Chocolate waffle recipe for waffle iron. Viennese chocolate waffles. Chocolate waffles with coconut flakes

Chocolate waffles drizzled with chocolate glaze – delicious, right?! πŸ™‚

When I was learning how to make classic Brussels waffles, to my delight I found these chocolate waffles on a French website - a recipe for an electric waffle iron! Hooray! Now we can make a chocolate version of our favorite treat!

Chocolate waffles are soft, fluffy, like biscuit inside! A drizzle of melted chocolate suits them very well. πŸ™‚ I adjusted the recipe a little - initially there was three times less milk, and it seemed to me that the dough was too thick. With the adjustment it turned out just right!


For 6-7 pieces:

  • 28 g of good cocoa powder (this is about 4 tablespoons with a small slide);
  • 125 g butter;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 6 tablespoons of milk;
  • 130 g flour (1 glass 200 grams, without top);
  • To taste – vanillin.

For watering:

  • Dark or milk chocolate – 50 g;
  • Milk – 3-4 tablespoons.

How to bake:

Melt the butter, let it cool slightly and add cocoa powder to the butter.

Stir – this is what a delicious chocolate mass you get!

Separate the whites from the yolks. Add sugar and yolks to the dough and mix.

Sift flour into the dough and mix lightly.

Add milk, stir until smooth.

Beat the egg whites with a pinch of salt until they form a thick, thick white foam.

Add the whipped whites to the dough in 2-3 additions, mixing carefully and thoroughly.

Chocolate waffle batter is ready! It's time to warm up the waffle iron!

We pour (or rather put the dough on the plates of the waffle iron, about this much. If you put a lot, it will run away, and then you will have to wash the waffle iron; if it is not enough, the waffles will turn out flat on one side. By testing it is easy to find the best option, 3 tablespoons full with the top.

Close the waffle iron and wait 2-3 minutes. Stop by and check if the waffles are ready. Be careful, because with dark chocolate dough it is difficult to notice when it starts to burn :)

Carefully remove the waffles from the waffle iron and transfer to a cooling rack.

I crushed pieces of chocolate into one batch of waffle batter. There was a fear that the chocolate would melt and burn on the waffle iron, but this did not happen, and it turned out even more interesting and tastier.

In the meantime, while the first portion is cooling and the second is baking, you can prepare the chocolate icing for the waffles. In a water bath, melt the chocolate with the addition of milk, stirring when the chocolate begins to melt, until a smooth, moderately flowing glaze is obtained.

Pour melted chocolate over warm waffles and immediately enjoy fresh chocolate pastries! The aroma is just like the best confectionery shops in Belgium!

The kids were delighted with the chocolate wafers! We tasted unusual waffles with a cup of cocoa - mmm... This is a must try!

So mix up the chocolate dough and turn on the electric waffle iron!

Store shelves offer us a wide range of various confectionery products, including waffles. But, no matter how tasty and beautiful they are, the aroma and taste of homemade waffles in any case surpasses the product sold. If it seems to you that it is impossible to make waffles at home, you are mistaken; waffle recipes, of course, cannot be called simple, but there is nothing complicated in making them. You only have to try homemade waffles once and this delicacy will become a frequent guest on your table.

Chocolate wafers - general principles

Waffles traditionally contain flour, eggs, butter, liquid base (water, milk), cocoa or chocolate. You can replace some products with others, put in less of something, more of something, add flavorings, additional ingredients.

All ingredients are kneaded or beaten, then the dough is poured in small portions into a special waffle iron or frying pan.

Much depends on the recipe and type of waffles, your taste preferences, so let’s move on directly to the cooking process.

1. Classic chocolate wafers


Cocoa - a little less than half a glass;

About half a stick of butter;

Egg – 2 pieces;

250 grams of sugar;

A glass of milk;

Flour - half a glass;

Vanillin, salt - a pinch;

Vegetable oil - for lubricating the electric waffle iron.

Half a bar of milk chocolate;

Milk – 230 ml.

Cooking method:

1. Pour cocoa powder sifted through a sieve into pre-melted and slightly cooled butter, stir thoroughly until a homogeneous thick consistency.

2. Separate the whites from the yolks.

3. Pour sugar into the egg yolks, whisk a little and pour into the cocoa and butter.

4. Add sifted flour and stir.

5. Pour in milk.

6. In a separate dry bowl, beat the whites with salt until stiff foam.

7. Place the whipped whites into the dough and carefully mix everything with leisurely movements from bottom to top.

8. Heat the electric waffle iron well and grease it with vegetable oil.

9. Spoon some of the prepared dough and smooth it out.

10. Close the electric waffle iron, hold for about four minutes, open and check for readiness.

11. Lift the waffle with a fork, carefully remove it from the electric waffle iron and place it on a flat plate to cool.

12. Bake the rest of the waffles using the same recipe.

13. Prepare the topping: break the milk chocolate into a small cup and pour in the milk. Melt the chocolate until it reaches a soft, shimmering consistency while stirring constantly.

14. Pour the prepared glaze over all the baked waffles and serve for tea.

2. Chocolate wafers with baking powder


An incomplete glass of flour;

Salt, baking powder - a pinch;

250 grams of sugar;

Cocoa - one handful;

Milk – 200 ml;

Two eggs;

Vegetable oil for lubricating the electric waffle iron.

For watering:

Vanillin – a pinch.

Butter - a small piece;

250 grams of powdered sugar;

Milk – a little less than half a glass;

For decoration:

A handful of black currants, 2 strawberries.

Cooking method:

1. In a suitable size bowl, mix all dry ingredients.

2. Add eggs to the mixture, pour in milk and melted cooled butter, stir well.

3. Prepare the sauce for basting: combine soft butter with powdered sugar, vanillin, milk, mix well until thick.

4. Place some dough on a hot electric waffle iron greased with vegetable oil and bake for about three minutes.

5. Pour the prepared dressing over the baked waffles, garnish with fresh blackcurrants and strawberries.

3. Viennese chocolate brownie wafers


Dark chocolate bar;

Butter – 130 g;

2 large eggs;

6 large spoons of sugar;

2 large spoons of cocoa;

Half a teaspoon of vanillin;

Instant coffee powder – 10 grams;

15 large spoons of flour.

Cooking method:

1. Break dark chocolate into a deep metal bowl, add a piece of butter and, stirring, melt and steam.

2. In a dry, clean bowl, mix coffee, cocoa, sugar, eggs, vanillin, pour in the creamy chocolate mixture and mix well.

3. Add flour and mix until smooth and viscous.

4. Place some dough on a hot electric waffle iron and bake for a couple of minutes at high temperature.

5. Cut the baked cooled waffles into triangles.

6. Serve on a flat plate, sprinkle with powdered sugar if desired.

4. Chocolate waffles with nuts and berry sauce


Butter - one pack;

A little more than half a glass of sugar;

A little more than half a glass of flour;

Cocoa - a small handful;

Sesame – a pinch;

Hazelnuts – 1 handful;

Vegetable oil – for lubricating the electric waffle iron.

For the syrup:

Sugar – 20 grams;

Water – 20 ml.

For the sauce:

A little less than half a glass of powdered sugar;

5 fresh strawberries.

Cooking method:

1. In a large bowl, beat the slightly melted butter with the egg and sugar.

2. Add flour, cocoa and chopped hazelnuts in a blender.

3. Add a little sesame seeds and mix everything well.

4. Spoon a small amount of dough into a preheated electric waffle iron greased with vegetable oil and bake for three minutes.

5. Prepare sugar syrup: boil some water with granulated sugar over low heat. Remove the foam with a spoon and cool.

6. Prepare the sauce: grind the strawberries in a blender until pureed. Mix the berry puree with the prepared syrup, add powdered sugar and beat with a mixer.

7. Place the baked waffles on a flat plate and pour over the berry sauce.

5. Chocolate wafers with coconut flakes


Sugar, flour - 1 glass each without a slide;

Half a pack of creamy margarine;

Vodka – 15 ml;

Coconut flakes - half a pack;

Peanuts – 1 handful;

Cocoa - a little less than half a glass.

Cooking method:

1. Combine eggs with sugar and beat until white and all grains of sugar are dissolved.

2. Melt margarine over steam, cool, add to eggs, pour in vodka.

3. Add the prepared flour, stir well.

4. Add coconut flakes and stir.

5. Peel the peanuts, grind them in a blender and add them to the dough along with cocoa, mix (if the dough is very thick, you can pour a tablespoon of mineral water or milk into it).

6. Place some dough on a hot waffle iron and bake for three minutes.

7. Roll each baked waffle into a tube with wet hands.

8. Serve. If desired, each waffle can be filled with some kind of cream or boiled condensed milk.

6. No-bake chocolate wafers


Wafer bread – 200 grams.

For filling:

β€œAnniversary” cookies – a little less than half a kilogram;

Half a stick of butter;

6 large spoons of powdered sugar;

Cocoa - three large spoons.

Cooking method:

1. Make the filling: break the β€œanniversary” cookies into small pieces and grind in a blender. Mix with slightly melted butter using your hands. Break the eggs, add cocoa and powdered sugar, stir well until smooth.

2. Spread the prepared filling onto one waffle loaf and mold with the second loaf. And do this in several layers.

3. Press the assembled waffle breads a little with your hands, place them in a deep bowl and let them sit in the refrigerator for several hours.

4. Cut the finished bread into small rectangles and serve with tea.

1. Chocolate in the recipe can be replaced with real cocoa powder and vice versa.

2. Instead of sour cream, you can include homemade mayonnaise or rich, well-whipped natural cream in the waffles.

3. Don’t forget to sift all the dry ingredients, such as flour, cocoa, vanillin, so the dough will turn out airier, more tender, without any lumps.

4. Melt the butter without bringing it to a boil, conveniently in the microwave or in a water bath.

5. The more oil, the softer the waffles will be.

6. Butter can be replaced with margarine, but in this case the product must be of high quality.

7. For a special aroma and exquisite taste, you can add a little rum or cognac to the dough.

8. Waffles are delicious if you add some chopped nuts to the dough; you can use walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts or peanuts.

9. Adding natural flavors will also help improve the taste of the delicacy: vanillin, cardamom, cinnamon, star anise, etc.

10. You can reduce the calorie content of waffles by using water instead of milk.

11. Before baking, be sure to beat the dough again, the waffles will turn out tastier.

12. Bake waffles only on a well-heated waffle iron or pan. Regular utensils need to be thoroughly greased with oil; cookware with a non-stick coating does not need to be greased: the oil included in the dough will prevent the waffles from sticking.

13. Do not place ready-made waffles on top of each other; they will stick together, soften, and lose their appearance. It is better to cool them on a covered countertop or board. Place the products in a stack after they have cooled completely.

14. Serve waffles as an independent dessert, filled with a variety of fillings or topped with condensed milk, ice cream, jam, honey, or mixed nuts.

15. Waffles are delicious, filled with creams, condensed milk, curd mass, and berry jams. Remember that the waffles should be wrapped in a tube while they are hot; if they cool down, they will break.

16. A cake made from waffles should not be soaked so that the waffles do not settle and lose their inherent crunch and original shape.

Waffles for breakfast are quick and easy. Especially if you are the proud owner of a waffle iron. But today we will tell you how to cook waffles for breakfast in the oven. The recipe for chocolate wafers with pistachios is taken from. These delicate chocolate wafers, drizzled with melted chocolate, will definitely please all members of your family, and they will ask you to make them again and again.

Author of the publication

Lives on the coast of the harsh but beautiful Baltic Sea. She has loved cooking since early childhood, but it grew into a real hobby from the moment she began to live independently. Now I take great pleasure in cooking for my family. Twice mom. Among her hobbies is photography, and food shots have recently taken up the lion's share of all photographs.

  • Recipe author: Valentina Maslova
  • After cooking you will receive 2
  • Cooking time: 30 min


  • 125 g butter
  • 30 g cocoa powder
  • 2 pcs. egg
  • 100 g sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 60 ml milk
  • 130 gr wheat flour
  • 1/8 tsp salt
  • 100 g dark chocolate
  • 80 g pistachios

Cooking method

    Prepare ingredients for chocolate wafers. Remove milk and eggs from the refrigerator 15-20 minutes before cooking so that they come to room temperature. Melt the butter and cool. Turn on the oven and preheat to 180 degrees.

    In a bowl, combine butter and cocoa. Mix well.

    Separate the yolks from the whites. Add yolks, sugar and vanilla extract to a bowl with butter and cocoa. To stir thoroughly.

    Pour milk into a bowl, sift flour on top and knead the dough again. It is better to do this with a spoon, as the dough turns out to be quite thick.

    Beat the whites to stiff peaks with a pinch of salt.

    In parts, stirring the dough a little each time, add the whites into it.

    Divide the batter evenly into the waffle pan and bake in a preheated oven for 15-17 minutes. Cooking in a waffle iron: pour the dough in small portions into a preheated waffle iron and bake, focusing on the cooking time of the waffle iron model.

    Pour melted chocolate over the finished waffles and decorate with chopped pistachios.

    Chocolate waffles ready with pistachios. Bon appetit!

Prepare the necessary ingredients.

Melt the butter (you can use it in the microwave or over a fire), but do not bring it to a boil. Add sugar to melted butter.

Mix with a whisk. The mass should become completely liquid (the sugar should not melt, it will remain grains).

Add eggs to the not hot mixture of butter and sugar.

Mix again until smooth.

Be sure to sift the cocoa powder and add it to the mixture of butter and eggs.

Stir and immediately add the sifted flour.

Mix again. The resulting dough for making chocolate wafers will be of medium thickness: if you lift the whisk, it will slowly slide down.

Preheat an electric waffle iron and place 1 tablespoon of batter in the center. Close the waffle iron lid tightly.

Open the lid after 1 minute and remove the waffle. Bake all the waffles in the same way.

Chocolate waffles cooked in a waffle iron turn out aromatic and very tasty. They go well with tea, coffee, milk and other drinks. They can also be served with jam, condensed milk or fresh berries.

Modern stores today present a chic assortment of confectionery and sweets. Among them are chocolate wafers. Despite their appetizing appearance and taste, they cannot be compared with their homemade counterpart. It’s very easy to make this dessert yourself using good recipes. Having tried it once, any person will be convinced that he has never eaten anything better in his life before. The average calorie content of chocolate wafers is 539 kcal per 100 g.

Basic cooking principles

Most recipes suggest using a universal set of ingredients:

  • milk, water;
  • eggs;
  • butter, flour;
  • chocolate, cocoa.

Some ingredients can be easily replaced by others, only the proportions and additional components change. They are thoroughly mixed and beaten. Prepare in small portions in a frying pan or using an appropriate waffle iron.

How to prepare a classic delicacy

The dessert turns out delicious, tender, melting in your mouth. Cooking time is minimal.


  • sugar – 250 g;
  • butter – 100 grams;
  • flour – 140 g;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • vanillin – 10 g;
  • cocoa – Β½ tbsp.;
  • any of the vegetable oils for an electric waffle iron.
  • fresh milk – 220 milliliters;
  • milk chocolate – 70 g.

Technology for making waffles in chocolate:

  1. Melt the butter, then cool slightly. Sift cocoa.
  2. The yolks are separated from the whites. This should be done very carefully.
  3. Beat sugar and yolks with a whisk.
  4. Sift the flour, stir so that no lumps form. Add cold milk.
  5. Beat the chilled whites, add a small amount of salt, you will get a strong, stable foam.
  6. Warm up and lubricate the resulting mass. Spoon some dough into it, not forgetting to level it out. Close the dessert and wait for it to be ready.
  7. Use a fork to pry the finished treat and place it on a plate. Repeat the process until the dough is finished.
  8. Preparing a delicious cream: break the chocolate, add milk. Send to a steam bath. You will get a delicate, sweet milky consistency.

The finished dessert should be poured with the prepared cream. It turns out incredibly tasty and appetizing.

Simple recipe with chocolate

The calorie content of waffles with chocolate is 539 kcal per 100 g. To prepare, you will need an appropriate list of ingredients. If you are preparing it for the first time, then nothing should be changed; you must strictly follow the proportions, as well as all recommendations.


  • skim milk – 150 milliliters;
  • whole grain flour – 1 tbsp.;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • olive oil – no more than 10 milliliters;
  • cocoa – 20 grams;
  • cinnamon and orange zest - 1 teaspoon each;
  • baking powder for dough – 1 tsp;
  • rum flavoring – 5 drops;
  • You can add stevia to taste.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. The recipe is extremely simple, everything is done quickly. Combine olive oil, milk, eggs.
  2. Add dry recipe ingredients. Mix thoroughly, preventing the formation of lumps. At this stage, all the desired flavors are added.
  3. The duration of preparation of the dessert is approximately twenty minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. Then you need to remove the waffles from the mold.

Serve dessert by adding berries, fruits, honey or jam, and various sweet sauces.

How to properly prepare a Viennese delicacy

The recipe for Viennese waffles with chocolate is quite simple and unpretentious. Involves using a minimum of products. How many calories are in one such waffle with chocolate filling? Approximately 150 calories.

What ingredients are needed to make Viennese waffles with chocolate, the recipe for which is described below:

  • milk – 200 milliliters;
  • cocoa – 50 grams;
  • flour – 130 grams;
  • butter – 30 grams;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar – 1 cup;
  • baking powder, salt - a pinch.
  • powdered sugar – 260 grams;
  • butter – 50 grams;
  • milk – Β½ tbsp.;
  • vanillin – 10 grams;
  • for decoration - strawberries, raspberries, currants, you can use other berries and fruits.

Recipe for making chocolate wafers:

  1. First you need to mix the listed bulk components.
  2. Add chicken eggs, warm liquid butter, milk, mix everything thoroughly.
  3. The sauce is a delicious sauce that is easy to prepare. Soft butter should be mixed with powdered sugar, milk, vanilla. Beat well.
  4. Grease the electric waffle iron and heat it up. Place some prepared dough and bake for no more than three minutes.

The calorie content of chocolate-covered waffles is usually 539 kcal per 100 g. When the dessert is ready, pour cream sauce over it, garnish with fruits and berries.

Berry treat

  • butter – 200 g;
  • cocoa – 200 grams;
  • sugar - half a glass;
  • vegetable oil - tsp. ;
  • eggs - one;
  • flour – 400 g;
  • hazelnuts – 100 g;
  • sesame - a pinch;
  • strawberries – 4-5 pieces;
  • powdered sugar - a glass;
  • water – 20 ml.

How to make chocolate waffles in a waffle iron:

  1. Beat egg, sugar, butter.
  2. Mix with flour and cocoa, add hazelnuts chopped in a blender.
  3. Add sesame seeds there. To stir thoroughly.
  4. Place a little dough into a heated electric waffle iron greased with vegetable oil. Oven 3 m.
  5. Repeat the process several times until the dough runs out.
  6. Make the syrup: boil water with sugar over low heat, cool.
  7. Grind the strawberries in a blender to make a puree. Mix it with the sauce. Add powdered sugar, beat everything with a mixer.
  8. Place the finished chocolate waffles on a plate and pour over the sauce.

Many people are interested in how many calories are in waffles with chocolate; one hundred grams of the delicacy contains an average of 539 kcal. Thus, preparing such desserts at home is quite simple. It is enough to use proven, reliable step-by-step recipes, having prepared all the necessary ingredients in advance. This delicacy will appeal not only to children, but also to adults. You can serve chocolate-covered waffles with sauce and fruit with tea, coffee, juice, or milk. Bon appetit!

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