Cooking time for pasta. How long to cook pasta: determining cooking time, culinary tricks. Boiled spaghetti with sauce

Cook spaghetti after boiling. Place the spaghetti in a pan of boiling salted water, knead in the pan (so as not to scorch), after 2-3 minutes stir the spaghetti again, cook some more, taste.
Spaghetti Barilla No. 1 (Capellini) cook for 5 minutes, Barilla No. 3 (spaghettini) cook for 5 minutes, spaghetti Barilla No. 5 cook for 8 minutes, Barilla No. 7 (Spaghettoni) cook for 11 minutes, Barilla No. 13 (Bavette) cook for 8 minutes.

You will need: spaghetti, water, salt, oil to taste

1. It is better to cook spaghetti in a large wide pan with the addition of a large amount of water - at least 2 liters per 200 grams of spaghetti. At the same time, expect that for two servings of spaghetti you need 100 grams of dry spaghetti as a side dish, since spaghetti increases in weight by 3 times when cooked.
2. Place a pot of water over high heat and bring the water to a boil.
3. Add salt to the water (for 1 liter of water - 1 teaspoon of salt.
5. Place spaghetti in boiling water. Place the spaghetti into the pan like a fan (or you can break it in half if the spaghetti is too long), after a minute they are kneaded a little so that the spaghetti is completely immersed in water. To do this, it is convenient to use a spatula - or grab the dry edge of the spaghetti with your hand to push the soft part deeper into the pan.
6. Reduce heat - it should be medium so that the water actively boils, but does not foam.
7. Cook spaghetti without a lid for 8-9 minutes.
8. Place the spaghetti in a colander, let the water drain for 3 minutes (you can shake the colander a little to drain the liquid and evaporate the steam).
9. Serve the spaghetti hot or use it in dishes with a fork and spoon.

How to cook spaghetti in a slow cooker
Usually a saucepan is used to cook spaghetti, but if all the saucepans are occupied or a wide saucepan is needed, a multicooker will come to the rescue in cooking spaghetti

1. Pour water into the multicooker, bring to a boil on the “Pasta” mode - 7-10 minutes, depending on the amount of water.
2. Place the spaghetti in the slow cooker.
3. Add a few drops of oil and salt, stir.
4. Cook the pasta after boiling for 8-9 minutes.


What to do to prevent spaghetti from sticking together
- To prevent the spaghetti from sticking together, add one spoon of sunflower oil to the water during cooking.

To prevent spaghetti from sticking to the pan, stir it periodically.

You should only rinse spaghetti if you overcooked it or if it stuck together during cooking due to improper duration or quality of the spaghetti.

If you plan to use the spaghetti further in cooking and it will be subjected to heat treatment, you can undercook the spaghetti a little (a couple of minutes). They will turn out “al dente” (by the tooth), but with further cooking they will completely soften.

After cooking the spaghetti, drain it in a colander and place the colander on the pan to drain excess water. This will take 3-4 minutes, or 1 minute if you shake the colander or stir the pasta. If you leave the pasta over the pan, it can dry out, stick together, and this will spoil its taste. If for some reason you are delayed in further cooking the spaghetti, pour a little oil into the pasta, stir and cover with a lid.

What to do if spaghetti is stuck together
1. If the spaghetti stuck together at the beginning of cooking, it means they were placed in water that was not boiling. It is recommended to divide the spaghetti between each other with a spoon, remove the pasta from the bottom and walls of the pan with a spoon, add a few drops of vegetable oil and continue cooking.

2. If the spaghetti stuck together while still in the pan, it means that you overdid it in the pan and squeezed it (just a little compression is enough). Hot soaked spaghetti instantly sticks to each other. It is recommended to cut off and discard any sticky part.

3. If the spaghetti is stuck together due to the quality of the pasta or because it was overcooked, the solution is this: rinse the boiled spaghetti thoroughly, let the water drain for a couple of minutes and stir a spoonful of butter into the pasta. Meanwhile, heat a frying pan, pour a little more oil on it and add spaghetti. The spaghetti will be crumbly due to the oil and a little additional heat treatment.

How to eat spaghetti
- Spaghetti is long and slippery, so many people find it more convenient to eat spaghetti with a fork and spoon (in Italy, by the way, they are so accustomed to spaghetti that they simply eat it with a fork, without hesitation to suck the pasta with their lips). To observe etiquette, take a spoon in your left hand, and with your right hand (it contains a fork) you pick up a few pasta pieces and, resting the fork on the spoon, wrap the spaghetti around the fork. If 1-2 pasta still hangs from the fork, you can cut it off with a spoon on a plate.

It is more convenient to eat spaghetti from deep plates - there is a chance to wrap not one, but several strands of spaghetti around your fork. Keep in mind that etiquette requires wrapping 7-10 spaghetti on a fork.

If you don’t like the process of wrapping spaghetti on a fork, it is recommended to resort to the old proven method: cut part of the pasta with the edge of a fork, pry the spaghetti with a fork so that it lies on it, and put it in your mouth.

As a rule, spaghetti is cooked with sauce after cooking. If so, then you don’t need to rinse the spaghetti so that the finished pasta can better absorb the flavor of the sauce.

Boiled spaghetti cools very quickly, so the plates in which the spaghetti will be served are usually preheated. Or, alternatively, you can heat the spaghetti itself in a frying pan with a little oil.

In spaghetti, special rectangular pans are used for cooking spaghetti: long pasta is placed completely in them, sticking, as well as tearing of the pasta, is excluded.

Check out spaghetti sauce recipes: tomato sauce, bolognese, cheese sauce and carbonara, garlic sauce.

Reading time - 5 min.

Even the most experienced housewives often have problems when cooking pasta. Some people don’t know how long to cook pasta so that it doesn’t get crunchy, others don’t understand what needs to be done to prevent the elements from sticking together. For some, everything seems to be fine with the texture, but the dish turns out bland and tasteless.

To boil a capricious product correctly, you need not just place it in water or milk and wait until it is ready. There are many secrets that increase the chances of receiving a quality dish. First of all, you need to not only read the label, but also correctly assess the condition of the component by its appearance and consistency.

Secrets of making delicious pasta

It is clear that there is no single recipe for making pasta. Too much depends on the type of product, its characteristics, and heat treatment time. True, there are several rules, the observance of which will allow you to cook the highest quality and tasty dish:

  1. Even during cooking, add a little vegetable oil to the water, then the elements will not stick together. Additionally, the pasta is greased after the liquid has been drained, but this time it is better to use butter.
  2. The volume of water is calculated depending on the weight of the dry product. 100 g of pasta requires at least a liter of liquid. This indicator does not depend on the type of products and their shape.
  3. Cheap pasta, made from low-quality flour and with the addition of auxiliary components, will never turn out tasty, no matter how you choose the ideal parameters. Therefore, you should not save much on the basic component.
  4. Immediately after the dry elements are lowered into the water, they need to be mixed, then they will not stick together.
  5. If you want to diversify the side dish and make it healthier, then you should add a little beet juice to the water during the cooking process. This will have virtually no effect on the taste of the product, but it will acquire an interesting color and be enriched with microelements.
  6. It is strictly not recommended to salt pasta during cooking. The dry product must be immersed in already salted water.

Tip: Don't get hung up on the information on the product packaging. This is just basic information that can help guide your approach. Depending on whether the product is cooked in water, milk or a slow cooker, the time can be noticeably increased or reduced.

Today, more and more housewives are wondering how to cook pasta in a slow cooker. This process is very simple, despite the fact that little depends on the cook himself:

  1. Place the dry product in a cooking container, pour in a small amount of dissolved, but not hot, butter (can be replaced with vegetable oil). For 150 g of pasta there is no more than a tablespoon of filling.
  2. Fill the mixture with salted cold water; it should cover the product by a couple of centimeters. There is no need to interfere with anything!
  3. Set the “steam” or “pilaf” mode and set the time indicated on the package.

If the product is a little damp, just keep it in hot water for a couple more minutes. If the pasta is slightly overcooked, it should be rinsed under cold water and then used for its intended purpose.

Rules for boiling pasta in water and milk?

Despite the fact that the process of cooking pasta in a saucepan is familiar to many, in practice only a few take its features into account. A high-quality side dish or textured casserole can be obtained if you work according to the following scheme:

  • For 300 g of pasta, take three liters of water, 2 tablespoons of fine salt and one and a half tablespoons of vegetable oil. You need to take a large pan so that the water fills it to a maximum of two-thirds, or better yet, even half.
  • Bring the water to a boil, add salt and oil, stir. We lower the pasta and knead well again so that the elements do not stick together and stick to the walls.
  • Next, cover the pan with a lid so that the product boils as quickly as possible, then remove the lid and boil the mixture until tender.
  • At the very end, drain the water. Now, we either wash the pasta to use later in cooking, or add butter to make a side dish.

Cooking milk soup in a saucepan is a different story. To get not a mess with films, but a tasty dish for breakfast or afternoon snack, you need to proceed according to the following scheme:

  1. For a liter of milk we take 200 g of any pasta (you can also use vermicelli, but it is better to take shells or horns), a tablespoon of butter, 2 tablespoons of sugar, a pinch of salt.
  2. Bring the milk to a boil, add salt, sugar and butter, stir.
  3. Add pasta and stir again. Bring to a boil (no foam should rise) and reduce heat to low.
  4. Cook until the pasta softens; it should not fall apart, but rather let it retain its texture.

It turns out that cooking pasta is not so difficult. The problem is that not all of them are served at once, and after just a few minutes the dish begins to lose its appetizing appearance and is additionally overcooked due to its own temperature.

How should you cook pasta for frying?

Numerous surveys show that even experienced housewives are not always able to tell how to properly cook pasta, which will later be fried. A positive result depends on how promptly the product is removed from the heat. Here you can use a simple trick. Boil the products until they begin to slightly increase in size. Then we try them, despite their density.

If the pasta is easy to bite and chew, but does not stick to your teeth, you can remove it. Otherwise, wait another minute and repeat the experiment. In the event that time has been lost and the elements have boiled over, they can continue to be used. But in this case you will have to cook a casserole or something else at the highest possible temperature, using a minimum amount of sauces and liquid dressings.

There is no need to change the brand of pasta every time. It is better to choose one and bring the process of preparing it to perfection. Otherwise, you can get confused in the peculiarities of processing workpieces and ruin even a high-quality product.

Alexander Gushchin

I can’t vouch for the taste, but it will be hot :)

1 Mar 2016


This dish is perhaps the most popular in Russia, although it is not considered national. Housewives prepare it in different ways, but not everyone turns it out delicious. Using the correct methods for cooking pasta, you will delight yourself and your loved ones with a high-quality, mouth-watering side dish. If you add a variety of sauces to it, you will get an original dish every time.

Professionals recommend using a large saucepan. Then there is enough space for each pasta and they stick together less. It is better not to use tall dishes so that the heat is distributed evenly. Water is poured at the rate of a liter per hundred grams of products. Take 80–100 g of dry product per serving.

After boiling, salt the water to taste. Then add the pasta and mix thoroughly to prevent the formation of a starch paste and sticking to the walls and bottom of the pan. When the contents boil again, turn the heat to medium. The pasta is stirred periodically. The pan is not covered with a lid.

To cook spaghetti, you don't need to break it. This is done if you are planning another dish, for example, a casserole. Any long pasta, once in boiling water, goes down after 30 seconds, and if it resists, they are helped with a fork.

How long to cook

There is no specific period of time for cooking, since it depends on the quality and type of product: the thinner the product, the faster they will cook. Exact recommendations are indicated on the packaging. The countdown begins after the second boil. Readiness is determined by testing: you need to break one pasta. If you can see white dough inside, continue cooking until the pasta becomes elastic, with a slightly hard center.

  • horns, spirals, feathers – 3;
  • stars, shells – 4;
  • vermicelli – 2;
  • nests – 4;
  • scallops, snails – 8;
  • noodles, bows – 9;
  • spaghetti – 9.

Do I need to rinse after cooking?

The finished dish should not be doused with water, especially from the tap. After this treatment, it sticks together and loses its taste. Drain the boiled pasta in a colander and return it to the pan. Add a little vegetable oil or 40–50 g of butter and mix thoroughly.

How to cook pasta so it doesn't stick together

To prevent the side dish from turning into a sticky mass, use small tricks:

  1. Maintain the ratio of the weight of the product and water - 100 g per liter.
  2. Salt is added in advance.
  3. Pour in a little sunflower oil.
  4. Slowly throw the products into boiling water, but not all at once, so that the pasta does not stick together.
  5. Stir constantly.
  6. Drain using a colander and return to the pan.
  7. Fill with oil, cover, shake vigorously.
  8. Stir twice - after 15 minutes and half an hour if the dish is not served immediately.

A common way to cook spaghetti is Al dente, which translated means “to the tooth.” In this state, the products are ready, but still hard and not softened. To achieve this effect, the prepared dish is constantly tasted. When biting, you should feel resistance. This is how they make pasta in Italy. Only pasta made from durum wheat is suitable for cooking using this method. They contain protein and gluten, little starch, and flour has a denser structure.

In a saucepan on water

To prepare you will need:

  • 300 g of dry product;
  • 3 liters of water;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of salt;
  • 40 g butter.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Water is poured into a container, wait for it to boil, and salted.
  2. Add pasta and stir immediately.
  3. Cover the pan for 20 seconds and turn up the heat.
  4. Remove the lid so that the contents do not escape. Cook over moderate heat until tender. If the recommended time is 10 minutes, take the sample on the 9th.
  5. When everything is ready, drain in a colander.
  6. Add oil to the finished dish and stir. The butter is pre-melted so that it is evenly distributed.

With milk

To prepare this tender dish you will need:

  • liter of milk;
  • 200 g of any dry pasta;
  • 30 g butter;
  • 2 teaspoons sugar;
  • salt.

Step by step recipe:

  1. First the milk is boiled.
  2. Add salt, sugar and butter at once.
  3. Add pasta, stir, wait for it to boil.
  4. Reduce heat and cook until tender. Cobweb – 1–2 minutes; horns, stars – 7–18.

For frying or baking

For cooking you will need:

  • 300 g of dry product;
  • 3 liters of water;
  • salt;
  • oil.

To prepare other pasta-based dishes, they must not be overcooked and keep their shape:

  1. When the water boils, add salt and oil.
  2. Pour in the products and stir.
  3. They reduce the heat and continue the process, but do not wait until it is ready. The pasta will “cook” while frying or baking.

In a slow cooker

Today we will tell you how long to cook pasta. As you know, during the cooking process, many people make mistakes by not following the correct recipe. After all, knowing all the nuances and secrets, you can prepare incredibly tasty and healthy pasta. Interesting? Then be sure to read this article.

First of all, the taste and quality of the dish depends on the shape and type of pasta. The assortment is greater than ever: cones, spaghetti, fettuccine, ravioli, vermicelli, “bows”, etc.

How and how long to cook pasta?

1. Take a large saucepan, pour 0.5 liters of water into it, place it on the stove and turn on maximum heat. Add 1 tbsp sunflower oil (so that the pasta does not stick together in the process) and salt to taste.

2. When the water boils, add the pasta. After the second boil, reduce the heat and cook for 7-10 minutes. Open the lid slightly, but do not close it completely (this way the pasta will turn out whole and not overcooked).

3. Taste it. When everything is ready, pour it into a colander and wait for the water to drain. If you want to save the cooked portion for tomorrow, then be sure to rinse it under cold water to prevent it from sticking together.

How to cook pasta in the microwave? Cooking time 10 min. Fill the pasta with water, add oil (1 tbsp) and salt to the bowl. Close the container, set the power to 500 W and cook for up to 10 minutes. All is ready.

How to cook in a slow cooker? Fill the pasta with water, add butter (1 tsp), set the “steaming” mode and cook for up to 10 minutes.

How to cook pasta in a double boiler? Fill the bottom container of the steamer with water. Then pour the pasta into a bowl, add water, salt, add vegetable oil, cover with a lid and cook for up to 15 minutes. Place in a colander and drain off excess liquid.

How long to cook pasta?

– spaghetti (8-9 min)

– vermicelli (3-5 min)

– pasta horns (7-9 min)

– fettuccine (up to 10 min)

– tagliatelle (up to 5 minutes)

– lasagna sheets (up to 5-6 minutes)

– noodles (5-7 min)

– ravioli (4-7 min)

– “bows” (up to 10 min)

– pasta (8-10 min)

7 Secrets on how to cook delicious and healthy pasta

  • If you don’t cook the pasta for 2-3 minutes, then it will have less calories.
  • To prevent the pasta from sticking together during the process, be sure to add vegetable oil (1 tbsp) and stir occasionally.
  • Do not close the lid during cooking
  • If the pasta turns out to be overcooked, don’t worry, everything can be fixed. Rinse under cold water.
  • If you are preparing a complex pasta dish, which must later be cooked, then you should not finish cooking it.
  • To ensure that the pasta is warm when serving, you must first pour hot water into the colander.
  • To make the dish tasty and tender, then do it as follows: put 60-80 grams of butter in the saucepan where you cooked the pasta and melt it. Then lower again and stir. All is ready!

Pasta, a favorite dish of Italians, can serve as an excellent side dish for any meal. Almost every Italian knows from childhood how to cook pasta in a saucepan. And if there is nothing else in the refrigerator, then pasta can serve as a complete meal. However, for dinner to be a success, you need to cook it right.

Rules for experienced housewives

To do this, there are several simple rules, which everyone who has approached the stove at least once must know. General tips:

Due to its high calorie content, pasta can ruin your figure. How then do Italians live? They choose the right ratio of vegetables to pasta because Italy produces quality pasta products.

Firstly, the volume of pasta should be three times less than the volume of meat or vegetables. Secondly, you can’t get better from well-made pasta. These are usually hard grade A products that crumble poorly and look golden like ripe wheat.

Is pasta washed?

As a rule, it is customary not to wash them. However, this rule only works for the highest grades, because water, especially cold water, will simply remove all the beneficial vitamins. It is better, after draining the liquid, to pour the broth over the noodles, as previously advised, or dilute it with oil or fat.

But there are certain types of spaghetti that cannot be cooked properly without rinsing. So, lagman noodles need to be washed and greased with oil or fat. In Asian countries, such noodles are also heated in a special way. Instead of using a microwave or oven, the noodles are dipped in hot water before eating and placed on plates after the water has drained.

Product readiness level

But how long to cook pasta is a fairly simple question, because almost every product package indicates a specific time suitable for this particular variety. However, in reality there is no exact time, it depends on many factors:

  1. Quality.
  2. The degree of heating of the plate.
  3. Pot material.
  4. And even the percentage of air humidity.

Therefore, experienced housewives determine readiness by intuition. However, there are also special methods . For example, the Italian method, called “by the tooth”.

These people know how long to cook pasta in a pan - the right ones are those that do not stick to the teeth, but come off easily. But it is better to “undercook” them slightly, because after draining they will swell, absorbing the residual water.

Proper cooking

Place the pasta in the pan while boiling. Even long spaghetti should not be broken: very quickly they will soften and fall to the bottom. When the water boils a second time, to prevent it from running away, you need to reduce the heat to medium. Stir occasionally. The first time they check after 6 10 minutes after they hit the water. If they are still very hard, then you need to wait and let them finish boiling. Before placing it in a colander, you should warm it up so that hot items do not stick to its cool rods and walls.
