Snacks in a hurry - light, simple and tasty for a birthday, a festive table, for children, for the New Year, for a buffet table, an outdoor picnic in the summer, a wedding, a bride price, on skewers, for every day: menu, the best recipes. Quick snacks for beer, in

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1. Cheese snack


Mix the grated processed cheese with a finely grated boiled egg, add garlic and mayonnaise. Form into balls and roll in finely chopped dill.

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2. Refreshing snack.

Cut a lemon slice in half, place a slice of avocado and a spoonful of black caviar on top. Decorate with greens.



3. Buffet salad


Grate raw carrots and cheese. Place a salad of grated cheese, carrots, boiled eggs, garlic, mayonnaise and herbs on bread or fried eggplant rings. Secure with skewers and decorate to taste.

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4. Lavash rolls with caviar


Mix a package of soft Viola cheese with sour cream and finely chopped herbs. Spread on thin pita bread. Spread red caviar on top. Roll it up, wrap it in film, and put it in the refrigerator overnight. Slice diagonally.

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5. Canapes with curd paste


Mix curd cream, grated sausage cheese, crushed garlic, herbs, mayonnaise. Spread the prepared pasta onto pieces of rye bread.


6. Hot sandwiches


Grate hard cheese on a fine grater, add herbs, raw egg, mix everything. Spread the finished mixture onto pieces of bread and place in a hot frying pan with a small amount of vegetable oil, spread side down. When the cheese is browned, turn over and fry the other side of the sandwich.

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7. Fish canapés


Spread a mixture of chopped herring, red onion, dill and soft cream cheese onto pieces of black bread. Garnish with caviar or herbs.

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8. Light toast with cheese


Fry the toast, spread with butter, add a square piece of cheese, green peas and a sprig of parsley.

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9. Original fruit toasts


Place a round slice of canned pineapple on a piece of toast and a slice of cheese on top. Place in the oven for 5 minutes at 200 degrees. Place a cherry in the cavity and garnish with pine nuts.

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10. Holiday sandwiches


Cut the crusts off the white bread, grease the sides and top with butter. Dip the edges in chopped dill, add pieces of red fish and garnish with lemon. Fish can be replaced with red caviar.

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11. Cucumber salad


Shrimp - 250-300 g, celery stalk - 1 pc., red onion - 1 pc., light low-calorie mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. l., unsweetened yogurt - 1 tbsp. l., fresh cucumber - 400 g, a few arugula leaves, green onions for decoration, salt and pepper to taste.


Chop the onion and celery very finely. Chop onion and celery into one bowl. Add boiled peeled shrimp there. Season with mayonnaise and yogurt, salt and pepper to taste. Cut the cucumbers into rings and place on a dish, add salt. Place an arugula leaf on top. Place a heaped shrimp on each cucumber slice.

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Bon appetit!

Traditionally, a feast is associated with an abundance of snacks and complex gourmet dishes. Times are changing, and the modern pace of life dictates new rules to housewives, that is, you want to set the table in a hurry, surprise your guests and at the same time save your budget.

We are not talking about serving semi-finished products as a treat that you just need to heat up, but about how to spend a minimum of time preparing a delicious dinner and impress your guests with your culinary skills.

It’s quite natural that the first thing you need to do is create a menu. Organizational issues are usually resolved in advance, but it also happens that guests show up unexpectedly and you have to improvise.

However, even in a situation where you have to act decisively, there are several options. The first and most important thing is that every housewife should have in stock several simple and quick-to-prepare dishes and snacks so that, in extreme cases, she can quickly find her way.

By the way, more attention should be paid to snacks, because they are the most popular among guests at a festive feast.

The second and important point is table setting. A beautiful new tablecloth, bright cutlery and glasses should definitely be in the house and should be taken out on occasion.

This does not mean that you need to spend all your savings on expensive porcelain; today there are many alternative options. For example, you can buy “just in case” several plates and salad bowls, made in the same style, and leave them until better times, that is, when guests arrive.

The same applies to glasses; they may not be made of crystal, but they should have an attractive appearance.

In addition, you need to take into account the fact that table setting is an entire art. All items must be made in the same style and create a harmonious composition.

So, in order for preparation for the feast to take a minimum of time, you need to identify several recipes for yourself in advance and purchase festive dishes.

Grocery list

The housewife must know what is needed to prepare this or that dish herself. That is, she must draw up a menu in advance if, for example, some special event is just around the corner, or in case guests arrive unexpectedly.

If we are talking about how to whip up a festive table quickly and inexpensively, then the ingredients should be available. For example, when friends or relatives show up without warning or inform you at the very last moment, you have to serve treats from what was in the refrigerator.

Therefore, every housewife should always have simple products in stock. Here is a list of what you can use to whip it up:

  • canned fish and vegetables
  • home canning
  • mayonnaise, sauce, spices
  • seasonal and frozen vegetables and fruits
  • compotes
  • meat, fish or poultry
  • frozen or canned mushrooms

In general, from the entire list above you can easily prepare a delicious holiday meal. And if you have the opportunity, time and money to run to the store, you can buy ready-made salads, semi-finished products, desserts and much more.

So, the festive table usually consists of one hot dish, several salads, appetizers, meat and fish cuts, dessert and tea. If you clearly think through your actions, then it will take no more than 2 hours to prepare everything.

An important secret: if you are preparing a festive table in a hurry and inexpensively for ten people, then you should not cut a whole basin, you need to calculate portions of approximately 100–150 grams per person for each dish. A simple calculation will save time and money.

A hot appetizer is traditionally a meat or fish product and a side dish. There are many ways to prepare everything quickly. The easiest way of cooking, which does not require constant attention, is baking in the oven or slow cooker, or in extreme cases in the microwave.

For example, in the oven you can bake meat or chicken with potatoes in cream. The ingredients are quite simple and inexpensive, the time required is approximately one hour, depending on the power of the kitchen appliance.

To reduce cooking time, you can cover the container with foil, thus making the food more juicy and aromatic.

The fastest way to cook meat or fish along with vegetables is baking in the microwave. So you can cook a kilogram of chicken legs in a sleeve or special heat-resistant bags in just 15–20 minutes.

The only drawback of this method is that everyone’s favorite crispy crust will not be obtained, but the product will be saturated with salt and spices and will remain juicy and aromatic.


Not a single festive feast is complete without. There are so many recipes that choosing two or three with simple and inexpensive ingredients will not be a problem.

But when choosing suitable options, you should be guided by a few simple rules. To begin with, these are the ingredients; you should focus on salads, which contain simple products, such as vegetables, meat, sausages, eggs, canned food.

If you need to urgently cook vegetables, for example, beets, carrots or potatoes, you can do this in 5 minutes in the oven. To do this, place the ingredients in a plastic bag and make several holes in it for steam to escape.

Then you should set the maximum power and time from 3 to 5 minutes. Any product except liver and eggs can be cooked in the same way.

The dressing will help improve the taste of the salad and make it original and unique. Traditionally, salads are smeared with vegetable oil, mayonnaise or sour cream.

But if there are other tasty and simple seasonings that make the taste of foods brighter and richer. You can add a drop of vinegar and a grated clove of garlic to a fresh vegetable salad, and mustard or horseradish to a meat or fish salad.

Suitable additions include soy sauce, ketchup, and tomato paste. By the way, the main flavoring additive for any salad is fresh greens.

Snacks and snacks

The choice of snacks is huge, the number of recipes is unlimited, which means choosing tasty, inexpensive and quick ones is quite possible. Armenian lavash rolls with filling are very popular.

The only drawback is that the appetizer must sit before serving, otherwise it will be difficult to cut evenly. As a filling you can use cheese, mayonnaise, sticks, fish, sausages, vegetables, greens and eggs.

A fairly simple, unpretentious snack is canapés and sandwiches. Here you don’t need to be a chef or spend hours looking for recipes; you can safely improvise.

For canapés, anything that is currently in the refrigerator is suitable: cheese, feta cheese, smoked sausage, eggs, preferably quail, vegetables, grapes, olives or black olives.

It is very important to choose products that taste well together; if you cannot make the right choice on your own, it is better to look for ready-made recipes. For canapés, you can use toothpicks instead of skewers.

A great option is baguette sandwiches. This appetizer is quite common on holiday tables and is in demand among guests, especially if there are children among the guests.

The contents itself depend only on the culinary fantasies of the hostess herself. Traditional options, red caviar and butter, but far from budget ones, processed cheese and fish, sprats and cucumber.

The last appetizer, the preparation of which will not take much time and will not incur extra costs, is stuffed eggs. There are also many filling options, for example, minced meat or fish, cheese, yolk and mayonnaise with garlic and herbs.

In general, you can decorate an ordinary chicken egg beautifully, you just need to show a little imagination.

It's hard to imagine a holiday table without cutting. By the way, cutting sausages, cheeses, vegetables or fish is not a time-consuming activity.

Therefore, if you don’t have time to prepare salads and appetizers in large quantities, you should compensate for them with an abundance of various cuts. And so that several varieties of chopped smoked meat on the festive table do not look too “sad”, you should arrange the presentation in an original way, for example, roll up the slices in the idea of ​​rolls.


At a birthday party, the celebration usually ends with a cake, but its preparation will take quite a lot of time. Although you can find no-bake cake recipes, you still have to spend a lot of effort.

An easier and more budget-friendly way to surprise guests with a delicious dessert after holiday appetizers is. To prepare it you will need a little flour, butter, a couple of eggs, a glass of sugar and slaked soda with vinegar.

Cooking time is no more than 40 minutes in the oven. In addition, you can add berries, fruits, dried fruits or nuts to the dough. You can serve your guests a delicious treat with jam, preserves, honey or condensed milk.

Decorations for salads and desserts

Each housewife can emphasize her individuality and demonstrate her culinary skills with the help of vegetable decorations. It won’t take much time, but it will certainly delight and surprise your guests.

What products can be used for decoration:

  • eggs, chicken or quail
  • cucumbers
  • boiled carrots
  • tomatoes
  • canned green peas
  • corn
  • olives or black olives

It is more advisable to use the same ingredients that are included in the salad to make decorative elements, so as not to spoil the taste.

For example, using simple improvised flowers cut from boiled beets and carrots with sprigs of parsley or dill, turn a simple vegetable vinaigrette into a real holiday dish. You can arrange other salads in a similar way.

Now a little about the technology for making decorative elements for salad; by the way, such manipulations will not take much time, and will give you an unforgettable mood. So, to collect a flower, you will need a sharp small knife and the raw material itself, which should be carefully cut into a thin ribbon and subsequently rolled into the bud of an impromptu flower.

You can also give desserts an original aesthetic look. For example, at the end of a festive feast, you should offer guests ice cream decorated with chocolate chips, coconut flakes, and pieces of fruit.

Watch the video on how to cut vegetables and prepare dishes:

What not to do

To begin with, it should be noted that you do not need to buy prepared foods in stores, especially salads. Because it is too expensive and the quality of the product is very questionable.

The same applies to semi-finished products, despite the fact that with the purchase of ready-made frozen dishes, the time for preparing a festive dinner is reduced to a minimum, guests can hardly be surprised and pleased with such a treat.

Particular attention should be paid to the fact that you should not put food on the holiday table that quickly spoils and loses its attractive appearance. These include jellied meat and aspic; these products will melt quickly.

When creating a menu, you need to carefully consider the composition of the dishes, because some recipes are intended only for “lovers.”

For example, not everyone will like a salad that contains meat combined with sweets. This fact must be taken into account and when preparing, try to focus on the preferences of each guest individually.

The last piece of advice is that you should not prepare a new dish for the holiday table for the first time; it is better to experiment in advance, because the surprise may not work and the product will not live up to expectations.

Sample menu

This section presents several simple recipes for the holiday table; cooking will not take much time and will help save your budget. The ingredients include only products that are available regardless of the season.

What you can prepare for the holiday table is tasty and inexpensive:

  • Sandwiches with tomato and feta. Thin slices of baguette should be topped with finely chopped tomatoes, seasoned with soft, salty cheese and garlic. You can use parsley, black olives and pitted olives as decoration.
  • Korean carrot salad with boiled chicken breast and red bell pepper. All ingredients should be cut into strips and seasoned with mayonnaise. The salad has an amazing spicy taste and will not leave guests indifferent, while the preparation time is no more than 15 minutes.
  • A quick and inexpensive hot dish - pork ribs with potatoes and fried onions in pots baked in the oven. Cooking time is no more than one hour, preparation time is up to 15 minutes.
  • A cottage cheesecake for dessert will be a wonderful end to a festive feast. For it you will need 250 g of cottage cheese with a high percentage of fat, 3 chicken eggs, a glass of flour and the same amount of sugar, a teaspoon of soda, a pinch of vanillin, 100 g of softened butter. You can add grated raisins or nuts to taste. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and bake in the oven until done, 20 to 40 minutes.

It should also be remembered that the use of spices, of course in moderation, gives the products a different flavor profile. Therefore, if possible, you should learn to combine food correctly and all kinds of seasonings, because they are the ones that can turn simple dishes into masterpieces.

In general, there is no limit to women's ingenuity; organizing a festive table quickly and inexpensively is not a problem for a real housewife.

First, a strategic supply of nonperishable food items should always be in the house “just in case.”

Secondly, you should have a few simple recipes for delicious dishes ready for the unexpected arrival of guests. And lastly, the contents of the table are not as important for the guest as the hospitality and cordiality of the hosts.

In review: recipes for quick and tasty snacks for the holidays.

Be sure to read the information regarding what should be served with different types of alcohol. And in the review you will find various snacks, focusing on the main ingredient of the dish.

What to cook for a snack inexpensively, quickly and tasty in a hurry for a birthday: a menu of simple light snacks, recipes

A standard snack or appetizer menu consists of

  • canapés (small one-bite sandwiches);
  • tartlets (small baskets of unleavened dough with various fillings);
  • vol-au-vents (small towers of puff pastry with various fillings);
  • profiteroles with filling;
  • or omelet;
  • all kinds of plates: cheese, meat, fish, vegetables, seafood, etc.;
  • small pies, incl. , ;
  • various dips: sauces for dipping chips, vegetables, cheese, meat, etc. For example, dips include Pesto sauce, popular all over the world, the recipe for which you will find at;
  • vegetable and meat stews served in portions, juliennes.

The simplest and fastest type of snack is slicing. The secrets of beautiful holiday decorations have been collected.

You will find a variety of recipes for simple and light snacks in the following sections of the review.

Quick snacks for the holiday table: menu of simple light snacks, recipes

Below is a sample menu of cold and hot appetizers for the holiday table.

Vegetable plate

This can be any fresh portioned vegetables and fresh herbs according to the season. As a rule, the basis of a vegetable plate is tomatoes (preferably small cherry tomatoes), cucumbers, and sweet peppers. If desired, you can add celery stalks and sweet onion rings.

Another option for a vegetable plate: grilled vegetables or oven-baked vegetables. Here, the flight of your imagination is completely unlimited: you can bake zucchini, eggplant, champignons, young onions, potatoes, carrots.

Cheese plate

To form a cheese plate, you will need at least 5 types of cheese, cut into slices, cubes, and bars.

Served as an accompaniment to the cheese plate:

  • portioned pieces of pears, grapes - with soft cheeses,
  • nut kernels - with fatty cheeses,
  • dried fruits - with spicy cheeses,
  • spring liquid honey or jam - with blue and sweet cheeses.

For convenience, skewers or toothpicks must be served with the cheese plate.

Eggs stuffed with pate


  • hard boiled eggs - 6 pcs.
  • ready-made pate (meat, fish, liver) - 3-4 tbsp.


  • Peel the eggs and cut them lengthwise into two halves.
  • Remove the yolk. Grind the yolk with the pate until smooth. Add salt and pepper (to taste) to the mixture.
  • Using a pastry syringe, fill the egg boats.

Recipe notes.

  • It is better to fill the boats immediately before serving.
  • On top, just before serving, you can apply a mayonnaise mesh and garnish with finely chopped herbs.
  • Be careful. The dish gets weathered pretty quickly.

Tips on how to properly boil eggs have been collected.

How to make liver pate, explained

Appetizer of quail eggs with cherry tomatoes on skewers

For the youngest guests, this delicious appetizer of quail eggs on skewers is perfect.

Children's mini pizzas

Almost all children are big fans of pizza. You can find many delicious pizza recipes by going.

Children's dessert S`more

Children's dessert Smores


  • any cookies (cracker or shortbread) - at the rate of 2 cookies per serving,
  • marshmallows (chewable marshmallows),
  • chocolate.


  • Preheat the oven to 200⁰C.
  • Line the baking deco with parchment. Place cookies on the deco.
  • Place a piece of chocolate on each cookie. Place marshmallows on top of the chocolate. Make sure the marshmallows don't roll off the cookies.
  • Place the baking tray with cookies in the oven for 4-5 minutes. During this time, the marshmallow will increase in volume, become soft and slightly golden.
  • Remove the deco from the oven. Quickly cover the dessert sandwiches with the remaining cookies.

Fruit slices

Fruits as a snack for children are best served in portions. These can be assorted fruits placed in waffle, plastic or paper cups.

You can interest children in fruits by offering them a bright and tasty fruit kebab.

Quick snacks for the New Year

Having ready-made tartlets and a minimum set of holiday products in stock, you can prepare several types of original snacks.

  • Any of the recipes suggested above is perfect for a buffet at work. A video collection of recipes for simple and tasty snacks will give you a lot of interesting ideas (see below).

    Video: HOLIDAY SNACK 3 types (1 Part) OFFICE CORPORATE PARTY. Simple and delicious! Appetizer

    Video: HOLIDAY SNACK 3 types (Part 2) OFFICE CORPORATE PARTY. Appetizer

    Quick snacks for a summer picnic

    An ideal option for a picnic would be a variety of pita bread snacks, incl. rolls, pies, chips. You can find an overview of the recipes by going.

    The easy-to-prepare and very tasty bruschetta diversifies the picnic menu.


    • ciabatta or any other slightly stale bread,
    • a few cloves of garlic,
    • olive or any other vegetable oil (not refined) - 2-3 tbsp.
    • tomatoes and greens.


    • Cut the ciabatta lengthwise into two parts. Cut the bread into portions.
    • Grill until golden brown.
    • Sprinkle with vegetable oil and rub with garlic.
    • Cut the tomatoes into cubes or slices, chop the greens.
    • Place the vegetables on the bread and serve immediately.

    Recipe notes.

    On a fried piece of bread you can put chopped vegetables, pre-baked on the grill, grated cheese, ham.

    Quick snacks for a wedding, bride price

    Quick snacks for every day

    Each of the snacks suggested in this article can be adapted for a daily menu.

    Video: 7 Canapes - well, very tasty! / Snacks for New Year and Christmas

Quite often a situation arises when recipes for quick dishes can come in handy. Guests are on the doorstep, and you have a lot of things to do and worries, or you have just returned from work. In order to quickly set the table for guests, it is not necessary to spend hours preparing exotic dishes. You can quickly and inexpensively, and most importantly, deliciously set a festive table, and guests will not even believe that it was prepared almost before their arrival. Or you can simply please your family with simple and tasty dishes for the lazy.

The classic set of the festive table is appetizers, salads, main course and dessert.This is the order in which I suggest cooking.

Quick snacks in a hurry

Canapes with boiled pork and cucumber


  • white bread – 10 slices
  • boiled pork – 20 pieces
  • butter – 100 gr.
  • olives – 20 pcs.
  • cucumber, dill for decoration

Cut thinly sliced ​​white bread in half diagonally, spread with butter, and arrange the boiled pork beautifully. We put an olive and a cucumber on a skewer and stick it into a slice of bread with boiled pork

Canapes with egg and salmon


  • rye bread – 10 pcs.
  • salmon - 10 pcs.
  • eggs – 5 pcs.
  • butter – 100 gr.
  • ½ lemon
  • Dill, green onions, black or red caviar for decoration

Cut the black bread into squares, grease with butter and sprinkle with green onions. Place the salmon and sprinkle with a little lemon juice. Place half a boiled egg on top. Decorate with dill and caviar.

Mozzarella with ham


  • strips of smoked ham – 150 gr.
  • arugula salad
  • a little olive oil and black pepper

We add an arugula leaf to the mozzarella ball and wrap it in a strip of ham. Drizzle a little olive oil on top and sprinkle with black pepper. We pierce the roll with a toothpick and place it on a serving plate.

Tomato appetizer with mozzarella


  • small balls of mozzarella cheese – 150 gr.
  • Cherry tomatoes – 250 gr.
  • fresh basil
  • olive oil – 3 tbsp. l.
  • salt and black pepper

Mix olive oil with salt and black pepper. Take the mozzarella balls out of the brine, dry them a little and marinate for 10-15 minutes in olive oil with salt and pepper. We trim the bottom of the tomato a little for stability. Place a tomato, a ball of cheese and a basil leaf on a toothpick.

Simple tomato appetizer

The easiest and fastest snack for guests. Cut the tomatoes into slices. Finely chop the garlic and dill. Sprinkle a little lemon juice or vinegar, salt, pepper and sprinkle with garlic and dill.

Classic of the genre - stuffed eggs

A familiar, simple, quick, but always popular dish. Feed all your guests with this appetizer. Boil the eggs, remove the yolk, and then - freedom for creativity. An incredible number of fillings, I suggest only a few:

  • yolk with canned cucumbers, mustard and mayonnaise;
  • cheese with yolk and mayonnaise;
  • cod liver and yolk (if you have time, you can fry the onion);
  • green peas, yolk and mayonnaise;
  • liver or goose pate with yolk and a drop of brandy;
  • yolk with butter and a piece of salted salmon.

There can be countless fillings; come up with what you have in the refrigerator. The main thing is that the products match each other to taste.

Salads quickly

Salads are very popular on our traditional table. Therefore, despite the lack of time, it is worth offering several recipes to guests. And since we are in a hurry, our salads will be quick and easy to prepare.

Salad “Quickly”


  • cucumber – 2 pcs.
  • chicken eggs – 2 pcs.
  • half-smoked sausage or ham – 100 gr.
  • canned peas – 100 gr.
  • cheese – 50 gr.
  • mayonnaise

Boil the eggs. While the eggs are boiling and cooling, cut the cucumbers and sausage into strips. Also cut the eggs into strips, mix with cucumbers and ham, add green peas and mayonnaise.

Quick and tasty salad “Exotica”


  • smoked chicken breast – 300 gr.
  • canned pineapples – 250 gr.
  • apple – 2 pcs.
  • mayonnaise
  • salt pepper

Cut chicken breast and apple into strips. Cut the pineapples into cubes. Salt, pepper and season with mayonnaise.

Cucumber salad is simple and delicious

This salad takes 5 minutes to prepare, but in order for the cucumbers to cool and marinate a little, you will need to put it in the refrigerator for at least 15 minutes.


  • cucumbers – 2-3 pcs.
  • sesame – 2 tbsp. l.
  • ¾ cup rice vinegar (can be replaced with any other)
  • 3 tbsp. l. Sahara

Three cucumbers on a grater for Korean carrots. If there is no such grater, then simply cut into strips.In a hot frying pan, lightly fry the sesame seeds until brownish.

Mix vinegar with sugar and boil for 5 minutes over medium heat. Pour the resulting marinade over the cucumbers and put the salad in the refrigerator as long as you have patience.

Salad with smoked fish and beans

A delicious salad that is prepared quickly, and there will be no limit to the surprise of your guests.


  • cold smoked fish (I used hake) – 1 pc.
  • canned red beans – 250 gr.
  • onion - leek to taste
  • mayonnaise

We will need to fillet the fish, remove the bones and skin. We cut the fillet into small pieces. Drain the liquid from the red beans and add to the fish. Cut the leeks into rings. Add mayonnaise and mix.

Hot dishes quickly and tasty

It is not at all necessary to spend hours at the stove preparing the main hot dish for the holiday table. There are many simple and quick recipes. You can prepare delicious dishes in just 15 minutes.

For fish lovers, there are excellent recipes with red fish, preferably salmon.

Salmon in caramel crust

A quick and tasty recipe for a hot dish that is suitable for both a holiday table and a quick dinner.


  • salmon fillet – 1 kg.
  • honey - 3 tbsp. l.
  • apple juice – 1 glass
  • salt, pepper to taste
  • olive oil

For faster cooking, preheat oven to 200° C. Mix 1 glass of apple juice with 3 tbsp. l. honey, bring to a boil and cook for 1 minute. Cut the salmon into portions and place in a baking dish greased with olive oil.

Bake the fish in the oven for 10 minutes. Then remove the salmon from the oven, add salt and pepper and fry in a frying pan for 2 minutes on each side until a golden brown glazed crust forms. When serving, sprinkle with lemon juice.

Salmon in ginger marinade

This dish is also prepared very quickly, and ginger gives it a specific taste. Moreover, such a fish steak invariably turns out soft and flavorful.


  • salmon fillet – 1 kg.
  • ginger root - about 3 - 4 cm.
  • sesame – 2 tbsp. l.
  • soy sauce – 2 tbsp. l.
  • sunflower, olive or sesame oil

Cut salmon or other red fish into pieces. Peel and grate the ginger root. Mix ginger, soy sauce and olive and sunflower oil (sesame oil is even better). Marinate the fish in this sauce for at least 5 minutes. Roll each piece in sesame seeds. Fry in a hot frying pan for 3-4minutes on each side.

Korean instant pork

15 minutes is enough to cook this delicious meat, which will be a welcome guest on the holiday table.


  • pork (preferably soft neck) – 0.5 kg.
  • onions – 2 pcs.
  • garlic – 2 cloves
  • soy sauce – 4 tbsp. l.
  • chili sauce – 2 tsp.
  • ginger root – 2 cm.
  • green onions – 100 gr.

Cut the pork into thin strips into portions.

Cut the onion into rings, finely chop the garlic. In a frying pan with addedolive oil, fry the pork over high heat for 2 minutes. Then add onion and garlic to the pan, reduce heat and fry for another 5 minutes.

Now add soy sauce, chili sauce, grated ginger and finely chopped green onions to the pan with the meat.Close the lid and simmer for another 2 minutes.

Chicken breast with vegetables Chinese style

And this dish will take even less time, since chicken with soy sauce and ginger cooks instantly, and the end result is soft and juicy.


  • chicken breast – 1 kg.
  • soy sauce – 50 ml.
  • canned pineapple – 1 can
  • sweet pepper – 2 pcs.
  • onions – 1 pc.
  • sesame – 2 tbsp. l.
  • sugar – 1 tbsp. l.
  • starch - 1 tbsp. l.

Cut the chicken breast into thin strips and pour soy sauce over it for 5 minutes. Cut the onion into fairly large pieces and also add soy sauce.At this time, cut the canned pineapple into cubes,sweet pepper strips.

Place the breast in a heated frying pan and fry for 5 minutes in olive oil over high heat. Reduce the heat, add chopped vegetables to the chicken, add a little juice from the pineapples and simmer for another 5 minutes. At the end, if desired, you can add starch. To prevent lumps from forming, first dissolve the starch in a small amount of sauce.

Well, now that the main dishes are ready, you can quickly prepare dessert.

Desserts for guests quickly

Tangerines in honey glaze

A very simple and vitamin recipe. Peel the tangerines, place them on a plate and pour liquid honey on top. If the honey has thickened, melt it in a water bath. Sprinkle any nuts on top of the tangerines.

Dessert with mascarpone and cookies


  • mascarpone cheese – 100 gr.
  • cream - 50 gr.
  • chocolate cookies – 50 gr.
  • fresh or frozen fruits

Whip the cream and mix it with the mascarpone. Grind the cookies. Grind fresh fruit with sugar. Pour some of the cookies into glass glasses, place the cheese mixture on top, and then grate the fruit with sugar. Repeat again. again a layer of cookies and cheese mass. Top with grated chocolate, fruit and shaved almonds.

Hot chocolate


  • almond milk (can be replaced with regular milk) – 250 ml.
  • dark chocolate – 200 gr.
  • cinnamon – 1 tsp.
  • ground ginger – 0.5 tsp.
  • nutmeg - a pinch

Add chopped chocolate to milk. Add cinnamon, ginger, grated nutmeg. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly, and cook for 2 minutes. Check that all the chocolate has melted. Pour hot into small glasses.

So, are you convinced that you can quickly and deliciously set the table before your guests arrive? The main thing is to have the right products and recipes on hand.

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What to do if guests come to you unexpectedly? In this case, each housewife begins to sort through her memory of dishes known to her that can be prepared from what is in the refrigerator. Quick snacks will help you avoid spending a lot of time filling the table. We will present those recipes that require a minimum of time for preparation, will delight you with their taste and low price.

Quick vegetable recipes

Stuffed pepper

This dish looks very beautiful, and therefore can become a decoration for your table. It will require a minimum of time and expense from you.

Wash the peppers, remove the seeds and cut off the stems. Prepare the filling: mix cottage cheese with mayonnaise (to taste), a pinch of salt, finely chopped herbs (dill and parsley) and finely grated garlic. Fill each peppercorn with the resulting mass, and then use a sharp knife to cut the vegetables into circles. Garnish with herbs and serve.

Tomatoes with garlic

Take several long tomatoes, make two perpendicular cuts on the top of each of them and remove the hearts. Mix cottage cheese, mayonnaise, finely grated garlic and herbs (different recipes require different proportions of ingredients - choose to your taste). Place the filling in the tomatoes and place them on a plate. These stuffed vegetables resemble tulips in appearance, and improvised green onion stems will help you complete the similarity.

Quick tomatoes with egg

Wash the tomatoes, cut into slices. Separately mix mayonnaise sauce with garlic. Boil chicken eggs and chop into round pieces. Spread the sauce on each piece of tomato and place the egg “slab” on it. Sprinkle grated cheese on top.

Quick snacks from pita bread: interesting recipes

This tasty appetizer will not require much time and effort, but guests will definitely rate it “five.”

Hard-boil two eggs, finely chop them or grate them. Grind 100 g of crab sticks and grate 70 g of hard cheese. Spread one layer of pita bread, grease it with mayonnaise, sprinkle with cheese and finely chopped herbs. Place a second layer on top, cover with mayonnaise again and sprinkle with crab sticks. The final layer will be the third layer, on which mayonnaise and eggs will be placed.

Roll the resulting layers into a roll and leave it in the refrigerator for a while so that it is well soaked. Then cut it into individual pieces and serve.

There are recipes based on lavash that are ideal for drinking beer. One of them is these quick chips.

Divide the pita bread into separate layers and cut into small triangles. Cover them with a mixture of spices: salt, suneli hops, marjoram, coriander, garlic, basil, paprika. You can take any herbs to your taste.

Add sunflower oil to the bowl and mix thoroughly so that the spices are evenly distributed. Bake in a preheated oven for 7-9 minutes at 220 degrees, stirring occasionally.

Recipes with fish

Quick appetizers with fish are one of the most favorite among most housewives. Their recipes are easy to reproduce, they contain many useful substances and are always liked by guests.

Boil three chicken eggs, open a small jar of cod liver (125 g) and drain all the liquid contents from it. Mash the liver and eggs, add finely chopped green onions and mayonnaise to this mix. Mix everything thoroughly and fill the tartlets with the resulting mass. Garnish with herbs or red caviar and serve.

Take lightly salted salmon or trout, cut into small pieces and string on skewers. Cut any hard cheese into cubes - this will be the second component of your canapé. The third and final stage is the olive or olive. Your appetizer is ready, you can serve it to the table.

Take one can of sardines in oil, remove all the liquid, mash the fish well with a fork. Boil five eggs, grate them and two processed cheeses, mix everything. Add some chopped greens, sweet corn (one small jar), mayonnaise and salt to taste. Place the resulting filling into tartlets, garnish with parsley sprigs and serve.

Quick snacks with meat: delicious recipes

To prepare a simple appetizer on skewers, you will need the following products: ham or boiled pork, hard cheese, pickled champignons and pitted olives. Cut the first two ingredients into cubes and make the following composition: first comes the meat, then the olive, then the champignon, and at the end of the skewer there is cheese.

Quick tartlets with pate

To prepare 25-30 tartlets, take 250 g of raw chicken liver. Throw it into the frying pan, add one finely chopped onion and 3-4 cloves of garlic, salt and pepper to taste, a little oregano and basil. When everything is fried until golden brown, pour in 1.5 tablespoons of cognac or brandy and do not remove from the heat until the liquid has evaporated. Then place the dish in a blender, add 100 g of butter and grind. When the filling has cooled, put it into tartlets and serve. You can decorate with herbs or pomegranate seeds.

Salami appetizer with cheese

Slice the salami into thin slices and leave them at room temperature for 20-30 minutes to soften. Meanwhile, prepare the filling: mix finely chopped prunes (it is better to keep them in hot water for a quarter of an hour), herbs, grated cheese and finely chopped garlic. Season it with mayonnaise.

Place filling on each slice and roll up. Serve on a large plate garnished with lettuce leaves.

Quick snacks are a real lifesaver for any housewife who has unexpected guests. Try new recipes and surprise your friends and family with original flavor combinations.
