Natural red dry wine: benefits and harms. Dry red wine: benefits and harm. The best dry red wines

We love to treat ourselves to a glass of wine. But what effect does such a drink have on our body? Today the topic of the article is dry red wine, its benefits and harm to the body, what diseases wine can cause and which ones it can help to avoid.

I will tell you about the effect of the drink on the female and male body, about the French paradox, and whether it is true or largely exaggerated.

What is the difference? High-quality red wines require time to prepare in order to give us a velvety, pleasant taste. They are produced exclusively naturally, without the addition of artificial components.

To prepare the drink, grapes with a sugar content of at least 18-20% are removed from the vine. It is kneaded with hands or a grater, then the ridges are separated from the pulp.

The pulp is placed in a glass container, filling it approximately 70%. The container, closed with a lid or plastic wrap, is left for fermentation at a temperature of at least 2 degrees (the optimal temperature is 25-30%). During the day, the berries begin to ferment without outside help, and the resulting head of berries is stirred once a day.

The wine can turn out to be of different colors, depending on the moment when the pulp is pressed. In Western European countries this occurs on the 2-3rd day of fermentation, in Transcaucasia on the 7th, in some countries fermentation continues until the berries sink to the bottom of the vessel and the sugar is completely fermented.

Experts say that you should not wait until sugar is completely fermented. It is necessary to wait until 50% fermentation occurs, drain the resulting wort, squeeze the juice out of the remaining berries, and then leave the wine in a half-filled vessel until carbon dioxide is completely released. Then the drink is bottled and tightly closed to avoid oxidation.

As you can see, making wine is not so difficult; you can use this technology at home. Then you will be absolutely sure that the drink will be of high quality, without any impurities.

Nowadays, finding a quality product is not so easy. Store shelves are strewn with surrogate products. This wine is much cheaper and more accessible. But we don’t think about the fact that it will not bring any benefit, and may even cause harm.

Low-quality products contain dyes, ethyl alcohol and other harmful additives that are addictive and harmful to our body. Perhaps a solution of potassium permanganate to impart color is the most harmless thing that can be found in the composition of such wines.

Which one to choose

  • In counterfeit or low-quality brands, only one letter in the brand name may be changed.
  • Study the label carefully. The full name, brand, category of the drink must be indicated.
  • There is no sugar in dry red wine produced using natural technology, so it should not be in the composition.
  • There is a label on the neck of the bottle indicating the date of production of the drink.
  • Turn the bottle upside down quickly. If there is too much sediment, the wine will leave much to be desired.
  • A good red wine is characterized by a rich red color with an orange rim around the edges, this indicates quality and age.
  • Price is a very important criterion. If you want to get a quality drink, you have to pay well. The low price should immediately alert you.

Benefits and harms

Only a high-quality, natural product can benefit your body, and then in a moderate dose. The recommended serving of dry red wine is 50 g per day, no more. Calorie content is 68 kcal per 100 g of product.

Wine is an alcoholic drink, so it carries a lot of harm, but by skillfully managing its dose, you can get an invaluable contribution to health.

Beneficial features

  • Prevention and treatment of cancer, in connection with protection from ultraviolet radiation and x-ray radiation.
  • Catechins strengthen the immune system and have an antibacterial effect.
  • Useful for the prevention of atherosclerosis, which is facilitated by the removal of cholesterol.
  • It prevents obesity.
  • Useful for diabetes and its prevention, as polyphenols monitor blood sugar levels.
  • Wine is also good for the heart. Resveratol thins the blood and reduces the likelihood of platelets sticking together. The blood thinning component protects against osteoporosis.
  • The iron in the composition helps with vitamin deficiency and blood loss.
  • Warmed wine with added spices helps cure bronchitis, tuberculosis, and pneumonia.
  • Wine has astringent and antitoxic properties that will help with some gastrointestinal diseases and poisoning.
  • The drink will win because it promotes the production of melatonin.
  • Wine will awaken your appetite and promote rapid digestion of food, especially fatty foods.
  • The drink has a significant effect for men. It reduces estrogen levels and increases testosterone levels. This means it protects a man from weight gain and the appearance of female sexual characteristics.
  • Moderate portions of wine will give a woman youth, or rather her skin, make it firm and elastic, and also contribute to weight loss.

Watch an educational video about red wine:

Harmful properties and contraindications

  • Wine is primarily an alcohol, so it is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is only allowed to take a sip of wine or drink a teaspoon if there is a burning desire or to increase hemoglobin. You should always remember the dosage and quality of the product.
  • Some wines contain many allergens. For example: fruits, pollen, yeast and others. Therefore, when choosing a drink, pay attention to what it is made from.
  • In asthma patients, the drink can cause an attack, and in people prone to migraines, it can cause a headache.
  • If you drink the drink frequently, you may develop liver problems (even cirrhosis).

There is a lot of debate about the benefits and harms of red wine due to the so-called French paradox. It says that in France the mortality rate from heart disease is 2.5 times lower, even though the French love very fatty foods and smoke more.

The secret was revealed - the passion for red wine influenced the mortality rate. But it would seem that many countries are passionate about alcohol, which dilates blood vessels. It turns out that other alcohol does not contain a component that is found in red wine - resveratol, which is a strong antioxidant.

This component is contained in the skin of grapes and protects the berry from external influences. Therefore, it is useful to eat red grapes; they protect against many diseases.

The same thing happens with wine, only in small portions. If a wine contains more than 5 µM resveratol, the wine is good.

The holidays will begin very soon: February 23, March 8, or maybe someone’s birthday. Our article will help you make the right and worthy choice of alcohol for a festive table or a romantic evening for two.

Have a great time. Remember that only a natural product can be beneficial.

Myths about alcohol - video

People have known since ancient times that drinking wine in moderation always helps our body cope with various ailments. The heroes of the famous novel “The Three Musketeers” could always be found drinking Burgundy, and the clink of their glasses perfectly combined with the sounds of the blows of their blades. In those days, musketeers were excellent at using these weapons and almost never died from heart disease.

Can I drink wine? The benefits of red wine.

Nowadays in France, where wine consumption goes beyond normal limits, statistically there are much fewer cases of diseases associated with cardiovascular diseases or cancer. At one time, some scientists believed that this was precisely the basis of the so-called “French paradox,” that is, the positive effect of small doses of alcoholic beverages. And only then it was discovered that Burgundy, like any other red wine, contains a large amount of flavone compounds, which are considered the most powerful antioxidants in nature.

Some of these compounds are superior in their antioxidant activity to vitamin E, which is why it is not surprising that the undoubtedly harmful effects of any alcohol on the body are outweighed by the positive effects of these substances. However, despite this, doctors should not openly advise drinking a glass or two of red every day to improve health. Most likely, this is due to the presence of these same substances in some other plant or animal natural substances that can be obtained without drinking alcohol.

And finally, a new substance was found in the skins of red grapes - the antioxidant reservatrol, which most likely helps the French avoid all these terrible diseases. This substance is formed only in some plants (such as grapes, peanuts, pine) due to stress, insect attacks, wounds, and exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Red wine is still the richest in this substance, and for some reason there is half as much of it in grape juice. White wine contains extremely little of this substance; red wine contains more than five times it, especially in varieties such as Merlot and Pinot.

Reservatrol has an unusual antitumor effect; it directly blocks the proliferation of cancer cells - this has been experimentally proven. In addition, thanks to this antioxidant, the risk of osteoporosis, which is most often caused by a period of hormonal changes, is significantly reduced, especially during female menopause. In addition, it has a positive effect on the skin because it activates collagen production and prevents its cross-linking.

Particles of this substance help reduce the risk of atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases.

In general, in nature there are a large number of similar substances that act on the same basis as reservatrol, but only this substance of ours manages to be well combined and digested in our body, and is well absorbed in it. The same applies, for example, to grape juice. It would seem that both drinks are made from the same substance, but it turns out that red wine is absorbed by the body many times better than grape juice.

How much wine can you drink?

During the observation, it turned out that people who do not consume wine at all and those who are heavy drinkers have exactly the same chances of ending up in a hospital bed with a diagnosis of heart attack or stroke. The most optimal amount of red wine that should be drunk daily to protect your heart and body from tumors and other diseases is two hundred to four hundred milliliters. In addition, the substances contained in red wine have the ability to slow down the aging process not only of the skin, but also of the body as a whole, so there is a certain reason to drink this drink.

Harm of red wine. Is it harmful to drink wine?

However, it should be mentioned that in addition to beneficial substances in the form of polyphenols and antioxidants, they may also contain other compounds that will have the opposite effect on the body. For example, if wine is stored incorrectly or produced incorrectly, it may contain a fairly large number of toxins, the effect of which will not be suppressed by antioxidants.

However, still somewhere in the middle, we are still in the process of searching. Quite a few cosmetic preparations today include extracts of grape skins and seeds; biological supplements and medications are created on their basis. After all, it is not a coincidence that this particular drink, made from this very product, has accompanied humanity for almost six millennia, being referred to as life-giving moisture, being used not only at rich festive feasts, but also in religious rites.

Although, of course, there are also disadvantages. For example, scientists are concerned about the prospect of alcoholization of the population, and this is scientifically based. Until now, they have not lost hope of finding the same substances in other elements, so as not to go into a glass for treatment.

It is often the case that red wine can cause migraines, and polyphenols are most likely the culprits. In addition, wine often causes allergic reactions, which can include dizziness, rashes and flatulence.

This drink contains substances that can aggravate an asthma attack. One of these substances is sulfur dioxide, it is used to suppress the growth of yeast, which leaves the drink immediately after opening a bottle of wine. Another such substance is histamine; in our body it is released from mast cells during allergies. It is most often found in red wine. So you still need to be extremely careful with this drink.

Well, in general, its negative effect on the body is associated with the same symptoms as any other alcohol, that is, the development of cirrhosis of the liver, stomach cancer, high blood pressure and alcohol dependence.

Wine is harmful to our body, but people continue to drink alcoholic beverages, this probably cannot be avoided and cannot be ignored. Are there positive aspects of drinking wine, and if so, what do they depend on?

Avicenna said: everything that surrounds us is poison to a certain extent; there is nothing absolutely non-poisonous in nature. And it depends only on the quantity whether some substance will become poison for us or not.

They say that in small quantities, alcohol improves blood circulation in the brain, heart (protects against myocardial infarction), limbs, improves sleep, and creates a substance in the blood that protects blood vessels from sclerotic changes.

But in large quantities, alcohol has a negative effect. It seems that it still does more harm than good. In young people, alcohol affects the digestive organs (inflammation), especially the pancreas, genitals (impotence), blood (anemia), liver, heart, and promotes the development of tumors.

For most people, the following dependence of the effects of alcohol on its content in the blood (in%) is observed:
- 0.5-1.0 - vision and brain activity deteriorate
- 1.0-1.5 - there is a loss of self-control, drivers may cause an accident
- 1.5-2.0 - there is a violation of balance and coordination of movements, this is moderate alcohol poisoning
- 2.5-3.0 - possible respiratory failure, loss of consciousness, death.

For a 6-year-old child, a dose of alcohol of 30 ml is lethal.

A large amount of wine drunk turns into “bad” bile or vinegar in the stomach. Drunkenness damages the liver and brain, causing nervous diseases.

Intoxication can be useful if it happens no more than once or twice a month (naturally, in a mild form), as it eases mental strength, encourages, “drives” urine and sweat and dissolves excess. You should not drink wine after fruit.

For older people, old red wine is not harmful, since it “drives” urine and warms the body, but you should abstain from young and white wine. White and light wine is more suitable for energetic people; it does not cause headaches. Wine refined with bread can replace light wine.

Sweet and thick wine is more suitable for those who want to gain weight and strength, but at the same time need to beware of blockages.

Old red wine is better suited for calm and melancholic people. For people with a bile constitution, wine helps to secrete bile, and for people whose bodies are dominated by moisture, it brings it to maturity. It dissolves mucus, clots, removes bile through urine and other routes. The best wine is considered to be moderately aged, transparent, with a reddish color, pleasant aroma and moderate taste - neither sour nor sweet. If heartburn occurs after consuming it, you should drink pomegranate juice and cold water.

The Buddha warned that alcohol is the cause of disease, dishonesty, dishonesty, failure to learn, quarrels and poverty. “Only rulers, beggars and wise men can drink wine,” he said. “After all, everything is allowed to the first, and they usually end badly. It won't be any worse for the poor. What about the wise men? They know what they can afford."

The ancient sage and poet Shafi Vazeh said this about this:

Wine carries both poison and honey,
Both slavery and freedom.
He doesn't know the price of wine
Who drinks it like water.

Question: “To drink or not to drink?” - has been of interest to doctors since the time of Hippocrates, who recommended wine in moderation for heart disease, insomnia and neuroses. Some modern doctors also sometimes advise some people to be treated with wine. Of course, provided that the patients are “treated” not with cheap mumbo jumbo, but with excellent fermented vintage red and white wines containing 10-20% alcohol.

Statistics say that the French are the heaviest drinking people. However, they are less likely to die from cardiovascular disease than their continental neighbors who do not drink wine. Apparently, the point here is not so much the wine, but its quantity and drinking methods. Many years of research have found that the reason is in the famous French wines. There are even enotherapy (wine therapy) centers open in Burgundy, where visitors are advised to drink little and often to maintain health.

The same approach to drinking wine was confirmed by American researchers, who found that those who consume 20-30 g of pure ethanol daily (in wine equivalent, this is equal to a glass of dry wine) live longer than principled teetotalers and hopeless alcoholics.

Oenotherapists believe that a healthy dose of alcohol should not exceed 15% of the daily calorie intake. This is approximately 35-63 ml of pure ethyl alcohol. Thus, in their opinion, you can drink 2-3 glasses of wine a day with a strength of 12% without harming your health. On holidays, with a large snack, this dose can be increased by 1-2 glasses. Large doses will lead to alcoholism.

Wine cures some diseases.

Pyelonephritis: White table wines, which have diuretic properties, are suitable for this.

Remove radionuclides: Dry red wines contribute to this.

Loss of energy and depression: High-calorie dessert and muscat wines and champagne are best suited.

Insomniac healthy physiological sleep is promoted by a quarter glass of dry wine diluted with a glass of Borjomi, or a glass of cognac with mineral water or, oddly enough, with warm milk.

Atherosclerosis: 2 glasses of white wine per day.

Flu, pneumonia: take a glass of hot red wine with sugar at night.

Vitamin deficiencies: all dry wines and cognac are useful, the tannins of which enhance the effect of vitamin C - it is not without reason that this strong drink is served with lemon. In addition, cognac has excellent vasodilating properties.

When drinking wine, strict rules must be followed: drink only very high quality wine. The wine must be of a certain strength and its quantity should still be smaller. And then an absolutely healthy person should drink it. In addition, do not forget about contraindications:

Wine is not recommended for people with food allergies and dysbiosis.
- Wine, especially young wine, provokes “mast cells” containing histamine granules. Wine destroys the membranes of these cells and releases histamine. Accumulating in the blood and plasma, it causes inflammation of the gastrointestinal mucosa and leads to allergic manifestations - urticaria, dermatitis. Histamine also harms the cardiovascular system - it provokes migraines and hypertensive crisis. Those suffering from food allergies should replace wine with strong drinks - vodka, cognac, gin. No more than 200 g per banquet for a high-quality snack.
- Treatment of gastroenterological diseases with wine is impossible. Alcohol is a potentially toxic carcinogen.

A safe dose of alcohol is a relative concept. With a genetic predisposition, alcohol affects the liver and pancreas. First, the so-called fatty liver appears, then alcoholic hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver.
- The risk of viral hepatitis is higher for those who regularly drink alcohol than for abstainers. For patients with hepatitis C, the concept of a “safe dose” does not exist; for them, alcohol is dangerous in any quantity - it accelerates the destruction of the liver. For other chronic liver lesions, a safe dose of alcohol is no more than a glass of wine per week.

“To drink or not to drink?” We often ask this question, not thinking about philosophy at all, but solely about our health. On the one hand, wine, although a divine drink, is still alcoholic. And alcohol is harmful. On the other hand, the French drink a couple of glasses every day and feel great. And at the same time, people die less often from heart attacks.

What is the truth in grape nectar? Benefit or harm? Doctors and scientists did not come to a consensus, but they conducted research and established the facts. And these facts are as follows: good wine in small doses is healthy! Of course, it is important not to overdo it: moderation is the main key to health. In addition, you need to understand that there are different types of wine. Only real, “correct” grape wine is truly useful. But first things first.

The benefits of wine

It has been established that wine contains many useful elements: organic acids, antioxidants, vitamins B and C, tannins, as well as magnesium, calcium, iron, potassium, selenium, iodine, zinc and others. The presence of these substances important for health explains the benefits of wine. The “friendly company” of microelements has a positive effect on the body: it stimulates metabolism, strengthens the immune system, relieves fatigue, increases tone, and helps to better absorb fatty foods.

This grape drink has antitoxic and astringent properties, so it is useful in the treatment of certain intestinal disorders. A small amount of drink at night will serve as a cure for insomnia - wine contains melatonin, the so-called “sleep hormone”. And this is not a complete list!

Which one is healthier?

Health benefits will only come if you consume natural grape nectar from trusted producers. Chemicals and dyes that are part of surrogate wines can cause serious harm to the body.

According to research results, the most beneficial drink is red dry.

The benefits of red wine

The benefits of red wine were known in ancient times; it was not without reason that it was considered the drink of the gods. They wrote poems about him, worshiped the gods of winemaking and made sacrifices. The “father of medicine,” Hippocrates, considered red nectar a cure for many diseases and compared its healing properties to honey. Modern research also confirms the benefits of the red drink.

It has been proven that dry red wine:

  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels and improves blood circulation, thereby reducing the likelihood of heart attacks and heart attacks (according to some data, by 30-50%);
  • dilates blood vessels, reduces blood pressure;
  • increases hemoglobin levels;
  • has antibacterial, antiviral and antiseptic properties;
  • reduces the likelihood of cancer;
  • improves sleep;
  • lowers cholesterol levels, reduces the risk of strokes;
  • stimulates intestinal activity;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • removes toxins from the body;
  • reduces the risk of caries and tartar, as well as gum disease.

According to scientists, the benefits of this drink will be maximum if consumed during meals.

Red wine as a fountain of youth

Incredible but true: dry red wine prolongs youth!

The skin of dark grapes contains a biologically active substance - resveratrol, a powerful natural antioxidant. Thanks to its special properties, drinking red dry drink significantly reduces the risk of cancer. Moreover, resvertarol has been proven to have an anti-aging effect. It has a beneficial effect on the skin, increases its tone, and promotes collagen production.

Another magical property of the “miracle element” is that it suppresses the production of substances that cause obesity (in other words, red wine burns fat!).

The study, which was conducted with the participation of more than twenty thousand women, showed that participants who regularly consumed this type of grape nectar gained less weight compared to those who led a sober lifestyle (the analysis also took into account other factors influencing weight: sports and regime food). However, before going on a “wine diet”, you should consult a doctor - if you use the red drink incorrectly as a medicine, you can cause harm to the body.

The benefits of white wine

White drinks contain fewer nutrients than red drinks. Its consistency is not as dense as red, so white is a “lighter” drink. White wine diluted with water quenches thirst well on a hot day. Antioxidants and vitamins contained in white nectar are absorbed easier and faster than in red nectar.

Many of the healing properties of red drinking (for example, improving metabolism, removing toxins from the body) also apply to white drinking.

Wine therapy

The benefits of red wine are so great that a separate health trend has emerged in medicine – wine therapy. This technique includes not only its use as a cure for diseases, but also external cosmetic procedures aimed at rejuvenating the body.

It has been established that the active substances contained in grapes and their derivatives prevent skin aging, increase its elasticity, and smooth out wrinkles. Wine therapy uses various masks, baths and massages based on red alcohol. In addition, nectar in its pure form can be rubbed into the skin. The benefits of such a cosmetic procedure were proven by the ancient Greeks. Red wine removes toxins from the skin, cleanses it, and helps get rid of cellulite. Semi-sweet varieties are more suitable for dry skin; for oily skin, masks based on dry and semi-dry wine.

The wine SPA procedure can also be carried out at home - all you need to do is take a bath with one bottle of dry red grape drink. The result will be felt immediately: the skin will become smooth, radiant, looking several years younger.

Recommendations for the medicinal use of red wine:

  • For colds and bronchitis - warm wine with honey, cinnamon, nutmeg and a pinch of black pepper, 50 grams three times a day.
  • For vitamin deficiency or anemia - one glass of wine per day with meals for a week.
  • For intestinal disorders - 50 grams of cool wine once.
  • For sprains, bruises, contusions - wine compresses.
  • For insomnia - 30 grams of semi-sweet or sweet wine before bed.

Harm of wine

First of all, you need to remember that wine is an alcohol that may be contraindicated for people with certain chronic diseases (for example, pancreatitis or coronary heart disease). When taking it as a medicine, you need to carefully follow the dosage. Careless use of the drink of the “gods” for medical purposes can bring harm rather than benefit. To eliminate all doubts, it is better to consult a doctor.

It can only be beneficial if it is not abused, otherwise it can cause harm to the body. According to doctors' recommendations, the norm for women is no more than one and a half glasses per day. The male body eliminates alcohol faster, so the maximum allowable dosage for men is two to three glasses. Exceeding these standards will no longer bring benefit to the body, but harm - the ethanol contained in grape nectar is toxic to the body and can also be addictive.

Video about the benefits and harms of wine:

A glass of wine and an honest friend,
- What else do we need, brothers?
Let care and illness
They lurk in the coming darkness.
R. Berne

Contrary to popular belief, wine is not only not harmful, but even beneficial for humans if consumed wisely and in moderation. Professor Golubev wrote: “There can hardly be a doubt that wine, given to the patient on time and in the proper quantity, is a healing factor of high importance.”

It is useful to drink wine to improve metabolism and salt metabolism. Wines contain substances that stimulate carbohydrate, nitrogen and mineral metabolism in the human body (grape juice does not contain all this).

The wine is rich in vitamins and microelements. Microelements: manganese, magnesium, iodine, titanium, cobalt, potassium, phosphorus, rubidium (rubidium strengthens the nervous system, there is a lot of it in Abrau-Durso and Moldavian cabernet). Vitamins: C, B, PP, acids, biosyn-ester oils, esters and aldehydes. All these substances tone the body and reduce blood pressure. Autocyanins, which color wine, even in small concentrations have antibiotic properties. And in terms of its natural radioactivity, wine is close to mineral medicinal waters.

Elements have been found in wine that act as traps for harmful molecules formed in the human body during nutrition. Moderate consumption of wine strengthens arteries, lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, counteracts cardiovascular diseases, and slows down the aging process of tissues. Residents of those regions of Western Europe where winemaking is developed have a stable immunity to alcoholic pathology.

Grape wines improve tone in older people. Persistent vomiting is stopped by cold champagne. In patients with fever and tuberculosis, champagne improves appetite. For influenza, pneumonia, and bronchopneumonia, red wines are consumed. Any vitamin deficiency can be treated with dry wines. Kidney stone diseases are treated with vermouth. For atherosclerosis, drink approximately 0.5 liters of wine diluted with water (one third wine to two thirds water) daily.

Wine has a tonic, diuretic, anti-stress, bactericidal and anti-allergic effect on the human body. Semi-sweet red and white wines with the presence of carbon dioxide under pressure of 2 atmospheres can be offered for myocardial infarction, influenza, malaria, and heart failure. For general nervous system disorders, it is good to drink chilled dry champagne. It is also useful in the treatment of cholera and in all cases where life is in danger from therapeutic shock or from excessive loss of blood.

It is known that the ancient Greeks added a little white wine to drinking water to disinfect. As research from the US Army Medical Center in Honolulu showed, they were absolutely right. Red and white wine, as well as pure alcohol, are equally toxic to salmonella and colibacteria, but diluted white wine, when mixed with gastric juice, has the most powerful antibacterial effect.

Scientists note that pathogens of any type of typhus die in dry grape wine within a few minutes, to a maximum of an hour. Even in very highly diluted (several times) wine, cholera vibrios die. When a dysentery epidemic broke out in the Crimea in the 20s of this century, its spread, in conditions of a shortage of medicines, was restrained by regular prophylactic intake of natural wine diluted by two-thirds with water. Adding wine to water is also advisable for other gastrointestinal diseases.

The mechanism of the antimicrobial effect of wine has not yet been fully studied. The fact that there is alcohol in wine cannot be given a satisfactory explanation due to its too low concentration in natural wine, which when diluted several times with water becomes completely insignificant. Scientists tend to attribute this wonderful property to certain breakdown products of the coloring and tannins of wine.

Consuming grape wine in moderation increases resistance to infectious diseases. According to doctors' observations, the penetration of white blood cells into the stomach, where they establish the first antitoxin barrier, is more intense in the presence of wine. Modern research confirms the antibacterial effect of wine on both the hepatitis A virus and five known influenza viruses.

Good results are obtained from red table wine, used as a prophylactic against epidemic gastric diseases, hypertension, eating disorders, obesity and as a tonic. In Kakheti, the ancient wine-growing region, there are almost no such diseases.

Dr. Maury, who works in one of the large Parisian clinics, is convinced that Medoc wine has a beneficial effect on the body for sore throat, and dry champagne for rheumatism. Professor Mascalier from the Medical-Pharmacological Institute in Bordeaux is categorical: water contaminated with microbes ceases to be dangerous if an equal amount of red wine is added to it, because it contains tannins that kill bacteria. The professor often mentions the words of Louis Pasteur: “Wine is the healthiest, most hygienic drink, provided that it is consumed in moderation.”

It is very useful to drink wine when changing time zones, during long journeys or flights, since climate change causes desalting of the body, and in order to restore the salt balance, it is necessary to drink about 0.75 liters of dry wine on the day of the move and the next day.

The main rule in drinking wine is to know when to stop. What is it like? The most authoritative study to date on this subject was conducted in Denmark. According to the data obtained, women who drink 1-2 glasses of dry red with meals

A wine a day, the death rate steadily declines. Men who eliminate alcohol from their bodies faster can drink three glasses a day. Scientists have found that non-drinkers have a 50% higher mortality rate (especially from heart disease) than people who drink dry wine in moderation every day. With deviations in one direction or another from the recommended amount, mortality increases.

In Denmark, doctors recently reported a 30% reduction in the number of heart diseases in the country. Scientists explain this fact by Denmark’s entry into the Common Market in 1973 and the subsequent sharp jump in the population’s consumption of natural wine.

American scientists from Harvard University confirm the findings of their Danish colleagues. According to them, moderate consumption of wine by men aged 40 to 75 years reduces the risk of coronary diseases by 36%.

English doctors came to similar conclusions. According to them, women who consume 1 glass of table wine a day (150 g) are half as likely to have heart disease as abstainers.

Among other things, scientists were able to discover a connection between drinking dry red wine and the formation of high-density lipoproteins (HDL) in the body. These lipoproteins produce so-called “good” cholesterol, in contrast to low-density lipoproteins (LDL), which contribute to the production of “bad” cholesterol. Dr. Jean-Claude Ruf, a human biology specialist at the French International Center for Wine and Grapes, says: “Dry wine increases HDL levels and helps reduce the amount of LDL in the body.”

In Burgundy, wine is called "old men's milk." The so-called “Mediterranean phenomenon” is known in the medical world. It is as follows: in France, Spain, Italy, with their traditionally heavy cuisine, the recipes of which abundantly use foods high in cholesterol, it would seem that the population is doomed to suffer from cardiovascular diseases. But the opposite happens - the French, Spaniards and Italians suffer from them not more often, but, on the contrary, less often than residents of Northern European countries. This is explained by the fact that in Mediterranean countries natural red wine is an everyday drink, while their northern neighbors prefer to drink beer or vodka at the table. Red wine, as mentioned above, contains substances that help remove cholesterol from the blood, and when consumed regularly, it literally flushes the blood vessels.

Those who believe that drinking wine causes an increase in blood pressure are mistaken (many doctors believe so). Recent studies show that increased blood pressure is observed only in people who drink more than 3 glasses of wine in a row. Conversely, 40% of abstainers have higher blood pressure than moderate drinkers.

The author of an article about the properties of wine in the Ogonyok magazine, Sergei Kolmakov, tells how, having arrived to work in Switzerland, he asked a French doctor during a medical examination what mineral water he would recommend for drinking.

To which the surprised doctor replied: “Commercial advertising is pushing mineral water on us for everyday use; a healthy person does not need this and is even dangerous, because if you drink at least one glass of wine, you get all the elements your body needs.”

  • To support the heart muscle: light white wines, especially champagne.
  • For indigestion: red extractive dry wines (Saperavi, Cabernet).
  • For anemia: 2 glasses of red table wine per day.
  • For atherosclerosis: dry white wines with mineral water.
  • For vitamin deficiency: any natural wine.
  • For flu, bronchitis, pneumonia: hot red wine with sugar or honey.
  • For tuberculosis: red wine in small doses.
  • With exhaustion, loss of strength: port, Madeira, sherry (several spoons a day).
  • When vomiting: highly chilled dry champagne.
According to experts, dry wine brings maximum benefits when drunk with food.

And in the end, let us remind you once again that the benefits of wine will only come when you drink it in moderation. Don’t think that because wine is healthy, you can drink liters of it every day. The risk of harm to health increases significantly with daily consumption of 600 g of wine (half this dose is enough for a woman). Excessive drinking of wine leads to disturbances in the functioning of the heart, liver, and psyche. And one more thing: all of the above medicinal properties are inherent in natural grape wines and do not apply to other alcoholic drinks, including weak ones (beer, shud-berry wines). These drinks may also have beneficial qualities, but they should not be confused with wine. The qualities described above are also unusual for wines made from hybrid grape varieties, and in particular the very common Isabella and Noa (Isabella white). These grape varieties are very common on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, in Azerbaijan, Moldova, Dagestan and the Krasnodar Territory. The undesirability of drinking wines from these grape varieties is explained by the fact that during the fermentation process in wine, not only ethanol is formed, but also methanol in large quantities, which is a poison for the human body.
