Properties of blueberry decoction. Blueberries: health benefits and harm. Types of healing compounds

Do you know which wild berry is the most difficult to pick? Blueberries. It grows in coniferous forests, and unlike strawberries, not in sunny meadows, but in gloomy corners, where life-giving rays have difficulty penetrating, but are full of mosquitoes, which no repellents seem to kill.

Thousands of people flock to the forests to pick berries for their families and to sell - blueberries are in great demand due to their healing qualities.

What medicinal and simply beneficial properties does blueberry have? Are there any contraindications for use or harm? The benefits of blueberries for eyes and vision - truth or myth? Let's figure it out!

Benefit for health

Dishes with blueberries are included in the astronaut menu. “Ballast” will not be sent into orbit - only the best, most necessary and nutritious foods.

What are the benefits of fresh blueberries? It has a unique composition. Lots of vitamins (A, B, C, PP), organic acids, lots of microelements - , .

Manganese is valuable, which regulates carbohydrate metabolism. No other product contains such an amount of manganese.

Contains essential oils, tannins. The rich composition determines its practical use in the field of medicine.

Here are the capabilities the berry is known for:

The question of the benefits of blueberries for restoring vision is debatable.

Some believe that this is a myth, others stand their ground: it is very good for vision. If you look at the pharmacy, you will find eye medications containing this wild plant.

So are blueberries good for the eyes and vision and why? What should the average consumer do? The best thing is to admit that the truth is in the middle.

Yes, blueberries are good for vision, but they are not a panacea, however the unique substances contained in its composition have a positive effect on blood vessels, activating blood flow even in the smallest capillaries - that’s all the beneficial properties for the eyes.

The tension accumulated in the eyes is relieved, and vision becomes sharper. Isn't this the result? For serious medical help, you should contact an ophthalmologist.

Scientists have found that Even blueberry leaves have medicinal properties, therefore they are used in official and folk medicine.

For women

Since ancient times, these fruits have been called “rejuvenating”, that's why they are so valued by women. Antioxidants protect the body from aging, and can even reverse this mechanism - the berry rejuvenates cells and organs.

This, of course, does not happen by magic, it’s just that the existing components give an impetus to the production of growth hormone, which is responsible for cell rejuvenation.

Among the results visible to the naked eye are: improving skin structure, increasing its tone.

What else are blueberries good for a woman? It is possible to regulate the menstrual cycle and the functioning of the entire female reproductive system.

Women are more likely than men to suffer from varicose veins. Wild plants (the so-called gifts of nature that grow in forests without human intervention) Helps tidy up veins, improves circulation in blood vessels.

For men

In matters of men's health, berries also do not play a secondary role. Several hundred gram servings per week improve sexual health, increase potency.

The beneficial qualities of blueberries are used for the treatment of prostate inflammation in men. Blueberries have a positive effect on the functioning of the heart, and this is a “weak link” for middle-aged men.

For children

Blueberry is one of the good heroes of the famous fairy tale about Cipollino, his faithful friend, who guarded the house of godfather Pumpkin in the forest. Tell your children about this if they suddenly don’t want to eat this wild berry.

It is useful to give it to children, while the wild harvest season is in full swing - as a therapeutic and prophylactic drug to increase the immunity of a growing organism, protect it from possible colds and viral infections.

Rare case: the berry can be given to babies as early as seven months of age. First, add a handful at a time (previously kneading with a spoon) into the finished fruit puree.

Older children are given the whole fruit, from half to a whole glass per day. For those who are already three years old, the portion is increased to two glasses per day.

Have experience treatment of diarrhea in children with this natural product.

When there are no medications at hand or for some reason their use is undesirable, severe intestinal upset can be relieved with dried berries (three tablespoons per glass of boiling water).

For pregnant

Let's find out if blueberries are good for pregnancy?

Women in this position need a complete, fortified diet.

If your pregnancy occurs during the berry season, It is advisable to eat fresh blueberries regularly, to maintain the required level of hemoglobin in the blood, and use the existing one to strengthen the child’s bone structure so that it is formed correctly.

Expectant mothers are usually very careful when using medications, but no one is immune from diseases, so blueberries, which have antiviral and antipyretic properties, can be very useful if a woman gets a sore throat or flu.

Gargle the throat and tonsils with juice (a couple of tablespoons per glass of water). The same procedure will be effective for stomatitis.

The program “Live Healthy!” talks about the healing properties of blueberries:

Fresh or processed

In what form are blueberries most beneficial? Certainly, fresh berries contain more valuable substances than heat treated.

Therefore, you need to make the most of the berry season and not be lazy about going into the forest, even when its “peak” is behind you, but you can still pick a handful or two from the empty bushes.

And even processing can be approached in such a way that it is gentle.

Housewives prepare everyone’s favorite open-faced blueberry pies like this:: the “base” of the pie is sent into the oven, lightly greased with any jam, and at the final stage, berries are poured onto the top of the cake, leaving to simmer in the oven for a minute or two.

Then take the pie out of the oven and lightly sprinkle it with granulated sugar. Most of the vitamins remain intact.

When and how best to eat

Fresh berries are consumed as an “independent dish” or in combination with yogurt, nuts. Nutritionists recommend eating them before lunch as a light snack - this way they will bring more benefits to the stomach and intestines.

Daily value: 50 to 100 grams or more, depending on the needs of the body.

Drying will preserve the properties of blueberries for a year. Prepare an infusion of crushed berries: four teaspoons per glass of water at room temperature.

It will be ready in 8 hours and will retain both vitamins and minerals.

Use in cooking

In 2012, a blueberry pie more than seventy meters long was included in the Russian Book of Records.

However, according to nutritionists, the smartest way to cook is not pies, but dishes that are not cooked, which means they are healthier.

What could it be:

Potential health hazards

We have figured out why and how useful the berry is for vision, what beneficial properties blueberries have for the health of men, children and women (including pregnant women). But not only the benefits lie in delicious fruits.

As with any other product, You may have an allergic reaction to blueberries, although such cases are rare.

If you do not have experience eating this wild plant, you need to be careful and eat a very small portion. Special precautions must be taken for children.

Other contraindications include the following: the presence of pancreatic diseases, decreased blood clotting, and a tendency to constipation.

Wild plants absorb radioactive elements. Collected in places of radioactive contamination, they are always dangerous.

Alternative areas and uses

This berry is highly valued by cosmetologists using it in preparations to moisturize the skin of the face and hands. And thanks to its healing abilities, creams and lotions are prepared with it for problem skin, treatment of rashes, pustules, acne.

For this purpose, traditional medicine uses fresh “raw materials”, applying it to areas of the skin affected, for example, by eczema. Apply a thick layer and cover with a piece of gauze. If the gauze dries to the skin, soak it in fermented milk whey.

Due to their low calorie content (44 kcal per 100 grams of product), berries are included in weight loss diets. Metabolism improves, and toxins that pollute it are removed.

The improvement extends to all organs: even the hair becomes silky and thick..

Are zucchini healthy? our article and get answers to all your questions about this vegetable.

How to select and store

Of course, it’s good to go into the forest yourself and collect more good and pure product. If you have to choose on the market, look carefully: are the berries intact, not damaged, not crushed?.

It’s good if they are sold in the same container (for example, a wicker basket) where they were collected.

The fact that the berries were not transferred several times and were not damaged is immediately noticeable: they are dry, without a wet sheen, with a slight bluish sheen.

How to preserve the beneficial substances in the berry and the properties of blueberries for the winter? You can store high-quality berries for future use: dry or freeze. Jams and jams are, of course, tasty, but they will no longer be absolutely beneficial.

On an industrial scale, they use the method of shock freezing at a temperature of minus 40 degrees. Experts confirm: this method preserves all the healing properties of the product.

Buy frozen food in stores, but in transparent packages, in order to visually verify the quality of the berries - they must be whole, smooth, without traces of thawing.

Drying at home start with a temperature of +40 degrees, then increase it to 70.

There are special devices in stores for these purposes that will provide the necessary drying mode and save you from unnecessary hassle. Dried berries can be stored for two years.

Among the most gentle recipes with heat treatment, experts call blueberry juice, syrup, fresh berries, mashed with sugar, and five-minute jam.

All these blueberry products, of course, will lose half of their beneficial properties, but the remaining half will not be superfluous to you, especially during the season of vitamin deficiency, when the need arises to take them.

More often it happens like this: what is tasty is not healthy. Blueberries are a rare case of a combination of both.

There are very few contraindications to its use. You can enjoy healthy food and at the same time undergo a course of “berry therapy”.

In contact with

Blueberries are well known to most residents of our country, but many regard them only as a seasonal delicacy, not realizing what extraordinary power lies in the plant itself and its fruits. The beneficial properties and contraindications of blueberries have long been studied in traditional medicine and are quite widely used in the prevention and treatment of various diseases. The following article offers you to get acquainted with them.

Chemical composition and product description

The biochemical composition of blueberries is incredibly diverse; it includes many components important for human health. Among them:

  • Antioxidants that protect body tissues from the negative effects of toxic substances.
  • Vitamin-mineral complex (vitamins B, C, PP, iron, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, zinc, manganese), necessary for the full functioning of all organs and systems.
  • Beta-carotene, which is involved in many processes in the human body that occur at the cellular level, supports healthy skin, hair and nails, and is responsible for the quality of vision. It is due to the high content of this element that blueberries are considered very useful for the eyes.
  • Tannins that have anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects.
  • Pectin, which helps normalize metabolic processes.

The beneficial properties of blueberries are manifested in a positive effect on human immunity, stimulation of brain activity, the ability to speed up metabolism and remove harmful substances from the body, improve blood composition, and relieve the effects of stress.

What are the benefits of blueberries?

For men

  1. Blueberries for men are recommended for consumption if there are problems in the sexual sphere. Special substances – flavonoids – contained in the berry have a positive effect on potency and help in the treatment of various urinary tract infections.
  2. The high level of antioxidant compounds gives blueberries the ability to neutralize free radicals that accumulate in the body, which damage DNA chains, which is partly the cause of the development of cancer.
  3. Dried blueberries quickly and effectively help restore strength and restore vigor after heavy physical activity. This property of the berry may be especially important for men who regularly exercise and lead an active lifestyle.

For women

  1. Regular consumption of blueberries helps reduce discomfort during the menstrual cycle. The fiber contained in berries helps normalize digestive processes, thereby reducing the likelihood of bloating, heaviness and pain in the intestines with the arrival of “critical days”.
  2. Blueberries are useful for postmenopausal women because they can lower blood pressure. And the antioxidants contained in the berry prevent the body from absorbing “bad” cholesterol. Thus, blueberries help prevent the development of many diseases of the cardiovascular system, which are especially dangerous in old age.
  3. Due to the high content of a whole complex of vitamins and antioxidant compounds, blueberries are a source of female youth and beauty. Berries slow down skin aging, promote tissue restoration, and improve blood circulation. Get rid of dandruff, restore strength and shine to damaged, weakened hair.

The benefits of berries in the treatment of diseases


Blueberries are not prohibited for diabetes, and in some cases are indicated for use as a source of important vitamins and minerals.

Diabetics are recommended to eat not only the fruits, but also the leaves of blueberries, since the individual components contained in the above-ground part of the plant help maintain the balance of glucose in the blood, preventing sudden jumps in its level.

The medicinal properties of blueberry leaves are revealed to the maximum in medicinal infusions prepared from them. The recipe for one of them looks like this:

  1. 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of crushed leaves into 1 cup of boiling water.
  2. The liquids are allowed to stand for 5 minutes.
  3. Boil in a water bath for 40 minutes.
  4. After removing the broth from the heat, allow it to cool slightly and filter.
  5. Take the decoction three times a day, a quarter cup.

Such blueberry treatment for diabetes should be previously agreed with your doctor.

It is important to consider that sweet blueberry syrup or berry jam will definitely not bring any benefit, and can even cause harm to the body of a person suffering from diabetes, so they should be completely excluded from the diet.

Vision problems

Blueberries are actively used to improve vision, prevent and treat various eye diseases. The beta-carotene contained in the fruit is responsible for normal ocular blood circulation and regeneration of retinal tissue.

Due to the high content of this element, the berry and preparations based on it are used in the treatment of night blindness, conjunctivitis, decreased visual acuity and other eye pathologies.

One of these drugs, Blueberry Forte with Lutein, is recommended for use to strengthen the tissues and blood vessels of the eyes, protect the retina from ultraviolet radiation, increase the concentration of vision and relieve fatigue.


The natural antiseptic and antibiotic properties of blueberry leaves and fruits are excellent in the treatment of acute respiratory infections, influenza and other similar diseases.

Regular consumption of berry decoctions helps to slow down and even stop inflammatory processes in the body, which means it speeds up the patient’s recovery.

Blueberries for colds are used as an auxiliary medicine against pain in the head and throat, and wet cough.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Blueberries during pregnancy are an excellent source of nutrients for expectant mothers and their babies. The active components contained in the berry (fiber, iron, calcium, vitamin B) help pregnant women cope with digestive problems and changes in blood pressure faster and easier.

They strengthen the body and fill it with energy before the upcoming birth.

Blueberries are no less useful during breastfeeding. Helps the body recover faster after childbirth, gives strength, relieves bad mood and depression. It is an excellent medicine against colds.

Blueberries are allowed in small quantities for infants as complementary foods. You can start introducing your baby to this berry as early as 8-10 months by adding it to fruit salads.

Often pregnant and lactating women encounter problems and diseases of the oral cavity, which blueberry decoction can help cope with. It is prepared like this:

  • 2 teaspoons of dry fruits are poured with 1 glass of warm water.
  • Bring the liquid to a boil over low heat.
  • After cooling the resulting decoction, rinse the mouth with it 3-4 times a day.

Regular rinsing helps relieve inflammation of the gums, cure stomatitis and some respiratory diseases.

Contraindications to eating berries

The use of blueberries as a medicine or simply a source of vitamins and microelements is limited by certain contraindications. Among them:

  • individual intolerance to individual components that make up the fruit;
  • the occurrence of allergies in a breastfed child.

In these cases, it is better to first consult with your doctor to exclude possible harm to blueberries.

The berry can be dangerous for people taking blood thinning medications; its uncontrolled consumption can provoke bleeding.

Blueberries for beauty and slimness

The benefits of blueberries for the human body lie not only in their ability to treat and prevent certain diseases. This berry has found wide application in dietetics and cosmetology.

The low calorie content of blueberries (only about 44 kcal per 100 g of product) allows all people who closely monitor their own weight to include them in the diet without any fear.

The berry does an excellent job of improving metabolism, cleansing the body and satisfying hunger, and the vitamins and minerals it contains support the body with a limited diet associated with dieting.

Blueberry juice helps restore and tone muscles after sports, without which weight loss is rarely successful.

The cosmetic effect of blueberries on the skin is expressed in a tonic, rejuvenating and calming effect, which appears after the first procedures using products that contain this berry.

Blueberries help even out the complexion, get rid of flaking and redness, relieve puffiness, and get rid of acne.

Among folk cosmetics, a blueberry mask is very popular among women, which is prepared as follows:

  1. A quarter cup of fresh berries (frozen blueberries will also work) is ground with 1 tbsp. spoon of honey and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vegetable oil (it’s better to take olive oil).
  2. The resulting paste is applied to the face in a thick layer for 5-10 minutes.
  3. Wash off with warm soft water.

This mask nourishes the skin with vitamins, reduces unwanted pigmentation and...

Blueberries are a real storehouse of vitamins and microelements beneficial to the human body. Regular and moderate consumption of this berry helps maintain good health and can even help cure some diseases.

In addition, blueberries are simply very tasty, which means they can be used as a means to lift your mood and get rid of depression.

Read about the beneficial properties and contraindications of lingonberries.

Blueberries, whose health benefits include antitumor and anti-aging effects on the body, are famous for their ability to improve vision. In fact, this fact has not been scientifically proven and, from a medical point of view, the fruits of the plant prevent diseases of the eye organs, but do not eliminate existing ones. For this reason, we can talk about the absence of a therapeutic effect, but does everyone know what kind of disorders in the functioning of the eye organs this culture can prevent, whether the berry really preserves youth, what contraindications blueberries have. Detailed answers to these questions are presented in the text below.

Common blueberry belongs to the heather shrubs

What it is

Blueberries are shrubs that reach a maximum size of half a meter in height and grow in the tundra. The plant is used for medicinal and decorative purposes.


  • species affiliation Vaccinium;
  • Vereskov family.


  • shrubs with a lifespan of up to forty years;
  • minimum height – 10 centimeters, maximum – 50;
  • the angle of the branches relative to the trunk is acute;
  • the leaves are arranged alternately, in a spiral;
  • leaf shape – ovate/elliptic/ovate-elliptic with a point;
  • foliage shade – pale below, light green above;
  • root – creeping, with shoots;
  • the flowering period occurs in the month of May;
  • the color of the flowers is white with a greenish tint;
  • flower shape - corollas with five teeth;
  • number of pistils – one;
  • stamens, number – 10 pieces;
  • the flowers are tilted towards the ground so that the pollen is not damaged by excessive humidity;
  • method of pollination - insects (bees, bumblebees);
  • fruiting period - from the second ten days of July to the beginning of autumn;
  • fruit color – bluish-black;
  • each berry is covered with a dense waxy coating, after removal of which it acquires a darker, almost black hue;
  • the color of the juicy pulp is purple;
  • Each fruit contains up to forty small seeds inside.

Blueberry bushes reproduce by seeds and vegetatively. The culture's distribution area covers forest and swampy areas; the plant loves humidity and shade, so it does not grow in open spaces and warm countries. You can meet at:

  • northern regions of Russia;
  • on the server of the European part of the continent;
  • Asian taiga.

At the moment, breeders have not developed crop varieties that can be grown in central Russia.

If you want to add variety to fruit crops and do not live in the north, planting and care, even taking into account all the planting rules listed below, may not be successful. This fact is explained by the fact that it is quite difficult to create a model of the plant’s natural habitat conditions by selecting the location and soil, because blueberries grow in forests. In order not to be sad after spending several years and not getting a harvest, it is better to purchase seedlings of blueberry varieties specially bred for your climatic conditions from the nursery. This does not mean at all that blueberries are unpretentious in care: the crops belong to the same family, are demanding in planting and choosing a place, and the fruits are superior in the number of anthocyanins to their close relative.

Composition and beneficial properties of blueberries

Before moving on to talk about the effect of the product on the human body, it is worth understanding in detail the components and their action.

Blueberries are high in iron

Blueberries: calories

The energy value of one hundred grams of fresh product is 44.0 kilocalories. A low value of this indicator does not mean the possibility of uncontrolled use, because an overdose of vitamins or minerals can lead to rejection by the body.

Blueberries: bju

Nutritional value per hundred grams, grams/percentage of daily requirement:

  • proteins, 1.1/1.2;
  • fat, 0.6/0.9;
  • carbohydrates, 7.6/5.3;
  • dietary fiber, 3.1/15.5;
  • water, 86.0/2.8.

Blueberries: chemical composition

The vitamin and mineral composition is rich in the following substances:

Minerals % of the norm in 100 g Vitamins % of the norm in 100 g
Potassium, K 2% Vitamin A, RE 0,3%
Calcium, Ca 1,6% beta carotene 0,6%
Silicon, Si 73,3% Vitamin B1, thiamine 0,7%
Magnesium, Mg 1,5% Vitamin B2, riboflavin 1,1%
Sodium, Na 0,5% Vitamin B4, choline 1,2%
Sera, S 0,7% Vitamin B5, pantothenic 2,5%
Phosphorus, Ph 1,6% Vitamin B6, pyridoxine 2,6%
Chlorine, Cl 0,3% Vitamin B9, folates 1,5%
Iron, Fe 3,9% Vitamin C, ascorbic acid 11,1%
Yod, I 7,3% Vitamin E, alpha tocopherol, TE 9,3%
Cobalt, Co 9% Vitamin H, biotin 4,6%
Manganese, Mn 16,8% Vitamin K, phylloquinone 16,1%
Copper, Cu 5,7% Vitamin RR, NE 2%
Molybdenum, Mo 3,4%
Selenium, Se 0,2%
Fluorine, F 1,8%
Chromium, Cr 3%
Zinc, Zn 1,3%

Beta carotene serves as a material for the synthesis by the human body of a substance called retinol acetate. The connection is necessary to support the functioning of the organs of vision in the dark. B vitamins in combination with magnesium normalize the functioning of the nervous system, improve blood composition, thereby strengthening the structure of the nail plates, hair shafts, and improving the appearance of the dermis. Biotin improves cellular regeneration, due to which strands acquire a natural shine and healthy appearance.

Folic acid reduces the risk of developing congenital pathologies in the fetus (relevant during pregnancy), ascorbic acid is a material for the production of collagen, a building protein, the amount of which decreases with age, which leads to the appearance of visible signs of aging.

Tocopherol acetate has an antioxidant effect, which is also important for preserving youth. The substance supports the functioning of the genitourinary system, prevents male/female diseases.

A nicotinic acid reduces the risk of early gray hair, zinc is necessary to reduce hair loss, copper is necessary to maintain the natural shade of curls.

Calcium maintains the condition of teeth, is necessary for the musculoskeletal system.

Selenium stimulates the functioning of the immune system, manganese normalizes metabolic processes.

Iron necessary to maintain the amount of protein in the circulatory system called hemoglobin, which has a transport function - it delivers oxygen molecules to cells.

Despite the fact that the berries contain iron, this mineral is not absorbed by the human body, so eating blueberries does not lead to an increase in the amount of transport protein in the blood, but to its decrease.

The chemical composition of blueberries is rich in the following groups of compounds:

  • digestible carbohydrates: starch/dextrins/monosaccharides/disaccharides;
  • saturated fatty acids;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids: omega-3/omega-6;
  • essential amino acids: arginine/valine/histidine/isoleucine/leucine/lysine/methionine/threonine/tryptophan/phenylalanine;
  • nonessential amino acids: alanine/aspartic acid/glycine/glutamic acid/proline/serine/tyrosine/cysteine;
  • phytoncides - anthocyanins;
  • organic acids: malic/citric/succinic/oxalic/lactic/quinine;
  • tannins;
  • coloring agents;
  • pectins.

Despite the fact that the proportion of proteins is quite small in terms of weight, the composition still contains amino acids, the combination of which is unique:

  • glycine normalizes blood circulation and brain function;
  • arginine dilates blood vessels, lowers blood pressure;
  • phenylalanine eliminates headaches;
  • tryptophan increases emotional levels and prevents depression.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids serve as a powerful tool for preserving youth, slowing down the natural aging process.

The proportion of organic acids, among which citric acid predominates, is quite small, so the berry does not cause heartburn attacks. Pectins are not digested by the human body, creating a feeling of fullness and thereby promoting weight loss. Tannins determine the antimicrobial effect. Anthocyanins, the concentration of which is quite high, prevent the formation of tumors and have an anticancer effect.

The seeds contain on average up to thirty percent fatty oils and protein. Obtained by cold pressing the product, the oil is rich in:

  • tocopherol acetate;
  • retinol acetate;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • fatty acids: oleic, linolenic, linoleic.

These compounds determine the pronounced rejuvenating and antioxidant effect of blueberry oil.

Blueberry leaves are less beneficial than berries

The composition of the leaves is rich:

  • ascorbic acid;
  • tannins;
  • glycosides;
  • flavonoids;
  • elite oils;
  • quinic, ursulic, oleanic, gallic, benzoic, tartaric acids;
  • hydroquinone;
  • myrtilline;
  • triterpene alcohol;
  • ericoline;
  • ceryl alcohol;
  • neomirtilline;
  • arbutin;
  • minerals: potassium/sodium/magnesium/calcium/iron/sulfur/phosphorus/chlorine/iodine.

Oleanic acid determines the antitumor and antiviral effect, malic acid - laxative, citric acid - antioxidant, quinic acid - normalizes body temperature, has a restorative effect, ursulic acid - anti-inflammatory, gallic acid - antitumor, hemostatic, anticancer. Benzoic acid, which is found in blueberry leaves, is known to act as a natural preservative.

Arbutin, which is isolated from blueberries for use in the pharmaceutical industry, has an antiseptic effect.

It is also worth noting that the plant is prone to the accumulation of radionuclides, so the berry is subject to additional control for the content of radium salts. For this reason, you should not collect fruits in dubious or unknown places, and as for purchasing - only in places where a radiation test is carried out.

Externally, blueberries that are hazardous to health are no different from those that do not contain radium, so it is impossible to determine this parameter on your own, without special equipment.

Despite the average lifespan of the shrub forty years, over time the amount of useful substances in the fruits decreases: it is recommended to collect from plants that are between ten and fifteen years old.

Such blueberries, over ten and under fifteen years old, contain few branches grown from the main trunk.

Blueberries: beneficial properties

The positive effect on the human body is expressed by the following effects:

  • improved brain function;
  • normalization of the functioning of the cardiovascular nervous system;
  • improved blood circulation;
  • prevention of eye diseases associated with the retina (not to be confused with the refractive apparatus);
  • cleansing;
  • stimulating (immune system);
  • decreased blood viscosity;
  • prevention of strokes, heart attacks;
  • regulating the number of cholesterol and glucose units in the circulatory system;
  • laxative;
  • antioxidant;
  • antitumor;
  • strengthening (hair follicles and hair shafts, nail plates, musculoskeletal system);
  • improving (appearance of the epidermis, metabolism, metabolic processes);
  • anti-inflammatory (dried fruits);
  • nutritious;
  • vaso-strengthening.

Decoctions prepared from dried blueberries are used as a means to combat diarrhea due to their pronounced antimicrobial effect. The anti-cancer effect is explained by the presence of anthocyanins in the chemical composition, the concentration of which determines the color and saturation of the shade (when compared with blueberries, the berry has a darker shade under a bluish bloom).

It is worth distinguishing between the benefits of different parts of the plant: fruits, seeds, leaves. The first are recommended to be consumed whole, the second - in the form of oil, the third - in decoctions, infusions, teas.

There is an opinion that the benefits of blueberries for the body lie in their miraculous effect on the visual organs: the plant is credited with a regenerative effect, which has not been scientifically confirmed. In fact, the rich vitamin and mineral composition serves rather as a preventive measure for impaired eye function; certain substances have a beneficial effect on the retina, accelerating cell renewal.

Due to the low content of organic acids, the berry does not contribute to the destruction of tooth enamel, does not cause heartburn attacks, and is not contraindicated for inflammation and ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract.

Blueberries: beneficial properties and contraindications for women

The presence of problems with the hair shafts indicates possible malfunctions in the functioning of internal organs and systems, as a result of which the circulatory system does not deliver nutritional compounds to the hair follicles, deep layers of the dermis, and nail plates. For this reason, hair becomes dull, loses its natural shine, becomes brittle and split.

It is impossible to restore the damaged structure with any, even expensive procedures and means available in beauty salons. In this way, it is only possible to temporarily hide defects for the reason that there are no analogues to human collagen, and the animal is rejected after four to eight weeks.

In order for hair, epidermis, and nails to acquire a healthy appearance, it is necessary to improve the composition of the blood and cleanse the intestines of waste and toxins. These two tasks can be accomplished with the help of specialized dietary supplements or those rich in vitamins and minerals - B vitamins, tocopherol acetate, copper, zinc, magnesium. Blueberries contain not only these compounds, but also polyunsaturated fatty acids, which prevent early aging.

Amino acids have a normalizing effect on the nervous system, glycine improves blood circulation and brain function, anthocyanins prevent the formation of tumors.

If the effects are positive, nursing mothers should still not consume this product for at least four months after giving birth.

Blueberries strengthen the immune system

Blueberries for pregnant women: benefits and harms

The undoubted positive effect on the body did not pass by that period in the life of every woman when twice as much vitamins and minerals are required. You can eat the berries fresh, compote, fruit juice, but with caution. The fact is that a high calcium content can lead to complicated childbirth, oxalic acid can accumulate in the kidneys, and the use of excessively large quantities can cause individual intolerance to the product in mother and baby.

In order not to cause a negative effect on the fetus, before introducing it into the diet, you should still consult a doctor and follow the recommended amounts.

Strict adherence to contraindications and norms can solve some problems at different stages of pregnancy:

  • eliminate toxicosis;
  • prevent heartburn;
  • improve metabolism;
  • increase stress resistance.

To eliminate heartburn and attacks of toxicosis, it is recommended to drink fruit drinks.

It is worth noting that the berry, despite the fact that most sources talk about a possible increase in the level of transport protein, hemoglobin, in the circulatory system, does not have such an effect.

In fact, saponins, which average around 2.0% by weight, interfere with iron absorption. For this reason, when wondering how to increase hemoglobin, you should note that there are foods that contain iron, but lead to a decrease in the amount of transport protein.

Blueberries: beneficial properties and contraindications for men

Due to the high content of tocopherol acetate, the berry prevents diseases of the male genitourinary system, improves potency, and increases libido. B vitamins in combination with tryptophan increase stress resistance, copper preserves the natural shade of curls, nicotinic acid prevents early gray hair, zinc prevents excessive hair loss.

Arginine has a vasodilating effect, as a result of which regular use serves as a prevention of hypertension.

It is known that men over 50 years of age are more susceptible to diseases of the cardiovascular system. The chemical composition of the fruits of the plant contains potassium, which strengthens the functioning of the heart muscle, so the benefit of the fruits is that regular use prevents strokes and heart attacks.

Blueberries: benefits for children

For the child's body, the berry is a natural source of vitamins and minerals and can be introduced into the diet of babies over seven months of age in the form of juice or fruit drink. Pediatricians do not recommend giving it in its pure form for up to 12 months, and for up to three years, grinding it into a puree due to possible inhalation. In fact, the range of beneficial effects for a child’s body is wide:

  • from six months can be added to curds;
  • prevents diseases of the organs of vision;
  • has an immunostimulating effect;
  • improves brain function;
  • used in the treatment of inflammation associated with the oral cavity.

The juice can be used to lubricate mouth ulcers of six-month-old babies.

Despite the wide range of benefits, cases of allergic reactions and individual intolerance are rare.

Frozen blueberries: beneficial properties

Placing berries in the freezer can preserve all the positive qualities for twelve months. The specified period guarantees health benefits, but over time, even in deep freezing conditions, destruction of vitamin substances occurs.

To prevent frozen berries from sticking together, the fruits must first be sorted, removing those susceptible to spoilage, then dried, placed on paper towels, and laid out on the bottom of the mold in one row. In this form, it must be kept in the freezer until completely frozen, then put in an airtight container or bag.

The container must be designed for storage at low temperatures, otherwise a specific unpleasant odor may appear. In this form, you can purchase the product ready-made all year round in retail chains.

Frozen blueberries are an excellent helper for the human immune system.

Dried blueberries: beneficial properties

Drying is carried out at a temperature of 50 to 60 degrees Celsius. To do this, the berries, previously washed under running water, are placed:

  • in the shade on the street (natural conditions);
  • dryer (specialized device);
  • oven (initial temperature is 40 degrees).

Under natural conditions, complete dehydration occurs in seven to ten days, the berry acquires a slightly tart taste with an astringent note and changes characteristics: dried fruits have a strengthening effect and fully retain their beneficial properties for two years.

Garden blueberries: health benefits and harm, how to grow

At the moment, breeders have not developed specialized varieties that can grow on flat terrain, but the berry can still be grown in the central zone of the Russian Federation. What you need to consider is:

  • acidic soil;
  • humidity;
  • penumbra;
  • illumination

If at least one of the requirements is not met, the fruits will have a sour taste or be completely tasteless.

Landing rules:

  1. First you need to mix peat with sand, sawdust, leaves, pine needles in an arbitrary proportion, and add powdered sulfur.
  2. Recommended time is the first ten days of October.
  3. There should be at least one and a half meters from bush to bush.
  4. Pit size: diameter half a meter, depth at least sixty centimeters.


  1. They are preparing a pit.
  2. Cover with soil, fill the soil with water.
  3. Leave for at least thirty days.
  4. Dig a hole.
  5. Moisturize.
  6. Place the seedling so that the roots are not damaged.
  7. Fill in half the soil.
  8. Pour out half to a full bucket of water.
  9. Fill up all the soil, make a hole, pour out half a bucket of water.
  10. Fill the hole with leaves or pine needles.

If the place for growing is chosen correctly, in the future it is necessary to regularly water and fertilize:

  • feeding - once a year, preferably in the autumn;
  • watering during the season - twice a month.

When the bushes are three years old, excess branches will need to be pruned. The procedure must be performed annually in the future.

Medicinal properties of blueberries

According to data from various sources, the therapeutic effect attributed to the fruits of the plant by traditional healers in relation to the organs of vision is greatly exaggerated. Official medicine does not deny the fact of a beneficial effect on the retina of the eye organs, but the regenerative effect has not been proven by science. The fact is that vitamin substances of a chemical composition can improve the regeneration of retinal cells, but in the fight against myopia, farsightedness, and astigmatism, blueberries, the health benefits and harms of which are interrelated, are powerless.

However, doctors still do not deny the fact that regular use prevents eye diseases, hypertension, strokes, heart attacks, and thrombosis.

An interesting fact is that fresh berries are not effective against diarrhea, but a decoction prepared from dried fruits can eliminate problems in the gastrointestinal tract.

Due to the pronounced cholesterol-lowering effect, it can be used in the presence of diabetes mellitus.

Blueberry leaves: medicinal properties and contraindications

The text above presents the chemical composition of the leaves, which naturally differs from the fruits of the plant. Due to the presence of tannins, anthocyanins, and minerals, decoctions and other drinks prepared from foliage collected from the beginning of flowering to the formation of the ovary have a pronounced vascular-strengthening effect.

Young leaves are used to prevent and treat diseases such as hypertension.

Indications for use:

  • diseases of the epidermis;
  • impaired vision;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the kidneys, cardiovascular, genitourinary, and nervous systems;
  • digestive disorders;
  • anemia;
  • haemorrhoids.

To prepare tea, just immerse four tablespoons of leaves in a teapot for brewing, add a liter of boiling water, cover with a lid, and leave for at least thirty minutes.

It is contraindicated to drink drinks with leaves in the presence of constipation, diagnosis of impaired functioning of an organ such as the pancreas, or individual intolerance.

The foliage contains carcinogenic agents, so you should not drink more than two glasses of decoctions, infusions, and teas per day. For this reason, therapy should be carried out in courses with breaks.

Blueberries: benefits for vision

According to data provided by official medicine, the berry has an improving effect on the organs of vision, can be used as a prophylactic against hypertension, and can support the functioning of the visual system, but in the presence of serious diseases there is no pronounced therapeutic effect.

Experts say that there are no pharmaceutical preparations made from blueberry extract or dried juice with clinical trials. Dietary supplements on the market can only maintain vision at the existing level, preventing further deterioration.

You should not hope to independently cure impaired vision with the help of berries: if there are any deviations, therapeutic agents should be prescribed by a doctor.

Blueberries improve retinal trophism

Blueberries for type 2 diabetes: benefits and harms

The berry is recommended for use in diabetes mellitus in fresh, dried, paste form as an immunostimulating, vascular strengthening agent that reduces the amount of cholesterol in the circulatory system. Leaves and young shoots (in the form of decoctions, teas, infusions) are also suitable for use.

When diagnosing diabetes, it is prohibited to consume jams, preserves, fruits pureed with sugar, but the use of dishes with fructose should be discussed with your doctor.

Blueberry shoots: beneficial properties and contraindications

This part is available fresh to residents of the northern regions of our country, and the rest can be ordered via the Internet with delivery throughout the Russian Federation in dried form. Infusions have a pronounced hypoglycemic and cholesterol-lowering effect, therefore they are used in the treatment of diabetes mellitus. Before use, you must carefully read the instructions, where manufacturers offer recipes for healing drinks. The list of indications also includes inflammatory processes in the throat, metabolic problems, and peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum.

The dried shoots available on the market are not medicinal, but you should still consult a doctor before using them.

Do not use if you have gastritis with low acidity, impaired functioning of the pancreas, or poor blood clotting.

Blueberries: beneficial properties and contraindications for blood pressure

Science has not proven the property of the berry to have a regenerative effect on the organs of vision, but there are facts confirming the possibility of reducing the likelihood of developing hypertension. Fresh fruits, decoctions or infusions of leaves can be used for medicinal purposes. The fact is that the benefits of blueberries for blood vessels are explained by the presence in the chemical composition of an amino acid called arginine, which strengthens the walls of capillaries, increases elasticity, and ultimately lowers blood pressure.

The indicated positive effect occurs with an increased background pressure, but with chronic hypotension a greater decrease in blood pressure is possible (if excessively large quantities are consumed).

Blueberries: contraindications and side effects

The chemical composition of the berry includes unique combinations of amino acids, vitamins with minerals and fatty acids, and the low content of organic acids reduces the likelihood of heartburn attacks. These properties occur when the recommendations for daily consumed quantities are followed. The possibility of an allergic reaction in the form of nausea, vomiting, and dizziness cannot be ruled out. Overuse can also cause serious food poisoning.

It is worth knowing that blueberries, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which are interrelated, are prohibited for consumption if you have:

  • individual intolerance;
  • diarrhea;
  • impaired functioning of an organ such as the kidneys (if urolithiasis is diagnosed);
  • chronic diseases associated with the functioning of the pancreas;
  • impaired liver function;
  • chronic constipation;
  • children less than seven months old;
  • the first four months of breastfeeding (severe complications in the baby are possible).

If you have any diseases that are not listed in the list of contraindications, you should consult your doctor before introducing this product into your diet.

The berry should not be used during a course of treatment with pharmaceuticals that have a blood-thinning effect: in this case, heavy bleeding is possible.

Blueberries: how to choose and store

Fresh berries have a laxative effect due to the malic acid contained in the chemical composition, which occurs with constipation, but is not at all useful for diarrhea, which can also be caused by eating stale fruits. It is worth noting that berries with an unpleasant odor and traces of mold may contain fungi called aflatoxins that are deadly to the human body. For this reason, the choice of fruits should be treated with special attention.

You should not buy berries in dubious places - the plant accumulates radioactive elements, so the harvested crop must go through a stage of testing for the appropriate quality indicator. Unfortunately, it is impossible to visually determine this parameter - this will require expensive equipment that specialized laboratories are equipped with.

Criteria for selecting quality products:

  • specific pleasant smell;
  • solid color;
  • no darkening;
  • lack of soft spots;
  • elastic to the touch;
  • absence of traces of rot, mold, sour notes in taste and smell.

The presence of a specific waxy coating, which gives a lighter shade, indicates that the blueberries were picked manually and is not the reason for the refusal. If the product does not meet the above criteria, it means that it is better to purchase the berries elsewhere.

If there is an opportunity to harvest, you should not rush to use it immediately: you need to first find out whether the area is susceptible to radioactive radiation.

Those who are wondering whether it is possible to buy berries if there are damaged units of the product should know that molds tend to reproduce by spores, which are small in size and quickly spread to other products. For this reason, if there are traces of mold in a batch, you need to take into account that the fruits will not be stored fresh for a long time.

The blueberry season lasts about a month, and those who want to maintain a healthy diet strive to obtain vitamins and minerals from natural sources year-round. To preserve the taste of the juicy pulp of purple fruits until the next harvest, you can use the freezer, dryer, or prepare preparations.

Over time, beneficial substances undergo destruction and the synthesis of harmful compounds occurs, so you should not store the product for too long. Guaranteed validity under the following conditions:

  • pre-washed berries placed in an open container with a paper towel at the bottom – 5-10 days;
  • airtight container, freezer – 1 year;
  • paper bag, dry place, protected from direct sunlight and moisture (for dried) – 2 years.

It will be possible to preserve the properties of a fresh harvest for a specified period of time only if a number of requirements are met, because blueberries very quickly rot and lose their benefits due to the lack of natural preservatives in the chemical composition (the concentration of benzoic acid is quite low). To do this you need:

  1. Sort through the fruits, remove twigs and spoiled berries.
  2. Rinse under running water and place in a colander.
  3. When the excess liquid has drained, mix one glass of table vinegar with three glasses of boiled water.
  4. Immerse the berries in the prepared solution.
  5. Hold for no more than thirty seconds.
  6. Rinse under running water and place in a colander.
  7. As excess liquid drips off, dry on a paper towel.
  8. Place dry berries in an open container, line the bottom with paper towels.

It should be stored in this form in the refrigerator, but not in the compartment intended for fruits/vegetables and not on the very top shelf - this will avoid moisture and the formation of condensation drops. Berries should be sorted daily, removing spoiled ones.

Blueberries: what you can cook

Fresh blueberries have the greatest benefits, and cooking dishes with heat treatment leads to the destruction of vitamin substances and increases the energy value. This factor should be taken into account when choosing a storage method.

Blueberry tea lowers blood sugar levels

Blackcurrant leaf tea with blueberries: benefits and harms

Ready-made teas with the indicated components are available for sale, which have a general strengthening effect on the body. Do not forget that if you have any diseases, you should first consult your doctor before use. You can also prepare the drink yourself, using dry or fresh raw materials.


  • currant leaves/1 teaspoon;
  • birch/1 teaspoon;
  • blueberries, leaves/1 teaspoon;
  • boiling water/500 milliliters.
  1. Place the indicated quantities of herbs into the teapot.
  2. Add boiling water.
  3. Leave for at least ten minutes with the lid closed.

Blueberry jam: benefits and harms

Previously, this version of the dish was the main one for preserving the favorite taste until the February frosts. At this time of year, the amino acids present in the chemical composition of the product can be a means to avoid winter depression. The dish can be found everywhere on the shelves of retail chains, and you can also cook it yourself. It is worth considering that beneficial substances remain intact to a minimal extent during cooking, because unstable B vitamins, ascorbic acid and other compounds are subject to destruction. The addition of sugar expands the range of contraindications - making the product inapplicable for diabetes.


  • blueberries/one kilogram;
  • sugar/one and a half kilograms.

If fructose is used as a sweetener, the required amount is 900 grams. In this case, jam can be eaten if you have diabetes. The dish has another advantage: fructose does not destroy tooth enamel.

Step-by-step preparation scheme:

  1. Sort the berries, remove spoiled ones, rinse under running water, and place in a colander to drain excess moisture.
  2. Combine the fruits with 700 grams of sugar in a saucepan.
  3. After five hours, when the juice appears, drain the liquid fraction.
  4. Separately, mix the juice with sugar in a saucepan and put on fire.
  5. As the juice dissolves, add the berries.
  6. Cook for no longer than five minutes (from the moment of boiling).
  7. Store in a dry, cool place away from direct sunlight (cellar).

Chicory with blueberries: beneficial properties

The drink is a mixture of extracts: the rhizomes of a plant growing under our feet (everywhere) with a berry in the form of an extract or whole (dried). Known for its positive effects and high inulin content, chicory helps improve metabolic processes and accelerate metabolism. The addition of berries expands the spectrum of action, imparting antioxidant properties.

Before use, you must carefully study the manufacturer's instructions presented on the packaging and adhere to the recommended quantities for use. An overdose may not have the best effect on the general condition of the body, and in the presence of chronic/acute forms of diseases, before introducing such a drink into the diet, you should first consult a doctor.

Blueberry syrup with fructose: benefits and harms

The addition of fructose instead of sucrose improves the digestibility of alcohol, which is important in case of poisoning from an alcohol-containing drink. The syrup can be purchased ready-made via the Internet. Manufacturers recommend using it for the treatment and prevention of diseases associated with impaired metabolism (gout, arthritis, arthrosis).

Before use, you must first consult with your doctor.

Blueberry fruit drink: recipe


  • fruits/150 grams;
  • sugar/150 grams;
  • water/one liter.

The drink is suitable for twisting for the winter (then it requires five minutes of cooking).

Step-by-step preparation scheme:

  1. Sort the fruits, remove the stalks, rinse under running water, place in a colander to drain excess moisture.
  2. Combine water and sugar in a non-metallic container and place on fire.
  3. As it boils, add the fruits.
  4. Turn off the heat, remove from the stove, and cool.

Blueberries mashed with sugar: benefits and harms

The berry, which is not subject to prolonged cooking, still retains vitamin substances, because sugar acts as a preservative additive, but the presence of a sweetener in the composition of the dish still reduces to zero all the benefits of the plant’s fruits. This property expands the range of contraindications, and the dish can be consumed as a dessert without a therapeutic effect.

When making at home, you should follow the proportions specified in the recipe: violation can lead to rapid spoilage or a cloying taste.


  • blueberries/kilogram;
  • sugar/two kilograms.

Step-by-step preparation scheme:

  1. Sort the berries, removing any spoiled ones, and rinse thoroughly under running water.
  2. Place in a colander to drain excess moisture.
  3. Dry by shaking the colander.
  4. In a container suitable for whipping, combine the sugar with the fruit.
  5. Beat until the sugar grains are completely dissolved.
  6. Pour into pre-sterilized containers, screw the lids on the jars.

Store the dish in the refrigerator for no longer than 12 months.

Blueberries with milk: benefits and harms

When purchasing frozen berries, it is difficult not to notice on the packaging a recipe for preparing a drink with milk, where various manufacturers recommend adding the fruits of the plant to milk and blending with a blender. The use of this dish should be treated with caution: the fact is that there are both disadvantages and advantages:

  • the laxative effect increases;
  • the absorption of nutrients increases;
  • recommended for children;
  • It is not advisable for adults to drink.

The fact is that when a person reaches the age of twenty, the amount of enzymatic substances in the body that can break down a substance called lactose gradually decreases. In this regard, the possibility of digesting this drink is lost, because the following disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract are possible:

  • bloating;
  • increased gas formation;
  • discomfort in the abdominal area;
  • diarrhea.

Children under three years of age should not drink the described mixture, and at an older age it can be given to a child only in the absence of allergic reactions. The dish has a number of positive effects:

  • improved functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • improved brain functioning;
  • strengthening immunity.

Regular use serves as a prevention of colds and viral infections, to which the body is more susceptible during periods of autumn-spring vitamin deficiencies.

Blueberry compote: benefits

According to doctors, preparing such dishes where there is a long heat treatment lasting more than ten minutes is worth taking into account the loss of the positive effect. During the specified period of time, complete destruction of useful substances occurs, because B vitamins, for example, destruct over time even under deep-freezing conditions.


  • fruits/three hundred grams;
  • water/three liters;
  • sugar/to taste.

Step-by-step preparation scheme:

  1. Rinse the berries thoroughly under running water and place in a colander to drain excess moisture. If we are talking about a frozen product, preliminary defrosting is not required.
  2. Combine sugar and water in a saucepan, place on the stove, and turn up the heat.
  3. As it boils, add the fruits.
  4. Cook for no more than one minute with the lid closed (from the moment of boiling).
  5. Remove the compote from the stove and cool.

Kefir with blueberries: benefits and harm

The dish is part of a kind of dietary food system, which involves a three-day diet according to the following scheme:

  • breakfast: cottage cheese (100 grams) + 100 grams of blueberries + a teaspoon of sour cream / kefir, one with so.;
  • snack: kefir (150 grams) + berries (250 grams);
  • lunch is similar to breakfast;
  • snack: yogurt (100 g) + berries (150 g);
  • dinner is the same as the first snack.

This nutritional system is not recommended in the presence of any deviations, because, despite all the health benefits of the berry, a three-day restriction from eating familiar foods can lead to malfunctions of internal organs and increase the symptoms of existing diseases. For this reason, you can follow the described scheme only if there are no deviations.

Due to the high fiber content, following the rules of this diet you can lose up to three kilograms in just three days. In combination with kefir, the fruits of the plant act as a laxative that improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, so you can consume the dish without adhering to a dietary system.

The use of blueberries in cosmetology

In the cosmetic industry, not only the pulp is used, but also the juice, extract of the plant’s fruit, as well as the seeds contained in the pulp, from which valuable oil is obtained by pressing (cold pressing). The fact is that visible problems with the epidermis, hair strands, and nail plates are only a consequence of impaired functioning of internal organs, bad habits, contact with chemicals, external factors and other reasons.

To restore the healthy appearance of these parts of the body, you should act comprehensively, combining proper nutrition with care procedures. To do this, you can use high-tech tools developed in laboratories that can solve existing problems in two or three applications, but the result will disappear as the course ends. You can achieve stable results with homemade masks, which will cost a pittance, but the first improvements should be expected after at least a month of regular use.

If there is excessive loss of strands, dandruff, itching, peeling of the epidermis of the face and other abnormalities, a doctor’s consultation is necessary.

For home remedies, fresh berries or oil are suitable. The oil can be purchased ready-made and used to solve the following problems with the facial epidermis:

  • acne;
  • enlarged pores;
  • excessive fat content;
  • redness;
  • uneven tone;
  • age-related changes;
  • the presence of dark circles in the periocular area.

Effects of using blueberry oil:

  • toning;
  • rejuvenation;
  • hydration;
  • nutrition;
  • regeneration.

The product has no restrictions for use by type of epidermis, which cannot be said about fresh berries, which are not advisable to use on dry dermis. The disadvantage of products made from fresh berries is the pronounced coloring effect. You can solve the problem by rinsing with lemon water.

Do not use metal utensils when making home remedies: useful components may oxidize.

Blueberry: mask for the skin around the eyes


  • berries/two tablespoons;
  • aloe vera gel/two tablespoons

Preparation: Rinse the fruits of the plant under running water, dry, and put in the refrigerator for an hour. Mash the cooled berries until pureed, add the gel, mix.

Application: After washing with a special product, spread with a sponge in an even layer in the area around the eyes. Twenty minutes after application, remove using warm water.

Result: Moisturizing, refreshing.

Blueberry: face mask


  • fruits/two tablespoons;
  • sour cream/two hundred spoons

Preparation: Rinse the berries under running water, dry, mash, pour in sour cream, stir.

Application: Using a sponge, distribute the mixture along the massage lines, after deep cleansing the dermis of the face. After fifteen minutes, remove using cool boiled water.

Result: Nutrition, toning, moisturizing, eliminating signs of fatigue, preventing early aging.

Blueberries: hair mask recipe


  • fruits/three hundred grams;
  • water temperature no higher than 90 degrees/according to the number of berries.

Preparation: Add hot water to the washed and dried berries and leave until cool. Next, drain off excess moisture and grind the mixture into a homogeneous mass.

Application: Rub into the root part of the hair shafts, distribute the remainder among the curls, insulate your head first with a bag (a plastic cap is also suitable), then with a towel. After thirty minutes, remove with water.

Result: Shine, radiance, moisturizing, eliminating split ends.

Blueberries: as many as possible per day

Consuming excessively large quantities of a product with a pronounced laxative effect can cause diarrhea and other symptoms of rejection. To provide the body with the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals for a day, it is enough to eat 250-300 grams. For children, the maximum daily dose is from one hundred to one hundred and fifty grams. The specified amount guarantees maximum benefit without side effects, because to improve your health, you should use the product in small portions, but regularly.

Brief summary

  1. It is known that the benefits and harms of blueberries, which depend on compliance with contraindications and the recommended daily intake, grow in the northern regions of our country, but can be grown in the middle zone, taking into account a number of nuances.
  2. The chemical composition contains amino acids that regulate brain function, improve blood circulation, and dilate blood vessels. B vitamins in combination with minerals improve the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.
  3. The rich hue of blueberries is determined by the concentration of substances called anthocyanins, which have an antitumor effect.
  4. It is necessary to distinguish between the benefits of fruits, seeds, leaves, shoots - the effect of each part is determined by the chemical composition.
  5. Despite the positive effect, if there are any deviations, in order not to cause an increase in the symptoms of the existing disease, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Blueberries are small, black, bead-shaped fruits that have beneficial properties. To improve visual acuity and for eye diseases, summer berries are eaten. In addition to the fruits, the leaves and shoots of the plant also provide benefits. They are used to treat and prevent many ailments, because the plant has very few contraindications.

Berries contain (per 100 g):

Berries also contain:

Blueberries, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which not everyone knows, are famous not only for the benefits of their fruits, but also for their healing leaves and shoots.

  • acids (citric, oxalic, tartaric, malic, benzoic, gallic);
  • minerals (iron, sulfur, chlorine, potassium, magnesium);
  • tannins;
  • vitamin C;
  • saponins;
  • carotenoids;
  • arbutin (eliminates inflammatory processes in the bladder).

The leaves and shoots have an antimicrobial effect, relieve fever, and treat diabetes, since thanks to special substances in the composition they normalize glucose in the blood. Both the brewed leaf and fresh or frozen berries contain up to 35 kcal per 100 g.

Beneficial properties for women and men

Blueberry extracts are included in many medical complexes for males and females.

Thanks to its rich organic content, the berry helps women with:

  • skin problems (age wrinkles, aging);
  • thinning hair (loss, brittleness, lifelessness);
  • weak nail plate (delamination, fragility);
  • retention of excess fluid;
  • vaginal candidiasis (thrush);
  • loss of female function (menopause);
  • spontaneous emission of urine.

In solving men's problems it is useful for:

  • maintaining male strength and erection;
  • treatment of pelvic inflammation.

Possible harm

Blueberries, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which should be known to berry lovers, can harm the body if consumed unwisely.

So, overeating can provoke:

When consumed in small quantities of dried berries or infusions, blueberries strengthen the stool. But large portions, on the contrary, can cause diarrhea due to the abundance of fiber. In pregnant women, the likelihood of constipation increases physiologically, so they should eat blueberries with caution.

Also, during pregnancy, women with gallbladder problems may experience heartburn and epigastric pain. This is due to the fact that blueberries enhance the movement of bile.

You should not eat a lot of blueberries before an upcoming operation, as they thin the blood. For people with severe hypotension, excessive consumption of berries can cause the blood pressure to drop even further. In type 2 diabetes, they lower blood sugar, which can lead to hypoglycemia.

Blueberries tend to accumulate radiation, so only berries collected in areas with a favorable environmental situation will be useful. Blueberries are not harmful if consumed in moderation, taking into account the characteristics of the body and its current condition.

Indications for use

Blueberries are indicated for:

Blueberry leaves and shoots are used for:

  • Cold manifestations of acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections (due to the anti-inflammatory effect).
  • Atherosclerosis (to clean blood vessels from harmful plaques).
  • Increased blood sugar.
  • Excess weight (reduces appetite).
  • Sore throat, cough.
  • Prevention of rotting processes in the stomach.


The ban on the use of fruits and decoctions for food is associated with:

  • the presence of stones in the kidneys and gall bladder (due to the content of oxalic acid);
  • unhealthy pancreas;
  • increased stomach acidity;
  • severely thin blood, hemophilia;
  • unwanted reactions, intolerance, allergies.

Recipes for folk remedies with blueberries

Blueberries, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which were discussed above, are used in recipes for home treatment:

For vision

The significant content of beta-carotene (vitamin A) has ensured that the berry is widely used for:

  • cataracts;
  • changes in the cornea;
  • myopia in children;
  • inflammation of the eyes.

In order to nourish your eyes during the season, simply eat the berries little by little on their own or prepare yoghurts, smoothies and fruit desserts with cottage cheese. In this form, the absorption of all necessary substances occurs in the maximum volume and in a natural way.

There are also recipes for making eye drops from blueberry juice. But such medications should be taken with caution, having received consultation and approval from a doctor, especially when it comes to a child’s eyes.

For gastritis, colitis

Blueberries, whose beneficial properties and contraindications differ for each disease, are also used for gastritis and colitis.

For colitis, berries help relieve inflammation of the intestinal walls.

This is facilitated by antioxidants and polyphenols, which, in combination with prebiotics, kill pathogenic microbes and stimulate the growth of beneficial flora.

When consumed with prebiotics, the maximum effect is achieved, the volume of inflamed mucosa is reduced, tissue regeneration occurs due to the division of cells of beneficial flora.

The easiest way is to eat kefir cocktails with blueberries or natural yoghurts with the addition of this berry.

The benefits of using blueberries for gastritis depend on the acidity. If it is lowered, then the berries will make digestion softer and more comfortable. And with excessive secretion of gastric juice, the situation can worsen.

In case of exacerbation of gastritis and colitis, the use of berries is not recommended. Fresh blueberries can be consumed only during the period of remission of these diseases.

For hemorrhoids

If you are prone to stool retention and hemorrhoids, you should consume blueberries carefully so as not to provoke excessively strong stools. But with a reasonable approach and used for medicinal purposes, blueberries can relieve the unpleasant conditions associated with hemorrhoids.

To do this, prepare a berry infusion:

  1. Cooled– mashed berries (2 tablespoons) are poured into a glass of boiled, cooled water, left for several hours and drunk 1⁄4 glasses 4 times a day before meals.
  2. Warm- Pour boiling water over the berries in a glass and mash. Drink in equal parts throughout the day.

You can prepare a medicinal tincture using vodka and blueberries. To do this, pour half a glass of pureed berries with vodka and keep in a dark place. Take 12 drops 3 times a day.

For anemia

Lack of iron causes loss of strength and the development of anemia. Iron-rich leaves and blueberries will help raise hemoglobin.

Take in equal shares:

  • dried blueberries;
  • rose hip;
  • black elderberry;
  • dried black currants;
  • St. John's wort;
  • oregano;

Everything is mixed and crushed. When brewing tea, add one teaspoon of the composition to a mug and pour boiling water over it. Freshly squeezed blueberry juice is especially beneficial for anemia. Drink it three times a day, 120 ml before meals.

Blueberry tea also helps with reducing hemoglobin. A drink like regular tea is brewed from blueberry leaves.

From impotence

Research conducted in England has established a relationship between eating foods rich in flavonoids and men's sexual health. So, men who ate at least 3 handfuls of blueberries a week were less likely to complain about disorders and problems in this area.

Anthocyanin is useful for male potency. Blueberries lead the list of products containing this substance. Another beneficial property of anthocyanin is its anti-inflammatory effect.

Berries have a beneficial effect on male power, thanks to anthocyanins and flavonoids.

For throat diseases

For colds and acute respiratory infections, blueberries and their leaves are used. Thanks to the antimicrobial effect, unpleasant symptoms are eliminated: cough, runny nose, sneezing. Blueberries are good for treating children, they are good for them and taste good.

You can cook a sweet compote and give it to your baby a little at a time, or crush a few berries in a mug and just add boiling water. You can gargle with the same drink to relieve inflammation. Herbal tea is prepared from dry leaves and berries for severe coughs and drunk with honey.

For diseases of the genitourinary system

Blueberries, the beneficial properties of which have now been well studied, are also used to treat the genitourinary system. It relieves inflammation of the kidneys and ureters. Removes sandy stones and small stones. Prevents the development of harmful microorganisms in the bladder. Has a diuretic effect. However, in the presence of large stones it is contraindicated.

For urinary incontinence, use blueberry decoctions along with blackberries. 50 g of blueberries and 50 g of blackberries are poured into 500 ml of water and brought to a boil. After cooling and straining, use 125 ml 4 times a day before meals.

It is also useful to drink blueberry jelly when spontaneous urination occurs. To do this, first boil blueberry compote and then add starch dissolved in cold water. Stir everything over low heat until completely combined so that no lumps form.

For skin diseases

Blueberries are also useful for treating skin diseases. Dried and fresh berries are used for eczema and dermatitis. A decoction of dry leaves can be added to baths or made into small foot baths for prickly heat.

Compresses are prepared from dry berries. Take berries in a ratio of 1:4 to water, bring to a boil and wait until half of the liquid has evaporated. The remaining mass is cooled, a compress is made using gauze, clean cotton or linen cloth and applied to problem areas.

From pressure

A large amount of blueberries is contraindicated for hypotensive people, as blood pressure can drop even more. For hypertension, accordingly, the use of berries and decoctions is recommended. To prevent VSD in the summer, you should eat a sufficient amount of fresh berries. The high content of organic substances, monosaccharides and proteins will support the functioning of the heart and blood vessels and stabilize blood pressure.

Fruit drinks and decoctions are prepared for medicinal purposes.

The dried leaf is included in high blood pressure formulations:

  • valerian – 10 g;
  • linden (flowers) – 10 g;
  • blueberries (leaf) – 10 g.

Combine everything and pour 400 ml of water into a thermos. Leave for an hour and drink 100 ml before meals.

For oncology

The berry has an antitumor effect and fights malignant tumors.

Biologically active components allow:

  • trigger the self-destruction mechanism of cancer cells;
  • relieve inflammation;
  • eliminate free radicals;
  • suppress the synthesis of a provoking factor that leads to the transformation of healthy cells into diseased cancer cells;
  • blocks protein synthesis in “bad” diseased cells, preventing them from growing.

For diabetes

Reduces the risk of developing diabetes thanks to insulin-like substances. When consuming blueberries, insulin sensitivity increases and the production of this hormone is stimulated.

The body receives additional protection from the harmful effects of glucose. Berry juice and plant extract promote the growth and restoration of pancreatic cells responsible for the production of insulin.

For diarrhea, constipation

As noted earlier, the effect on the intestines can be ambiguous and individual in each case. The berry is believed to cause constipation. But still, when consuming a large portion of berries, fiber usually increases intestinal motility and relaxation occurs. For constipation, it is recommended to eat fresh berries with fermented milk products.

For diarrhea, it is better to limit yourself to a few fresh berries or eat dried fruits. Or you can brew blueberry leaves and dried berries to stop stool upset.

During pregnancy

Blueberries, whose beneficial properties and contraindications have their own characteristics for pregnant women, will generally be useful for a developing baby. Eating a fresh natural product will provide the expectant mother and child with all the necessary substances. The use of blueberries will also be useful from the point of view of the increasing risk of developing diabetes during pregnancy.

The insulin-like substances in the berries will help maintain normal blood sugar. If a pregnant woman has a cold, then gargling with blueberry decoction will help cope with a sore throat, because medications are not advisable during this period. When consumed in moderation, the berry will only bring benefits.

You should not get carried away with berries if you have constipation, which is typical during pregnancy. It is also important to know where the berries were picked. Blueberries from radiation-contaminated areas will not only be unhealthful, but can also pose a threat to women and children. If you have problems with the gallbladder or heartburn, you should also limit the consumption of fresh berries.

Rules for storing berries

During the season, freshly picked berries can be stored in the refrigerator in small volumes for up to 2-3 days. Then it begins to release juice; you can use it for a few more days, but include it in cocktails, yoghurts, and desserts.

If there is a large volume of berries, freeze them to prevent them from spoiling. Frozen berries will retain all useful and nutrients.

You can use special freezer bags or cups. The berries freeze best in glasses. The berries will be easily separated from each other.

They also make preparations for mixing with kefir, yogurt, and cottage cheese. To do this, blueberries are ground in a blender or minced in a meat grinder. Then the mass is poured into small glasses and frozen. Berries should be frozen without sugar, otherwise all the benefits will not come.

The second method is to make jams. The abundance of sugar in such products reduces the benefits of the berries, and some of the beneficial elements will be lost during heat treatment. For variety, you can prepare several jars of sweet jam, but for health it is better to preserve the berries by freezing.

Self-prepared leaf and dried berries are stored in bags made of natural fabrics (cotton fabric, preferably linen). Bags of raw materials are hung in a room with good air permeability, without excessive moisture and dampness.

With this storage, dried blueberries and their shoots will retain their beneficial substances for a year. Dried herbs purchased at a pharmacy should be protected from moisture penetration and should not be used beyond the storage period indicated on the package.

The beneficial properties of the berry, when used correctly, are undeniable. In the summer season, blueberries will perfectly heal the body and saturate it with vitamins. Despite a number of contraindications, it is successfully used in traditional medicine to prevent and combat many diseases.

Article format: Mila Friedan

Video about the benefits of blueberries

Harm and benefits of blueberries for the body:

This berry is not often found in people's diets and this is a big mistake. Little is still known about the properties of blueberries, a berry that is also called rejuvenating. Its rich composition and unique indications for the human body place it on a par with effective medications. So what kind of plant is blueberry, the benefits and harms of which should be studied in more detail.

A little bit of history

The healthy berry comes from North America. Local residents call it “starry” because of the similarity of its inflorescences to this figure. During times of famine, millions were able to survive thanks to blueberries, since they grow in almost limitless quantities in those parts. Today, it is in this region that the production of crops on an industrial scale has been established. More than 500 tons of fruits are exported annually to countries such as Japan and Iceland. There are two types of berries - tart and wild, while the homemade variety is sweeter. This product is tasty both in its own fresh form and as part of smoothies, cocktails, and jam.

Useful composition

The berry we are studying is a real multivitamin and mineral complex that can help the human body with almost any disease. Blueberries contain:

  • vitamins C, A, B6, E, B2;
  • manganese;
  • iron;
  • calcium;
  • selenium;
  • potassium;
  • copper.

In addition, there are tannins, essential oils, folic, pantothenic, citric, malic and other organic acids.

Properties of blueberries

The fruits are used in medicine, pharmaceuticals, and cooking. Dishes using sauces and fresh berries have a refined, piquant taste. But not only fresh, but also dried and frozen, the leaves and stems of the bush are used in the pharmaceutical industry and folk medicine.

Benefits of blueberries for men

The fruit and its components have a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system. Elderly men are more likely to experience problems such as impaired coordination of movements and motor skills. Regular consumption of berries can minimize the development of such pathologies, as well as Alzheimer's disease, atherosclerosis, etc.

The ability of berries to thin the blood, remove toxins and reduce the level of bad cholesterol allows you to eliminate serious diseases in the genitourinary system of men. Acids, vitamins and macroelements have an excellent effect on the condition of the prostate gland and prevent inflammatory and congestive processes in the pelvic area.

Benefits of blueberries for women

The rich composition of the fruit is simply irreplaceable for the female body. Whether dried, fresh or frozen, it should be in every home.

Blueberries for children

After careful research into the properties of the berry in the sixties of the last century, it became clear that the fruits bring great benefits to the baby’s body:

  • improves vision;
  • increases mental abilities;
  • stimulates growth;
  • protects against ultraviolet radiation;
  • eliminates inflammation of the mucous membrane;
  • normalizes microflora;
  • increases immunity;
  • eliminates infectious diseases in the genitourinary, respiratory system, and gastrointestinal tract.

Regular consumption improves blood circulation, develops the child’s memory, and prevents iron deficiency anemia.

Blueberries - harm and contraindications

Despite the enormous number of beneficial properties, berries can also cause harm. There are conditions in which the use of fresh, dried fruits, decoctions of leaves and stems should not be consumed categorically.

  1. A large number of berries can lead to gastrointestinal upset.
  2. In case of individual intolerance, the fruits can cause an allergic reaction.
  3. Culture collected near roads and hazardous enterprises poisons the body.
  4. It is not recommended to consume fruits if you have diseases of the bile ducts or urolithiasis.
  5. Do not use in case of acute diseases of the pancreas.

The listed beneficial properties and contraindications should become the main guideline for those who want to include tasty berries in their diet. But it is worth remembering that the maximum benefit will come from properly stored fruits, while spoiled fruits covered with mold, on the contrary, can cause serious harm.
