Whipped boiled condensed milk. Boiled condensed milk cream with butter - step-by-step recipe. Cream for cake made from condensed milk and butter

Oddly enough, I use this cream very often in my confectionery products, but have not yet posted it as a separate recipe. What is special about the cream made from boiled condensed milk is that, like it, it is impossible to spoil it. Thus, this is another Delicious and very Simple recipe.

Ingredients for boiled condensed milk cream:

one stick of butter

50-100 ml. regular condensed milk (to taste and desired consistency)

you can add vanillin and cognac

Preparation of cream from boiled condensed milk:

Before preparing the cream, it is necessary to keep the butter and boiled condensed milk in the room so that their temperatures are equal. Place the boiled condensed milk and butter in the bowl where you will mix the cream and mix with a spoon.

Beat the resulting mixture with a mixer. In principle, for many cakes the cream can be used in this form. But if you want to make it even softer, you can add regular, unboiled condensed milk and beat the cream again with a mixer.

When the cream is mixed and whipped, you can add vanillin and just a couple of drops of cognac to taste. And beat the boiled condensed milk cream a little more .

When choosing condensed milk for this cream, as always, pay attention!!! Condensed milk must be produced in accordance with GOST 2903-78. Condensed milk can only contain milk and sugar.

Regular readers have probably already guessed that I baked some kind of delicious, homemade cake. Everything is correct! It was . Bon appetit!!!

It is no secret that the taste of the dessert directly depends on the cream, which is used both as a layer and decoration, and as a filler. Recently, cream made from boiled condensed milk has become especially popular. Its texture is suitable for both layering sponge cakes and filling eclairs. Its advantage is its quick preparation and the fact that the final product holds its shape well, which allows it to be used for decorating confectionery products.

Here we will look at several recipes for making cream from boiled condensed milk.

Small tricks

It should be noted that the preparation of this creamy product is simple, since it uses a minimal amount of ingredients. There can be from three to five. They, in turn, are mixed and whipped. However, you should pay attention to the fact that the ingredients must be at the same temperature, which will avoid separation of the creamy substance.

When preparing any cream, certain nuances can be noted.

Some of them should be taken into account by the hostess:

When preparing cream from condensed milk and butter, you can add all kinds of essences, cognac or rum to taste, vanillin, walnuts and pieces of fruit to give it a special taste. It should be remembered that when adding them, it is necessary to slow down the mixer speed when whipping;

To make the creamy substance a little lighter in appearance, you can use boiled cream instead of boiled condensed milk when cooking;

In order to avoid separation, it makes sense to use butter at room temperature;

When heating the oil, you should pay attention so that it does not flow under any circumstances;

When the creamy substance separates, heating it in the microwave or in a water bath can help. After which it will need to be mixed thoroughly;

If bulk ingredients are added (sugar, cocoa, flour), then it makes sense to first sift them using a strainer to remove lumps;

Ingredients such as butter, sour cream and cream must first be whipped before combining with condensed milk, which will give the creamy product more airiness;

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Please remember that the cream product is quite thick and difficult to mix with other ingredients. Therefore, you can first beat it with a mixer with a small amount of fresh milk or cream, which will give the mass plasticity.

Recipes for your culinary treasure chest

Recipe for cream made from boiled condensed milk and butter

Cream made from boiled condensed milk and butter is one of the simplest recipes. To do this, you will need to mix 220 grams of butter with 72% fat content with 390 milliliters of boiled condensed milk. It should be remembered that the oil should be at room temperature. After the components have been mixed, we begin to beat everything with a mixer until a homogeneous and smooth mass is obtained. And the product is ready.

This cream product can be used both for layering and decorating sponge cakes and shortbread cakes.

In this recipe, the taste can be varied simply by changing the proportion of the main components. You can give it a more delicate taste by adding regular condensed milk to it. The taste of vanilla or cognac would also be a good addition.

Recipe for condensed milk and sour cream cream

Recently, a recipe for a cream product made from boiled condensed milk and sour cream has become very popular. It is ideal for layering sponge cake, and for shortbread and nut cakes.

To make it, 390 milliliters of chilled sour cream is whipped with a mixer until a fluffy mass is formed. 390 milliliters of boiled condensed milk is added to it. At the same time, pour in the latter in small portions, constantly whisking the mixture. The result should be a thick, homogeneous creamy product. You can diversify the taste with additives (essences, vanilla, cognac). For decoration you can add nuts, dried fruits and berries.

Recipe for cream made from condensed milk, sour cream and butter

It is worth paying close attention to the recipe for preparing a creamy product from condensed milk, sour cream and butter, which is better suited for sandwiching cakes, as well as as a filling for eclairs, waffles and profiteroles.

To make it, 200 grams of butter is whipped with a mixer until a fluffy, airy mass is obtained. 150 milliliters of sour cream is added to it. Then the butter and sour cream are whipped first at low speeds, gradually increasing them. After obtaining a homogeneous mixture, 350 milliliters of boiled condensed milk is added to it in small portions. All components are whipped with a mixer. When a thick, dense and homogeneous substance is obtained, we can say that the product is ready.

Recipe for condensed milk and cream cream

Making a cream product from condensed milk and cream according to this recipe will not be difficult.

To do this, 390 milliliters of cream with 33% fat content is whipped with a mixer until airy peaks form. After this, 195 milliliters of boiled condensed milk is added to them. Next, the mass is whipped in order to obtain a thick and dense substance.

In a separate container, 200 grams of butter with 72% fat content is whipped with a mixer and the rest of the condensed milk (195 milliliters) is added to it.

After this, both masses are combined into one, 35 grams of vanillin, 45 milliliters of cognac or rum are added and everything is whipped until a fluffy mass is formed. The creamy product made from condensed milk and cream is ready for use.

Recipe for cream made from condensed milk, sour cream and cottage cheese

Making a cream using this recipe is not difficult. It is ideal for layering pancake cake.

Add 50 grams of powdered sugar to 200 milliliters of fatty sour cream. Beat all this with a mixer until smooth.

Separately, 200 grams of cottage cheese are rubbed using a sieve to remove lumps. After this, sour cream, cottage cheese and 0.5 cans of boiled condensed milk are combined, 1 bag of vanillin is added and all this is thoroughly beaten until a dense and stable consistency is formed. The finished product can also be used for layering cake layers.

Recipe for custard with condensed milk

In order to prepare condensed milk custard, 260 milliliters of milk are heated in a small saucepan with the addition of 65 grams of granulated sugar until the latter crystals are completely dissolved. 70 grams of wheat flour and 10 grams of vanillin are added to them. All this is mixed using a whisk and beaten with a mixer. The resulting mixture is placed in a water bath, stirring constantly until thickened, and then cooled.

After it has cooled, 120 grams of butter and 220 milliliters of boiled condensed milk are added to it. Everything is whipped with a mixer until the product has a dense, uniform texture.

Bon appetit.

We are so accustomed to the presence of condensed milk on the shelves of our stores that we sincerely consider it a national product. But it turns out that this product was invented in America, and only then was its production mastered in Russia.

The cooking technology was developed and patented back in 1856 by Gail Borden. His goal was to invent a method for long-term storage of perishable meat, juices, and tea.

Condensed condensed milk became especially popular during the Civil War, supplying soldiers of the North.

The popularity of condensed milk is not decreasing these days; it is often used in baking to prepare cream for cakes with condensed milk. I would like to note that this filling is suitable for any cakes; it can be prepared easily and quickly.

Cream for a cake made from condensed milk turns out incredibly tasty and tender if you follow all the rules for its preparation.

Basic recipe for creamy layer of condensed milk

Ingredients: a glass of condensed milk; 250 g peasant butter; 1/3 teaspoon vanilla sugar.

Prepare the layer according to this scheme:

  1. Remove the oil from the refrigerator in advance; it should become soft and easy for further processing.
  2. Transfer the butter to a bowl and beat until fluffy. Use a whisk, blender or mixer to make the task easier.
  3. Add vanilla sugar and start adding condensed milk little by little. Continue beating until the mixture has a uniform consistency and becomes fluffy.
  4. The cream is ready to be spread on cakes or stuffed into wafer rolls.

Tips from experienced confectioners:

  1. Fresh lemon juice will help make the cake cream less cloying; just a few drops are enough.
  2. You can enrich the taste by adding a couple of tablespoons of grape or apple juice.
  3. Want to add a fruity twist? Mash a ripe banana and beat the resulting puree together with condensed milk and other ingredients.
  4. Experimenting with cocoa powder, coffee or ground nuts will tell you the most suitable option.
  5. Powdered milk and a little coconut added to the cream will remind you of the taste of the famous Bounty delicacy.

To ensure that the cream is of good quality and the correct consistency, take:

0.5 cans of condensed milk; 0.5 cups of powdered sugar and a pack of low-fat cottage cheese

  • Mix all ingredients, starting with softened butter.
  • As soon as the mass has become airy and homogeneous, turn off the mixer and use the cream as intended.

Required ingredients: ¾ stick of butter; 3 large spoons of cocoa and the same amount of powdered sugar. You will also need 3 tbsp. spoons of condensed milk.

Let's start cooking:

  1. Beat soft butter.
  2. Add condensed milk and powdered sugar.
  3. At the end of whipping, add cocoa powder and beat until smooth.

Take: 400 g of fat sour cream; a can of condensed milk; a teaspoon of lemon zest.

  • Beat the fluffy mass of sour cream and condensed milk with a mixer.
  • Add lemon zest and stir.

This cream goes well with baked goods made from any dough. If you add chocolate chips, berries or chopped dried fruits to it, you will get a ready-made dessert that can be packaged in bowls and served.

Ice cream lovers will not be left out either; I recommend that they freeze the cream and consume it instead of a store-bought treat.

Ingredients that the cook needs to stock up on in advance:

2 yolks; 200 g condensed milk; butter – one and a half packs; vanilla extract or vanilla sugar

Prepare the cream for the cake following the instructions:

  1. Soften the butter and beat it with a mixer.
  2. Add condensed milk little by little.
  3. At the end of whipping, pour in first one yolk, then the other.
  4. Add vanilla sugar.
  5. The cream is completely ready for use.

The product list includes only two components:

half a liter of cream and a can of condensed milk. This cream is not as greasy as the previous ones, because instead of butter you need to use cream.

  • To prepare the layer, take a large bowl and pour both ingredients into it.
  • Beat the mixture until it increases in volume and becomes fluffy.

You need: butter - one pack; a can of boiled condensed milk; cocoa powder, vanilla sugar, nuts as desired.

How to cook:

  1. Boil a can of condensed milk by placing it in a pan of water.
  2. The fire should be of medium intensity, the time should be one hour.
  3. Take out a can of condensed milk, cool it, and only then uncork it.
  4. Whisk the butter, add condensed milk one spoon at a time.

All that remains is to enrich the cream with some filler and mix so that it is evenly distributed.

Sponge cakes are often coated with condensed milk cream. It is moderately thick, so it is ideal for this purpose. As you know, a biscuit should be handled as carefully as possible; it should not be turned over again and not shaken in vain.

Using condensed milk cream, you will achieve the integrity of the cake, and at the same time, do not deprive it of its airy texture.

Necessary components to make the cream:

butter - one pack; 150 g ground nuts; a can of condensed milk and a small packet of vanilla sugar

Start the cooking process by cutting the chilled butter into cubes and placing on a plate.

Leave the product until completely softened, then:

  1. Beat it until fluffy and volume increases.
  2. Reduce speed and add condensed milk, spoonful at a time.
  3. At the end, add vanilla and crushed nuts (they must first be fried in a dry frying pan), stir one last time.

Condensed milk and beautiful cottage cheese combine with each other, forming a delicate airy paste. It is only important to get rid of any lumps that may be in the cottage cheese, and to do this you need to rub it through a sieve or grind it thoroughly in a blender.

So, you will need these ingredients:

0.2 kg of homemade cottage cheese; a glass of condensed milk; flavoring – vanilla sugar

It's very easy to prepare the filling:

  1. Grind the cottage cheese twice through a sieve. If you want to speed up the process, use kitchen “helpers” - a blender or mixer.
  2. Pour in the condensed milk little by little, constantly whisking the cream. Don't forget about vanilla sugar, you need to add it at the end.

The cream is ready for use.

The product list consists of:

200 g boiled condensed milk; butter - half a pack; 200 ml heavy cream. Supplement the cream at your discretion with vanilla sugar or crushed nuts

Let's start cooking:

  1. Divide the condensed milk in half. Beat one part with cream, the other with butter, which needs to be softened.
  2. Combine buttercream and buttercream in one bowl and mix thoroughly with a whisk.
  3. Add vanilla sugar or nuts.

Delicious cream for a cake made from boiled condensed milk is ready.

Condensed milk cream. Condensed milk cream is a fairly popular type of cream used in making cakes, pastries, donuts or filled pancakes. This cream pleases housewives not only with its naturalness, but also with its amazing taste!

Condensed milk has been known to man for a long time - it was invented by an American named Gail Borden back in 1856. The savvy man decided that he could preserve the freshness of milk for as long as possible by boiling it with sugar. Since then, the popularity of condensed milk has gradually begun to gain momentum, and now it is consumed not only on its own, but also in the preparation of a wide variety of dishes. Currently, you can find several types of condensed milk on sale: both classic with sugar or boiled, and with various additives: vanilla, chicory, cocoa or coffee.

To prepare creams, classic condensed milk is usually used, which is subsequently combined with the rest of the ingredients in accordance with the recipe. At the same time, you should try to purchase real high-quality condensed milk, and not a low-grade surrogate made from milk powder, sugar and palm fats. In order not to make a mistake in your choice, you should look for the word “GOST” on the packaging or carefully read the composition - besides sugar and milk, there should not be any other ingredients in high-quality condensed milk. Delicious and healthy condensed milk cream can be prepared only from a natural product!

As for the remaining ingredients of condensed milk cream, they can be very diverse: these include other dairy products, nuts, chocolate, and cocoa. The taste of the final product depends on these ingredients.
Preparing condensed milk cream is very simple - all the ingredients are simply mixed well together or whipped. It is only important to ensure that all products have the same temperature - only in this case will it be possible to obtain a homogeneous mass and avoid the formation of lumps or separation of fats. Various essences, vanillin or aromatic spices are added only at the very end of preparing the cream, and if you want to deepen the taste of the finished cream and give it a charming walnut aroma, you can add a spoonful of cognac to it.

If fruits or berries are used as an addition to the cream, under no circumstances should there be any traces of rot or spoilage on them, otherwise the cream will have an extremely unpleasant aftertaste. And condensed milk cream is absolutely not suitable for long-term storage, that is, it must be used as quickly as possible. And you should not cook it in an aluminum bowl - an enamel or plastic bowl is best suited for this purpose. And if the cream needs to be whipped, it is better to prefer an ordinary mixer to a blender, since using a blender to achieve a fluffy mass can be extremely problematic.

Cream made from butter and sweet condensed milk is prepared very quickly and easily. It is enough to combine the components and beat them properly until they have a homogeneous, airy consistency. At the same time, the recipe is universal; the finished cream is suitable for decorating most desserts.

The classic composition of such sweets can be changed and improved to suit your taste. For example, adding cognac, coconut, dark and white chocolate, as well as other interesting ingredients.

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    Cream recipe options

    The basis of such a cream is always condensed milk with the addition of butter or other dairy products. You can use both regular and boiled condensed milk.

    Additional components will make the taste of sweets brighter, more interesting, and original. It can be not only cocoa or chocolate, but even cognac or fruit juice or puree. The recipes below will tell you step by step how to prepare any of these options.



    • homemade butter – 400-450 g;
    • boiled condensed milk - 1 can.


    The cream should be used immediately to decorate the dessert. If the mixture is initially liquid, you should cool it slightly.

    Cream and condensed milk cream


    • sweet condensed milk - 1 standard can;
    • whipping cream - 1.5 tbsp;
    • powdered sugar - 70 g;
    • vanilla extract (optional) - 2-3 drops.


    1. 1. Pour the chilled cream into a deep blender glass. Beat the milk product.
    2. 2. When the cream begins to thicken, gradually pour in all the powdered sugar in minimal portions.
    3. 3. After 3-3.5 minutes of active whipping, pour in cold, uncooked condensed milk in a thin stream.
    4. 4. Process ingredients at high speed for another 1.5-2 minutes. During this time, the mass in the glass should become thick and stop pouring out even when the container is turned over.
    5. 5. A few seconds before the cream stops whipping, add vanilla extract. This is an optional ingredient.

    The finished cream can be used immediately for its intended purpose. It is convenient to decorate baked goods with them using a pastry bag.

    With cocoa


    • high-quality cocoa powder - 3 d.l.
    • condensed milk - 1 can;
    • high fat butter - 1 pack (180-200 g).


    1. 1. Remove the butter from the refrigerator in advance so that it softens naturally at room temperature.
    2. 2. Beat the already soft butter using a mixer or a special blender attachment until fluffy.
    3. 3. Pour condensed milk into it in portions. Don't stop whisking.
    4. 4. When the mass becomes completely homogeneous, pour cocoa into it.
    5. 5. Continue beating for another 1.5-2 minutes.

    The finished chocolate cream should be used to decorate desserts immediately. After infusing in the refrigerator, it will become dense and inconvenient for further work.

    With sour cream


    • very fatty sour cream - 1 full glass;
    • condensed milk - 1 full glass.


    1. 1. Cool the sour cream well. Place it in a bowl convenient for whisking.
    2. 2. Pour chilled condensed milk into the sour cream.
    3. 3. Beat the cream ingredients together until fluffy and smooth.

    Spread this mixture only on completely cooled cakes and cakes. The cream is also good for wafer rolls.

    With condensed milk and cognac


    • high fat butter - 400 g;
    • high-quality cognac without flavorings - 60 ml;
    • condensed milk 450 g.


    1. 1. Soften the fatty butter. Beat it until fluffy.
    2. 2. While processing the product with a mixer or blender, pour condensed milk into it in small portions without stopping the device.
    3. 3. Lastly, pour in the alcoholic drink. Continue beating for another half a minute.

    The finished cream should be slightly cooled. It turns out dense - it lays easily and evenly on the cake.

    Butter cream with condensed milk and white chocolate


    • medium fat cream (20%) - 1/2 tbsp.;
    • fatty butter - 30 g;
    • white chocolate without nuts - 2 bars;
    • condensed milk - 1 can.


    1. 1. Pour the cream into a small saucepan. Add white chocolate broken into pieces.
    2. 2. Place the container on low heat.
    3. 3. When the chocolate dissolves in the dairy product, pour all the condensed milk into the saucepan at once.
    4. 4. Cook the mass at the same heating intensity with constant stirring with a wooden spoon or spatula.
    5. 5. When the mixture thickens, add a piece of butter. This will make the cream more liquid.
    6. 6. Cook it to the desired thickness with frequent stirring.

    Buttercream turns out very sweet, so it is worth using it for cakes with a neutral or sour taste. Any nut goes well with it.

    Sour cream version with boiled condensed milk


    • boiled condensed milk - 1 can;
    • vanilla sugar - 1 sachet;
    • medium fat sour cream - 1.5 tbsp.


    1. 1. Place sour cream in a suitable bowl.
    2. 2. Beat the ingredients until smooth.
    3. 3. Lastly, add vanilla sugar to the cream.
    4. 4. Continue beating for another half a minute.

    Properly prepared cream should be fluffy and homogeneous. The amount of vanilla sugar in it can be increased to taste.

    Curd cream with condensed milk


    • soft cottage cheese (at least 9% fat content) - 450 g;
    • medium fat cream - 100 ml;
    • boiled condensed milk - 1 can;
    • vanillin - 2 pinches.


    1. 1. Place soft cottage cheese in a blender bowl. Beat it for about a minute at the slowest speed.
    2. 2. Add boiled condensed milk.
    3. 3. Continue beating until the mass is homogeneous.
    4. 4. Lastly, add vanillin to the mixture.
    5. 5. Beat the cream for another half a minute.

    You can independently adjust the thickness of the mixture by increasing or decreasing the amount of cream. Vanillin in it will help to overcome the slight taste of cottage cheese.

    Lemon (orange) butter version with condensed milk


    • ripe oranges - 2 pcs.;
    • fatty butter (above 80%) - 400 g;
    • powdered sugar - 90 g;
    • condensed milk - 1 can.


    1. 1. Soften the fatty butter at room temperature. Beat it with a mixer at medium speed until white.
    2. 2. Add all the condensed milk to the butter. Add powdered sugar. Beat at high speed until fluffy and smooth.
    3. 3. Finely grate the citrus zest without touching the soft white skin. Squeeze out all the juice from the remaining parts. Strain it from the seeds.
    4. 4. Add orange zest and juice to the cream base. Mix its components with careful circular movements.

    Instead of oranges, you can use lemons for cream. You will need 3 of these citrus fruits.

    Banana cream


    • condensed milk without flavoring - 150 ml;
    • ripe large bananas - 2 pcs.;
    • butter - 200 g;
    • high-quality gelatin - 8 g.


    1. 1. Pour gelatin with cold boiled water in an amount 2 times less than indicated in the instructions on the package.
    2. 2. Peel both bananas, place on foil and bake in the oven at medium temperature for a quarter of an hour. This preparation will make the finished cream more airy and sweet.
    3. 3. As soon as the baked fruits have cooled completely, place them with condensed milk in a blender bowl. Beat until smooth at medium speed.
    4. 4. Add most of the softened butter (about 2/3). Mix the ingredients with a spoon.
    5. 5. Dissolve the gelatin that has frozen during this time in a water bath. Do not bring to a boil.
    6. 6. Strain the gelatin and pour into the remaining butter (melted). Mix the ingredients well.
    7. 7. Add gelatin and butter to the banana mixture.
    8. 8. Knead the cream exclusively with a spoon (without using a mixer).

    While the mixture is still liquid, you need to immediately apply it to the cake. And the gelatin in the composition will allow it to perfectly hold its shape in an already frozen form.



    • dry coconut flakes - 120–150 g;
    • fatty butter - 450 g;
    • condensed milk - 850 g;
    • white chocolate - 2 bars.


    1. 1. Soften the butter at room temperature. Transfer to a saucepan. Mix the dairy product with small pieces of white chocolate.
    2. 2. Place the saucepan in a water bath. While stirring, keep the container in the water until the chocolate and butter are completely dissolved, turning into a homogeneous mass.
    3. 3. Remove the saucepan from the water bath. Immediately pour all the coconut flakes into it and quickly mix vigorously.
    4. 4. Pour in condensed milk. Mix all cream ingredients thoroughly with a wooden spoon.

    Cool the mixture completely and use as intended. To taste, you can also add peeled almonds, ground to fine crumbs.

    Chocolate nut cream


    • fried peeled peanuts - 1 tbsp.;
    • butter - 70 g;
    • dark chocolate bar - 1 pc.;
    • condensed milk - 1 tbsp.;
    • fine salt - 1 pinch.


    1. 1. Grind the nuts into fine crumbs using a coffee grinder.
    2. 2. Place soft butter and dark chocolate slices into a small saucepan. Add salt.
    3. 3. Melt the listed ingredients over low heat, stirring them constantly.
    4. 4. When the butter and chocolate are completely melted, add all the condensed milk.
    5. 5. Bring the mixture until the first boiling bubbles appear. Cook it for 3-5 minutes (depending on the desired thickness).
    6. 6. Mix with chopped nuts.

    The cream prepared according to this recipe can be stored in the refrigerator in a glass jar for at least 1 week. It is great for decorating not only cakes, but also cupcakes, muffins, and pastries.

    Custard version


    • condensed milk - 1 tbsp.;
    • high fat butter - 120 g;
    • sifted flour - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • granulated sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • full fat milk - 1 tbsp.


    1. 1. Pour milk into a small saucepan. When it gets hot, dissolve the sugar in the liquid. Add flour. Stir the mixture constantly so that no lumps form in it.
    2. 2. Boil the mixture until thickened. Then remove from the stove and cool.
    3. 3. Combine the no longer hot mass with soft butter and condensed milk. Beat with a mixer until desired fluffiness.

    If desired, you can improve the taste of sweetness with vanilla, cinnamon or other additives. You should decorate the cakes with the cream still warm.

    Features of preparing cream

    To prepare a delicious, fluffy and airy cream, an ordinary whisk will not be enough. For this purpose you need to use a mixer or a special blender attachment.

    It will take at least 3 minutes to process the components. It is better to use the finished mixture immediately for its intended purpose, rather than leaving it for long-term storage. But you need to remember that at room temperature the butter from the sweet begins to melt quickly.

    Ingredients and proportions

    A very important point is the selection of high-quality fresh ingredients for the cream. The oil must be of high fat content (at least 80%). When purchasing, you should choose an unsalted natural dairy product. Homemade butter works very well for any recipe.

    Condensed milk should be taken as thick, whole milk. The product must contain sugar.

    The proportions of the ingredients can be determined according to your taste, depending on how thick the cream needs to be. But there should always be a little more butter than condensed milk. At least 50–70 g. The exception will be Raffaello cream and some other original sweet options.

    How to beat correctly

    In order for the cream to be tender and airy as a result of whipping, you need to start the process with a minimum or medium speed of the mixer/blender. It can be gradually increased.

    The general process of whipping the sweetness in question lasts about 3-4 minutes. Particular care must be taken when working with the mixture containing heavy cream (33 percent fat). You will need to carefully monitor its consistency and not reach the point where the product begins to turn into oil.

    Before whipping, you need to make sure that the ingredients are at the same temperature. If the condensed milk is candied, you will first need to heat it in a water bath and then cool it completely.

    When using ready-made cream, you need to remember that the warm mass will not allow you to create relief designs. But it lays on the cake in a beautiful and even glossy layer. Cold cream makes it possible to create voluminous matte designs with clear outlines.

    What desserts does it go with?

    Cream made from condensed milk and butter can be called universal. It goes great with many popular homemade desserts. Especially for coating biscuits. These can be variants of biscuit dough made with kefir, sour cream, boiling water, lemonade and, of course, condensed milk.

    If you use this mixture for the Napoleon cake, then you should choose custard. It will go well with delicate crumbly cakes and will quickly soak them.

    Options with boiled condensed milk and chocolate are not suitable for the Black Prince cake. The cream for this dessert should be snow-white so that it contrasts beautifully with the cherries in the filling and the dark cake layers. It is better to stick with the option with sour cream or heavy cream in the recipe.

    In addition to cakes, a mixture of condensed milk and butter goes well with wafer rolls, shortbread “nuts”, various cookies, muffins and cupcakes. Some housewives even complement it with pancakes, pancakes and crispy white bread toast.
