Is it possible to marinate pork in beer? Pork in beer is juicy meat with impeccable taste and aroma. The best recipes for pork in beer: marinated, fried, baked. Fragrant beer marinade for shish kebab

A recipe for an unusual marinade for a traditional dish of picnics and outdoor trips. Shish kebab in beer turns out soft, juicy, with a subtle smell of malt and hops, while the dish itself is non-alcoholic - when frying, all the alcohol evaporates.

You can marinate any “red” meat in beer: pork, lamb or beef. But the most delicious is pork kebab, since it is this meat that perfectly absorbs the aroma of beer. Pork (neck, brisket or shoulder) should be fresh, not frozen, with small layers of fat.

The best option is live beer on tap, which has not been pasteurized, then the aroma of the kebabs will be brighter. But if there is no draft beer, canned beer (preferably unfiltered) will do. I do not recommend buying the cheapest varieties. For the marinade, it is better to take medium or expensive beer, especially since not much of it is required. You can also use natural kvass instead of beer.


  • pork meat (neck, shoulder, brisket) – 1.5 kg;
  • light beer – 300-500 ml;
  • onions – 3-5 pieces (medium size);
  • pepper, other spices - to taste;
  • salt - to taste.

The optimal amount of meat per person is 300-500 grams. The more other dishes there are, the less kebab is required. The proportions in the recipe are designed for a company of 3-5 people. The exact volume of beer depends on the marinating container.

How to cook shish kebab in beer

1. Cut the washed meat into pieces. The size of the pieces depends on the grill, time of year and place of frying. In summer, in not very windy weather, you can cut the pork coarsely (6-8 cm) to make the kebab juicy. In the cold season, and when there is strong wind, it is better to make the pieces smaller (3-4 cm). They will cook quickly, but will remain juicy.

2. Chop the onion. Lovers of a bright onion aroma can grind the onions on a grater, in a meat grinder or in a blender until mushy. If you like fried onions, then it is better to cut them into rings (small) or half rings (large).

3. Place pork in a saucepan or plastic tray. Add onion and dry spices, do not add salt. Cover with a lid and leave the meat in the dry marinade for 30-40 minutes at room temperature.

4. Pour beer over the pork and marinate for 2-3 hours, in the refrigerator for 6-12 hours.

The meat should only be lightly coated with beer, but not swimming in it! Salt 10 minutes before frying.

5. When the coals are ready, thread the kebab onto skewers in order: a piece of pork, a couple of onion rings, and another piece of meat. The largest pieces should be in the middle of the skewer, since the heat is usually stronger there.

In order for the kebab to cook evenly, it is important to fry the pork all at once, and not one skewer at a time while the next one is being threaded.

6. Place the skewers with meat on a tray and move closer to the grill. Pour the beer marinade into a bottle, you will need it later.

7. Place the kebab on the grill. During frying, periodically turn over and baste the meat with marinade from the bottle.

The total cooking time for pork kebab is 20-30 minutes over more or less high heat. The finished meat is brown and slightly baked. After the cut, clear juice is released from the meat fibers.

If you ask any person how he feels about the offer to “travel or go to a barbecue,” we think that those who refuse are unlikely to do so. Fresh air, aromatic and tasty meat, pleasant faces of friends... Could there be anything better than this? There are a huge number of options for preparing this tasty and aromatic dish. Today we will share a recipe for shish kebab in beer. We’ll also tell you some little cooking tricks.

Kebab recipe in beer

Are you planning to relax in nature and are thinking about how to cook delicious meat? We offer you an excellent recipe for shish kebab in beer. What are its advantages over other options? Firstly, it is very easy to prepare. Secondly, it does not require large expenditures on products. And the most important thing is that meat prepared according to this recipe turns out to be extremely tasty, tender and aromatic. Have you ever wanted to try kebab? We invite you to use our recipe.

Required Ingredients

What might we need to prepare tasty and juicy kebab? Let's list all the products:

  • Of course, we will need meat. You can buy beef, lamb, chicken, pork - the options may be different, it all depends on your taste preferences. But we suggest using pork for barbecue, because it is this meat that absorbs odors best.
  • Next we need beer. It is advisable to take unfiltered. How much to buy? One bottle or jar with a capacity of 0.5 liters will be enough.
  • You can't do without onions. It can be used in large quantities.
  • Salt, spices, pepper.

We have prepared everything we need, now we move directly to the process of preparing pork shish kebab in beer. The recipe is simple:

  • Take the meat, wash it well and cut it. Some people cut the meat into large pieces, others into small pieces. We suggest making them medium size.
  • Cut the onion into rings.
  • Take a saucepan or a deep, large dish. We put meat and onions in it. Add various spices: pepper, basil, coriander. Variations can be very different - it all depends on individual preferences. You can also purchase a special set of spices for barbecue. They are usually sold in any grocery stores. Then close the lid and leave for 25-30 minutes.
  • Next, pour beer over the meat and leave for several hours.
  • Preparing coals for grilling shish kebab.
  • We can cook meat on skewers or a special grill. Drain off the remaining marinade and keep it on hand. As necessary, we will pour it over the cooking kebab.

The right marinade is the basis for success

Beer is not suitable for all types of meat. The best thing about it is that you need to add a large amount of onion to the beer marinade, because it is its juice that helps soften the meat. It is necessary to marinate the kebab in the refrigerator so that the beer does not ferment.

Little tricks

To learn how to cook shish kebab with beer (recipe with photo provided above), you need to know some of the subtleties of cooking. You can, of course, do without them, but then your dish won’t be as tasty.

  • Choose only fresh meat, preferably not frozen, but chilled.
  • For barbecue it is better to use pork, although some prefer beef or lamb. Why is the first option preferable? Because the meat cooks much faster, and the kebab turns out more tender.
  • It is better to take draft beer for barbecue. But if this is not the case, take a canned one, just not the cheapest one.
  • Please note that the meat should not float in the beer. It just needs to be soaked with foamy liquid.
  • It is better to undercook the meat a little rather than overcook it over the fire. In the latter case, it will turn out tough and will significantly lose its taste.
  • Never store finished shish kebab in plastic containers or utensils. The material from which this cookware is made significantly worsens the taste of cooked meat.
  • If you don’t have beer on hand, you can make kebab using kvass. The dish will also be very tasty.
  • Fresh vegetables and herbs will be an excellent addition to meat.

Now that you know the recipe for shish kebab in beer and all the cooking tricks, you can safely invite your friends to the outdoors. All you have to do is accept gratitude for a perfectly prepared meal and, perhaps, fend off questions from those who are eager to learn how to fry the same tender and juicy meat. Undoubtedly, the recipe we proposed for shish kebab in beer (reviews of which, by the way, are mostly positive and even enthusiastic) will firmly “settle” in your culinary piggy bank. And now a few words to confirm the popularity of the dish discussed above.

Honestly, after many marinades we tested for pork shish kebab, we were somewhat skeptical about the marinade with beer. Well, what can beer do?? This question intrigued us.

For this experiment, two pieces of pork ham with a small amount of lard were selected. Our meat was marinated for about three hours. It was impossible to wait)).

The finished result amazed us; the meat turned out to be extremely tender. Maybe it’s the beer, maybe it’s the mustard, maybe their tandem has such a beneficial effect on the meat. The kebab was eaten instantly. And it was decided to repeat it again in order to give the beer a prize place in marinades. I advise you to try cooking pork shish kebab with beer.

Wash the meat and dry it a little with a napkin.

Cut the meat into medium cubes.

Place in a large container. Add chopped onion and mustard. Salt and pepper.

Mix the meat thoroughly with your hands.

Pour beer.

And mix again. Leave to marinate for a couple of hours or more.

Grill shish kebab on moderately hot coals.


Based on 1 kg of meat:

Chilled meat - 1kg

(Pork - neck, chicken - thighs)

For the marinade:

Sugar - 5g

Salt - 13-14g

Spices- this is the permissible minimum dosage! More is possible

Ground black pepper -2g

Allspice - 1g

If you use a ready-made barbecue mixture - 5g (or according to the instructions for the seasoning)

Beer (mineral water) light, iced or frozen to the point of snow - 80ml

Grape vinegar (apple) 6% or vinegar with hot pepper* - 18g (1.5 tbsp.)

Onion - 200g

Onion salt - optional

For the vegetable layer:

Small onion

Tomatoes are dense, small, fleshy - “Cream” type

Salt - option

To baste the kebab during cooking:

Leftover marinade

Sourish wine - 50%

Cooking method

I marinated pork and chicken thigh kebab using this recipe. Each one separately.

Wash the meat.

Cut the pork into equal sized pieces. The ideal size is considered to be a piece slightly smaller than a matchbox, with a clear geometric shape (preferably an elongated parallelepiped), without rags or hanging corners. It is better to cut off the thick fat along the edge of the meat, leaving a thin layer.

You should not cut the pieces coarsely - otherwise the kebab will be raw inside, and the top will be very fried and will be dry during long frying.

Place the pieces of meat in the refrigerator to cool.

The onion for the marinade should be juicy. We add onions to the marinade solely for its juice.

Peel the onion.

Cut it into rings.

Slightly add salt.

Mix with your hands.

Let stand for a while until the juice releases under the influence of salt. Salt here acts as a dehydrating agent.

Mix again, knead tightly with your hands.

Now the onion has given juice, you can add it to the meat.

To prevent precious onion juice from wasting, take one piece of meat and wipe the bottom and walls of the onion container dry with it.

The most important secret of tasty and juicy kebab is massaging the meat.We use the same technology as in the preparation of ham (sausages). Our task is to retain meat juice and improve the taste of the future kebab.

What and how is happening?

By adding salt to meat and massaging it, we increase the osmotic pressure on the walls of meat cells. They rupture, releasing protein in the form of meat juice. This released protein forms an emulsion, which is what we need to preserve the juiciness of the finished meat. The result is a protein frame that is capable of retaining meat juice and part of the marinade juice in the meat.

Mix the pieces in a suitable container chilled meat (0-4 degrees) with salt and begin to actively massage it. Mash, pass through fingers, mix.

When the meat becomes slightly sticky and small white threads appear, trailing behind the pieces (this will take approximately 10-15 minutes), add sugar, spices, vinegar or * onion.

Continue stirring vigorously, adding ice-cold beer (water) a little at a time.

If you do everything correctly, at the end of the “massage” you will hardly see any liquid in the container. It will seem that the meat has “drank up” all the liquid.

Leave the kebab to marinate in a cool place for at least 2-3 hours. Optimally 10-12 hours. During marinating, the kebab should be mixed well several times.

An hour or two before frying the shish kebab, prepare onions for the vegetable layer. Don't stir the meat anymore

Calculate the amount of onion from the number of pieces of meat so that the onion separates the pieces of meat on the skewer. We will cut the onion into two parts.

Peel the onion. We need small onions, slightly larger in diameter than the skewer, which we will cut in half crosswise. The “butts” will remain intact.

Add salt to it and lightly massage it with your hands so that the salt does not remain on the surface.

Now place the onion cut side down between the layers of meat. The onion should be covered with meat.

This onion will be very tasty. Soaked in marinade and smoke. Crispy and not cooked. And the top burnt layer can always be removed.

It's time to barbecue.

If you place meat on the grill with a temperature of, for example, +5C, then it will take longer to heat up to the required +71C than meat with an initial temperature of +20C.

That is, if you let the meat pre-warm to about room temperature, this will help reduce the frying time and increase the juice content. Cold meat kebab will turn out overcooked on the outside and raw on the inside!

While the meat is “warming up”, you can put onions in it for a layer.

We cut small tomatoes in the same way as onions - crosswise into two parts, leaving the “butts” intact.

Now we string a piece of meat, half an onion, half a tomato onto a skewer...a piece of meat.... We try to pierce the onion and tomatoes through the “butt” so they will sit firmly on the skewer.

- To prevent the meat from falling off the skewer during frying, cover its entire length with a cloth soaked in lemon juice or vegetable oil, and then ignite for 1-2 minutes on the formed coals.

- Thread the meat onto the skewer along the grain. The outermost pieces on both sides should be smaller pieces, as thicker ones may not be cooked due to the lower heat of the coals at the edges of the grill.

- If you do not want to make layers of vegetables, it is better to place the pieces of meat on the skewer lengthwise, close enough to each other, without flattening, but also without leaving gaps. It is better to place large pieces in the center, and leave enough space at both ends (about 4-5 cm) to place the skewer on the edge of the grill.

It is better to fry chicken thighs on a grill or thread them onto 2 skewers.

How to grill kebab

A signal that the coals have heated up to the desired temperature and are ready to give off heat is a reddish color and a thin layer of white ash covering them. Now you can place the meat on the grill, which must first be heated and lubricated with vegetable oil or lemon juice so that during the frying process the food does not stick to the metal.

The shish kebab should be cooked at a distance of about 12 - 15 cm above the hot coals. You cannot lift the meat high. The frying time will increase, the crust will not get golden brown and the meat will be overdried.

The skewers on the grill should be placed as close to each other as possible, this creates a barrier and the heat does not leak through the gaps; thanks to this “clustered” placement, the kebab turns out juicy and cooks much faster.

And Stalik Khankishiev will tell you about the rest interestingly.

Coal is bad. Not only is there coal in bags that they sell everywhere, whatever. It’s rare that you come across good coal that holds the heat and doesn’t consist of coal sand and two or three burnt lumps. But many people also use this coal incorrectly.
Put all that lighter fluid aside. The smell from them remains on the coal, no matter what is written on the packaging. Light it in the normal way: pieces of paper, birch bark, wood chips, coal. Don’t pour it all at once, let at least a few coals burn properly, and then add the rest. Do not pour directly from the bag; there, at the bottom, there is most likely only coal dust. Use a scoop or tongs to remove the coal from the bag so you can see what you are putting in.

Let the coal flare up while it lies in a heap (well, charcoals don’t like loneliness, they burn well only when in company). It is necessary that all the coal glows scarlet. If there are black spots left on some coals, it means they have not yet flared up properly. Place them aside, add more coal to them, and let them light up for the next batch.

Yes, if you are not going to fry all the kebab at once, then you need the next batch of coal to flare up right there, somewhere nearby, for the next part of the kebab.
So, we distribute the burning scarlet coals over the grill and break up especially large pieces with a poker, so that the main active coals become coals with a size of 2-3 cm, and it doesn’t matter if there are smaller ones among them. Level the coal over the grill, see if there is a lack of heat, add more coal. Let there be a little more coal in the corners of the barbecue (if you occupy the entire barbecue with shish kebab), and there should be a little more coal along the sides. If you only occupy part of the barbecue with barbecue (and this is the right approach to business!), then you need to add coal with some reserve so that the coal on the barbecue does not end where the outermost skewers lie.

That’s it, now we need to wait until the coal “greys” and is covered with a layer of white ash. Why? Yes, because I experimentally established the best coal temperature for frying shish kebab measuring 2-3 cm in a grill 12-15 cm high and with a layer of coal 3 cm. Yes, it’s that simple: I took a special remote thermometer (pyrometer) and measured the temperature coal over and over again, because we can only say “I know this” about something when we can express our knowledge in numbers. So, a good coal temperature is 650C.

When the coal glows scarlet immediately after it has flared up, it has a temperature of 700-750C. That's a lot for meat. It will brown very quickly, begin to char quickly, and remain raw inside. But when the coal is covered with ash for the first time, then after you brush the ash off it, it has the required temperature of 650C. Gradually it becomes covered with ash again, but droplets of fat falling into it revive the process and the temperature remains almost as it should. But until the fat begins to melt out of the meat, you will still have to fan the coal. The second time you will have to remember about the fan closer to the end of the frying, when the coal begins to lose heat, and here is just such a moment that you need the meat to brown as soon as possible, before it dries out.

It is completely contraindicated to fry meat on coals with a temperature below 550-600C - it will dry out and that’s it. Often the meat dries out even when the coals are at a good temperature, but when the meat is fried on idiotic grills with holes on the sides and as deep as buckets. Everything is simply done there so that the meat is dried under hot streams of air, like hair under a hairdryer.

But remember, you don’t have to get all these pyrometers, you just need to do as I advise regarding the barbecue and the coal on it. But I highly recommend you buy a meat thermometer. Wherever you find an electronic one on a cable, or even better, a knitting needle with a dial at the end - buy it for yourself and your friends.

Kebab readiness checked with a neat cut. If the juice is clear, you can serve. If it is pink, the meat is not ready. If there is no juice, something irreparable has happened - you have dried out the kebab ((

The easiest way to determine whether meat is done is using a temperature probe.

For lamb and beef, the temperature inside the piece should be no more than 65°C. Otherwise the meat will be dry.

For pork and chicken, the meat of which cannot be eaten uncooked, the temperature must be at least 71°C.

You should also check the readiness of the meat along the entire perimeter of the skewer, because the outer pieces may not be cooked due to the lower heat of the coals.

Barbecue sauce"

The onion that remains after the meat marinade can be fried on separate skewers, turning often so that it does not burn, and then added to ketchup and blended with a blender. Makes a great BBQ sauce

And after frying the kebab, on cooling coals, you can cook “Suluguni in lavash”


- Barbecue begins with the choice of meat.

Meat should be tasty on its own and only after that. it should be deliciously fried.

Proper meat:

  • young
  • It’s better to buy chilled (but not fresh) meat
  • well nourished
  • has a wonderful view
  • pay attention to the color of the meat: for beef – red, pork – pinkish, veal – slightly pink/flesh, lamb – dark red
  • smells nice.
  • soft to the touch
  • fresh meat has a springy structure, and the pit quickly smoothes out
  • its fibers are easily separated

- The shish kebab should be soft and tender.

And here it is more important to choose the right cut, the right part of the carcass for the kebab, than to come up with chemical and mechanical methods for softening it.

The loin and part of the butt of a lamb are good for barbecue.

The beef has a good cut, thick edge and thin edge.

Pork loin is also not bad, although some find it a bit dry and many are inclined to choose pork neck for barbecue.

Store-bought chicken has thighs.

- Marinate shish kebab in enamel, glass or ceramic dishes. It is strictly not recommended to use aluminum utensils for marinating shish kebab. This metal, actively interacting with the acidic marinade, can, at a minimum, hopelessly ruin the taste of the kebab, and at maximum, make it poisonous.

- Another factor influencing the taste of kebab. It's the smell of the coals themselves. If the coals are obtained from fruit trees or vines, then this smell itself can replace almost all the aromatic spices that we use when preparing barbecue.

To compensate for the insufficient aroma of the coals, while frying the kebab, you can place sprigs of rosemary and thyme directly on the kebab. When burned, they will fall into the coals, but during this time they at least somehow impart a pleasant aroma to the kebab.

- In order for the meat to retain the juice inside itself and remain soft, next to the main pile of coal you can form another, slightly smaller pile, on which the meat, after the main abundant frying and formation of a crust, will gradually reach without charring.

- To prevent the meat from burning during frying, it must be periodically sprinkled with water, lemon juice, wine or the remaining marinade and do not allow the fire to ignite. But don't abuse it! The liquid falling on the fried meat cools it and softens the crust fried on the surface. As a result of basting, the meat cooks longer and loses more juice. Therefore, if the coals catch fire, it is better to move them slightly or remove the skewers for a few seconds and extinguish the fire locally on the coal.

Technology for the production of shish kebab at enterprises

    • Raw meat prepared for making barbecue is pre-defrosted (defrosted). Most often, pork is used, namely shoulder and ham, less often brisket and ribs, and even less often neck.

      To reduce the loss of meat juice and speed up the process of marinating meat, the meat is extruded (if this is not technically possible, then massaging is done, but this will be discussed below). Enterprises that strive for quality tend to stuff meat by 10-20% (however, their kebab is much more expensive), while the finished meat turns out juicy and tasty. The composition of brine for extrusion usually consists of water, table salt and a protein component (usually animal protein), but it may also include soy preparations, functional additives, food phosphates and preservatives. After extrusion, the meat is massaged in a vacuum massager with a cooling jacket for 30-120 minutes (according to the technical specifications of the device and the technological instructions for the products being manufactured).

      Then the fat is cut off and the meat is cut into pieces with the recommended sizes in the specifications. If the meat has not been syringed, then after slicing it is massaged with water/ice, table salt and a functional additive (usually citrates - a moisture retainer). The onions are being prepared. It is cleaned, washed in running water, and cut into rings.

      The next operation is marinating the kebab. For these purposes, there are various dry mixtures of marinades, as well as sets of various spices. Vinegar is also added. Spices, the remainder of the required table salt, onions, vinegar and chopped meat are mixed for 20 minutes in a vacuum massager with a cooling jacket.

As a novice meat massage therapist))) I now understand the meaning of the phrase “Kebab does not tolerate women’s hands.”

This does not mean that a woman will make him worse.

It’s just very difficult to massage a whole bowl (for a group) of barbecue well with small, fragile hands.

Chop wood, stand near the hot grill. Turn over hot skewers...

Probably, it’s still true - it’s better to give it to men?

Grilling shish kebab is a man's business! But to buy, cut up, marinate, thread meat on a skewer, buy beer for your husband, prepare a side dish and make sure that the kebab doesn’t burn - you can even entrust this to a woman!

The kebab turned out to be unearthly!)) With a crispy crust, tender and juicy inside. Evenly marinated. The taste of the marinade was also felt in the middle of the meat.

The chicken kebab turned out very tasty. Usually, the pork is eaten immediately, and the chicken is taken home. This time there was almost no chicken left.

My husband only managed to take one photo (((There was no time for a photo session. The shish kebab beckoned and beckoned with its aromas...

In general, it must be said that properly and tasty cooked shish kebab is an art, and if you master it, then you are guaranteed respect and respect in any company. Therefore, let’s finish reading my dissertation, slow down our other half, gather the family and go to the barbecue, let’s go!


The recipe used tips from:

My friend Oksana

Emsausage website

Stalika Khankishieva

Evgeniya Gorbunova (food production technologist)

Shish kebab is a tasty, satisfying and most popular dish during picnics; both adults and children readily eat it. Among connoisseurs of marinating, you can often hear about beer marinade! They claim that kebab in beer gets the taste of hops and the aroma of freshly baked bread, while it remains soft and tender.

Experts say that kebab in beer is not inferior to other kebab recipes

Beer marinated meat is praised not only by lovers of this drink, but also by those who love barbecue. Many are sure that such food will be alcoholic. Is it true? How to prepare a beer marinade?

Separately about the choice of components

Despite the fact that lamb was originally used for barbecue, it should not be cooked in beer. Lamb kebab in beer will get a completely unexpected taste and aroma that is unlikely to be to anyone’s taste.

The following is prepared in beer marinade:

  • Beef is very tasty.
  • Pork in beer is not inferior to beef.
  • The chicken is prepared with some reservations.

About beer

To prepare a beer marinade, you can use any beer – light or dark. This quality of it should depend only on the tastes of the owner (or guests), but you should definitely take a live product (draft), not pasteurized or bottled. A pasteurized foamy drink in meat is a waste of money; the kebab will not get the desired taste and smell and will be tough.

You can take any beer - here, whoever likes it best - dark, light, wheat

Beef shish kebab

This kebab will get new notes; it will appeal not only to gourmets, but also to ordinary picnic lovers.

You need to start marinating the meat 14 hours before frying. This will allow you to get a tasty, tender food at the end. This recipe may seem unusual or complicated, but you should definitely try it to experience the taste and smell of fresh malt.


For preparation you will need a lot of ingredients. Here is the detailed list:

  • Beef (young, tender) – 3 kg;
  • Beer – 0.4–0.7 l (how much meat will take);
  • Onions – 0.7 kg;
  • Oil (vegetable oil of your choice, live) – 0.3 l;

Ingredients for beef shish kebab in beer


  • Lemon – 3 pcs.;
  • Mustard (powder) – 7 tsp;
  • Paprika (dried, crushed) – 3 tsp;
  • Pepper mixture (coarsely ground) – 3 tsp;
  • Oregano (dried, crushed) – 7 tsp;
  • Garlic (fresh) – 3 cloves (pressed through a press);
  • Salt - to taste.

Cooking meat

We cut the beef into portions and beat it. In order not to stain the kitchen, put the pieces in a plastic bag and beat them with a hammer. Their thickness is approximately 5 cm.

Then the meat is placed in an enamel or glass container and filled with beer (here it is advisable to take dark beer). It is poured a little, so that the beef is covered, but does not swim in it.

Leave to infuse for 1.5 hours, then pour the liquid into a plastic bottle. It will need to be poured over the meat on the coals. Store the marinade in the refrigerator until the picnic begins.

Preparing the marinade

Juice is obtained from lemons. Take the oil and mix it with lemon juice, add chopped garlic to the mixture. The marinade is ready.

Mix meat and marinade

  1. The meat removed from the beer is placed in a dry marinade. To do this, sprinkle it with all the stored spices, but do not add salt. Grind thoroughly so that the spices evenly coat each piece.
  2. Then the onion is thinly sliced, carefully mashed so that it releases juice, and added to the meat.
  3. All that remains is to pour the mixture of oil and lemon over the beef. Mix everything well and put in the refrigerator for 12 hours.
  4. During this time, the meat is mixed 2-3 times, lifting it from bottom to top (for uniform soaking).
  5. Salt the beef 10 minutes before frying.

Pour beer marinade into prepared meat

Fry over hot coals until the pieces turn brown and the barrels are slightly baked.

How to marinate pork with beer

Pork shish kebab is very popular among outdoor enthusiasts. It goes great with beer.

Important! When using beer as a marinade, the meat will not have alcohol; it will evaporate during frying.

Pork kebab with beer will not be tough, and it will also get a pleasant taste of fresh bread and the aroma of malt.

Here are two recipes for your taste.

Recipe 1

About the ingredients for barbecue

  • Pork (ham, tenderloin or neck), preferably with a small amount of lard - 2 kg;
  • Onions, (take large onions) – 2 kg;
  • Any beer (light or dark), but draft - 750 ml.


  • Parsley and dill, it is advisable to take fresh, chop very finely; if they are not available, take dried, chopped - a bunch or 1 tsp;
  • Black pepper (coarsely ground) – 1–2 tsp;
  • Dried coriander (required) – 2 tsp;
  • Salt - to taste.

Mix the marinade

To prepare pork kebab in beer according to this recipe, add salt to the marinade.

To begin, cut the onion thinly into half rings. Place it in a suitable container.

Then add spices to it and mix everything well. Add salt and stir again.

It's time to add a foamy drink to the onions and spices; taste the marinade for salt. The taste should be salty - this is necessary for meat, it absorbs salt well.

Preparing the meat

The pork is cut into approximately equal pieces.

Important! If it's summer and there's no wind, you can cut larger pieces. They will cook well in the gentle heat. Small pieces will cook faster in the wind.

You cannot take pork from the freezer; when defrosting, it will lose some of its moisture, and the kebabs will turn out tough.

Subtleties of marinating

Place the meat tightly in a saucepan with a lid, pour in the marinade, it should just cover the kebabs. Stir everything thoroughly again and cover with a lid.

Marinate the pork for 12 hours, stirring every 3-4 hours.

Marinade for pork kebabs is used to baste them in the heat.

Recipe 2

According to this recipe, pork in beer is salted before frying. It is not too different from the first one, but there is a difference in the resulting taste.


  • Pork (neck) – 2 kg;
  • Onion – 4 pcs. (large);
  • Beer (dark) – ½ l;
  • Oil (sunflower, refined) – 4 tbsp. l.;


  • Bay leaf – 1 pc.;
  • Black peppercorns – 1 tsp;
  • Salt.

How to cook

  1. The tendons are removed from the meat and cut into pieces.
  2. Cut the onion in half, then into thin half rings.
  3. Place the onion in a suitable bowl, add pepper and broken bay leaf to it. Mix everything well.
  4. Add a dark, foamy drink to the pork until it covers the meat. Mix again.
  5. Place in the refrigerator overnight.
  6. In the morning, the pork in beer is ready. It just needs to be mixed again and can be threaded onto skewers.
  7. The marinade from the kebabs is drained and poured over the meat during the heat.

Important! Pork or beef shish kebab cooked in beer and mayonnaise will lose its beer flavor. The only exception to this rule is chicken kebabs.

It's time to start tasting - bon appetit

About chicken marinade options

Chicken kebab in beer is good to cook using mayonnaise. Another immutable rule would be to keep the meat in the marinade for a short period of time. This recipe is good for its portability, it is low-budget, and kebabs marinated using it will turn out tasty and aromatic.
