Are apple seeds healthy and can you eat them? Apple seeds: benefits, harm, calorie content and consumption features

According to nutritionists, apples are good for everyone. But apple seeds, the benefits and harms of which have been the subject of debate among experts for many decades, are not recommended for consumption by everyone. According to some scientists, the body will receive more harm from apple seeds than valuable substances, so they should be thrown away. Others argue that a small amount of seeds eaten daily will help replenish nutrients. Why do these seeds cause such controversy?


Apple seeds contain a very rare but important vitamin B17 (letril). It prevents the spread of cancer cells, so apple seeds are recommended to be consumed regularly to prevent cancer. In addition, letril reduces body fatigue.

Apple seeds have a high iodine content. A deficiency of this element affects the general condition of the body: mood decreases, memory deteriorates, frequent headaches appear, and attention is distracted. To get half the daily requirement of iodine, doctors recommend eating 5 seeds daily. But it would be wrong to replenish its reserves with apple seeds alone. A person’s diet should certainly include other foods rich in iodine.

To replenish your body with the beneficial elements contained in apple seeds every day, it is not necessary to eat the whole fruit. You can cut the apple, remove the seeds and grind them in a coffee grinder. The resulting powder must be mixed with honey (1:2). It is useful to add this additive to food (yogurt, kefir, porridge) or consume it separately, 1 teaspoon per day, without exceeding the recommended amount - 6 grains. Apple seeds should not be stored as they dry out quickly.

The beneficial substances contained in the seeds help smooth out wrinkles, so crushed seeds can be added to creams, scrubs and face masks.

To make homemade cosmetics from apples, you should grind the whole fruit, removing only the hard shells from the core.

The biological power of apple seeds is used in seed therapy to treat diseased organs. Experts who study su-jok methods believe that if you apply the bones to biologically active points on a person’s feet or palms that correspond to a particular organ, you can get rid of many ailments.


Apple seeds contain amygdalin glycoside, a dangerous substance that is broken down in the stomach into hydrocyanic acid. This acid belongs to the strongest poisons - cyanides. If you consume the seeds in excessive quantities, you can get poisoned. The human body has the ability to neutralize small amounts of cyanide, so if you eat apples with seeds in moderation, there will be no harm.

Signs of hydrocyanic acid poisoning are:

  • Strong headache;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • sudden changes in heart rate and blood pressure;
  • breathing problems, suffocation;
  • salivation;
  • vomit.

If such symptoms are detected, it is important to quickly rinse the stomach and call an ambulance. Ingestion of large amounts of hydrocyanic acid into the body can lead to death.

The poison is destroyed by heat treatment, so jam and compotes made from fruits with seeds are not dangerous to the body. However, there will be no useful substances left in them. Liqueurs and tinctures prepared at home from apples with seeds and subjected to long-term storage can lead to poisoning, since the toxic substance accumulated in them has not been subjected to heat treatment.

An excess of vitamin B17 is dangerous for the body. When a large amount of this element accumulates, the vitamin itself becomes a source of formation of hydrocyanic acid. This can result in toxic poisoning and death.


Despite the fact that apple seeds are a source of iodine, which is so important for the pregnant body and the developing fetus, they are contraindicated during pregnancy. The body of the expectant mother is susceptible to any harmful substances; it can react with severe toxicosis, headaches and a general deterioration in well-being. To replenish iodine in the body, a pregnant woman should include other foods in her menu or take a vitamin complex recommended by a doctor.

The baby's body is not able to fight even a small amount of poison, so children should be protected from eating apples with seeds. For the same reason, you should not eat these seeds during breastfeeding.

Since the peel of the grains is very hard, consuming whole apple seeds is contraindicated for:

  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • sensitive and fragile tooth enamel.

The nutritional value

Apple seeds are rich in protein, fatty oils (about 33%) and sucrose.

Vitamins and minerals

Apple seeds contain:

  • vitamin B17 (letril) (the daily requirement is contained in 5 seeds);
  • iodine (the daily requirement is contained in 10 seeds);
  • potassium (200 mcg).

For consumption, use only fresh seeds with an intact shell. The most valuable seed is the one that can germinate. To reduce the effect of the poison contained in the seeds, they can be mixed with sugar (honey) or overcooked.

Is it possible to eat apple seeds? This is the question some people ask when they start eating tasty and juicy fruits. The apple itself is a very valuable and healthy fruit, and this product comes in a variety of varieties and ripening periods.

Apple seeds, the benefits and harms of which have been the cause of debate among many experts for several years, can be included in your diet, but subject to certain rules.

Internal composition of apple seeds

Apple seeds contain the following useful elements:

  • fatty oils, up to 35% of the total mass of the stone;
  • protein;
  • sucrose;
  • vitamin B17. This vitamin, also called letril, is a very rare and important trace element. The daily norm of the element is in 4-5 seeds;
  • mineral elements, iodine with the daily value in 10 seeds and potassium with a content of 200 mcg per stone.

Benefits of apple seeds

Apple grains contain vitamin B17, which is quite important for humans, letril, which is a rare but useful trace element. This vitamin slows down the spread of tumor cells, so leading oncologists recommend using apple seeds for preventive purposes in cases of cancer.

Vitamin B17 increases the activity of the body and improves its general condition. A person who receives this vitamin in the required dose feels and looks much younger than his peers.

Apple seeds contain a high content of iodine. With a lack of such a microelement, a person is characterized by constant headaches, distracted attention, memory loss, frequent changes and worsening mood. To equalize the iodine content in the patient’s body, attending physicians prescribe eating up to five apple seeds a day to take part of the daily requirement of the element.

However, apples are not the only source of iodine in your body, so you need to include other foods in your daily diet that allow you to bring the iodine content to normal.

When eating juicy apples, you can cut it in half and remove fresh seeds from it. Afterwards, these seeds need to be crushed in any available device to a powder. The prepared powder can, as an option, be mixed with honey of any collection in a ratio of one to two. After this, such a mixture can be safely added to kefir, yogurt, cereals, or even taken as a separate supplement in the amount of one teaspoon per day. The daily grain requirement is five or six pieces.

When studying the properties of apple seeds, useful substances were discovered in their composition that help in the fight against wrinkles. After this discovery, the bones were widely used in cosmetology in the manufacture of creams, scrubs and face masks.

To prepare apple cosmetics at home, you need to chop the entire apple, including the seeds, and only remove the rough parts from the core of the fruit.

Due to their great biological power, apple seeds are widely used in modern courses of seed therapy in the treatment of internal organs of patients. For example, when undergoing a course of su-jok treatment, apple seeds are applied to the biologically active points of the patient’s palms and feet, which are responsible for the condition of one or another internal organ.

Harm from apple seeds

In addition to the benefits, apple grains can cause great harm if used incorrectly. This is due to the fact that fruit seeds contain a very dangerous substance - amygdalin glycoside, which is converted into hydrocyanic acid in the human stomach. This acid - called cyanide - is a strong poison.

However, the human immune system, with an unweakened and healthy body, is ready to cope with a small amount of such poison. Consequently, with normal consumption of apple grains, they will not cause harm, but only benefit.

Now it’s clear why you can’t eat apple seeds in large quantities. Uncontrolled consumption of apple grains can lead to food or even chemical poisoning with possible death.

The main symptoms of food poisoning with hydrocyanic acid are:

  1. Problems with the respiratory tract leading to suffocation.
  2. Sudden changes in blood pressure and heart rate.
  3. Profuse vomiting.
  4. Unbearable headache.
  5. Unconscious state.

In case of such poisoning, it is necessary to call a team of doctors and urgently rinse the stomach. Failure to provide timely qualified assistance can lead to death.

It should be taken into account that the poison in apple seeds disintegrates during heat treatment, therefore, compotes, jams and other dishes that contain fruit seeds do not pose any danger to human health.

It should be remembered that tinctures and liqueurs made at home from fruits with seeds without heat treatment can lead to food poisoning.


Apple seeds, although a good source of iodine, are contraindicated for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding. And there are objective reasons for this. Expectant mothers are very susceptible to all harmful and toxic substances, the influence of which can cause a deterioration in the woman’s general well-being, headaches and severe toxicosis.

To maintain normal iodine levels in a woman in a position that is important for the expectant mother and the growing fetus, it is necessary to include fruits and foods with iodine in the diet, as well as vitamin complexes prescribed by the attending physician.

Babies, with their developing immune systems, cannot fight even a minimal amount of toxic acid. Therefore, children should be generally protected from consuming fruits with seeds. Therefore, such grains should not be eaten by women who are breastfeeding.

Nutritionists say that apples are good for absolutely everyone. But there have been debates about apple seeds for a very long time. Experts' opinions on this issue differ radically. Some of them are sure that if you eat apple seeds, you can cause considerable harm to your health, and the benefits from it will be much less. They urge you to definitely throw away this part of the fruit. Other scientists say that by eating several of these seeds a day, you can replenish the supply of substances necessary for the body. Why are opinions about these seeds so different?


  1. These seeds contain a rare but necessary component. This is vitamin B17, which is also called letril. This vitamin resists the spread of cancer cells in the body. Therefore, many experts are sure that eating apple seeds is beneficial - they should be eaten to prevent cancer. This vitamin also promotes greater endurance and reduces fatigue.
  2. Apple seeds are also rich in iodine. Lack of iodine in the body leads to many adverse effects. These include frequent mood swings, headaches, and poor concentration. In addition, if a person lacks this element, his memory decreases. This can affect a person's work and daily life. 5 apple seeds contain up to 50% of the daily requirement of iodine, which is necessary for the normal functioning of many important processes in the body. But you can’t replenish your iodine supply with apple seeds alone. Everyone's diet should include a variety of foods that contain iodine. To do this, it is recommended to eat seafood every day.
  3. The components that these seeds contain help get rid of wrinkles, so cosmetologists recommend adding them to various facial cosmetics in ground form. These can be creams, masks or scrubs. To make your own homemade cosmetic from apples, you need to use the whole fruit. You only need to pull out the hard apple wings from the middle.
  4. There is such a field as seed therapy. Apple seeds are believed to have certain biological powers that can be used for various diseases. According to su-jok techniques, apple seeds can be applied to the palms or feet to the places of biologically active points. It is believed that each point corresponds to a specific organ, and such therapy can save a person from diseases.

Consumption: normal

In order for the body to receive all the elements that are present in apple seeds, scientists advise eating apple fruits whole. You can also remove the seeds from the fruit and grind them to a powder using a coffee grinder. You can add honey to the powder. Add the resulting mass to dishes, such as porridge or dairy products. You can eat it separately, a small spoon a day. But make sure that the number of seeds eaten during the day is no more than 6 pieces. This is the maximum permissible dose.

Apple seeds cannot be stored; they dry out too quickly.


Apple seeds contain the glycoside amygdalin. This substance turns into hydrocyanic acid. It is a strong poison and belongs to cyanide. Therefore, under no circumstances should you consume an excessive amount of apple seeds, otherwise you may experience severe poisoning. If you consume a moderate amount of these seeds, they will not cause harm, since the human body is designed in such a way that it can neutralize some amount of cyanide.

  • Intoxication with hydrocyanic acid leads to the following symptoms.
  • A headache begins.
  • The person may lose consciousness.
  • Changes in blood pressure and cardiac dysfunction are observed.
  • Choking occurs and breathing becomes difficult.
  • Salivation increases and vomiting occurs.

If such symptoms occur, gastric lavage must be done, and the patient must be urgently hospitalized. If the body contains too much of this poison, it can lead to fatal consequences.

At high temperatures, poisons are destroyed, which means there will be no harm if you cook compote or jam from apples without removing the seeds. But the beneficial substances also disappear from the seeds during heat treatment.

Important! Do not make alcoholic liqueurs and tinctures from apples with seeds. Long-term storage of such products leads to the accumulation of poisons in them. And their consumption can cause severe poisoning, because they are not subject to heat treatment.

Also, an excess amount of vitamin B17 will be dangerous for the body. If too much of it accumulates, the same hydrocyanic acid will form. As a result of such an excess, there can be severe intoxication of the body, which can lead to the most dire consequences.


Pregnant women should not eat apple seeds. Although they contain useful iodine, the pregnant woman’s body can react negatively to them. Headaches may occur, general condition may worsen, and toxicosis may develop. Therefore, in order to receive iodine, it is better for a pregnant woman to eat other foods containing this component.

The children's body is not equipped to deal with poisons even in small doses, so it is imperative to ensure that children eat seedless apples. Therefore, they are also contraindicated for women during lactation.

Due to the hardness of the skin of apple seeds, you should not eat them whole if you have stomach and intestinal diseases or too weak tooth enamel.

The nutritional value

Apple seeds contain valuable protein, sucrose. They also consist of a third of fatty oils.

Vitamins and minerals

Apple seeds contain:

  • potassium in the amount of 200 mcg;
  • vitamin B17.

If you decide to eat apple seeds, they must be fresh. The shell must not be damaged. To reduce the effects of the poison, overcook the seeds or add honey.

Video: Should you eat apple seeds?

The benefits of apple seeds have been known since ancient times: in Rus', tinctures were prepared from the seeds of these fruits to treat gout and improve digestion. Also, the beneficial properties of apple seeds are used to treat skin diseases and in the preparation of cosmetic masks. The benefits of apple seeds and what recipes you can use to prepare medicinal products are described in detail on this page.

Beneficial properties of apple seeds in the treatment of diseases

The beneficial properties of apples and their seeds have been known to people since ancient times. The miraculous power of this fruit is mentioned in the legend about rejuvenating apples that restore life and health.

For medicinal use, only well-ripened seeds covered with a brown shell should be collected.

Vitamins (A, B3, B6, C, E, P), minerals (potassium, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, molybdenum, iron) and tannins, tartaric, malic and citric acids, tannins, enzymes, as well as a flavonoid were found in apples quercetin.

What is contained in apple seeds, and why are they so healthy? A large amount of iodine was found in apple seeds. That is why they are often included in various traditional medicines intended for the treatment of hypothyroidism.

Chlorogenic organic acid, which is part of apple seeds, has an anti-inflammatory effect on the liver. In addition, it prevents the accumulation of oxalic acid in the body, an excess of which often causes gout.

In order to compensate for the lack of iodine in the body, it is recommended to eat 2 apples along with seeds daily.

What else are apple seeds good for human health? The wound-healing and general strengthening effect of apple seeds has long been known. In addition, they contain the toxin amygdalin, which, when ingested in a small amount, has an anti-cancer effect. However, its overdose can cause poisoning and even lead to death.

The beneficial properties of apple seeds are used for diseases such as:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • gout;
  • decreased immunity;
  • avitaminosis;
  • anemia;
  • obesity;
  • skin diseases.

Benefits of apple seed tincture

Most often, an infusion prepared from fresh or pre-dried apple seeds is used to treat various diseases. It contains vitamins, minerals, organic acids, tannins, sugars, protein components and iodine. Vitamin B17 transferred from apple seeds to infusion has anticancer and immunomodulatory effects. In addition, it helps cope with stress and depression.

Apple seeds are widely used in sujok therapy, which is a method of non-traditional treatment of diseases, the essence of which is to influence certain points on the surface of the feet and palms.

Apple seeds are widely used to treat many diseases of the cardiovascular and urinary systems, as well as hepatitis, decreased immunity, colds, flu, and vitamin deficiency.

The benefits of apple seed infusion are so great that with regular use you can get rid of iodine deficiency, the symptoms of which are lethargy, drowsiness, apathy, decreased attention and memory, and migraine. It is recommended to take the product regularly over several courses.

Apple seeds contain the toxic glycoside amygdalin, so it is recommended to eat no more than 5 pieces per day.

In addition to the above-mentioned beneficial substances, apple seeds contain phytoncides that suppress the growth and development of pathogenic microorganisms such as staphylococcus, influenza A virus and protea. The use of fruits and infusion of seeds is also indicated during the recovery period after a myocardial infarction.

The benefits of apple seeds in the treatment of skin diseases are also great. The presence of particles of non-drying fatty oil in the infusion allows the infusion to be used in cosmetology to nourish and rejuvenate the skin.

Using the beneficial properties of apple seeds in the treatment of diseases

Infusion of apple, cocklebur, gorse and nettle seeds

Required: 5 g apple seeds, 5 g cocklebur herb, 5 g gorse herb, 5 g nettle leaves, 5 g dandelion roots, 5 g eleutherococcus roots, 500 ml water.

Cooking method. Dry apple seeds, cocklebur and gorse grass, nettle leaves, dandelion and eleutherococcus roots, chop and combine. Pour boiling water over 15 g of the resulting mixture, keep at room temperature for 10-15 minutes, then strain through a fine sieve or gauze folded in several layers.

Mode of application. Drink the finished infusion 30-50 ml 2-3 times a day.

Infusion of apple and celery seeds

Required: 2 g apple seeds, 5 g celery roots, 500 ml water.

Cooking method. Mash fresh or dried apple seeds, mix with chopped celery roots, pour boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, then strain.

Mode of application. Drink 10 ml infusion 3-4 times a day.

This remedy is used for gout and arthritis.

Infusion of apple seeds, lemon balm, lavender, adonis and hops

Required: 5 g apple seeds, 10 g lemon balm herb, 10 g mint leaves, 10 g lavender herb, 10 g adonis herb, 10 g hop cones, 5 g valerian roots, 10 g yarrow herb, 200 ml water.

Cooking method. Combine pre-crushed apple seeds with powdered dry herbs of lemon balm, lavender, adonis and yarrow, mint leaves, valerian roots and hop cones. Mix everything. Brew 10 g of the resulting mixture with boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, strain.

Mode of application. Take 30-50 ml 3 times a day.

This remedy is used for hypothyroidism.

Using the beneficial properties of apple seeds in cosmetology

Mask with infusion of apple seeds, yolk and butter

Required: 5 g apple seeds, 1 egg yolk, 10 g butter, 100 ml water.

Cooking method. Crush the apple seeds, pour boiling water over them and leave for 15 minutes. Strain the finished infusion, combine with egg yolk and softened butter, mix thoroughly.

Mode of application. Apply the mask to previously cleansed skin of the face and neck, keep for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Carry out the procedure 3 times a week.

This mask is suitable for aging skin.

Mask with infusion of apple seeds and honey

Required: 5 g apple seeds, 10 g honey, 100 ml water.

Cooking method. Pour boiling water over pre-crushed apple seeds, leave for 15 minutes, then strain. Dissolve honey in the warm infusion and mix well.

Mode of application. Apply the composition to cleansed skin of the face and neck, leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Carry out the procedure every 2-3 days.

This mask is suitable for dry and aging skin.

Mask with infusion of apple seeds, honey and strawberries

Required: 5 g apple seeds, 10 g honey, 100 g strawberries, 100 ml water.

Cooking method. Mash the apple seeds, pour boiling water over them and leave for 15 minutes. Combine the strained infusion with honey and strawberry puree and mix thoroughly.

Mode of application. Apply the composition to cleansed facial skin and rinse with warm water after 15 minutes. Carry out the procedure 2-3 times a week.

This mask is suitable for any skin type.

Apple famous not only for its tasty and juicy pulp, which we eat with pleasure. Peel, seeds, partitions apple also have unique properties and benefits.

How to use them so that they bring maximum health benefits? For example in cooking. It is very healthy and tasty to combine apples with cereals, adding raisins or other dried fruits.

“Samara Zdorovyak” porridge contains grain shells that perfectly cleanse the body. This is a 100% natural product, and it is better to buy Samara Zdorovyak porridge in the EkoMarket online store, where you can get qualified advice from a manager.

Peel apple we often eat it along with the pulp. But sometimes we clean it off - and in vain! Most of the vitamins are located under the apple skin. The peel contains flavonoids and polyphenols, which are believed to have anti-cancer effects.

Research by American scientists has shown that biologically active substances extracted from apple peels reduce the speed proliferation of tumor cells.

For medicinal purposes, both fresh and dried peels are used. Its properties are not lost for 10 years. You can prepare the powder and brew healing tea.

The drink regulates salt metabolism and is useful for gout, sclerosis and especially for kidney and urolithiasis. This medicinal tea strengthens the nervous system and promotes healthy sleep.

With regular use, insomnia will go away. Therefore, it is better to drink it at night.

Now about apple cores . Inside apple are lurking phytoncides. They are capable of killing dysentery pathogens, Staphylococcus aureus, and influenza viruses. The phytoncidal effect increases from the edge to the center of the fruit.

The released volatile substances protect even those collected fruits that are nearby from spoilage and contribute to their better ripening. This property apples used for storing tomatoes.

But the most mysterious part of the apple is bones . They contain 33% non-drying fatty oil, proteins, and sucrose. But the most valuable thing in the bones is iodine. Five or six apple seeds satisfy an adult’s daily need for iodine and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and brain.

In addition, it was found in apple seeds vitamin B-17 (letril), which has anti-cancer properties and reduces fatigue.

However, do not overdo it with fruit seeds. They contain an extremely dangerous substance - amygdalin glycoside. In the stomach it breaks down to form hydrocyanic acid, a powerful poison.

There is especially a lot of it in bitter almond seeds. You can weaken the effect of the poison by frying the seeds with added sugar.

Extract from apple seeds has the miraculous property of smoothing out wrinkles, and therefore is used in cosmetics.

Treatment with seeds

The powerful biological power of apple seeds is actively used therapy su-jok. Translated from Korean, “su” means hand, and “jok” means foot. Seeds are applied to biologically, which correspond to diseased organs.

The bones share their energy with the affected area. Method su-jok Can be used by anyone; no medical training is required.

If you are struggling with varicose veins on the lower legs, you should apply apple seeds to the second phalanges of the ring and middle fingers.

Using a slightly sharpened pencil, press on the dots. Where you feel pain, secure the apple seed on your finger with an adhesive plaster for a period of several hours to a day.

Throughout the day, apply pressure to the seed while rotating it clockwise.

Itching, tingling, pain, feeling of warmth are signs that the treatment has “worked”.

At the end of the session, replace the apple seed with a new one. Each type of seed apple recommended for the treatment of a specific disease.
