Chocolate roses. How to make chocolate roses? Rose hot chocolate encyclopedia of roses

selection : Simpson New Zealand, 1986
color smoky orange-chocolate
bush height 60-100 cm
bush width 30-100 cm
smell : **
mustache resistance to powdery mildew: ***
resistance to black spot **
rain resistance **

Rose ‘Hot Chocolate’ (another name is ‘Hot Cocoa’, Carruth) invariably attracts the attention of even sophisticated flower lovers. Its semi-double flowers are distinguished by a very unusual color, which perhaps only an artist can accurately describe. Everyone else should trust the breeders and rely on the symbolic name of the variety. Everyone notices the chocolate shade of its petals; even the stamens of this rose seem brownish. The color of this rose is very variable: it is usually much less red, and much less warm in tone, than it appears in most photographs. “Fire orange,” a term often used to describe her color, does not convey the hue correctly. It's a wonderfully cool, luminous, smoky, almost taupe (some would say dirty) tone that lets the base color shine through. Here the tint is much more pronounced, it's like the difference between sunglasses and tinted contact lenses. The base color of Hot Cocoa varies from a rich chestnut red-brown in cold weather to a muted nectarine red in hot weather. The foliage is very beautiful, shiny, very disease resistant. The flowers are slightly cupped and resemble camellias. The bush is very vigorous and very thorny. This magnificent variety has no rival among brown roses.

Reviews from rosebook.

14.05.2010 15:58
The flowers are brick-brown, with a bluish-smoky bloom, medium-sized (about 6 cm in diameter), but in large clusters (up to 5-7 pieces per cluster). Flowers do not like bright sun (the edges burn) and rain. Quite a strong variety, unlike many unusually colored roses, it grows well, does not get sick and survived the cold winter of 2009-2010 well.

26.07.2012 16:49
Rose is beautiful. I've had it since 2010. The flowers are dark terracotta with an unusual tint. Either with almost dark chocolate, or vice versa with fiery flashes. The flowers are not large, the edges of the petals are slightly wavy. The middle is not shown. Mine grows in the sun, but its rays fall on the rose from the side. It does not burn in the sun, but in hot weather the flower lasts no more than three days. At the end of summer it is in all its glory. The bush grows weakly, but blooms well. Waves of flowering are noticeable, although a rose cannot exist completely without flowers. This year, new juvenile shoots have finally begun to appear and the rose bush is beginning to reach its stated size.

13.06.2013 12:11
I have two bushes that overwintered well. The color is mind-blowing! A beautiful contrast with the bright green foliage. The aroma is not strong, a little tart. It's hard to find companions for her, but Well Being has made friends with her.

27.12.2014 22:57
In my conditions it overwinters very unstable, it doesn’t produce a strong and beautiful bush, but if you manage to preserve the shoots, it blooms very well. The color is very beautiful, but in the garden it is not very decorative (it gets lost against the green background), it is necessary to select an environment that would highlight it and emphasize the beauty of the flower.
SE MO, field, wind, clay.

25.07.2015 05:26
Beauty! The bush itself is still small, but the flowers are large. The color is a little darker than in the photo on the variety page, Deeper and more velvety. Similar in shade to Cinco de Mayo.

16.06.2016 22:01
I really like the way this rose smells. The aroma is unusual. I don't even know how to describe it. A smoky coating during flowering gives the impression that the rose has faded. The rose blooms very profusely. Overall I like her. If it had been bent, it would have been restored.

01.11.2017 19:53
First year, grew more than a meter, bloomed until frost, unusual color, abundant foliage, did not get sick, flower falls quickly, opens the middle. I expected more.

Chocolate roses are considered an original edible decoration for desserts and cakes. They allow you to make the product complete. You can build such a decoration yourself if you follow simple rules for creation. Every housewife can learn how to do them.

Features of jewelry

To make the dessert more original, a variety of equipment is used: plotters, airbrushes for dyes. Various equipment is also used - molds and a syringe. The work uses food coloring, icing, confectionery gels, and kits. They make the decorating process easier.

What kind of chocolate do you need?

To work, you need tempered chocolate, which has been processed in a special way. As a result, the product acquires plasticity, which is necessary for modeling. If you heat the product, crystallization of the cocoa butter will cause the appearance of crystals, and therefore the chocolate will not be plastic. It is best to follow the tempering procedure.

It involves heating and cooling chocolate. The product maintains shine and texture. If you often make cake decorations, it is advisable to purchase a special thermometer that will allow you to control the procedure.

Sculpting flowers can be done with thin rubber gloves, but this is inconvenient. The work should be done quickly, as the heat causes the chocolate to lose its shape. Jars with a narrow neck are suitable for drying. It's not too difficult to do this job. If you try to make several flowers, then over time you will get beautiful roses. They are perfect for decorating cakes and pastries.

What will you need?

Chocolate roses make it more luxurious. You don't need professional equipment to do the job. It is enough to have available means. To make jewelry you will need:

  • rolling pin;
  • a form for obtaining circles or a glass;
  • plastic container.

Completing of the work

To create one rose from chocolate you will need 200-250 g of mastic. The product should be kneaded with your hands and then rolled out with a rolling pin to obtain a thin paste 3-4 mm thick. Then you need to take a glass or mold and make circles. There should be 15 of them: about 10 for the petals, and the others for the bud. After this, you can collect chocolate roses.

To obtain a flower you need chocolate mastic. A circle is created from it, and then it is rolled into a tube. This work is done with each circle. Then the upper edges are slightly bent, and stretched, and turned outward. This decoration will become more realistic. This will create the first petal for the bud.

You need to take the second blank, place it under the first, press the petal to the petal. You will get the first bud. Three tubes serve to form the second bud. They are then placed in a container for 3 hours to dry. In the same way, you need to collect a rose flower: you need 10 tubes, placed one below the other. Their upper edges are stretched and bent. After receiving the rose, it is placed in a container to dry. After that, you can decorate the cake with them.

What is required for chocolate dough?

Chocolate roses can be made from chocolate dough. For this you will need:

  • dark chocolate (100 g);
  • sugar (350 g);
  • hot water (150 ml);
  • soda (1.5 g);
  • citric acid (2 g);
  • cling film;
  • rolling pin;
  • a form for obtaining circles or a glass;
  • putty knife.

These are the main ingredients and means to obtain beautiful jewelry. With their help, classic roses are prepared. They are made from white chocolate, as well as from a mixture. If you combine colors, you get a magnificent decoration.


To make roses for the cake, you need to prepare: Pour water into a saucepan and put on fire. Then sugar is added and the solution is boiled. When it boils, add citric acid and cover the pan with a lid. The syrup is cooked for about 50 minutes over low heat. Then it should cool down.

Boiled water is added to the soda, and then the syrup is poured. When foam appears, you need to increase stirring. The resulting syrup has a yellow tint, similar to honey. To make chocolate decorations, you need to make chocolate dough. The treat bar should be crushed, the mass should be placed in a water bath, the product should become melted. Then syrup (30 ml) is added and the composition is mixed until a thick mass is obtained. Then it is laid out on cling film and covered with another film. Then everything is left for 12 hours to harden.

Making a flower

Once hardened, you can make chocolate roses. You need to break off a little dough, knead it with your hands, and use a rolling pin to create a thin layer. Then you need to take a mold or glass and cut out 15 circles. They are placed on a tray, and the remains are removed with a spatula. The circles need to be given the shape and thickness of rose petals, slightly stretched.

Create a ball from the dough and make it cone-shaped. During assembly, the petal is wrapped around the cone, and then another petal is fixed to the first. The third is located under the open part of the second. The open part of the second part is closed on the third. This is how all the details are recorded. The petals must be bent outward, making the flower realistic.

At the base you need to eliminate excess dough. This concludes the making of the rose. If there are several roses on the cake, then you will additionally need to make other decorative elements, such as leaves. Dark and white chocolate can be used. Chocolate roses will make any cake more beautiful.

Almost all people have a big sweet tooth. And before tasting the dessert, they examine it carefully. A beautifully decorated cake or pastry will undoubtedly make you want to try it.

There is a large variety of decorations. One of the first places is occupied by chocolate roses. They are incredibly beautiful, original and very tasty.

Recipe for making chocolate roses

To prepare roses we will need: one bar of white or black chocolate (100 g) and 2 tbsp. honey The color of future products depends on the color of the chosen chocolate: white chocolate can be painted with food colors in any shade.

First, melt the chocolate in a water bath, stirring constantly. Next, add honey to it and continue stirring until it is completely dissolved. After removing from the stove, knead the resulting mass with a spoon or spatula for 5-10 minutes. The chocolate mass should be quite thick and soft, somewhat reminiscent of plasticine. After cooling a little and mixing our chocolate, put it in a plastic bag and put it in the refrigerator for an hour. During this time, our mass will harden.

To directly prepare roses, we only need toothpicks and foil.

Procedure for making chocolate roses:

1. Remove the chocolate mass from the refrigerator and knead well. From the warmth of your hands, it will gradually become elastic, but will not stick to the table.

2. With quick movements, pinch off small pieces from it and roll into balls.

3. Take one ball and flatten it with your fingers, wrap the resulting petal around the top half of a toothpick, hold the rose by the bottom edge, dry it or insert it into the cake.

4. We also flatten the next ball and place it on our flower in a circle. And so there are 6-7 petals per rose, depending on the desired result.

You can place pieces of foil between the petals to prevent them from sticking together. And also wrap the bottom of the flower in foil. This way the rose will retain its shape. It is necessary to dry the resulting flowers at room temperature; it is very convenient to stick them with the free part of a toothpick into a clean sponge. This way they will stand upright and not wrinkle. You can store roses for 2-3 months in a dark, dry and cool place, but not in the refrigerator, as they will simply freeze and will subsequently melt due to temperature changes.

1. You can sculpt flowers while wearing thin rubber gloves, but this is not very convenient.

2. Everything must be done quickly, since the warmth of your hands melts the chocolate and loses its shape. As an option, make short stops so that the mass “rests.” We rolled out the balls, let them sit for 5 minutes, applied a petal, and after a couple of minutes the next one.

3. In addition to sponges, boxes and jars with a narrow neck are excellent for drying products.

Making beautiful flowers is not difficult, you just need to have a little patience. The big plus is that if the flower does not turn out or has melted, the mass can be mixed. Just remove from the toothpick, knead well and put in the refrigerator for half an hour.


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Roses made from chocolate are not just a chic decoration for any dessert, but also a very tasty and edible delicacy. As for chocolate decoration, you can use it to enhance almost any cake or dessert; it will immediately acquire a complete and unusually attractive appearance. At first glance it may seem that it is very difficult to do. However, in reality, the process of making chocolate roses is very simple and fun.

Mastic decoration

You can even make chocolate roses with your own hands; for this you will need a special master class and a detailed, step-by-step recipe with photographs. It is important to remember that any decoration made by yourself always looks better and tastes better than store-bought.

To steal dessert, you can use a huge variety of methods. To do this, you can use confectionery equipment and supplies, namely:

  • airbrushes for food coloring;
  • plotters;
  • printers;
  • syringes and molds;
  • icing;
  • pastry sets and gels.

A wide range of available tools allows you to create real miracles, show imagination and develop creative abilities and skills. That is why you can make chocolate roses to decorate the cake. To make a rose beautiful and believable, it is not necessary to use expensive professional equipment. It is enough to use the means at hand to make chocolate roses.

If you still don’t know how to make chocolate roses, then you will need the following components:

  • rolling pin;
  • plastic container;
  • chocolate mastic;
  • glass or mold for circles.

One rose is prepared from 250 grams of chocolate mastic. The product must be kneaded with your hands and rolled out with a rolling pin to form a fairly thin layer. Its thickness should not exceed three or four millimeters. Using a glass, you need to cut out fifteen circles. For the petals themselves you will need about ten circles, the rest will be used to make the bud. Making chocolate roses is very simple; it is important to familiarize yourself with the technology and step-by-step steps.

To create a rose, you will need a circle of chocolate mastic; you need to roll it into a tube using your fingers. All this must be repeated with the remaining circles. Then you need to bend and then stretch the top edge of the tube and carefully turn it out. This will help give the decor a believable appearance. Thus, the petal for the bud is ready.

After this, you will need a second blank, it should be placed immediately under the first one, it is important to press the petal against the petal. The first rose bud is completely ready. Then, using three tubes, you need to make a second bud. Place the finished flowers in a container and put them in the refrigerator for three hours, as they should dry out.

Syrup and chocolate dough recipe

You can even make a rose from dough with your own hands. For this you will need the following ingredients:

  • sugar – 350 grams;
  • dark chocolate – 100 grams;
  • boiling water – 150 milliliters;
  • citric acid – about 2 grams;
  • baking soda – at least 1.5 grams;
  • clean spatula, cling film and rolling pin, glass.

First you need to cook the chocolate syrup. Pour water into a saucepan, heat it and dissolve the sugar in it. Bring to a boil. Add citric acid and cover the pan tightly with a lid, simmer the syrup over low heat for forty-five minutes. The pan can be removed from the oven and cooled.

Add a little water to the baking soda, mix gently and combine with the chocolate syrup. After foam has formed, you need to start stirring intensively for ten minutes. The finished mass will have a yellowish tint, similar to honey.

After this, you can start preparing the dough yourself. Grind the chocolate bar and place it in a steam bath. After this, pour in thirty milliliters of the finished syrup, stir until a thick mass is obtained. Apply an even layer to the film, cover with another film and refrigerate for twelve hours. When the dough is ready, do with it everything that is described in the recipe with mastic.

Thus, any housewife can make chocolate roses to decorate a dessert. An important advantage of the technique is that you do not need super complex and professional equipment; you can even get by with improvised means.
