Vietnamese Pho soup is a fiery hot dish for every day. Pho bo soup: where and what to eat it with

Now everyone can afford to vacation in Vietnam! Low prices for housing and food, great amount interesting places and attractions, warm sea and cozy resort towns - all this attracts tourists from all over the world. And of course, one of the main attractions is Vietnamese cuisine.

Pho soup - a traditional dish Vietnam

Pho soup has long won the hearts of not only the Vietnamese, but also the whole world. The cuisine of Vietnam became popular and widely known primarily thanks to it, since numerous emigrants from this country prepared it wherever they were and shared the recipe and the secret of cooking with everyone. According to CNN, it is included in the list of the 50 most delicious dishes peace.

The small homeland of this dish is considered to be Hanoi, namely its north – Nam Dinh. This Vietnamese soup first became known at the beginning of the twentieth century. In the 1920s, a restaurant that specialized in pho opened in Hanoi. Europeans discovered this dish after reading in 1935 cookbook"Recipes of the Peoples of the World" by Mrs. Morphy.
Pho soup has three varieties: pho with beef (fo-bo), pho with chicken (fo-ga) and pho with fish balls or pieces. fried fish(fo-ka). Initially, pho soup began to be prepared with beef, and only over time appeared various variations this dish. This captures the influence of French colonization. Until this time, cows in Vietnam were considered exclusively working animals. Their meat was not used for food.
The “purely Vietnamese” ingredient in this soup is rice noodles. Without it, pho soup is impossible. It differs from other types of noodles in that it is almost transparent, it does not need to be boiled (just pour boiling water), and it does not contain gluten.

How to make pho soup? Its preparation will not take you much time, and the process of its preparation is no more complicated than ours. regular soup with noodles or buckwheat.
So, to make pho soup, you will need the following ingredients:
1. Beef meat (leg is best, this is the softest meat) – 500-800 gr.
2. Onion– 2-3 pieces.
3. Rice noodles – 300-400 gr.
4. Lemon – 1 piece.
5. Salt
6. Black pepper
7. Ginger (3-4 cm of root)
8. Lemongrass (1 teaspoon)
9. Green onions
10. Cilantro

First you need to cook the broth. This is the most labor-intensive and time-consuming stage of preparation. Pour water over the meat and bring to a boil. After the broth boils, add salt, pepper, lemongrass and ginger. At the very end - onions.

When the meat is ready, take it out and cut into thin layers. Place the noodles in boiling water and cook until medium cooked. Keep in mind that it cooks much faster than the usual wheat noodles.
After all the ingredients are ready, put the noodles in a bowl, put the chopped meat on top, fill everything with broth and decorate with herbs.

The editor-in-chief of the magazine "" Svetlana Golovanova and the chef of the Mukka restaurant Artem Mukhin are not looking for easy ways and go out into the open spaces of Nizhny Novgorod in search of traditional Vietnamese soup.

Pho is a classic of Vietnamese cooking, invented almost a hundred years ago in Hanoi. It is a broth with noodles, and the main component can be beef, chicken, fish balls, or whatever the cook’s imagination dictates. The beef version is called pho bo and is considered basic. This is what we decided to look for in the menus of Nizhny Novgorod cafes and restaurants. Preliminary reconnaissance revealed three points where they are familiar with the secrets of Vietnamese gastronomy. Well, or they think they know each other.

Our test drive began in a recently opened location called “Zhar-Balcony”. This space is on the second floor of the Firebird shopping arcade, inspired by examples of European food markets and the legendary Danilovsky market in Moscow. There are several zones here, where various cuisines of the world are presented: in one they prepare burgers (where would they be without them), in another - Portuguese specialties, France is on the way, and in a colorful, Asian-looking building they make several varieties of pho soup. For the purity of the experiment, we chose pho bo in order to test it everywhere.

Svetlana Golovanova:“Before coming here and trying this soup in person, I read a lot of conflicting reviews about the local pho. Some expressed all sorts of delight, others expressed skepticism. So I formed an ambiguous opinion and after tasting it remained so. On the one hand, the meat is fresh and tasty, but, it seems to me, a little undercooked. On the other hand, the broth is empty. Lacks richness and spice. And celery also appeared in the soup from somewhere. As far as I know, in classic recipe it shouldn't exist. For me, he is completely superfluous here. Onion, cilantro, basil, red Bell pepper, bean sprouts - yes, celery - well, I don’t know. The rice noodles are not bad. As a result, the dish seems interesting, but there is something missing in it, and something, on the contrary, you want to remove. I think we can give 4 points for quality meat, as well as for the price-quality ratio. An impressive portion of pho bo will cost 245 rubles.”

Artem Mukhin:“The temperature of the soup should be higher. Actually, that’s why the meat didn’t set completely. According to the recipe, it is cut into thin slices and placed in already ready broth. Therefore, the latter should be so hot and the slices of meat so thin that they instantly reach a state of readiness. IN in this case almost unbearable temperature regime. In addition, the meat is cut along the grain, and not across, so it is difficult to chew. In general, according to the classics, pho bo is made with beef, not veal, so this is an author’s variation on a given theme, but the meat itself is fresh and tasty. It’s a pity that it’s inconvenient to eat due to improper cutting.

As for the broth, I can assume that a cube has been added, judging by appearance soup. Small-small greens are very similar to those included in the composition bouillon cubes. The salt and spiciness of the soup are just right, but the broth is not at all rich. The taste is there, but the texture is not right. And celery also seems out of place to me here. I probably wouldn’t order this soup a second time.”

The second point of our gastro raid was the Tanuki restaurant on Gorky Square, reverently loved by many for its rolls and sushi. We were, understandably, attracted by the page with soups, where “ traditional soup with beef, rice noodles, ginger and herbs" pho bo.

Svetlana Golovanova:“What I didn’t feel at all here was the ginger that was proudly stated on the menu. The broth is not spicy at all. I didn’t find any ginger or any spices in it. Moreover, there is only soy sauce on the tables, that is, it is impossible to independently adjust even the spiciness of the soup. The broth is rich, unlike the previous version, but the meat is simply terrible. It felt like it had been waiting in the wings for an eternity, frozen and defrosted several times before ending up in the soup.

Vietnamese pho bo soup with beef ( beef soup) - an original first course can become ideal option to get acquainted with national cuisine Vietnam. Pho bo is a street food and the cheapest food option for the Vietnamese, as it is sold from special carts equipped for making soup and in street cafes. But despite this, the hearty and rich beef soup has a bright palette of flavors and aromas. pho bo with spices and beef is simple and easy to prepare. This Vietnamese dish will be loved by your family and tasty soup will forever linger on family table.

Beef Soup Ingredients:

  • 0.4 kilograms beef tenderloin
  • half a yellow onion
  • 1.5 tbsp. spoons of fish sauce
  • 0.3 kilograms rice noodles
  • one cinnamon stick
  • star anise
  • one and a half liters of strong beef broth
  • white ground pepper on the tip of a knife
  • a few mint leaves
  • head white onion
  • small bunch of green onions
  • one lemon
  • chili pepper pod
  • 0.1 kilogram of sprouted mung bean sprouts

How to cook pho bo:

Pre-fresh beef tenderloin put in a bag and leave in the freezer for one hour.

Let's cook rich broth for Vietnamese pho bo soup with beef
Beef bones Rinse thoroughly and fill with purified water. After boiling, the bones are boiled for ten minutes, then the liquid is drained. Pour bones into a saucepan clean water and put on fire. Cook over low heat for at least three hours.

Important! Continuously skim off any foam and fat to ensure the beef broth is clear.

Remove the bones from the broth and strain through a sieve or cheesecloth folded in several layers.
Dilute the resulting beef broth for pho bo soup with water (about 0.5 liters of water will be required)

Add the peeled onion, star anise, cinnamon stick to the pan with the diluted broth, white pepper, pour in fish sauce and put on fire. After boiling, cover with a lid and cook for twenty minutes over low heat.

Once the time is up, remove the onion, star anise and cinnamon from the broth.

How to cook rice noodles for pho bo soup
In a separate pan, bring clean water to a boil, after boiling, add rice noodles. Cook for about five minutes. Then drain the noodles in a colander and rinse under running water.

Cooking delicious pho bo Vietnamese soup with beef
Remove meat from freezer. Cut the frozen meat across the grain into translucent slices.

For those who are afraid raw meat in soup, stroganina must first be boiled for several minutes.

Cooked rice noodles, pieces of meat, mint leaves, mung bean sprouts, yellow onion sliced ​​into thin half rings and finely chopped chili are placed in four deep bowls.

Boiling broth is poured into plates with the contents and served with thin slices of lemon.
Nutritious, with a specific taste and giving strength, pho-bo beef soup can be consumed in different time day because it is universal. Both the first and second courses can be served.
Watch the video on how to cook authentic Vietnamese pho bo soup with beef at home

For the Vietnamese, pho bo soup is a cultural heritage. Therefore, they are hostile to the theory that French colonialists had a hand in the appearance of this dish.

Often in the early morning on the streets of Hanoi you can see queues of people wanting to have breakfast at street cafes. But instead of a cup strong coffee the Vietnamese take a large bowl of hot pho - beef broth, which is poured over rice noodles, thinly sliced ​​meat and spices. It is believed that such food will give you strength for the whole day.

Pho soup began to be prepared in northern Vietnam no earlier than the end of the 19th century. Before the establishment of the French protectorate in 1884, the Vietnamese practically did not eat beef, so it was most likely the French who taught them how to cook rich beef broth. Some historians associate the name of pho soup with French word feu- "fire". The fact that the soup is made from beef and not from traditional pork asian cuisine, testifies in favor of the French version. The Vietnamese do not like this kind of genealogy of their favorite dish at all: they prefer not to remember the colonial past.

Chan Man Hung

Native of Vinh City (Central Vietnam), concept chef of the VietCafe restaurant chain says, how to regulate the taste of pho bo .

How to properly cook broth for pho soup?

Use fresh beef bones. Stale ones will change the taste of the broth. So deception is impossible here. This is probably why the soup is so popular.

What's special about pho noodles?

It is cut from steamed pancakes. The cook who bakes them must be a virtuoso. After all, he needs to cope with three steamers at once. Each is covered with a thin silk cloth, dough is poured onto its surface, and after a couple of minutes the finished pancake is removed. In Vietnam, skilled chefs cut noodles with both hands. And then, scalding it with boiling water, they put it on plates.

Is it customary to add something for taste?

Usually they put bottles with seasonings: rice vinegar with garlic, tuong ot chili sauce, nuoc mam fish sauce, and a plate with lime wedges. With their help you can adjust the taste of the soup. But be careful with the lime juice so the soup doesn't become too sour.

According to local historians, pho soup was first prepared in the town of Nam Dinh, 100 kilometers from Hanoi, approximately 150 years ago. It was sold by street peddlers. They carried two boxes on a kind of yoke. One contained a brazier with broth, which should remain hot, and the other contained herbs and meat for soup. At the beginning of the 20th century, one of these peddlers moved to Hanoi, and his food quickly became popular.

For a long time, broth for pho was made only from beef (they called it pho bo), but in 1939 it appeared chicken version- fo ga. Chicken became an alternative to beef, which was not sold on the market every day at that time. Yes, and to cook chicken bouillon, just an hour is enough.

South Vietnam learned and fell in love with pho bo only after 1954, when refugees from the communist north arrived here. In Saigon, the traditional recipe has been improved by adding local herbs and soybean sprouts.

The Vietnamese start cooking the broth for pho bo late in the evening. Braziers with coals are placed in a round iron oven, shaped like a tandoor. Their heat is enough to maintain the temperature necessary for long-term cooking of the broth for several hours: it must simmer on fire for up to eight hours - for nutritional value. Only at the end are spices and onions and ginger added. But even after the broth is ready, leave it on low heat, not allowing it to cool.

Pho noodles are prepared early in the morning from steamed rice pancakes. Only long Vietnamese rice that has been aged for a year (and dried during this time) is suitable for dough. It is soaked for ten hours, washed and a little water is left in the bowl to get batter. Rice is ground with hand millstones. It is believed that this is the only way to get the desired taste. If you use modern household appliances, rice pancakes(and therefore the noodles) will become sour and brittle.

Fresh noodles, just like green onions and cilantro are practically not subjected to heat treatment so that they better retain their taste. But both boiled and raw meat is added to the soup. The first is cut from the bones from which the broth was made, the second is cut into thin slices and simply poured with boiling broth.

Vietnamese rarely cook at home - their apartments do not always allow for a kitchen. In addition, it is hearty and inexpensive to eat at street cafe Not a problem in Vietnam. It is believed that the most delicious pho soup is made in Hanoi. It is best to choose an establishment that specializes only in pho bo. Then you don’t even have to order: just sit down at a table outside, and in a minute there will be an impressive, almost liter ceramic bowl with aromatic pho for only a dollar and a half in front of you.

Pho soup


Cooking time: 8 hours
For how many people: 2

1 Chop beef bones and bake in the oven for 20 minutes. Rinse, pour cold water, boil. Simmer over low heat for eight hours, periodically skimming off fat and foam. At the end of cooking, add the onion cut in half and ginger, baked in the oven for 20-30 minutes. Before adding to the broth, beat off the ginger with the back of a knife. Add nuok mam sauce and all the spices in a linen bag (to make it easy to remove). Bring the broth to a boil again. Remove the bones and bag from the pan.
2 Scald fresh rice noodles in a colander with boiling water and place in a bowl.
3 Add raw and thinly sliced boiled beef, finely chopped green onions, cilantro, mint.
4 Pour boiling broth over everything. Add lime juice, red sweet onion and freshly ground black pepper.

Vietnamese soup Pho

How cabbage soup for Russian cuisine, gazpacho for Spanish, lagman for Central Asian or borsch for Ukrainian - Pho soup represents the quintessence of cuisine Vietnam. A bowl of well-cooked Pho not only gives you strength and energy for the whole day. It also meets the basic requirements of what Vietnamese consider delicious and beautiful. Neutral taste of rice noodles, spicy flavors greens and aromatic herbs, an absolutely necessary note of sweetness for any Vietnamese dish, which partly neutralizes the spiciness of hot pepper, ginger and the aniseed taste of star anise, and then there is lime, another way to extinguish the peppery fire and at the same time a way to balance the barely noticeable sweetness; A little soy sauce, which not only is a source of salt, but also gives golden color clear broth. All this creates a harmony of taste. But there is also a harmony of textures - from the silky noodles that strive to jump out of the sticks, to the boiled beef cut into thin slices, to the thinnest strips into which the stalks of green onions are cut, to the cilantro that perches in an impressive mound at the edge of the bowl - all this has the meaning. When you eat Pho for the first time, you don’t attach any importance to these little things, because Pho is not eaten like delicacy dish but to satisfy hunger. But if you like Vietnamese noodle soup, then with each next bowl you begin to become imbued with these very little things. You can simply chop green onions into the soup, like in okroshka, or you can slice it very thinly: the taste, I assure you, will be different.

from the culinary blog “All the Salt”


For the broth:
1 kg beef on the bone
1 onion
1 carrot
4 cloves garlic
Coriander roots, well washed
1 star anise
For the soup:
1 pack of rice noodles
3 tbsp. l. soy sauce
Fresh ginger- 2 cm
bunch of cilantro
Several stalks of green onions
1 hot pepper
Lemon or lime


1. Cook beef broth. Place the meat in cold water and let it boil. Remove the resulting foam, add the onion, carrots, garlic, cilantro roots and star anise. Bring to a boil and reduce heat as much as possible. Cook covered for 1-1.5 hours or until the meat is completely soft. Add salt.

2. Remove the meat from the broth and cut into thin slices or strips.

3. Soak the noodles for 8-10 minutes in cold water. Drain the water and cook the noodles in boiling water for 4 minutes. Drain in a colander and rinse under running water cold water. Set aside.
