Rice noodles with coconut milk. Rice noodles with chicken fillet and vegetables in an unusual Thai a la sauce with coconut milk

Hello, fellow culinary experts! Today we brought you our fantasies on the theme of Thai cuisine :) It was a bold experiment that threatened to end in a lot of spoiled food.
But those who don’t take risks don’t drink champagne :) It turned out very soulful, harmonious and Thai :) And the unusual way of frying chicken and vegetables without oil using only coconut milk justified itself. That’s why we proudly brought this dish to you :) By the way, in the middle of the video I explain for a long time the nuances of the technique of preparing the dish, and so that you don’t have to see my talking head for so long, we replaced it to rest your eyes with Russian beauties from a bird’s eye view :) ))
Preparation: The proportions and quantities are arbitrary - they depend on how many people you want to feed and on your taste :) Take the chicken fillet and cut it into pieces for further frying. Salt, curry and add coconut milk. Stir and leave to stand for as long as we need to chop the vegetables. Cut the onions, bell peppers and broccoli into pieces of the size you like for frying and place in one bowl. Grate the ginger and place it in a bowl with the vegetables. Next, fry the chicken in the milk in which it was lying, without adding oil and stirring constantly. When all the liquid has evaporated, the chicken begins to fry. If you see that oil is needed for normal frying, add it. Better than sesame. I can fry chicken without adding oil until golden brown. After this, add vegetables to the chicken and pour coconut milk again so that the vegetables in it are first stewed a little, and then, when the milk boils away, they begin to fry (again, you can add sesame oil). Closer to the vegetables being ready, boil the rice noodles in salted chicken broth. You need to plan so that the noodles and vegetables are ready approximately at the same time, so that the tender rice noodles do not sit for a long time cooked, but are added immediately to the frying pan. To boil the noodles, I take enough broth so that most of it boils away during the cooking process, and add the rest along with the noodles to the frying pan. The amount of broth is optional: you can take a lot of broth and add a little bit to the pan. Place the noodles with a small amount of broth in a frying pan, add a little coconut milk, a little curry and just a little adjika. Mix and the stomach feast is ready! :) You can sprinkle some cilantro on the plate.
Chicken fillet
Coconut milk
Onions Bell peppers
Sesame oil (optional)
Chicken bouillon
Rice noodles
Bon appetit and don't be afraid to experiment!
Yours Svetlana and Denis.

Boil the noodles according to the instructions on the package, rinse with cold water.

Shred the cabbage thinly and cut the carrots into strips. Cut the thigh fillet into small long pieces.

Prepare the sauce. Pour soy sauce into a ladle, add sugar. Place on the fire and stir constantly until the sugar dissolves (it is not necessary to boil). Remove from heat.

Pour coconut milk and soy sauce with sugar into a bowl, add cilantro, hot pepper, and curry.

Blend with a blender until smooth.

Heat 2 tbsp in a wok or deep frying pan over high heat. vegetable oil. In 2-3 batches, with constant stirring, fry the chicken pieces for 1-1.5 minutes per batch. Transfer to a plate.

Place the beans in the wok and fry, stirring, for 1-2 minutes.

Transfer to chicken.

Add carrots and cabbage, fry, stirring, for 2-3 minutes.

Return the chicken and beans to the wok, add soy sauce and stir-fry for 20-30 seconds.

Add the sauce and cook, stirring, for 1 minute. Add pineapple and noodles and cook, stirring, for half a minute.

When serving, sprinkle with sesame seeds, peanuts and chopped onions.

Bon appetit!

Considering that in Thailand there is no real winter compared to our snowy and icicle season, it is quite strange to classify such a dish as a winter menu. At the same time, noodles with coconut milk are a heavy dish for my taste and may even seem greasy. So in the summer, when you want something fresh and light, it’s unlikely to be at home. The taste is quite rich, and frankly speaking, it’s not for everyone. One fresh ginger is worth a lot!) I recommend putting a little of it to begin with, and only then adding it, if desired, just like hot pepper. Always remember the golden rule: it's never too late to add spices and herbs. But if you put too many of them in from the very beginning, it will be almost impossible to correct the situation.

By the way, the products are quite affordable. Even coconut milk is now sold in any supermarket. True, it’s not cheap, but you can spend money once, especially if you want to cook something yourself that we are used to eating only in a cafe or restaurant. It has long been proven that any dish prepared at home is much tastier than in the most fashionable establishment. There are exceptions, of course...

Well, what else can I say? Let's cook! For 3 servings we will need:

    First, boil the noodles in salted water, drain in a colander, rinse with hot water and set aside.

    Meanwhile, grate the ginger on a fine grater, chop the garlic, and cut the chili into thin rings. I repeat once again: take less to start with!

    Boil shrimp with bay leaf, remove shells.

    In a bowl, mix coconut milk, tomato paste, ginger, garlic, ground pepper, a little salt and lime juice, whisk with a fork - this will be the sauce. Simmer the mixture in a wok (deep frying pan) over low heat for a couple of minutes.

    Add chili peppers, shrimp and randomly chopped vegetables to the sauce and cook for 2 minutes.

    Add noodles to the pan, stir and serve immediately, adding salt if necessary.

A fresh cucumber is perfect for a snack, as it will balance the rich taste of the dish.

Vegetables that are ideal for making noodles with shrimp are quite simple - onions (preferably red lettuce), carrots and bell peppers. Then fantasize yourself, because there is no limit to perfection.

By the way, I never mentioned this, but suddenly I remembered: any dishes made from noodles, pasta or pasta are best served in bowls or deep soup plates, so they cool down more slowly. Oh, I almost forgot! It would be nice to sprinkle the finished dish with a pinch of chopped green onions and flavor it with a large portion of love. Bon appetit and see you in the kitchen!
