Salmon head soup recipe. Recipe: Salmon soup - rich and fragrant. Benefits of salmon fish soup

Salmon is considered a very healthy and tasty fish. Salmon soup, prepared from the head and tail, with the addition of vegetables, perfectly satisfies hunger and saturates the body with vitamins. I always cook fish soup from frozen salmon, because it’s almost impossible to find it fresh.

The main thing is to prepare the trimmings correctly. Be sure to remove the gills and eyes from the head and cut off the fins from the tails. It is the gills and eyes that make the fish cloudy and foamy, and they can also make the dish bitter. You don't need to cook the fish for long, about 30 minutes, depending on the size of the head. This time I decided to prepare fish soup only with the addition of onions, carrots, potatoes and herbs to make the soup light, but if you want to cook a more satisfying first course, add rice, millet or pasta. To make the soup aromatic, be sure to add herbs or lemon juice. Preparing fish soup is very simple and quick, because you don’t need to cook the fish for a long time to create a rich broth. The only thing that takes time is cleaning the meat from the bones.

This soup will appeal to adults and children, because it tastes light and filling. If your child does not like greens, do not add them when cooking, but for yourself you can add them before serving.

Salmon soup recipe with photos step by step


  • Salmon head – 700 g.
  • Tail – 2 pcs.
  • Potatoes – 5 pcs.
  • Carrot – 1 pc.
  • Onions – 2 pcs.
  • Dill – 2 tbsp
  • Salt – 1 tsp
  • Water - 2 l.

How to cook fish soup from salmon head and tail

First defrost the head and tails in cold water. Next, we need to cut out the gills. Move aside the “cheeks” of the fish, where the pink gills are hidden, take culinary scissors or a knife and carefully make an incision on the left and right sides, where they begin, and take out the entire gills. We take out the eye with a knife, rinse the head thoroughly under running water. At the tails we will simply cut off the fin.

Place the salmon in cold water, put it on the fire, and add half an onion.

When the soup begins to boil, foam will begin to appear, be sure to scoop it up with a spoon, otherwise the soup will turn out cloudy. Cook the broth over low heat under the lid for 40 minutes.

We take the head and tails out of the pan, do it carefully, otherwise the head may break. I usually take it out with a deep plate, so my hands won’t get burned and my head will remain intact. We leave the fish to cool so that we can disassemble it later. Don't forget to take out the onion, it has already given up all its flavor.

Now, using a strainer, strain the broth, then the bones will definitely not get in and it will turn out more transparent.

Cut the onion and carrots into pieces and fry a little in a frying pan, adding minimal vegetable oil so that the dish does not turn out greasy. Fry vegetables for 5 minutes.

Add vegetables, cook for 10 minutes.

Peel the potatoes and cut them into pieces, add them. Cook it until done.

While the meat is cooking, let's take the head apart and separate the meat from the bones. Remove the skin from the tails and remove the meat. Add meat to soup.

5 minutes before the end of cooking, add dill, salt, and ground black pepper. We add the greens in advance so that they have time to cook and the soup can be stored longer.

Bon appetit!

Tips for making fish soup at home

  1. To defrost the fish quickly, immerse it in a container with cold water; the more often you change the water, the faster it will defrost. I don’t recommend defrosting it in the microwave, because it can cook there, not all of it, of course, but its edges.
  2. The freshness of the head can be determined by the gills; if they are light pink, it means it is fresh, dark brown is a sign of not fresh fish. Ingoda, they sell the head already cleaned, without gills, on the one hand, it doesn’t need to be cleaned, but on the other hand, you can’t tell how fresh it is.
  3. Fish broth must be cooked on fish bones. Then the yushka will have a rich taste. You can use ridges, tummies, tails.
  4. For a rich vegetable broth, you can add whole vegetables: carrots, onions, parsley root. After they give off their taste, you should take them out. If you add an unpeeled onion, the skin will give it a beautiful golden hue.
  5. The fish soup will taste better if you prepare it from different types of fish. You can combine: salmon, hake and notothenia.
  6. The soup should be seasoned with fresh, aromatic herbs; it is this that gives the soup its taste.
  7. In order for the fish broth to be transparent, you need to remove the foam in time and strain it using a strainer or gauze.
  8. Fishermen recommend pouring less water and more fish.
  9. If you cook soup from whole fish, then during cooking, carefully stir the soup with a spoon, otherwise you will turn the fish into porridge.
  10. To avoid getting any bones in your bowl, be sure to strain the broth.
  11. You can use different spices: ground black pepper, nutmeg, sweet paprika, cumin, curry, coriander.
  12. You need to salt the fish soup at the very end of cooking so as not to spoil the taste of the dish.
  13. Butter is added for a delicate creamy taste. I think a little piece wouldn't hurt.
  14. Before serving, the soup can be seasoned with lemon juice; it will add sourness and an incredibly pleasant smell.

So, salmon soup made from the head and tails turns out tasty and inexpensive!

It is imperative to completely remove the eyes and gills from the head of the fish, otherwise the broth will turn out cloudy and bitter. You also need to soak your head in cold water for 25 minutes. This will reduce the amount of foam when cooking as most of the blood will come out of the head.

Cooking process:

  1. Boil water. Place the fish head in it and cook over medium heat, constantly skimming off the foam.
  2. Add peeled onions and carrots to the fish. Reduce heat and cook for 25 minutes. until transparent. Cover the lid slightly.
  3. Cut the onion and potatoes into cubes, grate the carrots. Finely chop the greens.
  4. Remove vegetables and fish from the broth. If necessary, strain the broth through cheesecloth. Carrots and onions that have lost their taste and aroma can be thrown away.
  5. Put the broth back on the heat and add the potatoes. Bring to a boil and cook for 8 minutes. Then add onions, carrots, a little later bay leaf, salt and spices.
  6. Disassemble the salmon head. Return the edible meat to the pan with the vegetables and cook until the potatoes are completely cooked.

If the soup is prepared for one time, the greens can be added right before serving to preserve the maximum of nutrients. Otherwise, it needs to be boiled for 2-3 minutes so that the dish does not spoil. After adding the greens, you need to let the soup brew for 10-15 minutes.

Salmon fish soup recipe

The dish turns out to be very satisfying and rich. Ingredients:

  • salmon – 1.7 kg;
  • onions – 2 pcs.;
  • carrots – 2 pcs.;
  • potatoes - 8-9 tubers;
  • laurel – 3 pcs.;
  • a bunch of dill;
  • butter – 25 g;
  • salt and pepper - to taste;
  • allspice – 4 peas;
  • milk – 0.5 l.


  1. Cut off the salmon's head and tail. Remove gills and eyes.
  2. Place the tail, head, laurel, herbs and pepper in a gauze bag. Cut the onion in half, cut the carrots into circles and fry a little in a dry frying pan. Place vegetables in a bag. Bring to a boil and cook for 30 minutes.
  3. Prepare fried onions and carrots in melted butter, cut the potatoes into cubes. Cut the fillet into large cubes.
  4. Remove the bag, add the potatoes to the broth, and cook until half cooked. Add onion, carrots, fillet, salt and pepper.

When the fish is ready, add milk and cook for 5 minutes. Serve with brown bread croutons and green onions.

Salmon head fish soup or fillet is a hearty and complete meal for the whole family.

Salmon is a very tasty, healthy and, to put it mildly, expensive fish. But in order not to spoil the product and get the maximum benefit from it, you need to know how to properly cook salmon for soup or other dishes. Heat treatment deprives any product of nutrients, so here we will tell you how and how much to cook salmon for fish soup and not only so as to preserve maximum benefits.

    The salmon steak on the stove will be ready in 30 minutes.

    It is advisable to boil the salmon head for 35 minutes.

    The bellies and backbone will be ready in 20-25 minutes.

How to cook salmon correctly

Before you cook salmon, you need to know the secrets of cooking this fish:

  • rinse the carcass before and after cutting;
  • be sure to remove fins and entrails;
  • It is advisable to remove the bones (in salmon they are quite easy to remove);
  • To prevent the fish from falling apart during cooking, it is better not to remove the skin from it;
  • for the same reason, the carcass is dipped only in boiling water;
  • if the salmon needs to be cooked not for soup (for a child, for example), then it is better to cut off the head and cook the fish soup broth with it separately;
  • salmon should be immersed in already salty water;
  • this fish absorbs any odors too actively, so you should strictly follow the recipe, and experimenting with spices is not recommended;
  • When cooking, the water should completely cover the fish.

Of course, the fish must be fresh; even the slightest unpleasant odor is unacceptable for its preparation.

Is it possible to cook lightly salted salmon?

The question often arises about whether it is possible to cook lightly salted salmon. And, in fact, why not? This fish is so tasty that it is difficult to spoil it. You can go one of two ways:

  • soak the fish in milk (up to 40 minutes);
  • Place it in boiling unsalted or lightly salted water (depending on how salted the fish actually is).

By the way, it is quite possible to make fish soup from lightly salted salmon. Many people do this, believing that lightly salted salmon makes the broth much tastier.

How to cook salmon steak

If the fish has already been cut, all that remains is to perform the following actions with it:

  • boil water in a saucepan;
  • salt the water to taste;
  • Place the steak in boiling salted water;
  • after boiling, cover the pan with a lid;
  • reduce the intensity of the fire, but at the same time make sure that the water is boiling;
  • After 30 minutes, remove the pan from the heat (usually this is how long it takes for the salmon steak to be cooked).

How to cook salmon head

The salmon head should be cooked separately from the whole carcass.

This should be done as follows:

  • rinse the carcass;
  • cut off the salmon head;
  • remove eyes and gills;
  • soak your head in cold water for 40 minutes;
  • rinse again;
  • Place the salmon head in boiling salted water;
  • After 35 minutes, remove the pan from the stove.

How to cook salmon bellies

The belly is the fattest part of the salmon and no less valuable. They themselves are very tasty, and the broth is rich. You need to cook salmon bellies like this:

  • rinse under cold water;
  • boil water, add salt to taste;
  • place the bellies in boiling water;
  • after boiling, cover with a lid and reduce heat;
  • in 15-20 minutes the bellies will be ready.

How to cook salmon ridges

Salmon ridges are perfect for making aromatic fish soup. In order to cook them, you need:

  • cut into small pieces;
  • wash the ridges;
  • boil water, add salt;
  • lower the ridges into boiling water;
  • After boiling, close the lid and cook for 15-20 minutes.

How to cook salmon for soup

Salmon for soup can be thawed, lightly salted or fresh. For soup, you can boil absolutely any part of the carcass. When preparing salmon for soup, the sequence of adding ingredients is important. Usually salmon soup is prepared with vegetables - onions, carrots and potatoes, and sometimes with millet.

If the broth will be prepared from a steak or a whole cleaned carcass, then add it first and 10-15 minutes after boiling, add the vegetables. If you use bellies to prepare the soup, you can put them in the pan along with the vegetables. If the fish is cut into small pieces, then the vegetables are thrown in first, and after 15 minutes - the salmon. You also need to remember that any fish “loves” bay leaves and allspice, and you can’t do without herbs when preparing salmon soup.

How to cook salmon for fish soup

The main difference between fish soup and fish soup is the use of exclusively fresh fish, and ideally freshly caught. You can’t catch such fish in our area, so you have to cook fish soup from what we have. The so-called “white” broth, which distinguishes ukha from soup, is usually made from the head of salmon. For this:

  • the head is immersed in boiling salted water;
  • after boiling, cook for no longer than 20 minutes;
  • pull out the head and separate the meat from the bones;
  • strain the broth;
  • add vegetables, spices and salmon meat;
  • cook until vegetables are ready;
  • a couple of minutes before the end, add greens;
  • Be sure to close the lid and let the soup brew.

How to steam salmon

In order to steam salmon, you will need a steamer or multicooker with a steaming function. This cooking method will preserve more vitamins in the fish. To steam salmon, you need:

  • wash the salmon carcass;
  • cut up the carcass;
  • cut the fish into several pieces;
  • salt and pepper;
  • place in a steamer;
  • pour water into the special compartment of the steamer;
  • turn on the cooking time for 30 minutes;
  • turn off the steamer and remove the fish.

How and how much to cook salmon for a child

Inexperienced mothers always wonder how many minutes to cook salmon for a child. In fact, the cooking time is no different.

So, to cook salmon for a child, you need:

  • cut the fish, rinse;
  • boil water, put the fillet in it;
  • when the salmon boils, after 5-7 minutes the broth needs to be drained;
  • Pour clean water over the water and cook for another 20-25 minutes after boiling.

It is not necessary to cook salmon in a “second” broth, but overly caring mothers cook any meat and fish only this way. As for salt, if necessary, add salt to the “second” broth. Salt is usually avoided in children's diets, but again it all depends on the mother. Just a little salt will make salmon tastier for a child, but not everyone will agree with this.

Surely every housewife has wondered what to cook for dinner or lunch. Liquid meals are simply necessary for the body. They need to be consumed daily. If you are tired of vegetable, chicken soups or borscht, then you should make fish soup from salmon head. This dish is quite economical. Despite this, all your household members will like it and diversify the daily diet.

Everyone knows that red fish is very healthy. Its frequent use strengthens the immune system, increases hemoglobin and has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system. So, how is salmon head soup prepared?

Required Products

For a five-liter pan of water you need to take one fish head. In addition, you will need a small steak weighing 300-400 grams.

Salmon head soup, the recipe for which requires the presence of additional vegetable ingredients (carrots, onions, potatoes and dill), also requires the addition of cereal. You can take rice or barley according to your taste. Stock up on the necessary spices: salt, black peppercorns, soup seasoning and bay leaf.

Fish head selection

The ideal option would be to purchase a whole fish. In this case, you will be able to correctly assess the freshness of your head. Look under the gills. The meat underneath should be pale pink. Also, the fish should not emit an unpleasant odor.

If you decide to buy a head separately, then carefully check whether it is damaged. Don't buy frozen product. Give preference to chilled fish head. If it is cut off right in your presence, then this will be the best option. It is worth noting that in this case the cost of the head may be slightly higher than that of a frozen product.

If necessary, you can freeze the fish yourself and cook it later. In this state, meat is stored for a long time. Repeated freezing should be avoided, as this can produce harmful toxic substances.

Processing fish and preparing broth

Salmon fish soup will be delicious if you process the meat correctly. First you need to get rid of all the gills that are on the head. Otherwise, the soup will be slightly bitter. Carefully cut out unnecessary parts with a sharp knife and rinse your hair under running water.

The steak must be scaled. It is better to completely remove the peel using a sharp knife. After this, put the workpieces in a saucepan and place the container on the fire. Salt must be added at this stage, otherwise the fish will taste bland.

When the water boils, skim off the foam. Do this until it stops collecting on the surface of the water. When the meat is completely cooked, remove it from the pan and strain the broth.

Cooking vegetables

While the salmon head soup is being cooked, you need to peel the vegetables and cut them into small pieces. Fry the carrots and onions in a frying pan with the addition of sunflower oil. As soon as the roast turns golden, add the vegetables to the broth.

Also add potatoes to the soup, which must first be peeled and cut into cubes. Add seasoning and cook the broth until the vegetables are completely cooked. On average it takes fifteen minutes.

Adding fish meat

While the salmon head soup is being prepared, cut up the cooled meat. Carefully separate and discard small bones. Cut the steak into small cubes and place in the boiling broth. You won't need the fish head anymore.

At this stage you need to add pepper to the broth. The salmon fish soup, the recipe for which is given in this article, will acquire a bright taste if you put the pepper whole in water and continue cooking the broth for another five minutes.

Finishing touches

When the soup is almost ready, add two handfuls of cereal. It is worth noting that the fish soup made from salmon heads with pearl barley turns out to be more satisfying and rich. If you want to prepare a light version of the soup, then give preference to rice additive.

Cook the cereal in the broth for about ten minutes. After this, place a few bay leaves in it. Wash a bunch of dill and chop finely. Pour the green mixture into the soup and cook for another two minutes. Be sure to taste the fish soup. There should be enough salt.

While cooking the cereal, you must constantly stir the soup. Otherwise, the food may clump or stick to the bottom of the pan. After cooking, let the dish sit for several hours. In this case the taste will be perfect.


So, you have learned how to cook fish soup from a salmon head. This dish is ideal for lunch or dinner. You can also serve it to the holiday table. Guests and family members will appreciate your culinary skills.

Black or rye bread would be ideal with this soup. If desired, you can use crackers. Bon appetit!

Salmon head soup at home is most often prepared by me personally in cases where my household wants to enjoy red fish baked in the oven. Many readers will immediately wonder what the connection is between these two dishes. In fact, the connection is as direct as it gets, and the savvy housewives, I’m sure, traced it right away. As a rule, I always buy whole red fish in the store, cut it at home and use the steaks to cook them in the oven, but from the head and tail I prepare various first courses, including fish soup.

To prepare fish soup, I use the following list of ingredients: salmon head and tail, water, potatoes, onions, carrots, salt, black pepper, herbs and bay leaves. The list of ingredients is quite standard not only for preparing fish soup, but also for any fish soup. As a fish component, you can use not only the salmon head, but also any other red fish: trout, salmon, pink salmon, etc. If you are not looking for fish soup made from expensive fish, then adjust the weight of the fish according to the other ingredients, and just take any other fish. If you have already prepared soups, borscht or broths, then the whole process of preparing fish soup will be intuitive to you. It comes down to simple steps: peel, rinse, cut, cook and serve.

In total, the entire cooking process takes about half an hour, plus about a quarter of an hour is needed for all preparatory manipulations. Despite the fact that fish soup is most often prepared outdoors, it can easily be prepared not over a fire, but on a regular stove. Today's version of the recipe is dedicated specifically to the second case.

After the salmon head soup is ready, it is best to serve it hot, and not just hot, but so that it burns and warms at the same time. The fish soup itself is a rather fatty dish, and, therefore, filling, so be prepared for the fact that they will not ask you for additives.


  • 2 liters of water
  • 1 head of salmon
  • 2 fins and tail of salmon
  • 2 potatoes
  • 2 onions
  • 1 carrot
  • Black pepper
  • Greenery
  • 2-3 pcs. bay leaf

Cooking the dish step by step with photos:

Bon appetit!

Salmon head fish soup is a tasty and satisfying first course that is not a shame to serve to the table, both for household members and guests. Any dish made from red fish has a special taste, and fish soup, prepared even from such parts of the fish as the head and tail, was no exception. Finally, I want to give a few tips so that your salmon head soup turns out delicious the first time:
  • For today’s recipe, not only the salmon head is suitable, but also any other red fish: salmon, trout, pink salmon, etc.;
  • In addition to the head of the fish, you can add the tail and fins to the pan, this will make the fish even richer;
  • You can cook salmon soup not only on the stove within the apartment. According to a similar recipe, this dish can be prepared outdoors, using a cauldron on a tripod. Fish soup cooked on a fire is in no way inferior to that cooked on a stove, and sometimes significantly superior to the latter in terms of aroma and taste;
  • While cooking, don’t be afraid to throw your favorite spices, herbs and seasonings into a saucepan or cauldron with fish soup. Thanks to this, you will be able to achieve the taste characteristics of the dish that will best suit your culinary preferences.