Chocolate ganache without cream recipe. Chocolate ganache: recipe, ingredients. Recipe: Chocolate ganache with honey

This recipe is the fruit of my personal research in the confectionery field. Having prepared a large number of cakes, as a result of practical experience, I came up with a recipe for the ideal ganache for leveling and decorating cakes! I do not mind! I am pleased to present this recipe to you.

The benefits of my chocolate ganache for cake coating

First of all, this is a very tasty cream! Secondly, this cream can cover irregularities of ANY depth and size on your cake! Thirdly, even a novice housewife can level the cake with this cream! It is easy to work with, as it retains its plasticity for a long time and quickly stops flowing if you overheat the chocolate. It does not harden as quickly as pure chocolate. It is easy to level. After covering the cake with it, you can decorate it as you wish. Or continue decorating with the remaining cream, which will already thicken and will be deposited perfectly from the pastry bag.

So, here is my pride and confectionery find - the perfect chocolate ganache to cover the cake! Take it, use it and enjoy! Surprise your loved ones and friends!

Let's prepare butter at room temperature, condensed milk, a spoonful of cocoa and chocolate.

Let's weigh out the chocolate. Don't be greedy, this is what will make this cream irresistible!

Let's put it in a steam bath to melt and stir during the process.

Meanwhile, beat the butter until fluffy and add condensed milk. Let's continue to beat everything with a mixer.

Add cocoa and continue whisking. Then pour in the melted chocolate and mix everything until smooth.

The cream will be a little runny, but this is because the chocolate is warm. Leave the chocolate ganache to cover the cake on the counter for 5 minutes...

Prepare your own tool for working with chocolate. What? Don't you have anything? Then you can use a spatula and a metal ruler.

We take our cake out of the refrigerator...

And let's get started. The cream has thickened a little, but it’s just right for the job, and after a few minutes we have not some kind of blank with uneven sides, but an almost... almost finished cake.

For finer leveling we use a thinner tool - a palette knife. We will use it to completely cover up all sorts of holes and smooth out any unevenness.

Well, somehow it happened like this. I note that you can endlessly level the cake, so the main thing is to stop in time.

Now let's send our cake into the cold and decide what we will do with it next. Shall we decorate with cream flowers, or maybe with ruffles? Or maybe we’ll just sprinkle some cocoa and lay out some chocolate decorations, or maybe cover it with fondant? Oh, I don’t know what I’ll do next. The morning is wiser than the evening!

Any national cuisine can boast of some stunningly delicious dish. But France has not just one, but a whole arsenal of dishes. The confectionery products of this country have long been recognized throughout the world as the most exquisite and delicate. Among them there is a real paradise for those with a sweet tooth - chocolate ganache. This delicacy has long won the hearts of confectioners with its simplicity, taste and versatility. Chocolate ganache is used to cover cakes, decorate cupcakes, make sweets, decorate baked goods, and as a cream. Yes, you can simply spread this deliciousness on bread! In a word, this is a real find for every housewife.

The French are pedants in everything related to the preparation of confectionery products. You add 11 drops of syrup instead of 10 and that’s it - the world has turned upside down. So, in this regard, ganache undoubtedly outperforms other sweets in its variability. No, perhaps somewhere in the homeland of the dessert they use strict proportions, but in our realities you can safely experiment.

This delicate cream is a thick mixture of heavy cream and dark chocolate. Traditionally, equal parts of both ingredients are taken to prepare ganache, but the result obtained depends 100% on their quality. Even magic won’t help you make a good cream with bad products. Because:

  • first, take only very heavy cream (more than 33%) and, preferably, market cream;
  • second - buy high-quality expensive chocolate.

If it’s even more or less clear with cream, then what about the second ingredient? What quality criteria should we focus on?

  1. The surest way is to take tiles made in Belgium or Switzerland. In these countries, the purity of the product is maintained and it will be of the best quality.
  2. When buying chocolate from other manufacturers, read the ingredients. It must contain cocoa products (at least 40%) and cocoa butter (from 20%), but not their substitutes.
  3. It is quite easy to determine good chocolate experimentally. It will begin to “float” simply in your hand, since cocoa butter flows already at a temperature of 31 ºС, and when the tile breaks, a dull crack is heard, the crumbs do not fall out. A bad product has to be chewed, and when you break off a piece, you won’t hear anything - palm oil or another base for such “chocolate” cannot crunch.

So, you have in your hands a hundred-gram bar of first-class dark or bitter chocolate and the same amount of cream.

It's time to start making the ganache. It's simple:

  1. Print out the tile and break it into pieces. You shouldn’t get too fancy and crumble it into dust; you remember that the chocolate will melt in any case. Place the pieces into one bowl.
  2. Pour the cream into another container and put on fire. Stir them and, as soon as the first bubbles appear on the sides, remove from the stove. There is no need to bring them to a boil.
  3. Pour hot liquid over chocolate. Sometimes there is a recommendation to throw it into a bowl of cream, but it is better not to do this. Otherwise, it may burn from contact with the too hot bottom of the bowl.
  4. Stir the almost finished ganache with a whisk (but do not beat) or a spatula until the chocolate is completely dispersed in the hot cream. The resulting mass should become smooth, uniform, without lumps or separations. If something goes wrong, then the fault is most likely a low-quality chocolate bar.
  5. If you plan to frost the cake, you can do it as soon as the mixture has cooled slightly.
  6. If you need to hold the sweet cream, cover it with cling film and put it in the refrigerator. Under such conditions, the cream can be stored for two to three days. Freezing is also allowed.
  7. Cold ganache should not be heated on the stove; it will reach the desired consistency on its own after standing at room temperature. If the apartment is cool, place the bowl of cream in warm water.

The finished cream is self-sufficient and does not require any additions, but confectioners often experiment with various additives to create more interesting flavors.

As an excellent addition to ganache, you can use rum or liqueurs, syrups, essences (mint, vanilla, etc.), fruit purees.

Recipe: Chocolate ganache with cream and chocolate

No matter what they say, not everyone likes black or even dark chocolate. Dark chocolate ganache will be the most shiny, smooth and beautiful, but the least sweet and with a noticeable bitterness. If you don’t like dark chocolate, then you’re unlikely to like cream based on it. But it can be made from milk or even white chocolate. Butter is usually added to this mixture to improve taste and obtain a smooth, even texture. Keep in mind that the oil must be of excellent quality.

In sweet chocolate, the content of cocoa products is lower than in bitter and dark chocolate, so its amount is increased by approximately one and a half times. To keep the fat content at the same level, add oil. Over time, through experience, you can adjust the amount of ingredients, taking into account the quality of the selected products, but to begin with, focus on the following composition:

  • 500 grams of milk chocolate (you can also use white);
  • 350 grams of cream;
  • 50 grams of butter, as fat as possible.

The cooking process itself is no different from the classic one. After the chocolate has melted into the cream, let the ganache cool slightly, and at this time take out the butter, cut into pieces and leave to “warm up”. Then dip the butter into the warm cream and stir well.

Chocolate ganache with whole milk

It would seem, what difference does it make in what to melt the chocolate - in cream or milk? But if you remove heavy cream from the recipe, the resulting product can no longer be called ganache. This can be considered a type of glaze, but it is also undoubtedly very tasty.

To compensate for the missing fat content, you must add a large amount of oil to the cream. In general, it is better not to try to thicken such pseudo-ganache and leave it more liquid. In this form it is excellent to use, for example, as a sauce for pancakes or pancakes, ice cream, soufflé or fruit.

  • 200 grams of black or dark chocolate;
  • the same amount of butter;
  • half the milk.

If you decide to make sweet chocolate cream, increase the amount.

The cooking principle remains the same, only we melt the chocolate pieces in milk, not in cream. The butter should sit at room temperature or you can even melt it. Add the warm butter, spoonful at a time, into the chocolate-milk mixture and stir until smooth. If desired, while the milk is hot, add powdered sugar to taste.

Recipe with cocoa powder

If you plan to make ganache for making truffle sweets, you can make it using cocoa powder. The finished product will not be as creamy, but in some cases it becomes more appropriate. It can also be used as a layer in cakes.

To prepare, take:

  • 2 tablespoons of powder;
  • the same amount of powdered sugar;
  • the same amount of rum or liqueur;
  • 60 grams of cream;
  • 25-100 grams of soft butter.

The amount of oil can vary significantly depending on the consistency of the finished ganache.

We prepare the cream according to the already established scheme: add cocoa and sugar to the hot cream, brew it so that there are no lumps, warm butter and, at the very end, alcohol if desired.

Recipe with condensed milk

A good option for making sweet cream on dark chocolate with the addition of condensed milk. Considering that this is also the “wrong” ganache, you will have to figure out the proportions as you go.

Approximately take products in the following quantities:

  • 250 grams of chocolate;
  • 200 grams of good butter;
  • 100-150 ml condensed milk.

In separate bowls, melt butter and chocolate in a bathhouse. The butter can be whipped and then added to condensed milk. Add the finished sweet mass in parts to the already melted chocolate and mix. It is better not to let this cream cool, but to use it for its intended purpose immediately, before it begins to harden.

Recipe: Chocolate ganache with honey

You can use chocolate ganache under the mastic to remove unevenness, or you can pour it over finished baked goods not for beauty, but just for taste. If you are covering a simple cake, without any frills or complex combinations of products, then you can diversify its taste with honey and chocolate cream. In this case, of course, you should not use milk or white chocolate to prepare it - it will turn out too sweet. But for black it’s just right.

Take the ingredients for 150 grams of chocolate in approximately the following proportions:

  • 100 grams of heavy cream;
  • 50 grams each of honey and butter.

We heat the cream, melt the chocolate - everything is as usual. Heat the honey only slightly, but do not boil it, and add it to the classic ganache. When all ingredients are mixed into a homogeneous mass, add softened butter.

With milk powder

You can also prepare ganache using dry milk or cream. In the first case, you will definitely have to add butter. In the second, perhaps this ingredient will not be needed. To prepare with milk powder, for 150 grams of dark chocolate, take 100 grams of milk and the same amount of butter.

Dilute the powder with water or whole milk and... then do everything according to the already clear scheme. You can also add sugar or syrups to this cream if desired.

Chocolate ganache with orange zest

It is better to prepare such a product with cream and dark chocolate according to the classic recipe. The taste will be very piquant and interesting. But if you want a sweeter cream, then add powdered sugar to it at the stage of heating the cream.

The preparation process is traditional, but when the chocolate melts in the cream, add orange zest to the warm mixture. If you have orange syrup, you can safely include it in the composition, but only at the rate of no more than 10% of the total mass. In this case, add a little butter to the ganache.

Chocolate ganache for cupcakes

Nowadays, small, elegant cupcakes are increasingly preferred to cakes. They are beautiful and easier to eat at parties. These small cakes can also be decorated with our cream, but how to make chocolate ganache so that it is airy? To make beautiful cream caps, roses, and peaks, it is made exactly the same as in the classic recipe. But there is a little secret.

Write it down! Cover the finished ganache with film and place it in the refrigerator for several hours until it thickens. Then take it out, remove the film, let it warm up at room temperature and beat quickly with a mixer. Don't overdo it, a couple of minutes is enough. The finished mass will become airy, light and will be perfectly squeezed out of any nozzle. The cream will lighten a couple of tones, become velvety and lush.

Making ganache at home, as you can see, is not at all difficult. There are fewer problems with good dark chocolate, so start your confectionery practice with it. Alas, this cream has one significant drawback. If you start trying it just with a spoon, then it’s impossible to stop! Keep this in mind and be vigilant so that your cake does not end up “naked.”

Cream ganache is a favorite delicacy from France. It is ideal for decorating cakes. This tasty and sweet product is used to make decorations for sweets and cakes.

For a long time, the recipe for this cream remained a mystery to Russian confectioners, and French sweets aroused envy and admiration.

What is ganache

Chocolate ganache, the recipe for which remained a secret for a long time, is a cream made from natural chocolate.

This chocolate paste is very suitable for leveling the surface of the cake, as well as its edges. At the same time, the ganache hardens very quickly. In addition, this paste is used as a filling for:

  • cupcakes;
  • cupcakes;
  • profiteroles.

This cream is a mixture of chocolate, natural butter and cream. Butter is not always added, and any type of chocolate can be used as a base.

As for the proportions, they can be very different, since if you wish, you can experiment and select different combinations. After preparing the glaze, be sure to let it cool slightly to obtain the required consistency.

History of origin

Cream ganache is an amazing manifestation of confectionery skill. A very funny and unusual story of its appearance, since they first started preparing it completely by accident. A pastry chef working in one of the French restaurants accidentally spilled warm cream into the melted chocolate, as a result of which the chef called him a rather offensive word, which in French sounds like “ganache”, but translated means “dummy.”

Having tried this delicacy for the first time, he was simply amazed that such a cream turned out by accident, due to the carelessness of the pastry chef. The resulting mixture had excellent taste, was unusually tender and froze well. Thus, a new cream with a funny name appeared.

Features of the composition

In order for the chocolate ganache to cover the cake to be thick enough, to harden well and allow the edges to be evened out, you need to prepare it correctly. To do this you need to use the following products:

  • chocolate;
  • cream;
  • sugar;
  • oil;
  • cocoa.

To prepare the mass, you need to use high-quality natural chocolate with a high percentage of cocoa content. Sugar is used very rarely, but if it is in the recipe, then you need to use regular granulated sugar, not powdered sugar. Cream can be replaced with milk, sour cream or condensed milk. These products help give the finished mass a certain tenderness and improve taste.

If the recipe specifies oil, it is best that it be of high fat content. In different recipes, cocoa powder can be used instead of chocolate. In this case, you need to choose a natural, high-quality product, without additives.

Each recipe for such glaze may differ in its set of basic components. Depending on the composition, the technology for preparing this cream may also change.

Main types of cream

The recipe for chocolate ganache can be very different, therefore, by changing the ratio of cream and chocolate, you can prepare a cream of absolutely any consistency. Depending on the application, you can slightly change the recipe. In the traditional version, the ratio of main products is 50:50. This cream pours very well onto the surface of desserts, forming drips. If necessary, it can also be used under mastic and as fondant.

If you need to make a liquid coating, then you will need more cream than chocolate. It is used to cover the surface of a cake, which, according to technology, needs to be frozen. In particular, these are soufflé products with the addition of agar or gelatin. In this case, the cream will harden very quickly and will not spread over the surface. In addition, it is well suited if you need to cover the confectionery product not completely, but just apply a design.

If you need to make chocolate ganache to level the cake, you should add more chocolate than cream. In this case, the mass will be thicker and harden much better. In addition, this cream can be used as a filling for cakes and pastries. This cream will not leak out, and the cake itself will retain its required shape well. You can make sweets from ganache.

Traditional recipe

If you need to prepare traditional chocolate ganache, the recipe for which is quite simple, you should first prepare the ingredients. The classic version lacks sugar, so the cream will have a slight bitterness. To prepare it you will need:

  • cream 35% fat - 110 ml;
  • butter - 35 g.

Break the chocolate into small pieces and place in a bowl. Pour the cream into a separate container and heat it slightly, but do not boil. Then pour the cream into the chocolate melted in a steam bath, stirring constantly until a homogeneous consistency is formed. Gradually add oil to the resulting mixture and mix everything thoroughly. The result is a very tasty cream that can be used for cakes.

Ganache for mastic

Many people are interested in how to make chocolate ganache for mastic. This is a kind of chocolate-based paste that has a fairly dense texture that can be used to level the surface of a cake. It fits perfectly under the mastic, which is then used to cover the dessert.

Ganache can be made from absolutely any chocolate, it all depends on your own preferences. It is very flexible, and after covering the cake with it, bumps and bumps will not be noticeable under the mastic. To prepare this cream, you need to take 600 g of chocolate and 300 ml of heavy cream. The cooking technology is exactly the same as in the classic version, but no oil is added. When the finished mass has cooled slightly, you can immediately coat the confectionery with it.


The recipe for chocolate ganache glaze is quite simple. This mixture is well suited for coating sweets, cupcakes and pastries. To prepare you need to take:

  • milk - 1 tbsp.;
  • butter - 160 g;
  • granulated sugar - 300 g;
  • cocoa powder - 6 tbsp. l.;
  • cognac - 1 tsp.

To prepare the glaze, you need to thoroughly grind the granulated sugar with cocoa so that there are no lumps left. Then pour in the milk and mix it all thoroughly until the granulated sugar is completely dissolved. Boil the resulting mixture over low heat, continuing to stir.

As soon as it thickens a little, gradually add butter and cognac. To check the readiness of the glaze, you need to drop a little on the saucer. If it spreads, then you need to boil it a little longer, but if it holds its shape well, then it’s ready. This chocolate cocoa ganache is delicious and doesn't take much time to prepare.

Cream for filling cakes

Chocolate ganache with cream is very suitable for filling cakes, macaroons and any sweets. There are many variations of this cream, so you can experiment. To prepare it you will need:

  • dark natural chocolate - 100 g;
  • heavy cream - 50 g;
  • butter - 70 g;
  • ripe strawberries - 50 g.

Strawberries need to be pureed using a blender. Break the chocolate into pieces, pour in a little warmed cream and stir until smooth. Leave for a few minutes and then add slightly softened butter. Grind the strawberry puree through a sieve into the finished mixture.

Transfer the cream into a prepared pastry bag and put it in the refrigerator. After this, you can use it to decorate various confectionery products.

Ganache with sour cream

Chocolate ganache for coating the cake can be prepared with sour cream, especially since the recipe is very simple and does not take much time. This will require 8 tbsp. l. sour cream, as well as 6 tsp. cocoa and granulated sugar. All components must be thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained and simmered over low heat until thickened, stirring all the time.

To give the ganache a more beautiful color and extra shine, you can add a little oil to it. In just a few minutes you can make a very tasty cream.

Ganache with condensed milk

To make a coating based on condensed milk, you should use the recipe for chocolate ganache for drips. You don’t need any special knowledge, you just need to follow the proportions and consistently introduce all the products. To prepare the glaze you will need:

  • cocoa powder - 10 g;
  • condensed milk - 100 ml;
  • butter - 200 g;
  • chocolate - 250 g.

To prepare the glaze, the chocolate must be thoroughly crushed and then melted, stirring constantly, in a steam bath. Beat the softened butter with condensed milk until a fluffy foam forms. Let the chocolate cool slightly, add cocoa powder, and then gradually add the butter mixture.

Leave the resulting mass until it hardens, for about 10 minutes, and then apply it to the cake, forming beautiful drips. To make ganache drips on the cake, you need to pour it into the middle of the dessert, and then gradually spread it towards the edges.

White chocolate cream

Ganache with white chocolate looks very interesting. To prepare it you will need 110 ml of heavy cream, 210 g of high-quality white chocolate, coloring and flavoring if desired.

White chocolate ganache has a very delicate taste and shade. Among the main advantages of such a cream is that it can be made in absolutely any color if desired, simply by adding dye.

Initially, you need to pour the cream into a saucepan, put it on medium heat and leave until it boils. Add broken chocolate pieces little by little to the hot cream and stir until smooth. To get a fluffy cream, you need to beat the mixture at high speed with a mixer and put it in the refrigerator for a while. Once the cream has cooled, you can use it as a decoration.

Ganache is an incredibly delicious chocolate cream originally from French cuisine, used to decorate cakes and various kinds of desserts, and also simply as a chocolate sauce. Today we will tell you how to make it from different types of chocolate and offer a recipe for making ganache without cream.

Chocolate ganache cream - recipe


  • bitter chocolate – 110 g;
  • cream with fat content 33-35% – 125 ml;
  • butter – 55 g;
  • – 55


Chop the dark chocolate finely with a knife and place in a suitable bowl. In a ladle or saucepan, mix the cream with powdered sugar and place over medium heat. Heat the mixture, stirring, almost to a boil, but do not let it boil. After this, remove the container with sweet cream from the heat and pour it over the chocolate pieces in the bowl. Leave the mass without stirring for two to three minutes, and then stir vigorously with a whisk. Now add soft butter, make sure it completely dissolves in the cream, continuing to stir with a whisk. Depending on the purpose for which you will use the ganache cream, you can use it immediately warm or cool it and keep it in the refrigerator for several hours.

When choosing dark chocolate for making ganache, keep in mind that the higher the percentage of cocoa beans in it, the thicker the ganache will be.

White chocolate ganache with mastic - recipe


  • one and a half glasses of cream with a fat content of 33-35%;
  • white chocolate – 600 g.


The process for making white chocolate ganache with mastic is identical to that described above, except that it does not contain butter or powdered sugar. Otherwise, chop white chocolate in exactly the same way and pour in cream heated almost to a boil. After two minutes, stir the mixture with a whisk or immersion blender until smooth and the chocolate slices are completely dissolved. Now cover the ganache with a piece of cling film so that it completely adheres to its surface. This way, a crust will not form on the surface of the cream. Cover the container with the ganache with another sheet of film and put it in the refrigerator overnight or for at least seven hours.

Ganache without cream - recipe


  • dark chocolate – 200 g;
  • – 175 ml;
  • brown sugar – 50 g.


In this case, we will use coconut milk instead of cream. If you choose chocolate without animal ingredients, then this ganache recipe is surely suitable for vegetarians and those who fast.

When starting to prepare the ganache, use a knife to chop the chocolate into slices as small as possible. Shake coconut milk in a jar, pour it into a ladle and dissolve brown sugar in it. Place the container on the fire and heat the mass to a temperature of 90 degrees. After this, pour it into the chopped chocolate, and after a couple of minutes, stir with a spatula or whisk until the chocolate slices are completely dissolved.

Milk chocolate ganache - recipe


  • milk chocolate – 300 g;
  • cream with fat content 33-35% – 200 ml;
  • a tablespoon of butter.


The proportions for preparing milk chocolate ganache are somewhat different from the previous ones. It will be needed in in this case, one and a half times more than black chocolate and the same amount less than white chocolate. Since milk chocolate is usually sweeter than dark chocolate, granulated sugar is not used here.

To prepare this ganache, grind milk chocolate and pour in cream heated almost to a boil. After two minutes, stir the mixture until the chocolate pieces are completely dissolved and stir in the butter.

The thickness of the ganache prepared according to any of the recipes can be adjusted by reducing or increasing the amount of chocolate or cream.

Ganache is a delicate French cream made with chocolate. It is used as a glaze for cakes, cake filling, and a base for mastic. It can be of different consistency: thick or liquid. Let's find out with you how to make chocolate ganache.

Chocolate ganache recipe


  • cream 35% – 110 ml;
  • – 100 g;
  • butter – 35 g;
  • powdered sugar – 2 tbsp. spoons.


To prepare the ganache cream, break the chocolate into pieces and place in a saucepan. Pour the cream into a saucepan, add powdered sugar and mix thoroughly. Bring the mixture to a boil, but do not boil, and then pour everything into the chocolate and leave for a couple of minutes. After this, stir the mixture with a whisk until it has a homogeneous consistency, add the butter and mix again. As a result, you should have a shiny chocolate ganache under the mastic.

Chocolate ganache for cake


  • milk – 100 ml;
  • butter – 200 g;
  • dark chocolate – 200 g.


Here's another recipe for chocolate ganache for a cake. First, prepare a steam bath so that the smaller saucepan touches the bottom of the water. Then pour the milk into a smaller container, and while it is heating, break the chocolate bar into pieces. Next, pour them into hot milk, wait until the chocolate is completely dissolved, and remove from the steam bath. Add the softened butter and mix the chocolate ganache thoroughly until a smooth, shiny mass is obtained. Place the mixture in the refrigerator for about 15 minutes, after which the chocolate ganache for coating the cake is ready!

Chocolate ganache cream recipe



So, take a bar of dark chocolate and cut it into small pieces. Now pour the full-fat coconut milk into a saucepan, put it on low heat and heat until almost boiling. After this, add brown sugar to taste, stir thoroughly with a whisk until the crystals are completely dissolved. Again, wait until the milk warms up to about 90°C and carefully pour it into the chopped chocolate. Leave for 10 minutes and do not touch the mass and do not mix yet! Then we begin to gently and very carefully stir the mixture, but do not beat, until a homogeneous chocolate ganache is obtained.
