Dough roses. Biscuit roses Recipe sweet roses

Ecology of consumption: Puff pastry, apples, jam - these are the ingredients you will need for an incredibly beautiful dessert in the form of roses. Apples in dough look like a culinary masterpiece,

Puff pastry, apples, jam - these are the ingredients you will need for an incredibly beautiful dessert in the form of roses. Apples in dough look like a culinary masterpiece, but even a novice housewife can cook them!

Puff pastry rosettes: ingredients for 6 pieces

1 pack of puff pastry;

2 medium sized apples;

Juice of half a lemon;

A tablespoon of flour;

3 tablespoons apricot or peach jam;

Cinnamon (optional);

Powdered sugar for decoration.

Dessert in the form of roses: preparation process

Preheat the oven to 190C. Pour some water into a microwave-safe bowl and squeeze out the juice of half a lemon. Cut the apples in half, remove the core and slice as thinly as possible. Immediately transfer them to a bowl of lemon water to prevent the apples from oxidizing and changing color.

Place the bowl of apples in the microwave for about 3 minutes at maximum power. The slices should soften slightly to make them easier to work with, but not turn into mush.

Mix jam with two tablespoons of water in a bowl and microwave for 1 minute. Sprinkle the work surface with flour, roll out the dough and cut it into 6 equal strips. Grease each strip of dough with jam and sprinkle with ground cinnamon if desired.

Lay out the apple slices overlapping each other, cover with dough and roll very carefully to make a rose.

It is most convenient to bake the dessert in a muffin tin. The pan should be in the middle part of the oven for 30 minutes, then it should be moved down for another 10-15 minutes for the dough to bake.

Decorate the finished dessert with powdered sugar. The culinary masterpiece is ready! published

Look how beautiful it is! These elegant flowers are edible! They can be used to decorate gorgeous cakes for the holidays. Imagine what a sensation these biscuit roses will make if you bake them for children for a holiday! The recipe is simple and economical: from one portion of dough you get three to four dozen pieces!

The site already has recipes for apple roses made from puff pastry and our favorite cottage cheese roses, which I learned to bake from my mother and grandmother as a child. And my husband’s mother shared with me the recipe for roses made from biscuit dough - she is a professional cook, and has been preparing such roses for many years - for our birthdays. Kids love these cookies! The biscuit roses fly away instantly. I have long wanted to learn how to bake them, and so we specially arranged a master class, and now we are sharing them with you!

What I like about this recipe is not only the effectiveness and taste, but also the ease of preparation. If you need a good mixer for a sponge cake, you need to beat the eggs for a long time, then there is absolutely no need to achieve thick foam or peaks. The main thing is splendor, which can be achieved with the help of a good old whisk!

It is better to make roses with helpers - because speed is important when forming them. It’s great if you have a couple of baking sheets: while one is in the oven, you can make the preparations on the second. If you have one baking sheet, the bottom of a springform pan is perfect for the role of a second one. This time we baked in an electric oven, the second time I baked in a gas oven, at a temperature of 200C, at a level slightly above average.


For 3-4 tens:

  • 5 large eggs;
  • 1 glass of sugar (200g);
  • 1 glass of flour (130g);
  • 1 packet of vanilla sugar.

To grease the pan:

  • A piece of butter.

For decoration:

  • 3-4 tablespoons of powdered sugar.

How to bake:

The eggs you need are not the heftiest, most selective ones, but not small either: a little larger than average. A glass without a slide. Instead of vanilla sugar, you can take vanillin on the tip of a teaspoon.

We take the eggs out of the refrigerator in advance: the whites are whipped much better if they are at room temperature.

We also turn on the oven in advance - before you start preparing the dough, so that it has time to warm up to 180-200C.

Carefully separate the whites from the yolks. Pour the whites into a larger bowl, and leave the yolks in a plate for now.

We begin to beat the egg whites with a whisk, adding sugar little by little.

Our goal is not “standing” foam or “peaks,” but simply a fluffy mass. When you gradually introduce all the sugar and vanillin, and the whites approximately double in size, becoming fluffy, bubbly, and white, that’s enough.

Now add the yolks and beat for another minute and a half until smooth.

Then, continuing to beat, add flour - the same as sugar, adding little by little - in 4-5-6 additions.

The dough is ready. Don't be confused by the fact that it is quite liquid and flows freely. That's how it should be.

Take a baking sheet and don’t grease it all with oil! – and with the corner of the block we draw circles with a diameter slightly smaller than a glass, 3-4 cm from each other.

Because if you grease the whole pan with oil, the oil will burn, and why waste it? And pour a teaspoon of dough onto these greased areas to make circles. There is no need to make them too big; it is more difficult to make roses from large circles. The optimal diameter is 4-5 cm. If the circle turns out to be not quite round, but oval or wavy - nothing, in nature they are not made with compasses either. There will be beautiful, different petals!

And also, do not make a lot of preparations at once, even if the baking sheet is large. Since the roses need to be formed quickly - while the dough is hot, then the blanks are plastic, easy to give in, take shape and stick together. And when they cool down, they become brittle and difficult to join together. Therefore, we place 6-9 circles in the oven at the same time, 3 for each rose.

And here are the blanks at the bottom from the springform pan.

Bake for 4-5 minutes, look at the appearance: when the edges of the flatbreads begin to brown and become brown-golden, it’s time to take them out! If you undercook, the cookies will remain pale, and the cookies will be damp; if you overcook, they will fry until brown.

Now let's act as quickly as possible! We lift the hot sponge cakes with a thin iron spatula (we use a spatula for this purpose - it is strong, thin, ideal - it just has to be clean, of course!).

We take the smallest of the circles and squeeze it with our fingers on several sides, forming the middle of the rose.

We press the second circle, medium in size, to this center from below and on the sides.

We place the third flatbread, the largest one, underneath the second one and press it in the same way, forming the third row of petals.

What a beautiful rose this turns out to be! It looks like tea roses when they bloom on a hot summer day, and the sun shines through the fragrant petals with hot rays!

By the way, the sponge cakes are hot, and out of habit they burn your fingers. Therefore, have something cool on hand to relieve the heat when forming the roses by touching them with your fingers.

There is also a more complicated version of biscuit roses: when forming the flowers, while they are hot, they can be strengthened on sweet straws. You will get a whole “bouquet”.

That's how many roses you get from one batch!

We wait until they cool down. Place it beautifully on a plate...

And sprinkle with powdered sugar through a strainer.

These are such beautiful roses made from biscuit dough! A whole rose garden!

And it’s done simply and quickly enough.

The roses can be beautifully placed on a dish and served as an independent dessert - or used to decorate a cake!

And here is an edible bouquet on bamboo sticks. Leaves are made from individual oblong cakes. You just need to eat carefully, although the skewers are inserted with the sharp end down. But for children it is still better to attach the roses on sweet straws.

Recipe for making apple roses:

For this recipe, choose hard red apples, such as Eliza, Jonagored, Jonagold, Gloucester, etc. Since the apple will be cooked in syrup during the cooking process, it should retain the shape of the slices. With “mushy”, soft varieties, your efforts to create a bouquet may be in vain! Wash the apples, remove seeds and core.

Cut each apple half into thin equal slices no more than 4 mm thick.

When all the apples are chopped, cook the syrup - combine water and sugar, bring to a boil.

Dip apple slices into syrup and cook for 3-5 minutes until softened. Then drain in a colander or carefully transfer to a plate with a slotted spoon. Leave to cool.

Roll out the finished and thawed puff pastry thinly with a rolling pin, lightly sprinkling the surface of the table with flour.

Using a sharp knife or pizza cutter, cut the rolled out dough into strips measuring 2 by 30 cm.

Place apple slices on a strip of dough as shown in the photo:

Roll the strip of dough together with the apple slices into a roll, secure the end of the dough at the bottom, tucking it under the rosette. As a result of these simple manipulations, you get this apple rose, which needs to carefully straighten the petals.

Wrap all the strips of dough in this way and immediately place the roses on a baking sheet with parchment paper.

Bake at 180 degrees for 15 minutes. Check readiness with a skewer.

When serving, sprinkle apple roses with powdered sugar.

Help yourself and enjoy your romantic tea party!
