Rhubarb soup. Rhubarb and sorrel soup: a green cold soup for those who work in the sun. Cabbage salad with rhubarb and stalked celery

Rhubarb is quite a popular product in cooking. It is used to prepare first and second courses, as well as a wide variety of desserts. Probably the most famous one today is rhubarb pie, for which every housewife has a recipe.

We suggest preparing a light soup with the leaves of this tasty and healthy product. There are many variations of this dish. But no matter what ingredients you use in the soup, rhubarb successfully sets off, boldly enhances, and skillfully emphasizes the taste of all components, making the dish original and very tasty.

The light and pleasant sourness in the soup will pleasantly surprise everyone who tastes this wonderful soup for the first time.

Soup ingredients:

  • rhubarb leaves - 3-4 medium-sized pieces;
  • onions – 1 piece;
  • carrots – 1 piece;
  • potatoes - 3 pieces;
  • broth (chicken, pork, beef) - liter;
  • salt, spices - to taste;
  • sour cream.


1. Wash the rhubarb leaves, having previously separated them from the stem. Since the whole rhubarb can be eaten, there is no need to throw away the stems. They can be successfully used as a filling for pies or to make compote. Rhubarb leaves can be torn by hand or cut into small strips.

2. Peel carrots and onions and rinse under running water. Grate the carrots on a grater with large holes. Cut the hands into quarters.

3. Peel the potatoes, wash them and cut them into medium-sized cubes.

4. Heat a little sunflower oil in a frying pan. Pour the previously prepared carrots and onions into a frying pan and fry in oil until golden brown.

5. First immerse the potatoes in the boiling broth. After 20 minutes, when the potatoes are almost cooked, add the fried carrots and onions to the pan.

6. To bring the rhubarb soup to taste, we will use a minimum of spices. We need ground black pepper and bay leaf.

7. Add spices to the soup. Salt to your taste.

8. Now it's time to place the prepared rhubarb leaves into the pan.

9. Bring the soup to a boil and continue cooking over very low heat for about 10 minutes. Then turn off the stove and simmer the soup for another 10 minutes.

From rhubarb most often they make jam, bake pies and cook compotes. Few people know that this plant is perfect for making savory soups with meat!

Features of preparing rhubarb soups

The peculiarity of preparing rhubarb soups is that the crushed stems are not recommended to be subjected to prolonged heat treatment. That is, cook for no more than 10 minutes, otherwise the nutritional value of the product is reduced, and most of the nutrients and vitamins are lost. Rhubarb in any form is used for soups, the main thing is that it is clean, chopped and suitable for consumption.

Technology for preparing meat soup with rhubarb

Take about 0.7 kg of absolutely any fresh meat (pork, beef, lamb, turkey), if necessary, defrost and cook on low heat until fully cooked. Since the meat can be any kind, its cooking time will be different for everyone - from 1 to 3 hours. During the cooking process, as usual, descale and salt. After the meat is cooked, it is taken out and cut into fibers, after which it is cut into cubes with a side of about 2 cm.

Add the required amount of water to the pan with the remaining broth so that the dish is not thick. Add about 1.5-2 liters of liquid and bring to a boil. Separately, heat olive oil (2 tablespoons) and fry 2 medium onions in it. Onions are cut in different ways - into cubes, strips. After frying, transfer the golden onions to a clean bowl. After the onions, the meat is fried, which by this time should become dry, that is, the remaining broth will have to drain; if there is not enough oil for frying, add a couple more tablespoons. Salt to taste. As soon as a golden crust appears on the meat, it is also taken out of the pan and laid out with the onions.

After the meat, parsley is fried - take a small bunch, about 100 grams and 50 grams of fresh mint. They do not saute for a long time, just enough for the greens to become soft and “give up” their seductive aroma.

All ingredients are placed in the broth that has boiled by this time, add salt, and add a pinch of black pepper. Add 100 grams of rice, washed and pre-soaked in cold water, to the pan and cook for 20 minutes after boiling. As soon as the rice is ready, taste the dish again “for salt and pepper” and add the necessary ingredients. If you wish, you can add something else to your taste.

Lastly, add 300 grams of rhubarb (any kind you have on hand) and let the soup simmer a little more, but no more than 10 minutes. Rhubarb, if it is fresh, needs to be chopped as finely as possible, it will be tastier and more beautiful. After cooking, the soup is additionally sprinkled with chopped herbs - fresh parsley, mint - literally take one small sprig at a time. Rhubarb soup with meat is served at the table.

This soup will keep for some time in the refrigerator, but can be served warm. The nutritional value of the soup is quite high, it is nourishing, aromatic, tasty, and most importantly – unusual and original!

If rhubarb soup with meat is prepared using chicken or turkey, it can be considered dietary. Children and men will like this soup; it will enrich the body with a large number of mineral components and vitamins. Well, and most importantly, if you use already boiled meat, preparing such a soup will take no more than an hour, which is quite fast and convenient!

Rhubarb is a perennial, powerful, very large plant with thick, woody, branched rhizomes. Aboveground stems of rhubarb are straight, thick and hollow. Rhubarb reaches a height of 2 meters. Rhubarb is widely distributed throughout the world. There are more than 20 types of it.

Culinary recipes for rhubarb dishes, cabbage soup, soups, salads and rhubarb vodka. Useful properties and nutritional value of rhubarb.

Rhubarb petioles contain up to 2% sugar, up to 2.3% organic acids, mineral salts of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and a lot of vitamin C. The edible part of rhubarb is usually thick, fleshy petioles, greenish or reddish in color. You need to choose dense stems that break easily when pressed. The petioles quickly wither; at normal temperatures they can be stored for no more than two days, and at 0 degrees - up to 5-7 days.

Rhubarb petioles have a pronounced sour taste with a characteristic taste and aroma reminiscent of apples. Rhubarb is good to add to first courses, as a substitute for sorrel, to give them freshness and sourness (in green cabbage soup and borscht). It’s good to add young leaves to okroshka and beetroot soup.

In small quantities, rhubarb can be added to vegetable stews. Use in vinaigrettes and salads. Can be stuffed. Prepare sour puree as a side dish for different types of meat. From the juicy thick stems you can make pies, crumbles - baked fruits covered with shortcrust pastry crumbs, jellies and other desserts.

With rhubarb filling you can prepare flour and cereal dishes, pancakes, pies, and puddings. From young rhubarb stems - candied fruits, jam, marmalade, compote, jelly. Rhubarb sauces go well with seafood, fish and poultry. Sweet sauces - for dessert dishes. Brass or iron utensils should not be used to prepare rhubarb dishes, as they are susceptible to oxidation.

Culinary recipes for dishes and drinks made from rhubarb.

Rhubarb cabbage soup.

Rhubarb (leaves) - 5-6 pcs + potatoes - 2-3 pcs + water - 2 liters + bouillon cubes - 2-3 pcs (or meat broth) + black pepper + bay leaf + salt. Wash the leaves and remove particularly thick veins. Cut. If there is no meat, then add bouillon cubes to boiling water. Chop the potatoes and add them to the broth. Cook until the potatoes are ready. At the end of cooking, add rhubarb leaves. Add salt. Add spices. Add a boiled egg.

Rhubarb and fruit soup.

Wheat bread - 200 g + rhubarb - 500 g + water - 4 cups + sugar - 1/2 cup + egg - 2 pcs + sour cream or curdled milk - 1 cup + fruits (strawberries, cherries, apricots) + sugar + cinnamon + cloves. Cut the bread into cubes and dry. Peel the rhubarb, cut into cubes and place in boiling water. Add crackers, cinnamon and cloves. Cook until the rhubarb is ready. Add sugar. Bring to a boil again.

Beat the yolks with yogurt or sour cream. Stirring, pour into soup. Slowly pour the egg whites, beaten with sugar, dropwise into the boiling water to form dumplings. Add fresh fruit pieces.

Dried plum and rhubarb soup.

Dried plums + rhubarb + sugar + lemon zest + potato starch. Boil dried plums and finely chopped rhubarb. Remove from . Grind until it becomes pores and put back into the broth. Add sugar, lemon zest and potato starch.

Rhubarb casserole.

Rhubarb - 300 g + water + sugar - 2 tbsp. + cinnamon - 1/2 tsp. And also: butter - 100 g + sugar - 75 g + egg - 2 pcs. + almonds (ground) - 50 g + salt - 1/2 tsp. + flour - 2 tbsp. Chop the rhubarb. Soak in a small amount of water. Place it in a greased bowl. Sprinkle a mixture of sugar and cinnamon on top. Mix soft butter, sugar, eggs, almonds, salt and flour. Pour the mixture over the rhubarb. Bake for 20 minutes.

Or: rhubarb - 500 g + white bread - 300 g + milk - 1/2 cup + egg - 2 pcs + sugar - 1/2 cup + butter - 2 tbsp. l. + cinnamon + water - 2-3 tbsp. l. Cut the rhubarb into pieces and simmer in a small amount of syrup: water + sugar. Fry pieces of white bread in butter (croutons).

Place half of the cooked croutons in a greased dish, then the pieces of rhubarb taken out of the syrup, then the rest of the croutons. Mix the remaining syrup with milk, cinnamon and beaten eggs. Pour this mixture over the croutons and rhubarb layers. Place pieces of butter on top. Bake.

Or: rice - 2 cups + water - 1 cup + milk - 1 cup + salt + vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l. + egg - 4 pcs. + rhubarb - 400 g + sugar - 3/4 cup + powdered sugar - 1 tbsp. l. + cocoa - 1 tsp. Dilute the milk with water and cook the rice until half cooked. Add salt. Cover the chopped rhubarb with sugar and let it brew for 2 hours.

Separate egg whites from yolks. Beat the yolks with sugar and mix with the cooled rice porridge. Beat the whites into a thick foam. Place a layer of rice porridge in a greased bowl. Then, top with rhubarb (without syrup), whipped egg whites, and sprinkle with a mixture of powdered sugar and cocoa. Bake.

Unleavened pies filled with rhubarb.

For the dough: sour cream - 2 cups + egg - 2 pcs + flour - as needed + soda - 1 tsp. + salt + sugar. For the filling: rhubarb - 500 g + sugar - 1/2 cup + cinnamon (ground) - 1-2 tsp. Wash the rhubarb cuttings, remove skin and veins. Slice. Mix with sugar. Add a little boiling water. Simmer until the rhubarb is soft. Extract. Strain off the remaining syrup. Add ground cinnamon (optional).

Quench the soda with vinegar or citric acid and add to thick, non-acidic sour cream. Mix. Beat eggs with salt and sugar and mix with sour cream. Gradually add flour and knead into a loose dough. Cut the dough into pies. Roll them in flour. Roll into balls and immediately roll them into flat round cakes. Make pies. Roll them in flour. Fry in boiling oil.

Rhubarb with egg gravy.

Rhubarb - 500 g + raisins - 75 g + water - 1.4 l + sugar - 100 g + egg - 2-3 pcs + milk - 1.4 l + powdered sugar - 50 g + bitter almonds - 2 grains. Cut the rhubarb into pieces. Add raisins. Pour boiling water and boil a little. Remove from heat. Add sugar. Grind the yolks. Gradually mix powdered sugar and crushed almonds with milk. Then - with rhubarb. Add beaten egg whites and cool.

Rhubarb porridge with semolina.

Water - 2 tsp. + rhubarb (stalks) - 300 g + sugar - 150 g + semolina - 2.5 tbsp. + lemon zest - 1 tbsp. Peel the rhubarb. Slice. Place in a bowl. To fill with water. Cook until softened. Then add sugar. Stir. Add semolina, stirring. Heat until swelling. Cool the porridge. Add grated lemon zest.

Or: Rhubarb 200 g + 300 g cereal + 1 cup sugar syrup (or 3/4 cup honey) + salt. Boil rhubarb petioles in sugar syrup. Mix with ready-made millet, oatmeal, barley, etc. porridge. To stir thoroughly.

Rhubarb sauce.

Rhubarb 1.5 kg + 2 teaspoons flour + 100-200 g sour cream + 1 teaspoon salt + 1 tablespoon sugar. Chop the rhubarb petioles and boil until softened. Grind until pureed. Fry the flour in oil. Add sour cream, sugar, salt. Mix. Add (while stirring) the rhubarb puree. Heat to a boil. This one replaces the tomato one.

Salad with rhubarb and radish.

Radish + boiled egg + rhubarb + green onions + sour cream + sugar + salt + ground pepper.

Cabbage salad with rhubarb and stalked celery.

White cabbage + onion + rhubarb (stalks) + petiole celery + carrots + tarragon (greens) + vegetable oil. Coarsely chop the cabbage and pour boiling water over it. Let stand until cool and drain the water. Squeeze the cabbage. Onions, carrots - peel, chop and sauté in vegetable oil for about one minute. Wash the rhubarb, peel it and chop it thinly. Cut stalked celery into pieces. Connect everything. Add chopped tarragon. Mix.

Rhubarb with honey.

Honey - 3 tbsp + water - 500 ml + rhubarb (stalks) - 300 g + gelatin - 2 tsp. and water (for gelatin) - 1/2 cup. Cut the petioles into small pieces. Cook in water for 2-3 minutes. Remove from the broth and grind until pureed. Put the puree back into the broth. Add swollen gelatin to this mixture and dissolve it completely. Cool the mixture to 40 degrees. Add honey. Beat.

Rhubarb puree with honey.

Rhubarb - 200 g + honey - 150 g. Finely chop the rhubarb petioles and mix with honey. Simmer until done over low heat. Then grind. Use with tea, pancakes, bread.

Canned rhubarb with strawberries.

Rhubarb - 500 g + - 100 g. For syrup: water - 1 l + sugar - 300 g. Cut the rhubarb petioles into pieces without peeling them. Place in glass jars. Pour in hot syrup. To cover with a lid. Leave to sterilize for about 10 minutes. After sterilization, roll up the lids on the jars. Place in a cool place.

Rhubarb vodka.

Grind 2 rhubarb stalks. Place in a container and add 3 tbsp. l.sugar. Leave for 2 days. Then add cloves - 3 pieces + cinnamon - 1 piece + zest of half a lemon. Pour in 1 liter of vodka. Store in a cool, dark place for 3 weeks. Shake daily. Strain.

Rhubarb compote with strawberries.

Syrup: dissolve 450 g of sugar in 600 ml of water. Boil for 2 minutes. Cool. Add half a kilo of rhubarb to the cooled syrup. To cover with a lid. Cook for 2 minutes (no longer). Remove from heat. Let sit until cool. Then add chopped strawberries.

Rhubarb compote.

Rhubarb (stalks) - 200 g + sugar - 150 g + water - 4 cups + lemon zest - 8 g. Rinse the rhubarb stems and remove the skin from the thickened ends. Cut the stems. Place in a bowl and fill with cold water. Leave in it for 15 minutes. Separately boil sugar syrup. Remove rhubarb from cold water and plunge into boiling syrup. Add lemon zest. Cook for about 15 minutes.

Pumpkin and rhubarb compote.

Pumpkin - 100 g + rhubarb - 100 g + sugar - 1 tbsp. + zest - 1/2 lemon or orange + cinnamon - 1/4 tsp. + water - 2 glasses. Peel the pumpkin. Cut the pumpkin and rhubarb into strips. Boil syrup with cinnamon and zest. Add rhubarb to it. Boil. Add pumpkin. Boil. Remove from heat. Cool.

Based on materials from the book “Survival beyond the threshold of civilization.”
Nagorsky S.V.

Remember how hot it is for those who work under the scorching rays of the sun! Combine operators, field workers and builders are not to be envied, especially in the spring and summer, when the air temperature rises above 25 degrees. To treat them to a delicious lunch, prepare cold rhubarb and sorrel soup.

This is prepared quickly, it doesn’t empty your wallet, but it has so many health benefits! And now the recipe:

1. Chop large sorrel leaves and thick “legs” of peeled rhubarb with a sharp knife.
2. Throw the green mass into an enamel pan with boiling water.
3. After 5 minutes, add salt and turn off the burner if you do not want to get loose algae.
4. Let the mixture cool.
5. Add green onions, fresh cucumber, boiled eggs, potatoes, dill to the cold soup.
6. Season with sour cream.

Bon appetit! The soup can be eaten with cold boiled lean meat: beef, chicken, turkey, rabbit. At worst with sausage. Very filling and tasty! If this spring greens soup seems sour, add sugar: it is better to do this during the cooking process, or while the broth is still warm.

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And the marathon of “Spring Greens” articles on my blog continues, and this article about cold rhubarb soup is far from the last of them!

The long winter is behind us, our body misses vitamins, natural ones, not frozen or synthetic ones. This is where the first greenery comes to the rescue. I really love this light, almost summer soup. It can be cooked in meat broth and with meat, or just with vegetables. And so and so very tasty! Because rhubarb gives an amazing sourish-delicate taste.

The main hero of the occasion is here! In his best!

I have my own rhubarb, but if you don’t have a plot, you’ll have to rely only on purchased or “toll” ones)))

Rhubarb is an amazing plant with a thousand-year history. Very useful! And May is the very time when everything from rhubarb is eaten - both leaves and petioles. In summer, the leaves can no longer be eaten; they will become coarse and lose their culinary value.

In fact, this is a very budget-friendly soup, even if it contains meat. After all, you can cook it on chicken, for example. I cooked turkey drumsticks. There is sooooo much meat in this drumstick! Enough for the whole family))

I never fry anything in summer soups. We need to give the body a break from carcinogens! Just vegetables and cooking! Of course, you can’t do without potatoes.

And we cut any greens, whatever is on hand will work - onions, dill, parsley!

Chop the rhubarb. We add potatoes to the prepared meat broth first, and then all the greens en masse!

Sour cream is the finishing touch...
