Rice soup with beef broth recipe. Beef soup with rice. You will need to make noodles

step by step recipe with photos

Even children will enjoy this rich and satisfying soup with beef and rice. To prepare it, it is best to choose fresh meat without fat, with gloss and a pleasant aroma. Remember that the beef is cooked for at least two hours so that it is cooked and becomes soft and tender in taste. If desired, you can add potatoes, tomatoes, bell peppers and other vegetables, spices, and seasonings to the first course. Choose steamed rice, adding it 10 minutes before the dish is ready along with frying. If you like a more colorful dish, then use tomato paste.


  • 0.5-0.6 kg beef pulp
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 onion
  • 150 g rice
  • 1.5-1.7 liters of water
  • greens to taste
  • 30 ml vegetable oil
  • 3-4 bay leaves
  • 3-4 peas of black or allspice
  • salt and pepper to taste


1. Wash the beef in water, cut off the veins and films from it, remove excess fat, leaving a little for richness of the broth, if any. Cut the pulp into ribbons so that it cooks faster. You can cut the meat in any way convenient for you: into cubes, into strips, or cook in a whole piece.

2. Place the beef slices in a saucepan and cover with cold water. Add bay leaves and peppercorns. Place on the stove and boil for 2 hours, remembering to remove the foam 5-10 minutes after the water boils in the container, otherwise you will end up with a cloudy, dirty broth.

3. While the beef is cooking, peel the carrots along with the onions, cut both vegetables into small cubes and sauté in sunflower oil for 5-7 minutes. Wash the rice and add it to the pan with the meat after it is cooked along with frying. Don't forget to add salt and pepper, add chopped dill or parsley.

Soup cooked with beef broth is a tasty and healthy dish. Beef is not a fatty product, saturated with a large number of microelements. That is why recipes for first courses from this broth are recommended for consumption by both adults and children. Recipes for simple and original beef soups are presented in this article.

Beef is different from other types of meat in that it implies two cooking methods. if you you need tasty meat– it should be dipped in boiling water, and if you perfect broth needed– pour cold water over the meat and put on fire.

It doesn’t matter what part of the meat you are going to boil: with a bone or not. Main - pre-wash the meat and prepare clean water, in which it will be cooked. In any case, beef broth is a healthy food that has a lot of positive properties.

Benefits of beef broth:

  • Beef broth - diet food. Beef is not a fatty meat. The broth turns out to be lean, but with a rich, pleasant taste and aroma.
  • Beef broth can help a person regain lost strength during physical or nervous stress.
  • Beef broth contains large supply of nutrients, in particular amino acids.
  • Protein, contained in beef and subsequently found in the broth, is very easily digestible.
  • Beef meat contains large supply of iron. Iron has a beneficial effect on the health of the nervous system and improves blood condition. Besides, improves blood flow.
  • Eat beef broth recommended for those people who experience chronic fatigue and weakness.
  • Beef broth is rich in vitamins, therefore useful for adults and children of any age.

Beef broth for soup should be made from boneless pulp. It is believed that Cattle bone may not always be healthy because it accumulates harmful salts.

Benefits and unique properties of beef broth for humans

Pea soup with beef broth

This is a classic recipe delicious and incredible healthy first course. Soup is good because it can improve digestion and saturate the human body with vitamins. It is useful for both children and adults, but young children and pregnant women should use it carefully and in moderation so as not to experience painful flatulence.

You will need:

  • Meat – 300 g(boneless, beef)
  • Peas – 150 g(chopped)
  • Carrot- one joke
  • Onion– one onion
  • Potato– 3 pieces (large)
  • Oil(any vegetable)
  • Greenery(parsley or dill)
  • Butter – 25 g


  • Pea soup is complicated only because it involves pre-soaking the peas overnight. This soaking will help it become softer and simplify the process of preparing the soup.
  • The peas are washed and left in cold water overnight (about ten hours). After this, the water is drained.
  • The meat is washed with running water. The meat is placed in a pan and filled with a liter (one and a half) of water.
  • The carrots and onions are peeled. The onion must be chopped and the carrots grated. Oil is poured into a frying pan and vegetables are fried until golden brown.
  • The frying is added to the broth, from where the meat is removed in advance.
  • The potatoes are peeled and finely chopped. Potatoes and peas go into the soup. Cover the broth with a lid and cook the soup for forty minutes.
  • Serve with butter. Just put a small piece on your plate.

Pea soup cooked with beef broth

Mushroom soup with beef broth

It is best to cook mushroom soup from forest mushrooms. These are the mushrooms that have rich taste and a subtle fresh aroma that goes well with the taste of this broth. If there are no wild mushrooms, you can use dried mushrooms or mushrooms from the supermarket.

You will need:

  • Meat – 500 g
  • Mushrooms – 500 g(simple or king champignons)
  • Onion- one joke
  • Carrot– one piece (small)
  • Potato– 5 pieces (large)
  • Vegetable oil(any)
  • Spices to taste


  • The meat is washed with running water, placed in a pan and filled with two liters of purified water.
  • The meat for the broth should be cooked for an hour and a half and all this time the foam should be skimmed off it. Cook over moderate heat.
  • While the meat is cooking, finely chop the onion and grate the carrots. Vegetables are fried in vegetable oil.
  • The mushrooms are cleaned (if dirty) and chopped into either cubes or slices. The mushrooms are fried and fried until a golden brown color forms on their surface.
  • After an hour and a half, the meat is removed from the broth, and fried mushrooms are added to the pan. The broth should be salted to taste and pepper added.
  • Peeled potatoes are cut into fairly small cubes, which are sent to the soup. The meat is cut into fibers or cut with a knife, and also sent to the pan.
  • Cook the soup for about twenty minutes over low heat. Once the potatoes become soft, turn off the heat. Add greens to the soup and serve on the table.

Mushroom soup cooked in beef broth

Bean soup with beef broth

Bean soup is a wonderful addition to the dinner table. Bean soup is rarely prepared just because it requires pre-soaking to soften beans However, bean soup with beef broth is one of the best flavor combinations.

You will need:

  • Meat – 500 g(beef pulp)
  • Beans – 200 g(red)
  • Potato– 5 pieces (large)
  • Onion– one onion (large)
  • Carrot
  • Vegetable oil(any)
  • Butter – 25 g
  • Fresh herbs


  • The beans are washed with running water and infused overnight.
  • The meat is washed with running water, filled with clean water in a saucepan and put on fire.
  • The foam should be removed from the broth immediately after it forms. The broth should be cooked for about two hours.
  • An hour after the start of cooking, add the soaked beans to the broth.
  • The onion is finely chopped and the carrots are grated. Vegetables are fried until golden brown.
  • The frying is added to the broth, from which the meat should be removed. The meat is cut into pieces and returned to the broth.
  • Peeled potatoes are cut into cubes and added to the soup. After this, the soup should be cooked for another twenty minutes over moderate heat.
  • Before serving, add butter and fresh chopped herbs to the soup.

Bean soup made with beef broth

Vegetable soup with beef broth

Vegetable soup cooked in beef broth is not only tasty but also very healthy dish. It is very easy to digest, but at the same time gives a feeling of satiety and energy. This kind of soup ideal for children, for those who are on a diet.

You will need:

  • Beef – 300 g(pulp without pit)
  • Potatoes – 4 pieces(large size)
  • Carrots – 2 pieces(medium size)
  • Onion – 1 piece(medium size)
  • Green beans – 200 g(frozen)
  • Any vegetable oil
  • Fresh chopped herbs


  • The beef is poured with cold water and placed in a saucepan on the fire. Cook the meat for about an hour until the broth is ready.
  • After an hour of frying, start preparing the frying: finely chop the onion and grate the carrots. Vegetables are sent to vegetable oil and fried in a frying pan until golden brown.
  • The meat is removed from the broth. Frying, peeled and diced potatoes, and green beans go into the pan.
  • The meat is cut into pieces with a knife or torn into fibers by hand and added to the soup.
  • Cook the soup over moderate heat for about twenty minutes, add chopped herbs to the pan before serving.

Vegetable soup cooked with beef broth

Beef broth soup for children

Children's soup can also be cooked with beef broth. Children's soup is distinguished by its lightness, rich composition of vegetables and herbs. This soup should not be fried and have a minimum of fat so that the dish does not burden the digestive tract.

You will need:

  • Beef – 200 g(pulp without pit)
  • Potato– one piece (large size)
  • Carrot– one piece (medium size)
  • Onion – one piece (small size)
  • Pasta– children’s curly ones (two large spoons)
  • Fresh herbs
  • Salt to taste


  • The meat is thoroughly washed with running water. The meat is placed in a small saucepan and filled with a liter of water.
  • Peeled carrots and onions (whole) should be cooked along with the meat. Cook the broth for about forty minutes over moderate heat.
  • After this time, the ingredients are removed from the broth. The potatoes are peeled and chopped into small cubes. The potatoes are sent to the boiling broth.
  • Pasta is added to the soup. Carrots and onions should be finely cut into cubes and added to the soup. The meat is cut into pieces and also added to the soup.
  • Cook the soup for ten minutes and before serving, add a small amount of chopped herbs and salt.

Children's soup made with beef broth

Beef broth soup with rice

Rice added to beef broth soup will add satiety to the dish. Rice perfectly complements the taste of meat and vegetables. The main thing is not to add too much so that the soup does not become very thick.

You will need:

  • Beef – 400 g(pulp without bone)
  • Potatoes – 3 pieces(large)
  • Rice– 3 large spoons (long grain)
  • Onion– one small onion
  • Carrot– one small carrot
  • Fresh herbs for serving
  • Garlic clove


  • The beef is boiled for an hour, after which the meat is removed and cooled for cutting.
  • Vegetables for frying are chopped: carrots, onions, garlic cloves (a minute before the end).
  • The peeled potatoes are cut and sent together with the frying into the pan.
  • Three spoons of rice are poured into the su, the meat is cut into pieces or torn into fibers by hand.
  • Cook the soup for twenty minutes and then cover the pan with a lid and leave it to steep for another ten minutes. Before serving, add fresh chopped herbs to the soup.

Rice soup made with beef broth

Lentil soup with beef broth

Lentils will decorate soup cooked in beef broth. Like peas, lentils should be pre-soaked in water for six hours. This will make it softer and cook faster in the soup. You can choose any lentil for soup: red, orange, green.

You will need:

  • Beef – 300 g(pulp for broth)
  • Lentils – 100 g(any)
  • Carrots – 1 piece(medium size)
  • Onion – 1 piece(medium size)
  • Potato– 3 pieces (large)
  • Butter– 25 g


  • The lentils are washed and left in cold water overnight (at least six hours). After this, the water is drained.
  • The meat is washed with running water. The meat is placed in a pan and filled with two liters of water.
  • Boil the broth for one hour. All this time, you should remove the accumulated foam on the surface with a slotted spoon.
  • A carrot and one onion should be fried. The vegetables are chopped and simmered in vegetable oil for about five minutes.
  • The peeled potatoes are finely chopped and added to the soup.
  • At this point, you can add the required amount of salt to taste, a mixture of peppers, and bay leaf. The meat is cut into fibers by hand or carefully cut with a knife, and the pieces are sent to the soup.
  • After this time, turn off the heat and leave the soup to steep for about twenty minutes without opening the lid.
  • Place a piece of butter and chopped herbs into the soup before serving.

Lentil soup made with beef broth

Noodle soup with beef broth

Beef broth soup with noodles will be a delicious addition to the dinner table. The soup involves making the noodles yourself, which adds a homemade taste and satiety to the dish.

To prepare the noodles you will need:

  • Flour– 0.5 cups (premium grade, sifted)
  • Eggs o – one piece (preferably homemade)
  • Salt– pinch

Preparation of noodles:

  • Flour is poured into a heap onto the work surface. Make a hole in the pile of flour with your fingers.
  • The egg is driven into the hole made in the flour, salt is added and the noodles begin to knead until the dough turns into a homogeneous mass.
  • You can use more flour to prevent the dough from sticking to your hands and surface.
  • The finished dough is rolled out very thinly and cut into thin strips.

Making homemade noodles

To prepare the soup you will need:

  • Beef – 400 g (pulp without bone)
  • Noodles – 200 g (homemade)
  • Onion – 1 piece (medium size)
  • Carrots – 1 piece (medium size)
  • Fresh herbs
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  • The meat is washed with running water
  • Place the meat in the pan and fill it with three liters of cold water.
  • The vegetables are peeled and placed whole in a saucepan to cook the broth.
  • The broth should be simmered for two hours, periodically skimming off the foam and fat from the surface.
  • After cooking, the broth should be strained through a strainer.
  • The broth is put back on the fire without meat and vegetables. The noodles are dropped into it and cooked for five minutes in boiling broth.
  • If desired, you can add chopped boiled meat and fresh chopped herbs to the pan.

Noodle soup made with beef broth

Meatball soup with beef broth

To prepare this soup you will need minced beef. You can buy ready-made minced meat in the store, but it is best to mince a piece of pulp at home.

You will need:

  • Beef – 400 g(ground meat)
  • Potato– 4 pieces (large)
  • Carrot– 1 piece (medium size)
  • Onion– 1 piece (medium size)
  • Fresh herbs, salt and favorite spices


  • Boil water in a saucepan
  • While the water comes to a boil, pass a piece of beef pulp through a meat grinder. Salt and pepper the resulting minced meat.
  • You will need to throw the meatballs into boiling water. To do this, wet your hands with running water (the meat will not “stick” to your palms and fingers) and begin to form balls.
  • Each ball should be lowered into boiling water and only after the last meatball is in the water should the heat be reduced.
  • Leave the broth to simmer over low heat, during which time fry the onions and carrots and add them to the pan.
  • Potatoes must be peeled, cut into cubes, and added to the soup.
  • The soup should boil for another twenty minutes and then stand under the lid closed for another ten minutes.

Soup made with beef meatballs

Video: “Simple beef soup: recipe”

Tender, rich, satisfying, healthy - all these epithets rightfully belong to a dish that, without a doubt, should be in the daily diet of every person and this, of course, is freshly brewed soup.

There are so many recipes for making soup that you can make a new one every day throughout the year. Any country in the world can confidently say that their classic soup is the most delicious. And this, most likely, is not far from the truth, because every nation has its own food preferences.

For example, in hot Spain they give priority to gazpacho, a dish of ripe bright tomatoes and peppers seasoned with garlic and olive oil. This soup is served cold and is great in the summer.

In Germany, preference is given to nutritious, rich soups in which the main ingredient is meat or fish. A prominent representative of such a soup is eintopf. In Japan, miso soup is considered the most popular and beloved. The calling card of France is. Georgian cuisine is famous for its kharcho.

In general, as you understand, all kinds of soups are important, all kinds of soups are needed!

In this topic we offer you a fairly simple but nevertheless tasty, hearty beef soup with rice. It can be called a version of the Georgian soup kharcho.


  • Beef (shank meat) – 300 g;
  • Purified water – 1-1.1 l;
  • Round rice – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Potatoes – 1 pc.;
  • Carrots – 1 pc.;
  • Onions – 1 pc.;
  • Bell pepper – 1 pc.;
  • Tomato – 1 pc.;
  • Celery – dried or fresh herbs;
  • Mixture of peppers - to taste;
  • Garlic – one or two cloves;
  • Vegetable oil – 2 tbsp;
  • Kitchen salt - to taste.


Since our soup will be made with beef broth, let's start with the meat. In this case, we have beef from the shank without bone. It is usually used for stewing, as it turns out very soft and tender.

We wash the meat thoroughly and then leave it in cold water for 15-20 minutes. Then we transfer it to a pan with cold water and set to cook. We watch until it boils and skim off the resulting protein foam.

After boiling, you can cover the lid and reduce the heat to low. We will cook the meat broth for about an hour and a half until the meat is completely cooked. Don't forget to add a little salt so that the meat gets its share of salt.

By this time, peel and cut the potatoes into small cubes.

Take round rice and wash it a couple of times.

Remove the finished meat from the broth, and add prepared potatoes and rice to it. Cook these two ingredients at the same time.

We immediately begin preparing the remaining vegetables involved in the preparation of beef soup with rice. Peel, wash and finely chop the onion and bell pepper. Grate the carrots on a fine grater.

Place all the vegetables in a frying pan heated and watered with vegetable oil.

Sauté with the lid closed for 5-6 minutes.

Cut the tomato in half and grate it into three, discard the skin.

Add the tomato to the sautéed vegetables, stir and fry for a couple more minutes.

Place the vegetables in a saucepan, add salt, pepper and dried celery.

Cut the meat into portions.

Add to the soup along with chopped garlic and taste. Boil for a couple of minutes and the rice soup with beef is ready. Let it brew for 7-10 minutes and you can serve.

Everyone loves rice soup; it is tasty, nutritious and healthy. To add a little variety to our everyday dish, today we will prepare rice soup with beef without potatoes. For example, I couldn’t even imagine soup without potatoes, I thought this was an integral component of any soup, but it turned out that no, soup without potatoes can be very rich, tasty and satisfying. I suggest you check this out too.

Rice soup with beef: step-by-step recipe

Rice soup is the most common first course. Therefore, in order to get away from the banality a little and prepare rice soup a little extraordinary, and at the same time tasty, we will prepare rice soup with beef, without the usual ingredient in the first course - potatoes.

The soup recipe makes 6 servings, cooking time 3 hours.

First, I’ll tell you a few secrets of making rice soup with beef:

  • For better taste and smell, use allspice and bay leaf when preparing.
  • It is better to use short grain rice. Pre-soak the rice for 20 minutes and rinse with running water.
  • Choose lean beef.
  • Take only refined sunflower oil.

To prepare rice soup we will need the following ingredients:

  • Water 2-2.5 liters;
  • Beef 400 grams;
  • Rice 60 grams;
  • Bay leaf;
  • Onions 1 piece;
  • Carrots 1 piece;
  • Allspice;
  • Dill;
  • Refined sunflower oil;
  • Salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

Pre-soak the rice for 20 minutes and rinse with running water until the water becomes clear.

Cut the beef into small pieces, pour 2.5 liters of cold water, add bay leaf, allspice, and salt. Bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 1.5 hours, stirring occasionally and removing foam.

Finely chop the onion and carrots and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown.

When the broth is ready, you need to add the rice prepared in advance and cook until tender for 5-10 minutes.

Then add fried onions and carrots, salt and pepper to taste into the soup. Sprinkle with dill.

That's it, our beef rice soup is ready! Bon appetit!

A rich and very satisfying soup with beef and rice will surely please men - there really is a lot of meat in it!

Sauteed fresh tomatoes and bell peppers will be a great addition to this soup. If they are not available, tomato paste will do. For taste, you can add a little lecho to the roast.

And the soup owes its unusual spicy taste and aroma to the khmeli-suneli seasoning.


  • Water – 3-3.5 l
  • Meat tenderloin (beef or veal) – 500-600 g
  • Potatoes – 4 pcs.
  • Rice – 0.5 cups
  • Carrots – 1 pc.
  • Onions – 1 pc.
  • Tomato paste – 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Khmeli-suneli – 1 teaspoon (can be replaced with your favorite spices)
  • Salt - to taste (about 1.5 teaspoons)
  • Bay leaf – 3 pcs.


Rinse the meat under running cold water and cut into small cubes. Meat tenderloin (boneless) is best suited for soup.

Pour water into a saucepan and put it on fire. Add the meat as soon as the water boils - it will be juicier.

To give the broth a richer taste, add a peeled onion, half a carrot and a stalk of celery. We cook these vegetables only with meat and remove them as soon as it’s time to add the rest of the ingredients.

Leave the broth to simmer over low heat for forty minutes. Let's keep an eye on the foam.

While the broth is cooking, let's start filling the soup.

We sort out the rice and rinse it in a colander under running water.

Wash the potatoes, peel and cut into small cubes. Rinse in cold water to remove excess starch.

After forty minutes, remove the vegetables (onion, celery and carrots) from the meat broth and add the prepared potatoes and rice and cook until tender for twenty minutes. So the total cooking time for beef and rice soup will be one hour.

Preparing vegetables for dressing. Peel the carrots and onions. Cut the onion into small cubes and grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and add vegetables. Sauté them under a closed lid over low heat for ten minutes. Stir the vegetables so they don't burn. After ten minutes, add tomato paste, mix and leave to simmer under the lid for another five minutes.

If you want to fry with bell peppers, add them to the pan at the same time as the carrots and onions.

If you add tomatoes instead of tomato paste, then you don’t need to sauté them - just peel them, cut them into small cubes and add them to the soup at the same time as the finished sautéing.

Add lecho, like tomato paste, to the pan about five minutes before the vegetables are ready.

We add vegetables sautéed with tomato paste to the soup with meat and rice five minutes before it is ready. Salt, add suneli hops. Mix everything.

Remove the soup with meat and rice from the heat. The recipe, as you can see, is simple! Add washed bay leaves. Cover with a lid and let sit for five minutes.

Beef and rice soup is ready!

It should be served hot, garnished with herbs - fresh or dried.

Bon appetit!

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