives buy special electric ice cream makers. This is very convenient - just add the necessary products, set the program, and after a while the ice cream, creme brulee or creamy ice cream with chocolate is ready. The main convenience of the device is that it simultaneously beats the mass and freezes it, since without whipping the mass will not turn out homogeneous, there will be small ice crystals in it. However, not everyone has the space in their kitchen for extra equipment, but that doesn't mean you can't make your own ice cream at home. It is not at all necessary to purchase new kitchen devices; you can whip the cream yourself with a mixer and set the required temperature in the freezer. Today we will talk about how to make ice cream with your own hands, and we will try to do it in a master class. Your family will certainly appreciate this new experiment!

Secrets of making ice cream at home

Ice cream is made from whipped cream, which is mixed with egg yolks, milk, sugar and various additives. Some ice cream recipes for making at home do not contain milk and yolks; in other descriptions you can find cottage cheese and yogurt. However, all cooking methods have common subtleties and secrets that every sweet tooth should know about.

Use only high-quality and fresh products - natural cream, expensive high-quality chocolate, ripe and juicy fruits. The higher the fat content of the dairy products, the softer the ice cream will be, so buy cream with 30% fat content.

Do not forget about thickeners, which are important ingredients in the dessert, because they make its texture soft, velvety and dense at the same time. Gelatin, egg yolks, agar-agar, starch, milk powder or lemon juice are usually used as thickeners - thanks to them, the ice cream does not melt for a long time. Otherwise, after 10 minutes the ice cream ball will leave a puddle of milk in the bowl.

To obtain a more uniform consistency, it is recommended to use powdered sugar instead of sugar, and before freezing the milk mass, you can rub it through a sieve to make it lighter and airier. Before freezing, the mass should resemble sour cream in thickness, since an ice cream base that is too liquid will acquire a watery consistency when finished.

To give the ice cream a more piquant taste, add a little cognac, rum or liqueur to it, of course, if adults are tasting it. Children like ice cream with chocolate, fruit, cookies, nuts, fruit or berry juices. Keep in mind that alcohol will slightly increase the cooking time of the ice cream, and the juices will give it a creamier texture.

All liquid additives (juices, syrups, alcohol) are added to ice cream at the initial mixing stage, but nuts and pieces of fruit are best added after the ice cream has thickened. If you are making ice cream with gelatin, dissolve it first and then heat it.

During the freezing process, you should churn the ice cream as often as possible, ideally every 15 minutes, when it is soft and smooth, leave it in the freezer for another 3 hours or more, it all depends on the temperature. The cooling ice cream is whipped to remove ice crystals. The hardening time also depends on the recipe; different types of ice cream have their own cooking characteristics.

Ice cream is served in beautiful bowls and glasses, garnished with fruits, dried fruits, nuts, chocolate chips, cookies, marmalade or a sprig of mint. You can pour fruit, chocolate, or coffee syrup over the dessert, sprinkle with cinnamon, poppy seeds or cocoa powder. It is very original to serve ice cream in waffle cones, on a stick, in “cups” of fruit or in the form of balls in combination with warm pastries.

How to properly whip ice cream

As already mentioned, the cream must be thick enough, otherwise you will not be able to whip it.

Whip the cream after cooling it in the refrigerator - this way you will achieve results faster. In this case, the dishes and the mixer whisk should also be chilled. Do not turn off the mixer until the mixture thickens, and stop immediately without waiting for fluffy foam, otherwise the ice cream will lose its airy and light texture. You can use a whisk or mixer, although some housewives use the old-fashioned method to pour the cream into a closed container and shake vigorously.

The cream should be whipped slowly, gradually increasing the speed, otherwise you will end up with butter instead of soft cream. Do not beat for too long - as soon as soft peaks appear, gradually reduce the intensity of whipping. It is not recommended to beat in a blender, since its sharp knives cut the mass, which is why it turns out layered.

Master class on making ice cream

Having learned how to make ice cream at home, you will forever forget about store-bought ice cream, since the ice cream you make will be more tasty, appetizing and healthy, because it will contain only natural products. The amount of sugar can be changed depending on your tastes and preferences.

Ingredients: heavy cream - 250 ml, milk - 500 ml, eggs - 5 pcs., powdered sugar - 100 g, vanillin.

Cooking method:

1. Separate the yolks from the whites.

2. Mix the yolks with sugar and a pinch of vanillin, grind well to obtain a homogeneous mass.

3. Boil the milk and gradually pour it into the egg-sugar mixture, stirring constantly so that the yolks do not curdle. First, pour in a couple of tablespoons of milk, then a little more, when half the total volume of milk remains, you can pour it out without worrying about the fate of the yolks.

4. Cook the milk mixture over very low heat for about 2-3 minutes until it thickens and resembles liquid sour cream. Do not bring to a boil under any circumstances, otherwise the yolks will cook.

5. Leave the mixture to cool to room temperature, and then put it in the refrigerator.

6. Cool the cream and beat it in a mixer until stiff peaks form.

7. Combine the cream with the milk-egg mixture and mix thoroughly.

8. Pour the mixture into a mold and place it in the freezer.

9. In the first hour and a half, stir the contents of the mold with a mixer every 20 minutes. After this, leave the ice cream in the cold for another 3 hours, repeating the mixing process every hour.

Invite your household to the table and serve ice cream with chocolate, fruit syrup, nuts, pieces of fruit and dried fruits. Isn't it delicious?

How to make yogurt ice cream at home

Yogurt ice cream is very popular among those who follow the principles of a healthy diet or simply watch their figure, fearing extra calories. With this ice cream, your waistline is in no danger!

Mix two peaches or nectarines cut into pieces, after peeling them, 100 g of sugar, a glass of natural yogurt and 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice, beat all ingredients in a blender to chop the fruit well. Pour the mixture into a mold and place in the freezer for 3 hours. Every half hour, take out the ice cream and beat it with a mixer - for an hour and a half, after which the ice cream can be left alone until it completely hardens. This dessert can be prepared with any fruits and berries, and sugar can be easily replaced with honey.

The simplest ice cream

This recipe is suitable for those housewives who do not have time to grind the yolks, boil them in milk and do many other necessary steps, although you will still have to turn on the mixer and mix the ice cream in the freezer.

Whip 0.5 liters of chilled heavy cream to very stiff peaks - the cream should not flow down from the whisk. Add pieces of fruit, chocolate, marmalade, nuts, berries, condensed milk or coconut flakes to the creamy mass, mix very carefully to maintain the airy structure.

Freeze the mixture in the freezer in a plastic container, whisking it every half hour or a little less often - check the consistency of the ice cream. During the entire cooking time you need to beat it at least 4 times. The most delicate and melt-in-your-mouth dessert can be served in waffle cones with grated chocolate. Delicious!

Italian ice cream "Gelato"

This unusual ice cream seems very exotic due to tropical fruits, but its taste leaves no choice for either adults or children. Dessert is eaten immediately, and people remember it for a long time, so prepare a lot of it, besides, this ice cream is very healthy and does not spoil your figure.

Grind about 400 g of ripe mango, cut into pieces, in a blender, add 100 ml of regular fat milk and 100 ml of coconut milk, sugar to taste - some people like sweet desserts, while others prefer to enjoy the taste of natural products.

Place the mixture in the freezer and freeze it, whisking with a mixer every half hour to give the ice cream a smooth texture without chunks of ice. Enjoy a refreshing dessert on a hot day!

Serving utensils

Interestingly, June 10 is celebrated around the world as Ice Cream Day. The holiday is fun and tasty, since it is on this day that producers organize free tastings of new varieties of delicacies, organize contests, competitions and other entertainment. Who’s stopping us from arranging such celebrations every week? On the website “Eating at Home!” You'll find plenty of homemade ice cream recipes with photos and step-by-step instructions that are suitable for both experienced and novice cooks. And for serving, you can always find beautiful dishes in. Agree that ice cream lifts your spirits and makes our lives much more enjoyable!

Ice cream is everyone's favorite treat, regardless of age and gender. This dessert has a truly excellent taste - appetizing, cool, and even with chocolate or fruit additives, how can you resist? And what kind of choice of ice cream does a modern manufacturer offer - it’s simply huge.

You won’t find any kind of ice cream in stores - pure ice cream or with additives, in a waffle cup, creamy, chocolate, in chocolate glaze, in a waffle cone with pieces of fruit, with fruit jam, with chocolate chips, creme brulee and much more. The list of types of ice cream is endless.

Is it possible to cook it yourself? Yes, of course you can! But first, it’s worth considering the basic rules that you need to know to prepare a delicious cold treat.

What you need to know before you start making ice cream

  • If cooking is carried out without using an ice cream maker, then the ice cream must be mixed well and thoroughly. Every 20 minutes throughout the freezing period. Approximately during the entire freezing period you need to stir 3-4 times;
  • If an ice cream maker is used, the container should first be cooled and then the ingredients should be transferred there;
  • Use only quality products. The taste of ice cream will depend on the quality of the products. Use only fresh milk, cream, chicken eggs, fruits and berries. High-quality chocolate and natural flavors;
  • Cook only with high-fat ingredients. Otherwise, when freezing, ice crystals will form and they will crunch on your teeth;
  • Add flavorings only after complete freezing;
  • Nuts, fresh or dried fruits, and chocolate pieces must be added to almost frozen ice cream. When adding, the whole mass must be mixed thoroughly;
  • To prevent ice crystals from appearing during long-term storage, alcohol must be added to the ice cream. If this dessert is intended for children, then you need to put corn or invert syrup, honey, and gelatin in it.

Classic recipe for making your favorite ice cream


Place the yolks in a cup and add vanillin and powdered sugar. Grind thoroughly until smooth;

Pour half the hot milk into the mashed yolks and mix;

Pour the yolk-milk mixture into the remaining milk and mix;

The finished mass is cooled to room temperature and placed in the refrigerator;

Mix the milk-yolk mixture with whipped cream, transfer to a special form and close tightly;

Place in the freezer and leave to freeze;

Every 20-30 minutes the mixture must be gently stirred with a mixer.

Preparing a delicious French ice cream


  • Egg whites – 6 pieces;
  • 200 ml full-fat milk or low-fat cream;
  • 300 ml cream with 33% fat content for whipping;
  • Granulated sugar - 1.5 cups;
  • Vanillin to taste.


  1. In a metal container with a thick bottom, mix milk and cream. You also need to add half a glass of granulated sugar and stir well;
  2. Then the pan with the ingredients must be placed on the stove and heated. During the heating process, all components must be intensively mixed until the sugar is completely dissolved and the mass acquires a uniform consistency;
  3. Next, remove the pan from the stove, cool and place in the freezer;
  4. We break the eggs, remove them from the shells and carefully separate the whites from the yolks, making sure that none of the yolks burst and get into the whites;
  5. Pour a glass of sugar into a separate dry bowl and put the whites there;
  6. Next, using a mixer or blender, begin to beat the egg whites and sugar at low speed, gradually increasing the speed. Beat until strong foam appears;
  7. After this, you need to remove the milk-cream mixture from the freezer. It should only cool, but not freeze;
  8. Carefully transfer the protein mixture there. Use a large spoon to transfer and stir constantly;
  9. When all the components are mixed, the entire mass must be transferred to a special container and tightly closed with a lid;
  10. Place the container in the freezer to freeze the ice cream. During the freezing process, you need to stir the mass every 20 minutes;
  11. In about 2 hours the ice cream will be ready to eat!

How to make flavored chocolate popsicle ice cream

Ingredients you will need:

  • 600 ml milk;
  • 50 grams of milk powder;
  • Dark chocolate bar – 100 grams;
  • 100 grams of butter;
  • Corn starch – 70 grams;
  • For glaze – 100 grams of dark chocolate bar, 100 grams of butter.


  1. In a water bath, melt the chocolate bar until liquid;
  2. Then add butter there and also melt, mix well;
  3. Reduce heat and leave the mixture on the stove;
  4. Add corn starch to 100 grams of cold milk and stir until completely dissolved;
  5. Add dry milk and granulated sugar to the rest of the milk. Place the mixture on the stove and heat to a boil;
  6. As soon as the milk and sugar boil, pour in the milk mixture with starch and mix thoroughly;
  7. Bring the jelly mixture to a boil and boil for 2-3 minutes;
  8. Add the melted chocolate mixture to the milk jelly and mix well;
  9. Next, transfer the chocolate mass into an ice cream maker and freeze for 20-25 minutes;
  10. After this, pour the mixture into small glasses, insert the sticks and place in the freezer for 3-4 hours to freeze;
  11. Making the glaze. The chocolate should be melted until liquid;
  12. Then add butter there and also melt;
  13. Boil everything for a couple of minutes and remove from the stove;
  14. We take the ice cream out of the freezer, take it out of the cups one by one and dip it into the glaze;
  15. Hold in your hands until completely frozen and place again in the freezer on parchment paper;
  16. After about 2-3 hours, the popsicle will be ready to eat.

Bright and delicious popsicles - an illuminating delight

Components you will need:

  • 200 grams of ripe strawberries;
  • 200 grams of ripe kiwi fruits;
  • Half a glass of apple juice;
  • 3-5 mint leaves;
  • 70 grams of powdered sugar;
  • 30 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 120 grams of natural unsweetened yogurt.

How to cook:

  1. First, apple juice must be poured into a small container and heated on the stove;
  2. Add granulated sugar to the heated juice and cook until completely dissolved;
  3. Place the yogurt in a cup, add powdered sugar and finely chopped mint leaves. Mix everything;
  4. Strawberries must be washed, dried and sepals removed;
  5. Next we make puree from it. You can use a blender and mash with a fork;
  6. Peel the kiwi and make a puree from the pulp;
  7. Apple syrup must be divided into two portions. Mix one portion with kiwi puree, another with strawberry puree;
  8. Place kiwi puree on the bottom of the prepared molds and place in the freezer for 40 minutes to freeze;
  9. Then we take it out, spread the mixture of yogurt and mint and put it in the freezer again for 40 minutes;
  10. After this, take out the mold again, spread the strawberry puree and set to freeze;
  11. After 40 minutes, remove, insert the sticks and place in the freezer for 2-3 hours until completely frozen.

The easiest ice cream recipe

Products for cooking:

  • One liter of milk;
  • 5 egg yolks;
  • 100 grams of butter;
  • 500 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon starch powder.


  1. Pour milk into a metal container, add butter and place on gas;
  2. Heat the mixture and bring to a boil. Boil until the oil is completely dissolved;
  3. Next, break the eggs, remove the shells and separate the whites from the yolks;
  4. Place the yolks in a cup, add granulated sugar and starch powder. Stir everything until the granulated sugar is completely ground;
  5. After this, add a small amount of milk and mix with a whisk. The mixture should resemble sour cream;
  6. Then the container with milk and butter must be put back on the fire, pour the egg mixture into it and mix everything with a spoon;
  7. The mixture should be brought to a boil, boiled for a couple of minutes and removed from the heat;
  8. Place in a container with cold water and cool;
  9. As soon as the milk mixture has cooled, you can pour it into molds or a container and close it tightly;
  10. Then place everything in the freezer and freeze. Also, do not forget to stir the ice cream every 20 minutes;
  11. After 3 hours, the ice cream will be ready to eat.

We use the technique: ice cream in an ice cream maker

Components needed for preparation:

  • Egg yolks – 4 pieces;
  • A glass of milk;
  • A can of condensed milk;
  • A little vanilla.

Cooking rules:

  1. The first step is to break the eggs and separate the yolks from the whites. Next, place the yolks in a bowl and beat them with a whisk or mixer until foam forms;
  2. Pour milk into a deep cup, add condensed milk there and beat thoroughly with a mixer until smooth;
  3. Then we pour everything into a metal container and put it on the stove, heat it up and pour in the yolk mixture. Boil for a couple of minutes, do not forget to stir constantly;
  4. Add vanilla there and mix everything again;
  5. Pour cold water into a container and place the pan with the ice cream base there. This will ensure rapid cooling and no film will form on top;
  6. Next, the cooled mixture should be poured into the ice cream maker;
  7. Cook the ice cream in the ice cream maker for about 30-40 minutes. As soon as the mass thickens, the ice cream maker can be turned off;
  8. Place the ice cream maker in the freezer for 12 hours. The temperature in the freezer must be -18 degrees and below;
  9. The finished ice cream should be placed in any container. If it turns out too soft, you can put it in the freezer for another couple of hours.
  • It is advisable to use an ice cream maker for preparation. In it, the ice cream will be homogeneous and without admixtures of pieces of ice;
  • You need to freeze for at least 3-4 hours;
  • It is not advisable to keep it in the freezer for more than 5 hours. This can lead to the formation of ice, which will ruin the taste of the dessert.

It turns out that ice cream can be made at home with great success. Of course, it will taste a little different from the store bought one, but it will be much better and tastier. Remember the recommendations and advice.

Be sure to use only natural ingredients and follow the entire preparation recipe. Then you will make a real masterpiece of culinary art.

It’s hard to find a person who doesn’t love ice cream; this wonderful dessert will not leave anyone indifferent. But few people know that making real ice cream at home is not so difficult. There are many recipes for this delicacy that even a novice housewife can implement. Ice cream is prepared with milk and cream with the addition of fruits, nuts, chocolate and candied fruits. In this article we have selected many recipes on how to make ice cream at home, cook deliciously with us!

How to make ice cream at home from milk and sugar

You will need:

  • Milk - 1 l
  • Sugar - 250 g (1 glass, faceted)
  • Vanillin
  • 4 eggs.

Making ice cream at home is quite simple, but there are small nuances that you need to understand before you get started. This dessert is prepared only using yolks; it is better to choose homemade milk, but if this is not possible, then it doesn’t matter, take store-bought milk with the highest percentage of fat content. Before making ice cream from homemade milk, it must be boiled - this will kill bacteria and make the product safe. To prevent the milk from “running away” during boiling, grease the edges of the pan with a piece of butter (in a circle).

Cook the ice cream over low heat, stirring constantly, without leaving for a minute, otherwise the yolks may curdle.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Take a clean enamel or glass pan, pour cooled boiled milk into it, add 100 g of sugar, and cook over medium heat. The milk just needs to be heated, it should under no circumstances boil.
  2. Next, break the eggs, carefully separate the yolks, grind them with sugar (150 g) until they turn white.
  3. Pour a little warm milk into the beaten yolks and mix well. Then pour the prepared yolk mass into a saucepan with milk, reduce the heat.
  4. Add a little vanilla, but do not overdo it, otherwise the ice cream will taste bitter. Cook, stirring constantly (until the mass thickens), otherwise there is a high probability of the eggs curdling. You should have a medium thick custard anglaise.
  5. After the first bubbles appear, remove the pan from the heat, let the cream cool, then pour the ice cream into a plastic container and place it in the freezer.
  6. After 30-40 minutes, the ice cream is mixed, the operation is repeated 4-6 times (until the dessert completely hardens). If you have a special ice cream maker, then the need for mixing disappears by itself.

Ice cream at home hardens in about 6-8 hours (depending on quantity). After which you can take it out and place it in bowls, decorate with candied fruits, chocolate chips, and mint leaves. You can add caramel, fresh fruit or syrup, thereby getting a new interesting taste every time.

How to make ice cream at home from milk in 5 minutes


  • Sugar – 1 tablespoon;
  • Salt – 6 tablespoons;
  • Vanilla - 1/4 spoons (if desired, you can prepare it without vanillin, with a different filling);
  • Milk - half a cup;

You will also need ice and two zip-top plastic bags to prepare. The packages should be of different sizes: one large, the other smaller.

Cooking method:

A large bag should be filled halfway with ice. Place 6 tablespoons of salt in an ice pack. It is better to use coarse salt, but if this is not available, you can replace it with fine salt. Next, ice and salt must be mixed and set aside for a while.

Then you need to prepare the ice cream mixture. To do this, take a small container, mix milk with sugar in it and add vanilla (or other filling that you have chosen for your ice cream). Carefully pour the resulting mixture into a small bag, making sure there is no damage in it. Close the bag well.

The small bag containing the formula is placed in a large ice pack. Make sure that the entire mixture is completely covered with ice. It is very important! The bags must be shaken for 5 minutes. This is how you make ice cream without a mixer.

How to make ice cream at home video

How to make ice cream at home from milk without cream

Almost all ice cream recipes include such a high-calorie product as cream, but today I want to tell you how to make ice cream at home without cream. It is easier to prepare than ice cream with cream and has fewer calories, and cream is not always on hand.

So, to prepare milk ice cream, we need the following ingredients: milk 700 grams, sugar 200 grams, 3 eggs, vanillin and that’s it.

Bring the milk to a boil and leave to cool. Beat eggs with sugar and transfer to a saucepan.

Stirring constantly, slowly add warm milk and place on low heat.

Stir continuously until the mixture thickens and boils. Now add vanillin and leave to cool.

After our ice cream has cooled, mix it again, put it in molds, I use ordinary silicone muffin molds, and put it in the freezer.

It hardens quite quickly. Before serving, remove from the molds and decorate to your taste, you can pour jam, jam, melted chocolate, sprinkle with nuts, as your imagination unfolds.

How to make ice cream at home without milk

As you know, milk, and especially cream, are very high-calorie foods. Yes, ice cream made at home with your own hands, according to a recipe using cream and milk, is the most delicious ice cream. But not the healthiest. Especially if you watch your figure or follow a diet in your diet. But still, how sometimes you want to please yourself with this best and most delicious dessert for children and adults.

That's why I'm writing this article, for those people who want to eat homemade ice cream in person. But at the same time they take care of their health, nutrition, metabolism, and figure. This article contains only those DIY homemade ice cream recipes that do not contain cream or milk (products and ingredients). The only exception is non-fat milk, but cream is all very fatty and high in calories.

Ice cream recipes without cream and milk

Basically, desserts that do not use dairy and cream products in their recipes are fruit, fermented milk, using various berries and fruits in their composition. For example, when the main composition of such ice cream includes mainly bananas and strawberries, nuts and berries. Making dessert at home yourself is not difficult if you have a mixer or blender in your kitchen. But the best thing, of course, is the ice cream maker. But not everyone has it, so we will select recipes that are not complicated.

What to use then if you can’t use milk and cream? For example, in recipes that require the presence of milk in products, it can be replaced with low-fat, or even completely skim, low-calorie milk from the store. There is no need to replace cream with anything; the Internet is full of recipes in which this very fatty and high-calorie product is not listed among the necessary ingredients for preparing the most delicious dessert at home.

How to make ice cream without milk and cream at home

By the way, instead of milk, you can also use juice from fruits and berries. So, what do we need to prepare and make ourselves, a simple dish, ice cream dessert.

  1. Milk about 400 ml. Low-fat or completely low-fat.
  2. Egg yolks from preferably domestic eggs. 4 pieces.
  3. Sugar or better powdered sugar. One small glass is enough, if there is powder, then of course a little less.
  4. Just a little vanilla.

Method for making ice cream without milk and cream

  1. Mix egg yolks with sugar (or powdered sugar). Mix well and for a long time. Stir until foam forms. Then add milk to the mixture and put the whole thing on the fire. Only low fire! To this mass, which cooks and becomes thicker and thicker every minute, add a pinch of vanilla.
  2. After the mixture has thickened over low heat, set it aside from the stove onto the table. Wait for the mixture to cool, pour it into the molds and then place it in the freezer of your refrigerator to cool and freeze. The mixture should cool for about 3-4 hours no more. Once an hour, take out the mixture and stir it. The first two times after the first half hour of freezing, and the second half hour of cooling.

Ice cream recipe without cream and without milk, with starch

  1. In order to prepare this delicious dessert, you need to take milk (500 ml) and divide it into 2 equal portions. Add 30 grams of starch to one serving. Stir this portion with starch for a couple of minutes.
  2. In the second portion, add sugar (as much as you like), a little sugar or powdered sugar. Stir the sugar in the milk until it dissolves in it, that is, about a couple of minutes of stirring.
  3. Then, pour one portion into another, mix both portions together. Place on low heat. During the cooking process, add one egg yolk to the vessel where the mixture is being cooked. And also a little vanilla. Cook the mixture until it thickens, stirring constantly over low heat.
  4. Remove the pan from the stove. We wait until the mixture cools down. Pour the cream into molds and put it in the refrigerator to freeze. Every half hour, take it out and stir. Do this 2 times, then stir once every hour and a half. After 3-5 hours of cooling, your most delicious dessert is ready to eat. Bon appetit to you and your children.
  1. By the way, a child will really appreciate homemade ice cream served to him, in some interesting and unusual, fun form. They can be ordered and purchased online. With an ice cream maker, by the way, the molds come with the device. There are also containers with lids for storing dessert in them.
  2. Also another tip for making your own ice cream at home. Store and freeze the mixture and cream only in closed containers. So that the delicacy does not pick up the tastes and smells of all the products stored in your refrigerator.
  3. Use only fresh products and ingredients included in the recipe. Buy everything not in the store, but at the grandmother’s market, so to speak. Homemade and natural, fresh and healthy. Homemade eggs and milk, cream if needed, berries and fruits used in the ice cream recipe. All products and ingredients are homemade, a hundred times tastier and fresher, healthier than those from the store.

Ice cream based on fruit juice

Fruit juice replaces milk. And it is used in the recipe for fruit and berry ice cream as a base. How to make the most delicious frozen juice.

  1. Take 700 grams of cherries, currants or raspberries, strawberries or other delicious fruit berries.
  2. Pour berries or fruits (cherries, raspberries, currants, strawberries, you just need to choose one from the list), so, pour 700 grams of berries or fruits into a blender, and grind them in the device.
  3. In addition to 700g of fruits or berries, add 270g of sugar to the blender. Beat it all until the sugar dissolves in the fruit mixture. At the end of the procedure, add 180-200 mg of water to the mixture.
  4. If you are preparing popsicles for yourself and not for children or children, you can add a little liqueur to the mixture for a pleasant taste. Only a little (2-3 spoons), no more, so that the liqueur does not take over the entire taste and does not drown out the flavors of other ingredients in the recipe.

Place the finished fruit and berry cream in the refrigerator to cool until the cream is completely frozen. That's all, 700g of cherries, raspberries, strawberries, currants, something from this list. Mix with 260g of sugar, all in a blender. Beat, finally add 200 ml of water, liqueur if desired, freeze and the dessert is ready to eat. The child will be happy with such a delicious delicacy prepared by you personally at home. And if you pour the finished cream mixture into interesting molds to cool, then the children will be delighted with such fruit ice.

How to make ice cream delicious without cream and milk

So that your dessert does not suffer greatly from the absence of the main fatty and high-calorie foods in the recipe for any homemade ice cream. Namely milk and cream. You need to diversify its taste with some other elements. For example. A sprinkle of chocolate chips on top wouldn't go amiss. And if you add a little milk powder to the ice cream, it will make it tender and airy. You can also sprinkle the top of the dessert with not only chocolate but also nut shavings.

Also add a little liqueur or rum, cognac, or the cream of the preparing ice cream to the mixture. Stir well and beat with a mixer or blender, or an ice cream maker if you have kitchen equipment. Naturally, the addition of alcohol applies only to those cases when the dessert is not prepared for a child or children. And for adults, the share of liqueur or rum, cognac in the recipe should not exceed 2-3 tablespoons per kilogram of dish.

How to make ice cream in an ice cream maker

Choosing and buying an ice cream maker turned out to be not the most difficult thing. The hardest thing was to find a universal, simple, not expensive ice cream recipe for ice cream maker. The whole family liked the ice cream recipe, which is posted on this page. But this ice cream tastes best with the addition of milk chocolate. And the simplest and most delicious recipe was for fruit ice cream with banana.

Ice cream recipe for ice cream maker:

  1. 4 yolks
  2. 250 ml milk
  3. 250 ml cream (we use 15% condensed cream with sugar)
  4. 100 gr. Sahara (if we use condensed cream, then there is no need to add sugar)
  5. 1 pinch vanillin

We start preparing ice cream by preparing the eggs. According to the recipe, separate the yolks from the whites and beat until foamy. At the beginning, we used all the eggs (it was a pity to leave the whites, but then we started making a delicious mousse from the whites). Due to the rapid coagulation of egg whites, the ice cream mixture had to be strained, and the finished homemade ice cream ended up with grains.

Beat the yolks into a stiff foam.

Measure out 250 ml of condensed cream. Sometimes we use condensed milk prepared at home.

Then measure out 250 ml of milk.

Now mix everything and beat it well with a mixer.

Place the ice cream mixture over low heat and bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Add vanilla.

Be sure to cool in cold water (this way the mixture does not become covered with a film). And then place the ice cream mixture in the refrigerator (cool). Using the cooled mixture, ice cream in ice cream maker expands well.

Pour the cooled ice cream mixture into the ice cream maker. The ice cream maker must be in the freezer for at least 12 hours at a temperature of minus 18 degrees or lower. (Since we make ice cream quite often, the ice cream maker is always in our freezer.)

Time making ice cream in an ice cream maker 30-40 minutes.

Place the finished ice cream out of the ice cream maker into a suitable container.
Ice cream in an ice cream maker It turns out soft, so it should be frozen in the freezer.

Everyone can make this ice cream. It can't fail. It’s best to start with it after purchasing an ice cream maker, so as not to be immediately disappointed. Banana ice cream with berries.

How to make ice cream from yogurt

If you want ice cream but don't feel comfortable buying it from the store, then there is a very quick and easy way for you to make yogurt ice cream at home.

Yogurt ice cream does not require many ingredients to prepare, but it turns out very tasty.

Ingredients for Yogurt Ice Cream:

Yogurt ice cream recipe

Pour drinking yogurt into a deep bowl. You can use any fruit yogurt of your choice. The basis was peach yogurt with a fat content of 2.5%. It has a delicate taste and even children will like it.

Now you need to pour granulated sugar into a bowl of yogurt. In principle, the yogurt itself already has some sweetness, so you shouldn’t add too much sugar. Add a few tablespoons if you still like sweet foods.
