Fresh beet salad mayonnaise. A tasty and simple salad to make from boiled beets with mayonnaise. Beet salad with mayonnaise and garlic

Mayonnaise is the most popular dressing on our tables. Did you know that it is actually called mayonnaise sauce? Well, everyone will be there today. It will be delicious!

Very unusual, which is suitable for those who really love tasty and satisfying food.

What you will need:

  • 100 grams of corn;
  • 1 beet;
  • 50 ml mayonnaise;
  • 2 medium pickled cucumbers;
  • 1 onion;
  • 4 eggs.
Beetroot salad with mayonnaise:
  • Peel the onion and cut into pieces.
  • Wash the beets and boil them. Then cool, peel and cut into cubes.
  • Squeeze the cucumbers from the brine and cut into small cubes.
  • Boil the eggs, cool, then peel and cut into the size of beets.
  • Separate the corn kernels from the liquid.
  • Mix all the ingredients in a salad bowl, season with mayonnaise and serve.
  • Tip: if you want a more piquant sauce, you can add chopped garlic or finely chopped chili to the mayonnaise.

    Beet salad with mayonnaise

    The one you've never tried before. You can't even imagine what taste you'll get in the end. It will be incredible!

    What you will need:

    • 1 chicken fillet;
    • 3 stalks of green onions;
    • 1 beet;
    • 2 eggs;
    • 50 ml mayonnaise;
    • 5 grams of curry;
    • 10 ml lemon juice;
    • 10 ml honey.
    Beet salad with mayonnaise:
  • Remove chicken meat from fat and films, rinse, boil until tender, and then cut into cubes.
  • Wash the young onion and chop it finely with a sharp knife.
  • Grate the beets on a grater of any size.
  • Boil the eggs, then cool, peel and cut into cubes.
  • For the sauce, combine mayonnaise and honey, lemon juice, curry.
  • Add spices to taste, beat.
  • Mix the ingredients, season with the resulting sauce and sprinkle the dish with green onions.
  • Beet salads with mayonnaise

    This recipe may seem everyday and ordinary to you. ? Be prepared to also find beans, onions, and cabbage, which together will create the perfect salad.

    What you will need:

    • 60 grams of canned beans;
    • 1 beet;
    • 70 ml mayonnaise;
    • 1 onion;
    • 100 grams of fresh cabbage;
    • 1 pickled cucumber.
    How to assemble the salad:
  • Open the beans and corn and drain them in a colander, rinse well and place on a thick layer of dry napkins. Wait for the beans to dry.
  • Peel the beets, wash them and cut them into cubes or thin strips.
  • Remove the top leaves of the cabbage and chop the rest
  • Squeeze the cucumbers with your hands to remove excess brine and cut into pieces.
  • Peel the onion and cut it.
  • Place all ingredients in a salad bowl, season with mayonnaise and mix.
  • With mushrooms

    Mushrooms are often added to a variety of dishes. It can be an appetizer, salad, soup, hot dish, and believe it or not, they are even included in desserts. Let's add it and see what comes out of it.

    What you will need:

    • 4 eggs;
    • 100 grams of champignons;
    • 2 branches of dill;
    • 1 onion;
    • 1 boiled beet;
    • 1 chicken breast;
    • 60 ml mayonnaise.
    Preparing the salad:
  • Wash the mushrooms to remove sand and dirt, dry them with napkins and cut them into cubes.
  • Peel the onion and chop it.
  • Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil, add mushrooms and onions. Fry until all the moisture has evaporated. Add salt.
  • Boil the eggs, cool, peel and cut into cubes.
  • Remove beets from skins and cut into cubes.
  • Wash the chicken meat and boil it in salted water. Then cool in the broth and cut into the size of the beets.
  • Wash and dry the dill.
  • Mix all ingredients, season with mayonnaise and serve.
  • 4 eggs;
  • 100 grams of boiled sausage;
  • 1 onion.
  • How to prepare the salad:
  • Wash potatoes and beets with a brush and boil. After the root vegetables are ready, they need to be cooled, peeled and cut into cubes.
  • Boil the eggs, then wait until they cool, remove the shells and cut into the size of the vegetables.
  • Peel the onion and chop it.
  • Remove the sausage from the packaging and cut into pieces.
  • Peel the garlic, chop using a press and mix with mayonnaise.
  • Combine all ingredients, season with the resulting sauce and mix. You can add salt and spices to taste.
  • As you may have noticed, a salad of boiled beets with mayonnaise is not as banal as it was made out to be. Re-read the ingredients of the recipes, take out the ingredients and start cooking.

    On the eve of the holidays, women have the main questions: how to create a menu, what to cook and what products to choose? In addition to hot dishes, it is customary to serve various salads and cold appetizers on the table. There are many recipes for similar dishes. Surely every family has its own secrets and traditions. In this article we will talk about a rather light, satisfying and tasty dish called “Beets with garlic and mayonnaise.”

    One of the biggest advantages of this product is its low energy value. The snack “Beets, garlic, mayonnaise” has a calorie content of 122 kcal per 100 grams of product. Thanks to this, this product can be consumed even when you are on a diet. The amount of protein in the salad is 2 grams. Carbohydrates are 10 grams and fat is 8.

    The benefits of salad

    It is impossible not to note the benefits of each ingredient separately. Beets have a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body. The vegetable improves digestion and normalizes stool. Beets also gently cleanse the kidneys and remove salts and sand from the urinary system.

    The salad “Beets, mayonnaise, garlic” contains the main natural antibiotic. Garlic perfectly fights germs and various pathogenic bacteria. For colds, it cleanses the body of the virus and helps the immune system cope with the disease. Garlic also has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, but this product must be used with extreme caution for gastritis, ulcers and inflammation of the inner lining of the stomach.

    Cooking recipe

    The appetizer “Beets with garlic and mayonnaise” is quite easy to prepare. You will need a minimum amount of products and time. You will need the following ingredients:

    • several beet tubers;
    • a saucepan with water;
    • 5-6 cloves of garlic;
    • mayonnaise or sour cream;
    • salt;
    • walnuts.
    Vegetable processing
  • Before preparing beet salad with garlic and mayonnaise, you need to boil the vegetable.
  • Rinse the required number of tubers under running water, clean off any remaining soil with your fingers, if any. After this, place the vegetables in a saucepan with water and place on low heat.
  • Never peel beets before cooking. Otherwise, all the flavor and color will evaporate from it. Vegetables should be peeled only after cooking. Keep an eye on the water while cooking. Beets cook for quite a long time, the liquid may boil away. If this happens, add a new portion of water so that it completely covers the vegetables.
  • The beets are cooked for about one hour. Cooking time may increase or decrease depending on the size and quantity of vegetables. The product is checked for readiness using a sharp knife or fork. Pierce a few tubers. If the device gently enters the vegetable, then the product is cooked.
  • Peel the tubers with a sharp knife and let them cool. Rinse the vegetables under running water and grate on a medium grater. Set the ingredient aside and proceed to process the next component.
  • Salad "Beets with garlic and mayonnaise" should be prepared according to your taste preference. If the dish will be served to children, then limit the amount of spicy ingredient.
  • On average, the ratio of garlic cloves to beet tubers should be one to one. Peel the product and pass it through a garlic press. If you don’t have this device, you can use a meat grinder or grate the garlic.
  • Preparing the dressing: finishing touches
  • Salad “Beets with garlic and mayonnaise” can be seasoned with regular sour cream if necessary. This option is suitable for children, people on a diet, or for those who simply do not like the yolk product.
  • Mix white sauce with garlic mixture and add half a teaspoon of salt. Chop the walnuts and add to the prepared dressing. The resulting mass must be seasoned with grated beets.
  • Mix the salad thoroughly and place it in a suitable form. If desired, you can decorate the appetizer with a sprig of herbs or even put the beetroot mixture on the bread. In this case, you will get sandwiches with beets, garlic and mayonnaise.
  • Conclusion

    Salad “Beets with garlic and mayonnaise” - tasty and healthy! Try cooking this dish once, and it will become a regular guest on your holiday or everyday table. Everyone who tries this appetizer will be delighted with its gently spicy, spicy taste. Enjoy your meal!

    Beetroot salad with garlic is one of the simplest and most affordable vegetable salads, which gains particular popularity in our daily menu precisely with the onset of cold weather. Despite the fact that beets can be purchased in any store almost all year round, however, in the summer they are often forgotten about due to the abundance of other fresh, ripe and inexpensive vegetables. However, in late autumn, winter and early spring, dishes made from root vegetables usually come first, since, subject to proper storage conditions, they can retain vitamins, minerals, fiber and other beneficial substances for many months. Unusually tender in structure and sweet in taste, boiled beets are a favorite “winter” vegetable for most children and adults.

    Although beet salad with garlic includes only two simple and inexpensive vegetables, it can nevertheless be considered a real champion in terms of the content of a variety of useful substances. Beets contain many vitamins and essential microelements such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, iodine and phosphorus. Due to the presence of iron, it is able to prevent the development of anemia or significantly accelerate the restoration of normal functioning of the hematopoietic system. In addition, beets remove excess cholesterol from the body and thus cleanse blood vessels, significantly improving the overall condition of the cardiovascular system. The special substance betaine, which this vegetable is rich in, has a beneficial effect on the liver and detoxifies both this important organ and the entire body as a whole. Garlic has unprecedented abilities to fight viral and bacterial infections and improve immunity, so it should be added as often as possible to various dishes during the cold season.

    Beet salad with garlic and mayonnaise, the recipe for which I will present today, is the simplest boiled beet dish you can imagine. It will take literally 5 minutes to prepare it, unless, of course, you don’t take into account the time spent boiling the root vegetable itself. However, since the beets are boiled or baked on their own, without requiring any special or increased attention, this wonderful salad can be considered a worthy example of a simple, quick and at the same time very tasty dish. I often prepare this beet salad on weekdays and even during holidays, when there are some boiled beets left after cooking or.

    Although, in my opinion, beet salad with garlic is more suitable for ordinary daily meals, nevertheless, I know many people who always prepare it for guests or on the occasion of any holidays. After all, the delicate and very juicy consistency of this healthy vegetable salad is liked by both small children and the most respectable participants in the festive feast, and the sweetish taste of beets combined with the piquant spiciness of mayonnaise and fresh garlic makes this dish an excellent appetizer, which is especially suitable for strong alcoholic drinks. That's why such a simple, tasty and healthy beet salad is a universal dish for almost any occasion!

    Useful information How to prepare beet salad with garlic and mayonnaise - a recipe for the simplest and most delicious beet salad with step-by-step photos


    • 4 medium beets (800 g)
    • 6 – 8 teeth. garlic (20 g)
    • 2 – 3 tbsp. l. mayonnaise


    1. In order to prepare beet salad with garlic and mayonnaise, you should first boil fresh beets. To do this, the root vegetables must be thoroughly rinsed with running water, removing all adhering lumps of earth, then place the beets in a deep pan without peeling them, and completely fill them with cold water so that a layer of 2-3 cm covers them.

    Advice! In addition to traditional cooking, beets for salad can be baked in the oven - this will preserve more nutrients in the vegetables and give them a special pleasant taste. To do this, each fruit should be wrapped in foil and baked on a baking sheet or wire rack at a temperature of 180–190°C for 40–50 minutes. You can bake beets even faster in a sleeve - they will be ready in 30 - 35 minutes.

    2. Bring the water to a boil over high heat, then reduce the heat and cook the beets at a barely noticeable boil until tender. Drain the cooked beets and let them cool completely.

    Advice! Typically, beets are cooked for about 1 – 1.5 hours depending on their size. About an hour after you start cooking, you can start testing it for doneness every 10 minutes. If a sharp knife easily and without any effort enters the middle of the largest fruit, this means that the beets are completely cooked. If you are not sure whether the beets are ready, then do not rush to remove the vegetables from the pan, since slightly overcooked beets will not affect the taste of the salad, but undercooked ones can ruin the consistency of this dish.

    3. Peel the cooled beets and rinse with cold water.

    4. Grate the beets on a coarse grater and place in a deep salad bowl.

    5. Peel the garlic cloves and pass through a special press.

    Advice! It is better to select the amount of garlic in beet salad individually to suit your taste. I advise you to first put 4 - 5 chopped cloves in the salad, then taste it and add more if desired. If beetroot salad is prepared for children or, for example, lovers, then for known reasons it is advisable to reduce the amount of garlic in it. In addition, an excess of fresh hot garlic may be harmful to people with gastrointestinal diseases.

    6. Salt the beet salad with garlic to taste and lightly season it with mayonnaise. Since this vegetable salad itself turns out to be very juicy, you do not need to add too much harmful mayonnaise to it.

    Advice! Instead of mayonnaise, a simple beet salad can be seasoned with any vegetable oil (1 tbsp), sour cream (2 tbsp) or natural yogurt (2 tbsp). This will slightly reduce the calorie content of the dish and make it as dietary as possible.

    7. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and let the salad sit in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour. This simple beet salad tastes best when chilled.

    Delicate, spicy and very healthy beet salad with garlic and mayonnaise is ready!

    Beets are respected by housewives, for whom they are an excellent base for salads and soups, but they are also loved by restaurant chefs, including even those whose names are usually spoken with aspiration. This is understandable: a simple-looking vegetable contains a lot of useful substances; it is popularly considered a storehouse of vitamins. With this product you can prepare dishes for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Surprised? But in vain! For example, here is a wonderful, simple salad known to everyone since childhood - beets with garlic and mayonnaise.

    The benefits of beet salads

    Beets are useful for many reasons, because they will help cope with various diseases. So, raw or cooked vegetables help:

    • overcome unpleasant constipation,
    • lower blood pressure for hypertensive patients,
    • get rid of accumulated fluid in the body and its tissues;
    • cleanse the blood.

    Do you need to eliminate stagnation in the gallbladder? There is nothing simpler: add a couple of beet dishes to your daily list - and your condition will improve. The root vegetable is useful for anemia (it is also recommended in the children's menu), in addition, it is used when it is necessary to boost immunity. Do you think that beets, boiled or baked in the oven, are a priori unhealthful, since they lost all their valuable properties during the heat treatment process? No, the vegetable retains everything that nature has put into it. This allows you to cook beets with garlic and mayonnaise. not thinking about losses, but enjoying the taste.

    Nutritional value and calorie content of the dish

    Beets, which are the main ingredient in numerous salads, will please:

    • vitamins E, C, A, in addition group B, others;
    • the presence of folic acid in the tissues of the vegetable, which is important for good health;
    • an excellent combination of phosphorus with iodine, boron, and also silicon, iron with zinc, magnesium, potassium (that's not all!);
    • substances that are commonly called antioxidants that help prolong youth;
    • presence of fiber.

    Beets are among the low-calorie products, and if we speak in terms of numbers, then 40 kcal per 100 g are its parameters. To a person who understands these numbers, it will become clear that the root vegetable is suitable even for dietary nutrition. The only “but” is the high glycemic index of the root vegetable, which makes it taboo for those who want to lose weight. Diabetics should not overuse salad.

    Recipes for beet salad (photo)

    There are many recipes for preparing snacks in which beets are involved, so choosing a couple of them for the daily menu will not be difficult. Despite the simplicity of the vegetable, it will perfectly play its role as a salad base even on a holiday, because it is combined with other vegetables, herring, nuts, cheese, and herbs. To prepare salads, beets are boiled, baked, and steamed until ready.

    With cheese, garlic and mayonnaise

    In order to pamper your household with something delicious for lunch or dinner, we will prepare the following products:

    • One hundred grams of any mild cheese, harder.
    • Two medium-sized oblong beets.
    • Several small cloves of garlic (you like it spicier - 5 pieces).
    • Salt and a little pepper for taste.
    • Mayonnaise (homemade mayonnaise is suitable, with or without eggs).

    Let's start working on the salad:

    • Wash the beets, put them in a foil envelope, and place them on the oven rack. Baking time ranges from half an hour to 45 minutes, provided that you set the temperature to 180 degrees.
    • Remove the root vegetables from the oven and allow them time to cool.
    • Carefully peel the cooled beets and grate them on a large plate of your grater.
    • Hard cheese must be grated, and the size of the chips should correspond to beetroot.
    • Press the garlic through a press.
    • Combine the ingredients in a deep bowl, mix well, add mayonnaise. It is recommended to add salt and pepper at the last moment so that the salad does not release a lot of juice.
    With eggs and mayonnaise

    Simple but nutritious thanks to the use of eggs, this salad is sure to become a favorite among your household. So, the products:

    • Cheese (hard, ordinary mild varieties) – 100-150 grams.
    • Two large beets, preferably round.
    • Eggs - a couple of chicken eggs or twice as many quail eggs.
    • A pinch or two of salt, fresh mayonnaise, a bunch of aromatic herbs.
    • Garlic – a pair of medium-sized cloves.

    The preparation will be simple:

    • Boil the beets until tender, which we determine with a thin knife (it should gently enter the beets).
    • While still warm, peel the vegetables, only gently so as not to damage them.
    • Take the usual large grater and quickly grate the prepared vegetables into a large container.
    • We have to peel the hard-boiled eggs and cut them into cubes.
    • Grate the cheese and choose a beetroot grater.
    • We peel the garlic and press it through a press (if there is none, fine cutting is allowed).
    • Place the grated vegetables in a bowl and perform the last step - add salt, pepper, and sauce.
    • Place the finished dish beautifully in a salad bowl and sprinkle with herbs.
    With the addition of raisins and prunes

    Dried fruits will give the desired shade to our salad, and in addition. They are useful for both children and adults. Products for a dish that can be either a snack or a side dish for meat:

    • Two or three beets.
    • A piece of cheese, weight 150 g.
    • Three medium sized carrots.
    • Two to four cloves of garlic.
    • Walnuts, prunes and raisins - in total you should get 250-300 grams of weight.
    • Mayonnaise.

    It’s better to start cooking ahead of time so that by the time you serve the dish is soaked in the sauce:

    • First, cook the beets, peel them and at the same time the carrots.
    • We alternately grate vegetables and cheese on the same grater, but put them in different plates for now.
    • The garlic must be chopped (with a garlic press or knife).
    • It is better to roast the nuts, they will become tastier.
    • Be sure to scald the dried fruits and wash them under running water. Cut large fruits.

    Let’s start decorating, because our salad is layered:

    • First, raisins and carrots. Lightly coat the top with mayonnaise.
    • The second stage involves a mixture of cheese and garlic, again mayonnaise.
    • The final layer is beets with prunes, nuts.
    • We spread the top layer of mayonnaise beautifully. Our salad is ready!
    With walnuts

    The traditional combination of root vegetables with nuts elevates the salad to the rank of festive. Experienced housewives already know the quantitative combination of products, but beginners need a hint:

    • A dozen kernels of nuts.
    • Two medium beets.
    • One or two cloves of garlic (remove the core so that it does not burn).
    • Salt.
    • About a hundred grams of mayonnaise.

    It’s easy to prepare such a dish; even a novice housewife can cope with the task:

    • We cook the root vegetables, peel and grate them.
    • Lightly fry the nuts in a frying pan without oil, chop most of them, and leave a couple of pieces for decoration of the dish.
    • Pass the garlic through a press.
    • We put everything in a salad bowl, add a little salt and season with mayonnaise. We beautifully place our whole nuts on top.

    I assure you, preparing a salad with beets, garlic and mayonnaise will not be difficult for any housewife. It is prepared quite simply and quickly. Of course, you will have to spend some time cooking the beets, but sorry, there’s no way without it. Our salad recipe uses boiled beets. If you choose the right mayonnaise for dressing, then the salad with beets, garlic and mayonnaise turns out very tasty. I assure you, your family will like this dish. By the way, the salad has a spicy taste and goes well with meat dishes. Be sure to try it.


    For 4 servings you will need the following:

    Beets - Three things;
    Garlic - 8 cloves;
    Mayonnaise - A couple of large spoons.

  • So let's get started! We start with beets. First, we will boil it (this will take at least 45 minutes).
  • After this, cool the beets a little (so as not to burn yourself) and peel them.
  • Next, pass the peeled beets into a coarse grater.
  • Then take the peeled garlic cloves and chop them finely.
  • After this, transfer the beets and garlic into a salad bowl and mix.
  • Now take and season the salad with mayonnaise and mix.
  • In general, that’s all, put the salad in the refrigerator. Let it soak in the aroma of garlic a little. Then we put it on the table and eat it with pleasure.
  • Enjoy your meal!
