Pitahaya with red flesh. Dragon's heart fruit (pitaya). How to eat pitaya. Consumption and contraindications

The American continent is considered the birthplace of pitahaya, but the main exporter of this exotic fruit is the countries of Southeast Asia. In addition to the Southeast Asian region, this fruit grows in Japan, Northern Australia, Armenia, Israel and the Hawaiian Islands (USA). Pitahaya also has a second name - dragon fruit, which appeared thanks to the legend of the battle between people and dragons. When the weakened dragons began to give in under the pressure of a person, instead of a flame, a fruit of an unusual shape and color erupted from the fiery mouth. This fruit was pitahaya, which later began to be called dragon fruit, which translated into Russian means dragon fruit.

Dragon fruit is a member of the cactus family and grows on an epiphytic vine-like climbing cactus. The plant, which can grow up to 10 m in height, is the sweet pitaya's closest relative. Epiphytes attach to other plants, but do not suck out their juices, but look for a foothold for further growth.

The cactus blooms exclusively at night. The process of appearance of white flowers is accompanied by a specific smell. 30-50 days after this, fruits begin to set. In a dry climate and the absence of sudden temperature changes, the plant can bear fruit up to 6 times a year.

What does dragon fruit look like?

Pitahaya fruits are oval in shape and similar in size to a large apple. Weight ranges from 100 to 800 g. Individual specimens can reach a kilogram. Covered with a scaly peel of yellow, crimson or pink color. The pulp may be white or pale pink with small black seeds. The consistency of the inside of pitahaya is very similar to kiwi.

Today, white, red and yellow dragon fruit are cultivated. Only the last two species are exported. The main reason for the high cost and rarity of pitahaya is the difficulty in transporting the fruit. At the slightest contact they are damaged and begin to deteriorate.

Dragon fruit season in Thailand

The dragon fruit harvest period is from June to September. The plant is very unpretentious, therefore, under suitable climatic conditions, it can bear fruit all year round. Despite the fact that pitahaya loves dry and hot climates, the fruit can survive short-term frosts. When there is heavy rain, it begins to rot.

Growing pitahaya is quite profitable and not difficult. Unlike most other fruit trees, cactus requires no maintenance. On average, up to 30 tons of fruit are harvested per hectare of plantations annually. The fruit can be seen in Thai markets all year round.

Dragon fruit flavor

The taste of the fruit has an unsaturated, vague sweetish taste. Many may think that the fruit is a little bland. It is closest in taste to kiwi, but pitahaya does not have such a pronounced aroma. In Thailand, dragon fruit is sometimes used not for food, but as decoration.

Useful properties of dragon fruit

Pitahaya can be called one of the healthiest delicacies on the planet. The fruit has many positive properties:

  • is a low-calorie product (50 Kcal per 100 g) and contains a large amount of lipids;
  • helps with abdominal pain and effectively fights indigestion;
  • effectively resists bloating and normalizes intestinal function;
  • has a positive effect on the endocrine and cardiovascular systems;
  • improves vision due to tannin content;
  • recommended for patients with diabetes;
  • supplies calcium to the body.

Dragon fruit, which is 85% water, contains vitamins B1, B2, B3, C, iron and phosphorus. Pitahaya contains a large amount of antioxidants, fiber, improves well-being and has anti-inflammatory properties.

The beneficial properties of the fruit have long been appreciated by cosmetics manufacturers who produce anti-aging face masks that tighten and tone the skin. The pulp of the fruit effectively helps against sunburn.

Harm of dragon fruit

The only contraindication to eating pitahayas is allergic reactions. To determine whether the body is susceptible to allergies, you need to try a small piece for the first time and observe your own body. If nothing happens, then the fruit can be made one of the components of the daily diet.

How to choose the right dragon fruit?

To determine the condition of the fruit, you need to carefully examine its peel. Typically, overripe specimens have dark spots on the surface. Ripe pitahaya should be slightly soft when touched. If you purchased a hard fruit, then it is enough to leave it in the refrigerator for several days - the fruit will ripen and acquire normal taste and texture.

How to clean and eat dragon fruit?

The peel of pitahaya can be removed quite easily, but there are several universal ways to clean dragon fruit:

  1. Gradually remove the peel, starting from the top, and eat the exposed pulp like an apple.
  2. Eat it in slices like a melon.
  3. Make a cut across the entire surface of the fruit and gradually peel off the skin without touching the pulp.

Most often, pitahaya is simply cut into two halves, the contents of each of which are eaten with a spoon. The peel is not suitable for food. To better taste the dragon fruit, you need to cool it first.

The pulp can be combined with other fruits and dishes, but you should avoid ingredients that have a strong taste. Despite the fact that Thais prefer to get rid of black seeds, they contain a large amount of useful substances. The seeds can be chewed, but are difficult to digest and may cause stomach discomfort and diarrhea.

Most pitahaya around the world is consumed fresh. In Thailand, jams, sweets, yoghurts, jellies, sherbet and other sweets are made from the fruit. It is also used to prepare refreshing non-alcoholic cocktails, alcoholic drinks and wine.

Not only pitahaya fruits are used in cooking, but also its flowers, which are added to tea.

Pitahaya is the name for several species of cacti and their often edible fruits. Pitaahaya is native to South America.

This plant belongs to the cactus family of the genus Hylocereus. Grown in the tropics, some species of the genus Hylocereus have large fruits with large scales, giving them the name dragon fruit.

Dragon fruit. Photo

Pitaahaya grows in tropical forests, using trees as supports, reaches 10 meters in height and is widespread in Central America and northern South America. In addition, it is cultivated in Southeast Asia, China, Australia and Israel.

The fruits of this plant are oblong-ovoid berries. The peel is hard. The usual weight is from 300 to 850 grams, the record is 1.5 kg. The fruits are edible, juicy and with numerous, small, black edible seeds in the pulp, about 1 mm. The hard outer shell is inedible. Dragon fruits have a sweet taste similar to kiwi and a very subtle smell. They are good Compatible with almost all foods.

Pitahaya contains minerals, vitamins (especially the red-skinned fruits) and fiber. Pitahaya is red in color and contains more phosphorus, while the yellow fruit contains more calcium.

According to Dragon Fruit Research contain many antioxidants, including:

  • beta carotene,
  • lycopene,
  • vitamin E.

They may also represent a potential source of probiotics, which promote the development of beneficial bacteria in the gut. The seeds are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids. However, the seeds should not be consumed in large quantities, as they are rich in omega-6 fatty acids, approximately 50 percent, compared to omega-3 (about only 1 percent) and omega-9 (about 20 percent). Considering that the abundance of omega-6 can lead to an imbalance of anti-inflammatory compounds in the body, it is better to limit the consumption of seeds.

Due to its high fiber content, consumption of dragon fruit promotes intestinal motility, reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, helps regulate blood pressure, and also aids in weight loss. The high vitamin C content is beneficial for strengthening the immune system and for collagen production. Beta-carotene is an important antioxidant precursor to vitamin A, which protects the eyes and skin from ultraviolet rays and also improves the body's immune response. Vitamin E, or tocopherol, is one of the key antioxidants in the fight against free radicals. It prevents heart disease, various forms of cancer and age-related macular degeneration.

Chemical composition

Fruits consist mainly of water (the amount can vary between 80–90%), fiber, protein and fat.

Pitahaya contains:

  • vitamin A,
  • vitamin C,
  • vitamins B1, B2, B3 and vitamin E, which is contained in the seeds.


  • potassium,
  • iron,
  • sodium,
  • phosphorus and calcium.

Pitihaya fruits also contain flavonoids and substances that have antioxidant properties.

The abundance of fiber gives this fruit mild laxative properties, so this fruit is a good preventive method for constipation.

Availability vitamin C and other substances with antioxidant properties have beneficial effects on health. Its consumption strengthens the immune system and helps combat the effects of free radicals, which has a positive effect on slowing down the aging process of body cells. Free radicals, a byproduct of human metabolism, are the cause of many serious diseases such as cancer, heart disease and degenerative diseases.

Eating pitahaya is a good way to prevent many of these diseases. Fiber, in addition to the beneficial substances present in pitahaya, is useful for lowering blood cholesterol levels. This will reduce the risk of dangerous plaques forming in the blood vessels and is therefore a good prevention of atherosclerosis, heart attacks and strokes. Vitamin C present in pitahaya, in addition to strengthening the immune system, helps cope with stress.

Recent studies have shown that this fruit is capable of reduce level Sahara in people with type 2 diabetes.

Flavonoids have a wide spectrum biological activity. In addition to antioxidant properties, they also have anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and anti-atherosclerotic effects.

Pitahaya: benefits and harm

Dragon fruit has anti-inflammatory properties. Its consumption may be useful in solving problems associated with joint inflammation. The pulp of the fruit, in addition to having a good taste, can be used to treat and prevent pimples and blackheads by applying to the skin.

Recent studies have been conducted on leaf, peel, pulp and flower extracts of various varieties of dragon fruit. Experiments conducted on laboratory rats showed that this plant and its fruits accelerate the healing process of wounds.

100 g of pitahaya pulp has only 38 calories.

Consumption of fruits prevents the formation of tumor cells, cleanses the blood and liver, and also accelerates the removal of toxins and heavy metals from the body. In addition to preventing the risk of cardiovascular disease, it regulates blood pressure. Phosphorus contained in the fruit stimulates brain activity, improves memory and concentration.

Dragon fruit also has diuretic properties and fights cellulite. Beta-carotene, an important antioxidant, protects the eyes and skin from ultraviolet rays, vitamin C stimulates the production of collagen and, together with vitamin E, fights free radicals, is a good prevention of various forms of cancer and age-related macular degeneration.

Consumption and contraindications

When choosing this fruit, you should pay attention to the color; it should be bright and rich, which indicates its ripeness. There should be no traces of rot anywhere.

Dragon fruit is cut in half and eaten using a teaspoon. To improve the taste, the pulp is seasoned with sugar and lemon. A juicy drink is also prepared from the pulp.

There are no health risks associated with the consumption of pitahaya fruit. Consumption of this fruit is safe for pregnant women. There may be mild allergic reactions.

Consumption of red pulp pitahaya suggests a reddish color to urine and stool; this is a temporary change that goes away in a day or two.

It is advisable not to give this fruit to small children, so as not to provoke diathesis.

Pitaya (in another pronunciation - pitahaya) is an exotic fruit, the fruit of climbing vine-like cacti of the genus Hylocereus. Pitaya's natural habitat includes Mexico, Central and South America. The plant is widely cultivated in Southeast Asia, Japan, China, Taiwan, Israel and Australia.

In appearance, it is a large, oval-shaped fruit of pink, red or yellow color, covered with leafy growths resembling scales. According to Eastern legends, the defeated dragon spewed pitaya from its mouth before its death. Visual similarities and legends have given the fruit alternative names: dragon heart, dragon eye, dragon or dragon fruit, dragon fruit.

Places of distribution

The homeland of dragon fruit is considered to be the west of the central part of the American continent (from Mexico to Peru). The exotic cactus was mentioned by the Aztecs, who already in the 13th century ate the pulp of its edible fruits and used small black seeds as a seasoning for other dishes.

Interesting fact!

There are versions that allow a different origin of pitahaya. But since the plant has been actively cultivated for centuries in many countries, and has been successfully naturalized on several continents, it is not easy to talk about its roots with certainty.

How does dragon fruit grow?

Dragonfruit enjoys dry tropical climates with little rainfall. Does not tolerate sub-zero temperatures. In countries of origin, it is found at an altitude of about one and a half thousand meters above sea level in dry forests and coastal areas.

In the natural environment

Hylocereus in nature are epiphytic plants; they grow on other plants - phorophytes. Epiphytic plants exist due to photosynthesis and moisture from the environment and do not borrow nutrients from the support plant. Aerial roots help the climbing cactus climb trees. The stems hang down or creep along the ground.

In agriculture

Dragon fruit plantations in Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, China and other exotic fruit producing countries look the same. These are fields with rows of high vertical supports, on the tops of which bunches of spreading stems of cacti are attached. Some growers use electric lighting at night to illuminate the beds to extend the fruiting season of pitahaya.

The plant is cultivated not only for its edible fruits; it is also used in landscape design, for example, as a hedge.

Appearance of the plant

The plant has three-lobed winged stems of dark green color, reaching 8 cm in diameter and 10 m in length, with a large number of aerial roots. The spines of the dragon cactus are small and often soft; in some cases, pitaya is not spiny at all. The flowers are white, beautiful and very large (25 cm in diameter) and have a pleasant aroma, but they open only once for a few hours at night.


Hylocereus are mostly self-pollinating plants. Cross-pollination, if necessary, is provided by moths and bats during the short-term flowering of dragonfruit. After about a month or a month and a half, the fruits ripen on it. The ripening of dragon fruit is characterized by a change in skin color - from green to yellow, red or bright pink. The harvest is harvested 4–5 days after the color of the fruit changes. Fruits for export are collected a little earlier, not quite ripe, on the 2nd - 3rd day. Some farms receive 5–6 harvests per year from each plant.

Pests and diseases of Hylocereus

The cactus is practically not attacked by insects or other pests either in Central and South America or in Southeast Asia. The only thing that dragonfruit is afraid of is high humidity due to heavy rains or excessive watering, which leads to fungal diseases and rotting of the stem. Sometimes dark spots may appear on the fruit. This feature influences the plant’s choice of areas with a dry climate for its habitat.

Pitahaya growers have to fight to keep dragon fruits from being eaten by birds.

Pitahaya fruit

The dragon fruit is shaped like an oval. It is close in size to a large apple or orange. Its weight reaches 200-700 grams, and sometimes can approach a kilogram. The textured and bright surface of the unusual fruit, red, pink or yellow, covered with plant scales, truly resembles the heart of a mythical monster. Inside there is homogeneous white or purple pulp with small black seeds, evenly distributed throughout the entire volume of the fruit.


Prickly pears, as pitaya fruits are also called, grow on three types of climbing cacti.

Hylocereus undatus is a red pitahaya with white flesh.

Hylocereus megalanthus produces yellow dragon fruit with white flesh.

Hylocereus costaricensis (Hylocereus Costarican) produces red fruits, which are distinguished by the red color of the flesh.


The pigment of Costa Rican pitaya is very bright and durable. It is used as food coloring. When the fruit is eaten, it stains the mouth, tongue, lips and hands a bright pink color and is not immediately washed off. Be prudent.

How to select and preserve pitaya?

Pitahaya is a delicate fruit with a watery consistency that is difficult to transport. Having made a long journey to Russia, a product most often loses its true quality. Therefore, it is better to try dragon fruit while on vacation, for example in Thailand or Indonesia.

Selection of fruit at the market

Local residents recommend choosing the brightest colored fruit at the market. Then you need to check it by touch. If it is hard, it means it is not yet ripe; if it is too soft, it may already be overripe and beginning to deteriorate. The cost of red pitaya in the Thai market is about 35 baht per kilogram (about 67 rubles). Yellow dragon fruit usually costs more. It is rarer because it is grown in smaller quantities.

Buying pitaya in Russia

Despite the difficulties of the transportation process, the southern fruit can also be found in Russian supermarkets or online stores. The cost of pitaya in a specialized online store for tropical fruits is about 900 rubles. for 1 kg. This weight accounts for 2 – 3 fruits.


Pitahaya should be purchased fresh and kept in the refrigerator. It keeps well for a couple of days. It is not recommended to store fruit longer than 4 - 5 days.

What does dragon fruit taste like?

The taste of the fruit is not very rich, sweetish with a small amount of acid. When compared, it is partly similar to kiwi (including small black seeds), partly reminiscent of a banana. Pitaya pulp, regardless of color - red or white - is quite watery. The fruit is 85% water. In its structure, it is a soft mass, not divided into any internal segments. Thanks to these qualities, pitaya pleasantly quenches thirst in hot climates. Locals consume it in the form of juice, adding lemon or water.


The pulp of pitahaya is mainly eaten. The seeds have a nutty flavor and are rich in tannins. Although they are eaten along with the fruit, the human body does not absorb them. To do this they need to be chewed. The fragrant flowers of Hylocerius are brewed into tea, and in China they are also used in vegetable soups. The skin of the fruit is not edible and may contain pesticides.

How to peel dragon fruit?

There are several ways to clean pitaya.

  1. You can simply cut the fruit lengthwise with a sharp knife and eat everything inside with a spoon.
  2. You can use a knife to divide the pitahaya pulp inside the resulting halves into squares and turn out the peel (as you do with mangoes).
  3. You can cut the fruit into slices along with the skin and then separate it by pulling the tip. In this case, you can eat pitaya slices with a fork, skewer, or simply with your hands.


Pitaya must be cooled before serving. This will reveal its taste in a favorable light.

Cooking methods.

Fruit salads are prepared from pitaya, jams are made, juice and alcoholic drinks are made.

A fruit dessert made from the heart of a dragon will be truly exotic at your holiday.


To prepare the salad, wash the pitaya fruits and divide them lengthwise into two equal parts. Carefully remove the pulp and cut it into medium-sized cubes. Add fruit of your choice, suitable for the setting, season and accompanying drinks - sweet or with a touch of acid. Berries and tropical fruits with a characteristic taste and bright color are well suited - strawberries, raspberries, kiwi, mango, etc. Use the empty halves as a serving container. Place the fruit mixture in them. If desired, top the dessert with fruit juice, yogurt, whipped cream or ice cream. The decoration for the festive table is ready!

Beneficial properties of pitaya

The indigenous people of South America have long used pitaya for medicinal purposes. Its beneficial properties are also recognized by modern scientists.

100 grams of pitaya contains:

  • proteins – 0.5 g;
  • fats – 0.5 g;
  • carbohydrates – 13 g.

Dragon fruit also contains a number of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Per 100 grams there are:

  • vitamin B1 (thiamine) – 0.03 mg;
  • vitamin B2 (riboflavin) – 0.04 mg;
  • vitamin B3 or PP (niacin) – 0.2 mg;
  • vitamin C (ascorbic acid) – 4 mg;
  • potassium – 112 mg;
  • calcium – 10 mg;
  • phosphorus – 16 mg;
  • iron – 0.3 mg;
  • water – 85 g.

On a note!

After eating the purple-fleshed Costa Rican pitaya, a person's urine turns red. This phenomenon scared the Spanish colonizers of South America away from the exotic fruit. They were afraid that the fetus was causing internal bleeding. However, it does not cause any harm to health. It's all about the persistent pigment of Costa Rican pitaya.

Pitaya is a low calorie product. 100 grams of fruit has an energy value of about 50 kcal.

It contains a lot of fiber and lipids. The fruit is well absorbed by the human body, has a beneficial effect on fat metabolism and lowers cholesterol in the blood. Therefore, pitahaya can be included in diets for diabetes, weight loss, problems with the stomach and intestines, the cardiovascular system and metabolism. It is a natural antioxidant and neutralizes free radicals.

The tannin contained in dragon fruit seeds is beneficial for the eyes.

Pitaya pulp has healing properties, promotes skin regeneration and eliminates wrinkles. It is a component of cosmetics - creams, masks, shampoos. Bones are used as abrasive particles in scrubs.


Use pitaya pulp to treat sunburn, a popular ailment among tourists in hot countries. Just apply it to the reddened parts of your body.


Pitaya should not be consumed by young children or people with allergies. In some cases, diarrhea may occur.

During pregnancy, the fruit should be consumed with caution. Expectant mothers will undoubtedly benefit from the range of properties of pitaya. However, it is important to remember that a pregnant woman’s body should not be subjected to nutritional stress.

When trying pitaya for the first time in your life, limit yourself to a small amount of fruit so as not to cause an unexpected reaction in the body. And don't forget to make a wish!

How to grow dragon fruit?

Hylocerius can be grown from seeds taken from a ripe fruit or by planting a cutting.


Pitaya seeds are removed from the fruit, planted in soil for cacti and conditions similar to their habitat are created. It is important to maintain the temperature in the desired range and keep the plant in moderate humidity. You can use plant food. The seeds sprout quickly, but develop rather slowly into a mature plant.


When using seeds, there is no guarantee that the plant will bear fruit.


The cutting allows you to reduce the time of development and maturation of the plant. It also preserves the parameters of the mother tree and guarantees fruiting.

The prepared cuttings are dried for several days before planting, then planted in small pots with drainage and cactus soil and watered abundantly. The first weeks it is difficult to notice signs of pitaya growth. Gradually, having strengthened the root system, the stems will begin to grow. After 3 - 4 years the plant will produce a harvest.

Pitahaya is the fruit of a tree-like cactus, a plant common in tropical climates. South America is considered the birthplace of the exotic fruit, but it is cultivated in many countries with similar climatic conditions: Thailand, Vietnam, the Philippines, Israel and others. In this article we will talk about the taste and beneficial properties of the overseas fruit.

Appearance and taste of dragon fruit

The shape of the fruit resembles a fir cone; it is round with leafy scales and growths. The dense peel is not edible, but is easily removed, revealing a juicy pulp strewn with small seeds. The average weight is from 200 to 600 grams; in favorable conditions, a dragon’s heart can weigh up to a kilogram.

It is noteworthy that several harvests can be harvested in a year. There are three types of fruits:

  • red pitaya- with a bright pink peel and white or cream-colored pulp, tastes fresh-sweet, smells like herbs;
  • Costa Rican- with red skin and pulp, has a sugary taste;
  • yellow pitaya- with a yellow shell and center, has a pronounced sweetness in taste and a bright aroma.

Did you know? Ancient legends tell about the struggle of people with dragons: when warriors brought fire-breathing lizards to exhaustion, instead of fire, unusual fruits fell from their mouths. People liked the taste, this is called the reason for the extermination of dragons. And the fruit itself has since been called dragon heart, since the scales on the peel resemble dragon skin.

Vitamins, minerals, micro- and macroelements

The fruits have the following beneficial substances:

  • vitamins: , ;
  • mineral elements: , ;
  • ash;
  • tannin (in seeds).
Calorie content - up to 50 kcal/100 g.

Beneficial features

The benefits of pitahaya are due to its composition; the vitamins and other beneficial substances present in the pulp are an excellent prophylactic for many ailments. In countries where it is cultivated, It is recommended to consume the fruit for the following health problems:

  • pancreatic diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • increased stomach acidity and related diseases;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • the cardiovascular system;
  • weak immunity.

Did you know? The ancient Indians called the pitaya cactus the queen of the night, since you can admire the blooming flowers of the plant only after sunset.

In addition to the pulp of the fruit, tannin-rich seeds have medicinal properties; phenolic compounds have long been used in preparations for the treatment of eye diseases, heavy metal poisoning, throat diseases, and diarrhea.

Preparations are prepared from the stems of the plant that improve blood circulation, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and support the heart muscle. The juice from the stems is taken as an anthelmintic.

The fruit is useful for weight loss: it is low in calories, has the ability to bind fats and remove cholesterol.

Harm and contraindications

The contraindication for use is fruit, you should try small quantities. It is not advisable to get carried away with fruits, since overeating can lead to stomach upsets (nausea, diarrhea, bloating, etc.).

Important! It is not recommended to give fruit to children under three years of age who are prone to diathesis or have a history of it.

How to choose

When choosing, you should pay attention to the following factors:

  • ripe pitahaya will have a uniform and rich color;
  • the average weight of a ripe fruit is 250 grams;
  • ripeness can be checked by touch: unripe fruit will be hard;
  • leafy growths on the peel should not be dry;
  • Visual inspection should not reveal cracks or other damage.

Important! If you notice spots, rotten areas, wrinkles on the peel or cracks, the product is not fresh, it is better not to purchase it.

How to eat fruit

Dragon heart is eaten fresh, cut into halves and scooped out the pulp with a spoon. You should not try to choose the seeds, they are not toxic, on the contrary, they are useful, but you need to chew them. Pieces of pitaya are cut into fruit salads, added to ice cream, cocktails, and decorated with desserts (mousses, jellies, pies, cakes).

The juicy pulp is used to make jams and preserves, sauces and dressings, sherbet, sweets and yoghurts.

Refreshing non-alcoholic and alcoholic drinks made from fruit are popular in producing countries:

  • juice, cocktails, tea (take flowers);
  • wine, liqueur, spirits.
Raw chilled pulp saves you from thirst in hot weather.


Ripe fruit spoils quickly; it needs to be stored in the refrigerator for about four days, no more.

Due to the difficulties of transportation, pitahaya cannot always be found in stores. If you want to buy fruit for any event, it is better to take a hard, almost ripe one; it will ripen in the refrigerator and will last longer.

Dragon fruit, pitaya or pitahaya, what is it? Many have seen it, heard about it or tried it. In fact, dragonfruit and pitahaya are exotic representatives of climbing vine-like cacti (Hylocereus and Stinocereus), common in Central and South America and Mexico.

Today, dragon fruit is successfully grown in Southeast Asian countries. The main exporters of pitaya are Thailand, Vietnam, the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, China, Taiwan, and others. Liana-shaped cacti with its unusual fruits grow and are cultivated in countries with subtropical and tropical climates.

The English name for this fruit is dragon fruit, dragonfruit is also a common name for the fruit.

Even the ancient Aztecs were familiar with dragonfruit. Since Mexico is its homeland, the Indians readily consumed dragonfruit pulp as food, and used the seeds, grinding them and adding them to food as a seasoning.

There is an ancient legend, which, of course, is associated with dragons and tells about the incredible origin of the fruit, as if the fruit appeared during times of war. Dragons, tired of battles, sometimes spewed out these fruits instead of flame. People believed that somewhere in the very middle of the monster were hidden amazingly delicious dragonfruits. So, in pursuit of fruit delights, the warriors killed all the dragons. And only dragonfruit of an unusual shape and color grows beautifully, delights us with an extraordinary taste, and in its appearance resembles the scales of extinct reptiles.

What does dragon fruit look like?

The attractive-looking pitahaya fruit has a bright pink to red peel, oval in shape, framed by smooth leaf-like growths with light green, light green ends. If we look in cross-section, we will see white pulp with black seeds of a creamy consistency with a pleasant, tasty and delicate aroma.

Due to its aesthetic appearance and glorious smell, dragon fruit is often used to decorate and decorate tables in restaurants and event halls.

The weight of the fruit can be from 200 grams, on average 500-600 grams, but there are also larger representatives of the species, weighing up to a kilogram.


The internal content of pitahaya pulp, depending on its variety, also differs in color. The pulp can be white, bright pink, reddish, even purple. Types of exotic dragon fruit differ in their shape and size, and in the frequency of scales on the surface of the fruit.

Let's look at the three main types of dragon fruit:

  • White pitahaya (Hylocereus undatus) is the most common type, the taste is rich, but bland compared to other varieties, inside there is white pulp and black small seeds, the fruit is accompanied by a pleasant herbaceous aroma. The fruit is red or bright pink on the outside, with light green scales.

  • Yellow pitahaya (Hylocereus megalanthus), grown less frequently, long yang, “prickly pear”, respectively, with a yellow peel whose scales are more like pimples, and white pulp inside, mixed with black seeds, and the yellow dragon fruit is a little sweeter and more aromatic than the white and red pitohaya.

  • Red pitahaya (Hylocereus costaricensis) Costa Rican has a bright pink, almost red skin, inside there is bright red flesh also with small black seeds. A more whimsical variety, very aromatic dragon fruit.

How does dragon fruit grow?

As mentioned above, native to Mexico and Central and South America, dragon fruit belongs to the cactus family, and is distributed throughout Southeast Asia and other countries. Dragon's heart, a fruit that prefers tropical dry climates, natural habitats are deciduous forests with this climate.

The plant grows up to 10 m in height. In order to rationally use the land where the exotic pitahaya fruit is grown, they organize a whole system of supports and garters to collect the extensive branched crown of the cactus into a single dome, lifting it above the surface of the earth.

Hylocereus, a climbing member of the cactus family. Since the plant is epiphytic, dragon fruit is attached to tree trunks by aerial roots and grows along the entire height of the stem, while the cactus, like any epiphyte, does not feed on the beneficial substances of trees. The main goal of the dragon fruit is to reach the illuminated areas at the top, and extract moisture from the air or find organic matter in the numerous cracks of the tree trunk. The plant also has roots underground, which grow, develop and spread along the stems on the ground.

Triangular stems of pitahaya, modified branches. Juicy and fleshy, they reach a width of five centimeters. They contain a lot of water and nutrients needed for a possible period of drought.

Short thorns are visible on the stems; these are peculiar buds from which other stems and flowers of the dragon fruit develop. The flowering period of pitahaya is short. For just one night, it produces large flowers, about thirty centimeters in diameter, pink or white, emitting a pleasant aroma. Excessive moisture is detrimental to plants, leading to bud drop and fruit rotting. Insects pollinate the plant. After the flowers wither, fruit sets. A dry climate is important for the cactus. The fruits of the plant appear 30-50 days after flowering. And in a year, pitahaya can produce up to 6 harvests.

How to eat pitahaya

First, let's look at how to choose dragon eye fruit. We check the peel, there should be no dark spots, the skin is evenly colored in accordance with the variety. If the dragon fruit feels a little soft to the touch, the dragon's eye is ripe and ready to eat. If the fruit is hard, then leave it for several days in a cool place, it will ripen and delight you with its taste. But remember that dragon fruit can be stored for 3-4 days, otherwise it will lose its taste and beneficial qualities.

The ways to clean and eat dragon fruit are simple:

  • remove the peel from the top of the fruit and eat the extracted pulp
  • cut into slices, like a melon
  • carefully cut the peel, separate it, gradually eating the internal contents
  • cut the fruit into two parts and eat it as a dessert using a spoon

Dragon fruit is best eaten chilled; when heated, the taste becomes dull. It is advisable to chew the pulp seeds, as they are difficult to digest, but contain beneficial lipids. We'll talk about the benefits of the fruit a little later. The peel is not eaten, and it is unlikely to be to your taste.

The consistency of the fruit is like thick sour cream, pitaya tastes like a mixture of kiwi and. Many people compare the taste of these fruits to the taste of pitohaya.

Pitahaya pulp goes well with other fruits and dishes, the main thing is that the other ingredients do not include a more spicy or sweet product, otherwise the taste and aroma of the dragon fruit will simply be lost. Salads, yogurts, smoothies, jams, jellies and all kinds of desserts are prepared from dragon fruit. Used in the preparation of soft soft drinks, alcoholic wines and cocktails. Pitaya flowers also do not go unnoticed; they are added to tea.

Calorie content, chemical composition, vitamins

Pitahaya calories per hundred grams of pulp are only 50 kcal. Dragon fruit contains fiber, vitamins C and B, minerals, iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, antioxidants and dietary fiber.

  • whites 0.50 g
  • fats 0.30 g
  • carbohydrates 12.00 gr
  • water up to 90 g
  • fiber 07-09 g, plant fibrous substance that cleanses the intestines of waste and toxins
  • ash 0.53-0.67 g, sorbent that removes toxic substances from the body
  • nicotinic acid 0.295-0.427 mg, vitamins PP, B3 participate in the process of fat metabolism, convert food into energy
  • ascorbic acid 9.0 mg, protects body cells from the dangerous effects of free radicals, synthesizes collagen at the biological level, regulates blood clotting, reduces inflammatory processes
  • calcium 6.2-8.7 mg, strengthens bones, teeth, takes part in the functioning of the nervous and immune systems
  • phosphorus 30.2-36.00 mg, phosphorus is an important element in fat metabolism, helps in the breakdown of carbohydrates, strengthens the skeleton, improves metabolism
  • iron 0.55-0.65 mg, necessary for metabolism
  • carotene 0.006-0.012 mg, has oxidizing properties, stimulates growth
  • thiamine 0.28-0.042 mg, vitamin B1 plays an important role in the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates.
  • riboflavin 0.042-0.046 mg, vitamin B2 promotes the formation of red blood cells and antibodies
  • E tocopherol - 0.08 mg, protects cell walls from destruction

Pitahaya dragon fruit beneficial properties

Pitahaya is known for its beneficial properties. Dragon fruit is enriched with vitamins, minerals, and trace elements, which in turn help in the functioning of the immune system. For stomach and intestinal upsets, it will help improve digestion and promote the breakdown of fats. Inside the dragon fruit are a large number of small black seeds rich in lipids. Lipids are groups of natural organic compounds. They participate in the formation of cell membranes and therefore the construction of cells in the body is not possible without their participation. Includes fat and fatty acids. Monounsaturated fats reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood. But if the seeds are not chewed, then there will be no particular benefit from them.

Pitahaya contains thiamine. Thiamines produce normal growth and support proper functioning of the heart and nervous system. The need for thiamine is especially high for people performing heavy physical activity; it is necessary for athletes to increase the tone of skeletal muscles.

Pitahaya, dragon fruit, contains useful fiber, which is simply necessary for our body, because it slows down the absorption of sugar in the intestines and reduces the glycemic index of the foods we eat. Consequently, blood sugar and insulin levels decrease, which is very important for people with type 2 diabetes.

Pitahaya helps with heart problems; nervousness and stress increase the levels of bad cholesterol in the blood. Dragon fruit helps cleanse internal organs of toxins. The antioxidant effect helps eliminate free radicals, since the processes of detoxification and binding of free radicals are simply impossible without the level of microelements necessary for the body.

Dragon fruit is actively used in cosmetology. The presence of fruit acids and vitamins has a beneficial toning and moisturizing effect on the skin. Masks using pitahaya are very popular among women. And after prolonged exposure to the sun, the pulp of the fruit will cool and soothe your skin.

  1. Pitahaya contains calcium and phosphorus. These microelements contribute to physical growth, the formation of teeth and bones, and also play a huge role in intracellular processes and largely determine the functionality of skeletal and cardiac muscles.
  2. Without vitamins B and C, vital processes in the expectant mother and child cannot proceed normally, because they strengthen the immune system and help the acid and lipid metabolism of the body.
  3. During pregnancy, a woman's body experiences severe stress, which increases the amount of free radicals. Antioxidants are designed to donate their electrons to free radicals, preventing the destruction of molecules.
  4. When consuming dragon fruit, an excellent source of minerals, swelling is reduced, because swelling can be caused by heart problems, swelling can put additional stress on all organs, this is dangerous for a pregnant woman and the unborn baby.
  5. Pitahaya, as a source of many microelements, helps to cope with fungal and bacterial diseases that can occur due to a deficiency of potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus in a pregnant woman.

Therefore, it is simply necessary to include pitahaya in your diet whenever possible. But remember that dragon fruit is an exotic fruit, and if there is a risk of allergies, then you need to be careful when consuming the fruit.

Harm and contraindications

Dragon fruit has virtually no contraindications. The exception is an allergic reaction. Therefore, you need to try a little, however, like any exotic fruit. Once you are convinced that there is no negative reaction, you can safely eat pitahaya, enjoying the taste and benefits of the wonderful fruit.

Pay attention to one more thing after actively consuming red dragon fruit, as a result of which the urine will turn red. Don't be alarmed, this will not affect your health in any way.
