Recipe for making chocolate cupcakes. Chocolate cake in the oven. Chocolate cupcake "Surprise"

Today I offer you a chocolate cake recipe for dessert, the recipe for which is not particularly complicated.

But thanks to different combinations of cocoa powder and dark chocolate, you can get completely different results.

The recipes also use nuts, mainly walnuts, and dried fruits (preference is given to raisins). However, you can choose them according to your taste and preferences.

So let's make some chocolate cake. A step-by-step recipe with photos will be a good help for novice housewives.

Traditional chocolate cupcake

In order to bake a simple chocolate cake, take the following products: flour - 2.5 tbsp; milk – 0.2 l; drain oil –150 g; cocoa powder – 5 tablespoons; granulated sugar – 1.5 tbsp; eggs – 5 pcs.; baking powder.

This simple classic recipe will appeal to even experienced cooks, because it is precisely due to the absence of any additives that the taste of cocoa is revealed most fully.

Thanks to the high content of cocoa beans, the cake will have an incredible aroma and taste.

Cooking process:

  1. I'll start making the glaze. It will also represent one of the components of the test. To do this, add cocoa and granulated sugar to the melted butter and mix. I reserve one third for glaze.
  2. I cool the rest of the mixture. I slowly pour out the milk and break the eggs.
  3. I sift the flour, mix it with baking powder and add it to the resulting mass. I knead. I pour it into the mold.
  4. I put the chocolate simple muffins in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees, for 25 minutes.
  5. I cover delicious finished cupcakes with frosting. You can start tasting. Bon appetit!

As you can see, traditional recipes for making chocolate cake allow you to make a real chocolate treat at home in a short time with a minimum set of ingredients.

Chocolate cherry cupcake

The slight sourness of cherry berries goes well with the bitter aftertaste of dark chocolate. I offer you a simple recipe on how to make this fluffy chocolate cupcake step by step.

To make a chocolate cake with a slight sour note, take the following products:

flour – 0.2 kg; milk – 0.2 ml; cocoa – 4 tbsp; drain butter – 0.1 kg; granulated sugar - 1 tbsp.; berries – 1 tbsp.; eggs – 4 pcs.; baking powder.

Prepare chocolate cupcakes as follows:

  1. I wash the cherries under running water and remove the seeds. This can be done either using a special machine or by cutting the berries in half. You can also use a large paper clip or hairpin. I leave the cherries in a colander to drain the excess juice, otherwise the cake will be soggy. By the way, you can either simply drink the juice later, or use it in preparing compotes, fruit drinks, etc.
  2. Using a blender, beat the eggs until fluffy foam forms.
  3. Pour the melted butter into the flour mixture, add beaten eggs and milk. I knead the dough.
  4. The final chord is cherry. I mix it with the dough and put it into the mold.
  5. I preheat the oven to 180 degrees. and put our chocolate sweet and sour cupcake in the oven until done (20 minutes).

Enjoy your tea! Don't forget that if you use small molds, you will get small chocolate cupcakes that are not at all inferior to one large one.

Don't forget to send your recipes and tips on how to make a chocolate cupcake, and post photos in the comments.

Cupcake based on cocoa and dark chocolate

This is the recipe for double chocolate flavor that I invite you to cook with me today.

Thanks to cocoa, the chocolate cake will acquire a rich color, and dark chocolate will add a special, incomparable taste to everyone’s favorite delicacy.

So, recipes for preparing such a delicacy involve using the following set of products:

drain oil – 0.150 kg; milk – 0.150 ml; flour – 2 tbsp; dark chocolate in a bar – 0.1 kg; granulated sugar – 0.1 kg; eggs – 4 pcs.; cocoa powder – 4 tbsp; baking powder.

So, step by step cupcake recipe:

  1. I sift the flour and mix it with baking powder, cocoa powder and granulated sugar.
  2. Add milk and melted butter.
  3. Using a blender, beat the eggs until fluffy foam forms. I pour it into the mixture and knead the dough.
  4. I break the chocolate bar into small pieces with my hands and add it to the dough and mix.
  5. I fill out the baking dish and send it to a pre-heated one at 180 degrees. into the oven for 20 minutes.

Lush chocolate cake is ready! Don't forget to take a photo. And remember that if you use small molds, you will get small portioned chocolate muffins, which are perfect for breakfast or afternoon snack.

I'm sure you'll love this quick and amazing double chocolate treat recipe.

Low-calorie cake with vegetable oil

This one differs from the traditional butter cake in its small amount of sunflower oil.

However, the chocolate taste of the cake will not be affected at all, but on the contrary will be enhanced by the addition of dried fruits and nuts.

To make a great chocolate cupcake, use the following ingredients:

flour – 2 tbsp; sunflower oil – 0.5 tbsp.; granulated sugar – 0.150 kg; water – 0.2 l; powdered milk – 2 tbsp; eggs – 5 pcs.; cocoa powder – 4 tbsp; starch – 2 tbsp; several varieties of nuts – 150 g; dried fruits (raisins) – 50 g.

The recipe is quite simple. Let's start preparing chocolate cupcakes as follows:

  1. I'll start by making the glaze. To do this, I pour water into the pan, add cocoa, granulated sugar, and add butter. I let it heat until it boils, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat and leave to cool.
  2. Beat the eggs with a blender until a good foam forms.
  3. Pour the cooled glaze into the eggs in a small stream.
  4. I sift the flour, add dry milk and starch, mix.
  5. Add to the egg mixture in small portions.
  6. Place the future chocolate cake in a preheated oven at 210-220 degrees for ten minutes. Next I lower the temperature to 160 degrees. and leave it in the oven for about twenty minutes.

Chocolate cupcake with dried fruits and mixed nuts is ready! Prepare tea and invite guests.

Bookmark these simple recipes that will allow you to quickly create real chocolate cupcakes from the most ordinary ingredients.

Cupcake with chocolate sauce

Another simple and uncomplicated recipe with double chocolate flavor. Like previous recipes, the dough still contains cocoa and vegetable oil.

However, the second component is not hidden inside the cupcake, but is poured on top. I won’t bore you with waiting, let’s make these delicious and wonderful chocolate cupcakes together.

To prepare you will need:

flour – 2 cups; granulated sugar – 1 cup; water – a glass (or half a glass of water and milk), sunflower oil – 2.3 glasses; eggs – 5 pieces; cocoa powder – 3 tablespoons; powdered milk – 2 tablespoons; baking powder; vanilla sugar.

For the glaze you will need:

water – 1 glass; granulated sugar – 0.5 cups; margarine – 60 g; cocoa powder – 2 tablespoons; vanilla sugar.

Let's start cooking:

  1. I pour water into the pan, add cocoa powder, granulated sugar, and add butter. I heat until boiling, stirring occasionally (about five minutes). I take it off the fire.
  2. Beat the eggs with vanilla sugar in a blender until a good foam forms.
  3. Continuing to beat, pour the cocoa mass in a small stream (without cooling it) until smooth (about two minutes).
  4. I sift the flour, add dry milk and baking powder, mix.
  5. Add in small portions to the chocolate mixture. The consistency of the dough should be like homemade sour cream.
  6. I pour the dough into the mold and place it in a preheated oven at 200 degrees. oven.
  7. After 10-15 minutes, I lower the temperature to 170 degrees. and bake the cake for another half hour.
  8. There is no need to remove the cake after cooking. Let it sit for another half hour until it cools completely.
  9. At this time I'll start making the glaze. This is the recipe. I mix all the necessary ingredients in a saucepan and cook over low heat for ten minutes. Next, I remove it from the heat, let it sit for a couple more minutes and pour it over the now cooled chocolate cake.

I am sure that such recipes for delicious cupcakes should not just be read, they must be immediately implemented.

Quick chocolate cupcake

At the end of this collection, I prepared another recipe for double chocolate pleasure.

This simple chocolate version differs from previous recipes in that in addition to cocoa, dark chocolate is used, but not in pieces, but in the form of melted chocolate mass.

There are no chocolates! And if you add nuts and dried fruits – it’s not muffins, but simply delicious! Let's lift the curtain.

The recipe requires the following ingredients:

flour - one heaped glass; granulated sugar - one glass with a slide; drain butter – 0.2 kg; chocolate bar with a high content of cocoa beans – 0.3 kg; milk – 1/4 cup; eggs – 4 pieces; cocoa powder – 1 tbsp; a glass of any nuts; a third of a glass of dried fruits (raisins).

Mark the time, let's start baking cupcakes with me:

  1. I will break the chocolate with my hands. The smaller the pieces, the faster they will melt.
  2. I add chocolate and cocoa pieces to the milk. I put it on low heat and wait until all the chocolate has dissolved, stirring occasionally.
  3. I sift the flour. I add eggs, granulated sugar and vegetable oil to it. I beat the whole mass with a blender.
  4. I pour the dough into the chocolate mixture. I stir.
  5. I chop nuts. I wash the dried fruits and steam them a little in hot water.
  6. Add nuts and dried fruits to the resulting dough and mix. I pour it into the mold.
  7. In a preheated oven to 180 degrees. I place the future chocolate cake. I check readiness with a toothpick.

Prepare several chocolate cupcakes at once using the recipes provided, take a photo and write which cooking options you liked best.

And finally, as always, my tips on how to perfect your cupcake recipes.

Don't forget to also post photos in the comments and your proven recipes. You're always welcome, Ivan.

  • In accordance with culinary rules, the finished baked goods should stand in the refrigerator for at least several hours, and it is advisable to leave it overnight. I agree that this is very difficult to do, but for comparison, leave a small piece of baked goods the next day and check the accuracy of this statement.
  • Many recipes suggest using starch instead of baking powder. Give preference to corn. But it’s better not to put soda in cupcakes.
  • To enhance the flavor, add a little vanilla to the cupcakes.
  • The color and taste of the products can vary depending on the amount of cocoa used. A couple of spoons will add a delicate hint of milk chocolate, and four will bring the cupcakes closer to the taste of dark chocolate.

My video recipe

Cupcake Recipes

Prepare a classic chocolate cupcake, as well as a cupcake with banana or orange - look at the delicious options for a step-by-step family recipe with photos and videos.

50 min

500 kcal

5/5 (2)

Chocolate cake is rightfully considered one of the most famous and desired dishes around the world. There is hardly a person who would not be attracted by the delicious aroma and pronounced taste of this pastry, which cannot be confused with anything else. I baked such products according to the old instructions of my grandmother, who was famous for her culinary skills.

Chocolate cupcakes are in perfect harmony with the following fillings:

  • banana,
  • orange,
  • nuts,
  • cherry,
  • raisins.

Classic recipe

Kitchen appliances:

  • Prepare several silicone molds for muffins or cupcakes (in extreme cases, you can take a standard mold with a hole in the middle),
  • several deep bowls with a capacity of 600 to 900 ml,
  • tablespoons and teaspoons,
  • kitchen scale or measuring cup,
  • whisk,
  • spatula,
  • sieve and grater
  • In addition, it is also recommended to take a mixer or blender to be able to mix the cake batter well.

You will need:

Did you know? For those who prefer lean baking, chocolate cake can be prepared without eggs using the same recipe. To do this, replace each egg with two level tablespoons of potato or corn starch.

Important! If possible, it is better to prepare a cupcake without cocoa (this is still not a very natural ingredient) with chocolate pieces and chocolate chips. To do this, replace the cocoa powder with 50 g of dark chocolate and finely break or crush the bar.

  1. Set the oven to heat to 180 degrees.
  2. Place the butter in a saucepan.
  3. Place on low heat to melt.

  4. Then pour sugar in there and pour in milk.

  5. Stir with a whisk and bring to a boil.
  6. Once the sugar has dissolved, remove from heat.
  7. Let the mixture sit for a while to cool down.
  8. Then add baking soda and vanillin and stir.

    Did you know? Fans of confectionery seasonings at this stage can add a little cinnamon, nutmeg or another favorite ingredient to their dough, but beware of going too far.

  9. Add eggs, nuts and cocoa (if you have chocolate, do not add cocoa).

  10. Beat at low speed for several minutes.

  11. Without ceasing to beat, add flour in parts.
  12. Bring the dough until smooth.

  13. Set aside to “rest” (now you can add crushed chocolate).
  14. After five minutes, stir again.
  15. Carefully coat the molds with margarine.
  16. Pour the dough and set the mixture to bake.

  17. After 40 minutes, check with a toothpick and remove from the oven.

That's all! Your amazing chocolate cocoa cupcakes are completely ready, so don't waste time and dust them with powdered sugar.

If you prepared a whole cake, cut it into neat pieces before serving so that your family can enjoy not only the aroma, but also the appearance of the product.

Video recipe for making a classic chocolate cake

For a detailed tutorial on how to bake a delicious chocolate cake using the above recipe, watch the video below.

However, let's return to the kitchen. We have yet to prepare a chocolate cupcake with a banana, half-liquid filling according to the original quick recipe.

Recipe with bananas

Cooking time: 45-65 minutes.
Number of persons: 8-12.
Calorie content per 100 g: 450-550 kcal.

You will need:

  • 100-150 g sugar;
  • 10 g butter margarine;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 300 g flour;
  • 100 ml sunflower oil;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 70 g cocoa;
  • 10 g baking powder;
  • 2 bananas;
  • 5 g soda.

Important! The main secret to making the perfect chocolate banana cake is to use slightly overripe bananas, since fresh and well-shaped fruits have low viscosity and may not bake well in the oven.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Heat the oven to 180 degrees.
  2. Stir the flour with a whisk, adding baking soda, cocoa and baking powder.

  3. Then sift it once or twice.
  4. Place butter in a separate bowl.
  5. Add chicken eggs and sugar.

  6. Grind it a little with a spoon, then set it to beat.
  7. Cut the bananas into pieces and grind them into a solid mass with a blender.

    Did you know? If juice appears during the process of chopping bananas (and it will definitely appear if you have chosen the right fruits), do not pour it out under any circumstances. The filling will be more juicy with natural banana juice.

  8. Place them in the egg-sugar mixture.

  9. Then add sunflower oil and stir the mixture with a whisk.
  10. Without stopping stirring, gradually add the flour mixture.

  11. After kneading the semi-liquid dough, let it stand for about 2 minutes.
  12. While the dough is infusing, grease the mold with margarine.
  13. Then divide the dough into 2 parts, put the first one in the mold.
  14. Level with a spoon and place thin banana filling on top.
  15. Cover with the other half of the dough and level it as well.

  16. Place in the oven and bake for about 45 minutes, checking periodically for doneness.
  17. Let our product cool and release it from the mold.

Made! Your amazing chocolate baked goods do not require additional decoration and are ready to eat, but no one will stop you from preparing icing for a still warm cupcake.

To do this, melt 30 g of chocolate in a water bath, add a teaspoon of lemon juice and cover the surface of the product with the resulting mixture. All that's left to do is let the cake sit for a little while for the glaze to harden.

Video recipe for making chocolate banana cake

Step-by-step preparation of banana-chocolate delicacy in the video.

But don’t rush to get carried away with tea drinking - we still have to prepare the most fragrant chocolate-orange cupcake.

Recipe with orange

Cooking time: 50-80 minutes.
Number of persons: 8-12.
Calorie content per 100 g: 400-500 kcal.

You will need:

  • 1 medium orange;

Did you know? This version of the recipe is universal and involves the use of not only citrus fruits: instead of orange or lemon, I often add fresh or canned cherries, as well as raisins, walnuts and apples to the dough.

  • 180-200 g butter;
  • 200 g flour;
  • 4 chicken eggs;
  • 200 g sugar;
  • 8 g baking powder;
  • 50 g cocoa.

Important! Orange, as the main flavoring ingredient, should be selected from varieties with soft and very thin skin - such citrus fruits have tender pulp oozing juice and do not taste bitter.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Set the oven to preheat to 180 degrees.
  2. Break the eggs into a deep bowl.
  3. Beat them a little with a mixer or blender.

  4. Then add sugar and mix.
  5. Add butter, beat for another minute.

  6. Remove the mixer and add one third of the flour.
  7. Beat well, add the second third, continue beating.

  8. Soon after this, add the remaining flour.
  9. Knead a homogeneous dough and leave it to steep.

  10. Meanwhile, peel the orange.

    Did you know? If you have chosen cherries or apples as a filler, and also intend to cook with nuts and raisins, simply rinse the ingredients (except nuts, of course) and add them to the dough at the right time.

  11. Cut into pieces and grind in a blender.

  12. Divide the dough into two parts, add grated orange to one.

  13. Mix cocoa powder into another.

  14. Cover the mold with margarine and pour the chocolate dough into it.
  15. Level it out and spread the orange batter on top.

  16. We also level it well and put the pan in the oven.
  17. After 45 minutes, check for readiness.
  18. Remove the finished cake from the oven and leave to cool.
  19. Carefully release the product from the mold.

That's all! You have just prepared the most unusual and delicious cupcake. Now decorate it with glaze or simply sprinkle with powdered sugar mixed with orange zest. I am sure that your guests and loved ones will be very surprised and delighted by the cross-section of the cupcake. And its taste will make them simply sweep the treat from the table, without even leaving crumbs.

kefir cake in the oven VKontakte

Chocolate cake with margarine has a rather unusual preparation technology and at the same time very simple! But once you try to bake it, you will no longer be able to deny yourself this pleasure! Delicious and simple at the same time! Thanks to our recipe, you will delight your family with delicious homemade cakes!


  • margarine (can be replaced with butter) - 250 g;
  • cocoa - 4 tbsp;
  • sugar - 1.5 tbsp;
  • milk - 0.5 tbsp;
  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • soda - 0.5 tsp;
  • flour - 2 tbsp.

Chocolate cupcake recipe

  1. Take an aluminum saucepan or ladle and melt the margarine there.
  2. Add cocoa, sugar and milk to boiling margarine, stir and bring to a boil again. Refrigerate.
  3. Add eggs, soda and flour to the cooled mixture. If you think the dough is too runny, add a little more flour. Stir, you can beat with a mixer.
  4. Pour the dough into a greased mold and bake at 180°C for 35-40 minutes. Check the cake for doneness with a match; when it’s dry, it’s ready. It all depends on the oven.

You can serve the chocolate cake right on the table like this, it’s already delicious, you can use it as a base for the cake, after preparing the frosting. We used the glaze that we told how to cook in

Don't know how to pamper your family or guests at your home? Why not bake a chocolate cupcake? To prepare sweet pastries you won’t need a lot of effort and time, and most importantly, it will delight your sweet tooth with the rich taste of chocolate, so beloved by many. There will be no shame in presenting baked goods as a dessert even on a festive table, and decorating the top of the delicacy with powdered sugar will instantly make the confectionery product fly off the table.

Secrets of making cupcakes

Chocolate cupcakes are perfect. If you love dark chocolate, then you can add chocolate chips to the dough, this will only enhance the sweet pastry’s taste. To prepare the sweetness, you should prepare:

  • half a glass of flour;
  • a few tablespoons of cocoa;
  • one egg;
  • baking powder;
  • 50 grams of sugar;
  • a few tablespoons of olive oil;
  • half a glass of milk;
  • 50 grams of chocolate chips.

To make chocolate cake quickly and deliciously , You should mix products such as eggs, milk, butter, sugar and oil in a separate bowl, thoroughly whisking the mass with a mixer. Mix the flour and baking powder together, pass through a sieve and add to the egg mixture. Stir with a whisk, and gradually add chocolate chips and smooth out the dough. Set the oven to 160 degrees Celsius and bake the cupcakes for about 25 minutes . Cupcake with chocolate filling is ready!

Banana muffin with chocolate chips and nuts

To prepare the presented delicacy, you should buy a sweet variety of bananas. To prepare baked goods, you need to prepare the following products:

  • 10 tablespoons of any roasted and chopped nuts;
  • half a chocolate bar;
  • a glass of flour;
  • half a bowl of sugar;
  • baking powder;
  • a couple of eggs;
  • half a package of margarine;
  • half a kilo of bananas;
  • vanilla to taste.

To bake a chocolate banana cupcake, you need to prepare the dough. Peel the bananas, cut into small pieces and mash with a fork until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Add eggs, chocolate, butter, salt and soda here - beat the mixture thoroughly with a whisk.

In a separate bowl, pass the flour through a sieve and begin to carefully fold it into the banana mixture. Stir the dough with a whisk and add nuts. Grease the baking dish with butter, sprinkle with flour, and bake the cupcake at a temperature of 160 degrees Celsius for about 40 minutes. Now you know the secrets of making chocolate banana cake. Bon appetit.

Fragrant cupcakes with chocolate - it’s simply impossible to resist

Looking for a delicious chocolate cupcake recipe? Then you simply must get acquainted with the following option for preparing homemade baked goods. At the end of cooking you will have a very good , and to prepare it, you need to stock up on the following ingredients:

  • a cup of flour;
  • fatty oil – 200 grams;
  • 2 chocolates;
  • a couple of chicken eggs;
  • 5 spoons of cocoa;
  • baking powder.

Break the chocolate into pieces. This can be done with a knife. Shortly before starting cooking, take the butter out of the refrigerator so that it melts a little. Grind butter with sugar. Beat eggs into the creamy mixture. Mix baking powder with flour and cocoa, add dry ingredients to the creamy egg mixture, beat with a whisk. Once you have mixed the mixture well, you can start adding the chocolate.

We take out silicone baking molds, spread the dough in them, and bake the cupcakes at a temperature of 170 degrees Celsius for about 30 minutes. Chocolate cupcakes with small pieces of chocolate are ready.

Recipe for homemade nut and chocolate muffins

When in the cold season you want to pamper yourself with something not only sweet, but also nutritious, a recipe for making muffins with nuts and chocolate will come in handy more than ever. To prepare sweet and incredibly aromatic pastries, you should prepare the following ingredients:

  • a cup of flour;
  • half a glass of nuts and the same amount of chocolate chips;
  • several eggs;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • soda and vanilla to taste.

Grind the sugar with butter and add the eggs. Sift the flour through a sieve and begin to carefully add it to the butter mixture. Mix with a whisk, add soda, nuts, chocolate chips and vanilla to taste. Stir and prepare the mold.

Grease the kesik mold with butter, sprinkle with flour, pour in the dough and bake at 180 degrees Celsius for 40 minutes. A delicious chocolate cupcake recipe in your pocket, bon appetit!

Cupcake with cashews and chocolate pieces inside

How to make chocolate cashew muffins, and how successful is this combination? Let's make a reservation right away - when you buy fresh cashews, you will get something more than just homemade muffins. Cashews have a rather pronounced sweet-nutty taste, so they go well with chocolate baked goods. To prepare the delicacy, you should prepare the following products:

  • half a liter of fatty fermented baked milk;
  • 2.5 cups flour;
  • 4 eggs;
  • butter or margarine – 120 grams;
  • 150 grams of roasted cashews;
  • half a bar of dark chocolate;
  • soda and vanilla to taste.

Beat the eggs with sugar, add softened butter and continue beating. Slowly add the fatty fermented baked milk, followed by soda and vanilla, mix the mass with a whisk, add the sifted flour and gently stir the dough.

Chop the chocolate into small pieces, along with cashew nuts. Add ingredients to the dough. Grease the mold with oil, pour the dough into it and bake the cupcake at 180 degrees for half an hour. Chocolate cake without milk is already asking to be served on your table, bon appetit!

Homemade dark chocolate cupcake recipe - the perfect recipe for delicious and simple baking

Looking for an easy chocolate cupcake recipe? Then write down the recipe presented in your cookbook. The only condition is that you should get high-quality dark chocolate with a low vegetable fat content in order to enjoy the exquisite and sophisticated taste of home-baked goods to the maximum. To cook, you should prepare:

  • half a chocolate bar;
  • a glass of flour;
  • half a package of butter;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • a couple of eggs;
  • vanilla extract;
  • a couple of teaspoons of rum;
  • soda

Beat sugar with eggs. When the sugar is completely dissolved, add melted butter and vanilla extract. Mix the mass. Pass the wheat flour through a sieve and carefully add it to the egg-cream mixture. Mix the dough with a whisk and add a couple of teaspoons of rum.

Cut the chocolate into small pieces and add to the dough. The batter for chocolate cupcakes should be medium thick. Grease the baking tins with butter and bake at 170 degrees for half an hour. Chocolate cupcakes are ready. By the way, they don’t have to be baked in standard, small molds. The dough can even be poured into a baking pan; a “large” cupcake can be poured with chocolate glaze or simply sprinkled with granulated sugar. Pour your favorite hot drink and enjoy delicious homemade cakes!

Recipe for baking in a slow cooker, with the addition of cherries, nuts and chocolate

Confectionery products prepared in a slow cooker are particularly tender and fluffy. There are quite a few options for making chocolate cupcakes using this miracle technique, but the recipe below deserves special attention. You'll have to tinker a little, but what you get at the end of cooking will make you return to this particular sweet pastry recipe more than once.

To prepare a cupcake with chocolate, nuts and cherries, you should prepare:

  • packaging of butter;
  • a couple of tablespoons of baking powder;
  • half a glass of milk;
  • 300 grams of pitted cherries;
  • half a glass of nuts and chocolate drops;
  • 400 grams of flour;
  • 4 eggs;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • vanilla to taste.

Beat butter with sugar. Beat eggs into the same mixture. Heat the milk a little and add it to the whipped mixture. Mix flour with baking powder, sift through a sieve and add to eggs and cream. Knead the dough and add vanilla to taste.

Chop the nuts and add the dough. Stir and add chocolate drops, along with pitted cherries. Grease the multicooker bowl with butter, sprinkle with flour, pour in the dough and bake on the “Baking” mode for 60 minutes. The chocolate cupcake is ready! Decorate the confectionery with cherries and chocolate. Bon appetit.

How to cook chocolate cupcakes in the microwave?

There are many recipes for quick chocolate cupcakes. Quick chocolate cake in the oven? No, we haven’t, because now we’ll get acquainted with the option of preparing delicacies in the microwave. And by the way, cooking will take you a maximum of 5 minutes.

To make simple chocolate cupcakes, you should stock up on:

  • 4 tablespoons of wheat flour;
  • a couple of spoons of cocoa;
  • a couple of spoons of sugar;
  • egg;
  • a tablespoon of milk;
  • spoon of chocolate drops;
  • a teaspoon of baking powder.

Chocolate cake without butter can also be tender, and you will see this by preparing the cake according to the suggested recipe. Mix all the dry ingredients and stir them well with a spoon. Add the egg and beat the mixture intensively using a mixer. Heat the milk and pour it into our dough. We also add baking powder and chocolate drops here.

Grease any mug and glass with butter. Pour out the prepared dough. Set the microwave oven to maximum mode, place the mug and bake the cupcake for about 3 minutes.

We take out our uniform, but are in no hurry to get the sweet pastries. After 10 minutes, turn the dish upside down and put the sweetness on a plate. Decorate with grated chocolate, add a hot drink to the baked goods and start enjoying dessert! Cupcakes with cocoa in the microwave are a lifesaver when you don’t have extra time to prepare delicious desserts!

Recipe for a cupcake with liquid chocolate inside – a very chocolate delight

You love chocolate and are ready to eat it anywhere and everywhere. What about delicious chocolate cupcakes with melted chocolate inside? Sounds tempting, doesn't it? To prepare sweet pastries, you should prepare the following ingredients:

  • 2 chocolates;
  • half a pack of butter;
  • several eggs;
  • half a glass of brown sugar;
  • vanilla extract;
  • baking powder.

Break the chocolates into small pieces, put them in a saucepan and place the dishes in a water bath. When the mass begins to melt, add fatty butter to it. Mix the mixture intensively and remove it from the heat. Set the chocolate-cream liquid aside and let it cool slightly.

Beat the eggs with brown sugar and add vanilla extract. Mix flour with baking soda and baking powder and pass through a sieve. Add eggs to the chocolate mixture, stir, and sift in the flour. Mix the dough with a whisk.

Grease silicone molds with butter. Pour our dough into them and bake at 200 degrees Celsius for 10 minutes. Yes, you read that right! It is due to fast cooking that you will get baked goods with a sticky filling inside. This is the perfect quick bake recipe. And there is no doubt about the excellent taste of the dessert. Your household will ask you to prepare this particular delicacy more than once.


  • creamy margarine/butter - 200 gr.
  • cocoa powder - 4 tbsp.
  • sugar - 1-1 ½ tbsp.
  • milk - ½ tbsp.
  • soda - ½ tsp.
  • flour - 2 tbsp.
  • eggs – 4 pcs.
  • roasted peanuts or raisins – 100 gr.


Melt margarine or butter and mix with sugar, cocoa and milk. The resulting mixture must be heated until boiling.

Pour 8 tbsp. l. chocolate mixture into a separate mug, and set everything else aside until it cools. When the mixture has cooled to room temperature, add eggs, baking soda, chopped nuts or raisins, and flour.

Stir the dough until not a single lump remains, and then pour into a mold lined with oiled paper. Bake for about 20 minutes, then remove from the oven and remove the paper while still hot.

Pour frosting over the cooled cake (the chocolate mixture you poured into a separate mug).
Place in the refrigerator.

Enjoy your tea!

2. Chocolate cupcake “Excellent”


For the test:

  • water – 1 tbsp.
  • vegetable oil - 2/3 tbsp.
  • sugar – 1 tbsp.
  • dark cocoa – 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • eggs – 5 pcs.
  • vanilla sugar - 1 pack.
  • flour – 2 tbsp.
  • powdered milk - 2 tbsp. l.
  • baking powder - 2 tsp.
  • soda – ½ tsp.

For the sauce:

  • butter - 50 gr.
  • water – 1 tbsp.
  • sugar – ½ tbsp.
  • cocoa – 2 tbsp. l.
  • vanilla sugar – 1 pack.


  1. Preheat the oven well at 200-220 degrees.
  2. Mix water, vegetable oil, sugar and cocoa, thoroughly rub all the lumps. Boil the resulting mixture for approximately 5 minutes. Once the mixture comes to a boil and is covered in a mass of bubbles, remove it from the heat.
  3. In a bowl, beat eggs and vanilla sugar until fluffy. While whisking, pour the hot chocolate mixture into the mixture in a thin stream. Beat for another 2 minutes until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.
  4. Mix flour, milk powder, baking powder and soda, sift them and mix with chocolate mass.
  5. Grease the mold with butter and sprinkle with flour or semolina.
  6. Carefully pour the dough into the mold and place in the oven to bake. After 15 min. After starting cooking, reduce the temperature to 170 degrees, then bake for another 30 minutes.
  7. After finishing cooking, the cake should stand in the cooling oven for about 35 minutes. Then place it on a plate.

Sauce recipe:

Place all ingredients in a bowl or saucepan, place on low heat and cook for about 10 minutes. Let the finished sauce sit for about 2 minutes, then carefully pour it over the cake.

3. Chocolate cake “Quick”


  • dark chocolate - 300 gr.
  • cocoa – 1 tbsp. l.
  • milk - ¼ tbsp.
  • butter - 200 gr.
  • sugar – 1 ¼ tbsp.
  • eggs – 4 pcs.
  • baking powder - 1 tbsp. l.
  • flour – 1 ¼ tbsp.
  • walnuts - 1 tbsp.
  • raisins – 1/3 tbsp.


    1. Place the chocolate broken into cubes into a saucepan, add milk and cocoa to it, then place the dish on low heat and cook, stirring, until the chocolate is completely dissolved.
    2. Using a blender, mix butter, eggs, sugar and flour, add the resulting mixture to the chocolate mass.
    3. Mix the resulting dough thoroughly and add raisins and nuts to it. Grease the mold, pour the chocolate dough into it and bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees until done.

Bon appetit!
