Recipe for roast rabbit in pots. Baked rabbit in a pot with potatoes. Ingredients for two serving pots

You can diversify your home menu in different ways. To do this, it is not at all necessary to prepare complex dishes and buy exotic ingredients. You just need to use a different type of meat and a different cooking method. So a quick and satisfying dinner can be made from a rabbit baked in a pot.

This type of meat is not only tasty, but also healthy. It is believed that rabbit, when cooked correctly, simply melts in your mouth. It is balanced in the amount of beans and fats. In order to obtain meat, animals have to be fed only natural food. This results in the absence of harmful substances in rabbit meat and its health benefits. In general, we can highlight a number of features of preparing rabbit dishes. The final taste depends on them. The rules are extremely simple and do not affect the speed or complexity of cooking.

How to cook a rabbit in a pot?

All stages can be reduced to 3 points. You need to choose the right meat, cut it in a certain way and prepare it for stewing or baking. It is worth dwelling on each point separately.

Only the back of the rabbit is suitable for baking. The rest can be stewed or boiled. Therefore, to cook in a pot, you should cut the carcass and select the desired piece.

To butcher the rabbit, it is necessary to rinse it. The carcass should be at room temperature. Then it is cut into pieces with a sharp knife. You can use a kitchen hatchet. It is better to navigate by the last vertebra. There should be 2 parts in total - the top and them. Then they are cut again. All pieces must be the same. This will allow them to cook evenly and speed up baking.

Rabbit dishes: the best combinations and methods of cooking in the oven

Cooking options can be completely different. The main thing is to understand the technology of the dish. You can put meat with spices or something else in the pot. The most common combinations are vegetables and cereals. The rabbit is stewed in pots with tomatoes, eggplants, potatoes, and rice. It is prepared extremely simply. The pieces are placed on the bottom of the dish. Add onions, vegetables or rice on top. Delicious meat cannot be obtained without liquid. If you take vegetables, then there should be a little water. It can reach the middle of the pot and not cover them. And, conversely, when stewing a rabbit with rice, you should add so much water so that there is 2 times more grain. Thanks to this, extinguishing will take place.

It often happens that there are no pots at home. You can cook the rabbit in a regular slow cooker. To do this, all the ingredients are also placed in a bowl and filled with a small amount of water. The mode can be set to either “Stewing” or “Frying”. The choice depends on what you want to get out of it.

Rabbit baked with vegetables

This recipe allows you to prepare a complete second course. Vegetables go well with meat. There is no need to prepare an additional side dish.


  1. Rabbit - 1 pc.
  2. Tomatoes - 3 pcs.
  3. Eggplant - 1 pc.
  4. Onion - 2 pcs.
  5. Carrots - 1 pc.
  6. Potatoes - 3 pcs.
  7. Pepper, salt, oil, bay leaf - to taste


  • Chop the rabbit into pieces with a kitchen hatchet. Pour water into a bowl and immerse the pieces there. Soak for 3 hours. If the smell remains, you can keep it in water for more.
  • Peel onions, carrots, potatoes. Cut in any convenient way. The pieces should be approximately the same. Dry the meat with a paper towel. Pepper and salt.
  • Place meat in large pots. On top are vegetables. Add a small amount of boiled or filtered water. Add salt. If desired, add a little sour cream.
  • Place the pots in a cold oven. Bake at 200 degrees for 40 minutes. The dish should be stirred periodically. Serve hot.

Rabbit in sour cream sauce


  1. Rabbit - 1 pc.
  2. Sour cream - 200 gr.
  3. Onion - 2 pcs.
  4. Pepper, salt, bay leaf - to taste


  • Cut the rabbit into portions. Pour water and leave for 3 hours. Drain the liquid and dry the pieces.
  • Mix sour cream with salt and pepper. Add chopped onion to it. Cover the pieces of meat with this mixture. Place them in a pot.
  • Place the container in a cold oven. Turn it on and cook at 200 degrees for 40-50 minutes. Every 15 min. It’s worth adding a little liquid to the pot. This will make the meat more tender. Serve with any side dish or salad.

Rabbit with potatoes: a simple recipe


  1. Rabbit - 1 carcass
  2. Onion - 2 pcs.
  3. Potatoes - 500 gr.
  4. Seasonings for meat, salt, sour cream, butter, bay leaf - to taste


  • Wash the rabbit under running water. Dry with a towel. Cut the carcass into 2 parts. Separate the legs and cut the meat from the middle part. Peel the potatoes and cut into circles.
  • Prepare a heat-resistant form. Place potatoes on it. Grease the rabbit with sour cream and seasoning. Place on top of potatoes. Chop the onion and sprinkle it on the dish. Drizzle a little oil on top.
  • Place the dish in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. Bake for 30 minutes. Every 15 min. Turn the pieces of meat over. This way they will brown evenly.
  • If desired, you can additionally top it and the potatoes with sour cream and spices. This will make the dish more piquant in taste. Readiness can be easily determined by the softness of the potatoes and the juice released. Baked meat releases a clear yellow broth.

In addition to following recipes, you should also know culinary tricks for preparing rabbits:

  1. The meat must be marinated or soaked in water. The rabbit is quite tough. Therefore, it is pre-prepared for baking in this way. Most often, prolonged soaking in water (up to 3 hours) and marinating in vinegar are used. Whey and a mixture of garlic and olive oil are suitable for these purposes.
  2. Also, many gourmets soak rabbit meat in alcohol. Usually white or red semi-dry wine is used. This trick also helps get rid of the peculiar smell of rabbit meat. The stronger it is, the more aromatic the marinade should be. The strongest, vinegar, is used for young and store-bought rabbits. The amount of marinade depends on the size of the pieces. It usually doesn't cover them completely.
  3. Baking requires special utensils. Often ceramics or thick-walled containers are used. A duck dish is also suitable for this. Whatever utensil you choose, remember that it must be the right size. Otherwise, you will not be able to mix the ingredients. As a result, they will cook unevenly. If there is too much rabbit, you can simply bake it on a baking sheet.
  4. Particular attention should be paid to spices. Traditionally, salt, bay leaf and ground black pepper are used in preparation. Basil, oregano, and dill also go well with meat. They will help remove the smell of rabbit meat, making it more flavorful.
  5. If you want the pieces to be covered with an even golden crust, you can pre-fry them. This should be done over very high heat for several minutes. This way the meat will remain juicy. After frying, it is transferred to pots and sent to the oven. This is done due to the fact that most often it is baked with a lid. As a result, it turns out to be stewed. A beautiful crust will undoubtedly only enhance the dish!

Cooking rabbit in pots comes down to the same algorithm. It is cut into portions, selecting the necessary parts. The back one is more suitable for frying and baking. The meat is then soaked in water or marinated. After this, the rabbit is placed at the bottom of the pots, the necessary ingredients are added to it and sent to the oven. As you can see, the dish is very simple, but at the same time incredibly tasty!

Kitchen appliances and utensils:

  • oven;
  • grater;
  • Bowl;
  • cutting board;
  • cauldron;
  • pan;
  • kitchen spatula.


Step-by-step preparation

  1. To prepare this dish we need a rabbit. If you bought it at the market and it turned out to be old, place the carcass in cold water for 15 hours, changing the water periodically. This is done to ensure that the rabbit meat becomes soft. Cut the carcass into portions, place in a bowl, and set aside.
  2. Peel two large onions, wash under running water, and cut into cubes.

  3. We peel two medium carrots, wash them, and grate them on a coarse grater.

  4. Wash the mushrooms, peel them, cut them into large pieces so that the bright taste of this ingredient can be felt. Divide one mushroom into four to six parts.

  5. Finely chop six cloves of garlic with a knife, after peeling and washing them.

  6. Wash a bunch of parsley under the tap and chop it as you would for soup or salad. When choosing greens on the shelves, look at their freshness. Pay attention to the color of the leaves - they should be green, without any spots.

  7. Grate 200 grams of cheese on a coarse grater. Choose a product that is very hard and easier to rub. Of course, try to buy fresh and tasty cheese, it will only improve our dish. Peel the potatoes, wash them and cut them into large cubes.

  8. We have prepared all the ingredients, now we send the cauldron to the fire. Pour 100-150 ml of vegetable oil into it, heat it, add rabbit meat for frying, fry the meat until golden brown.

  9. When the meat is browned, add the chopped onion, almost immediately the grated carrots, and begin to fry everything, stirring often so that the vegetables do not burn.

  10. At the same time, during the frying process, do not forget that the meat needs to be salted.

  11. Now add chopped garlic, sprinkle the ingredients with ground pepper. Do this based on your tastes, depending on how spicy or salty you like your food. Mix everything and turn off the heat.

  12. Separately, pour 50 ml of vegetable oil into the frying pan, put it on the fire, add the already chopped mushrooms, fry, stirring from time to time. A minute or two before the end of frying, salt and pepper the mushrooms.

  13. Fry it a little more and add it to the cauldron with the meat and vegetables.

  14. Mix well and begin to place the meat and mushrooms in clay pots intended for baking in the oven. First, add the meat and mushrooms. We have five pots, so we’ll divide them evenly into five parts.

  15. Now add three tablespoons of sour cream on top of the meat. For five pots you will need 400 g of sour cream. Here you can use both full-fat and low-fat sour cream, it depends on preference.

  16. Place the parsley into the pots, a good pinch at a time, and distribute the potatoes on top. When laying out the potatoes, compact them a little in each pot. You can add salt on top, since we added salt everywhere to taste.

  17. Fill the pots with hot boiled water, cover with lids and place in the oven for 50 minutes at 180 degrees.

  18. 10 minutes before readiness, take the pots out of the oven, add grated hard cheese to each of them, and again put them in the oven for a while without the lids. The cheese should be browned and slightly baked.

  19. Our rabbit and mushroom dish is ready. You can serve it for lunch to your family members every day. Rabbit meat is a dietary product, so the dish is suitable for adults, children, young and old people. A nourishing, rich culinary product will delight your loved ones after a hard day at work.

Video recipe

A wonderful recipe for preparing such a rabbit with potatoes and mushrooms in a pot is also demonstrated in the video.

I learned this recipe from my grandmother. And she says what to cook rabbit in a pot with sour cream her grandmother also taught her. So rabbit has been cooked in Rus' since time immemorial, but this makes the recipe even more relevant. The rabbit turns out tender and juicy - an ideal dish for a holiday table.

Our ancestors turned out to be perspicacious - after all, thanks to sour cream, such a tender rabbit is obtained. Firstly, sour cream is fatty, and fat will not interfere with lean and dry rabbit meat, since the fat will make the meat soft and juicy. Secondly, sour cream is sour, and in an acidic environment the meat softens better. This means stewing in a pot with sour cream is ideal for rabbit.

It is quite natural that in the old days a rabbit in a pot with sour cream was cooked in a Russian oven, but it should be noted that the rabbit will turn out excellent in the oven. The main thing here is not to miss the quantity, otherwise someone will remain hungry. I know from my own experience this There is always not enough food.


  • Rabbit-1 kg.
  • Mushrooms - 0.5 kg.
  • Potatoes – 0.3 kg.
  • Onions – 2 pcs.
  • Sour cream -2 tbsp.
  • Garlic – 3-4 cloves
  • Vegetable oil – 2 tbsp.
  • Bay leaf – 2 pcs.
  • Ground black pepper and salt to taste

These products will be enough to prepare five servings.


Cut the rabbit into small pieces and mix them with salt and pepper. Then fry the pieces over high heat in oil until golden brown. Peel the onion and cut into half rings. Cut the mushrooms into quarters. If the mushrooms are small, then you can cut them in half. Wash and peel the potatoes thoroughly and cut into cubes. Peel the garlic and crush it with a knife. Then chop finely.

Place the rabbit pieces in pots. Place potatoes mixed with mushrooms and onions on top. Add bay leaves and garlic. Pour ½ cup of sour cream and a little water into each pot. Cover the pots with lids or foil and place in the oven for one hour at 180ºC. After the time has passed, you need to open the lids and turn them on for another 15 minutes, and set the temperature to 200ºC. During this time, the dish will brown. When the oven turns off, you can serve.

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Rabbit in pots with potatoes is an incredibly tasty and satisfying second course, which is suitable for both a family dinner and a holiday table. The meat turns out very tender and just melts in your mouth. In addition to the pots, you can serve fresh vegetables or pickles. I cooked rabbit in pots for the first time, and I thought it was the most delicious dish I had ever baked this way.

So, prepare all the necessary ingredients for cooking rabbit in pots with potatoes. I got 4 pots.

Cut the rabbit into portions, rinse thoroughly with running water and place on paper napkins. The rabbit can be kept in water for 30-60 minutes beforehand, but this is not necessary.

Wash the potatoes with a brush, peel and cut into medium-sized slices. Sprinkle seasoning and salt over potatoes and stir.

Heat sunflower oil in a frying pan, add pieces of rabbit and fry a little, add onion, cut into quarter rings. I had a large onion, if you take a smaller one, it is better to use two. Fry until the onion becomes transparent, but do not fry. Salt the rabbit and sprinkle with khmeli-suneli seasoning.

Place the rabbit parts into the pots along with the onions, trying to distribute everything evenly. Place a teaspoon of tomato ketchup in each pot.

Then fill the pots to the top with potatoes. Sprinkle ground pepper on top and add a large clove of garlic. Pour warm water into each pot - approximately a little more than half. Cover the pots with lids.

Turn the oven on to 200 degrees and place the pots with the rabbit and potatoes in a slightly warm oven. Cook for 45 minutes. Then put 25 g of butter in each pot, reduce the temperature to 180 degrees and bake for another 15 minutes. After you turn off the oven, let the pots sit there for another 15 minutes.

Then place the contents of the pots on plates and serve. You can serve the rabbit with potatoes directly in the pots, but I wanted to show you how beautiful it turned out!

Bon appetit!

Rabbit in a pot: with sour cream, mushrooms, in wine. Pleasant chores - stewing rabbit meat in a pot.

Cooking dishes in pots is akin to a mysterious shamanic ritual. All the household have been expelled from the kitchen, everyone has their noses in the wind and their ears on top of their heads, and the main cook is dancing around the oven with bunches of spices and a long spoon. Well, if rabbit meat is used as meat, which is almost akin to game, then you can generally imagine scenes from the life of the aborigines. The main thing is that the mother, in the end, feeds the young Chingachgooks with fragrant and satisfying rabbit meat.

Rabbit in a pot - general cooking principles

Options for cooking rabbit in a pot can be completely different. In a clay container for simmering in the oven, you can put not only rabbit meat cut into pieces, but also other products with which such meat harmonizes well. The most common combination is vegetables and mushrooms.

The technology for preparing rabbit dishes in a pot is simple. Pieces of rabbit meat are placed at the bottom of the pot, and additional components are placed on top in layers. Meat, mushrooms and vegetables can be placed raw or pre-fried with a small addition of vegetable or animal fat.

Rabbit meat will never turn out soft and tender without liquid, so be sure to pour water or broth into the filled pots. To prevent the finished dish from being liquid, the broth is poured into a little more than half the volume of the container, but it should not completely cover the packed food.

Clay pots may crack if placed in a hot oven. Therefore, the filled containers are placed in a cold oven, placed on a wire rack installed in the middle level of the oven. Cooking time and temperature are always indicated in the recipe, as they depend on what products are used and in what form.

Tender stewed rabbit in a pot with vegetables and mushrooms

Ingredients for six pots:

Two liters of kefir;

Whole rabbit carcass;

Half a kilo of fresh champignons;

Five large onions;

600 gr. potatoes;

Bell pepper - 1 pc.;

250 gr. sour cream 20% fat;

Unflavored sunflower oil;

Seasonings - to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse and rinse the rabbit carcass several times with water, chop it into portions.

2. Chop three onions into half rings, mix with kefir and lightly mash with your hands.

3. Place pieces of rabbit meat into the prepared marinade, mix well and put in the refrigerator for a couple of days. Be sure to turn the pieces twice a day so that they better absorb the marinade.

4. Remove the thin skin from the caps of the mushrooms, cut the mushrooms into thin slices and place them in boiling water for a minute and a half. Strain off all the liquid and place the champignons in a colander.

5. Fry the dried mushroom pieces over low heat with the addition of vegetable oil and seasonings.

6. Cut the carrots into thin circles, the remaining onion into rings. Place the chopped vegetables in a separate frying pan and fry in oil until amber in color.

7. Separately, fry the chopped peppers.

8. Peel the potatoes, cut the tubers into slices.

9. Rinse the rabbit soaked in kefir to remove any remaining marinade, place the pieces in pots and lightly sprinkle them with seasonings.

10. Place fried champignons on top, and potato wedges on them.

11. Place a layer of fried onions and carrots on top of the potatoes; the last layer will be peppers. Season everything with spices.

12. Add cold water to each filled pot so that it does not reach the top layer.

13. Spoon sour cream on top of the bell pepper layer and place the containers in the oven.

14. Bring to a boil at 250 degrees, then reduce oven heat to 150 degrees and continue cooking for 40 minutes.

15. Remove the lids from the pots and keep them in the oven, without turning off the heat, until the sour cream is browned.

Rabbit in a pot, stewed in red wine


Rabbit meat - 750 gr.;

Fresh lard - 250 gr.;

Three large onions;

Two thin slices of black bread;

Wheat flour;

Dry red wine.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the rabbit meat with cold water, lightly pat the carcass with a towel and chop into portions.

2. Cut the lard scraped with a knife into thin slices. Be sure to cut off the skin.

3. Rub the rabbit meat with salt mixed with ground pepper and roll in flour.

4. Crumble the bread with your hands and finely chop the onion.

5. Place some of the rabbit meat on the bottom of a large clay pot, and slices of lard on top of it. Sprinkle with some chopped onion mixed with bread crumbs.

6. Place another layer of meat, again put lard on it and sprinkle with a mixture of onions and bread. Alternate layers until all the meat is gone.

7. Pour wine into the pot so that only 75 percent of the rabbit meat placed in the pot is covered.

8. Place the pot in the oven and simmer the rabbit in wine for about an hour and a half, at 180 degrees, until the meat is completely soft.

A simple recipe for stewed rabbit in a pot, in sour cream sauce


Small rabbit carcass;

200 gr. low fat sour cream;

2 large onions;


Cooking method:

1. Cut the rabbit carcass, processed according to general principles, into portions and pour cold water over the meat for three hours. Drain the liquid and wipe the pieces of rabbit meat dry with a disposable towel.

2. Season the sour cream with ground pepper, salt, add onion and rabbit meat cut into small slices. Mix thoroughly until all the meat is coated with the sour cream mixture.

3. Place into small pots, add the sauce remaining in the bowl to each, add a bay leaf and place the containers on a wire rack in a cold oven. You can cook the rabbit in one large clay pot.

4. Cook the dish at 200 degrees for about an hour. Every quarter of an hour, lift the lids and, if necessary, add a little water to the pots, about a quarter of a glass.

Delicious roast rabbit in a pot

Ingredients for two serving pots:

600 gr. rabbit meat (thigh with leg);

Two onions;

Five medium potato tubers;

200 gr. fresh champignons;

Two medium-sized carrots;

Sour cream - a little less than a glass.

Cooking method:

1. Cut four potatoes into large strips and place in two pots.

2. Wash the rabbit meat, dry it, separate the meat from the bones. Cut the cut fillet as desired and place it in pots on the potato layer.

3. Place onion chopped into small half rings or quarter rings on the meat, and champignons cut into slices or slices on it.

4. Cover the mushrooms with large carrot strips and sprinkle with finely chopped herbs.

5. Place the remaining potatoes cut into strips as the last layer. Fill the pots to a third of their volume with water, cover the top potato layer with sour cream and place in the oven.

6. After about an hour, remove the containers, stir their contents well and serve.

Fragrant rabbit in a pot with potatoes and tomato

Ingredients for 4 clay containers:

Rabbit meat - 800 gr. (small carcass);

800 gr. potatoes;

Head of bitter onion;

100 gr. butter 72% butter;

One and a half teaspoons of hops-suneli;

Four teaspoons of mild tomato ketchup or tomato;

Seasonings “For potato dishes” - to taste;

Refined oil.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the rabbit soaked in water into pieces.

2. Cut the peeled potatoes in half lengthwise, and each half crosswise into wide slices. Place the potato pieces in a bowl, season with spices, lightly add salt and shake to mix.

3. Place the pieces of rabbit meat in a deep frying pan, add a little vegetable oil to the meat and fry over medium heat until a slight blush appears.

4. After this, add the onion, chopped into half rings, to the rabbit meat. Without changing the heat, cook everything together, stirring until the onion loses its milky color. Add a little salt, khmeli-suneli, and stir.

5. Evenly distribute the rabbit meat fried with onions among clay containers and place a tea boat of tomato on it. Then fill the clay pots to the top with potatoes. Place a small clove of garlic between potato strips and pour in 100 ml of drinking water.

6. Cover with lids and place in the oven for exactly 50 minutes at 200 degrees. Then add 25 grams of butter to each container and cook until done, lowering the oven temperature to 180 degrees for another 15 minutes.

7. Turn off the heat and simmer the dish with the door closed for about half an hour.

Tender rabbit in a pot with nuts in wine sauce


Carcass of a young rabbit;

200 ml water or meat broth;

Two onions;

20 ml cognac;

Dry red wine, tart or sour - 100 ml;

Three large cloves of garlic;

50 gr. bacon;

A tablespoon of melted lard;

A small bunch of fresh parsley;

50 gr. walnut kernels;

One bay leaf.

Cooking method:

1. Rub portions of rabbit meat on all sides with salt and pepper. Fry on all sides until golden brown in well-heated lard and transfer to a plate.

2. Cut the bacon and onion into small cubes and place in the fat remaining after frying.

3. When the onion is lightly browned and covered with a golden crust, place the fried pieces of meat into it. Pour cognac over everything and set it on fire.

4. After the flame goes out, stir and place the rabbit meat in clay pots, and pour red wine and water into the frying pan and bring to a boil.

5. Add chopped parsley, crushed nuts and bay leaf to the gently boiling mixture. Press the garlic with a press and heat the sauce slightly, literally 30 seconds.

6. Pour the prepared sauce over the meat laid out in clay containers, cover with lids and put in the oven for an hour and a half at 180 degrees.

Rabbit in a pot - cooking tricks and useful tips

The use of wine in marinating allows not only to soften the fibers of rough meat, but also to remove the characteristic odor.

Spices will help to overcome the smell of rabbit meat, which is unloved by many, and make the dish more flavorful. Traditionally, rabbit is cooked in pots with ground pepper and bay leaf; if desired, the meat can be flavored with other spices. Ideal for rabbit meat are basil, dill (fresh or dried) and oregano.
