Kidney tea (Orthosiphon stamen) - instructions for use. Kidney tea for various ailments: how to brew and take

The medicinal effect of tea occurs due to the content of beneficial natural substances: saponins, orthosiphonin glycoside (which causes the bitter taste of tea), essential oil. Orthosiphon contains many other biologically active substances: tannins, potassium.

What are the contraindications to taking kidney tea?

Contraindications are kept to a minimum; these include pregnancy and children under 12 years of age, as well as individual intolerance. With caution - for persons with heart and kidney failure.

Orthosiphon tea has no side effects, non-toxic, has a mild effect as a diuretic. Like any medicine, tea should be taken as prescribed by the doctor; exceeding the dosage is unacceptable.

The pharmaceutical preparation is a package with filter bags of 1.5 g each, which contain crushed leaves and stems of a plant of predominantly greenish and gray color. The smell is almost indistinguishable. The prepared tea tastes slightly bitter and astringent.

Orthosiphon plant in nature: distribution area

It is an evergreen shrub of the Lamiaceae family. The stems have four sides and reach a height of more than a meter. The color of the stems ranges from green to purple. The leaves have a jagged edge. The plant blooms in July-August with small lilac flowers.

Distributed wild in the tropical climate of Indonesia, Java, and Australia. The plant is harvested four times a year. Leaves and stems are cut and dried. IN finished form medicinal raw materials have a moisture content of about 10%. In our country, orthosiphon is artificially cultivated on the Black Sea coast, in the Caucasian regions. But under these conditions the plant does not produce seeds.

Medicinal effect of kidney tea from orthosiphon

Properly prepared tea, decoction, infusion from the leaves of the plant:

  1. Serves as a natural mild diuretic, frees the kidneys from harmful salts, chlorides, urea.
  2. Relieves smooth muscle spasms and eliminates pain.
  3. It will have a choleretic effect.
  4. Increases the secretion of the gastric mucosa.

How to use Orthosiphon kidney tea: instructions

Orthosiphon, due to its excellent diuretic effect, has gained great popularity as a medicinal tea.

Kidney tea purchased at a pharmacy contains instructions that tell you step by step how to prepare the medicinal drink.

Orthosiphon leaves are used in medicinal purposes in the form of tea, infusion or decoction in the following cases:

  • kidney disease;
  • swelling;
  • salt deposits;
  • hypertension;
  • uric acid diathesis;
  • problems with the gallbladder (with stagnation of bile);
  • liver diseases;
  • gastritis due to low acidity;
  • inflammatory diseases of the bladder;
  • the presence of sand and kidney stones.

It has been proven that use medicinal tea promotes alkalization of urine, reduces stone formation, and removes excess fluid from the body.

When taken regularly in patients with chronic cholecystitis and cholelithiasis tea reduces pain and has a beneficial effect on the secretory function of the stomach.

Recipe for making kidney tea from dry orthosiphon herb:

  1. Take 1 tablespoon of dry crushed herb.
  2. Add 50 ml cold boiled water.
  3. Set for 12 hours, stirring occasionally.
  4. Before drinking, warm up the tea and take it warm.
  5. The daily dose is 2-3 cups.

If you add bearberry leaves to the prepared drink, the tea will acquire disinfectant functions. This drink will perfectly cleanse the urinary tract, bladder from harmful microorganisms and bacteria. The mixture of herbs is taken in the same proportion - 25 g each. Add cold boiled water and leave for 12 hours. The mixture must be slightly warmed before use.

Rules for preparing the infusion

Place half a teaspoon of crushed orthosiphon leaves in a glass of boiling water, bring to a boil and leave to brew for half an hour. Strain, add boiling water to a full glass. Use a warm infusion in an amount of 100 ml 30 minutes before meals twice a day. Take daily for one and a half months.

Preparing the decoction

The decoction is prepared in a water bath: take 3 tablespoons of dry raw materials per glass of boiling water, place in enamel dishes and heat for 15 minutes. Leave for 45 minutes, strain, add boiling water to the volume of a glass.

Take 2-3 times a day, 50-100 ml for 30 minutes. before meals.

Thanks to its mild medicinal effect, orthosiphon stamen in the form of kidney tea has become extremely popular in the world. The product is used in European countries since the middle of the last century.

Orthosiphon tea is prescribed even to pregnant women suffering from edema, in the treatment of inflammatory processes genitourinary system. Despite the fact that pregnancy is often indicated on tea packages as a contraindication, most doctors insist that tea, in the absence of foreign impurities, has only a beneficial effect due to its natural composition and has no side effects.

Orthosiphon leaf tea – great product, but like any medicine, it must be prescribed by a doctor.

Kidney diseases are considered one of the most common among the adult population of the Earth. A complete cure is rarely achieved, so people throughout their lives are forced to adhere to a diet, preventive measures and undergo regular examinations.

How does kidney tea work?

Diseases of the kidneys and excretory system as a whole arise from hypothermia and the proliferation of pathogenic microflora in inflamed areas. The hereditary factor also plays an important role. Kidney tea It is both an auxiliary means of treatment and independent under certain conditions. It consists of herbal ingredients, which have the following properties:

  • diuretic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antispasmodic;
  • antimicrobial.

Based on the combination of these properties positive effect from drinking tea. With kidney disease, the renal ducts can become inflamed, the filtration function is weakened, and sand and stones can form. In some cases, fluid retention occurs in the body and urination is impaired.

Medicinal herbs– the basis of any kidney tea

Collections for the treatment and prevention of kidney diseases always have diuretic properties. They stimulate urinary function, help remove excess fluid from the body and work against edema. Their anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect is important.

The beneficial properties of kidney tea are often used for weight loss. The weight loss effect is achieved by removing excess fluid from the body. The most by simple means plant origin for the treatment and prevention of kidney diseases in folk medicine are considered:

  • horsetail;
  • dog-rose fruit;
  • St. John's wort:
  • lingonberry leaves.

They have a mild diuretic effect, remove uric acid, remove swelling and can be used during pregnancy, when breastfeeding and for the treatment of children. Good effect give collections from these plants for kidney stones, if they have not reached 0.5-1 cm in diameter. For large stones, using diuretics without medical supervision is dangerous.

The more often a person urinates, the less likely it is that pathogenic microorganisms will attach to the mucous membranes, which in a favorable environment quickly multiply and cause inflammation. This is the main goal of all diuretic preparations. Any herbal mixture has a much less dangerous effect than synthetic drugs, it acts gradually, and does not provoke the leaching of beneficial micro- and macroelements from the body. The main thing is to stick to the dosage and take breaks in treatment.

Indications and contraindications

Instructions for the use of kidney tea generally recommend its use for acute or chronic kidney diseases, cystitis, urethritis, cholecystitis, urolithiasis, edema associated with diseases of cardio-vascular system.

The area of ​​application of tea is influenced by its composition. Thus, during pregnancy you can use monoteas from plants that have a mild diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect. Specially developed products are used for children.

Contraindications most often apply to people who are allergic to the components of the collection, those who have low blood pressure and large kidney stones. For some diseases of the cardiovascular system, tea may be prohibited.

The most popular drugs

The easiest, most harmless and delicious drink Chinese is considered to have diuretic properties green tea. You can drink 3-4 cups of tea daily for general health benefits and removal of excess fluid from the body. It is often used by those who want to lose weight while on a diet.

Orthosiphon tea

Most effective pharmaceutical preparation is the kidney tea Orthosiphon. It consists of the dried and crushed leaves of Orthosiphon stamina, a plant that is recognized as a powerful antiseptic and diuretic.

Composition of orthosiphon tea:

  • orthosiphonin is a glycoside that gives the drink bitterness and has an antimicrobial and antibacterial effect;
  • organic acids (citric, rosemary, etc.);
  • flavonoids;
  • saponins;
  • alkaloids;
  • tannins;
  • essential oils;
  • fatty acid;
  • micro- and macroelements.

Orthosiphon stamen kidney tea is indicated for urethritis, cystitis, edema, including in pregnant women, for urolithiasis, chronic and acute inflammation kidney It is sometimes prescribed as a diuretic for arterial hypertension to relieve swelling that is associated with diseases of the cardiovascular system.

The effect of tea is aimed at relieving inflammatory processes in the organs of the excretory system in particular and throughout the body as a whole. Drink at long-term use has an antiseptic effect and acts as an effective diuretic.

At the same time, it helps eliminate waste and toxins, uric acid, and heavy metal salts from the body. Orthosiphon glycosides protect the liver from destruction. Organic acids normalize digestion and strengthen the immune system. Additional functions include stimulation of bile secretion and gastric juice production.

To enhance the effect of orthosiphon, other herbs are added to the tea. These are oregano, celandine, dandelion and parsley root, bearberry, thyme, etc.

Orthosiphon kidney tea can be purchased in filter bags or in bulk. In the first case, take 1 tea bag for 1 glass of hot boiled water, leave for 15 minutes and drink warm 2 times a day before meals.

If the product is purchased in the form of a loose collection, it is prepared in a water bath, leaving for 15 minutes. The regimen and dosage for use are the same. The duration of the course of treatment is determined by the doctor. Orthosiphon is not prescribed during pregnancy. One of the trusted manufacturers of this product is the company Zerde-phyto.

Lingonberry tea

Many kidney preparations contain lingonberry leaf. It has long been used in folk medicine to treat cystitis, edema, and kidney diseases. They even cooked with lingonberries, which are considered the safest today.

Leaf of this berry plant has the following properties:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiseptic;
  • antiputrefactive;
  • antispasmodic;
  • decongestant;
  • diuretic;
  • choleretic;
  • antipyretic;
  • antitumor.

In addition, it contains ascorbic acid, B vitamins, calcium, manganese, potassium and other minerals. The main use of lingonberries is the treatment of kidney diseases, cystitis and colds. Tea is prepared from 1 tbsp. l. for 200 ml hot water. Drink 50 ml warm during the day after meals.

Altai tea, in addition to lingonberries, contains knotweed, bearberry, chamomile and calamus rhizomes. It has a diuretic, anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, and immunomodulatory effect. It is considered an additional source of bioflavonoids and tannins. Can be used to prevent the formation of kidney stones and gallbladder.


Nephrophyte herbal collection from the Ukrainian pharmaceutical company Aim is often used in urology. It contains plant components that have diuretic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and antibacterial effects.

The drug enhances the nitrogen excretion function of the kidneys and has a mild saluretic effect. Under their influence, potassium and sodium salts, as well as excess fluid, are removed from the body.

Nephrofit includes:

  • chamomile flowers;
  • burdock roots;
  • corn silk;
  • horsetail grass;
  • bearberry leaves;
  • knotweed;
  • series;
  • dandelion roots;
  • mint flowers and leaves;
  • shepherd's purse.

Nephrophyte has a mild analgesic effect due to relaxation of smooth muscles

It relieves pain when urinating, relieves inflammation and helps cope with microbial microflora. This kidney tea for cystitis is very effective.

The collection is prescribed for adults and children over 7 years of age. The average course of treatment is 2 months. It is recommended to drink 150 ml of infusion 2 times a day after meals. Contraindications include individual intolerance and children under 7 years of age.

What are the benefits of the orthosiphon staminate plant? What does it treat? How to use it?

Orthosiphon staminate is an evergreen plant of the Lamiaceae family, growing in natural conditions in the tropical regions of the planet, in particular in the forests of Sumatra, Java, Indonesia and some other places. In Europe, orthosiphon staminate is cultivated on the Black Sea coast.

Orthosiphon staminate shrubs can reach a meter in height.

The tetrahedral and strongly branched stems of the plant are greenish-violet. The opposite, oblong, short-stalked leaves of the plant have denticles on the edges. Orthosiphon's flowers are medium-sized, pale purple in color, growing in racemose inflorescences. They bloom in summer, but practically do not produce seeds under cultivation conditions.

Orthosiphon stamen: contraindications and medicinal properties

Like many plants, Orthosiphon staminate is used as a medicine. Known for it positive properties, first of all:

  • as a renal collection
  • for cystitis
  • as a remedy for swelling
  • for lactation
  • as a means for weight loss

IMPORTANT: Orthosiphon stamen has pronounced diuretic properties, while potassium is not washed away, but, on the contrary, is replenished

The leaves and apical shoots of the plant have medicinal properties. They are collected and dried as a source of:

  • potassium salts
  • organic acids (rosmarinic and citric)
  • tannins
  • triterpene saponins
  • orthosiphonine glycoside

Orthosiphonin is soluble in both water and alcohol. The dried leaves of the plant acquire a brownish-green color. They have no smell, and they taste bitter and astringent.

  • swelling of various natures, including those caused by kidney diseases
  • gout
  • arterial hypertension
  • uric acid diathesis
  • liver diseases
  • gastritis with low acidity
  • cholecystitis
  • urolithiasis
  • and some other diseases

Orthosiphon as homeopathic remedy has virtually no contraindications. Doctors sometimes recommend an infusion and decoction of it even during pregnancy and breastfeeding. However, this medicine should be taken with caution by those who have kidney stones, so as not to cause their movement and so that the ureter does not become blocked as a result, as well as people with heart failure.
However, as in any other cases, you should not self-medicate, and you should take any medication, even one that does not have actual contraindications, only on the recommendation of a doctor.

VIDEO: Orthosiphon stamen (kidney tea)

Kidney collection, orthosiphon stamen - indications for use

Physiologically, kidney tea from Orthosiphon stamen is capable of:

  • alkalize urine
  • improving renal tubular function
  • remove urea from the body
  • therefore, improve kidney function, relieve swelling and have an antispastic effect

How to prepare the infusion:

  1. Pour 0.5 teaspoon of dried herb into 200 ml of boiling water, put on fire and bring to a boil. After this, leave for 20 - 25 minutes.
  2. Strain the resulting infusion and add to the original volume.
  3. Take 0.5 cups per 20 – 25 minutes. Before meals twice a day
  4. Course of treatment: 1 – 1.5 months

How to prepare the decoction:

  1. 2 tbsp. spoons of dried leaves pour 200 ml of boiling water
  2. Keep the broth in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. Leave for another 45 minutes
  3. Strain the resulting broth and add to the original volume.
  4. Take 0.5 cups twice a day 25 minutes before meals

Orthosiphon kidney tea: instructions for use

Orthosiphon kidney tea is considered a herbal medicine, so it has official instructions, which indicates:

  • indications for treatment with this tea
  • contraindications to it
  • method of application (in the form of herbal tea and in filter bags)
  • side effects
  • interaction with other medications
  • shelf life

IMPORTANT: Before drinking the kidney collection from Orthosiphon stamineus, you must read the instructions

Orthosiphon stamen during pregnancy: application

An infusion of orthosiphon stamen is one of the few remedies that can help pregnant women who have problems with the kidneys and edema during this period, or who have inflammation of the genitourinary system.
However, pregnant women can take this remedy only if prescribed by a doctor, and for no more than 3 weeks in a row.

Orthosiphon during lactation: application

The use of orthosiphon stamen during lactation after a doctor’s prescription will help improve the woman’s general condition, get rid of edema and treat genitourinary problems.
The only precaution that women who are breastfeeding (or pregnant) should be aware of is that the so-called kidney tea should contain only orthosiphon without adding other ingredients to it. This precaution is not superfluous, since orthosiphon is included as a component in several kidney teas and mixtures.

How to use orthosiphon for children?

Orthosiphon is prescribed to children only after they reach 12 years of age for health reasons.

How to use orthosiphon for cystitis?

For cystitis, tea from orthosiphon will help get rid of unpleasant pain, relieve inflammation and facilitate the passage of urine.
After a week of its use, cystitis can be cured.

  1. You need to take the remedy by brewing a teaspoon of dried herb in a glass of boiling water.
  2. Next, you should leave it for half an hour, strain and add more boiling water to the infusion to replenish the volume.
  3. Take warm 30 minutes before meals
  4. Brew the infusion daily

Orthosiphon infusion or tea can also be taken once to relieve spasmodic pain, since this plant in infusions and decoctions it can relax smooth muscles and relieve spasms.

How to use orthosiphon for edema?

Edema occurs in the body due to improper functioning of the kidneys, bladder, and fluid accumulation in the body.

Being an excellent diuretic, orthosiphon allows you to get rid of edema in a relatively short time. a short time However, to consolidate the result, it should be taken for three weeks.
It should be taken according to the recipes indicated above, that is, before meals, 100 ml, after brewing an infusion or making a decoction.
You can also purchase orthosiphon in the form of filtered bags. The brewing method will be indicated on the packaging.

How to use Orthosiphon stamen kidney tea for weight loss?

Orthosiphon stamen can also be taken as a means of promoting weight loss, since it will help remove excess fluid from the body, without harming it, as is the case with medicinal diuretics.

To do this, you need to brew a bag ready-made tea or dry herb in a thermos for the day and drink it before meals 25 - 30 minutes. This brewed tea can be stored for no more than one day. It is drunk warm and the taste is quite tolerable.

Orthosiphon stamen bud tea: reviews

Positive reviews about orthosiphon tea relate to its diuretic and anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving qualities, which is especially important for kidney diseases and cystitis.
Sometimes reviews raise the question of the advisability of this drug during pregnancy and lactation, despite the time-tested confidence of doctors in its harmlessness. In any case, only a doctor for each individual patient can assess the degree of benefit and harm of any product for human health.

VIDEO: Kidney tea Useful properties

Today, kidney diseases are common and generally require long-term treatment. Kidney tea comes to the aid of patients with kidney pathologies, which does not contain chemical elements and does not have many side effects. The Herb tea has many advantages, which include the ability to use it during pregnancy. But do not forget that, like any medicine, herbal tea has contraindications and dosage, which must be adhered to throughout the treatment.

Real kidney tea is called “Orthosiphon stamen”, and it is used for therapy various ailments organs of the urinary system. This healing drink has the ability to relieve inflammatory processes and have antiseptic and diuretic effects, and all this thanks to the plants in its composition. Orthosiphon is a small perennial plant. The leaves of the plant and its shoots are used as medicinal raw materials. Orthosiphon stamen renal is approved for use by pregnant women and during the lactation period.

What does it contain?

The drink is used to treat various ailments of the urinary system.

What is the composition of kidney tea that makes it so popular in the treatment of liver diseases? The described herbal tea contains a storehouse of useful substances:

  • aglycone;
  • tannins;
  • tannin;
  • triterpene saponins;
  • sitosterol;
  • essential oils;
  • phenylcarboxylic acids;
  • magnesium;
  • lipids;
  • strontium;
  • organic acids;
  • barium;
  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • mesoinositol;
  • cobalt;
  • nickel;
  • iridium;
  • potassium;
  • zinc.

Benefits for the kidneys

The main property of orthosiphon is its diuretic effect, due to which the plant has found its use in medicine for the treatment of various kidney pathologies accompanied by swelling, inflammatory processes, protein excretion in the urine, as well as for the treatment of urolithiasis, inflammation of the bladder and urethra. The beneficial properties of this healing herb allow you to remove acids, urea and chlorides from the body. It was noticed that kidney teas are able to suppress the pain that accompanies kidney disease.

Medicinal recipes for kidney tea

How to take for cystitis and kidney stones?

Representatives of alternative medicine recommend taking decoctions containing orthosiphon stamen kidney tea leaves for kidney stones and bladder inflammation, prepared as follows:

  1. Grind 3 g of orthosiphon herb and pour 200 ml of boiled water into it.
  2. Leave the product to infuse for 20 minutes, then strain.
  3. Top up with boiled water warm water to the original volume.
  4. Take 100 ml of healing decoction before meals twice a day, preferably morning and evening.

How to drink with pyelonephritis?

The beneficial properties of orthosiphon, namely its diuretic and antiseptic effects, make it possible to take it for kidney disease of an infectious-inflammatory nature. This renal pathology in medicine is called “pyelonephritis”. To prepare kidney tea for therapy and maintaining kidney health, you need to finely chop the leaves and shoots of the herb, pour the resulting mass into 200 ml of boiled water and let it boil. After 5 minutes, remove the herbal tea from the heat and leave to infuse for 3 hours. Strain the broth and drink 100 ml twice a day before meals. Those who took Orthosiphon for pyelonephritis got rid of pain and improved their kidney function.

For glomerulonephritis

The herb orthosiphon is used to treat kidney pathology.

The herb orthosiphon in folk medicine is used to treat kidney pathology, which damages the glomeruli. To prepare kidney tea, you need to grind 2 large spoons of leaves and shoots of the plant, pour the resulting mass into a thermos and pour 400 ml of boiling water. Leave the broth to infuse overnight, then strain and take 150 ml three times a day before meals. The duration of the therapeutic course is 2-3 weeks.

Contraindications for use

Despite the fact that liver tea is the best folk herbal remedy for the treatment of kidney diseases, it is not suitable for everyone. "Orthosiphon" can be harmful to health if taken with increased sensitivity to biological active components plants. Another contraindication is age - children under 3 years old should not drink the kidney drink. Otherwise, children may experience rashes and itching on the skin. You can take herbal tea during pregnancy only as prescribed by a doctor.


For the treatment and prevention of liver diseases, doctors prescribe a good herbal tea called “Urophyton”. It consists of the following plant components: birch leaves, marigold inflorescences, horsetail grass, licorice rhizomes, bearberry leaves and plantain. "Urophyton" has the following effects on the body:

  • reduces swelling;
  • prevents the formation of kidney stones;
  • relieves inflammatory processes;
  • acts as a diuretic, antispasmodic and antimicrobial agent.

Prescribed for the treatment of cystitis, prostatitis, pyelonephritis and urethra. The instructions state that it is not recommended to use Urophyton for pregnant women and during lactation, as well as for those with individual intolerance to the components of tea and for children under 12 years of age. To maintain kidney health and their therapy, tea should be drunk strictly according to the instructions, which indicate the following dosage: 2 times a day, 100-200 ml during meals.

There is an opinion that God created herbs, not pills, to cure all human diseases. As a rule, herbalists say this. In this article we will talk about kidney diseases and how to fight them using one very effective remedy.


Occurs in nature plant Orthosiphon staminate, it is also called the Cat's Whisker. It grows in the north of Australia, is found in Southeast Asia, on the islands of the Indian Ocean (Java Island), in America (tropical zone). On the territory of Russia, Cat's Whiskers can grow in the Caucasus and Crimea - there the climate is most suitable for it.

Orthosiphon blooms from mid to late summer. Only the upper parts of the inflorescence are used, they are dried and crushed. Thus, we can find orthosiphon in pharmacy boxes with the inscription “kidney tea”. The Orthosiphon staminate plant is very interesting in appearance: a long stem with an inflorescence at the top. The inflorescence is white-green with purple flowers. These flowers look like a cat's whiskers, as each of them has long shoots (stamens). Externally, these stamens are very reminiscent of a cat's whiskers.

Benefits for the kidneys

Tea for kidneys- Orthosiphon staminate plant, dried and ground. It can be bought at any pharmacy. Sometimes it contains some additional components.

As a drink, such a drug performs an important function for human health. It cleanses the kidneys and excretory system (bladder, ducts) of toxins, removes toxins and helps normalize the water balance in the body.

Also kidney decoction - anti-inflammatory drink. It contains components that relieve spasms and inflammation of internal organs (mucous membranes).

Orthosiphon stamen helps improve digestion by improving the production of gastric juice. This collection also helps remove excess fluid from the body, thereby removing swelling and improving external parameters.

When using, you must first explore kidney tea (beneficial features and contraindications). That is, consult a doctor and read the instructions for its use. It may turn out that drinking it is contraindicated for some people.

Indications for use

Many people benefit from kidney tea, its composition is such that the drink acquires a variety of properties other than medicinal. It is also used as a prophylactic. Many women who want to lose overweight, use a decoction to remove excess fluid from the body. This is better than taking diuretic drugs.

It is interesting to consider the composition of kidney tea. It includes this a large number of chemical elements, necessary for the body that not every natural herbal preparation can compete with it. A decent list from the periodic table is presented: boron, zinc, magnesium, selenium, manganese, fatty acids, iron, aluminum, cobalt and calcium. It's amazing!


Orthosiphon is staminate, its collection has your contraindications, so instructions are always included with the packaging. Kidney decoction is contraindicated for children; the child should not have access to medicines. Small children (under 3 years old) should absolutely not drink it. Pregnant women should take Orthosiphon stamen with caution, only if prescribed by a doctor. People with a history of allergic reactions on some of the components of natural origin. In any case, it is better to consult a doctor and not self-medicate.

It is contraindicated to abuse the drug. It is necessary to take the decoction only for the time recommended by the attending physician. And also carefully monitor the dosage to avoid side effects.

Varieties of kidney tea are sold in pharmacies - kidney fees. They have different composition. I would like to consider the most common preparations of kidney tea:

  • The “Urophyton” collection contains horsetail, licorice, bearberry, as well as marigolds (their inflorescences) and birch leaves. This composition has a diuretic effect, anti-inflammatory, and is good for cystitis, swelling, inflammation of the urethra and prostate in men. The contraindications are the same as mentioned above.
  • The collection “Fitonephrol” is very popular among the people. It is drunk as a diuretic and decongestant. They drink this kidney tea for cystitis and inflammation of the urinary tract. It is collected from: lingonberries, St. John's wort, corn silk, peppermint.
  • Tea "Nefron", its name speaks for itself. Ingredients that make up Nephron: calendula, St. John's wort, mint leaves, calamus, goldenrod and other herbs. Kidney tea fights pathogenic microbes. This composition is also used for kidney diseases of various origins. Also, kidney tea for cystitis is the first assistant.

How to take kidney tea

Many people are interested in how to drink the kidney collection. Many types of kidney tea are sold in special filter bags, which are convenient to brew. Usually you need to pour boiling water over one or two tea bags per glass of water and let it brew. This infusion should be taken twice a day.

Kidney tea: instructions for use

It’s good if tea is taken an hour or less before meals. This way the components will be absorbed by the body faster and enter the bloodstream.

The average course of treatment is one or two months. The exact period is determined by the doctor, in accordance with the patient’s well-being.

If the collection is not sold in bags, then you need to brew one or two teaspoons of chopped herbs, let it brew, and then strain.

Kidney tea during pregnancy

Many women are often interested in the question: “Which kidney tea to choose for pregnant women?” The answer is clear - this is Orthosiphon staminate. Only it has no contraindications during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and helps fight swelling. But young mothers and pregnant women need to be careful, buy tea from trusted sellers, and check the composition of the kidney tea. It should include only Orthosiphon stamen (Cat's whisker). No impurities are allowed.

It is also important to use the correct dosage of the decoction. Pregnant women drink it 3-4 times a day, and in small doses (no more than 150 grams).
