Chocolate cream cheese cake with fruit recipe. Cheese cream for cake, cheese and chocolate cake, Austrian cheese cake. Bake a chocolate sponge cake

How long does instant tan last?, perhaps the most common question from site visitors and clients. To answer briefly, here is my answer: “ Instant tan lasts from 7 to 14 days».

In fact, the answer is very comprehensive and there is no clear answer for all clients. It would be more correct to say that an instant tan will last as long as it takes your skin (the topmost layer) to renew itself . This renewal period is different for everyone.

We have clients who stay tanned for 3 weeks. So, some of them, in order for the tan to last longer, reduce water procedures to a minimum. I would, of course, not advise doing this, because... Not completely rinsed off lotion can lead to uneven results, repeated skin reactions to lotion residue, and also stain clothes. But they like it and, as they say, it’s good for their health.

Two of this group lead a normal lifestyle - without limiting themselves in any way and not particularly caring for their instant tan. Their tan lasts so long simply because their skin is like that..

The main problem is that many do not prepare for the procedure and do not take care of their tan, so their instant tan may not last long or fade unevenly.

When you're wearing an instant tan, you have to be very careful with your top layer of skin. It is necessary to moisturize the skin, wear loose clothing, avoid stress on the body and situations that lead to prolonged sweating (baths, saunas).

The longevity of an instant tan can also be affected by the lotion used during the procedure.

Let's get a look, How does lotion affect how long an instant tan lasts?.

How long does it last? How does it come off? Lotion category
1 day washes off after 1st shower premium
3-4 days smooth premium
4-5 days smooth premium
4-5 days spots economy / premium spoiled
7-8 days smooth premium
7-8 days spots economy / premium spoiled
7-14 days evenly/unevenly premium

There are premium lotions whose tan lasts only 1-5 days, i.e. by the 5th day it is practically not noticeable. These are expensive lotions and the price for the procedure cannot be cheap despite the short duration of the tan. For example, I have a lotion that is applied on the day of the celebration and washed off after the first shower. The lotion consists of a special formula, thanks to which a one-day tan is resistant to sweating and does not stain clothes. Convenient for those who need a dark tan urgently and who are afraid of uneven tanning.

And there are lotions that are very tenacious and very difficult to get rid of. An instant tan created with this lotion can last up to 14 days or even more on certain areas of the skin. And this lotion is not suitable for every client!

I would like to highlight cheap lotions that don't last long and comes off unevenly. This group also includes expired/spoiled premium lotions, which can be used by studios and craftsmen who either have few clients, or store lotions incorrectly, or have bought already spoiled lotion, or all of this combined.

Expired and spoiled lotions lose their working qualities and can lead to unpredictable results.

The wear time of an instant tan can also be affected current state of the body. For example, you paint a regular client with the same lotion, and the result may turn out lighter or darker, last less or longer. Most likely, there are some processes going on in the body: menstruation, hormonal changes, or the client is taking some medications or something that we do not know about.

If you want your instant tan to last a long time and look like Hollywood, then be sure to:

  1. Prepare for the procedure in advance.
  2. On the day of applying the lotion, there should be no cosmetics, deodorants, residues of creams or moisturizers on the skin. The skin must be dry, clean and oil-free.
  3. Do not take a shower right before the procedure and do not steam your skin under any circumstances. Some believe that if they wash themselves properly before the procedure, it will be better. No! Skin saturated with moisture is poorly receptive to lotion and may have a slight skin reaction to the lotion. The tan will appear weaker and fade faster, because... will look lighter.
  4. Sweating or light perspiration will also prevent the reaction from going through fully. In areas where you sweat, the tan may fade very little or not at all. Overweight clients always have this possibility!
  5. Take care of your tan.
  6. Follow the rules of tanning behavior.
  7. Choose a good tanning specialist or studio whose main specialty is instant tanning.

How to choose a good master:

  1. Read real customer reviews.
  2. See how long a particular master has been working.
  3. Check when the site's domain was registered. For example, here:

If you are looking closely at the instant tanning business or are looking for high-quality lotions, then we will be happy to share our secrets on the website:

Instant tanning is a relatively new service for Russia, which allows you to get a tan of varying degrees of intensity after applying a special solution to the skin. Also, the procedure for obtaining an instant tan is now known as “Hollywood tanning” or “Sun Spray”.

Pros and cons

This tanning has a number of advantages that make the procedure increasingly in demand.

  • Any depth and saturation of tan color.
During the procedure, you can get a tan of any intensity from a light country tan to a rich sea tan.

The shade is selected before the procedure, then to obtain the desired shade, the specialist selects the desired concentration of bronzing lotion.

  • Compact and mobile equipment for execution.

The procedure can be performed both in a salon and at the client’s home. A special booth is installed in the cabin. And to the client’s home, the specialist takes a special tarpaulin tent, which prevents the lotion from splashing on furniture, walls and interior items.

  • Safety of cosmetics used for the procedure.
Unlike tanning, which can be obtained in the sun or in a solarium, instant tanning is absolutely safe and can be used even during pregnancy.

A tan obtained with a bronzer does not cause burns, the development of cancerous tumors on the skin, or exacerbation of chronic diseases.

  • Fast results regardless of skin type.

To get a tan, the intensity of which can be the same as after a month at a Mediterranean resort, one procedure is enough. You don’t need to get used to the sun for a long time, you don’t need to go to the solarium for weeks. All you need to do is apply a special lotion to your skin once and let it develop.

  • Self-tanning lotion smoothes your complexion.

If you choose a fairly intense color of the lotion, which is darker than moles and age spots, the skin will acquire a uniform shade. An excellent product for those who want to hide freckles and pigmentation spots. You can also use instant tanning for vitiligo to cover up light spots on the skin.

Video: Air-Tan Technology


  • The effect does not last long.

Artificial tan remains on the skin in its original form for only a few days, and then is gradually washed off. In fact, the color saturation decreases in the process of exfoliation of the upper stratum corneum of the skin, which is constantly renewed.

  • After the procedure, you can “go stains.”

The peculiarity of instant tanning lotions is that the color takes on worse in certain places:

  • where the skin comes into contact with clothing (belts, elastic bands, tight trousers);
  • where there is cosmetics or the skin is oily (the T-zone on the face may be lighter than the cheeks);
  • where the skin sweats more (under the knees, in the armpits, under the breasts).

Therefore, it is advisable to prepare for the procedure correctly, and even better to perform it at home. An uneven tan color occurs as the skin exfoliates. Where the skin renews itself faster, the intensity of the tan will decrease.

  • Artificial tanning does not make the skin resistant to sunlight.

When we tan in the sun or in a solarium, the skin gradually adapts to the action of ultraviolet radiation due to the production of melanin and an increase in the thickness of the epidermis. During the artificial tanning procedure, the skin's protective mechanisms are not activated, so the risk of getting sunburned on the beach remains.

How it works

Lotions for the procedure have a similar composition. The main ingredient in them is dihydroxyacetone, which is obtained from cane sugar. It is dihydroxyacetone, upon contact with the epidermis, that provides the appearance of a color reminiscent of a natural tan.

For this reason, it is sometimes also called reed tan. The products may also contain erythulose, a sugar similar in its chemical structure to dihydroxyacetone.

Thanks to artificial erythrulose, the tan applies more evenly, has a more natural shade and lasts longer due to deep hydration of the skin.

The lotion is sprayed onto the body using a special device. Once the drug is applied, it appears within a few hours.


The only contraindication that exists for instant tanning is the presence of an allergy to the lotion used. But since there are many lotions on the cosmetic market now, you can choose a product that will not cause unwanted reactions.

If in doubt, you can conduct a skin test: apply a small amount of the drug to the area of ​​the skin in the elbow bend and leave it for several hours. If there is no reaction in the form of redness, burning, or itching, then you can safely treat the entire body with the selected lotion.

How the procedure is done

There are no fundamental differences in the technique of carrying out the procedure in the salon and at home.

  • Preparatory stage.

Before applying bronzer, take a shower and lightly exfoliate with a stiff glove or body scrub. Then the skin needs to be wiped dry. You cannot apply creams, lotions, deodorant or eau de toilette after a shower.

The cream, due to the presence of oils in the composition, will prevent the penetration of instant tanning lotion into the epidermis, so the color may turn out to be very light and uneven.

Deodorants and perfumes can react with lotion ingredients, which can lead to irritation or uneven tanning.
  • The actual application of the artificial tanning product.

Using a sprayer, instant tanning lotion is sprayed in a thin layer onto the skin of the face and body. Then you need to wait 10-15 minutes until the product dries.

  • The final stage.

It takes about 10 hours for the color to fully develop and set. During this time, you will need to follow the following recommendations.

Surprise everyone and treat yourself to a stunning golden tan without harm to your health with a new procedure Instant Tan.

Instant bronze tan in 5 minutes- a unique procedure in the world of beauty. This is the most fashionable, beautiful, healthy tanning today.

Instant tanning is a cosmetic procedure in which a special lotion is sprayed onto the body and face, and the skin becomes tanned. This procedure is a modern safe alternative to tanning in the sun and solarium. An instant tan remains on the skin for up to 2 weeks, and the time required to obtain it is 5 minutes (the tone acquired by the skin after an instant tan is equivalent to 10-12 visits to the solarium). The conversion of lotion into an aerosol occurs with the help of professional equipment; only its use allows you to cover the skin with a thin, uniform layer, unlike manual application. After the application procedure, the lotion remains on the skin for another 6-8 hours, necessary for the final development and consolidation of the tan. The active substance DHA (extract from sugar cane) during this time interacts with proteins and amino acids of dead particles of the stratum corneum, as a result of their reaction, a dark skin tone is formed - a tanning effect.

For solarium lovers, it should be noted that Solarium and instant tanning are compatible with each other.

How does the procedure work?

Instant tanning is applied by professionals who have been trained to use this technique. During one procedure, two layers of lotion are applied to the skin, the residue is washed off after 8 hours (the pigment is absorbed by the skin for at least 5 hours) in the shower. The specialist will first consult you and you will have the opportunity to choose the lotion yourself to get the desired skin tone.

Procedure time 5-15 minutes

The instant tanning procedure can be repeated several times.

Instant tanning method

Instant tanning is applied using spray installations.

Using this installation, the master sprays the lotion completely over the entire body. The lotion applies softly and evenly.

Since the cosmetic goes on smoothly and does not clog pores, the color turns out very beautiful and natural.

This “tan” lasts up to 14 days - exactly as long as it takes to exfoliate the colored surface layer of the skin. Then, like a sun tan, it evenly brightens and disappears.

Who should apply an instant tan to their skin?

Instant tanning is worth applying if:

Doctors have forbidden you to sunbathe, but you really want to have a real sea tan;
- you need to look your best for several days;
- your skin is too white, it always burns in the sun and in the solarium.

Instant tanning is perfect for oily and problem skin, as it masks all imperfections, including enlarged pores.

Contraindications for instant tanning

There is only one contraindication - an allergy to the instant tanning product. Although our tanning studio uses modern hypoallergenic lotions.

How is instant tanning different from self-tanning?

Instant tanning is the application of pigment by spraying; self-tanning is decorative creams. The technique and pigment substances for instant tanning are work for professionals, and therefore the result is better: the pigment does not clog pores and lies more evenly. In addition, the instant tanning pigment contains substances that tone the skin and tighten pores, that is, it also has a therapeutic effect. Self-tanning cream is applied by the person himself, which naturally affects the appearance (uneven application).

Preparing for an instant tanning session

The INSTANT TANning procedure does not require special skin preparation

But if you follow some rules, you can improve the result of the procedure and extend the life of your tan by 2 times!

1) 6-8 hours before the instant tanning procedure, you need to take a shower and scrub your entire body.

2) When using home peeling (scrub, gel), the product you use for peeling should not contain large granules!

3) It is better to do hair removal and other skin-traumatic procedures 2 days before an instant tanning session.

4) The skin must be clean! No moisturizing lotions, cosmetics, deodorant or even perfume applied to it. If any cosmetics remain on the skin, we do not guarantee an even and bronze tan.

5) After the procedure, also do not apply cosmetics to your skin until your first shower.

6) Do not wear tight clothing immediately after a tanning session, otherwise we will not guarantee the uniformity of your tan.

7) Remember! The lotion is absorbed up to 8 hours, and the tan appears up to 24 hours. Do not shower within 8 hours after sunbathing and try not to wet your hands or face!

8) Do not use soap or shower gel the first time you shower after the procedure. Simply rinse off excess lotion with water, without using a washcloth.

9) Don't panic when you shower for the first time after a tanning session (if the water turns brown). It's not your tan that's washed off, just the excess lotion. Your tan is already in the top layer of your skin!

10) Our lotions interact with the surface layers of the skin. This makes air tanning safe and non-allergenic, but the surface layers of the skin peel off most quickly . Take this into account and use MOISTURIZERS, especially onsuch important areas as the face and hands! The more you moisturize your skin, the longer it will last.your tan will last. For such atypical hydration, special AFTER tanning products are well suited.

11) When moisturizing your face and body, be sure to read the ingredients of the cosmetic product. It SHOULD NOT CONTAIN: alcohol-containing components, solvents, exfoliating and skin-renewing components.

12) Use whitening toothpastes with caution, avoid getting the paste on the skin of the face. It is also not recommended to use alkaline soap, scrub, gel containing granules, a hard washcloth, take a bath that is too hot and too long, go to a bathhouse, sauna. Avoid swimming pools with chlorine.

***Bio peeling Apply before applying self-tanning. Allows you to perfectly prepare the skin for the procedure! Clears blocked pores and removes dead cells. Cleanses the skin of sweat, oil, dirt, perfume, etc. Promotes better penetration of bronze lotion components. Extends the "life" of tanning. Prevents the appearance of blackheads. The tan shade is as even as possible and saturated. After applying liquid peeling, the skin becomes elastic , elastic, takes on a healthy and fresh appearance.

Following simple rules will help you enjoy the beautiful bronze shade of your skin longer.




COST OF FACIAL TANning PROCEDURE from 300 rubles

BIO PEELING from 200


☆ High-quality premium lotion (several types of shades to choose from)

☆ All consumables (hat, slippers, panties, stikinis)

☆ Tanning sticker (choice: butterfly, star)

☆ Apply lotion in two layers to the entire body and face.

Autumn will soon come and all that will remain from summer are memories and a tan... But winter has passed and spring is coming again, and you want to look like summer, tanned and rested. Instant tanning will come to the rescue - a new service in the beauty industry that has won many fans in a short period of time.

In this article you will find the most interesting information: how to do instant tanning in a salon, features of the procedure, pros and cons, as well as answers to the most popular questions.

What is instant tanning

Instant tanning is a cosmetic procedure where, in one visit to a beauty salon, the skin is covered with bronzer, acquiring an even and natural golden hue.

This type of tanning is considered the safest - the skin acquires a golden hue not under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, but due to its coating with a special composition.

Instant tanning is also called reed tanning, bronzing or glamping.

How does it differ from self-tanning or tanning obtained in a solarium?

Instant tan represents body application procedure specially selected brown pigment by spraying, a is a decorative cream that is washed off after the first shower.

Indications and contraindications


Regarding the indications for the use of instant tanning, experts are of the same opinion - it is indicated for everyone who is over 18 years of age and wants to get a beautiful skin color.

Often, an instant tan is done before important events when you need to look 100%, for example, a wedding, birthday and other events.

Instant tanning before a wedding or other important holiday should be done in a good salon by a trained and experienced specialist. In this way, you can get perfect skin and enjoy the celebration.


Like any other cosmetic procedure, this one also has its limitations:

  • Fresh, open wounds on the body that have not closed or healed.
  • Allergy to a component of the composition used.

It is not advisable to use this procedure. If there is a need for a procedure, you must first consult a doctor!

Pros and cons of instant tanning

Any cosmetic procedure has both positive and negative sides. It is worth noting what the pros and cons of instant tanning are:

Pros of the procedure

The procedure is done quickly and gives an excellent and harmless result. The skin acquires an even and natural tan - due to the uniform application of the composition, there will be no streaks and spots on the skin, like from self-tanning or that can bother you after a solarium.

Suitable for any skin color and without age limit (after 18) - you will look luxurious at any age.

Among other things, it is able to hide minor skin imperfections - scars and post-acne, and when diagnosed, it is an excellent option to hide such a nuance in appearance.

Cons of the procedure

Instant tanning has one main disadvantage: the effect of the procedure is short-term. And with frequent visits and excessive physical activity, uneven pigmentation may appear on the body.

It is also worth noting that in the first hours, underwear and clothing may become stained from the composition applied to the body.

Application procedure

This procedure is simple and does not take much time, but in order to get an even and high-quality tan, you should prepare for it correctly:

  • 48 hours in advance - do waxing to remove unwanted hair from your body.
  • Before the actual session of applying the instant tanning composition to the body, exfoliate - this will allow the pigments to better “grab” the skin.

How does the procedure work?

How is instant tanning done in a salon? The procedure is carried out in a closed booth, where a special lotion composition is sprayed onto the body. In this case, the body can be completely naked or you can be in disposable underwear. In any case, a disposable cap must be put on your head.

If you don’t have time to visit the salon, then the master can come to your home, since this procedure is carried out using portable equipment that is easily transported, and the result will not be inferior in quality to that obtained in a beauty salon.

The instant tanning procedure requires following certain actions. When the composition is applied to the prepared skin of the body, in the next 10-15 minutes the pigmentation will be absorbed into its upper layers and all this time it is best to stay in the booth.

At the end of the session, put on spacious clothes made of simple fabric and return to the usual rhythm of life and your business.

Do you want to consolidate the result?– after the procedure, it is forbidden to wash for the next 7-8 hours. After this time, you should not be afraid that the lotion will be washed off - no more than 5% of the composition will leave the body.

Be sure to moisturize your skin with cream after the bath, but do not use one that contains fruit acids or bleaching ingredients.

The main thing is not to take a hot bath - limit yourself to a warm shower and without using alkaline compounds.

Answers to popular questions

How long does an instant (reed) tan last on the skin?

As cosmetologists themselves note - the result on the body lasts from 10 to 14 days, although in this matter everything is individual.

How long an instant tan is enough depends on the individual characteristics of a person’s skin, on the body’s ability to quickly regenerate and renew itself.

With the right actions and proper care after the procedure, the effect will last longer.

Taking baths also plays a role in how long an instant tan lasts. The lifespan of your artificial bronzer depends on how often you take a bath.

Is it possible to sunbathe with an instant tan?

You can visit a solarium, sunbathe on the beach and absolutely not worry about the fact that the tan will be uneven and dark spots will appear on your body. It is not forbidden to visit the beach and apply self-tanning - it all depends on your desires and habits.

Instant tanning before a trip to the sea – is it worth doing?

The answer is definitely possible! And against the general background of tanned vacationers, you don’t want to look like a white northerner whose body saw the sun for the first time.

Don't be afraid to combine an instant tan with a subsequent trip to the sea.

Everyone knows very well this peculiarity of being under the sun - the skin first and only then becomes covered with a golden hue. An instant tan applied to the body before the sea will hide such an annoying feature.

Don't forget to use sunscreen on the beach!

Where to get an instant tan?

An instant tan can be done in a beauty salon. But unfortunately, not every such institution practices this procedure. Therefore, you can call the salons closest to your home and ask if they offer instant tanning. Or look on the Internet for a list of salons in your city that provide this service. Reviews will help you choose the best salon.

In contact with

Many girls dream of having a beautiful chocolate tan. There are many ways to get it, but recently instant tanning has become popular among salon visitors.

It is quite expensive, but it holds up well, giving the body a beautiful color.

But many fashionistas constantly ask themselves questions:

  • How long does an instant tan last?
  • Is instant tanning harmful to the skin?
  • How painless is this procedure, and is it possible to do an instant tan at home?

We will try to answer your questions.

Instant tanning procedure

The following manipulation is done in a beauty salon or simply at home. A special dye is applied to clean skin, which is distributed over the skin using a special spray. The procedure is performed in special booths.

After you have done the manipulation, you cannot use a washcloth or take a shower for 6-8 hours. Therefore, the instant tanning procedure is most often prescribed in the morning so that you have enough time before taking a shower. During this time, the dermis will have time to absorb the particles with the dye as much as possible, and accordingly the effect will last longer.

After 8 hours you can already wash. Please note that the skin does not absorb all the substance, but only 85%. Therefore, if there is colored water in the bathroom after the procedure, there is nothing to worry about. The beautiful shade will not disappear; only that part of the substance that is not absorbed is washed away.

There is another way to get an almost instant chocolate tint to your face and body - using a special lotion. It is applied with specific professional equipment.

Lotion for applying instant tanning is purchased in advance. It varies in the intensity of the effect obtained, composition, coloring matter, and also in the shade it leaves. A good lotion for manipulation can be bought at a professional cosmetics store. However, such funds are sometimes expensive.

There are more budget options. For example, many companies such as Avon or Nivea produce high-quality and inexpensive lotions to instantly obtain the desired shade.

Here's how to professionally do instant tanning at home or in a salon.

But before you go to a beauty salon or simply call a specialist to your home, you should prepare for the trip about a day in advance to achieve the ideal effect.

Preparation for salon instant tanning

The day before you go to the salon, you need to make special preparations. At this time you cannot:

  • use body lotions and creams;
  • perfumes, since the surface of the face and body may be colored unevenly;
  • you cannot use any moisturizers, including cream soap with a special composition;
  • After the procedure, you need to wear loose, dark-colored clothing;
  • After the manipulation, you should not take a hot shower or use all types of alkaline soap.

To ensure that the skin absorbs the dye as much as possible, cosmetologists recommend laser peeling before the procedure. Thanks to it, the substance fits better on the skin and is absorbed, and therefore the shade will be more even, without nuances. This is the main thing that those who are preparing to stay longer need to know.” beautiful chocolate».

Preparing for the procedure is not difficult, but it does require temporarily abandoning some of your usual hygiene products. But for the sake of a beautiful color, you can abandon the usual procedures. After all, many experts do not recommend using even a simple roll-on deodorant.

General preparation for the procedure usually does not take more than 2 days. But even after your skin has acquired a beautiful chocolate shade, you need to follow some rules so that it pleases you for as long as possible.

How long does Instant Tan last?

This depends on the preparedness of the skin, its type, the amount and density of the dye, as well as the physiological state of the woman’s skin. The average period is from 10 days to 2 weeks.

At this time, you should not wash under hot water, sweat a lot and wear hot clothes, and also use strong and aggressive detergents, for example, concentrated shower gels with oils, with peeling particles and others.

It is worth noting that on unhealthy skin prone to inflammation, the tint does not last long, and dermatologists do not recommend doing it, because it can provoke an exacerbation of skin diseases.

It is also very common in people with freckles and thin white skin, even after using “strong” products. chocolate effect“Lasts no more than 2-3 days.

how to remove instant tan

If you don’t like the result after the procedure, you can remove it right in the salon. To do this you need to use a special lotion. It needs to be thoroughly rubbed into the skin, soaped and taken to the shower. This way, you can wash off an unsuccessful shade if you don’t like its tone or intensity.

And you can do it yourself. In beauty salons they will tell you how to properly remove a strong instant tan, even if you did it just recently.

How to maintain an Instant tan

During the cold season, you should not overuse very warm clothes, as excessive sweating will cause your beautiful brown color to melt right before your eyes.

In addition, an instant tan does not tolerate saunas, baths, various spa treatments and peelings. Put them aside for a while to preserve the effect longer, which will last much longer in the cold season due to reduced sweating and the fact that the air temperature is much lower than in summer.

So it’s worth doing it in the cold season so that it lasts as long as possible. For example, before the New Year holidays and holidays, in order to show off a beautiful body in sexy New Year's outfits in a series of festive meetings. After all, in summer there is already enough sun to get a real tan!

advantages of Instant Tanning over others

First of all, instant tanning is in great demand because its convenience is obvious compared to other types:

  • Quick results. Unlike solariums and other ways to tan in unnatural conditions, the chocolate shade is obtained in one application.
  • Painless and safe. The procedure itself, unlike solariums and other artificial methods to obtain a chocolate skin tone, is absolutely painless and safe. If in a solarium a girl with thin and fair skin, especially with freckles, runs the risk of not getting the result she would like, getting burns and increasing the risk of skin cancer, then this manipulation is absolutely not traumatic for any skin type. The only thing that can upset owners of thin, light skin with freckles is the result is paler than desired.
  • Longer lasting results than self-tanning. If self-tanning lasts very little, then dyes with this manipulation will give a more lasting result. After the procedure, you can safely swim in the pool, take a shower, etc.

health hazards of instant tanning

This manipulation is practically safe, it can be done even by pregnant women. The only thing that can negatively affect tanning is the presence of acne and freckles, various inflammations on the skin, but even here there are no absolute contraindications. The procedure is possible after preliminary consultation with a dermatologist.
